Not only did Justin not come back over the Saturday night after he fucked me that afternoon, I did not see Justin or hear from him all week! The following Sunday I waited for him and even put on my bikini and lay out by my pool hoping he would come over, but he didn’t. I was sad and my feelings were hurt and I was horny thinking of all the things he did to me and what I did for him. I thought about how his cum tasted, how his big cock fucked my asshole, how he humiliated me, how I submitted to his dominance, and even the photos and video.
The photos and video he took of me had turned me on more than I ever imagined they would. I swore I would never let him do that again, but I knew I would if he asked. Not only to please him but also because I reluctantly had to admit to myself that I had gotten off on it. I told myself and him I did not want him to show anybody the pictures or the video, but deep down I was hoping he would. As bad and slutty as it made me feel, I got aroused thinking of him showing his friends and them seeing me like that. My exhibitionism fetish was coming to light.
The rest of the week, work helped me a little when I did not hear from Justin because it kept me busy. I still thought about him a lot however and as I mentioned, work only helped me a little. I could not get him out of my mind and I didn’t want to. I wanted to see him again, I wanted him to come over and fuck me and dominate me as he did Saturday, and I wanted to be his tranny whore. I would get horny and an erection but I refrained from masturbating all week because each day and night I was hoping the boy would come walking through my sliding glass doors to take me again and I wanted to be able to cum for him as much as I could.
As I mentioned, I was an affectionate, needy, and clingy person when in a relationship and I got sad and lonely when I didn’t get the attention I craved. I tried to be strong was determined not to let Justin see that part of me because from the few relationships I had in the past, I knew men got annoyed with that. They liked it at first but eventually, they became annoyed with my neediness and clinginess.
I began to think Justin did not want me anymore regardless of what he told me, that I would be his whore for the summer or even longer. I began to think I was just a fetish fuck for him and he was now satisfied with that fetish and moved on. That also made me sad and hurt my feelings. I once even cried a little one night thinking about it. I always had the fault of getting too attached to men and developed emotional feelings for them too quickly.
My strength and determination and willpower lasted until Wednesday and I broke down and sent Justin a text. I asked him if he was coming over soon. He replied he was busy with family and friends and promised he would come over and fuck me soon, but he didn’t give me a day. I replied back and once again promised the boy if he came over that night I would do anything he wanted. Yes, I was pathetic in my neediness. Justin replied with a laughing emoji and “can’t stay away from my big, white cock?” I replied begging him to come over. His last reply was he would come over when he could.
I avoided Justin’s mother Julia like the plague. We normally got together about once or sometimes twice a week in the evening and shared a bottle of wine and gossiped. She called me once and I did not answer and she came over to my house on Thursday night with a bottle of wine and to see if I was well. I lied and told her I was not feeling well all week. I could not even look her in the eyes. She asked if I needed anything, I told her no, and she told me she hoped I felt better by Monday so I could attend her and her husband’s Memorial Day cookout. I told her I would try and make it. She promised her husband would have veggie burgers for me.
After she left I felt guilty about what I did with Justin, but that did not stop me from wanting the boy again. Even guilt could not stop my desire for her son to use me as his private whore. I decided I would skip the cookout.
The weekend was worse than the weekdays. I did not have work to keep me occupied. I lay out by the pool again hoping Justin would come over but he didn’t. By Saturday I was beyond horny. Even though I had not had sex in a long time before Justin fucked me, I was very active in my solo masturbation sessions. Now my sexual desires were much worse than before since I was fucked by Justin. I had forgotten how much I loved sex and promised myself that even if Justin did not fuck me again I would never go so long without sex. I wanted to masturbate badly and to have an orgasm but I refrained and at least showed some willpower. I still held out hope that the boy would come over that night. He didn’t, and he didn’t Sunday night.
Monday I decided I would go to the cookout. I wanted to see Justin and maybe get a chance to confront him in private and hopefully entice him to come to my house and fuck me later that evening after the cookout. I planned the outfit I would wear with care.
