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The Story of a Kat, Chapter 2

"Tasting cum for the first time, tricked into giving a blow job, having a first boyfriend."

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Kevin followed me into my bedroom and once when I looked over my shoulder, I saw that his eyes were focused on my butt. I was wearing tight, short, jean cutoffs. I was skinny and had no hips and while my ass was skinny, it was not flat and protruded out from behind me a little. It had a little curve to it. I liked my small, skinny butt and I was glad Kevin was looking at it. I was not wearing the short jean cutoffs to try and be sexy for anyone, I wore short cutoffs for comfort. I am South Georgia Girl and it’s what we wear in the summertime.

I opened to door to my bedroom and gave a loud sigh. If I had known Kevin was going to see my bedroom I would have cleaned it. I practice impeccable hygiene on my body, but that’s about all I clean well. My room was a mess. My bed was unmade, I hated making my bed, and I had clothes scattered about in various piles and even some clean clothes mixed with dirty clothes. Sometimes before I put on a piece of clothing I smell it to see if it’s clean or not. I needed to work on being neater. At least the room smelled nice. I used a plug-in air freshener and it smelled like lilacs.

Other than the mess, my room was a girly girl's room. I had stuffed animals in the room; penguins are my favorite and I must have had a dozen of them. The walls were painted a standard eggshell white but the border was of a floral print wallpaper. My unmade bed had a girly foo-foo bed set with lots of lace on the comforter and bed skirt. The comforter and sheets were also a floral print and the bed skirt was pink. The only wall decorations were two prints: one over the head of my bed and the other on the far wall and both by the same artist, Gustav Klimt. The one over my bed was a print of his painting The Kiss and the other was a print of Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer, also known as The Woman in Gold. Besides being a slob I am a rather prissy girl and like pretty things.

“Sorry about the mess,” I told Kevin as we walked into my room. I was embarrassed by it.

“No worries. You should see my room,” he told me and walked to my bed, and sat down.

“I would like that,” I told him as I just stood in the middle of the room, twisting my hair.


“To see your room.”

“Oh, yeah I guess. Maybe when my parents aren’t home,” he said.

I got the feeling he did not want me to see his room, but I smiled at the prospect of seeing it one day. Maybe it was just messy like mine or had that stinky boy smell to it and he was ashamed of it. I wouldn’t mind the stinky boy smell of his room, I would like to smell it.

“So, what do we do?” I asked nervously. “Are you going to just take off your pants and I do it? Or are we going to kiss some more first? I liked when we kissed.” I was twisting my hair again.

Kevin grinned at me; he did not appear nervous at all. “I want to watch you first,” he told me.

“Watch me do what?”

“Jerk off. I want to see you jerk off until you cum again.”

I made a whimpering sound and twisted my hair harder. “You didn’t tell me you wanted that. You just said I would use my hand on you and that was all,” I whined out.

“No, I didn’t say anything. You are the one who wanted to give me a hand job,” he reminded me.

“That’s because you wanted me to put it in my mouth and I didn’t want to and then you said you needed it taken care of because it was my fault you are hard and…” I was talking fast that my words were almost incoherent.

“Take off your clothes,” Kevin interrupted my rambling. “I want to watch you get off.”

Kevin’s tone was aggressive; not angry, but commanding. It gave me goosebumps and excited me. I still hesitated for several seconds, however. People who meet me today and did not know me when I was younger would not believe that I used to be shy, timid, and terrified of sex. The thought of having sex excited me, but doing it scared me.

After several seconds I did as Kevin wanted, my first hint of how submissive I was to men I was sexually involved with. I was unaware of that part of me then. I removed my shirt and then started to unhook my padded bra. My bra was an A-cup-size bra that hooked in the front and was padded. I always wore a padded bra to give me a hint of boobs under my clothes.

“Keep that on,” Kevin again commanded me, “and don’t take off your underwear yet.”

“Ok,” I muttered.

I then unbuttoned my shorts and pulled them down. I quickly covered my crotch area to both hide my erection and to cover up the large wet spot on the front of my panties. When I had my premature ejaculation, so much came out that it looked more like I had urinated in my panties instead of cumming in them.

“They are not very sexy,” Kevin commented. I knew he was talking about my panties.

They were just white cotton bikini cut panties with a floral print on them. Honestly, they looked like something a mother would buy her eight-year-old daughter. At least I wasn’t wearing my pink, cotton, hipster-style panties with penguins dressed in ballerina outfits on them. Hey, they're cute!

