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The Professor's Reward

"University professor finds a vibrator remote on his way into his lecture."

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To say I’d fallen out of love with teaching was an understatement. 

Ten years ago, I’d been full of excitement to share my passion for literature and philosophy with the next generation of minds, enthused by my new job at one of the UK’s leading universities. I hadn’t realised then that the next generation of minds often surfed in on daddy’s money and were far more concerned with downing a bottle of vodka as fast as possible than making it to their 9am lecture, regardless of the effort I’d poured into the work. 

But when passion had stopped motivating me, money did the job. It wasn’t ridiculous pay but it kept me going. What did it matter to me if students wasted my time when they were paying for it? In return, I spent tutorials with eyes glazed, imagining the punishment if only I could inflict on the girls who turned up in yesterday’s clothes with makeup smeared over their faces, or fantasising about the boys’ conquests described in derogatory terms between Shakespeare sonnets. 

I’d been – well, not happy, but satisfied enough. I turned up, they paid me and I wreaked mental revenge on the students who pissed me off too much. Nothing like watching porn with a passing similarity to your students for stress relief in the evenings, too. But that had all changed a week back: an email had gone out talking of ‘annual reviews’, ‘performance analysis’ and ‘necessary cut-backs’. They didn’t want to let anyone go, the email reaffirmed, so pay cuts were required. It was a laughably transparent tactic – lower the pay until people quit, so the University was under no requirement to pay any redundancy or severance.  But now I was facing teaching young adults for a pittance of the going rate or quitting without gaining any reward for my previous years of work. 

It was that frustration that led me to be so late to my morning lecture. I’d arrived at the car park on time for my two-hour 9am lecture on Monday mornings, but from experience I knew there would be no point arriving early. I watched the numbers tick to 9:10 before I could summon the will to face another day and finally trudged into the building. What were they going to do - fire me? 

Right on cue, a group of lads were wrestling and roughhousing outside the lecture hall as if summoned by my depressive Monday morning thoughts. Sweaty from morning training, they seemed to be trying to pull each other’s rucksacks off, with many obscenities thrown in for good measure as the rest of the class filed in. I watched the scene dispassionately, far more disappointed with their lack of originality than poor behaviour. 

A group of girls peacocked after them, pushing out their chests and asses as they sashayed past the boys. Their lewd comments fell quiet, although not silent, as I approached, and they rushed into the hall in front of me, not bothering to hold the door in another display of failing manners. 

I went to push the door open, mind full of the thousands of times I’d done that self-same action, when a flash of purple on the floor stopped me. The day had just started so the halls were clear of the usual debris of dropped pens, and something about the small rounded object lying on the floor had caught my eye. 

I picked it up; it fit neatly into the palm of my hand and was covered in a silicone purple skin. There was a tiny brand mark at the bottom, and suddenly a jolt of adrenaline cleared the morning fatigue from my mind and pushed all weariness away. I swallowed as I carefully re-examined the object, not wanting to get prematurely excited. There were four buttons: one marked with a plus, one with a minus, one with a power icon and one with an 'R'. 

I breathed out disbelievingly. Yep. It was definitely a Love Egg remote controller. 

As I stared at the remote in my palm in shock, another thought pricked my mind and set my heart racing. Was there any chance the wearer was in my lecture?

There was a very limited range of these things, as I knew from my own experience with them. Had a hapless student dropped it on their way in - or perhaps it had fallen from one of the boys' bags who were roughhousing on their way in?

I suddenly realised I was standing in a deserted hallway staring at the purple remote, with all my students waiting inside. My mouth dry, I decisively pocketed it and strode in, suddenly far more awake than I had been for months. 

Even with my mind ablaze with possibilities, I managed to get through the first part of the lecture without incident. I roared through the info and then paused to let the students catch up, eyes roving the audience trying to guess who it could be. Jessica, the short brunette who spent her life on the arm of different rugby players, and, so I’d overheard once, had a penchant for public sex? Charlotte, the chavvy platinum blonde whose every other word was ‘like’ and had apparently shagged almost every male in the room? 

I forced myself out of the daze and clicked onto the next slide, thanking my long-slipping teaching standards for including a video. The lights dimmed and I sat behind my desk, sinking into the daydreams that had been plaguing me. 

