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Toying With A Fantasy

"Taking a moment to enjoy the double pleasure of his hardness and the toy."

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Author's Notes

"All actions in this scene were made with mutual consent."

"Emma, won't you take a breather? You've been cooped up in bed writing all evening," my boyfriend pleaded, his voice dripping with an irresistible charm.

I stopped typing as I propped myself up and inhaled deeply, my muscles stiff and tense from hours of hunching over my laptop. I had no idea how much time had passed until he brought it up; I'd been lost deep within my headspace, barely aware of the world around me.

"Yes, actually," I replied with a flirtatious smile, placing my laptop on the nightstand beside the bed.

His sultry gaze pierced through me, and his lips curled up into that oh-so alluring smirk. The tension between us was palpable—an electric buzzing that filled the space with anticipation. My pulse was thundering in my chest, and I felt like I couldn't get enough air as he paced steadily towards me. His comforting yet thrilling presence had always had that captivating impact on me.

As he carefully sat down beside me, his heated stare penetrated my soul, and I felt like I was being pulled in by a gravitational force stronger than any logical argument. The heady aroma of his cologne wafted over me, drenching my resolve in a blanket of sweet temptation as he inched closer and closer, making the air between us so thick with desire that it seemed to consume the very oxygen around us.

His deep voice sent shivers up my spine as he spoke. "I know you were writing a story about us, right?"

His breath was like honey and temptation, caressing my lips as he spoke, and the intensity of his gaze seared into my heart, sending a wave of warmth from my lips to my toes.

Trying to stay composed, I responded coyly, "Perhaps I was, perhaps I wasn't. Follow me on Lush and read all of my stories to find out."

He gave me a seductive smile, letting his gaze linger on my lips before he spoke in a husky voice, "I already follow you, EMoon.”

His breath heated my skin, fanning the flames so that I shuddered in delight with every exhale he made, and my cheeks burned as a deep crimson flush spread quickly across them. I couldn't resist the urge to lean in closer, my heart racing as his hands moved tantalizingly up and down my curves. As he tenderly traced patterns on my body, his fingers left a trail of tingles in their wake, bringing forth ever-increasing waves of delight that rippled over me until I was writhing with anticipation for the night to come.

I quivered with exhilaration as my gaze remained fixed on him, teetering between jittery excitement and captivating pleasure, daringly whispering, "Well then, you're one step ahead of the game.”

"Speaking of games," he purred, his strong hands pulling me close, and I melted into his embrace like soft butter against a warm pan. His lips were so close to mine, just a hair's breath away from a lingering kiss.

"I'd love to get naughty with my kitten tonight," he whispered suggestively in my ear, igniting my nerves.

Everything else faded away in that moment, leaving only him, me, and the heat of our desire. His fingers played with the strands of my hair as he leaned in closer, his breath hot against my lips. Our breaths became more and more urgent, my heart pounding with anticipation as he brushed his lips against mine. His lips felt soft, velvety and alluring, eliciting a desire within me that wanted nothing more than to explore further. We kissed passionately until a delicious sensation spread over us both that I never wanted to end.

As his lips tenderly parted from mine, my heart thundered in my chest like a wild animal set free and my body was alive with a trembling, insatiable lust. His eyes brimmed with fiery heat, and that cunning smile of his exuded a mischievous energy that spun around me like a tornado of desire.

"I'm going to take a quick shower, kitten; make sure you're ready for me when I get back," he said in a husky whisper, making my clitoris throb.

His commanding presence was undeniable, and my heart pounded with excitement. I wanted to lunge forward and lock lips with him, but instead I bit my lower lip and nodded enthusiastically in agreement. With each step he took toward the bathroom, a fresh rush of adrenaline fluttered through me until I could barely contain myself by the time he reached it.

When I heard the shower start, I jumped out of bed and removed my equivalent of PJs—a simple tank top and panties—before heading to the dresser, where I keep my toys. As I walked across my bedroom towards the sturdy old dresser in the corner, I glanced at my naked reflection in the mirror and smiled at the faint bluish blotches he'd left all over my buttocks. They were a pleasant reminder of the good time we'd had the night before—a temporary mark on my skin that would fade away in a few days. As I traced my fingers over the tender spots, my gaze shifted to the tattoo—a permanent symbol of our bond. 

