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The "Smart" Vibrator, Chapter 1

"A sexually frustrated housewife, Donna turned to other means to satisfy herself!"

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The “Smart” Vibrator –the U.S. Patent office gets hundreds of applications every day for ideas and inventions. Many of these are rejected for a variety of reasons; insufficient data, duplication of a previous patent, etc.

But occasionally one comes along that is life-changing. Such was this patent for the world’s first “Smart” dildo. This dildo read a woman’s “frequency” and adjusted its vibrations to work with it to give each individual woman the greatest pleasure.


Donna Turner was an extremely frustrated woman. She and Michael had been married for twelve years and while at first, their romantic life was hot and they had sex like it had an expiration date, that roaring fire had settled down to just a few embers now that they sometimes struggled to keep alive.

It wasn’t really Michael’s fault, he was in a very competitive business in a very competitive market. He had to put in long hours at times and work very hard just to stay up with his younger, college-educated colleagues. And he came home tired and would often fall asleep in his chair while he waited for dinner.

Donna knew the pressure Michael was under, and she had tried to be patient and understanding at first. But a woman has needs and when your husband comes home so tired he’s lucky he made it home at all, sexual urges often take a back seat.

So it was for Donna. She loved Michael and wouldn’t dream of cheating on him, but her sexual drive was at its peak and it was hard to ignore the yearning in her belly.

About three months ago Donna was online finishing paying a couple of bills. With nothing really pressing to do for a while, she started surfing and stumbled across Lush Stories. Donna looked through the different categories of stories on the site and she picked out one that looked interesting.

As she read, she began getting aroused and she could feel her panties getting damp. When she got to the action in the story, she had to stop; her panties were now soaked and her passions were at a fever pitch. She had no choice but to go into her bedroom and “take the edge off” before she could continue reading.

After that first story, Donna went back to Lush Stories, again and again, each time she would pick a story that looked interesting and read it. Most times it ended up with her having to masturbate just so she could get on with her day and this became her way of taking care of that nagging emptiness between her legs.

One day after getting her daily “fix” of a story and a cum, she went back and looked around the site a bit more. She learned that Lush is more than just a story site–it had forums were games and other fun activities could be had, and chat rooms where like-minded people could talk and flirt and play.

She decided that since Lush had given her so much pleasure and there was so much more to be had, that she would create an account there. After all, it was free, and it would entitle her to access these other areas.

Donna felt a little funny setting up a “secret” email account, but she knew that any notifications from Lush couldn’t go to the family email account–Michael and their oldest daughter Rachael had access to that account and it wouldn’t do for either of them to find out about Lush.

Rachael was at the age where curiosity still held her tightly in its grasp. Since she communicated with her girlfriends back and forth using that email, Donna needed a private email that her family didn’t know about.

Once the email account was up and active Donna set up her Lush account. She called herself Donna36DD after her breast size and she smiled as she signed herself up with that member name: she knew that it would bring interest to her profile!

With her email account and her Lush account made now, all she had to do was log in and she could read stories to her heart’s–and pussy’s–content!

A couple of days after she signed up with Lush, she logged in to find something called a “Friend Request”. Curious, she opened it to see what it was all about and who sent it. It was from someone calling themselves GhostWriter56 and it read:

Hello Donna36DD,
My name is Thomas and I see that you are new to the site here at Lush and I just thought that I would send you a Friend Request. I too am from Indiana originally although I hail from Muncie instead of Indianapolis. However, I moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico a few years back… the winters up in Muncie just got to be more than this old body wants to deal with! LOL!

I would very much like to be your friend and maybe you can bring me up to speed on how things in Indiana are these days. I do miss the place sometimes.

Donna sat there, reading the Friend Request three or four times, and biting her fingernail pensively. This Friend Request thing wasn’t something she had counted on–she was mainly just there to read stories.

But then she figured he did live halfway across the country and he only knew her first name. He couldn’t even be sure if her name really was Donna or if she really lived in Indianapolis!

That made her feel a lot better and the anonymity convinced her to click “Accept”. Donna had made her first Lush Friend!

She told herself that as long as it didn’t go any further than casual chat and friendship it would be okay. She wasn’t cheating or fooling around–she was only talking to someone who used to live in the area. And he seemed nice enough, polite and respectful.

