I was just entering my prearranged destination. It was 11 pm and just before I paid the admittance fee, I stopped to look at myself in the mirrored walls. Reflected before me was a sexy, if a little sluttish looking woman in her thirties. The only discrepancy being that I was actually a 37-year-old man, happily married and, here at the precise instruction of the woman I loved and was married to. She had returned home a day early, from a trip to her sister's place, in the country.
What she found as she walked in, was her husband wearing her underwear and, fully made up to boot. She insisted that, if I wanted to remain married to her, I would agree to dress up for her, whenever and wherever she instructed me to. I was flabbergasted and truly lost for words. I didn't want to lose her but I knew she could be a vindictive cow, when she wanted. I agreed meekly to this arrangement, which is why I am here, about to enter a transvestite club on the Earls Court Road, fully transformed into my female persona, Pip. In my hand I hold a sheet of paper and, have instructions that I must show it to anyone that I speak to, once inside the club.
The paper reads as follows:
I have been instructed to show this to anyone I talk to. Please read it thoroughly. Please note that the woman you are talking to is actually my husband. He is known as Pip when dressed like this. I have asked him to fulfill a mission for me. It is in four parts, the first of which he/she completed by entering the club. She cannot disclose her mission parts until they have been accomplished but, if asked about it once she has completed them, she must answer all questions fully and truthfully. Barring her identity, Pip must reply honestly to any question she is posed and has been asked to be reasonably accommodating to people's requests of her. She is not to be harmed or marked in any way. Have fun!
I paid and went downstairs to the bar and dance floor. The barman wasn't busy so I went to order a drink, as he approached I realised I was going to have to speak to him. I nearly lost my bottle but he was already asking me! As humiliated as I felt, I handed him the piece of paper and watched blushingly as he read it all. His smile grew as he read through the wording and, handing it back he asked what I wanted to drink. I ordered wine and handed him the money. He disappeared to the far end of the bar and, I saw him talking animatedly with a small group of very convincing cross dressers. He pointed right at me and 2 of the 'girls' walked right over to me and, striking up conversation immediately. I handed them the paper and grew nervous at what might happen. One of them confirmed that this was true with me, asking me if it were a wind up. I reassured them of its validity and that I was a willing participant in this whole affair. One of the two whisked away my instruction sheet and took it over to the rest of the group where, she passed it round to them all. I saw each of them read through it, occasionally glancing over to look lecherously at me. The one that had stayed with me leant forward and planted a quick kiss on my lips, her tongue licking mine briefly. C2 She held me by the forearm gently stroking my silk gloves as she said, "I think it's time that you met the rest of us Pip, because I get the feeling we're all going to get to know you pretty well tonight." She smiled knowingly as she looked me straight in the eyes. I was wearing some seriously classy clothes that really gave me the look of a high-class hooker. Long shiny red silk gloves, a thin red suede choker around my neck and a black and orange snake skin three quarter length PVC coat were the items that framed my torso. Underneath I wore a see through red blouse with a thigh length patent black leather skirt, concealing a blood red suede Basque which had been fitted especially with a patent leather waist reducing corset and that snapped shut using a thick flap that was made as a harness that firmly held my manhood in place, hidden away between my legs. My wife had fully depilated my body, leaving me as smooth as a baby's bottom from head to toe and, had insisted on buying me a pair of silicon falsies which were now stuck on my hairless chest, giving the impression that I had real boobs which were held tightly in place by the Basque and its three quarter cups. She had also made sure that the waist-reducing corset was as tight as possible before I'd left the house, pulling my waist in from a chubby 36" to a much more appealing and feminine 26". Over the bottom flap, I was wearing a pair of lacy tanga knickers and, covering my legs was a pair of red silk hold-up stockings with a Cuban heel and lacy patterned top. My footwear consisted of a pair of leather boots, which came to just above my knees and sported a fairly thin 4" heel, making it difficult though not impossible for me to keep my balance and walk with a fairly feminine gait. My eyebrows had been plucked and shaped and my wife had made me up very convincingly, spending a lot of time on my eyes, making them very bold and eye-catching. My lips also were full and glossy, in a bright red contoured with a dark lip pencil. To top it all off, my wife had insisted I wear a bright red short wig, styled into a modern cut that was swept forward over my ears and part of my cheeks. Although they could not be seen whilst I was dressed, my mistress had also given me a pedicure including painting my nails scarlet and, had stuck false nails to my hands with super glue, making sure that I had no hope of removing them, they too were painted in the same vivacious scarlet polish.The corset made me stand very straight, pushing out my chest and bum and accentuating my curves, while the fairly thin heels on my boots meant that I had to be very careful of my balance while I walked, making me sway my hips a little in a very sexy and enticing manner. As we walked toward the rest of the group, we stopped to put my coat away and get a ticket in return, leaving my upper body showing the sexy Basque and corset through the sheer material of my blouse. As we got closer I realised that not all of the group were cross dressers and that 2 of the party were stunningly attractive young women. Myself included there were 6 of us in all and each member of this little gathering had a big wide smile plastered over his or her face, all that is except for me. I had begun to dread the situation and all the while grow excited at the prospect of the evening to come.
The group consisted of a married couple Melanie and Alphonse, better known as Alison in his TV state and, a threesome made up of a very stern but beautiful looking woman in her thirties together with the two 'girls' that had made the initial contact with me. Both of these were transsexuals, one pre-op TS the other a fully transformed post-op TS. All appeared to be very sexy and feminine women, with the exception of Stephanie the pre-op TS who looked exactly like a model but, was sporting a semi-erect penis that was strapped in a leather harness, clearly visible in shape through the Lycra skirt she was wearing. Davinia, the post-op TS was the first to begin the introductions explaining her TS status and nodding to Stefie who, in turn explained she was a TS and that she and Davinia were here as a trio with their Mistress Mari. The imposing figure of Mari immediately approached me, looking me up and down appraisingly as she did so. She stopped only inches from my face and starring me right in the eyes, she said: "Nice to meet you, Pip. You have attained a suitable standard. You're Mistress must be very pleased with you. Will you agree to becoming my third submissive for this evening, in the absence of your true Mistress and, abiding fully by her prior instructions of course?" Stunned and surprised by this unexpected turn of events, I found myself agreeing to do so without truly thinking through the implications of my actions.