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Brooke Opens Up

"A first time for a fully transitioned MTF young lady."

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The end of spring was making its way into Pennsylvania with summer knocking on the door and I got to enjoy the drive from Pittsburgh to Hershey for a work conference. You know the ones where they stress three days of leadership and team building. This year, the company picked a five-star hotel with its beautiful venue, attractions, and small cottages. It was a nice getaway from the bustle of the office.

We all arrived on Tuesday in order to start checking in around four in the afternoon. I had pulled my travel bag and laptop computer bag in behind me and stood at the check-in counter. I was waiting for my turn in line when I thought I noticed a familiar face but I couldn’t place it at first. One moment they were there near the entrance and then, they were gone the next. It was only a fleeting glance so I blew it off.

After checking in, I took my access key and made my way to my cottage. I opened the door and stepped into a wonderful cottage suite with a fireplace in the living area and a separate bedroom suite decked out with a king-sized bed and a large bathroom suite.

I quickly unpacked, hooked up my laptop, checked e-mail, and decided I should head to the bar area to meet up with some of the others. There was a social mixer that specific evening and the conference would begin at eight the following morning.

The lounge was beginning to fill with company personnel as well as other guests. One of the main attractions to the lounge was their Whiskey selection. They took pride on having over a hundred whiskies from around the world available for your tasting and pleasure. Well, why not try some today and tonight.

I ordered my first drink at the bar and moved to the large overstuffed chairs, finding one open and with a nice view of outside and the main foyer, before setting my drink down on the table in front of me. It was then that I noticed that familiar face again. It came to me. It was familiar because it looked so similar to the son of Susan and Brian Peters, members of our group. I tried to recall his name when it popped into my head, Brooks. I thought he was a high school student and maybe sixteen years old.

The Brooks I remembered was of slight build, about one hundred and ten pounds soaking wet, maybe five foot four inches in height, long shoulder length blonde hair usually pulled back behind his ears, tanned skin, blue eyes, and very feminine features. He was wonderfully mannered and mature for his age.

But this was a young woman, thick long blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail, dressed in tan khaki pants, a pink and white long sleeve button up blouse, white and pink tennis shoes, and makeup that highlighted her lovely facial features. She stood about the same height as Brooks at about five foot four inches, had an extremely attractive and shapely figure with what looked like pert C cup breasts with cleavage slightly visible from the top three buttons of the blouse being unbuttoned barely revealing a gold chain disappearing into the swell of her breasts.

It was the glance and the young lady appeared to recognize me, or someone near me outside of my purview, as she waived and began to walk towards my direction. This wasn’t the young man that babysat for Jerry and Jennifer when Jennifer’s parents were unavailable. I recalled having seen Brooks over the course of the past three years off and on at Jennifer and Jerry’s, at the Peters’ home, and at other functions. This wasn’t him. At least, I didn’t think it was him as I tried not to focus on the swell of the young woman’s breasts as she approached. But, then she spoke to me directly in a soft sweet voice, as she got closer.

“Mr. Mason, do you remember me? I know this may be kind of a shock to you, but I’m Brooke, Brooke Peters. My parents are Susan and Brian? I used to babysit for Jennifer and Jerry, at least before I headed off to college.” I was confused as he, or she, reached out to shake my hand.

“Don’t worry. I changed my name.” She smiled at me and watched me intently as I smiled back and stood up to reach out to shake her outreached hand. The handshake was not firm, but not too weak. Her hands were soft and small, fitting the petite frame. The smile was warm and quite captivating.

I held the hand as I responded, “Ah, Brooks, or Brooke Peters?” I didn’t know what to say at first before I added, “I thought you were still in high school. So, you are in college now?”

Brooke held onto my hand and smiled back at me, nodding in the affirmative before responding. “I’m attending Penn State. I’m at the end of my freshman year and getting ready to start taking a couple summer classes. I’m here with a small group of friends this week on a break.”

“Brooke, if we are going to get along, you can’t be calling me Mr. Mason, it makes me feel like you are talking to my dad and I don’t see him here in the room. Please call me Tony.”

My response made her more at ease as I let go of her hand and I could feel her fingers graze my palm as she let go. “Thank you, Tony. I would like that, very much.”

“So, Penn State. What are you studying or have you picked your major yet?” I inquired. “I can’t get over it. I remember you, not quite like this, but babysitting Taylor and Chase when Jennifer’s parents weren’t available.”

“I love those kids,” Brooke responded with a smile. “I am studying to be an electrical engineer. I love it. So, what brings you here to Hershey?”

“Work conference. One of those dreaded team building and leadership workshops. We do them every year.” I motioned to Brooke to have a seat in the overstuffed chair next to me. I sipped my drink and frowned. “I’d offer you a drink but I think, if I remember right, eighteen is still too young in the fine Keystone State.”

