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"I become the hot ebony slut I was always meant to be."

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Ever since my first sexual experience, I’ve known that I wanted to be a white cock only slut, and that’s what I am. That might seem like a strange thing for someone to say without explanation, so let me explain. First of all, I’m black. But maybe that isn’t surprising. What may surprise you is that I was born male.

The truth is, I wasn’t even aware of my true sexual desires until I was eighteen and in my senior year of high school. At that time I was dating girls, but it wasn’t about sex. I was doing it because, being popular,  I was expected to do it. I also went out with girls because I liked their company. I liked doing things with them that other guys wouldn’t.

I would go shopping with them, go to ballets and plays with them, and even binge-watch romantic comedies with them. I had a lot of girlfriends at that time, so I gained a sort of reputation as a ladies' man. People thought I was fucking the girls. I didn’t encourage that thought, but I didn’t discourage it either. Likewise, to my surprise, the girls also didn’t deny it. I asked one of them about it one day and her answer was perfectly understandable.

“Why would any girl try to deny that you’ve fucked her? It’s not as if people are saying I fucked Pickle Martin or something,” Caroline smiled. Pickle Martin was a really nice guy but he had a severe case of acne where pimples seemed to pop out all over his body. “You’re smart, athletic, and popular. Truth is, most every girl you’ve dated would probably have let you do her if you wanted to. Also, with people believing we put out for you, we get to finish school without the pressure of our friends trying to convince us that we should have our cherries popped. Guys trying to get with us just so they can be our first, and our enemies being able to use our virgin status against us. The way I see it, if we let people believe what they want to believe, we all win.”

So most people thought I was some kind of oversexed stud at that time. Most people, but not everyone. I didn’t have a clue that anyone was thinking anything different until the middle of the school year.

One day, following practice with the track team, when all my teammates were gone, I stood in front of one of the full-length mirrors in the locker room looking at my nude body. I am of average height and had braided raven hair, that I had planned to turn into dreadlocks, that fell to frame a slender ovoid face possessing topaz colored hazel eyes which displayed an exotic slant that was almost Asian in appearance. A small, pert nose, and a medium-sized mouth with soft, pouty lips that always seemed to glisten moistly.

Standing there, I let my gaze move down over the smooth mahogany surface of the skin that covered my slender, muscled form. As I stared at myself, I couldn’t help but think, as I often did, of just how cute and girlish I looked. I looked almost exactly like my mother except that her skin is a slightly darker tone. The only thing that showed I wasn’t a girl was the thick eight inches of flaccid cock that hung between my legs.I also realized that if not for the fact that everyone knew I could and would fight I might have spent my entire in school being teased and bullied about it. But after a few guys tried to pick on me because they thought I looked like a girl, and I sent them home bloody, that quickly stopped.

But just because I didn’t let other people mess with me about my girlish appearance, didn’t mean that I didn’t have any opinion of my own about the matter. And the truth was there were many times that I had looked at myself and wondered what it would be like to be a girl. Often I imagined myself as a girl and, for some reason, I didn’t feel the least bit embarrassed about doing so.

Curious as to whether there were others who were like me, I went online to see what I could find out regarding it. When I did I was immediately introduced to tranny, shemale, and sissy-training porn. I later came across the more respectable LGBTQ sites, but the first sites that popped up in my search were extremely sexual in content.

Of course, I visited the porn sites, and when I did I found the trans women on those sites to be fascinating. I was especially impressed by Jessy Dubai, Annabelle Lane, and Domino Pressley. They could be so beautiful and feminine. Also, when I compared them to women like Kira Noir, Riley Reid, and Sasha Grey, I saw that they could be just as sexually uninhibited. Sometimes they fucked females. Sometimes they fucked males. And sometimes they fucked other transexual women.

My favorite videos of them were when they were being dominated by the men they were with and fucked hard. Jessy Dubai seemed to be the most insatiable and whorish when she was being fucked. She seemed to love it so much that she couldn’t get enough, and her display of the intense hunger she experienced was a beautiful and inspiring depiction of sexuality.