One of the sweet, young twenty-year-olds in front of me had a little egg vibrator nestled in her tight, wet pussy. She’d wanted a bit of fun – or maybe it had been her partner, pushing her into something she’d secretly confessed to be a fantasy. Maybe it was something she’d roleplayed before until the longing got too much and she let herself be convinced. She wanted to make herself vulnerable if she'd given the remote away. My cock strained at the thought, and I continued my desperate analysis of the students until the video came to an end. 

I went to stand up and suddenly realised I had a noticeable tent in my trousers, quickly making my way behind the lectern to cover it. But as I was about to restart the lecture, I couldn't resist. My cock was throbbing at the thought of the horny little tease sitting somewhere in front of me. I casually flicked the remote on. There was no visible reaction from anyone, but I'd been more focused on keeping my own poker face than analysing anyone else’s. I could give it time. I still had an hour and forty-five of teaching to go. But to keep things interesting for my unknown victim, I flicked the intensity up a notch. 

With a new focus, I managed to get through the next fifteen minutes or so. Every time I paused to let my students write down from the slide, I skimmed over the hall, pausing on each exposed breast and flushed cheek. There were a few possibilities, all whom I knew by name - perks of teaching a niche subject. 

I wondered how many levels the remote had. Five? Ten? Would I know if I reset the thing to one again? I decided I could safely assume there were at least five settings and popped it by two more. Intensity level four now. Some little hot thing was dripping in her seat now, because of me. I wondered if they knew they’d lost any semblance of control. 

Half-way through the lecture, my student teacher took over to talk on a subject he was specialising on. I took the opportunity to step back into the shadows of the room, surreptitiously adjusting my cock as I turned. My close examination of my female students for any sign of arousal had bolstered my own. And now that I had a few candidates in mind, I needed a closer examination to work it out. 

I decided that things had been pretty safe so far, gently increasing over the past forty-five minutes. There was no way whoever it was could ignore the persistent buzzing between their legs, just enough to keep them aroused and frustrated, I hoped. There was, of course, the chance that no one in the lecture had the vibrator stuffed in them, and I was lewdly undressing my students like a dirty, perverted professor. 

I was sure someone in the room was feeling my ministrations. But to ramp the game up, I needed to know who exactly was sitting there with a little secret between their legs. I could turn up the vibrations, but then I wouldn’t know if I had accidentally reset it, which would ruin my game. So, I turned it off myself, keeping my eyes roving the seats. 

One girl immediately caught my eye. Sara, second to last row on the right. Tall, pretty brunette whose rack attracted attention the world over. It was rare for her to attend the morning lectures, but this time her whole posse of big-breasted bimbos was filling the row. As soon as I'd touched the remote, she'd relaxed so visibly onto her desk I was surprised I hadn't identified her sooner. Her face was pink and although she still squirmed a little, she was calming down. 

That wasn't something I could allow. It had been her choice to wear this delightful device into my classroom, I reminded myself with satisfaction as I counted down her few moments of relief before tapping the device back on.  

The reaction was beautiful, no matter how much she tried to restrain herself. A few minutes more and she started squirming delightfully in her seat again. I watched, amused, as she frantically pulled her phone out after that and started jabbing desperately. I wonder if her boyfriend had told her he didn't have the remote anymore? 

It became apparent when he did, for her eyes grew to the size of saucers and she stared around the room in such horror I almost laughed out loud. Served her right, the little tease. She'd dressed up for the occasion too - I remembered she'd walked in with a short, tight skirt coated onto her pert behind, and even from the front of the lecture hall I could see the impressive amount of cleavage on show. 

My student teacher ended his segment and I stood up, carefully keeping behind the lectern still to hide my erection. I called a quick break for my students as was customary for two-hour lectures, but advised my student teacher I'd been impressed with his performance. He could take the rest of the lecture; I would continue to observe. Who exactly I'd be observing, I didn't say. 

The students rushed out as usual to get water or have a quick cig in the five-minute break. Sara had bolted upright but quickly realised her error in her position: against the wall, she’d trapped herself behind her unhurried friends. In my pocket, I returned the mode to low, gentle hum and watched as she slowly made her way down the aisle in the queue of students. 