“Have no worries, Tony, I just turned nineteen and we have our own selections of beer, wine, and alcohol in our rooms. We came prepared. Some of us are heading over to the park tomorrow to check out some of the attractions.”

“Now, what would your parents think?” I asked.

“They know I’m here. I haven’t been here in a couple of years, so it’s all like new for me, especially without my parents hovering over me. So, are you going to ask me?”

I looked at her as she smiled, her legs crossed at the knees, right over left with the right foot bouncing ever so slightly. “Ask you?” I raised my eyebrows as if in a quandary.

“Yes. Ask me. Like, Brooke, have you changed over the past year since I’ve seen you last, and what is this new look? This isn’t how I remember you when you were younger.” I noticed a gold ankle bracelet on her left ankle as her pant leg rose up, lying atop her white and pink sneaker.

I paused for a moment, looking into her eyes and I smiled. “Well, I guess, since you opened the door, I saw you earlier and thought you were a familiar face but couldn’t quite place where from. Then, when I thought I figured it out, you said your name was Brooke, not Brooks. The look, you look quite attractive, as a young woman, dressed the way you are and with the makeup. So, what does this all mean, if I can be that forward to ask?”

“See, now that wasn’t too hard.” She smiled at me and leaned over to continue to speak softly, as to keep the conversation between the two of us as the room filled up with more patrons.

“Well, let me say first, I know of my parent’s sexual leanings and such. I know both of my parents are bi. As a matter of fact, I know you are too.” She paused to let her comments sink in and to watch for my response before continuing. “Oh, and so are Jerry, Jennifer, Nick, Holly, Tom and Gloria and the whole group that meets every month and sometimes more. I came here this week because I wanted to explore a little and possibly lose my virginity. You know, gain some experience away from campus and home. So, what do you think?”

I was stunned. All I could do was say, “Ahh.” I was trying to process everything I just heard. Here I was, a forty-four-year-old bi male having a conversation with the nineteen-year-old “son” of friends who just told me he knew of my sexual connotations and proclivities, as well as his parents’ and all of our friends as if it were common knowledge. Oh, and, he is now a she?

“Oh, and seeing that you still haven’t just come out and asked the most important question, I’ve transitioned.” Again, she paused for effect. Then she smiled, “Completely. I had the surgery last summer and recovered before heading off to school. So, when I said I was looking to lose my virginity, it has a totally different meaning than you might have originally thought or believed.” Now, she watched me for my reaction.

“Tony, it's okay. I’m not going to tell anyone here about your sexual preferences and experiences. It isn’t their business unless you want to tell them. But I thought you should know about me. I love it that you are bi. I have watched you and my dad and mom on their DVDs. In fact, I do believe I am bi too.”

She sat forward, placing her left hand on my right thigh. “When I saw you, I thought to myself, 'Hmmm, I think I may have found someone here that would fit the bill.' I’ve had fantasies about you for a while, especially after seeing you, my dad, and mom as well as the others on the DVDs. What do you think? We dirty up some sheets while you are here and I get to go back to class all relaxed and no longer a virgin? Besides, if you are as good in bed as I’ve seen and overheard, we may be able to play lots, here and back home. I like the idea of that. And maybe you all will have me in the group. Do you think my parents would like to watch or maybe even join in? What do you think? I’d love to tell my parents you and I fucked and would they like to have me join in as well?”

I was floored and aroused at the same time. Brooke ran her hand up my thigh and brushed my cock. I was having a time trying to straighten myself out.

“I see you like the idea.” She paused for a moment to let her observation sink in. “Well, like I said, I transitioned completely. You know, all of the hormones, all of the surgeries, and such. I am a complete woman, a nineteen-year-old woman with womanly desires.”

I looked at her as she began to lean back and watch my reactions. My mind raced as I tried to comprehend what she told me. “How do you know about the group? I thought your parents were pretty careful.”

“Well, I’ve seen the videos at Jerry and Jennifer’s house. Oh, and at my house too. My parents have them like I said. I know Jerry dresses and I’ve seen his and Jennifer’s wardrobes many times. I’ve even dressed in their clothes at times after the kids went to bed and were asleep. I think this helped me realize I was really a female and not a male. By the way, those two have great taste in their erotic wardrobes.”

I could see where Brooks, as a guy, would have made a very cute girl, well a very beautiful woman as she did here. “Well, you are quite a beautiful young lady. It just took me by surprise.”

“Why thank you. That is quite a compliment.” She was blushing.

“So, what are you suggesting for this evening?”

