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One Night in Quito

"Alone in a city, a woman has a adventure like never before"

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Sometimes in life, things just don’t turn out the way you thought they would. I had married my high school sweetheart at the age of nineteen. At the time, I was pregnant and decided to be a stay at home mom while my husband worked and attended college. When he graduated three years later it was my turn to get a degree, which I did. After working for different companies for a few years my husband and I decided to open our own business.

We did very well for ourselves. By the time we were thirty we had a big house, expensive cars and took vacations abroad every year with our two children. When they went off to college we put ourselves in overdrive and the business did even better.

Then Amy came into our lives and my husband came in Amy. She was a graphic designer we hired. At first, I didn’t mind the overtime my hubby put in, but after a while, I began to wonder. One evening I went back to the office and there I found them fucking on his desk.

That had been it for me. I asked for a divorce and that he bought me out from the company. He did both and that’s how I became financially free. I had enough money in the bank that I wouldn’t have to work for the rest of my life. So what did I do? I decided to see the world.

And that explains what I was doing looking out the window of a Boing at a rainy Quito in Ecuador. I leaned back in the seat and closed my eyes. I had read that Quito was one of the most difficult airports to land on. With great mountains around it and strong winds made it a nightmare even for the most experienced pilots. That evening there was a thunderstorm and I was sure the lightning would strike the plane any second.

Next to me sat a woman I supposed was Ecuadorian. She was reading a book and was dressed in jeans and a poncho of some soft material, it looked very comfortable. She looked at me and said, “Scared?”

“Yeah, a little.

She patted my hand that was gripping the armrest. “We will be okay, it’s God’s will.”

I really hoped she was right because the ground was coming closer and I didn’t think the plane was straight in the air and that it might land on an angle.

The wheels touched down and we bounced a couple of times before the pilot put on the breaks. When we were taxing towards the main building I let go of a long sigh.

“Welcome to Quito,” said the woman next to me. Her big smile showed several teeth were missing.

It was late at night and the customs official was snoozing when I walked past him into the arrival hall. My flight had been half empty and most of the passengers had their families meeting them. I walked outside and found a taxi but no driver. I waited a minute or so and then saw a fat little man wearing a black Fedora walk towards me in the rain.

“Taxi”? he said.

“Yes, Grand Hotel, please.”

He took my bag and threw it into the back seat and then opened the passenger seat for me.

As he put the car in gear I felt a headache come on, so I opened my purse and took two Tylenol. The driver watched me and said, “you will have to buy more. It takes about a month to get accustomed to the height.

Quito sits over nine thousand feet above sea level and most visitors suffer from headaches.

The drive into town went fast because it was late at night and little traffic. When the taxi stopped outside the hotel I smiled. It looked nice and modern. The driver took out my bag and I paid the fare plus a tip. He smiled and thanked me.

The reception area was quite busy considering the time. A few people stood around talking while others were coming or going to the bar. Most of them looked North American or European. I grabbed my suitcase and walked up to the reception desk where a young man smiled at me.

“Hi, I am Shelly Reeves; I have a reservation for three days. A single room.”

The man whose name was Jose, according to his name tag, typed a few command on his computer and then looked up at me.

“Yes, your room is 405, on the fourth floor. Do you need help with the luggage?”

“No, I am fine. But I was wondering if the kitchen is still open?”

Jose checked his watch. “Yes, for another hour.”

“Great, thank you.”

The room was nothing out of the ordinary. A queen size bed, a desk with a TV and a chair. The bathroom was clean with a wash basin and a shower stall. I had no idea what the view was like because the rain was coming down hard outside. I quickly unpacked and then went downstairs to the bar. I sat down at a table for two and a waiter came over to take my order. I gave the short evening menu a quick look and ordered a Club sandwich. When I asked for a Martini, extra dry, he gave me a look that told me he had no idea what I was talking about. I decided to change drink.

“Whiskey, please, with ice.”

“Very good, Madame,” he said and left.

The drink appeared a few minutes later but was brought to me by a young woman. She was stunningly beautiful. Taller than most Latin women with long straight black hair. Her face had a small nose, full lips and instead of the typical high cheekbones of the area, her's looked almost European.

“Your drink.” she said, her voice husky.

“Thank you.”

