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Her Mystical Trans-Formation

"A beautiful sorcerous changes to handsome prince into a beautiful princess."

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Competition Entry: Magical Sex Stories
I was cumming, the roiling sensation of my climax washing through me like a violent storm as Lilliandra slammed her huge cock into me hard and deep and Misha sucked greedily at my bucking prick. And I wasn’t the only one. With me lying on my back, my ankles on Lillian’s slim, Spanish shoulders and her fat, powerful shaft plundering my depths while the exotically beautiful Misha’s soft, pink, Asian lips and tongue worked on my spewing black cock, I was also being fed hot mouthfuls of the salty thickness of ropy spunk.

Erica knelt above me with Adrianna behind her. As the marvelous ebony complexioned she-male gripped her by her breasts, digging scarlet fingernails into those perfect globes while ramming deeply into her pale, white ass, she fed me her huge cock, thrusting its heated length in and out of my mouth and throat as she came.

“Oh yeah! I’m cumming! I’m cumming, Natalie! Oh! Oh! Suck my cock, you horny black bitch! Oh yeah, baby! Suck my cock and eat my cum!” She moaned.

It was Erica who had arranged the she-male sex party, with twelve of the heaviest hung transsexuals we knew providing the entertainment. The purpose for the party was a celebration of the first anniversary of my receipt of tits.

As I sucked her cock, relishing and swallowing the delicious heavy load of cum that erupted from her testicles, I thought of how much I enjoyed my life and I remembered the magical day Erica had appeared to capture my heart.

She was absolutely stunning as she stood beside the doorway of the Cineplex. With long, flowing pale yellow waves that poured from her head to spill to her lower back, an exquisite face with round steel gray eyes and generous red lips, and a slender though curvaceous figure, the petite young woman wore immaculate designer clothing and presented an image of a model at a fashion shoot.

Because it was a small town and I knew every resident, it was obvious that she was a new arrival, either visiting family and friends or having recently moved to the area. And the longer she stood where she was, the longer my eyes moved over her lines of her form.

Dressed in close fitting garments that enhanced her appearance, I saw that she possessed firm, round, medium-small breasts that perfectly matched her five foot two inch height, trim arms, flat abdomen, small, boyish hips, and slim chiseled legs like Gwenyth Paltrow. Then, as if to give me a full view, she turned to display the way her tight black jeans clung to the pert, rounded cheeks of her small derriere and I was amazed at the thought that abruptly came to mind. My cock sprang erect, throbbing forcefully in my pants, as I imagined moving my tongue over the phenomenal woman’s milk white flesh.

Returning my eyes to her face, I saw that she had noticed me looking at her. The woman gazed back over her shoulder at me, while giving me ample opportunity to view her assets. Embarrassed at having been caught staring, I momentarily lowered my eyes. When I raised them again, I saw that she was walking towards me.

“Hi. My name is Erica,” she smiled, extending her hand. Her voice held a soft southern lilt that was familiar from the area, and if she noticed how abashed I was she ignored it.

Shoving my emotions aside, as much as possible, I climbed to my feet. I took her small hand in mine.

“I’m Nathan and it’s a pleasure to meet you. Sorry about how I was staring at you,” I apologized.

“Oh. Don’t be. I get that a lot. First a guy stares at me and then he stares at me,” she responded.

I frowned uncomprehendingly.

“A guy stares at you and then he stares at you….What does that mean?” I inquired.

“Unh, unh.” Erica shook her head, causing the cascade of her blond waves to dance over her shoulders. “Questions like that are never answered at an introduction. Maybe when we next meet there will be a reason for me to explain.”

“So I should look forward to seeing you again?”

“Without a doubt. I do so love a tall, handsome black man. And you being so polished in your manners…. That’s attractive. Makes me feel like a princess being swept off of my feet,” she stated. “Who taught you proper form of grace?”

I smiled. Usually when expressing myself with etiquette among other black people I was accused of acting white. I was pleased to see that she appreciated the flair of form and prose I provided. But in answer to her question I shook my head.