While sating my curiosity, I watched a lot of tranny and shemale porn. I especially liked watching the sissy-training and sissy-hypno videos. I always got turned on by them but I didn’t masturbate to them. At the time I was more than a little perturbed by the fact that I could be affected by transexual pornography as strongly as I was.

After a while, I stopped watching to concentrate on other things. But sometimes, when I looked at myself in the mirror and imagined myself as a girl as I was doing at that moment, images of the transexual women in those videos would come to mind and I wanted to do everything those sissy training videos instructed me to do.

Lost in thought while admiring myself, I was shocked and my body stiffened when I felt the rough touch of an enormous hand slide slowly across my stomach to the other side of my body. Before I was able to clear my head and move, I was pulled back against the powerful frame of the person behind me. Shifting my eyes from my own form to that of the guy at my back, I saw that Jason Raines was there and his body was as bare as my own. This added to my confusion, not just because he was naked but also because I had always thought he hated me.

We had fought once, in junior high a couple of years earlier, and I had kicked his ass. Since then we had avoided each other. Or, from the way he was holding me, maybe I had it wrong and it had only been me who had been avoiding him.

I looked at the two of us in the mirror and saw that we were complete physical opposites of each other. Where I was girlishly slender and of average height with a glowing brown complexion, Jason was a huge blonde-haired, blue-eyed brutish example of masculinity who stood about six-feet-five-inches, weighed something like two-hundred-and-forty-pounds, and had skin that showed only the slightest hint of a tan.

I didn’t move for a moment, I just stood staring at the two of us in the mirror. There was something about the sight that seemed both familiar and sexually exciting, causing my cock to swell into an erect and throbbing mass. It suddenly occurred to me what was happening. I wasn’t viewing the vision in the mirror and seeing myself with Jason, I was gazing at that image and seeing a powerful white man preparing to fuck a beautiful black woman.Then reality hit and, realizing I was the woman in that scenario, my heart began to pound a little in fear. I pushed at the heavily muscled arm that Jason had placed about my middle, but he held me easily in his grip. That was when I noticed something else that astonished me. I was pushing at his arm lightly, not as if I really wanted to get away but like a girl who was only feigning reluctance and a desire for the boy to stop.

Jason smiled when he saw my hard cock. Leaning down so that the warmth of his cheek was pressed against mine, I felt delicate strands of the silken golden softness of his hair, brush in a tantalizing tickle across my neck and shoulder as he whispered softly.

“Don’t fake it as if you don’t want this to happen. You want it. You’ve always wanted it. Every time you look in the mirror you see the gorgeous little black whore you were meant to be. So be that bitch,” he murmured. The hand on my stomach moved slowly upwards, the touch of his fingertips seeming to trace fiery lines that singed my flesh where they passed until he grasped my chest. My dark chocolate nipples were hard and sensitive as they poked into his palm. “I’m gonna make you my bitch. I’m gonna let out that nasty little slut you’ve been keeping in a cage and for the rest of the school year you’re gonna be my sex puppet.”

I could smell the aroma of the spearmint gum he had been chewing as he spoke, and with his every word, an electric tingling sensation went through my body, the most intense of which rose within my cock and balls. It was at that moment that I felt the stiff heat of his strongly pulsing prick press against the outer cheek of my left buttock. I couldn’t see it, but from what I could feel his cock was proportionately huge in comparison to the rest of his physique.

Warm, thick globules of precum were drooling from the head of his massive rod which fell to splatter the dark flesh of my asscheek. The sensation of the heated fluid dripping onto my ass made me imagine what it would look like, and what I imagined. The mental picture of a big white cock pressed against the firm petite roundness of a cute black ass was so hot that I moaned with pleasure and desire.

