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Missy's Transformation

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I awoke to what felt like days, as I slowly opened my eyes I found myself in a tube filled with a strange thick liquid. My body felt heavy, swollen in some places like I had been in a car accident and fluid was collecting at my injuries but different. I thought maybe it was all a dream and I was walking up. Maybe I had just been in an accident and dreamed the entire alien thing up. However, that was not the case. I found myself in the strange alien pod with Klintuck and 2 more of his race next to him pressing buttons on a console.

Just then the pod creaked as the liquid began to drain, the air tube over my mouth and nose to breath had retracted from my face and my body went limp as the liquid gently brought me to the floor. The pod opened and that was when I noticed it. my cock was gone! Well, not completely. It had actually shrunk and was now only about an inch long but my testicles had completely disappeared. That is when I noticed something else, my body had changed completely.

My hair was longer and bleached blonde like a super model with very large breasts on my chest. My waist was slimmer than before with my hips feeling wide and shapely with my new big booty ass. My thighs were thicker and that is when I realized they had changed my body to that of a woman. The only difference being my cock becoming a true “big clitty” as it had shrunk so much I could kiss having sex with a real pussy goodbye, or at least not without the girl laughing at me.

I was shocked, stunned as I looked up at Klintuck who was coming over to me.

“What did you do!? What happened to my body?!” I screamed

Again Klintuck shushed before helping me up and leading me to the next room. “I told you that you were perfect for our experiment didn’t I? and you came out better then I had expected. You see on our planet women are shemales and we reproduce by means of anal sex with them. The men of our race are beings such as myself but over the past few years we have been seeing a decline in the birth rate of shemales and fear for our civilization. As such we have been coming to other planets such as yours and finding what you call “bottoms” to take the roles of shemales on our planet.”

I had asked him why he decided to change me but he said that his cock had actually torn an artery in my rectum and I would have bled to death if he hadn’t put me in the experimental container. He told me that by putting me through the process he could actually save my life and wouldn’t be able to bear the guilt if he had killed another living thing like myself. I was amazed by his compassion and grew to like this new space man I had just met.

It could have also been the new hormones they used to change me, however I want to believe that it was how I always liked people who showed kindness to others. The last thing he wanted to tell me was about some initial side effects that may occur due to the speedy transition and formula they have been injecting me with. He told me some feel increased sensitivity to the body especially to the areolas, sudden and increased sexual arousal, hallucinations and a few others that I will mention if they arise. I felt that seemed fair and he told me we needed to get to the next stage.

On the way he told me that I was a great success to the experiment. I had well developed breasts and ass that could be from the little extra body fat I had on my body. He also told me that the decrease in size of my penis showed how well my body took to the female hormones. Klintuck then further explained how my testicles became the shemale equivalent to ovaries inside my body and how now my anus and rectum took on the role of a vagina would for females on my planet.

“You mean I can get pregnant!?” I asked in disbelief at how advanced their science was.

“Yes, but don’t worry. We have a marvelous form of birth control with a few other perks we will explain later.” Klintuck told me as he lead me out of the room with the gooey tubes and to another room.

Klintuck showed me to another room. This one had a small cubicle with a glass door on it that reminded me a lot of a shower. This seemed like a good idea to me as the residue was sticky and very uncomfortable to be in for too long. As such he told me to get in and get cleaned up as the next part of it would require me to be as clean as possible. I hopped in the shower and immediately was surrounded by hoses. At first they looked ordinary but I looked again to find the hoses were shaped like cocks. It surprised me and concerned me at the same time, probably from my recent accident with Klintuck as I was not sure if I knew if I had time to heal or not. I tried to back away when one behind me touched my bare size 38 hips.

More specifically, my jiggly soft ass cheek while another touched my back. I jumped as the cold steel coiled around my leg and brushed over my new and sensitive fully formed 42DD tits. At first it felt strange, but then it became nice to absolutely amazing! One found its way between my breasts then pointed its “spout” right at my face as it gave a quick spritz.

Suddenly a burning sensation came over me as I felt my body start to burn on my nipples, clit and especially my horny ass-pussy. My head started to spin and I felt back onto my butt with my legs open. Normally the hard floor would have hurt but the hoses broke my fall. I happened to have grabbed one of the hoses with my hand it started to slowly flow water out of it I could feel the rumbling of the water through the hose and it went right to my core. It felt as if it went straight to my nipples as they became rock hard and my clitty burned with desire.