As she approached, I could see the pink flush to her exposed breasts. She was breathing heavily and had one hand unconsciously against her lower belly, mouth parted as she took deep, slow breaths. She was almost to the door - I could see the relief in her frame - when I called her name. 

'Sara - a quick word if you don't mind? Just about the latest piece of work.'

She turned around, body rigid, and reluctantly made her way over to me at the desk where I’d quickly sat myself. 

'...Sir?' she swallowed, shifting her weight nervously as the other students filed out. 

'Sorry, Sara, one moment and I'll just pull it up...' I pretended to study my computer screen, knowing full well her essay was sitting in my briefcase. Most people had left the room now and in the unusual quiet, I could just make out the lowest of hums. 

'Ah, what am I doing! You handed it in in paper, correct?'

Sara's eyes fluttered. 'Ye-yes, Professor,' she mumbled hesitantly. 

I retrieved her essay from my briefcase and wasted a pleasant five minutes talking through a point in her essay that two sentences would have sufficed. At least all that was required from Sara was nodding and murmuring because she seemed capable of little else in her fugue state.  

Putting the essay on my desk, I gestured to her to come closer and she stepped dutifully forward. In this proximity, I caught the scent of arousal and felt my cock twitch again at the thought of the cream seeping from her right now. I wondered if she'd soaked through her panties. I wondered if her seat was damp. I wondered if her boyfriend had ever made her this wet. 

I checked my watch surreptitiously and smiled. 

'And that's it! If you just want to take your seat now, Sara, I think class is about to resume!'

'Oh I- I was just going to-' she stuttered, but crowds of her classmates had started to swarm back in and the path was blocked. I heard a quaver in her breath before she started trudging up the stairs back to her seat. 

For the rest of the class, I watched her face as I cycled through the settings. Most women can't come from just internal stimulation, but I made sure that she was never far off. Her hands never reappeared above the desk after that break but it didn't look as though she was pleasuring herself - on the contrary, she looked furious and frustrated. 

I wondered why she just didn't remove the vibrator - her teasing mini skirt was short enough to easily slip her fingers below. Maybe fingering herself like that in class was a step too far. Maybe she didn't want the inevitable smell to reach her closer classmates - or maybe she was worried the vibration would be too loud. I didn't know the answer, but the questions kept me rock hard for the last half of the class. It was with great reluctance that I took over from my student teacher and announced the reading to be done and dismissed them. 

As Sara passed, I indicated I'd like another word and she grudgingly waited by the desk as I spoke to my student teacher for far longer than necessary, waiting as all else drained from the room. Finally, I released him and turned to Sara. 

'Sara, thanks for waiting behind. I just wanted to discuss with you your application to be a subject rep...' I started innocently, noting with silent satisfaction the panic that crossed her face at the prospect of a serious, extended conversation. 

'Are you okay, Sara? You look a little flushed.'

'I'm fine, thanks... maybe a little under the weather.' She swallowed nervously. 

'Ah good. Classic fresher's flu, I'm sure! Anyway, regarding the rep job, we do want our best students representing the department,' I paused, and in my pocket nudged the remote up several levels, 'which you certainly do satisfy in terms of academic ability.'

I could smell her sex clearly, and in the hush hear a low buzzing. Not only was she flushed and almost hyperventilating, I could see panic flash in her eyes as she realised the same thing. 

‘However, I have a few concerns regarding your behavior.’ 

‘What- what do you mean, Professor?’ She swallowed. 

I pushed my chair back out from under the desk to finally face her.  

‘Your attire, for starters. Dressing like a brazen hussy every lecture like you get off on teasing men,’ I started calmly. ‘But maybe you don’t just like teasing. Maybe you like to be teased as well?’ 

Her breath hitched in shock. 

'Sara, can you hear something?' I asked quietly. 

'No, Sir?' she whispered, head bowed and eyes downcast. Sitting as I was, legs casually outstretched in front of me, there was little chance of missing my throbbing erection. 

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'I found this,' I said carelessly, withdrawing remote from my pocket. 'I don't suppose you recognise it, Sara?' 

She glanced at my hand and lowered her eyes once again, giving a quick shake of her head. 

'If you don't, then please feel free to leave this room.' I paused to see if she would take the egg out – as horny as I was, I wasn't in the habit of coercing my students. But she didn’t move. 