She let him know right up front that she was happily married and not like some on Lush “looking for love in all the wrong places”!

And Thomas was also happily married although his wife, Mary, was partially impaired these days due to a stroke she had the previous spring. She learned over the next few emails that Thomas was indeed fifty-six years old and a bank manager.

He had two girls who had places and lives of their own. One he had told her was married to a military man stationed at the time in Japan and the other lived in Los Angeles.

She told him that she had two daughters as well; Rachael the oldest was ten years old and little Amy was six. She told him her husband Michael was an advertising executive with a company there in Indianapolis.

The two of them began getting more and more acquainted and soon a good friendship developed. They began telling more personal things about themselves and their lives and Donna began to talk to him when she was having a bad day or needed someone just to be there to listen when she needed to vent.

She always asked about Mary and how she was doing and it was a very nice friendship that they built with each other. While Thomas would tell Mary about the things they talked about–she knew about Lush and was glad that Thomas had made a friend from Indiana, Donna never told Michael about Lush or her new friend. She was afraid he wouldn’t understand.

Donna learned not too far into their friendship that Thomas wrote stories for Lush and she began to read some of them. Thomas wrote in a number of different genres and categories and Donna read a lot of them. She enjoyed his stories - he had a certain way of writing that always made her feel like the story was about her or that she could put herself into it.

Occasionally, Thomas would ask her what kind of story she wanted to read and then he would take her ideas and suggestions and write a story for her–changing the character's name and certain details just to protect her. Thomas was always a gentleman and did nothing to cause any undue and unwarranted “attention” to her.

Reading Thomas’s stories became the high point of her day and she looked forward to her “special time” - when Michael was at work, Rachael was in school and Amy was in kindergarten. Donna had the place to herself for a few hours and she could read and then masturbate to the story without fear of interruption.

Thomas’s stories were a huge turn on for her, and it was thrilling to be able to read the fantasies he wrote about–many of which she had suggested herself from her own naughty dreams and thoughts. Donna was wet every time she sat down with one of his stories, fingering herself constantly while reading the stories.

Donna’s new interest in erotic stories, however, had one drawback. The sexy fantasies always made Donna as horny as hell, and she thought about sex almost constantly now. Every time she was home alone she’d be online reading erotic fiction, or emailing with Thomas she would be thinking about sex or about some fantasy that she would soon be masturbating to.

Donna became even more sex-obsessed; she seemed to be constantly wet these days, and there was a perpetual tension in her pussy she struggled to relieve. There was only one way Donna knew to ease the frustration in her body and that was to masturbate. Consequently, her finger was on her clit any time she had the opportunity.

This went on for about a month before Thomas made a suggestion that he thought might help with her pussy pre-occupation. 

“Donna, I want to ask you a question, but I’m hesitant to because I don’t want to overstep my bounds,” he said one day during their conversation about his latest story.

“Thomas, dear, we are good friends and should be able to talk freely with each other, don’t you think? What is your question?” Donna reassured him.

“Well, I know you enjoy my stories and you have told me how they excite you and make you feel. I was just wondering… um… do you…” he let the sentence fade out, not sure if he should continue.

“Do I masturbate? Is that what you’re asking, Thomas?” she asked.

“Yes. I was just curious–you don’t have to tell me if you think it’s too personal,” he quickly added.

“Yes, Thomas. Yes, I do masturbate to your stories. Quite often, too. You are a very good writer and your stories make it easy for me to put myself in them and imagine the things happening to me that are happening to her.

"When you write things like ‘he shoved his hard cock deep into her welcoming pussy’ I can sort of feel it in my mind. Or when you say ‘she loved the salty taste of his manhood’ I can taste it in my head. So yes I masturbate to your stories a lot,” she confessed.

“I see. Well I’m glad you enjoy my stories so much and I’m glad they help you,” he said.

“Actually, Thomas they don’t always. The truth of the matter is sometimes I end up hornier and more in need than when I started. It’s not your fault, it’s just… well, Michael works hard and is often too tired when he comes home to do anything. It leaves me frustrated and lonesome. That’s why I came to Lush, to begin with,” she said.