I could feel my ass-vagina start to pucker and heat up as I felt a loud moan. I didn’t get much out before one of the cock shaped hoses filled my mouth and started to move in and out. The sudden violation of my mouth surprised me and I lifted my legs along with my arms what felt like 2 seconds before a hose entered my asspussy. It entered me so forcefully but this time there was no pain at all. It was as if I was experiencing the pleasures of receiving anal sex for the first time again but 100 times better.

Without warning it started to move in temp with the one in my mouth, the one in my hand started to shake violently and I lost complete control of my body. I moaned wildly, aching for release when I saw 2 more metal hoses descend upon me. They held above me just enough and started to move slowly back and forth as they poured a white foamy liquid that was exactly like soap. Once they had left trails of the white foam all over my body, face and hair they came closer to me and started to rub themselves on my body the whole time the previous 2 hoses violated my mouth and anus. Once I was all foamy, the 2 hoses that coated me found its way to my nipples. Each taking one as they slowly flowed warm water, rubbing around my sensitive nipples and pressing into them as the water cascaded between and all over my new breasts.

After a while I felt my increased sensitivity take its toll as I was brought to orgasm. I screamed a loud but muffled moan as my body erupted in ecstasy. The hose in my ass sprayed a generous amount of warm water with the two hoses rubbing my body and one in my hand sprayed water all over me and washing the suds off. The last one in my mouth pulled back and rinsed off my face and hair.

Just then I heard a loud beep and found myself on my feet and soaking wet. I looked at the hoses and all the nozzles were its ordinary shapes and designs. The glass door opened and I stepped out of the shower, stumbling slightly and falling into Klintucks arms. I looked up at him in confusion.

“ Oh you had a hallucination already did you? Well that is to be expected. Everyone experiences them differently and as such its nothing to be afraid of. Most of the time people find them pleasurable especially when combined with the sensitivity of your newly formed body.” He said roaming a finger past my right ear, down my neck and over my breast before gently coping a feel.

His touch was heavenly, his rough hands holding my right breast as my stiff nipple rubbed against his palm sent quivers down my body. He smiled at me and wrapped his big strong arm around me again and that is when I noticed another new feature of my body. Before he towered over me but now I had become taller. I approximated my new height to be around 7 feet tall with muscles I could only describe as “Amazonian like”.

Klintuck moved his hand from my breast as he wrapped his arm around me again to take me to the next room. This one was darker and a little creepier; there were tubes similar to what I was in but smaller. Each having a type of goo or shape in it like lava lamps but in 2 different colors: pink and purple. Klintuck told me that they were parasitic like creatures called “Ocklicks” these creatures were like amoebas that gave the host many benefits that aided in extended longevity for their race as well as gave some interesting perks to their hosts. He also told me that the creatures lived off what the body expelled such as dead skin cells and excrement. He then said he would tell me more once he gave me my own Ocklick and assured me it would not hurt.

I began to stop thinking so much and instead began to just trust Klimtuck and what he said. After all, he had saved my life and treats me soo nicely. It would be hard not to trust him so I agreed to the procedure and everything else he wanted to do to me. He escorted me to a table with a soft pillow on it and told me to lay down. I did as told with great pleasure, with each step I took I could feel my giant tits bounce and the weight was starting to hurt my back a bit. Let alone I did not know much about having breasts but I did know that without some support they can start to sag but didn’t know how soon that would start. I laid down on the table and felt as my big tits finally got a break and relaxed into jelly on my chest as my chubby ass pressed almost flat against the cool table. It wasn’t long before one of the pink vials was placed over top of me. I saw the strange goo slowly move around inside.

I was a little scared at first but I looked over at Klintuck and his friends smiling at me and felt more at ease. He asked again if I was ready and I nodded my head with a smile back. That is when the vial slowly opened and the strange symbiote drooled down onto my body, coating me from my long blonde hair to the very sole of my feet. It was hard to breathe and I felt the Ocklick covering every inch of my body like a full latex fetish suite that covers you from head to toe. I soon needed to breathe so I opened my mouth as wide as I could to take a deep breath and the symbiote coated my mouth as well before parting to allow me to breathe.

At the same time, I felt it enter inside my newly formed ass-pussy. It was a little strange at first but it went fairly deep inside my ass. It felt solid at first but then thinned out as it wasn’t long before I had become used to it already.