“Again, finding you here was quite a surprise and quite unexpected. I couldn’t have planned it better. Originally, I was going to dress up as a slutty hottie and come down to the bar later after drinks had been going around and people were feeling pretty good and see if there was anyone I would love to have take my virginity. Now, I think I have my idea of what to do.”

“And what is that then?” I sipped my drink slowly.

Brooke crossed her legs over the knees again and leaned forward toward me. “I think you should go take a shower, go have dinner with your work teammates and a few drinks at the bar. I will come down to the bar and find you after I’ve primped and gotten ready. My friends will help me out. You see, we are each other’s mutual support group. Oh, and I have this little red dress and red CFMPs I want to try out tonight and I have other outfits a lot more slutty that I want to try out during the week. Let me show you how I look tonight in the more seductive look and not quite slutty. Then after some time out here, we can go back to your room and you can fuck the daylights out of me. Who knows?”

I smiled at her and leaned forward sliding up in the chair toward her allowing her hand to come in contact with my knee. “I’ll see you then.”

I stood up as she did. Brooke shook my hand ever so lightly, smiled and turned to walk away. As she left, I could see her hips sway and pony tail bounce as she moved with confidence, toward the foyer and out of sight. There were lots of other eyes watching her walk out as well.

My mind swirled at what had just happened. It took a few minutes to let it all sink in. I decided I would take Brooke’s advice. Really, it was a no-brainer. I finished my drink, headed to the room, shaved, showered and changed into black silk boxers, loose-fitting black slacks, a vibrant blue polo, and penny loafers. I then headed back to the restaurant and ordered dinner. By eight that evening, I was in the bar waiting to see Brooke dressed. I wasn’t sure what to expect. If she were as pretty and eye-catching as she was in her khakis and blouse, she would have lots of eyes on her this evening.

Around eight-fifteen, I glanced at the entryway to the bar and there was a blonde woman, hair down to her shoulders and curled, dressed in a red form-fitting dress covering her lovely ass and ending mid-thigh, showing her curves and beautiful lithe legs, in four-inch red stiletto heels and nude hose, grasping a small red clutch. She turned looking over her shoulder, not nervous, but as if she was searching for someone. It was Brooke.

She scanned the bar and her eyes went past me once, then twice. Then I saw the smile. She moved slowly toward the bar, in between the overstuffed chairs and the sofas to where I was standing. Her walk was more of a cat-like strut, with a purpose. Like I thought, almost all eyes were on her, both men and women. She looked so delectable.

She walked right up next to me, placed her clutch on the bar and turned to whisper in my ear. I could smell her expensive perfume. I knew the smell. It was Eau de Joy. Her mother wore it. She spun around showing off her legs and figure. “So, what do you think? Do I pass?”

“Wow, oh, and oh yes!” I softly spoke back. “My God! You are beautiful.”

“I’ll have you know, there isn’t a hair on me with the exception of my head and my eyebrows, and even those have been shaped. As for everything else, electrolysis, completely, and I mean completely smooth. My parents spared no expense helping me transition into who I am before you now.”

She wore the same gold chain with a pearl pendant that rested in the swells of her breasts and the same gold ankle bracelet on her left ankle. Her nails were still the same red as her lipstick, but with white French tips. She looked as if she was made for the dress and her legs, well, killer.

Brooke spoke softly, “You like?”

I was sitting on the stool as she stood there. I slid off the stool and motioned for her to take the seat. She slid up onto the stool, very careful not to show any more of herself than was already exposed. She crossed her legs, showing off her attributes, and tilted her head. She whispered softly, thank you. She reached out to touch my arm and pull me toward her. I leaned down and she softly kissed my ear, sticking her tongue in it lightly.

I smiled and glanced at her. “You know, you are becoming quite a tease.”

“Oh, I’m not a tease. I thought about this the whole time I was getting ready. I plan to seduce you and take every advantage of what you have to offer. For everyone else here, I’m hard to get. For you, I’m all yours.”

“So, what’s your pleasure tonight?” I asked while sipping my drink.

“Besides you? Well, please order me a glass of wine, a semi-sweet Riesling, please. And, depending on how long we can stand it, we’ll see what happens after a couple of glasses or so.”

I looked at her and smiled. “You aren’t old enough to drink here, besides, wouldn’t you have a conflict with your driver’s license?” I was referring to the “he versus she” issue.

“No, I have an ID, silly boy. I’m twenty-two. See?” She handed me her license. It was she, Brooke Marie Peters, twenty-two years old, her face shot, complete with makeup, lipstick, earrings, and her hair down over her shoulders.

“Where did you get this?” I asked her.

“At college, with the right connections, you can get anything.”

She slid her hand over to my arm and held on and smiled at me coyly.