I watched her walk back to the bar. The men sitting at it stopped talking and began to flirt with her. I could hear snippets from their conversation. They would ask her name, which I learned was Jasmin. They asked when she got off her shift, which was at one in the morning. Then someone asked if she had a boyfriend which she didn’t reply too, just smiled.

When my food arrived I stopped eavesdropping and ate. I was starving. The last meal I had had was in Rio de Janeiro where I had breakfast that same morning. I seldom ate on the flight, the food was horrible, and I hated to get up to use the bathroom, so I didn’t drink much either.

The club sandwich wasn’t bad and when I had eaten the last french fries I pushed the plate away and the waiter picked it up. I asked for another drink and again it was Jasmine who brought it over.

“Are they bothering you?” I asked, nodding at the men.

“I am used to it. I don’t like when they touch me, which they do sometimes.”


She giggled. “Yes, exactly.”

She left me alone and I slowly sipped from my drink. Suddenly I felt sleepy and decided it was time for bed.

The following morning I woke up fresh and rested. The drapes were open and the sun shone in through the windows. I got up and looked out. Below was a busy street with lots cars and people walking along the sidewalk. In the distance, I saw a church and behind it the mountains rose. I stretched my arms over my head and then walked into the bathroom.

After talking of my nightgown I looked at myself in the mirror. At forty-five, I had a better body than most of my daughter’s friends. Sure, I had my boobs done when I was thirty-five and a couple of nips and tucks had followed. I did spend hours in a gym with a personal trainer to stay in shape. And still my asshole husband had left me for a woman half his age. If someone had told me it was for love I had told them to fuck off. He loved young pert women, that was all it was.

I had a nice tan after lying on the beach in Brazil for two weeks and being there I had tanned topless. My pink nipples were in stark contrast to my brown skin. The little tuft of blond hair above my pussy looked like a sun. I am a natural blond, and my boob size is normally a B, but I had gone up one size to a C cup, which I thought looked great on me. I am just around five-feet-nine, with long shapely legs and a flat tummy.

In the shower, I trimmed my pussy and made sure my legs were smooth. You never knew who you might meet in a new country. I had met Fred in Brazil, and he had fucked me senseless. He was a big black man from Cuba who had moved to Brazil in search of work. He was the bartender in the hotel I had stayed at and when he asked if I wanted to go for a drink I had said yes.

I am not promiscuous, really, I promise. But after being fucked by the same cock for close to twenty-five years, I wanted to try some new ones, and I had. Not only in Brazil, but in England, France, Spain, and Italy. Everywhere I went I had tried a new cock, and I had found out that I loved sex. I loved the way men kissed me, touched me, licked me and fucked my juicy cunt.

My sex life with my hubby had been okay the first five years but then gone downhill from there. We tried to make it better by watching porn together and even went to a sex consultant. He liked young girls being fucked by older men; I preferred lesbian or bi sex porn. The consultant said we had to communicate better, which in the end didn’t mean shit. A lot of money spent on crap advice.

I dressed in a pair of snug Levis jeans and flannel shirt in black and white. Even though I was a cheerleader in high school, I was a bit of a tom-boy. I never really liked wearing skirts.

The bar was also the restaurant and that’s where the breakfast buffet was served. There were several groups of people and I recognized some of the men as those who had flirted with Jasmin the previous night. I sat down at the same table as before and when the same waiter approached me I asked for a black coffee. Then I headed over to the buffet.

I like to eat healthy, so I put a lot of fruit on my plate and yogurt . While I was deciding what kind of bread to eat I saw Jasmin come out from the kitchen. She saw me and smiled and then walked towards me.

“Good morning,” she said.

Standing up we were almost the same height. She was maybe half an inch taller.

“Hi, nice to see you again.”

“Did you sleep well?”

“Yes, thank you.”

“Are you here on business or pleasure?

“Pleasure, I am traveling the world.”

“Oh, that sounds very exciting. Sorry, but I have to get back to work.”

I went back to my table and enjoyed my breakfast.

While I ate I thought about Jasmin. There was something about her that I couldn’t put my finger on. The way she had looked at me, both the previous evening and that morning made me think that she might be into women. I myself had never been with another woman, not even been close to. When some of my friends back in college had played around I had always been a cock and balls kind of girl. I did like lesbian and bisexual sex movies but mostly because I found the male actors to be over the top. Well, so were most of the women, but the difference was that the girls were tender while the men were rough, and I wasn’t into that.