When it had finally stopped moving Klintuck gave me the ok to stand up and so I did. Again he held out his hand and happily I took it to help myself up. It was strange at first as with each movement of my body I could feel the strange organism on me and slightly adjust itself. It was a little uncomfortable but the constant tickle of it moving was also a nice feeling due to my increased sensitivity.

“How do you feel?” He asked me.

“Umm, I don’t know, kind of sticky like before but not quite as a gross feeling. What is it suppose to do?.” I asked him holding my hands up a little as I looked down at my body and at the symbiote who made a shiny layer over my body like someone had wrapped me in plastic wrap.

“It actually has many benefits, the first being that it allows you to have sex without having to worry about birth control. Normally you would be able to get pregnant if you had anal sex with one of us or a male from your planet. However, with this Ocklick you can control that by will and it is like you ass is lined with a condom. That lining also provides you with the equivalent of a hymen. As such you may consider yourself a virgin as well.” He said smiling at me with a little giggle as he could tell I felt a little gross with it on me before continuing.

“This type of Ocklick is a female of its species so it will perfectly suite your new body and will match your needs and desires and will increase pleasure if she is attracted to the Ocklick of your sexual partner. There is however 2 perks to these Ocklicks that are the most popular among its hosts. First they are shape-shifters that can change color, design, shape and form any type of clothing you think of from your planets basic underwear to our planets most exquisite and fabulous design. It also allows some minor modifications to the hosts bodies. For example, our planet has no discrimination to those who find a partner who is also a top or a bottom and the Ocklick can help them in that way.” He told me.

“Help them how?” I asked curiously as the more I learned the more fascinated I had become with the gooey thing I was currently coated in.

“Well one way I can describe it is with an example on your planet. For instance, your women use sexual devices called strap-ons. These don’t give the wearer much pleasure but is used to give the partner all of it. With the Ocklick it will actually form around your tiny dick-clit and expand to any size you prefer. A way you my describe this is “having your cake and eating it to”.” He said with a laugh before continuing.

“They also allow other modifications like increase in breast size or the size of your ass. Others have used it for increased height or hair length for temporary effects. You must remember however, that they are only temporary and if the Ocklick becomes tired he will become a basic form of whatever is your choosing.`

He must have seen the concern on my face for this sexy parasite but reassured me that after some rest it would be fine. With that, he encouraged me to try and make some clothing with it. I wasn`t exactly sure how it worked but I decided I would figure that out once I had an idea of what I wanted to do. I tried to concentrate but my back started to hurt from hauling around my new heavy tits and all I could think of was getting a bra. My mind wandered as I started to think about the bras I used to have including some of mom`s.

One in particular was this nice satin black one she had I saw when she asked me to dress as Missy and pretend to be her daughter for a night. It was because this guy wanted a threesome with a MILF and her daughter but since mom only had me she asked if I`d dress as Missy for a night and just record them. I kind of wanted to join but then he would have known I was a guy. So sadly, no fun for me that night.

Just then I felt something moving on me and I looked down to find the bra I was imagining covering my tits and supporting them. It felt soo much better now that I had my bra on but was confused of how I did it. That`s when I heard Klintuck and a couple of his friends clapping. He congratulated me for being able to do it on my first try but then explained it was all by thought and all you had to do was imagine the clothing you wanted to wear. I tried again but this time created a regular pair of panties, nothing special at first just to cover some of my lower half and match the bra a little. I looked at Klintuck and his 2 apparently male friends who were taking notes of my progress.

I told them I think this would make a good basic form when the Ocklick got tired and asked how I did it. Klintuck told me that whatever I decided the Ocklick would make it happen.

I looked around again as the men watched me and I figured I would make my outfit a little sexier. I concentrated as hard as I could and turned the panties into a sexy black, over the hip g-string with three little pink hearts over the crotch. At the same time, I changed the fabric of the bra to be a little more see-through. Not too much just so they could barely see my flesh through it but not quite my nipples. I smiled seductively at the boys as I watched the jaw drop of one and Klintuck smile again but this time in that devilish way I knew meant he really liked it.

Klintuck approached me, I started to smell that faint aroma once again and my body began to quiver a little and I became light headed.

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I felt my new Ocklick purr as I noticed his clothing did the same.

“I guess cutie doesn’t suit you anymore. What name shall we call you darling?” He asked slowly running his big strong hands down my arm.

Thinking of how I used to call myself Missy probably would be the easiest answer, however I felt with a new beginning like this I should expand my horizons and think of a new name when it came to me.