“Unh, unh. Maybe when next our paths do meet. Look to see you soon.”
Smiling warmly, Erica left, letting me watch the movement of her hips as she departed.

It was before we began our first date that she explained what she meant when she said first a guy stared at her and then he stared at her. When I arrived at the place where she was staying to pick her up she sat me down in the livingroom. I was seated on the soft cushions of a gray sofa, but she didn’t sit next to me. She lowered herself to a chair near me.

“I think we need to clear something up right now. Maybe I should have done so earlier. I don’t know. I’m really quite new to this idea of dating. Usually, I’m a bit more straight forward. You know, pick a guy up and tell him what’s what. If we’re on the same page we have sex. This is different and you need to be told what you are getting into.

At that moment the beautiful woman I had been desiring explained that she was a transsexual. She said she was a pre-op transsexual who still possessed a cock and balls.

I learned that Erica Lesher had once been Eric Lesh, a neighborhood boy I had gone to school with. Though we had not attended the same classes as I was a year ahead of him, I had seen and knew of him. Everyone in the neighborhood knew of Eric. Small and blond, he was the star of the school swim team. And I remembered something else that was rumored and he had been teased about.

“You were the little guy they said had the biggest dick in school,” I said.

“I still have it and I plan to keep it. There’s a term that’s used for pre-op trannies. Some people call us she–males. I don’t know if you can understand it, but I like being a girl and I like having a cock. I like to get fucked by a guy and I also like to fuck guys and girls.

“When I’m with a guy, I like to be the girl most of the time. I love to suck a cock and feel a big prick inside me.”

“You said most of the time you’re the girl. And the rest of the time…?” I inquired.

Erica gazed directly into my eyes.

“Nathan, I have a perfectly good cock and I enjoy using it as much as you do yours. Maybe even more sometimes. That’s something you also need to know. My cock is a part of me. If we do this, what we share won’ be one sided. I will provide every pleasure to that big, black prick of yours and I will expect you to do the same for mine,” she said.

I was aghast.

“You want to fuck me?” I responded incredulously, my heart pounding.

“Just as much as I want to feel you inside me,” she nodded.

As shocked as I was by everything she had said, I wasn’t sure of how I should respond. I knew that if I had been in public with my friends I would have portrayed myself as offended and immediately denied any desire for her. But we were not in public and my friends were not there. I didn’t have to lie about how much I wanted her, and the privacy of her home gave me an opportunity to think about what I wanted.

During my entire life I had never questioned my sexuality. I had never felt an attraction to a man. I didn’t have any gay friends. And I didn’t like musicals, Barbara Streisand, or Cher. Didn’t that make me straight?

Obviously not.

As I gazed at Erica, despite everything she had said, I continued to want her. I looked into her soft gray eyes and saw the vulnerability there as she awaited my response. I realized that the last thing I wanted to do was hurt her. When I had arrived my intention had been to get to know her during our date and screw her brains out when I took her home. I found that I still wanted to fuck her, and I didn’t care if she had a cock the size of a small anaconda between her legs. That I felt that way made me question things I thought I knew about myself. As did the emotion that assailed me when I observed her vulnerability, making me want to take her in my arms and hold her, comfort her, and let her know everything was okay.

But then there was the matter of her cock and that she wanted me to suck it and let her fuck me with it. I wasn’t sure I could agree to that, which was something I found to be strange. I felt that I should know with an absolute certainty whether or not I would or would not suck a cock. A straight man would know such a thing. That I was even questioning myself about the possibility was disconcerting.

“Why did you tell me everything? You know, about you being Eric and us going to school together? You could have just told me about the transsexual thing and left it at that,” I stated.

“I wanted you to know me. Really know me. Nathan, I want more from you than a casual lay, I….”

“You want to be my girlfriend,” I finished for her, knowing it to be true.

She shrugged.