I decided to wear the same outfit I wore the day Justin told me he first saw me and developed his crush on me. Before I got dressed I made sure I was very clean, using another enema just in case. I showered and washed very well, made sure my makeup was perfect, and put my hair in a single ponytail that ran down my back and I teased my hair to make it flare out after the tie of the ponytail. I wore the same light blue sundress with white polka dots that I wore that Labor Day. It was strapless and didn’t need a bra. Under it, I wore a pair of blue panties that were bikini briefs but made of a mix of polyester and spandex. I liked how the silky feeling material felt against my skin and penis. I put on a pair of white athletic socks with blue stripes across the top and my blue Converse high tops. It was the same way I was dressed the Labor Day Justin talked about, besides the panties. I had no idea what underwear I wore that day.
The cookout was as I expected, with neighbors attending and beer and wine and even mixed drinks flowing. I was not much of a drinker but I did enjoy a glass or two of wine at a social function. Of course, Justin was there and of course so was his girlfriend, Kathy. Kathy looked so pretty in her white shorts and halter top that showed cleavage of her well-shaped breasts. She attracted glances of the other men at the party. I was jealous. Justin also invited his best friend David and who I assumed was David’s girlfriend, a cute, slightly chubby Asian girl. I had met David before at other backyard cookouts Justin’s parents had.
I kept looking at Justin as I mingled with a few of my neighbors and tried to see if he noticed me but he didn’t even look at me. Being sad, angry, and jealous, I was working on my third glass of wine while I talked to Mrs. Williams. I got annoyed with her as she told me her son had recently broken things off with the girl he was dating and trying to get me to call him. I wanted to lean in and whisper in her ear, “What would you, your husband, and your son think if I told you I had a cock between my legs?” I didn’t, of course.
Being somewhat introverted at social gatherings I sat on a chair in the back yard and observed other people. I liked to observe and people-watch and make up backstories about them. That day I mostly observed Justin. I watched as he stayed mostly with his girlfriend and friends, sometimes helping out his parents when asked. I noticed he was very attentive to Kathy and treated her very gentlemanly, unlike how he treated me a week ago. It was easy to tell Justin was the leader of his little group. I was right when I disagreed with his mother when she told me Justin’s bad behavior was influenced by his friends. It was her son who influenced them.
David, who I knew was almost a year older than Justin, seemed to do anything Justin told him to. The other boy even laughed at Justin’s cruel humor toward David’s girlfriend, but Kathy would chastise him for it. I watched as I finished my third glass of wine, felt the effects, and decided to stick with water. The more I watched Justin, the angrier I got and the more jealous I got. I hated when he would hold Kathy’s hand or lean over and kiss her cheek. I hated when she would giggle ever so delightful at his jokes or comments. Most of all I hated that he ignored me. I knew we couldn’t mingle like girlfriend and boyfriend or lovers, but he could have at least come over and said hello and talked to me for a while. Julia handed me a plate with a veggie burger on it but I was so upset that I was not hungry.
I decided to stay for about another hour, hoping the boy would at least come and say hello. The wine and the two bottles of water I drank had gotten to me and I needed to pee. I went into the house and found the downstairs guest bathroom occupied and I had been holding in my urge to urinate and needed to pee badly. I knew the house well, having been over there many times, and knew Julia would not mind if I used the master bathroom in her and her husband’s bedroom.
I lifted the hem of my dress, pulled down my panties, and sat down and peed. Yes, I sit down when I pee. After I was done I pulled up my panties and flushed the toilet. I checked my makeup in the mirror and opened the bathroom door to leave. When I opened the door and started to walk out of the bathroom, I bumped into Justin, who was coming in at the same time. Justin pushed me back into the bathroom, locked the door, and pressed my butt into the sink. He leaned down to kiss me.
I turned my head and his kiss landed on my cheek, “Justin, stop,” I demanded.
Justin ignored me and started kissing my neck. It felt so good and my penis became erect. Not having masturbated or having an orgasm in over a week, Justin’s kisses on my neck aroused me very quickly. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I let Justin kiss my neck and ears as I was lost in my desire. I didn’t come to my senses until I felt his hand start to move up my thigh. I pushed it way.
“Stop, Justin. Please stop,” I tried to pull away but I was trapped between the boy and the counter.
“I want you, Tamara.”
“You had plenty of chances to have me all week,” I told him. “I waited for you all week and you never came over. You never even called me and the only time I heard from you was in a text that I had to start. I did not appreciate that and it hurt my feelings,” I admitted how it made me feel.