“Yes, you’ve told me about your husband’s work. I’m sorry, Donna. Do you have something - a ‘plastic boyfriend’ - to help you out?” he asked.

“You mean like a sex toy? No, I don’t have anything like that. I usually just use my fingers or maybe something around the house here. I’ve tried a few different things–you know a cucumber, my electric toothbrush handle, leaning up against the washing machine while doing laundry. They all work sort of, but they still leave me wanting something,” she said.

“Well, what if you bought yourself a toy to use. It might help you get some kind of fulfillment, Donna. I hate that you are reading my stories and it’s leaving you worse off than before you started!” he said sympathetically.

“I don’t know how I could, Thomas. I can’t shop for one online because Thomas sees all the credit card bills. And what if it came while someone was home? How could I explain that?” she said.

“How about going to an adult store? I’m sure they have them there in Indianapolis,” he said. “and you could use cash that way too. Untraceable.”

“Oh god no! What if someone saw me there! I’d die of embarrassment!” she exclaimed.

“Donna, honey, Indianapolis is a big city. There are nearly a million people in the Greater Indianapolis area. I sincerely doubt anyone you know would happen to be driving past a particular adult store at a particular time and see your particular vehicle parked out front and know you were inside buying a vibrator!” he chuckled.

“Yes, but what about the clerk at the store? He would see me and know what I was buying!” she said.

“Again, Indianapolis is a big place–do you personally know anyone who works at an adult store?” he asked.

“No, but…” she replied.

“Well, the odds of you buying a vibrator or dildo and then running into that clerk someplace else is pretty remote, don’t you think? So why worry about what he or she thinks… you’ll likely never see them again. And they won’t know who you are anyway!” he said.

Thomas’s arguments made a lot of sense. Donna really didn’t have any more to worry about going to one of the adult stores than she did reading stories on Lush. Both were totally anonymous situations. And she was comfortable being on Lush–even comfortable talking about personal intimate things with Thomas whom she had never met and who for all practical purposes, didn’t know.

Donna had never used a sex toy before. To do so would mean she acknowledged her sexual urges and the frustrations of her married life. And she wasn’t prepared to face that reality just yet.

But then, Thomas introduced vibrators and dildos into the fantasy he was currently writing. Donna knew that he often based characters on her and wrote his stories with her as the main female character (he changed her name in each story, but she knew he had her in mind as he wrote them).

She found the idea quite exciting and had encouraged Thomas to have ‘Tina’ use them to pleasure herself on a regular basis.

She also insisted on the sex toys be different types and sizes–including some really large and intimidating ones. Donna liked the idea of having her body stretched and filled by a long thick dildo. She ached with pent-up lust as she wondered what it must feel like to be invaded like that.

As she read the stories Thomas wrote, inevitably her fingers would blur over her clit, as she sought the release of her impending orgasm.

Before long, the idea of using a vibrator began to fascinate Donna. It was such a naughty, blatantly sexual thing to do and made her feel dirty and slutty–something which she found strangely exciting and yet still be a ‘safe’ activity. She had always thought of herself as a “good girl”, but the idea of being a little on the slutty side now appealed to her.

Just thinking about holding a vibrator to her pussy made Donna wet, and she found herself almost longing to feel something bigger than her finger inside her. Donna needed to be filled, to be stuffed full of something that would challenge her and make her feel like she was being fucked.

Until now, she had managed to climax by imagining she was being fucked by the hero in Thomas’s stories as she masturbated the old-fashioned way. But using a buzzing toy on her sopping wet pussy sounded so much more fun!

It wasn’t long before Donna had talked herself into buying one. Thomas’s stories and the exploits of the women using toys in his stories were just the extra push she needed. But how to go about getting one?

Donna knew she couldn’t order one online–If she did there was a chance her husband or daughters would be home when it was delivered. The thought that her family might find out their wife and mother was a sex-mad serial masturbator, made her shudder.

No, she’d have to go to a shop, that much was certain. And she would pay cash for the item so it couldn’t be traced back to her and she wouldn’t get any unwanted and possibly questionable sale flyers or coupons or anything that might give her “shopping” away.

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To aid in her shopping for a plastic boyfriend, she went online to look at some examples. But she found it hard to visualize the sizes of some of the toys that interested her. How did she know how big of a toy that she needed to get?