“I’ve always had a crush on you. You were a basketball star. All the girls had as much of a crush on you as they did on me. Is it hard to believe I wanted you too?” Erica asked. A sly expression suddenly touched her features. “As for being your girl, yeah, I’d like that. But we would have to have an open relationship. I have to admit that I’ve never been very monogamous and always end up cheating when my lovers ask me to be exclusively committed. It’s why my last boyfriend broke up with me. I can be a slut at times. Truthfully, I’m a slut most of the time, so I need a lot of cock. While thinking of everything else, you should also consider whether you can handle having a bitch with a voracious sexual appetite.

“Is that all I have to think about? Decide whether or not I’m willing to suck your dick and let you fuck me? Decide whether I can accept you fucking other men?”

“And fucking other women. But, yes. Ain’t that enough?”

Taking a deep breath, I let it out slowly. I then stood up and began to walk toward the door. Looking back, I saw that Erica remained seated where she was, watching me. I stopped.

“Well, are you coming or not?” I asked, holding out a hand to her. ”I don’t think the restaurant will hold our reservation forever.”

“You still want to go out on a date with me?” She asked, her expression lightening. “You know everyone is going to talk about you when they find out what I am.”

I shrugged.

“Yeah. But they would talk about me anyway, just for wanting to go out with you,” I responded. I watched her rise and walk to me, placing her soft, warm hand in mine. “Might as well give ourselves the pleasure of one another’s company and not worry about anyone else.”

The entire time I was with Erica was exceptional. Dressed in a shimmering green evening gown that hugged the sensuous slender curvature of her form, I couldn’t take my eyes away from her. She was like a dream. When she moved she was so fluid and graceful the sight was like watching the sinuous undulations of a snake. And I wasn’t the only one mesmerized by the spell invoked by her beauty. I noticed that during the dinner other men, and some women, were enraptly staring at her as well. But she responded to no one’s attention but mine.

After enjoying a perfectly prepared meal we went to a club that was a favorite of the local community because it was the only club in our area. And as it was a Saturday night everyone who could be there was present.

I was approached by a few women I knew and asked to dance.

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Erica was hit on by several men. We turned them down, choosing to limit our interaction with others to casual initial greetings and dance only with each other. It was during one of those dances, a long, slow one where our arms enclosed one another and my heart was pounding as I gazed into the warmth of her eyes, that I leaned down and kissed her.

It was an unexpected act inspired by the emotion of the moment, but when I realized what I was doing I didn’t stop. I didn’t want to stop. I drew her closer to me as I tasted the soft, moist, honeydew sweetness of her lips and felt her cock grow long and strong to throb between us. In response my prick became rigid as well. We continued to kiss and caress each other throughout the remainder of the song. When the music changed we were unable to part as we would reveal both erections.

“I guess this answers the question of how far I’m willing to go with you,” I said, feeling complete commitment to my decision.

“In a most powerful manner,” Erica agreed.

We didn’t have sex that night. Not really.

Leaving the club, we returned to Erica’s place where we did some more kissing and some light petting. By which I mean Erica deftly caressed my nine inch cock through the front of my pants and I tentatively familiarized myself with her eleven inch shaft through the fabric of her dress. She also explained things to me that I needed to know.

She informed me of what I should expect to experience when sucking a cock and that, like a girl having her cherry popped, there would be pain the first time I took a cock in my ass. She talked about hygiene and the necessity that I perform at least three enemas to cleanse my insides before fucking. And most importantly, she told me about the need to be tested and for my partner or partners to be tested for s.t.d.s the day of any sexual activity.

“There are a lot of dangerous diseases out there and I always go bareback, so testing is important. It’s also important if you wear condoms. They’re not a hundred percent safe so you really have to be careful,” Erica said, giving my prick a gentle squeeze. “Tomorrow the two of us are going to get tested. And after we get our results I’m going to introduce you to some of the pleasures that are in store for you”

That night I couldn’t stop thinking about Erica’s prick and the hugeness of its hard, throbbing shaft. When I finally went to sleep I dreamt of her inside me, fucking me, and abruptly awakened. When I returned to sleep, I also returned to the dream of Erica gripping me tight and slamming her monster cock into me. In my dream she fucked me several times, filling my insides with the heated rushes of her orgasmic fluids. Awakening the next morning, there was a fantastic tingling sensation deep in my bowels and my cock was a hard and throbbing mass of muscle dripping gooey dollops of silvery pre-cum.