Justin pulled his head back and put both arms around my waist. “I was busy. Graduation is next week and Kathy was demanding a lot of my time. She is leaving right after graduation to visit her grandparents in North Carolina for the summer and won’t be back until the end of July. She is going to Vanderbilt for college so we won’t see each other much.”
“Well, go fuck her then if you need to get off,” I said jealously.
Justin chuckled, “I have been but she is on her period now. Plus, I want you. I want your tranny pussy. I missed your tight asshole.” The boy grinned at me, “Plus, she is not as slutty and freaky as you are.”
“I am not a slut!” I lowered my voice, fearful someone may have heard me, “I am not a slut. I don’t appreciate being used as you did to me.”
“I told you the truth, Tamara. I never lied to you about what you are to me and I won’t. Do you want me to lie and tell you I love you and I am going to dump Kathy to be with you? That we are going to walk back outside and announce to everyone that you are now my girlfriend? You know we are not going to do that and we can’t do that. You know exactly what you are to me and you know you enjoy it and want it.”
He was right. Justin could never be my boyfriend and we never could have a public relationship. I was just going to be an affair for him, a piece of ass on the side when he needed me, and his whore for when he needed one. He was also right that I did enjoy it. I enjoyed it a great deal and the thought of it made me more aroused.
I put my arms back around his neck and kissed him passionately. Justin kissed me back and once again I felt his hand go up my thigh. I broke our kissing and he started on my neck and ears again, causing me to moan and whimper in pleasure. His hand was soon on my crotch and he was rubbing my panties over my hard cock. The sensation of the silky-like material on my penis felt so good.
“Justin, please, not here. We…we can go back to my house later. I will wait for you,” I begged as my breathing increased from arousal. “I…ohhh, that feels so good…I will suck your cock as much as you want, swallow as much of your cum as you want me to, and you can fuck me with that huge dick as much as you want. Just please, not here.”
Even though I protested I did nothing to try and stop Justin from touching me the way he was. It felt too good for me to make him stop and I was also glad he was once again showing me attention that he denied me all week.
Justin pulled his head back from my neck and I looked up into his eyes. “Lift your dress,” he told me.
I lifted the short hem of my dress to my stomach and made a small gasp when Justin placed his hands on the waistband of my panties and peeled the front down. My hard cock sprang loose.
“Not here.” My voice was weak.
“I want to see your tranny cock.” Justin ran his fingers over my erect penis a few times and I shivered in pleasure. “I never thought another dick could be so sexy.”
Justin started to unbutton his khaki cargo shorts and I looked down to watch it. I no longer cared where we were or if someone would walk in and catch us. The boy pulled down his shorts and underwear together and his huge cock jumped out; he was also hard. Justin stepped out of his shorts and underwear as he moved close to me again. I watched as he took his large penis and pressed it against mine. I found the contrast of his white flesh and my darker flesh erotic, and the way his large cock dwarfed my smaller one was sexy to me. I sometimes wished I had a much smaller penis to look more feminine and the size of Justin’s cock compared to mine made me feel just that.
Justin took both our cocks in his hand and I moaned out. “Spit on them.”
I leaned forward and dribbled some of my saliva on our cocks. My first attempt missed and fell on his wrist but my second attempt landed between the heads of our dicks. Justin started rubbing our cocks together with his hand and stroking them.
“Uhhh…the door…please lock the door,” I whimpered.
“I already did and I locked the bedroom door also. Just relax, Tamara.”
“What…what if someone comes looking for us? Uhhh fuck, that feels so good…what are we going to tell people?”
“I already made my excuse and I’m sure you can make up something for yourself.”
“What if someone hears us?” I was making up excuses. Yes, I wanted Justin to fuck me. I wanted that badly, but I was nervous about being caught.
Justin smiled, “You are loud when you get fucked.” He looked around the bathroom and grinned when he looked at the floor. “I have an idea, but first get on your knees and suck my cock. Just for a bit because we don’t have much time.”
I nodded and got on my knees and Justin put his hand on the back of my head. I looked up at him. “Don’t…please don’t make me do it so rough this time.”

“I won’t.”
Before I took his cock in my mouth I pressed my face to his crotch and inhaled. It was a hot, humid afternoon, and having been sitting outside and maybe even helping his parents set up the cookout, Justin must have been sweating earlier because his crotch was pungent with his masculine, musky scent.
“God, it smells so good,” I said softly and then blushed when I heard Justin chuckle. I had not meant to say it out loud.