“I wasn’t expecting anyone to see them,” I whined in my defense.

I had sexy panties; thongs, lacy sheer ones, a couple of pairs of French cut, and even some boy-style brief panties. I just never wore the sexy ones because no one was going to see what type I had on, so I stuck to my bland cotton brief or bikini-cut panties.

Kevin chuckled and I blushed. “Turn around. I want to see your ass,” he told me after he stopped laughing at me.

I turned around and even bent over slightly. I didn’t have a problem with showing Kevin my butt, plus the jean shorts I took off did not cover much more than my panties did.

“It’s skinny,” Kevin commented. “Fuck I knew you had skinny chicken legs but didn’t know you are as skinny as you are.”

I was skinny, very much so, at age sixteen and up until maybe when I turned twenty-one or twenty-two. I am still thin but not a skinny, scrawny kid like I was at age sixteen until the age I started gaining weight. One of the side effects of the hormones I started taking at age eighteen was weight gain. I had no problem with the weight gain because I think my body now at age twenty-four is more filled out and sexy.

“I’m sorry,” I apologized, for being skinny.

I had no clue why I did that, it’s not my fault. I don’t have an eating disorder. Kevin laughed at me for apologizing. I don’t blame him; it was a stupid thing to do.

“I do like your ass, it’s small but sexy,” he told me, and I smiled. “Come get in bed,” he ordered me.

I turned around and again coved the wet, sticky area of my panties. “When I do it for you and get myself off, can…can you kiss me and do the other things like you were doing in the living room to me?”

Kevin grinned. “I was planning on it. I liked kissing you and sucking your nipples.”

I smiled and moved to the bed. Kevin stood up as I was getting in. I lay on the right side so that Kevin would be on my left when he got into the bed. That way it would be easier for me to use my right hand to masturbate for him. When I got into bed, I pulled the sheet over my body up to my neck and watched Kevin. I didn’t know what to expect next. As my eyes focused on Kevin, I started twisting my hair again.

Kevin quickly undressed. Unlike me, he did not seem shy at all. He removed his shoes and socks, his blue jean pants, his shirt, and then his white underwear. I gasped and made an “Oh” sound when he removed his underwear. I looked at his body, from his chest to his legs.

I was right about him having a hairy chest. His chest had more hair on it than most sixteen-year-old boys, his entire body did. His chest hairs were black and thick and so was the hair on his legs. I was more attracted to hairy men that I had seen in porn on the internet or in magazines, or men I had seen shirtless in real life than I was to the men who shaved their body hair. I thought Kevin’s body hair was sexy.

He was a little pudgy as I already knew and Kevin had a small role of fat that overlapped his sides and he even had a hint of the beginning of man boobs under his chest hairs. Kevin was not an attractive boy nor would not even be considered cute by girls nor did he have an attractive body, but as he stood naked in front of me, in my mind he looked like a Greek God. I would always see and remember Kevin that way.

As he took the two steps it took for him to get back to the bed, my eyes focused on his private area. His erect penis jutted out from a thick patch of black pubic hair. His penis looked to be about an inch and a half longer than mine and about the same girth. Nothing to be intimated by, but I was a little frightened of it because it was the penis of a boy who was naked and getting in bed with me. Even so, I could not stop looking at it.

“Oh,” I gasped out again as Kevin grabbed the sheet I had pulled up over my body and ripped it off of me.

When he got into the bed and lay next to me I scooted over to the other side of the bed as far as I could and almost fell off the edge. I then placed my hands on the front of my panties again.

I was trembling, I started breathing faster and heavier, I was scared, and I started thinking maybe I should not have agreed to give Kevin a hand job. What was happening was moving too quickly and not at all what I was expecting. I had imagined Kevin would sit on the edge of my bed and pull his pants and underwear down and I would sit next to him and masturbate him while we kissed. I was not at all expecting to be lying next to a naked boy just wearing my panties. Even though I was afraid, my penis was so hard it ached and it felt like it was going to explode again.

When I masturbated, I always orgasmed quickly and I don’t think I ever lasted more than five minutes anytime I got myself off, and I had been masturbating a lot ever since I discovered that pleasure over a couple of years ago. I would have thought I would have built up some type of endurance over the years, but I never did. Even when I got myself off three times or four times in one day, I still orgasmed that quickly. I liked masturbating a great deal and did it often.