After cautiously opening the topmost drawer, I picked up the delicate, white and pink, furry kitty ears with their tiny silver hair clip attached and tenderly clipped them into my hair. My thrill intensified as I held up my play collar with its sheer black lace fabric brushing sensually against my fingertips like a sweet whisper of seduction. I gently wrapped it around my neck, marveling at its softness and feeling every nerve in my body tingle with excitement as I fastened the tiny, delicate buckle. The attached bell tinkled gently in time with my thudding heart, as if quietly ushering in a new, exciting adventure.

I grabbed the last of my kitten gear, a fluffy tail buttplug that matches the color of my ears, and generously applied lube to its surface before lying down on the bed. Watching myself in the mirror, I pressed the tip of the plug against my puckered hole and slowly pushed it inside, feeling a pleasurable stretch as it settled comfortably in place, relishing the sensation of being filled and ready for whatever playful mischief lay ahead.

As I moved the plug in and out, exploring the pleasure it provided, I let out a soft moan that only grew louder as my arousal skyrocketed. My gaze was fixed on myself in the mirror, captivated by how sexy and seductive I looked. Thoughts of somebody watching me as I explored myself filled my mind with each stroke of the plug, sending new waves of desire coursing through me. With every thrust of the plug, a new wave of intense pleasure would wash over my body until there was no turning back from the fantasy consuming me.

When I heard the shower stop running, I pushed the plug all the way in, feeling full and extremely aroused. As I sat up on the plush, king-sized bed, my muscles tightened around the toy. In a slow, seductive rhythm, I lowered myself onto my hands and knees. Every movement heightened my yearning, and every sensation—from the chilling caress of air against my skin to the smoldering heat at my aroused core—fed my lust.

My reflection in the mirror was tantalizing; imagining his reaction when he would see me like this—a playful kitty awaiting her Master—got my heart racing as I reveled in the power of my own sensuality. In eager anticipation of his desire, I wiggled my hips, and the fluffy tail swished back and forth, adding to the sensation of being a playful kitten. I knew his hungry gaze would soon be running over me like heated caresses and liquid passion welled up from the depths of my being and trickled down my quivering thighs.

My heart was pounding in anticipation of his arrival, and desire pumped through me with every beat. I leaned forward, arching my back and pushing my luscious bottom up towards the ceiling as I rested my hot forehead on the cool bedsheets and waited in eager apprehension.

I couldn't help but smile as he entered the room, a mischievous look in his eyes and completely naked, his already half-erect cock swaying with each step he took towards me. His smoldering gaze seemed to burn through every inch of my skin, searing its way down and making me blush.

As I nervously lifted my head, my gaze locked with his. His eyes blazed, and he gave me a sinful grin, promising all kinds of pleasure. His hungry gaze only served to fuel my growing desire as he admired me on all fours, vulnerable before him, waiting expectantly to fulfill his deepest fantasies.

"Did I give you permission to break the pose, kitten?" he asked, his voice dangerously low but dripping with seduction.

"No, Master," I said, my voice vibrating with desire as I quickly averted my gaze, feeling my cheeks flush with a deep shade of red, and I quivered as his strong presence triggered a primal need in me.

I could sense his amusement as he watched me squirm under his gaze, and I felt transparent, as if every emotion was written on my skin like a billboard for him to read. I ached for whatever it was he had planned next, be it punishment or pleasure; either way, I wanted to give in to his control, surrendering myself to the thrill of the unknown.

"What naughty things can I do with my bratty little kitty tonight?" he murmured, his fingertips leaving trails of electric shocks down my spine as they lightly moved up and down, igniting an irresistible blaze deep in my core.

His voice shimmered with unspoken promises, my anticipation escalating with each word that passed between his lips. An ache formed deep within me as I yearned for him to take our scene further and satisfy the insatiable craving that was growing ever stronger.

His fingertips moved slowly and gently over my curves, the warmth of his palms radiating through me, and I felt myself weaken beneath his passionate caress, my body alive with sensations as our connection filled the air around us. I could feel myself trembling in time with each new motion he made, desperate for him to take control, yearning for the power he exuded.

His hands ran languidly over my buttocks, and I couldn't help but let out a soft moan, completely surrendering to his touch. As he slowly raised his hand, my muscles instinctively froze in anticipation. With bated breath, I awaited his touch, wondering if this time it would be the slap of a firm hand on my buttock or instead of something gentler and more affectionate.