“You are such a freak,” Justin told me. Maybe I was when it came to the way a man smelled, but it was a fetish I had. The musky, masculine scent of a man’s private areas was just something I enjoyed and it did arouse me. It was something I could not control.
As much as I wanted to lick his crotch area, I refrained because I was still nervous about getting caught and our fucking needed to be a quickie. I took the boy’s large penis in my mouth and started giving him a blow job. Justin took his hand off the back of my head and reached down with both hands and pulled the top of my sundress down to expose my small breasts.
“That’s enough,” Justin told me about two minutes into my blow job. He also must have been concerned about the time.
I pulled my head back and sat on my heels as I looked up at him. Justin turned around and bent over slightly. “Lick my ass. I liked when you stuck your tongue up my asshole.”
I didn’t hesitate; I did enjoy rimming a man’s butt. Like his crotch, the boy's butt was strong with his manly scent and I liked it. I put my hand on his butt cheeks and spread them apart and started rimming his ass. Justin moaned in pleasure.
“Fuck, you are such a nasty slut, but damn, it feels good,” he commented. The comment encouraged me to put my tongue up his ass deeper. God, I did love rimming a man’s ass. Maybe I am a nasty slut.
Just as with the blow job, Justin didn’t let me rim his butt for long. He reached behind himself, grabbed my ponytail, and pulled my head back. I whimpered, not from the pain of having my hair pulled but from him not letting me lick his sweaty asshole anymore. He turned around and helped me stand up and then turned me around. The tops of my thighs were pressed against the sink counter and my hard penis was about an inch above the counter and over the sink. I looked over my shoulder and saw Justin bend down and pick up his underwear off the floor. They were grey boxer briefs.
“No, Justin, please don’t. You are much too big to take without lube,” I whined when I felt him guiding his cock to my asshole. I have been fucked with a man using just his spit as a lubricant in times of extreme arousal and my own rectal mucus helped in the lubrication, and while it was not ideal I was able to handle it. Justin’s cock was just too large to be able to do that.
“See if there is something in the medicine cabinet while I look under the sink,” the boy told me.
I moved to the side and allowed Justin access to the cabinet under the sink while I searched the medicine cabinet above the sink. There were the typical items you find: Band-Aids, over-the-counter pain relief bottles, toothpaste, etc., but nothing to use as a lubricant.
“Found something,” Justin said as he stood up. He held up a tube of KY jelly.
I moved in front of the sink and turned around and bent over slightly to allow Justin access to my ass. I now wanted to get fucked and did not care if anyone walked in or heard us. I moaned when Justin inserted a lubricated finger in my asshole to make it wet while he reached around and squeezed a large amount of the gel on my hard cock.
“Spread your ass so I can get in that tranny pussy,” Justin told me. As I reached behind me and spread my ass cheeks apart I could hear the wet squishing sound of Justin lubricating his cock.
I eagerly waited to feel Justin’s huge cock stretch my asshole open and for him to push it deep into my body, but instead he took my ponytail in his hand and pulled my head back hard. I whimpered as the boy put his underwear in my mouth. He had rolled up his boxer shorts and put them in my mouth like a riding bit one would put on a horse. He then stretched them behind my head.
“Fuck, won’t reach,” I heard him mutter and he took them out of my mouth.
“Why…what are you doing?”
“I need to gag you because you make too much noise when you get fucked.”
Justin dropped his underwear to the floor and I heard him laugh. I looked over my shoulder and saw the boy going through the dirty clothes in a laundry hamper in the bathroom. He found what he was looking for and held up a pair of larger underwear.
“These will do just fine.”
“No, Justin…please, no…they…they are your dad’s,” I pleaded. I was not too keen on being gagged but to be gagged with Justin’s father’s dirty underwear was appalling. I took my hands off my butt and stood up straighter.
Justin’s father was a large man. Not so much fat but large like a football player. They were boxer briefs also but white. Justin held them up by the waistband and I saw them reflected in the mirror.
“They look clean enough and what do you care if they smell of his cock?” I watched through the mirror as Justin rolled them up. “What’s the difference between one cock or another for a whore like you?”
“I am not a whore. I am umph…” Justin put the underwear in my mouth like a riding bit as he did before, pulled them tight, and due to the size of them he was able to tie them in a knot behind my head. The gag stretched the sides of my mouth into an obscene smile and forced it open. I made muffled yelping sounds when Justin smacked my butt hard three times. The gag worked at keeping me quiet.