When I started my HRT, Hormone Replacement Therapy, my body went through a lot of beneficial changes I loved. While I would never want to go back before I started HRT, I have to admit that I miss being able to cum so fast and the amount and type of cum I would ejaculate. While I get that same blissful feeling when I orgasm now as I did then, I don’t cum as quickly and my cum is no longer thick and gooey as it was before.

HRT has not affected my sex drive, however, and I still have a high sex drive and masturbate often. Even when in a relationship with someone and I am getting fucked regularly, I still masturbate frequently. One difference from when I was sixteen is that now I sometimes use one of my sex toys in my tranny pussy when I get myself off.

Kevin moved closer to me, turned on his side, raised his upper body, leaned in, and started kissing me. I started kissing him back and put my arms around his neck. Kevin slipped his arm under my shoulders and pulled me to lay on my side. He pressed himself against me as we kissed and I moaned out when I felt his naked, hard penis pressing into my body. I started kissing Kevin back with intense passion as he shifted his body so that his crotch was lined up with mine.

“Ohhh, Kevin, ohhh, baby,” I moaned out when he started kissing my neck and thrust his erect penis into mine.

Kevin pushed up my bra and started playing with my nipples, causing me to make whimpering moans of pleasure, as he kept grinding himself against me and sucking on my neck. As I was whimpering in pleasure, Kevin ran his hand down my back, over my butt, grabbed my leg, and draped it over his thigh.

Keven put his hand on my butt and pulled me to him. I gasped out as my cock was pushed into his. Kevin held my ass tight and started to grind his cock against mine. Kevin started telling me how pretty I was, how sexy I was, and how much he wanted to fuck me. I moaned and gasped with pleasure. The feeling of his naked penis against mine with only the thin material of my panties separating them, how he was vigorously sucking my nipples, and the words he was saying made the pleasure I was feeling unbearably intense.

“Uhhh, please, uhhh, please not again!” I screamed out. “Uhhh, no, no, uhhh, God, please no! Uhhh, uhhh, God, uhhh!”

I was not screaming at Kevin or telling him no, I was screaming to myself. I had another premature ejaculation. Again, my body jerked and I moaned out in ecstasy and also embarrassment as I orgasmed in my panties a second time that day. I would suffer from premature ejaculations for the next two and a half years. Well, suffer was not the right term to use. I came to enjoy it and others thought it was sexy. I still got embarrassed by it, however.

I gripped Kevin’s back tight as I cried out my orgasm and my body jerked against his. Kevin just kept kissing and sucking my neck and playing with my nipples as I soiled my panties with cum a second time. After my orgasm ended, Kevin stopped kissing my neck but kept gently playing with my nipples.

“I can’t believe you shot another load,” he told me crudely. I buried my face into the boy’s hairy chest.

“I’m sorry, I couldn’t stop it,” I whined out in embarrassment. “I tried but I couldn’t. Please don’t be mad. I know you wanted to watch me do it. Please don’t be mad and don’t leave. Please, Kevin,” I begged.

Kevin chuckled at my embarrassment and my begging. I hoped it didn’t pick up on the desperation in my voice of him wanting to stay. I liked being in bed with him, with me almost naked, and him naked. I liked his hard cock pressing against me. I liked how we were kissing and he was touching me. What I didn’t like was that while my orgasm felt wonderful, I had one and ruined what Kevin wanted me to do. I just hoped he was not disappointed or disgusted by my lack of control over my body.

“No need to be sorry. I think it’s hot that you cum like that,” Kevin told me. I smiled at him. “I can watch you jerk off another day.”

My smile got bigger when he said another day. That meant he was going to keep coming over to my house and we would do this again.

Kevin ran his hand up my thigh, stopped about an inch from my private area, lifted his hand, placed it on my stomach, and ran his hand up my stomach to my nipples. I shivered with excitement and was surprised my penis was still erect after I had two premature ejaculations in at least thirty minutes.

“Your skin is so smooth and hairless. Is it like that everywhere?” he asked.

I nodded, “Yes, except for my eyebrows and the hair on my head.”

“Cool. How do you get it so smooth and no stubble?” he asked as he caressed my check. My penis jerked on its own when he touched my cheek.

The way he was caressing my body and my cheeks sensually made me think that maybe Kevin was not so bad with the girls after all if he showed this type of tenderness.

I grabbed his hand and kissed it and grinned at him. “A girl has to have some secrets,” I teased.