I motioned to the bartender and ordered a half split of a good German Riesling for Brooke. Of course, the bartender asked for her identification and she handed her license over to the young bartender who wasn’t more than twenty-four years old himself. He looked at it and then at her and handed it back before saying “thank you, Miss.” He turned and began to pour her split.

I looked at her and asked her, “Is there anything else you are going to surprise me with?”

She smiled, “I sure hope so.”

We chatted for two hours as we drank our drinks. Our conversations covered college classes, how the family reacted to her change, travel, and Jennifer and Jerry. Eyes in the bar were looking her up and down as well as all over. Such a young pretty lady with a guy that was old enough to be her father.

She finished her split as I finished a second whiskey. “Oh Tony, I’m feeling pretty wicked about right now. If we are ready to head to your room, I would love to show you how wicked I feel.”

She peered up at me, winking and pursing her lips with a little air kiss. I waived for the bartender to settle the tab. All paid, I turned to Brooke and offered my hand to steady her as she slipped off the barstool. The little red dress slid up her thighs exposing the tops of her stockings and the whites of her thighs as she slid forward. Her stiletto heels clicked the floor as they made contact with the marble. She stood up and smiled as she smoothed out her dress over her hips and down her thighs. She gave her ass a little wiggle and picked up her clutch. “Ready.”

I put my arm out for her and she took hold of me and leaned her head against my shoulder. “I do like this.” She smiled. “A girl sure could get used to this. A gentleman, not some smart ass college boy who’s only thought is to cum and play video games.”

As we walked across the room to the doorway leading through the foyer, I could feel the eyes on Brooke’s ass and killer legs as she swung her hips slightly and clicked along on the marble floor. When she walked on the carpet, I could feel her body push against me, in a more confident walk.

As we entered the foyer and out of sight of the lounge patrons, I asked her where she learned how to act so feminine?

“Well,” she responded, “I think I have always known I was a girl and not a guy. First, I loved everything feminine growing up. I loved gymnastics; I’m small for my age and was small in the male appendage department as well. I used to get excited helping my mother with “women things” and never was interested in the normal guy stuff. I loved dolls and still do. And, really, I’ve only desired a man although having a woman is also on my mind as oral sex. What do you think, Jennifer, my mom? I think I would really love to go down on a beautiful pussy and feel it cum. That’s why I was so frustrated and knowing I should have been a woman with breasts, a pussy, and this fine ass, as an attribute. So, I watched mom and paid close attention to her. Jennifer is also one of those I’ve paid such close attention to in most every detail I could.”

We were almost to the outside entrance as she went on. “I spent hours watching mom get ready to go out and prepare for your little parties. She’d have a friend over, girls and guys, when dad was at work and he would too, for that matter, when mom was out. Sometimes, after they thought I was out, someone or couples from the group would drop by and not leave until the wee hours of the morning. But, as for mom, well, I watched her get ready, so feminine. I could spend every minute watching her get ready, selecting her attire and lingerie, putting on her makeup, and primping before heading out. When I’d hear her moan while she was having sex, I wished it were I and not she. Hey, wait a minute, aren’t we going upstairs to your room? The elevators are over there.”

We had walked through the foyer and I guided her through the sliding doors to the outer walkway towards the cottages. “I have a cottage, not one of the rooms. I hope that’s ok.”

“Oh my. My knees are wobbly. How nice. I’ve only seen pictures of them online on their website. Are they as nice as the pictures?”

“You get to tell me when we get there.” Our walk was fairly short as the clicking of her heels on the sidewalk sounded through the night air.

At the door, I fished for the room pass key. Brooke slid in between the door and myself, facing me, looking up into my eyes. “Tony, please, kiss me! I’ve been waiting for this moment and I find it so sexy to kiss you right here, in front of the door.”

I put the key into the lock and stopped what I was doing. I wrapped my arms around her tiny waist and pulled her tight to my body, allowing her to feel my throbbing cock against her stomach. She pressed in against me. I tilted my head down as she tilted hers up, looked me in the eyes before closing them anticipating the kiss. As our lips met, I felt her sigh slightly, her lips parting allowing my tongue to enter her luscious lips and find her waiting tongue.

It was a very, very erotic kiss. I pulled back to look at her face, her eyes still closed. As they slowly opened to focus on me, Brooke sighed and responded. “Oh my God, that was incredible! I’m tingling all over.” Her breathing was shallow and trembling slightly.

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“Where did you learn to kiss like that Brooke?” I asked her.

“Lots of practice. I’ve really explored while at school. My friends. You know, a lot of kissing and heavy petting, along with dressing while going through transition. Now, please take me inside?” She smiled at me and gave me another quick peck on the lips.