She knew Michael was average length–she had measured him once when they were fooling around. Fully erect and hard he was a tad over six inches long and two and a half inches around.

Which did the job for her, but she figured if she was going to have a fantasy “lover”, she may as well get one that really filled her hungry pussy! Looking at the sex toys online, it was difficult too for Donna to imagine what they would feel like inside her.

There were adult stores all over the Indianapolis; Donna had noticed them in the past when she was driving around doing errands. But apart from a small thrill each time she saw a sign saying AdultMart, she hadn’t given them much thought before.

Which shop to choose was an easy decision; there was one in the shopping mall not far from the house, but it also wasn’t very far from the school her daughters attended. And the looks and whispers she knew would result in someone she knew seeing her as she walked out of the store filled her with dread.

No, there were several AdultMarts on the other side of town, a safe distance from her neighborhood. That’s where she would go.

Even with the decision now made, it still took Donna some time before she actually went to the store. She had put some money away a little at a time for a while now, so she had the cash to purchase whatever she wanted, but she wanted to make sure she could get it in the house and put away without Michael finding a bag and asking questions.

There was also the matter of the store clerk. The thought of the looks she’d receive from the clerk behind the counter as she made her decision put her off. What if it was some creepy old guy who leered at her when she went to the counter?

Thomas’s words about her anonymity helped but she would still have to face them, and Donna was the type to blush very easily. Would she really be able to go through with this crazy idea?

Finally, Michael went to Chicago on business. This was her chance; Donna had spent the last few days psyching herself up, going over what Thomas had said and reading more of his wonderfully sexy stories. She wasn’t sure if she could actually pull it off, but she was as ready as she figured she’d ever be.

Donna got her kids off to their respective schools and as soon as little Amy was dropped off at kindergarten, Donna headed across town to the AdultMart.

Just thinking about buying the sex toy was exciting Donna to the point where the ache in her pussy was unbearable. About halfway across town, the need became more than she could stand.

She pulled into the parking lot of a laundromat and went inside, heading for the restroom. Looking under the stall doors, she found herself alone in the bathroom much to her relief. Picking out a stall that was far from the door, she went inside and locked the door.

With her panties around her ankles, she was amazed at how dripping wet she was. She began to finger herself, rubbing over the hood of her clit frantically in a bid to make herself cum as quickly as possible. As turned on as she was at that moment it didn’t take long before she was teetering on the edge of her cliff.

Clamping her hand over her mouth to stifle her joyful exuberance, the happy electric tingle of her orgasm washed out from her clit, and she filled the toilet bowl with the flood from her pussy.

When the tidal wave had subsided, she sat back on the toilet seat, panting with relief, her frustrations somewhat eased. Hurriedly, she pulled up her panties and returned to her car, and she continued her drive to the adult store.

Finally, she arrived at her destination. She pulled up into the parking lot, picking a parking spot around the side of the building where her car would be harder to see from the road.

She sat there in the car, breathing deep and trying to calm the butterflies in her stomach. She wanted to appear like this was no big deal however to her it was a very big deal. She hadn’t felt this much excitement and nervousness since she went on her first date as a young girl! Even getting married to Michael had been less nerve-racking!

“Well, Donna, you might as well get this over with!” she said aloud to herself, trying to muster the courage to go inside. She got out of the car and went up to the entrance to the store and with her hand on the door, she paused to take a deep breath before going inside.

Donna was startled when a bell similar to a doorbell went off as she opened the door. The bell alerted the clerk that someone had come into the store but it also made her surreptitious entry of no effect. In the store, Donna was anxious but also very excited. There was only one reason anyone came to a place such as this, and that had to do with sex.

Donna was there for her physical pleasure, and to finally do something to satisfy her insatiable craving for sexual relief. Already her horniness had increased tremendously, and there was a nervous tension in her body focused on her clit. She knew she was getting wet again… this was something she wanted to do more than anything. Glancing around to get her bearings, she walked further into the store.

It was surprisingly quiet in the store. There was one man, Donna guessed in his late forties or so, browsing through the DVD racks, otherwise, the only other person was the woman behind the counter, who was a few years older and more ordinary-looking than she’d expected.