“Julie, Julie Jizzbucket.” I said to him tilting my head to the side and sticking out my tongue as I gently flicked it against his palm.

“Mmm, Julie Jizzbucket it is. Now, why don’t I show you to your new room Julie. I’m sure you must have been tired after such a long hard day.” He said taking my hand.

I tried to respond but was suddenly hit by the pheromones of the other men. I guess I must have turned them on as well as they were all giving off the scent. It hit my head like a brick and my legs went to jelly, causing me to lose my balance. Luckily Klintuck was nearby and carried me to my room.

After getting me away from the source, my head started to clear somewhat as we got to my room. The doors slid open like in the old Star Trek shows followed by a light flipping on. Inside was one of the most luxurious rooms I had ever seen. I was well enough to walk so Klintuck put me down and I walked into my room, marveling at what I was seeing. There was a small waterfall that gave drinkable water, a board with what seemed like a million buttons each labeled with different foods I could just press and eat. A big screen TV with hundreds of stations, half of them was a wide variety of all kinds of porn stations with some not even from Earth.

The biggest thing that caught my eye was the bed in the middle of the room. It was no ordinary bed, it was heart shaped and big enough to hold at least 4 or 5 people. There was also buttons long the rim of the bed that seem to follow all the way around it. I’m not sure what they did and they weren’t labeled like the food but I’d have to figure that out later.

I jumped on the bed, sprawling out and laying on it like a teen girl who just got a Mercedes for her 16 th birthday. One thing that did appear strange to me was the indentations in the wall with a drawer between 2 of them all lined up along the wall. Each indentation was different with one looking like I could put my legs and arms into four of the holes with a shallower two for my breasts. On the other side was a similar thing but looking like it was facing the opposite direction and I could sit in and lay back. Both were shaped perfectly for the body and created a curiosity in my mind. The last was the drawer in the wall. I didn’t understand why there was just one in the wall and why it was put there of all places.

Just then my attention was drawn to the bathroom where I heard the shower going. I had not seen the bathroom yet, but I will probably get to see that with time. It must have been Klintuck as I did not see him in the room anymore and he did not say he was leaving for the night. I knew what he meant by when he wanted to lead me to my room. As such I got back onto the bed, I concentrated again and tried to make something sexy for Klintuck before he showed up.

I started to think of my options or what I could have on for him when he got here. That’s when I remembered the Leopard print chemise I got last Christmas (picture at the top). It came with a matching g-string, but I had to add heels and stockings if I wanted them. Tonight however, I wanted to keep it a little simple and not go too far too soon. I concentrated as hard as I could and soon create the chemise I had wanted. I could feel my arousal growing with the anticipation that soon Klintuck would come out of the bathroom.

Soon I heard the water stop followed by a few thumps. I knew this was Klintuck getting out of the shower and drying off. I started to think to myself of what kind of wild sex this stud from another planet was going to show me as I started to think of how he could find me. Would I sit on the bed waiting patiently for him on my side with my hand on my hip in a classic type of sexy way? Or would he like it better if I was on all fours and wiggled my ass for him? That is when he opened the door to find me sitting on my knees on the closest side of the bed to him. That intoxicating aroma of his pheromones hit my nostrils again and once again I couldn’t think straight. It must have been brewing in the bathroom the whole time he was in there.

He stood there so powerful, his body glistening and his hair a little damp from the shower still as he looked at me and flexed some of his muscles. I giggled a little and smiled back at him as I got up and onto the edge of the bed. Just then he slowly roamed his hands down to his towel, slowly undoing the flimsy not holding it up. Between that and his musk my nipples became hard as diamonds and more sensitive than I had ever experienced. My dick-clit got as hard as it could and became just as sensitive. I felt the Ocklick purr and start to hum, vibrating on my sensitive areas as it started to secret a liquid around my ass-pussy and inside it. This must have been how the shemale/females of their planet “got wet” so tis speak.

When the towel was finally removed, at first I was confused followed by intrigued. On his cock was like a male g-string that pocketed his cock and was shaped to his length and girth perfectly. It also cupped his balls wonderfully as well. The whole thing was held together by one string that wrapped around to his backside. I looked closer and saw he had a metal ring around his balls. I asked him what it was for as erotically as I could and he told me it was to keep me from getting pregnant.