I smiled inwardly. Two hours of teasing between her legs, wondering who was controlling her and who could tell and all those other little thoughts must have driven her insane. Her nipples were swollen and heavy, pushing through the thin material of her top. 

'I have reason to believe this is linked to a prohibited item on university grounds. I am afraid I must check your person for possession of such an item.' 

She bit her lip, eyes large and begging. She was squirming where she stood, shifting restlessly from one leg to another. 

'Lift your skirt,' I said quietly, 'or I may have to report this to the University Chancellor.' 

She slowly grabbed the edge of her skirt, but her nerve failed before she could lift it. I tutted under my breath and stood up, stepping into her personal space. 

‘Sara, you may leave at any point. Of course, I will have to take this item to the Chancellor and report my suspicions, but if you’re innocent as you say, that must be no concern for you.’ Reporting this to the Chancellor would do nothing, as she knew. I had no evidence to tie it to her, and my behaviour right now would earn an instant firing. 

She lifted the tiny scrap of material above her waist and my eyes widened in shock. 

Instead of the sopping scrap of lace I expected to be holding in a vibrator, was a delicate leather and metal chastity belt. My mouth dropped. It was wonderfully built, quite sleek compared to the chunky full plates of my day. I couldn't help but let out an impressed chuckle. 

'Care to explain yourself?' I asked as I walked around her, getting a full eyeful of the belt nestled between two plump cheeks, thick leather obstructing entry to her sweet hole and any chance of touching her undoubtedly aching clit. A jewel nestled between her cheeks, suggesting that one of her holes may still be accessible, but definitely not the one she would care about right now. 

She closed her eyes as she spoke:

'My boyfriend wanted me to wear the egg in the belt but I was too nervous so we compromised... I had the key to the chastity belt and he had the remote. But I suppose he lost it.'

I smiled, reaching out to stroke her ass and enjoying her flinch in shock. 'Indeed he did.' 

It had been a shock to see the belt, but the thought of her frustration outweighed any disappointment I might have felt. Anyway, I had the beginnings of a plan forming as I completed my circle and stood in front of her again, playing with the remote in hand. 

'How many levels are there on the vibrator?’ I asked curiously. 


I increased the intensity, watching her face ravenously. Her fidgeting increased and she started to shake a little as she stood, still holding her skirt above her waist. 

'Do you want to come?' I murmured, walking up to her. 'Can you even come, like this?' 

'I didn't think so before,' she choked out, 'but now I'm not so sure...' 

Her hands started to fist in the material of her skirt and her eyes rolled upwards, moans escaping her mouth. 

‘Hold it, slut. Hold it, or I will punish you,’ I whispered furiously in her ear and she nodded jerkily to confirm her understanding. I walked away from her to the door, locking it from the inside before sticking a chair under the handles like they do in movies for double measures. 

I silently walked back to my willing victim, pausing for a moment before retaking my seat in front of her and reaching into my trousers with one hand to play with my aching cock as she twitched and moaned, until finally she whimpered, ‘I’m so close, Sir, I’m about to cum.’

I promptly switched the remote off and watched the explosion of anger across her face. She cried out and staggered against the desk, clutching at her belt frantically. 

'Why would you do that?!’ Her voice had an edge of mania to it as she jerked her hips in the air, trying to reach some level of purchase to finish the job. 

I walked over to her, forcing her to back up until she was sitting on the desk. Stroking her face gently with one hand, I reached out and roughly mauled at her nipple through the thin material of her blouse. 

‘Because bad girls don’t deserve orgasms, slut,’ I murmured. 

She moaned and pushed her boobs into my hands as her own reached round to slip down the front of my trousers. The feel of her hand, even over my clothes, was heavenly after the past hours of arousal. I couldn’t bring myself to stop her ministrations for several minutes, concerned with finally getting my hands on her wonderful tits, but I forced my mind back together. 

'I'll do a deal with you, slut. I'll make you cum if you give me the key to your chastity belt.'

Her chest was heaving with arousal. The smell of it was thick in the air around us. It only took a few seconds before she caved. And why wouldn't she? Giving me the key would surely result in a hard fucking - exactly what she'd been desperate for throughout my lecture. 

'It’s in a black cloth bag in the side pocket,’ she finally gave in. 