I spent the morning walking around the city. I found a tourist area just a few blocks from the hotel and bought a few souvenirs for my kids and my sisters. I had a light lunch at a Sushi restaurant and then decided to go back later that evening for dinner and drink. Maybe I would meet some nice people to hang out with, I thought.

It was just after eight that night that I entered Rita’s Cantina. It was rammed packed with people and I had to sit at the back close to the kitchen. Not the nicest place but it was all there was. Had gone to Rita’s because Jose, the receptionist, had recommended it based on what other customers had told him. The menu was small and had mostly local dishes on it.

I had no idea what they were but felt brave and ordered when the waiter came to my table. After thirty minutes he brought out a plate and when he put it down in front of me I gasped. On it lay half of a giant hamster. It had been cut lengthwise so it had two paws and one ear. Next to it were French Fries and a salad. At first, I thought about sending it back, but then I changed my mind. I had to try something I had never eaten before.

It turned out that the jungle hamster was quite good. Tasted a bit like chicken. I had another glass of wine and then paid the bill. Jose had told me about a bar that was close and I headed that way.

Mitad del Mundo, which was the name of the place and meant The Middle of The World, was a typical saloon type bar. A long mirror behind the bar and rows of bottles on shelves. The floor was wood, and I thought that it was only the sawdust that was missing to make it look like a Texas saloon. I ordered a beer and was given frosted glass and a bowl of peanuts. I sat at the bar sipping from the beer and popping nuts into my mouth when something caught my eyes.

Through the crowd, I saw a woman walk towards me. It was Jasmin and she was with a young man about her age, which I had guessed was in the early or mid-twenties. When she saw me she smiled and waved.

“Hi,” I said.

“What are you doing here?”

“Jose recommended the place.”

She laughed and said something to her friend. When she turned back to me she said, “sorry, I was just telling Enrique that Jose had recommended this place.”

“What’s so funny about it? It seems nice.”

“Yeah, if you are single and looking to hook up.”

“Oh, I see.”

She sat down next to me and Enrique on her other side.

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“What’s your name,” she said.


She put out her hand. “Nice to meet you.”

“The same. Can I buy you and your friend a drink?”

“Sure. Two beers, please.”

“Do you come here often?”


“Are you single, or..?” I nodded at Enrique.

“No, no, he is just a friend. He works at the hotel opposite the one you are staying at. Sometimes we go out for a drink after work. What about you? Do you have a husband or a boyfriend back home?”

I drank my beer and then slowly shook my head. “No, I am divorced.”

“I’m sorry. Was it recent?”

“Kind off. That’s why I began to travel.”

“What about kids?”

“Two, but they are grown up and have their own lives.”

Jasmin was quiet for a while, sipping on her beer. Enrique had seen someone he knew and had gone over to say hello to them.

Went spent a few hours talking and I danced with Enrique a couple of times. He was a lot better than I but it was fun. When it was time to leave Jasmin whispered in my ear.

“Would you like to come over for a drink?”

I was quite surprised at the offer. She hardly knew me and she hadn’t made any signs of flirting with me.

“What about Enrique?”

“Oh, we don’t live together. I live alone.”

“Sure, I would love a nightcap.”

We took a taxi and to my surprise, Jasmine lived not far from the hotel where I stayed and she worked at. I had thought the rent would be too high for her.

She lived on the second floor in a four-floor apartment building. There was no elevator so we walked up a dark staircase.

The apartment was nicely decorated with modern furniture. It didn’t have a balcony but when she opened the big windows in the living room a warm breeze reached us.

“This is nice, “I said, looking around.

“I bet you wonder how I can afford this place being a waitress?”

I smiled at her. “Yes, I did.”

“See this?” she said, pointing at herself.


“My dad is German. And he sends me money every month. That’s how I can afford this kind of place.

That explained her height and her facial features, I thought.

“What do you want to drink?” she asked.


“Sorry, only beer or whiskey.”

“Whiskey with ice, please.”

She disappeared into what must have been the kitchen. I heard her open and close a cupboard then the sound of the ice against the glasses. When she came back she gave me my drink.

“I’m going to change.”

She took her glass with her and opened a door and I caught a glimpse of an unmade bed and a floor full of clothes. She wasn’t the tidiest person I had met.

While I waited for her I picked up a magazine that lay on the table. It was in Spanish but I looked at the pictures. It was a local fashion magazine and I noticed the women were dressed similar to the ones in the States.