As the carnal sensations coursed through my body, I wondered if what I was feeling was what a girl would feel. Prior to that moment, sexual considerations were abstract to me and not all consuming in my thoughts. But as I stood held in Jason’s arms, sex was all I could think about. Not only that, but it was the first time any man had touched me in a sexual manner and his caress was driving me crazy with desire. No girl I’d ever held in my arms or kissed had ever conjured such a powerful erotic passion within me.

“Let me go,” I said. Again I pushed at Jason’s arm, but again it was a halfhearted effort. The only effect I managed to achieve was that I pushed my body back more firmly into his, an act that caused the position of his throbbing fat shaft to shift so that it slid into the soft, warm crevasse of my ass and made me groan and quiver in ecstasy. “Ohhhh fuuuuccckkkkk!”

Jason laughed then began to kiss and lick at the side of my neck. He spoke in a murmur against the tingling flesh of my neck and the vibration of his lips made me cry out again while pushing myself back harder against him.

“That’s it, bitch. Let go. I always knew you were a hot assed little black whore,” he said, He began to hump his hips, sliding his big white prick back and forth in the crack of my virginal black ass while, at the same time, I leaned back against his muscular chest and began to undulate my hips lasciviously, grinding my ass against his cock.

It just happened. I didn’t think about it beforehand. It was instinctive. When he started gliding his cock between the cheeks of my butt I automatically began to respond by rolling my hips and pressing back against him in order to add to his arousal and increase our pleasure.

What’s wrong with me? I asked myself silently as I stared at my reflection in the mirror.

It was as if I was observing someone else. The black person I saw was acting like a slut. Furthermore, the person I was viewing appeared to be reveling in the sensual pleasures of the moment. But the thing that was most impressed upon me at the sight was the extreme carnality of it and the gloriousness of the display of passion on the part of the writhing black bitch. She was acting like a whore while being held in the arms of a strong, gorgeous white man and I couldn’t help but think that she was exactly where she was supposed to be.

That’s when it occurred to me. There was nothing wrong with me. Jason was right. I was a little black whore and I had always been a little black whore. I had just been waiting for someone to see the inner slut I was hiding and bring it out of me. At that moment, I was exactly where I was supposed to be. The only thing that was wrong was that I was fighting against myself and questioning my desire when my physical responses to the moment should have been enough to let me know what I needed.

Suddenly, gazing into my own eyes in my reflection, my lips turned up in a happy smile and I let myself relax, my body seeming to almost melt into Jason’s. I wasn’t a ladies' man and I never would be. I was too much of a girl to be a man. There was too much woman, bitch, slut, whore, and fucktoy inside me for that.

I had always known deep down that I should have been born a girl and decided at that moment that I would the girl I should have been. Which, when considering my response to being in the strong arms of a muscular white man and the way my thoughts of how his fat, white cock might look drooling slimy dollops of pearly whitish precum on the dark cheeks of my black ass had affected me, would make me a definite slut for white cock.

I turned my head to look at Jason. As we gazed into one another’s eyes I smiled up at him.

“Let me go please, Jason,” I said in a light casual tone of voice. I didn’t push at his arm but he released me.

My feet seemed to glide in the air above the tiles of the locker room floor as they moved me back two yards from him. I looked at the man in front of me in a manner that was unlike the way I had ever looked at anyone. I let my eyes rove over his body appraisingly and was thrilled by the enticements of his masculinity. I saw the bulging muscles of his biceps, the way his massive chest rose and fell with every breath, the rippled flatness of his abdomen, the strong ropes of sinew at his thighs, and the throbbing shaft of his dripping prick, and I wanted him.

It was as if I was seeing my favorite meal and my mouth watered as I looked at him. But that wasn’t all. I also noticed a strange sensation arising from within my ass. There was a strange hunger inside my rectum that I’d never felt before but immediately understood. I wanted… I needed… to get fucked.

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“Jason,” I said, as we stood looking at each other’s bodies. “What do you want from me?”

“I told you. I want you to be the girl you were meant to be.”