I loved how sexy it was and how creative sexually he could be. I got up and stood as straight as I could. I arched my back to stick out my massive tits as best as I could as I slowly strutted over to him. He waited like the man he was and as soon as I got close enough he got closer to me and pulled me in, kissing me deeply with that amazing tongue of his as his hard cock covered in the thin fabric rubbed on my body. We started to make loud passionate noises as I pressed my tits hard against his body. My nipples digging into his chest as his cock slowly grinded between my thighs.

“Julie, are you ready to join us?” Klintuck whispered into my ear.

I dropped to my knees and licked my lips as I slowly wrapped my fingers around his cock. “what do you think?” I said playfully.

I started by slowly sucking on his tip through the fabric and he must have liked it as he started to moan already. I sucked as hard as I could and soon started to feel his tip start to become wet with precum. The more of it I tasted the more my body started to tingle and feel strange. Finally I peeled it back just at the right time to see Klintuck’s big meaty cock drizzle out a large drop of precum. I slowly lifted his cock straight up and stroked it. working more of it out, I got up as close as I could and pressed his shaft between my tits. The head pointed straight up toward my mouth and I opened to taste his wonderful nectar but he stopped me.

“Be careful Julie, my semen is a lot different than male humans.” He told me slowly stroking his hand through my hair.

“Only if you be careful when putting this monster in me again and not rip me apart like last time. Besides, I love thick strong man goo.” I said playfully as I opened my mouth once again.

I took him to the back of my throat and swallowed. Soon after that I felt a rumbling in my body that built and built until my body tightened and I orgasmed again. This time it wasn’t as strong but still felt amazing. I continued to suck his cock and luckily I didn’t keep cumming just from the taste. I wanted to remove the rest of the fabric he had on his cock but realized it had already disappeared. He must have had an Ocklick as well and it just hid away for now.

I lapped at his cock, licking along the massive shaft as I stopped just before his tip. I went back down and sucked on his big heavy balls as I slowly sucked them into my mouth. I stroked his cock and swirled my tongue around again and again. I could feel his warmth with every pump of his heartbeat as it sent blood through his shaft again and again.

This sent a buzzing through my mind and a tingling through the most sensitive parts of my new body. I kept it all at a nice slow sensual pace. I wanted to enjoy this, I wanted to really taste this man from another planet. I looked up into his eyes and he looked down at me as I planted a kiss on his tip. His scent was powerful, and so was his presence.

I ran my hands down his hips and over his thighs as I slowly took his cock into my mouth once again at a nice slow sensual pace. I heard his moans and groans above me as he ran his hand over my head and through my hair. He eventually started to move with me and slowly thrust his hips into my face. I gave little swallowing noises with moans as I tasted his seed again and again. That is when I noticed something strange, my Ocklick was shrinking the g-string I had crated until it was nothing more than a tiny condom around my clit-dick. I felt it start to move and squeeze as my body began to burn up and sweat. I let out a very loud moan that sent vibrations through Klintuck’s massive cock.

He pulled my head back and smiled as his cock just grazed over my face and lips. “Yes that is the Ocklick as well. It can be compared to what you humans call a “marital aid” and will increase how good you feel. In bottoms such as yourself, it will take the liquids you produce on orgasm and change them to estrogen before feeding them back into your body to help maintain your form and appearance.”

Before I could respond, Klintuck picked me up in his arms with him holding my knees up in one hand and his other hand holding my back. I felt like a new bride being carried to a honeymoon suite. He laid me down on the bed on my back. Klintuck gently caressed my face and traced his hand down my chin and neck until he found my breasts. He made a circular movement with his finger over each of my breasts and the material over them disappeared. I looked up at him in confusion but he hushed me and told me he would teach me a lot of tricks with my Ocklick in due time.

Next he got over top of me, leaning over as he got in close and kissed me feeling along my body. I felt as goose bumps ran through my entire body as his touch made my skin feel 10 times more sensitive than it had before my transformation. I started to feel a damp sensation around my ass-pussy, the same sensation I use to have when I put lube around my opening before sex or masturbating. I don’t know if it was a side effect from the transformation or the Ocklick but at that moment I didn’t care.