When she came back she wore a black kimono and was barefoot. She sat down opposite me in a chair and gave me a big smile.

“So, Shelly, let’s cut to the chase, shall we?”

I was surprised at the hard edge to her voice.

“What do you mean?”

“You know. You want me; I saw it the first time we met in the bar.”

I was very surprised at what she had said. Sure, she was a pretty girl, but I hadn’t flirted with her or anything like it.

“I think you got it wrong. First of all, I have never said anything or done anything that would lead you to believe I was interested in you, and second I am not into girls.”

Instead of answering she simply opened her kimono. When it slid apart my jaw dropped and I almost dropped the glass I was holding.

She was naked and between her legs hung a big brown uncircumcised cock. It took me a few seconds to understand what I was looking at.

“Are you okay, with this?” she said.

“I, I, I don’t know what to say,” I stammered.

She moved her hands slowly up her flat tummy and then cupped her perfectly round C-cups. She bit her lower lip and gave me a naughty smile.

“Have you ever seen anyone like me?”

“No.” I took a big mouthful from my whiskey.

“Do you like it?”

“I have no idea, I am still in shock.”

Her right hand left her boob and moved down. She grabbed her cock with it and slowly began to stroke it. I could see how it grew hard under her touch and when the cockhead popped out, dark red and shiny, I finished the last of my drink.

“Can I have another,” I said, wiggling the glass.


She got up and reached over the table for the glass. Her cock was by now rock hard and her nipples too. When she came back from the kitchen with my drink she walked around the table and stood right in front of me. Her dick was so close I could touch it, which I didn’t

“Don’t be shy, it’s OK. Go ahead, kiss it,” she said, her voice husky.

Her eyes were slightly out of focus and I could see a tiny drop of pre-cum forming on the tip of her cock. She must be extremely horny, I thought.

“What if I don’t want to?”

She stepped closer, her shaft almost touching my face.

“Sure you do. You are a woman, and women like cocks.”

I had to laugh at her reasoning. “Yes, we do, but we also like to decide which cocks we play with.”

“What’s wrong with mine?”

I looked at it. It was thick and long, with protruding veins and completely shaved. It was a beautiful piece of manhood, but it looked really strange attached to the feminine body.

“Nothing. You should be proud of it.”

Instead of answering, she grabbed the shaft and began to stroke it again. The situation was absurd. I leaned back and just watched her. She kept eye contact with me, and it didn’t take long until her face began to show the first signs of the coming orgasm. Her breathing became faster and she couldn’t stand quite straight. Every so often her knees buckled a little and she began to breathe in short gasps.

I felt sorry for her. She had taken a huge risk inviting me over and now I just sat there staring at her like if she was a circus animal. Obviously, she was horny and wanted sex, and who was I to deny her that? While I thought about the situation, Jasmin’s orgasm was growing closer to exploding; I realized I was becoming horny too.

“Okay, stop, just stop it, Jasmin.”

“Why? I am almost coming.”

“Go and get yourself another drink, and we will talk about it.”

“But, I want to come now.”

She had begun to moan and her eyes were closed. I leaned forward and took her hand away from her cock and pulled her down next to me.

“I said stop. Get a grip on yourself, and I don’t mean around your cock. Breath, let it go away. Then you go to the kitchen, and make yourself another drink.”

After a minute, her breathing went back to normal, and her cock had gone limp. She got up and when she came back she sat back down in the same chair as before.

After drinking from her glass she put it down on the table and leaned back. Her kimono was open and I had a full front view of her full boobs and limp cock. She slowly began to massage her right boob while keeping eye contact with me.

“Do you find me disgusting?” she said.

“No, you are very pretty.”

“Are you sure? Some men just fuck me and then tell me I make them sick.”

“They are just ignorant. You are a very beautiful young woman, and you should be more careful about the men you are with.”

“Mm, maybe you are right.”

Her cock had slowly gone semi-erect while she touched herself. She leaned her head back and looked up at the ceiling while her other hand that had massaged her boob moved further down towards her cock. When she reached it she began to play with her balls, gently massaging them.

I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I had never seen or met anyone like her. There wasn’t a moment since I had first met her that had made me think she was anything but a young woman.

“When did you know you wanted to be Jasmin?” I said.