“That’s how you want me to be, but what do you want for yourself out of this? What do you want from the hot black whore you think I am? Do you want me for your girlfriend or do you just want to use me as a little fucktoy? Do you want to go out on romantic dates and kiss under the stars? Do you want me to suck your dick? Do you want to fuck me? What do you want?”

“All of it,” he replied with a grin, sensing my acceptance of my femininity. “I want you totally and completely. What do you want?”

“There are things I want and things I don’t want. You’re right. I am a girl and I want to be a girl. But I don’t want to be your girlfriend. I don’t want to go out on romantic dates with you or walk down the street holding your hand. I’m not in love with you,” I said. I saw his grin fade.“But I do want the rest of it. I want to suck your big white cock. I want you to fuck me. I want to be your little black fucktoy. You called me a little black whore and that’s what I want to be. I want you to use me for whatever pleasure can think of and turn me into the nasty black slut you’ve always known I was.

"But let’s take this one step at a time. First things first…” I said. I walked up to him, reached up to cup my hands behind his head and pulled his face down to mine.

The kiss, our first, was very passionate and affected me more than I expected. Despite me telling him that I wasn’t in love with him, I felt a smoldering wash of heat flow through my heart as our tongues flickered and swirled against one another like dual flames dancing in a breeze. I could taste the spearmint flavor that filled his mouth and it added to the emotion of the moment. Somehow I knew that, for the rest of my life, whenever I tasted or smelled spearmint I would remember that day and that kiss.

During our kiss, as I ran my slender fingers through the delicate softness of Jason’s hair, I felt his hands move down over my back to my butt. Holding me by the cute curvature of my ass, he lifted me off of my feet and held me against him so that our cocks slid across and past one another to press into our stomachs.

Jason’s cock was longer and thicker than mine, but I found that I didn’t mind. If I had still been a boy I might have responded with some insecure feelings, but with my having chosen to be the girl I should have been, it didn’t bother me at all. What did happen was when I felt the blazing heat of his red hot shaft press into my belly, burning into the flesh there as if branding me with a need for cock, my hunger for it intensified.

I lifted my legs and wrapped them about his hips, employing them to clasp his body and pull it more tightly to mine. Our cocks were pressed between our pelvises and I began to hump my hips, grinding his cock into my belly and mine into his. With a moan of pleasure, Jason drew his lips from mine.

“Damn, the way you’re moving is so hot. Where did you learn how to be so sluttish? The way you’re acting, it’s as if you were just waiting for the chance to do this,” he said.

And hearing him say it, I knew it was true. I realized it was why the sissy-training instructions were so enjoyable to me. I wasn’t just watching fantasy porn. I was studying them and learning what to do. By watching them I had learned how to do a lot of nasty and naughty things.

“Maybe I was born with a naturally whorish nature and just automatically know how to pleasure a man. Or maybe I looked into what it would be like if I was a girl and researched how I should act and how I should expect to be treated by a man in sexual situations.”


“I liked what I discovered. I liked it and I wanted it. You’re right to think that I’ve just been waiting for the chance to do this, because I have. But I must admit that I’m becoming a little disappointed in you.”

Jason frowned confusedly.

“Oh? And why is that?” He asked.

“Because I was really impressed by how strongly you started out, grabbing me from behind and taking possession of me. It was like you owned me and I knew you owned me, causing the feminine aspect of my makeup to take over so that I intuitively accepted your place as the alpha male. Now you’re talking too much. You’re asking what I want when you already know, from the way I responded to having your cock between the cheeks of my ass, what I want. You’ve always known, even when I was trying not to let it show, what I wanted,” I answered.

I leaned close to him and nuzzled my face beneath his neck, breathing deeply of the masculine aroma of deodorant soap and lightly musky sweat that emanated from his warm, soft flesh. “Jason, stop treating me like you’re in love with me. I’m a hot and horny little black bitch and I want to be treated like one. Do what you said you were going to do. Show me how a man takes a woman and make me into the bitch I was always meant to be.”