When he lowered his hand and tenderly caressed my bottom, I became still and silent, lost in a thousand sensations that suspended me between longing for more and yet being scared of how far things would go if he continued. Each sensuous stroke seemed more intimate than the one preceding it, and little flames of lust licked up around my soul, scorching my senses with their intensity and a desire that felt uncontrollable and wild.

"You have such a lovely tail," he said with admiration, "but I have something else in mind to fill that tiny hole."

I trembled with desire as he took a step back and walked away, leaving me yearning for nothing more than to feel him deep within me. I could barely contain my excitement as I heard him open the drawer, and despite my desire to sneak a peek, I was aware that doing so would result in his preferred punishment—orgasm denial, and I didn't want to risk it. Instead, I focused on the sound of his movements, imagining what he might be selecting from our collection of toys and restraints.

The anticipation only fueled my desire as my body braced itself for erotic torture, eagerly anticipating the sweet agony to come. I felt the plug slowly slip out of me as he tugged on the tail, and then the emptiness inside me as the plug was fully removed. My eyes were closed, lost in the sensation of being so exposed and raw to his touch, as an overwhelming sense of vulnerability washed over me.

"I have a surprise for you that I think you're going to love," he murmured seductively. "Take a look."

I eagerly opened my eyes to find a large, ribbed dildo lying tantalizingly next to me on the bed. Excitement coursed through my veins as its sleek curves drew my attention—a promise of pleasure that made me even more aroused, and my vaginal muscles contracted with need as I assumed this would serve as foreplay before we had anal sex—I was right, but not in the way I expected.

"It's to fill your ass," Master explained in his deep, sultry voice.

His words hung heavy in the air, and the arousal was quickly replaced by discomfort as I took in the size of the toy, which grew wider and wider towards the base and made me feel intimidated.

As he leaned in closer, his breath tickled my cheeks, and his lips grazed my neck as he spoke softly into my ear. "Are you prepared to go on this ride, kitten?"

I took a deep breath and reminded myself that I had a safe word if things got too intense, and that I trusted him to guide me through this experience. Even though I couldn't quite suppress a feeling of trepidation, the promise of traversing unknown realms of pleasure and testing my boundaries was too enticing to refuse, so I nodded slowly with a drumming heart. His voice lowered to a seductive whisper as he told me to lie on my back.

My body tingled in anticipation as I settled onto the cool sheets and my gaze was fixed on him as he grasped the large silicone dildo, reaching for the lube bottle on the nightstand. He coated the toy with a liberal amount of slick lubricant, teasingly running each ridge with a finger before meeting my eyes with a feral grin.

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My heart skipped a beat as he crawled across the bed towards me with the dildo in his hand, and I couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness as he positioned himself between my legs, the toy hovering just inches away from my body.

With a devilish glint in his eye, he pressed the tip of the toy against my star hole and slowly began to ease it inside me, making me gasp. As he pushed the toy, which had appeared massive in my overreacting mind, deeper inside, my muscles clenched and I whimpered.

"Come on, kitten, you can take more," he said almost commandingly. "Just relax and let it completely fill you up."

I looked up at him, unsure of what to do. I didn't want to disappoint him, but the thought of taking any more was overwhelming.

"Do you want me to take it out?" he asked, noticing my hesitation and distress.

I drew in a shaky breath, my body trembling as desire and fear battled within me, but there was something thrilling as well—the knowledge that I could experience pleasures like never before. I shook my head slowly, biting my lip as I surrendered to the moment, hoping that I was ready for it.

"That's my fearless kitten," he teased, smiling knowingly.

The toy slid deeper inside me as I relaxed, and I couldn't help but moan as the sensations overwhelmed me. He stroked my hair and whispered into my ear, "You're doing great, kitten. Only a little more to go."

As he pushed the dildo further into my tight, pulsating hole, I found it difficult to withstand the intense sensation of being stretched beyond capacity to the point of breaking. In an effort to maintain composure, I took several deep breaths, hoping the pain would subside and transform into pleasure, as it had before.

With each inch he penetrated deeper, I tensed up involuntarily, and a wave of intense pleasurable pain swept through me. I exclaimed in surprise and grabbed his wrist to stop him. He looked at me with concern, asking if he had hurt me. I shook my head, my breath coming in short gasps as I tried to adjust to the sensation, and told him it was just too intense.

"Please, Master, it doesn't fit; it's too big," I groaned, making up excuses as I often do when I'm afraid to try something new.