“Spread your shemale fuck hole.” I did as I was told.
I spread my legs a little over shoulder width apart, bent over slightly again, and used my hands to spread my ass apart for him. I felt the head of Justin's cock press against the entrance of my asshole and as he pushed his large penis in my tight hole I pushed back against him. I could feel my asshole being stretched open as his penis entered me in a slow but continuous thrust and then I made a muffled, grunting moan which would have been much louder if not for the gag. When my teenage lover was halfway inside me he made a hard thrust that pushed me against the sink counter and entered my ass hard until his large cock was buried deep into my butt. God, it felt wonderful!
Justin grabbed my wrists. I was still holding my ass cheeks spread for him, and with one hand he held my arms behind my back, causing me to fall forward, and my thighs pressed into the sink counter, and with his other hand grabbed my hard cock and he started jerking my shaft. His hand spread the KY gel over my cock and his hand easily glided up and down my penis in a rapid motion. My moans and whimpers of pleasure were muffled by the gag.
I had been tied up during sex before and I enjoyed it and it aroused me. The helplessness of it, how the man controlled me, and how he could do whatever he wanted to me excited me, but I had never been gagged before. Although the gag was tight and stretched my mouth open and hurt slightly, I discovered that I enjoyed it a great deal. I couldn’t swallow; I tried once and almost choked, so my saliva ran out of my mouth and the cotton material of the underwear soaked up some of my spit but not all of it, and soon I had spit running down my chin.
Justin kept fucking me and jerking my cock. He was not fucking me as hard as he could and the pace of his thrusts matched the tempo of his hand stroking my cock. The sensation of his huge cock thrusting in and out of my ass and going into me so deep, the sensation of his hand on my heavily lubricated cock, and how he had me gagged and my arms pinned behind me was incredible and I soon cried out through the gag my orgasm. My voice and words were incoherent due to the underwear gagging me.
Justin could sense I was about to cum from my slurred words and moans. He let go of my hands holding my wrists and they fell to my side; I seemed incapable of lifting them, and he grabbed my ponytail and pulled my head up.
“Cum for me, your tranny whore,” Justin grunted as he kept jerking my penis. He pulled my hair harder, “Look in the mirror. I want you to watch yourself cum.”
I looked in the mirror at my reflection as I orgasmed. I could see how the gag forced my mouth open in a distorted manner, the saliva running down my chin, and how my face contorted from the pleasure of my orgasm. When I came Justin drove his cock deep into my ass, held it there, and jerked my cock as he reached up and cupped my left breast and pinched my nipple hard. He pinched it so hard I swear I thought he was going to pinch it off if he could.
I had not had an orgasm in over a week and combined with how he was treating me, which turned me on, and the fact when I cum while getting my ass fucked, my orgasm was very intense and my knees buckled. I came a lot. My cum was thick and the first load exploded out of my penis and landed on the mirror, my second load sprayed all over the counter, and then my cum poured out of my cock in a thick, sticky stream. Justin kept jerking me off and my cum splashed in the sink and on the counter and dripped on the floor of the bathroom as my orgasm lasted for several seconds. After I stopped cumming, Justin kept jerking my cock and I made muffled squeals as the head of my penis became very sensitive.
“Fuck, I like watching your shemale cock cum,” Justin told me as he finally let go of my cock. He then wiped his hand, coated in the lubricant and a large amount of my sex fluid, on my face.
Justin then proceeded to fuck me and he fucked me hard and fast and it didn’t take him much longer to cum. When he orgasmed he once again rammed his cock deep into my ass and it was my turn to watch his face in the mirror. I found it sexy to see him cum. With his cock far up my ass, the boy made a series of short thrusting motions and grunting sounds as I felt his cum shoot into my butt, a feeling I greatly enjoyed. After he was finished, Justin pulled out of me and patted my ass cheek.
“Damn, I stretched that ass out,” he said and chuckled. “It’s so gaped open my fist could fit up there so easy.”
I stiffened in fear that he just may try but he laughed at me, recovered his underwear and shorts from the floor, and put them on. Justin tried to untie the knot of his father’s underwear but it was too tight and he had to use a pair of manicure scissors to cut it off. When he pulled them out of my mouth, I gagged and worked my mouth to get the soreness and stiffness out of it.