It was no secret, I just did not feel like explaining to Kevin at such a sensual moment my hair removal technique. First, I want to add that by the time Kevin and I first kissed, he was in my bed naked, and he had given me two premature ejaculations; I had not been sixteen for long. My sixteenth birthday was in the first week of May and the day Kevin was in my bed it was the last week of June.

I never had much body hair below my neck. The only noticeable hair I had below my neck was my armpits and pubic hair. I never had a single hair on my chest. My face never even so much as had peach fuzz by the time I was sixteen.

I tried shaving my armpits and did for a while when they first started to grow, but the razor always left razor burns and gave me a rash. For my pubic hair, I used a trimmer to trim it as best as I could but was too terrified to get a razor close to my penis and scrotum. I did use hair removal cream on the fine, almost non-noticeable, hairs on my legs and arms but that smelled terrible. I made the mistake of trying it on my armpits and it gave me a worse rash than the razor did. I also made the even worse mistake of trying it on my pubic hairs and it burned like fire. So I stuck with shaving and just having trimmed pubic hairs. No one was going to see my pubic area anyway so what did it matter?

When I turned sixteen, Denise took me to what Waycross could claim as its only spa. Waycross gets a lot of tourists due to The Swamp, but they are not the type of people to go to a spa. The only fancy spa we had was just a beauty salon that did makeovers, wax hair removal, and haircuts and styling. I was disappointed they didn’t give us cucumber water as I had seen in movies or on TV.

I got my first body wax. I had my legs, arms, armpits, and a full wax of my private areas done. It hurt like hell! After it was done, however, I was as smooth as a baby’s bottom down there and around my butthole. I didn’t want to go through another waxing and shaving was not working and I was worried about what I would do when I did start growing facial hair.

When I started HRT, the hormones would help with my body hair some; make it slower to grow and thin it out, but would not prevent hair growth. I looked into laser hair removal treatment and electrolysis. The laser method was not permanent hair removal like the electrolysis was. Both were too expensive to even approach the idea to my mother.

In my therapy session that week after my wax treatment I mentioned to my therapist about it and hair removal and the cost. She could tell that while at age sixteen it was not such a large problem, that I was concerned about it for when I got older. She suggested I look into home electrolysis kits and told me there were some on the market that worked. She even gave me a list of the top five.

After I did some research online I found one that I wanted. The problem again was the cost. The top-rated ones that really worked were not cheap. But I did have an idea. I sent my daddy a text asking him for money to buy myself something for my birthday. I know it was a big ask because I had not even gotten so much as a birthday card from him since my parents got divorced. Even when they were married, my mother bought me a present and put his name on the gift so I would think it was from him. It also gave me a good excuse to send my daddy a text and hope he would reply even if that reply was no.

That night he called my mother and I heard them arguing. The rundown of the argument was that daddy told my mother that he paid child support for me because he has to and that was the only money I would get from him. My mother reminded him I was his child also and that I never once asked him for money or material possessions. She then went to explain to him that she kept a record of everything he bought my brother and the extra money he gave him down to the penny. My mother reminded my father that over the years she never took him back to court to increase the child support when he got promotions and raises at work. She told my daddy the judge would like to hear that when she took him back to court to increase the child support.

My daddy was the reason my brother has such a great gaming system, an up-to-date gaming PC and laptop, three gaming consoles, and even the car my brother drove. My laptop was my brother’s old hand-me-down and the only thing I owned that had wheels was a vintage girl’s bicycle my brother found at a yard sale.

He fixed it up, painted it pink, added a bell to it, and put a white basket with a pink flower in the middle of the basket; when I was a teenager I went through an extreme pink phase. He gave it to me when I was fifteen. I loved my bicycle.

The next day my daddy wired money to my mother’s bank account and I was able to purchase the electrolysis kit. I used it per the instructions and it would take a while for the hair removal to become one hundred percent effective and I would still have to find other hair removal treatments until the electrolysis was permeant. I used the kit on my body, including around my butthole. I didn’t use it on my pelvis area above my penis, however.

When I watched porn, I noticed that some of the girls were hairless except for the patch above their penis and I liked it so I thought that it would be neat to sometimes let that area’s hair grow out and trim it. That area of my body was currently hairless that day with Kevin. Based on the instructions of safely using it once a week it would take about six months for my hair to be permanently removed and stop growing back, so until then I continued to get my painful wax treatments.

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“I want to see it before you jerk me off,” Kevin told me.