I thought of Jessy Dubai.

“Turn me into an insatiable cock craving whore and make me love it.”

The words were barely out of my mouth before Jason acted on them.  Releasing his hands from where they were supporting my butt, he raised them to my shoulders and began to push me down his body. I enjoyed the salty flavor of his smooth flesh as the soft warmth of my moist brown lips went down over his heavily muscled shoulder, across his bulging pectorals, and descended the rippled flatness of his abdomen. Gradually I came to rest on my knees with my face buried in the fluffy golden curls of the pubic hair at his crotch.

There I was, on my knees in front of Jason, with my mouth watering at the sight of his hard and throbbing white cock. The long, fat shaft was bobbing in front of my face, ropes of blood-filled veins were displayed along its length and gobs of gooey precum continued to spill from the tip of its large plum shaped top. I stared at it for a short moment, partially nervous about my first sexual interaction and partially taking the time to savor the anticipation of sucking it. Then Jason did what he was supposed to and took control. Grabbing a handful of my short hair in one hand and his cock in the other, he roughly pulled me forward while directing his dick toward my mouth.

“Suck my cock, bitch. Show me what a hot little whore like you is made for,” he growled. “Wrap your pretty black lips around my big white dick and suck it. Eat it and get my cum.”

I discovered that I am one hell of a cocksucker. I took to it like I was born to be doing it. Once Jason’s pulsing white prick slid between my lips, my mouth became a hot, wet vacuum designed to feast upon cock and jizz. My lips clamped tightly around the fat, heavy shaft and began to move back and forth along its length while, at the same time, I used my tongue to increase his pleasure by pressing it hard against the underside of that meaty column of flesh. I took it deep into my throat and coiled my tongue around the sensitive tip whenever I paused to suckle at its throbbing head.

I couldn’t believe how easy it came to me. I only choked on his cock once before I suppressed my gag reflex. After that Jason was able to fuck my face as much as he wanted, treating my mouth and throat like a greedy cunt, and I loved it.

The big dick in my mouth was delicious. It was as if I was sucking on a huge sausage filled with the most tasty steak. And the thick globules of precum that fell on my tongue were like gluey pearls of saltiness that complemented the distinct male flavor of his perfect prick. I couldn’t get enough.

“Yeah, baby, Suck that cock you gorgeous black slut,” Jason groaned as he humped his hips, thrusting his prick in and out of my mouth. “That’s the way. Eat it all up, you cock hungry bitch. Make me fill your mouth and cover your pretty brown face with a big load of cum.”

I gripped my own cock and began to masturbate as I sucked Jason’s, and the pleasure I experienced was unlike anything I’d ever felt before. Blazing surges of sexual sensation shot through my cock and balls in fiery bursts that had me moaning like a whore in heat around the monster-sized rod that was stretching my lips wide.

Moving closer, so that he stood with his legs straddling my shoulders, Jason grabbed handfuls of the hair at the back of my head to hold me in place and began to ram his cock hard and fast into my mouth and throat. He was treating me roughly, treating me like I was a hot piece of ass meant to be used for his pleasure, and I loved it. I felt like I was being taken, and dominated, and owned by that powerful white alpha male.

And, as I submitted to his demanding forcefulness I felt that my transition into womanhood was complete. Releasing my grip on my own cock, I reached up with both hands to grasp the cheeks of his butt and pull him toward me each time he fucked into my throat, encouraging him to thrust even harder and deeper as I slavered with sluttish abandon at his hardness.

While enjoying my first taste of a hard cock, I glanced to the side and saw our reflections in the mirror. What I saw was a huge, muscular white stud shoving his massive prick in and out of the face of a cute, petite black girl as she knelt submissively before him. It was the hottest thing I’d ever seen. And knowing I was the girl I was watching, seeing the way Jason was responding to my ministrations, sent a tingling sensation down my spine that made my own cock throb harder and added to the strange sensation of need emanating from my rectum.