I reluctantly disentangled myself from her hands and retrieved her handbag. Not only did I find a delicate key in a lovely velvet bag, but also a paper bag with the student union logo on holding lube and condoms. The student union building was right next door - she must have picked up the free uni supplies right before the lecture, surely spurred by her big plans.  

I walked back to her and placed the supplies obviously on the desk next to her, to a quickening of her breath. I held the key up before decisively pocketing it and gently stroking her hair, murmuring ‘good girl,’ as I did. 

‘Do I get to cum, now, Sir?” she asked tentatively, arousal heavy in her voice. 

‘You’ll come eventually,’ I nodded as I gently undid her blouse one button at a time to release her straining breasts. 

‘Eventually?’ she stuttered, panic in her voice, before she swallowed and continued nervously. ‘What are you going to do before that?’

‘What do you think?’ I asked gently and I finished undoing her shirt. Quickly grasping her wrists and moving them behind her back, I held them in place with one hand and pushed her blouse down to her elbows. Using the edges, I quickly tied a haphazard knot; combined with her tight sleeves, it effectively immobilized her arms and forced her to push her chest forward. 

I smiled at the sight. 'Perfect.' 

She was much more nervous now, I could tell, which only added to my arousal. But after a breath, she spoke again and the arousal was thick in her voice. 

‘Are you going to – punish me? Spank me?’

‘Have you ever been spanked, Sara?’ I asked interestedly, so close to her that I could see the blush sweep across her cheeks  

‘No, I’ve just – watched videos,’ she whispered the last part, breath catching in her throat. 

I caressed the side of her face, looking down at her. ‘Tell me more about these videos, Sara.’

She swallowed. ‘Online. Videos where a girl is punished for misbehaving, or… or cumming. She’s spanked or whipped or had toys or clamps used on her and always fucked hard,’ she whispered the last bit. 

Without looking away, I reached to my side and opened the desk, already knowing the location of what I wanted. I caressed her breast so gently with my free hand before leaning forward and laving it with my tongue, swirling it and nibbling, before reverentially attaching the bulldog clip I had grabbed from my drawer onto her throbbing nipple. 

She let out a wordless noise of pain, gasping a little.

‘Are they punished like this, Sara?’ 

I repeated my attention to the other nipple and attached a clip.

‘Do you think they secretly like it, Sara?

‘Do you think that sometimes, those women you watch while you’re rubbing furiously at your pussy in the middle of the night after your boyfriend has long cum and fallen asleep, do you think they misbehave on purpose just for a little attention?’ 

Her eyes were locked with mine now, begging me with her gaze. I waited a moment before she gave a tiny, shameful nod, and I smiled. 

‘Me too, Sara. Me too. Now stand up. Turn around and lean over my desk.’

She did as I said, stretching her body over my heavy oak desk, ass pushed out delightfully and arms still stuck behind her back. Undoubtedly torture for her clipped boobs, now with the weight of her whole body pressing on them. I had been dying to get my hands on her full cheeks and finally I could, kneading the firm flesh with a groan. Then with no warning, I grabbed the old-fashioned wooden ruler that always sat on my desk and cracked it across her ass. 

She let out a shriek and tried to stand up but I pressed myself against her newly burning buttocks and whispered again into her ear. 

‘I said I’d make you come, slut, but didn’t say when. You want it soon, you stay as you are. If you’d rather I made you cum in front of all your friends during your next lecture, then I’m sure my colleagues would be happy to let me sit in. It’s your choice.’ 

Slowly, I felt the lessening of pressure as she rested back down on the desk, body trembling slightly. 

‘What do you want, slut?’ I asked, erection pressing firmly through my boxers (trousers long since undone) into the peach of her arse. 

‘For you to spank me, Sir. Please spank me, Sir,’ she cried, repeating the words of countless porn stars. 

I teased my hand up her inner thigh, feeling the wetness that had trickled down already. As a reward, I flicked the vibrator back on again and against her will, she moaned. 

‘If that’s what you want.’

I picked up the ruler and started again, alternating cheeks and then raining blows down to the tops of her thighs where she cried out in pain. I made sure to get a few directly over that twinkling jewel which I was sure marked a butt plug, releasing all my frustrations onto her beautiful peachy ass until it bloomed red. 