“Can I just do it to you?” I asked. I was embarrassed my cock was still hard and that my panties were soaked with cum and that my penis would be covered with it.

“Not yet. Lay on your back,” he ordered me.

I made a whimpering sound but did as he told me. I lay flat on my back and covered my crotch area with both hands. Keven reached down and grabbed my hands and pulled them from the area and again I whimpered out.

Kevin laughed at me when he looked down. “It looks like you pissed yourself,” he said as he laughed. “And you’re still hard. You can still jerk off for me. Pull your panties down.”

Kevin was lying next to me on his side with his elbow on the bed and his head propped up in his hand. He reached over his body with his other arm and he started running his fingers up and down my stomach and chest. It tickled slightly and I liked the feeling of him touching me like that.

I put my hands under the waistband of my panties and lifted my butt slightly off the bed and pulled my panties down to just above my knees. I kept my legs close together and my thighs were touching. As I slowly pulled my panties off, I was looking down at my pubic area. So was Kevin.

When my panties were being pulled down, my thick and gooey cum formed strands from my panties to my lower pelvis, my hard penis, and my scrotum and the more I pulled my panties off the strands would stretch and break. My entire pubic area including my cock was glistening with cum. I blushed but kept pulling my panties off. I was breathing harder.

“Damn, you must have shot some huge loads,” Kevin commented and I blushed deeper. “It’s not that big. Mine is bigger,” Kevin told me in a prideful tone.

My penis was five inches long and four inches in diameter. I know because I measured it. My penis would never be more than five and a half inches long and five inches in diameter when I grew older, yes I measured then as well. There is even a recent video of me measuring my cock on my profile.

I did not mind my smaller penis at all. I wished it was smaller. I think about four inches long and with a girth of about three inches would be perfect for me.

“Touch it,” Kevin ordered me. “You promised to jerk yourself off for me.”

“Can I use something?” I asked. My voice was just a whisper.

“Use something? What do you mean?”

“I have some lubricant. It makes it feel better.”

“Sure, I don’t care,” Kevin said. 'Just make it fast and cum fast. I don't know how much longer I can last."

I turned on my side and reached over to my nightstand next to the bed and opened the top drawer and got a small bottle of lubricant. I lay on my back again, put some lubricant on my penis head, put the bottle on the nightstand, and brought my hand to my erect cock.

I started to slowly stroke my cock while I looked at Kevin’s face. The boy stared down at me touching myself with an intense look of concentration on his face. By the look on his face, I knew he liked what he saw so I started to go faster. I was making faint moans and whimpers of pleasure as I masturbated and then cried out when Kevin reached over and started playing with my nipples. I closed my eyes and imagined it was Kevin’s hand on my penis.

He started kissing me and I kissed him back, moaning into his mouth. I opened my eyes and saw that while he was kissing me he had his eyes still focused on me jerking my cock. I closed my eyes again when Kevin started kissing my neck.

“That’s it,” he whispered in my ear. “Go faster. I want to see that girl's dick cum for me.” He pinched my nipple hard. "Harder, you twink slut. Make your sissy cock cum for me."

“Uhhh, Kevin, uhhh, please kiss me again, uhhh, please,” I moaned out. Kevin calling me a twink and sissy was offensive but for some reason, it turned me on.

Kevin started kissing my neck again. I was hoping for my lips but it still felt great and his fingers playing with my nipples felt wonderful. Him fondling my nipples as I masturbated for him seemed to make them more sensitive and seemed to make the pleasure on my penis more intense. I started stroking myself faster and could hear the wet squishy sound of the lubricant mixed with cum on my penis.

As he kissed my neck and pinched my nipples hard, he kept calling me a twink, sissy slut, or femboy whore. I wanted to tell him to stop pinching my nipples so hard because it hurt and I knew I should have told him to stop calling me those offensive names and that I was a girl and not a sissy, twink, or femboy. I didn't because it aroused me even more.

“Uhhh! Uhhh, God! I’m cumming! Uhhh, Kevin, I’m cumming!” I cried out after about three or four minutes from when I started masturbating. “Uhhh, God! Uhhh! Uhhh! Kevin! Uhhh!”

I had my eyes shut tight and my body spasmed and when my penis exploded I felt the first two spurts of cum land on my stomach and my chest just below my sternum. As I kept jerking my cock, the other spurts of cum shot out of my penis erratically and landed haphazardly on my body and the bed. I could tell the cum was thinner than the first two squirts that erupted from my cock. It sprayed on my thighs, my pelvis area, and on the bed between my legs.