She moved slightly to the right and let me unlock the door and open it. I had left an end table light on so that I wouldn’t walk back into the room completely dark. Brooke moved into the doorway and peeked inside. “Oh my. I could love this place.”

She walked into the cottage’s living room with confidence and allure. She was truly a stunning young woman looking as sultry and so demure as she did. She really was a stunner. She turned and noticed the sofa table and walked to it slowly as her hips swayed ever so erotically, her legs so lithe, seductively flipping her hair ever so slightly and then placing her clutch down on the tabletop. She turned, and leaned against the table, her legs crossed at the ankles.

I placed my key on the end table and smiled. “So, would you like a fire? Easy to start one.”

Brooke smiled back and tilted her head. “You already started the fire.” She paused for her verbal impact before continuing on. “But, if you would like to light the fireplace, I would love that.”

I removed my jacket and placed it on the chair and then walked over to the fireplace and grabbed the fireplace matchsticks. I lit a matchstick and turned on the gas to start the flame. In minutes, the fire stabilized and flickered, emitting a wonderful glow. I walked back over to the lamp on the end table and turned it off, letting the fire’s light provide the ambiance.

Brooke grabbed her clutch and waved it in the air at me. “Bathroom? A girl has to freshen up.”

I pointed to the bedroom. She gave me a serious “bedroom eyes” look with a luscious grin and strutted into the bedroom. I walked around the room and closed the curtains while Brooke was in the bathroom and bedroom area. Once closed, I sat down on the sofa to enjoy the fire and waited for Brooke. I heard the door to the bathroom open and she entered the bedroom.

In a few moments, she walked back into view at the bedroom and living area door and leaned against the doorframe. “I like that bath and shower, but I just love this bed!”

I smiled back at Brooke and patted the sofa. “Come and enjoy the fire.”

Brooke slowly walked, no; more like slinked ever so seductively to the sofa before sliding in next to me and leaning her head against my shoulder. She took a deep breath. “This is so wonderful. Better than I could have ever imagined. I really didn’t want my first time to be a frat boy’s wandering hands, four strokes and done leaving me there with cum dripping from my precious pussy. I’ve always been drawn to older, more mature gentlemen. They have learned things, over time.”

I placed my arm over her shoulder and pulled her close in to me, her head leaning in where I could smell her shampoo and conditioner and the fact that she had refreshed her perfume and lipstick.

“You really do have the walk, look, and all down pretty good. It sure does look all-natural, just like you were meant to be the seductive woman you are. And you are right, you don’t deserve being treated like that.”

“I feel so naturally right. Complete. You know, I would be dressed wearing one of Jennifer’s corsets, hose, and one of her silk robes and wonder who she wore it for and how she felt when she was being made love to or whether she just fucked her brains out. Sorry to be so vulgar.”

“No, don’t be sorry. A little vulgarity and being vocal is seductive as all hell. Especially in bed.” I responded.

“So, tell me, Tony. How did you find out you were bi and not just a straight heterosexual male?” Brooke peered up at me as she slightly turned into me and let her right hand slowly slide up and down on my left thigh.

I told her about how I lost my virginity with my mom’s best friend, my divorce, and then my first experience with Robert. I didn’t tell her about my mom. But, as I told her about my first time with a guy, her breathing began to get just a little deeper. She asked me for details and I was as descriptive and in-depth as I could be. She slid her hand closer to my cock but didn’t make contact, making me harder as she rubbed my thigh.

“So, Robert was your first, then you did Robert and Ronald together before they let you in the group. When did you have your first experience with a crossdresser?”

I told her about experiences in Robert’s group with those who dressed and then, of course, I met Jerry and Jennifer. But, I had never been with someone that was a full-time CD nor had I been with someone that had been through any portion of transition up to this point let alone someone that had made a complete transition.

Brooke finally let her hand graze my throbbing cock before she placed her whole palm against it. She could feel my cock pulsing. She looked up at me, batted her eyes, and gave me a seductive grin before taking a deep breath. “I’m told I have the lips to give great head. I’ve watched a lot of videos and dreamt about it a lot. You will be my first in every way you have me.”

I felt her hand take a firm hold of my cock as she looked down at my package. I took a deep breath before commenting. “Brooke, you are, by all means, a beautiful young woman.”

“Tony, I’ve thought about you being my first. I’d often dreamed about it but never thought it would happen. But, seeing you today and here now, all I can say is I want you to be the one that has had all I have to give. Oh, and at some point, if you are pleased with me, I would love to have you with Jerry and Jennifer too. Next weekend, if we can.”

“You’ve really thought this through, haven’t you?” I asked her.