"Enough," he said firmly, and I knew his tone meant he wasn't going to put up with my whining any longer. "The toy's widest point is the same thickness as my cock," he added. "You can definitely handle this toy if you can take my cock inside your ass. The only question is whether you're willing to give it a shot."

When our eyes met, I realized he was right; I had nothing to lose and everything to gain by letting go of my fear. I took a deep breath and nodded as I let go of his wrist.

"Take the toy," he ordered.

I reached out and wrapped my fingers around the toy that was buried deep inside me, feeling my body tremble as I clasped it in my palm. His eyes followed my movements, and they seemed to smolder with desire as he leaned back, slowly stroking himself until his cock was fully erect. The sight of him sent my heart racing and triggered a wild, animalistic desire deep within me. His voice was deep as he instructed me to push the toy all the way in, intensifying the pleasure swirling within me.

I hesitated for a moment, but his commanding tone and need in his eyes made me want to please him. I pushed the dildo in deeper and deeper as an electrifying mix of pleasure and fight-or-flight senses surged through me with each inch, but my Master's moans propelled me forward until a twinge of pain forced me to pause.

"I'm sorry, Master... but I can't," I said timidly, despite the fact that the thought of him pushing past the boundaries of pleasure I had set for myself filled me with a crazy excitement that infused every word that came out of my mouth.

His deep voice was salacious as he leaned in closer, breathing heavily against my skin. "If you're not going to be a good pet and obey," he murmured, tracing his finger down along the length of my inner thigh. "Then you won't get to experience the pleasure that comes with feeling the full, throbbing length of my hard cock inside your wet pussy."

His engorged member rose proudly before me, droplets of arousal dripping from its tip as if begging for satisfaction. Master smiled devilishly as his eyes settled on mine and all I could do was stare hungrily into those smoldering depths.

I felt an intense craving pulsating deep within my being, stirring up a quivering mix of apprehension and desire in the depths of my wet folds. My womanly core clenched involuntarily in response to these sensations, wanting to be filled with all it could handle. My nipples hardened and my clitoris throbbed insistently as the promise of pure ecstasy lingered in the air, driving me wild with desire. With my heart pounding, I couldn't bring myself to speak the safe word that would make everything stop.

"Please, Master," I begged, my voice barely above a whisper. "Take me; I want you."

"Push the dildo all the way in," he said sternly, ignoring my desperate plea.

His domineering presence left me shaking, my heart pounding with a frenzy both intimidating and exciting. I wanted nothing more than to trust in his power and hand myself over, surrendering total control despite not having an idea of what pleasure was about to come. Every wave of apprehension driven away by my desire to be led into utmost bliss, a feeling that would take me further from the depths of my comfort zone and into uncharted pleasure.

The moment I allowed myself to let go of restraints, an alluring excitement ran through my veins. I was alive in that instant—no limitations, no inhibitions, just me and the wild thrill that comes with being fearlessly naughty. As if it were an uncontrollable wave of desire washing over me, I became lost in its rapturous seductiveness, like a kitten in heat. Every nerve of my body throbbed from this beautiful feeling of intensity as I reveled in the liberating sensation that follows having removed taboos that once confined me.

As I pushed the toy further inside me, I found myself tested beyond what I thought possible, but the momentary sting quickly shifted into a wave of pleasure that crashed through me with an intensity so powerful that it threatened to overwhelm my sane logic and put me in a trance-like ecstasy. I pushed the dildo all the way, feeling my body shudder with pleasure as I surrendered to the sensations that consumed me completely.

"That is my good, obedient kitten," he said as he climbed on top of me.

As I savored the fullness of the dildo inside me, his hands roamed my body in tantalizing ways. He caressed every inch of me with methodical precision, seeming to have memorized my body like a road map he'd traveled many times before. His adept fingers left no space unexplored or untouched, leaving a trail of sparks across my skin, driving me to moan and wiggle beneath him. The sensations were too much for me to bear as I was drawn deeper and deeper into the vortex of pleasure he had so deftly crafted.

While I held the toy deep within me, he delicately stroked his firm manhood against my sensitive clitoris, and I couldn't help but twist and writhe beneath him as our arousal merged. My hips pressed up hungrily, and I wrapped my legs around him, urging him to enter me.