“That was fucking awesome,” Kevin told me. “The way your body jerked and the sounds you made and how sissy girly you sounded when you came. It was just like in the girls in porn videos when they cum.”

I lay there panting and unable to talk. When I exhaled my pants, I made a whimpering sound. I was unable to tell Kevin that I was pretty sure that ninety-nine point nine percent of the girls in those porn scenes were faking their orgasms. Even if I was able to speak right then, I would not have told him. He liked his fantasy that the women in porn were enjoying themselves and I was sure a few even did.

“Taste your cum,” Kevin told me after I caught my breath. “I want to see you eat it.”

“No, Kevin, please. I don’t want to,” I pleaded with the boy.

I had never tasted my cum before and did not want to. When I masturbated, I fantasized about men cumming in my mouth or over my face as they did to the transgender girls in the porn I watched. Doing it and fantasying about it were two different things.

“Do it,” he told me more forcefully. “It will be sexy to watch.”

“You…you really would like to see me do it?” I asked.


Even though I didn’t want to, I did want to please Kevin. I lowered my hand to my chest and ran my fingers over the thick cum that was on my chest and stomach. I scooped up as much cum as I could and brought my fingers to my mouth. I parted my lips and quickly dabbed a small amount on my tongue. It was not enough to even taste it. I then put two fingers on my tongue and laid them there for a couple of seconds.

It did not taste bad at all. It tasted good. Very good. It had a strong salty taste to it and I love salt, but also musky and a little sweet. The musky, salty flavor reminded me of the time the first time I ate raw oysters when my father forced me to try them. I discovered I liked the taste of raw oysters. I enjoyed the taste of cum even more and from that day on I always ate my cum after I masturbated as well as the cum of men and boys whose cocks I sucked. I discovered I loved cum. I savored the taste of cum, the smell of cum, and the texture of cum; my own or that of others.

After I started HRT and the hormones started to take effect it changed the consistency, the amount, and the taste of my cum, but I still love it. Now it tastes more like just a plain, salty liquid.

I started licking my fingers aggressively and with relish. I let the cum rest on my tongue and even swished it around in my mouth to taste it more. When my fingers were clean, I reached down and gathered up more cum and licked and sucked my fingers again. I heard Kevin laugh at me and blushing and still with my fingers in my mouth I turned my head to look at him.

As I was scooping up and eating my cum, my penis finally started to get flaccid. When I was not erect or semi-erect, my penis shrunk to look like one of the dicks on stature from Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome or something Michelangelo would sculpt.

“You must really like it,” he said. It was not a question.

I nodded my head, still blushing but still sucking my fingers. I could not seem to get enough of it.

Kevin moved to lie on his back. “I bet you would like mine better,” he told me. “After you get me off you can eat my cum also.” I nodded and Kevin chuckled. “You are going to be such a good cum slut,” He told me and I blushed deeper.

I enjoyed the taste of mine so much that I wanted to taste his. I wanted to see if it tasted the same, I wanted to gobble up as much as his cum as I could, and I wanted to be his cum slut.

“Fuck I need to cum so bad. You got me all horny and I don’t think I can take it much longer,” he told me. “I want you to get between my legs when you jerk me off,” Kevin told me and spread his legs.

Happy that I aroused him as much as he said I did, I moved and kneeled between his legs. I looked at his cock and then up at his face and then back at his cock. I liked what I saw.

I slowly reached out and took his shaft in my hand and glided my fingers down. Kevin let out a moan. I pushed the black, coarse pubic hairs that surrounded his penis down so I could get a better look at his dick. I studied his penis. It was larger than mine by about an inch and a half and the girth was slightly larger than mine as well. Kevin had a lot of thick, dark, coarse pubic hairs around his cock and his scrotum and I could see a line of those hairs run down to his butthole.

I liked it. I liked his hairy, masculine crotch. It was hairier than what I thought a sixteen-year-old boy should be, but then again it was the only sixteen-year-old cock I had seen besides my hairless one so I couldn’t judge.

His erect cock stood up straight and had a nice shape to it. It was smooth and I could see a couple of his veins swollen and running up his shaft. The head of his cock was smooth and spongey looking. The tip was glistening with pre-cum that was leaking out of the small hole at the tip of his cock. I thought his cock was sexy. I was no longer nervous about jerking Kevin off. Now I desired to and wanted to see him cum and then I would gather it up with my fingers and eat it.