She twisted into me letting go of my cock and laying across my lap, her legs slightly spread open, still lady-like, but as if to give me access to her and pulled me down to kiss her as she leaned up. Her lips were lusciously sweet and her tongue darted into my mouth to swirl around my tongue. I let my right hand slide behind her back and down to her tight ass pulling her tighter to me causing her to moan lightly as she tried to kiss me deeper.

I then let my hands slide up to her waist and lightly slid my hands around the outsides of her breasts. One hand slid down her thigh to her hose and I lightly stroked my fingers on her inner thighs. She parted her legs a little more and moaned a little louder. “Please, Tony, take me in the bedroom. I don’t want to do it here on the sofa, I want the full treatment in bed.” She purred.

I looked her in the eyes, kissed her lips and slid to let her get straightened up before I stood up. I reached out with my left hand to help her up off of the sofa. In doing so, she was ever lady like in all of her mannerisms, showing just enough thigh as she slid her legs off the sofa and then standing on her heels, she swung her hair slightly before gently pulling my hand to lead me to the bedroom.

A nightstand lamp was on, as well as a dim light coming from the bathroom. She stopped in front of the bed and took me by both hands and backed me up to the edge of the bed. Standing there, she reached up and began to undo the two buttons that were fastened on my polo shirt before sliding her hands to my sides, grasping my shirt and began to pull it up. I helped her.

Once off, she ran her hands over my chest and down the front of my abs before stopping at my belt buckle. Slowly, watching my eyes watch her, she worked the buckle open and slid her hands to my ass pulling me close to kiss me deeply. As we kissed, her hands slowly unbuttoned my slacks and slid down the zipper. Her right hand slid down inside of my pants to press against my throbbing cock in my black silk boxers. She moaned, “Oh my. I like this.”

I felt her long red French tipped nails graze against my inner thigh as she slid her hand up and down my throbbing rod. In a pause to take a deep breath from the kiss, she slid her hands to my sides and slid my slacks down, leaving my silk boxers on. She dropped to her knees to help me step out of my loafers and my slacks. She looked straight ahead at my crotch before leaning in and placing her nose slightly against me and let her tongue slide out and slowly press against the silk of my boxers, letting me feel her tongue move up toward the head ever so slightly.

It was then that she reached for the waistband of my boxers and slowly began to slide them down. The head of my rock hard cock caught on the waistband of my boxers. She leaned forward and let her fingers slide around to free me from the silk trap. My cock standing straight up, throbbing hard, right in front of her mouth.

She looked up at me as her mouth opened and the head of my cock became enveloped by the most luscious red full lips while her hands worked my boxers down to my feet. I lifted one foot, then the other, to step out of them. I was now completely naked for her. She slowly slid her mouth down the shaft, taking in the first four inches of my cock, letting her tongue tease the shaft and the head as she slowly took me in. I let out a deep sigh.

She looked up at me and let my cock escape from her mouth and lips. “Am I doing ok?” She asked.

“Oh my Brooke. To say yes would be an understatement.”

She slowly stood up. She smoothed her dress out over her hips and spread her legs ever so slightly, shifting her weight and hips cocked to one side, then her hand on her cocked hip and one on my cock. “Now, slide up on the bed and let me give you a little show.” She softly whispered.

I slid myself back onto the bed and moved to the center as she stepped backward three small steps. She spun around showing me her back and her ass and slowly bent over at the waist, her legs spread. She gave a little stripper’s wiggle letting the hem of her dress ride up as she bent over. She was showing off her flexibility. “It pays to have been a gymnast, don’t you think?”

“Oh yes it does. You are quite limber.” I responded and smiled at her.

She slowly began to gyrate her ass as she straightened up, then looked over her shoulder and kicked her left leg back before slowly swaying her hips. She reached behind her back and caught the zipper and slowly pulled it down. She shimmied as she slid one shoulder and arm from the dress showing the back of her red lace bra partially hidden by her blonde tresses. She then slid her arm out of the other side and let the top of the dress fall to her hips.

She slid her hands down the sides of her hips and guided the red dress off her hips to a little puddle at her feet leaving her in her bra, a red short slip, panties, garter belt, hose, and those red stilettos. She looked over her shoulder again and smiled demurely, “How is the view so far?” She asked in a very sultry voice.

“Oh my God! You are so gorgeous!” I responded.

“You are so kind.” She whispered back. “You’re just saying that.”

“If I was lying, then why is my cock rock hard and throbbing?” I looked down at my throbbing member for emphasis.