She opened her eyes and a horny smile grew on her lips. “Since I was very young. I used to dress in my sister's clothes. It drove my mother crazy. She came from a small village and people there were very religious. Anything outside the norm was frowned upon.”

“Oh, so what happened?”

“I went to live with my father, in Germany, and that’s where here I grew up, and made the operations after taking hormones.”

“Was he okay about it?”

She shrugged her shoulders but didn’t let go of her balls. “Yeah, he was cool about it. I only came back here because my mother became ill. She died a few months ago and I am waiting for the inheritance documents to be done, and then I fly back to Germany.”

“What did you do there?”

Her cock had become hard again and she gently began to stroke the thick long shaft. “I was in college, studying Archaeology.”

My eyes were glued to her dick and without thinking about it I too leaned back and my legs moved apart. I opened my pants and slid my hand inside my panties. I was wet and without losing eye contact with Jasmin I began to slowly rub my clit and slit with my middle finger.

“You look sexy,” she said, her voice deeper.

“You too.”

I pulled down my pants and panties a bit more so she could see my pussy and when she did, she sighed. “That looks so soft.”

“Mm, it is.”

“Can I touch it?”


She got up and walked around the table that separated us and then knelt on the floor in front of me. She took my hand and moved it away. She helped me take off the pants and panties, and when her tongue touched my swollen lips I gasped.

She looked up at me. “This is the first time I lick a pussy.”


“Yeah, I love men, but there was something about you that intrigued me, don’t ask me what.”

“I won’t, if you please continue to lick me,” I said and giggled.

She was very good and it didn’t take long before the first signals of a coming orgasm began to pulsate out from my swollen lips and clit.

I pulled her up closer to me and we met in a long deep kiss. Her fingers grabbed my hair and she pressed her body hard against mine. Her cock pushed against my pussy but I wanted her in my mouth before she fucked me.

I moved away from under her and she sat down on the sofa. I moved down on the floor where I gave her a horny smile and then grabbed her thick shaft with my hand. My fingers didn’t reach around it, and for a second, I thought this beautiful cock was being wasted. But then, I realized that I would be one of the few lucky women who would try it.

My lips stretched to their limits as I began to bob my head up and down her shaft. Her hands pushed my head down and within a minute, I was deepthroating her. I gagged and saliva ran down my chin. I felt like a porn actress, but I didn’t care.

“Oh, oh, that feels so good. No one has ever sucked me before,” she moaned.

I came up for air and moved up so I could nibble on her nipples. “Never?”

“No, guys just want to fuck my ass.”

I gently took one of her nipples between my lips and sucked on it. It made her gasp and I whispered.

“Not tonight. Tonight you are the one doing all the fucking.”

I straddled her and using my left hand I found her cock and guided it towards my wet pussy. It slid in and I moaned loudly when it stretched me out.

“Oh God, you are so hot and wet,” said Jasmin.

“Mm, and I want you to fuck me, hard. Fuck me senseless.”

She grabbed my hips and began to thrust in and out. I fondled her boobs and then leaned down so we could kiss. After a little while, she moved me off her and got in between my legs. Then she pushed herself inside me again, and we were in a missionary position. She looked amazing, I though. Her boobs bounced while she fucked me and her eyes were closed. She would bite her lower lip and make little noises.

It took her a long time to come, and I had three orgasms before she finally pulled out and shot her load over my boobs and tummy. When the last drop had fallen, I moved in closer and took her in my mouth. I was surprised when her cock became hard between my lips. Most guys went limp after squirting but not Jasmin. I continued to suck her while massaging her heavy balls.

“Oh, yes, yes, yes, don’t stop, keep going.”

Her hands pulled my head against her body and her cockhead reached further down my throat than any cock before.

“Ahh, oh, oh, yes!

She emptied and all I could do was to swallow.

“Wow, that was amazing,” I said when I could breathe again.

She looked down at me and stroke away some cum from my lips. “You were amazing, thank you.”

I got up and we hugged. “No, thank you, Jasmin.”

After having another drink I cleaned myself up in the bathroom and after a long hot kiss, I bid her good night and took a taxi back to the hotel. Lying in my bed that early morning, far away from my home, I wondered what the next city would bring. In Quito, I had met Jasmin and had sex with my first Tgirl, and it had been an amazing experience. I drifted off to sleep while my jaws still ached after having her thick cock in my mouth.

Written by NatashaTsarinaErotic
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