He slowly pushed inside me, stretching me to my limits. I moaned in delight as he filled me completely, the sensation of the toy buried in my tight hole adding to my overwhelming pleasure. My body trembled with desire as he began to move in and out of me, and I closed my eyes, surrendering to the pleasure. As he began to thrust deeper and harder, his hands gripping my hips tightly, the intensity of the sensations was almost too much to handle, but I wanted more.

He began ravaging me, and at just the right moment, I let the toy slip out a little before firmly pushing it back in, repeating the patter in a steady rhythm, adding a new sensation mimicking what would be double penetration. The pressure of pleasure grew inside me, and I could feel tiny tremors coursing through my body with each deep plunge as I began to approach climax.

"Touch yourself," he commanded, and I did, my fingers finding their way to my clit as I slid the dildo in and out of my tight hole while he slammed into me repeatedly, the pleasure now overwhelming and all-consuming.

As his powerful thrusts drove into me harder and harder, I felt the reverberating thuds of his testicles slapping against my delicate hand that was holding the dildo, dictating the rhythm at which pleasure rumbled through me, making me quiver with submission to his needs.

My throaty moans reverberated around the room, and my body began to convulse uncontrollably. He seized the hand with which I was rubbing my pearl and pinned it against the bed, knowing that no matter how aroused I am, I can't cum without clitoral stimulation.

His voice lowered to a low growl as he asked, "You're a such a naughty kitten, aren't you? You can't take your mind off it, can you? You wish you had another man's cock inside your ass instead of this toy, don't you?"

His words mercilessly teased me, driving home the hidden fact that deep down inside I was craving the real thing, but knowing that while he gladly shares me with women, he is still hesitant to share me with a man, I remained silent.

"Please," I begged fervently, my voice full of pleading desperation, but he just smirked and shook his head, enjoying the power he held over me.

"I'm sure you want it," he said. "Just confess, and I'll let you cum." He leaned in and slowed his thrusts, making me more aware of each movement. "Wouldn't you love to have a cock up your ass while I fuck your pussy, my greedy little kitten?"

For a brief moment, my breath became stuck in my throat and everything seemed to come to a halt as he stared deeply into my eyes, and I knew he could see right through me, reading my thoughts and feelings like an open book. I felt a rush of desire as I nodded eagerly, unable to resist his dominant presence. My cheeks burned with embarrassment and arousal when I confessed my deepest desires. It was terrifying and exhilarating all at the same time, making me feel alive in a way I'd never felt before.

He let go of my hand and commanded, "Cum for me. I want to feel your pussy squeeze the life out of my cock."

I felt a shiver run down my spine as I gave in to his demand and began rubbing my sensitive, swollen bud, feeling the intense pleasure building up inside me. He moaned and thrust harder, urging me to take him deeper, and I surrendered completely, lost in the overwhelming sensation of our bodies merging together in ecstasy.

"Imagine we're fucking you and spilling our seed into both of your holes at the same time," he growled, his breathing becoming ragged.

I moaned in response, unable to form words as the fantasy took hold of me. My mind spun, imagining two strong, dominant men creating the perfect scene with me as their willing captive. My heart beat faster with every thought of being filled from both ends, and my whole body trembled as I imagined the two of them taking me and claiming me for their own all-consuming pleasure, their commanding touch and carnal hunger turning me on beyond reason. I could almost feel their hands caressing my skin as they ravished me, each sweet touch bringing me closer to rapture.

When I imagined their cocks spewing warm, white sperm into me, my muscles contracted around the toy and my vagina convulsed around his cock as the dark, thrilling heat inside me erupted like a lightning bolt. My heart raced faster as the flames of delicious heat engulfed me, and I felt every inch of his desire carrying me away to an ecstatic realm beyond my wildest dreams. I surrendered to it blindly, savoring every second as I embraced the surrender of subspace.

My body was still quivering with pleasure aftershocks, and I could barely register his groan as he spilled his seed into me. He collapsed onto me, his breaths ragged, and I wrapped my arms around him, content and fulfilled.

As we lay there, tangled in each other's embrace, I realized that this is what true intimacy feels like: raw, vulnerable, and deeply satisfying. It was a moment of pure bliss, where nothing else in the world mattered except for the two of us. I knew that I wanted to hold on to this feeling forever and never let it go. Experiencing the fantasy together was an absolute blast, but being with him in real life was like a dream that I never thought would be possible. Every moment felt surreal, and it couldn't have been more perfect.

Written by EMoon
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