She turned around facing me, eyeing my throbbing cock, and slid the slip off her hips to fall onto the floor at her feet. She squatted down, spreading her legs so provocatively giving me a wonderful view of her legs and a hint of her newly developed womanhood. She picked up both the dress and the slip and laid them across the overstuffed chair in the corner of the bedroom. When she turned around, her hair cascaded over her shoulders. Her body was flawless from this view with slightly flared hips, wonderfully shaped and lithe legs clad in those hose and heels. The ankle bracelet sparkled and her breasts were beautiful orbs barely encased in the lace bra that matched her French cut panties. Her nipples were hard and pointing out, begging to be touched.

She slowly walked, no, strutted, to the edge of the bed. She reached behind her back and unclipped her bra and let it slide off her shoulders and fall to the floor. Her nipples were upturned ever so slightly but hard as Number Two pencil erasers on that new pencil. Next, she slid her panties from her hips and down her legs. She stepped out of them and then smiled. She took a deep breath as she slid up onto the bed and slowly began to crawl to me.

“I also do quite well on a stripper’s pole. I will have to show you sometime.” She winked.

She stopped to lean over and let her tongue slide up the shaft of my cock before sucking in the head and letting her tongue swirl over and around the head letting it go with a soft plop from her lips. She straddled me on all fours; her firm breasts now within reach and looked me straight in the eyes.

I reached up and let my hands cup the sides of her breasts as I leaned forward to kiss her luscious lips. Her moan let me know she liked my touch and my kisses while my hands continued to roam over her luscious orbs. She began to slide her pussy over the shaft of my cock. Now it was my turn to moan.

She slid up further ensuring my lips and tongue could reach the nipples on her breasts as she leaned forward. I switched back and forth between those two magnificent breasts causing her to moan louder.

She leaned back, pulling her breasts from me and grasped my cock. The smile on her face as she stroked me gave way to a lusty grin with half-closed eyes as she slid back slightly and lifted her ass to line my cock up with her slit. She eased back slightly causing her full and opened pussy lips to wrap around the sides of my cock. She felt slick as if she was totally soaked and waiting for my cock. She leaned forward and whispered in my ear, “I pre-lubed myself with some Silk lube, to help me lubricate. I really want you in me. So, please, let me slide onto you at my speed to get used to you. I’ve only had my dilators in me and my Cyberskin dildo.”

I nodded to her giving her my acknowledgment to her desires. She reached between her legs, lifted up and slid backward, slowly, guiding my cock into her new womanly folds. Now it was my turn to moan softly as the head of my cock was positioned to enter her love tunnel.

Brooke’s facial expressions she was displaying showed how intent she was on slowly taking my cock. I felt the head breach her lips and slowly began to be consumed by her newly created vaginal canal. She was tight. As she took two inches, she slid up to allow the head of my cock to almost breach before sliding down to take more of me. She was slowly learning how to fuck me and enjoy the feeling of my cock.

“Oh my God, Tony! Your cock, I love the feeling of your cock in me. I feel you throbbing. Definitely feels much better than my friend I’ve been pleasuring myself with. Oh my God! I love it.”

She continued to slowly fuck my cock, taking me slightly deeper with each stroke. The look in her eyes as she would look up as my cock would begin to slip out of her and then her sensual desire look as she slid back down onto my cock and would look me straight in the eye as to show me she was fucking me.

I let her control the situation at which one point, she took a deep breath and her body shook. “Oh my God! What a sensation. I felt it progress right through my body. I love it!”

She slowly began to pick up the pace as she took me as deep as she could. She grasped my face, kissing me as she fucked my cock. Her body shook a second time. She looked so sensual and satisfied as she looked me in the eyes again. She held onto me and leaned to roll us over, my cock never leaving her pussy. “Please fuck me slow, I can feel your cock pulsing, I swear each vein in your cock is pulsing and I love it.”

I took the lead at this point and slowly began to slip into her depths and eased out to the head before slowly dipping back into her. After a few slow and deep strokes, Brooke began to move her hips to meet my cock’s penetration of her womanhood. We slowly made love where there was no mad rush to fuck or cum, just enjoy the pleasurable feelings of this young nymph’s exquisite body and sensuality.

We were both lost in the lust of each other’s bodies. I have no idea how long we were at it. We were like two ferrets in heat. It was when I could feel the cum in my balls wanting to erupt that I slowed down and let the head sit just outside of her gaping pussy. She kept moving her hips to try to slide my hardness back into her. She looked into my eyes, “Baby, is there something wrong? Am I doing something wrong?” She questioned.

“Oh my no.” I took a deep breath. “I’m afraid I’m going to hurt you and I’m not ready to cum quite yet. You feel so damn good.”

She giggled lustfully and smiled at me before pushing her hips up to try and slide my cock back in her. “Please, fuck me and cum, we have all night and the next few days. I want to feel you cum in me. I’ve already had three orgasms from your pleasure tool you’ve been filling me with. Please, I’m begging you to let me feel you cum in me.”