I dug my fingers hard into Jason’s ass cheeks as he vigorously and repeatedly rammed his prick down my throat. Jason grunted and moaned in pleasure as the sensations that flowed from his cock grew stronger and stronger. From the forceful way he was humping his hips, and the strong manner that his big dick began to pulse between my lips, I knew it wouldn’t be long before he came. Wanting him to cum, I caught him on an outstroke and used my tongue to do this crazy fluttering thing under the head of his cock that took him by surprise and sent him over the edge.

Cramming his oversized cock as deep into my throat as it would go, I heard Jason grunt harshly just before his prick bucked and a scalding blast of jizz erupted from his balls to flood my esophagus. His cum was so thick, filled with heavy ropes and clumps, that it created a gelatinous wad which clogged my throat and forced the fluid to move back along the sides of his shaft to flood my mouth with its saltiness.

“Oh fuuuucccckkkkkk! I’m cumming, Jimmy. I’m cumming in your mouth,” he moaned, his body trembling in pleasure. “Eat it! Eat my cum, bitch! Unh, unh, unh. Eat my fuckin’ cummmmmmm!”

Jason shot two more times in my mouth and there was so much of it that the molten, gooey slime began to back up and find an exit through both my mouth and nostrils. I loved the flavor and the nastiness of having his cum in my mouth, and I swallowed again and again around the powerfully flexing bulk in my throat in an attempt to get every drop he had to give. However, there was so much of it that the quantity proved too much for me. Needing to breathe, I pushed myself back from him, pulling my lips free from his bucking prick with a loud, wet slurp before I drowned, and let the rest of his pearly seed spray over the dark skin of my face, painting it with viscid streaks of whiteness.

When I next saw myself in the mirror, I was a complete mess. I saw that lines and blobs of a white man’s whitish spunk striped the features of my cute black face. Around my lips was a froth of cum and spit that also had streamed down to cover my chin then dropped to splash over the top of my chest. The view of myself was so lewdly feminine that I wanted more. I wanted to know what it felt like to have a man fuck me.

“Damn, Jimmy, you suck cock as if you were born with a dick in your mouth,” Jason chuckled as he panted for breath. “I knew there was a hot and nasty little black bitch inside you.”

I smiled at myself in agreement with what he said. I was definitely a hot and nasty little black slut, there was no denying it. And from the way I was feeling, maybe a nympho slut at that. I had no doubt that my decision to embrace my destiny as a girl was the right one, and knew there would be no turning back.

Flicking the pink tip of my tongue out to capture gooey ropes of Jason’s cum from the soft brow surface of my lips, I turned toward him. I saw that his cock was still hard and smiled.

“Are you ready for round two?” I asked, walking up to press myself against his muscular chest as I reached down to stroke my fingers along the sides of his stiffness. “I’m such a whore and I really need to be fucked.”

“Round two it is,” he laughed.

I spent the next two hours sucking and getting fucked by Jason’s enormous white cock. Then, after taking another shower, I went home and immediately told my parents everything. The resulting response, to what I thought would be something that might upset them, was surprising to me. My mother and father laughed and asked me what had taken me so long to figure it out.

That very weekend my mother took me shopping and allowed me to purchase makeup, feminine toiletries, and an entirely new wardrobe. We then went to her beauty salon and I received a complete makeover, including hair extensions. We spent the rest of the weekend practicing my speaking like a girl, moving like a girl, walking in high heels, grooming myself like a girl, etc.

By the time I went back to school I was well on my way to being the woman I had subconsciously always known myself to be. My life as Jimmy ended as, like a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis, I was transformed into my true self. I returned to school as Jami, a beautiful little black bitch with a love of white cock.

Of course, I faced some adversity. Some people didn’t like the thought of me being a woman. Some people didn’t like it when they heard I was a “white cock only” girl. But I didn’t let them get to me. I told them all the same thing.

“Finally, I am what I am. Get over it, bitches.”


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