Donna actually expected to see an older raincoated and be-spectacled man with a pasty complexion and a wicked perverted grin on his face. Or possibly a young, attractive, sexy woman dressed rather slutty working behind the counter. But instead was this ordinary looking, motherly type woman, older than her, and not at all what you would expect to find in a place like this.

After giving the kindly looking woman a nervous smile, she walked on past the check-out counter and began looking for what she had come there for. As she walked through the store she passed the racks of magazines, past the bondage section, and finally came to the dildos, vibrators, and other “love aids”. She was astounded at the selection the store had! Every type, size, and configuration imaginable stood there before her eyes!

Donna had seen that there was a wide variety available when she was looking online, but now faced with shelf after shelf, she was having a real time trying to figure out which one to buy! Some of the ones she’d seen online weren’t there, and others she hadn’t seen were prominently displayed, making the research she’d already done all but useless.

Donna stood there for a long time looking over the selection, mentally tossing out the ones she didn’t care for. But there were just so many choices. She scratched her head and sighed in frustration.

“Can I help you honey?” the woman’s voice was behind her.

Donna turned around slightly startled, “Oh, well there are so many I just don’t know what to buy!” she said exasperated.

“Well, why don’t we start by figuring out what kind of toy you are after. Do you want to do the work yourself or do you want the toy to pleasure you?” she asked.

“I-I guess I want the toy to do some of the work. But I want to control it,” Donna said.

“Of course. It sounds like you want a vibrator. That narrows the field down some. We have a lot of different styles from bullets and eggs to big penis-shaped ones. Next question is are you looking for something filling or do you just want something to… tickle you?” the woman asked.

“I want… I want to be filled,” Donna said trying to at least appear mature about all this.

The woman smiled knowingly, “Relax, honey, we are all nervous and scared when we first come into places like this. Don’t worry.”

Donna relaxed a bit, knowing that the woman there understood her trepidation. “I want something to use when my husband can’t… satisfy me. You see he works a lot and sometimes…” she started.

“Sometimes he comes home so tired he can’t perform, right? Or maybe he is gone a lot and can’t come home at all and when he does he is beat? These are common stories, honey, don’t feel bad about it - it’s a lot more common than you’d think,” she said finishing Donna’s sentence.

“So you want a husband helper, do you? Well, we have lots of those with different features. Some rotate, some vibrate, some have beads in the head, some have a clit tickler, it just depends on what features you want.”

“Oh my! Well, you see, I’ve never used one of these so I don’t really even know what I want!” she said getting even more overwhelmed.

“Well, I’ll tell you what… I have this new toy that might be quite useful for you. It’s called the ‘Smart’ Vibrator - you’ve heard of smartphones, right? Well, this device has almost all the features of the other ones and one special one. It’s the first vibrator with artificial intelligence. There is a tiny computer chip in the base that allows the machine to "learn” your likes and moods.

In other words the more you use it, the more it learns what you like and how to please you! It has sensors all over the head and shaft that detect pressure, heat, moisture, and all sorts of things and it takes the information to determine what makes you feel good and when to use its different features to make you feel even better.

"I have heard a few ‘reviews’ of this device from women who have tried it and they all say it’s amazing! Some say they have almost given up on men because of this toy - it never tires, never talks back, and is always up for fun!“ she said laughing.

"Wow! How much is something like that?” Donna asked.

“Well, it’s pretty expensive–$250.00–but it would save you buying something you don’t like and won’t use. Then you’d still be in the same situation and you’d be back to spend even more money. With this Smart Vibrator, you have all the features these other vibrators have plus the 'brain’ to use them!”

“Gee, that’s a lot of money… I don’t know…” Donna said, hesitantly.

“I’ll tell you what I’ll do. I understand where you are at, honey, I was once there myself. The first time I came in a place like this I nearly wet myself I was so scared! I didn’t know a dildo from a DVD! So I will tell you what. Buy this Smart Vibrator and if you don’t like it, which I’m sure you will, bring it back and I will give you your money back.

"I won’t be able to sell the vibrator, but I will give you your money back and you can pick something else out. I’ve always wanted one of these things myself so I will just clean it up and take it home myself!” the clerk said.