“Before you leave make sure you clean up the mess you made,” he told me and I heard him unlock the door.
I looked at Justin through the mirror. “Are…do you…can you come over to my house later tonight?” I asked hopefully. “We can watch a movie or something.”
“Or something,” the boy parroted back at me. “You mean you want that tranny pussy fucked again?” He shrugged and looked at my reflection in the mirror. “David and I are going to the skateboard park later today with the girls, but yeah, I may come over afterward. Kathy is on her period so she won’t be giving it up today.”
Justin left the bathroom and I cleaned up. I cleaned myself up, washed my face, used a hand towel I dampened with warm water, and wiped my cum off the floor, the counter, the mirror, and the sink. I then put on my panties. I left the bathroom carrying the hand towel and Justin’s father’s underwear, not knowing what I should do with them. I did not go back to the party in the backyard. Instead, I left through the front door and walked home. I could not face the people at the party, especially Justin’s parents, after what I had just done. When I got home I threw the underwear and towel in my trash can outside, went into my house, and sent Justin’s mother a text. I told her I was not feeling well and had to leave and I was sorry. She replied asking if I was OK and needed anything. I replied with no I didn’t need anything.
I took a short nap. After my nap, I took a shower, put on makeup, fixed my hair, and put on a cute pajama set, and waited hopefully for Justin to come over. He did. He came over about ten at night. He let me suck his cock again and rim his asshole, he came in my mouth, and then we went into the bedroom, where he fucked me two times before he left. I was able to have two more orgasms that night.
Before he left, Justin explained to me that the following week was going to be busy for him and he doubted if he could come over and fuck me, or as he put it, “fuck my tranny whore.” I was disappointed but felt a little better about it because unlike the previous week, this time he told me.
As he told me, I didn’t see him the following week and I once again refrained from masturbating for the “just in case” moment. After his high school graduation, which was all done online due to Covid and with Kathy now visiting her grandparents, Justin did spend a lot of time with me the following weeks. He even spent the entire night with me on two occasions. Over the next few weeks he mostly played with me, I sucked his cock and rimmed his ass countless times, he fucked me a lot, and he took more pictures of me in various outfits I had and poses that would make a webcam model blush.
It was during one of those nights that I accidentally orgasmed in Justin’s mouth and he used his belt on me. He was sitting on my bed and had me stand in front of him and my body turned away from him. Justin rimmed my asshole for several minutes, told me to turn around, and he started sucking my cock. The excitement of it all made me cum and I didn’t mean to and could not prevent it and I came in his mouth. He was so mad. He coughed and spat out my cum, stood up and grabbed my arm and my hair, and pushed me on the bed. I kept telling him I was sorry and didn’t mean to and started crying.
Justin told me not to dare move, took his belt from his jeans, told me to turn over on my stomach, and used the belt on my ass and the back of my upper thighs. I sobbed and begged him to ease up. When he was done I curled up in the fetal position and kept telling him through my sobs I was sorry. The weird thing was I felt like I deserved it and it aroused me and I even got an erection while he was whipping me. It was not the pain that aroused me - I hated that - but his dominance over me. I never came in his mouth again and Justin never whipped me like that again, but the incident showed Justin just how submissive I was to him. He also knew after that I would do almost anything he wanted of me, something he took advantage of throughout our affair.
At the end of June, I turned twenty-eight and on the Tuesday night of my birthday, Justin came over and gave me a small gift. It was a stuffed Tigger from Winnie the Poo. I thought it was so cute. That night he stayed the entire night with me and instead of fucking me and treating me like a whore, the young man made love to me several times. It was intimate and passionate and wonderful. I was as equally satisfied by his lovemaking as when he dominated me. It was that night my feelings for Justin went from just being lustful and needy to something more emotional and needy of him.
Yes, there was the uncontrollable lust of course but once again my fault of falling in love easily with a man I am intimate with reared its ugly head and bit me. Just as with my submissiveness to him, Justin was quick to pick up on the fact I had developed deep intimate emotions for him and he started to take advantage of those feelings as well. He saw how I would do almost anything to please the person I had developed such intimate and romantic feelings for. The first time happened the Saturday night after my birthday when Justin came over and told me he had another “special” birthday gift for me.