“Do you want me to use the lubricant?” I asked while still looking at his cock. I couldn’t take my eyes off it.

“Not yet,” he told me. “I want you to kiss it first.”

“No, you are trying to trick me into giving you a blow job,” I refused but was giggling. I may have been naive about sex but I was not stupid.

“No, I won’t. I promise,” Kevin told me. “Just kiss the tip and maybe lick it once. I swear I won’t make you do anything else.”

I looked at his penis again. I did want to taste his pre-cum. What harm could kissing it and licking it do?

“You promise?” I asked.

“Yes,” he assured me.

Believing him and still holding his cock in my hand at the base of the shaft, I lowered my head to his penis. I could smell the faint scent of his masculinity and a hint of soap. Unlike me, Kevin had taken a shower that morning. I stuck my tongue out and timidly touched it to his cock just above my fingers just like you see kids do when they are touching their tongue to a cold, metal pole in the winter times to see if it will stick to the pole.

I licked his cock and stopped when I got to the tip and licked back down the shaft. I don’t know how I was expecting it to taste, but it didn’t have a taste to it at all. It was as if I licked my hand. I licked his penis again in the same fashion but the third time I parted my lips and let my tongue hang out of my mouth and ran it up his shaft sensually. I enjoyed licking his cock. It was erotic and made my tummy flutter with butterflies again.

The fourth time I ran my tongue up his shaft, I used my hand to move his cock so I could run my tongue around the shaft as I licked up to the spongy tip. His precum was more abundant. Kevin moaned out and I looked up at him. He was staring down at me with a grin on his face. I liked the way he was looking at me. Still looking at him, I moved my mouth to just above the head of his cock and ran my tongue around the pinkish tip, and then licked up his precum.

The clear fluid didn’t have much of a taste to it, but I still found it delicious. As I circled my tongue over the head of Kevin’s cock, I started to slowly stroke it, hoping to milk more of his precum out of him. Kevin moaned in pleasure. I enjoyed hearing his moans and making him feel good.

“Fuck, that feels good,” Kevin told me and placed a hand on the back of my head. “Put the tip in your mouth. Just the tip.”

I did. I wanted to. I lowered my head and then formed a seal with my lips around the spongey head of Kevin's cock and with it in my mouth I ran my tongue over it and continued to jerk his cock slowly. The pressure of Kevin’s hand on the back of my head became stronger and then he pushed my head down and forced his cock deeper into my mouth and down my throat. I gagged, let go of his cock, and placed my hands on his thighs to try and push my head off of him.

“That’s it, twink bitch, suck it,” I heard Kevin tell me as I gagged again and struggled to break free.

Kevin then grabbed a handful of my hair in his fist and started making me bob up and down on his cock. I would gag and choke when he pushed my head too far down and force his penis further down my throat. One time he went so far down my throat I retched and thought I was going to puke all over him.

All that took place in about the first fifteen seconds of Kevin forcing me to suck his cock. It was then that I realized something; even though he was making me, I was gagging, I was choking, and I soon had snot running out of my nose and tears in my eyes; I loved it. I loved his cock in my mouth.

After I retched a second time, Kevin let go of my hair and I lifted my head and his cock slipped from my mouth. I raised myself to kneel between his legs and wiped my eyes and my nose and my mouth. I looked at Kevin, who was grinning ear to ear.

“I had to try,” he told me calmly and didn’t care if I was angry or not.

“It’s ok,” I told him.

I know other girls would have been pissed and would have told a boy that tricked her and did that to her to leave and maybe even slap the boy, but I wasn’t. I was embarrassed that I was foolish enough to trust him when he said he was not trying to trick me, but I was not mad. Maybe it was because if I got mad he would leave and I didn’t want him to leave.

There was also the fact that I liked when he forced me to suck his cock and how he pushed my head down until I gagged and choked. I got goosebumps and turned on when he called me a twink bitch. I was unaware that day of what I would later discover turned me on and what I got off on when it came to sex. I did not know that I would be so submissive and willing to do almost anything my lover wanted me to do and enjoy immensely.

“I’ll suck it if you want me to, just don’t be so rough,” I told Kevin.

Kevin gave me a look of surprise. “I would like that,” he told me.

“And don’t laugh at me. I’ve never done it so I don’t think I will be any good at it.”