We went to be tested the first thing in the morning. That afternoon we spent time in the park, enjoying a picnic on the plush verdant grass. Allowing my eyes to roam the green grounds, I noticed how much we resembled the other couples present. And I suddenly realized, as Erica lay with her head in my lap pressing against my erection while I stroked my fingers over the silken softness of her blond mane, that we looked like the other couples because we were like the other couples.

“You’re really hyper anxious,” Erica smiled, feeling my cock throbbing against the side of her face. “Has this thing gone down at all since we were together?”

I shook my head.

“No. And it keeps making the front of my boxers wet.”

“Oh man. I’m missing it,” she sighed longingly. The tip of her pink tongue flickered out to moisten the crimson surface of her lips and she gazed up at me. “We should be hearing our results soon. Are you feeling any hesitation or having any second thoughts?”

“I’m a little nervous,” I admitted. “But I still want to do it.”

“Good. ‘Cause I’m dyin’ to have you inside me.”

“Not as much as I’m dyin’ to have you inside me. I want you to fuck me first,” I informed her. She gazed up at me with an incredulous expression. “Last night I dreamed about you fucking me and it felt so good that my ass has been tingling and begging for a hot fucking ever since I woke up. I want to make that dream real.”

“Wow. You really are all the way in, hunh?”

Before I could answer Erica’s phone rang. Mine began to ring a split second later. It was the clinic calling to inform us that our tests had returned with negative results.

“It’s you I want all the way in. Come on. Let’s go to your place and you can show me how much more pleasurable a life with you will be.”

Although the plan had been for the two of us to get together that night, neither of us could wait that long. We went back to her place where we swiftly undressed and prepared. Having gone first, I lay back on the bed and watched as she exited the bathroom.

Erica was flawless. The beautiful she-male’s skin was a continuous snowy whiteness from head to toe with not even a hint of tanning. Her round breasts stood high and proud on her chest, both capped with a perfect of pinkness of areola and protrusion of nipple. And from between her thighs extended the glory of her fabulous cock, the head of it bulging as she held her shaft in one hand, stroking her fingers along its length.

“Is this what you want, baby?” She asked as she moved seductively toward me.

Covered in lubricant, her cock gleamed as it moved closer and closer. I couldn’t take my eyes off that long, fat, white dick. And though I was a little apprehensive because of its size, the closer it got the more I wanted it. I didn’t understand it. As it was my first time, I wondered if I shouldn’t be afraid of such a big prick, worried about what people would think, or exhibiting some other form of reluctance. I felt none of those things. What I experienced was an all consuming need to be fucked. I had no idea such a desire was lurking inside me like a stalking jungle cat. Suddenly the hunger erupted from the shadows to make itself known and I sat panting on the bed like a starving cock whore waiting to be fed.

Erica was just as surprised by the intensity of my desire as I was. She had to be because as soon as she was within reach I pulled her into my arms and kissed her deeply, expressing so much passionate desire that the flames completely enveloped us both. As we rolled together atop the bed my hands moved over her, luxuriating in the satin smoothness of her skin, gliding over the warmth at her neck, the firmness of her tits, the roundness of her buttocks, and the solid pillar of flesh between her thighs.

Feeling the heated shaft pulsing within my grasp, the tingling sensation that reverberated through my colon intensified. I had to have it. And, gazing up at the expression in my face, Erica could see just what I was feeling.

“Go for it, honey. You look like you really need it bad,” she encouraged, humping her hips upward. “Climb on that cock and ride it.”

Continuing to caress her cock, I moved so that I knelt straddling Erica’s hips. In that position every movement of my hand caused the huge, drooling head of the white cock to rub across the dark cheeks of my black ass, smearing streaks of pre-cum there. It drove me crazier and crazier. Then, aroused beyond belief, when I could not wait any longer, I set the fat knob of her dick at the puckered opening of my anus and began to push against it.