I finally stopped when my arm ached, and a wet sheen coated her thighs. God I wished I could dip into the honeypot locked out of reach, but everything in good time, I reminded myself. Reverentially, I filled my hands with her cheeks, feeling the heat radiating out of them, before spreading them to fully reveal a ring in the belt, within which a butt plug was nestled. 

I stifled a moan at the sight, cock twitching at the thought of a hole to fill. I gripped the plug with one hand while my other teased over the abused flesh of Sara’s arse, alternating gentle stroking with quick slaps. I slowly pulled the plug, watching as her arse tried to hold on, before, with a guttural moan from Sara, the metallic bulb finally popped out. I twisted it teasingly, pushing and pulling it so that the largest part almost always was stretching her arsehole as she moaned and whimpered beneath me, before finally pulling it free.

I was panting and beneath me, Sara was squirming and moaning. I couldn’t resist any longer. I grabbed the bottle beside her and finally freed my aching cock, lubing it up quickly before positioning myself by her twitching arsehole. 

‘It’s time for your reward, slut,’ I grunted before thrusting myself in, flicking up the vibrator as I did so. 

I tried to be gentle but I was quickly up to a furious rhythm, the tightness of her arse and the vibrations in her pussy driving me rapidly to climax. 

‘Oh, Sir – please, it’s so good, oh god, I’m going to cum…’ Her shouts turned into one long garbled mess as she clawed the constrictive chastity belt. Even wearing the butt plug all day, her arse was so tight I could feel myself drawing closer and finally flicked the vibrator up to full, feeling her push back against me with every stroke. I reached around and finally pulled the bulldog clamps off and Sara screamed her climax, hers in turn causing mine as her muscles contracted to milk every drop from my cock. 

I collapsed against her body still pressed to the desk, exhausted, and switched the vibrator off as we both recovered, whispering ‘good girl’ in her ear and receiving a hoarse ‘thank you, Sir’ back. 

When I finally regained use of my legs, I pushed myself up, withdrew my shrinking dick and untied her arms. The butt plug sat on the desk next to us; with a wicked thought, I pushed it back into her quivering arse, sealing in my cum. My chastity key, I reluctantly withdrew from my jacket and placed it on the desk. 

Sara managed to get herself upright and pulled her blouse back on, although she didn't do it up. She saw the key and slowly picked it up, then walked over to me and held it out with a shaking hand. 

‘That was – so, so amazing. I didn't want it to end,’ she said a little brokenly, before gathering force. ‘I’ve honestly never ever cum like that – you didn’t even touch my pussy and I thought I was going to pass out. I don’t want to go back to ten-minute vanilla sex with someone who couldn’t find my clit if I drew a map!’ 

I was slightly stunned into silence. With the endorphins fading, the reality of a disgraced career had suddenly begun to set in - but that was brushed aside by Sara's offer. 

‘Sir, I really am serious. I’ve been fantasising about this for years. I still can’t believe it happened.’ 

I could not believe my luck. What else was I going to do? I slowly took the key, partially in shock about the turn of events. 

She finally smiled a look of pure relief. ‘Thank you, Sir.’ 

Sara held up her skirt again to reveal her belt, eyes cast submissively downwards as she waited for me. 

I smiled and pocketed the key. 

‘You think I’m going to unlock a naughty little girl who wears a vibrator in my class?’

Her face flashed up, mouth parted in shock but excitement coiling in her eyes. I kept a close watch on her reactions as I spoke to make sure she didn’t suddenly get cold feet. 

‘Did you think your punishment was over, Sara? One little spanking?’ I reached around to give her burning cheeks a quick squeeze, eliciting a sharp inhalation. 

‘Nasty little girls don’t get a nice fuck. They get it dirty. Now, you can enjoy the rest of your day with my spunk in your arse and a vibrator in your pussy, and I will see you in my office at 3pm to see about the rest of your punishment.’

‘Yes, Sir,’ she breathed. 

‘We can’t have anything between us interfering with your studies now.’

She nodded bemusedly. 

‘So, I might sit in on my colleague’s lectures. Just to make sure you’re paying attention.’

Her eyes widened as she realised the implications, unconsciously pressing her knees together. 

'And I will see you in my office at 4pm sharp. You are excused now, Sara.’


Written by missingjanedoe
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