Kevin chuckled. “Well I never had one so how can I know if you are good or not.”

He had a point. I moved my body to lie on my stomach, took his cock in my hand, and started to give Kevin a blow job. It was not as hard as I thought it would be and based on Kevin’s moans I was doing it well. I sucked his cock like the girls I saw in the porn videos did to their partners. I would run my tongue over the tips of his penis when just the head of it was in my mouth and then take more of him into my mouth. When my saliva covered his shaft, I started using my hand on the slick cock and jerked him off while I sucked him. Sometimes I would go down too far and gag, but I didn’t mind and thought with more practice I would be able to deep throat Kevin without gagging or choking.

Kevin didn’t say anything and when I would look up at him I saw that he was watching me intensely while I gave him a blob job. While I wished he would say something, like tell me how good it felt or even call me a twink bitch or tranny slut or something similar; I did enjoy how he watched me, however. I brushed my hair out of my face so he could see my face better.

“Ugh, fuck, fuck, uh, fuck,” Kevin groaned out as I was bobbing my head up and down at a fast pace and stroking his cock harder. “Ugh, fuck, Kat, I’m going to cum.”

Kevin grunted out after about five minutes of me sucking his dick. He put his hand on the back of my head and pushed my head down. His body jerked and he groaned out masculine grunts as his cock exploded in my mouth. My eyes popped open wide and I made moaning sounds as he pumped his cum into my mouth and down my throat. I did my best to swallow all of it, but there was so much that some of his cum ran out of the corner of my mouth.

I thought that Kevin cumming in my mouth was one of the most enjoyable things to ever go into my mouth. Not just the taste of his cum, which tasted a little similar to mine; but instead of the slightly sweet taste of mine, Kevin’s had a slightly bitter taste to it. I still thought it was so delicious; I thought it tasted better than mine because it was from Kevin’s body. I loved the feeling of how his cock seemed to pulse inside my mouth each time he ejaculated. I loved the feeling of his cum shooting down my throat and hitting the roof of my mouth or the back of my throat. I loved how it felt as it filled my mouth and the texture of the warm, sticky, thick fluid in my mouth.

I wanted more, much more. As I swallowed I kept jerking his cock to milk more of his cum into my mouth. Even when Kevin stopped cumming I kept sucking and milking his cock. Kevin was right; as much as I loved cum I was going to make a good cum slut.

Kevin moved his body and pushed my head away and his cock came out of my mouth. I sat up to kneel between his legs and looked at him as I wiped my mouth with my hand and then reached down and pulled my panties up.

“Fuck, that felt better than I imagined,” Kevin said.

I smiled and moved to lay next to Kevin and snuggled against him. He moved away from me and then got off the bed. Kevin picked up his tee shirt and put it on.

“I have to,” he told me.

“Why? My mother or brother won’t be home for hours,” I said and covered my body with the sheet.

I didn’t want him to leave. I thought we could cuddle and talk and kiss some more and I could give him another blow job and if he wanted to he could watch me masturbate again. Kevin put on his underwear and didn’t answer me. I saw his cock was still hard.

“I could suck it again,” I offered so he would stay.

“No, I need to go,” he answered and sat down on the edge of the bed to put on his socks.

I moved closer to him and he flinched and moved away as I touched his back. “Don’t tell anyone what we did,” he told me once he got his socks on.

“I won’t. I promise.”

Kevin stood up and finished getting dressed. “I mean it,” he sounded angry.

“I won’t,” I repeated. “What did I do wrong?” I whined.

“Nothing, I just have to go.” Kevin picked up his shoes and put them on.

“Can you come over tomorrow?” I asked. My voice sounded desperate. “I’ll do it again. I’ll do it as many times as you like. I liked doing it.”

“I don’t know. Maybe,” Kevin said and quickly walked out of my room.

I was confused. I was sure he liked me sucking his cock. He said it felt good and he came into my mouth quickly. Maybe that was it? Maybe he was embarrassed he had an orgasm so fast. I heard boys worry about things like that. Yes, I told myself, that was it. Well, he will find out the more I do it to him that I don’t care about that and he is being silly. Plus, it was his first time and he will last longer the more times I give him a blow job. I convinced myself that was the reason he left to s quickly. He was embarrassed by cumming so fast.

When I heard the front door to the house close behind Kevin, I grabbed my pillow and put it over my face and squealed in exhilaration into the pillow. I had a boyfriend!

Written by Kittycat
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