The sensations I experienced from my first fuck were like nothing I expected. As the entrance to my ass slowly widened to take Erica’s massive girth, there was pain. But there was also pleasure. Though the discomfort made me start slow, the rapturous feelings that accompanied the pain caused me to want more.

As I began to pant heatedly and continued to push myself downwards, Erica reached up to grasp my pulsing black prick in her hands and began to jack it slowly. With blissful feelings emanating from both my cock and my ass, I wanted to be fucked even more. Then the head of her cock was inside me, passing through the elastic ring to throb within my back passage, and I cried out joyously.

“It’s in me! Oh. Oh. Your big, beautiful white dick is in me!” I exclaimed.

“I know. But that’s just the cap. Take it deeper, baby. If you like that, you’ll find that the more a cock fills you the better it feels,” Erica stated. “Keep going. Fuck your hot black ass onto my cock. You’re gonna love it.”

Doing as I had been instructed, I pushed my ass downward, forcing her prick deeper into me. The act not only created more pain and pleasure, it caused the two to merge into an indescribably intense carnal sensation. What had been a tingling sensation within my ass became a riotous lightning storm that filled my rectum and sent sizzling bolts of pleasure through my cock and balls.

Wanting more, I pushed down and took another inch and was again thrilled by the way my body responded to the cock penetrating me. I descended inch by inch onto Erica’s stout shaft and when I had eight inches inside me, I began to raise and lower my hips so that I was fucking myself on her prick.

Every time I rose up and descended sent surges of that exquisite prurient sensation coursing through my inner walls and pushed me closer to orgasm. I was soon bouncing on her cock, slamming my ass down hard as I worked to take the last three inches of her bulky prong.

“Oh! Oh fuck!” I moaned in ecstasy. My movements had taken on a life of their own, my hips swirling and driving back to spike my tight rear hole on Erica’s humongous white cock. “Ohhhh! It feels so good!”

In time with my movements, Erica began to thrust upward when I dropped my ass down and, working together, we forced her every inch into me. Then she was fucking up into me as hard as I was fucking myself down onto her.

“You really like it, don’t you? You like the feel of a big, hard cock inside you?” Erica panted.

“Yes! Yes! Ohhh! I love it!”

“You like being fucked like a bitch, don’t you?”

“Yes! Yes!” I cried out.

“You want to be a bitch, don’t you?”

“Yes! Yes!” I rode my ass down on her prick with complete abandon.

“You want to be my bitch.”


“Then say it,” Erica groaned.

“I’m your bitch! I'm your bitch!” I moaned. And saying what I knew was true, my pleasure rose higher and higher.

With Erica fucking my horny black ass and gliding her pale hands up and down the sides of my straining ebony prick, it was not long before I was thrust over the pinnacle of pleasure and began to climax. Throwing back my head, I wailed as my body was assailed by intense orgasmic sensations that reverberated through me and caused my body to shudder from head to toe as thick gobs of the viscous spunk churning in my balls was released to fountain from the head of my prick and splash down over Erica’s face, tits, and abdomen.

At the same time, with my ass clutching and sucking greedily at her cock, Erica also came. I could feel the steaming heat of her cum spurting from her bucking shaft to fill my insides and it made me cum harder. Whatever I expected, it was not the glorious thrill I experienced. And as my orgasm declined I knew my life was going to change even more than expected.

A kiss and a fuck from Erica and a curse I never knew existed was broken. Suddenly I was transformed from a prince into a princess. A hot and sexy whore of a princess who couldn’t get enough of being fucked.

With Erica, I moved away from our hometown to Los Angeles where I became a pre-op transsexual and changed my name to Natalie. Erica is mine and I am her’s, with most of the people who do not truly know us believing we are an interracial lesbian couple. Though we have both added others to our individual and combined sex lives, it is each other that we crave. And, more than I would have believed it possible, it is the feel of Erica’s large magical cock delving into the depths of my ass that I desire the most.

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