“Okay, I’ll take it. But I’ll have to go to the bank first… I didn’t bring that kind of money with me. I will be right back, I saw a branch of my bank just down the street,” Donna said.

“That’s fine, I’ll just keep it behind the counter till you get back,” the woman said. With that, Donna left the AdultMart and went to her bank. About twenty minutes later, she was back at the store. There were a couple of different people in it this time but the clerk was the same.

“Would you like this in a bag?” the clerk asked. Seeing Donna’s hesitation, she gently touched her arm, “It’s okay, hon… it’s a plain plastic bag,” she reassured Donna.

This time Donna nodded, blushing pink, and the clerk handed her the change and the boxed vibrator, hidden in a plastic bag. Turning away from the counter, she quickly left the store toward the parking lot.

Donna was now the proud owner of her very own top-of-the-line Smart Vibrator! Donna was thrilled and very horny; the ache in her pussy had returned with a vengeance, and she could hardly wait to try out this new toy. Almost out of her mind with impatience, she drove straight home from the sex shop, hardly remembering any of the trip back home.

She pulled into the driveway, shooting a quick glance at the clock on the dash. It was 11:00 am. Good, Amy wouldn’t need to be picked up till 2:00–that gave her a couple of hours; at least she could get in a quick introductory cum with her new friend!

With her package in tow, she quickly went inside and straight to her room, shedding her coat and shoes on the way. She opened the bag and pulled the box out and began reading the side of the box:

Revel in the X-rated gyrating sensations of the Smart Vibrator - the only vibrator on the market today that can actually learn to please you! This versatile latex-free vibrator has a head that rotates and thrusts at six speeds. Twin this with the rabbit’s rapid clitoral flickering and you’ve all the makings of a show-stopping climactic sexual adventure.

Instead of straight rotation, the Smart Vibrator peps up internal stimulation with added up and down motion for a new dimension of pleasure. Instead of vibrating ears, the rabbit flutters forearms against your pearl with four speeds, four patterns, and a beautiful, boundless enthusiasm.

For even more excitement, the head contains beads that spin around the shaft just under the large hooded cap to drive you to further heights of pleasure and the whole shaft vibrates with multiple speeds and patterns.

A pleasure-packed vibe with a broad range of functions can either be manually controlled or you can let the vibe do all the work, learning just what functions and actions you desire for maximum pleasure!;

This powerful vibrator is waterproof and can be used in the shower or even the tub. It is ideal for anyone, beginner to advanced, looking for the maximum enjoyment out of their play sessions.

Base diameter: 1.75 inches 
Base type: Flat 
Circumference: 4.8 inches 
Insertable Length: 8.25 inches 
Length: 14.25 inches
Battery Info: 4 x AA batteries (not included)

Taking the device out of the box, the vibrator felt substantial in Donna’s hands. She turned it, examining the toy, looking it over, and checking out the different parts and sections to it. She looked at the control box; it had ten buttons on it–three rows of three small buttons with one larger one underneath. Tentatively pressing the button at the base, noting there were three-speed options.

Realizing she wasn’t going to get any further until she fitted the toy with some batteries, she went to the kitchen where she kept the batteries and got four fresh AA batteries. Donna returned to the vibrator in her bedroom and after figuring out where they went and how to install them the device now had power to it.

By the time Donna’s shaking hands had put the batteries in and closed the compartment up, she was desperate to know what the vibrator would feel like on her pussy. She knew she was already plenty wet; the urge to just plunge the device into her screaming pussy was almost overwhelming.

But she wanted to enjoy this first experience, so she summoned up all the self-control she had left and resisted the urge. She glanced at the alarm clock on the nightstand and saw she had time still she smiled… why the hell not?

The tight jeans that Donna was wearing that day were difficult to remove, but with some wriggling and a lot of pushing, she was able to get them over her hips and down her long legs far enough that they loosened up and were easier to take off. Then off came her top.

She had neglected to wear a bra that day, so next came her panties. Her pussy was so wet she literally had to peel her soaked panties off, before sliding the sodden garment down her legs and stepping out of it as well. She was thankful that Michael had insisted on hardwood floors in the house–if not her soaked panties might have left a naughty tell-tale stain on the carpet!


Written by Master_Jonathan
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