Klintuck leaned down and started to lick my nipples, slowly taking each one into his mouth as he sucked on them and slowly rubbed it with his marvelous tongue. It was warm, rough but the second he swirled around it I was completely his and willing to do anything he wanted me. He pressed his big lemon sized balls against my taint as he laid his long cock along my body with the tip feeling like it was inches from my under-cleavage. He continued to knead and massage my tits with his firm hands and work his magic on my body. It wasn’t long before he sat up on his knees and lifted my legs into the air and laid them to rest on his chest. By now I was panting and my face was blushed so red I could feel the heat as Klintuck looked down into my eyes, licked his lips and moaned.

“Fiona Cutie? Are you ready to lose your virginity and become a true bottom for my race tonight?” he said slowly rubbing his cock tip on my opening and teasing me.

I grabbed my tits hard as I moaned the word “yes!” loudly as he put on some pressure and pushed his cock into me nice and slow in one motion until he was all the way inside me. I felt him twitch and throb as my whole body shook on its own. I slowly moved my hands to my nipples and tweaked them, biting my lower lip as I felt Klintuck start to move. I had so many mixed feelings about what was happening. I was scared since the last time Klintuck was inside me I had passed out and felt incredible pain. However, this time I felt nothing but absolute ecstasy. It was as if all the warming and tingling lubes, vibrating cock rings and studded condoms all combined into one form of pleasure.

Slowly it went in and out of me, just shallow strokes at first as I felt my slick insides coat every inch of his cock. Squeezing him tight harder and harder as the sensation drove me to rock my hips and wiggle as he impaled me. Eventually he pulled out until just a few inches including his tip was inside me then he pushed a bit harder and shoved it all inside me. I felt how wet my insides were as the air was forced from my insides and I suddenly had an air tight seal around his cock. I gave a whimper with a moan as he then slowly caressed my face and over my breasts. He leaned down and kissed and bit my sensitive nipples before sitting back up again and starting to move.

“Cutie, are you ready for the real fun?”

“I’ve wanted this since that night I saw you in the theatre. Please make me feel like a real woman tonight!” I said pleadingly as I was the hottest I’ve ever been.

At that point he grabbed onto my hips, sat up and began to pick up his pace as he rocked his pelvis and shoved his cock in and out of my ass-pussy. I started to squirt my precum sissy juice about every 3 rd stroke into me. Right then I had realized how much more sensitive I had become since my transformation, and I loved it. it was as if my entire body had become one big g-spot and the only thing I wanted was to keep pressing it until I died. Suddenly Klintuck got rougher, really pounding me as my tight tranny snatch oozed its fluids.

I grabbed the bed sheets hard and moaned, no, more like cried out with screams of pleasure as Klintuck grunted while towering over me. Heaving, panting, moaning and squealing could be hurt from both of us as we continued on for what seemed like forever. Our bodies began to sweat as we rubbed ourselves together over and over again exchanging our heat and producing more inside me. I had several orgasms throughout but like a trooper Klintuck held out and didn’t cum so easily.

“Julie, ugh, I think I have to release!” he grunted as he pounded as hard as he could.

“ Ahh! Yes! Yes please my galactic stud! I want to feel your cum!” I screamed tweaking my nipples then reaching down and putting my hands on his chest.

Just then he pulled out and flopped his cock on my belly, he got up and straddled my thighs before he stroked his cock and orgasmed all over my tits and face with some landing in my hair. I tasted his cum on my tongue and it sent me over the edge, bucking my hips I orgasmed as my whole body convulsed over and over again. It felt as if I couldn’t stop cumming as one finally stopped I felt another one erupt!

“MMM I see you are still adjusting to our fluids Julie. Don’t worry, you will stop having orgasms soon it’s just the pheromones again working its magic on your new body.” He said curling up beside me and using his hand to smear his cum on my chest and sticking his fingers in my mouth to taste it more. It was like my first ever hit of some powerful drug, a mixture of ecstasy and cocaine or crystal meth but less hazardous to my health.

My head was floating, my body felt like it was on fire and the bliss I was in was absolutely unbelievable.

I don’t know exactly how long it was when the effects finally wore off but when I came to Klintuck was gone. He had probably left and went back to his own room for the night to let me sleep. I felt sticky yet some of the cum had not tried yet. The Ocklick had reverted to the regular panties and bra I had made earlier. I grabbed the covers from beneath me and covered up for warmth. I stuck out my tongue and took a small lick from a patch on my right breast as I had a slight tingle, my Ocklick purred as I drifted off to sleep.

Please rate and comment at the bottom and let me know if you have any creative ideas to add to this new story line. I would be happy to hear them if you have a suggestion. J

To be continued.

Written by Anonymous
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