Her eyes were so damn sparkling blue and beautiful, her face angelic and with a raw sex glow about her. I slowly slid back into her meeting her thrusts. She was animalistic, begging me to fuck her. Finally, I planted myself as deep in her as I could and let loose a massive load of cum. I swear, my body shook and shook as I filled her with my love juice, powerful rope after rope of cum. She shook and moaned as I came. Again, I was afraid that I had hurt her.

“Brooke, baby, are you okay? I didn’t hurt you did I?”

Her eyes were closed and her hands were clasped onto my ass cheeks securing my cock deep in her. When her eyes opened, she smiled before speaking. “My God, Tony. You can cum a gallon. I felt every bit of cum empty out of that cock of yours into me. You’re still hard.”

She was right. I was still hard and throbbing. “You were, or are, so wet.”

She kissed me. “Silly, I still get wet and I cum. I used the lube because you were my first real cock and I didn’t want to risk waiting to see if everything kicked in the same way as when I masturbate with my toys. Oh, the real thing is so much better.”

We laid there, interlocked. Her legs wrapped around me and I was still buried in her. We kept kissing, softly.

“You know, if this cock of yours is going to stay hard, I sure don’t want to waste it. If you are up to it, and I know you are, I can feel you, please, please, grab the lube from the counter in the bathroom and bring it here?”

I slowly slid back as she spread her legs, still in her garter, hose and heels, looking so damn seductive. My cock was still rock hard. I slid off the bed and made my way to the bathroom and grabbed the tube of lube and brought it back to the bed. As I approached, Brooke rolled over getting onto all fours and wiggled her ass at me. I could see my cum slowly dripping from her pussy. I slid my fingers in to grab a scoop of my cum and licked it from my fingers. Brooke watched intently. “Oh, naughty boy.”

“Don’t worry, I am going to drink every remaining drop from you. I love doing that.”

lubed my cock and then her beautifully puckered asshole. First, one finger then two. I slowly massaged her tight rosebud. Her moans increased as I slid up behind her and placed my cock against her welcoming hot ass. I pressed the head against it and I could feel the resistance begin to give way. She slowly slid back against me in her attempt to help me gain entry. I felt her puckered ring give way as the head of my cock slipped in causing her to moan louder and wiggle her ass as she began to slowly take my cock.

Her firm orbs hung down giving a spectacular view of her hard nipples. I reached under and cupped her breasts, tweaking her nipples making them harder while grasping her hips and slowly starting to fuck her ass. She became very vocal at that point.

“Oh fuck, yes. Fuck yes. Oh my fucking…that’s it, do it to me. Take me. Fuck me, Tony, fuck me good.” She continued as she met every thrust.

Now, having cum once already, she was in for a long ride at this point. I reached below her with both hands and massaged her taut breasts, twisting her nipples as I slid into her. At one point, I pulled out of her and leaned back, her ass was wide-open waiting for me as she kept begging me to fill her. I grabbed the lube bottle and poured more into her open hole as it slowly began to close and I dribbled some along the length of my cock, before sliding back into her.

It was at this point she became a wild woman. She had three fingers of her right hand now jammed into her pussy as her body shook while she murmured, “fuck, fuck, fuck,” over and over.

I felt myself finally fighting the need to cum. Then Brooke shook again, moaning, “Please, God, Tony, cum in me, please cum in me. Let me feel you cum. I beg you I need to feel you cum.”

I felt it rise through me and I let loose another torrent of cum, deep in her ass.

“Oh fuck! I feel it! I feel you cumming in me. Oh fuck!”

I buried myself in her, pulling her tight. My own body seemed to continue to spasm as I came down from the high of my own climax.

She fell forward with my cock sliding out with a plop, followed by globs of cum. I sat back on my heels and looked at her lovely ass and pussy, both oozing my cum from her. I leaned forward and began to lick and suck my cum from her ass as she began to shake again. Her body quivered and then she dropped flat on the bed. I smiled at her and then turned her over, spread her legs, and dove into her pussy to drink myself from her.

She kept shaking from time to time, running her fingers through my hair as I cleaned her out. When I had drunk all I could find from her two love holes, I pulled back and laid down next to her on my back.

She turned to me and snuggled up into my shoulder, moving a leg over mine while placing her hand on my cock. She lovingly held it in her hand and looked up at me before she spoke. “I think you have set a high bar for any other guy to match. I’m so glad I saw you in the lobby here today.”

I smiled at her as I ran my fingers through her hair. This was going to be some kind of training week. Wait till I tell Jennifer and Jerry tomorrow. They are going to flip.


Written by EnjoyBoth
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