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The Fucking Machine, Chapter 1

"He couldn't handle her enormous sex drive... so he brought in reinforcements!"

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Diane and I have been married for a little over ten years now, having met while in college. For our tenth anniversary this year, I bought my loving wife a very special present.

You see, my Diane loves sex - I mean she really LOVES sex. She describes herself as a nymphomaniac, although she has never been "officially" diagnosed as such. But that doesn't matter she acts like one and that's where the problem lies.

Now I know on the surface most guys would be "So your wife is a nympho; I don't see the problem!" but the reality of it is that Diane was getting harder and harder to keep satisfied. Diane loves cock, and while I am more than happy to give her all that I can, sometimes that isn't enough. I mean a woman can get off over and over again, but once a man pops his nut, it's time for a sandwich and a nap! Plus there are just times when a guy doesn't feel up to a roll in the sheets. Maybe he had a bad day or is just too tired. Whatever the reason, his "equipment" is on the fritz.

Don't get me wrong, I am well equipped and in perfect working order. I am still young enough that I can do a pretty good job for a while and with a seven and a half inch cock, I can reach all the right places. But let's face it - Superman I'm not, and even the Energizer Bunny couldn't keep up with Diane when she wants some good hard fucking!

As if that wasn't bad enough, Diane is drop-dead gorgeous. And that isn't just me bragging either - she turns heads no matter where she goes. I swear the girl could walk into a Victoria Secrets photo shoot and compete with any Angel there! Diane is thirty-one years old, five foot seven inches tall, with a tight, hot, maneater 36-24-34 body. She has magnificent DD tits that stand tall and proud and are 100% natural and topped off with thick pink nipples that look like cherries on twin ice cream cones! She has a thick blonde mane that hangs down nearly to her waist (think Farrah Fawcett but with a little longer hair), emerald-green eyes, and lips that you can't help but kiss.

With such a rocking package, it only stands to reason that she would want to dress it up in a pretty wrappings, so she likes to wear tight form fitting jeans, short shorts, and those skintight knit mini-dresses that make men drool and walk into walls! Diane likes to dress in clothes that make it hard for a man to think straight and she has just the body and looks to do it. Yeah, with her looks and her flirty fun-loving personality, she was never far from male attention. Fortunately for me, flirting was as far as it went. She was able to control her sexual urges and appetite so that I was the only man on the menu! She didn't mind walking past the deli, but my sausage was the only one she sampled!

Still, I wondered how I could keep this hottie satisfied. I wanted to keep her for myself... Diane was the girl a guy wants to have when he is in the mood for some wild, insanely hot, nothing-is-off-the-table sex! That's what attracted me to her in the first place - she was up for whatever my imagination could dream up! And making love to Diane was an unforgettable experience... her pussy muscles were strong and could milk a man of every drop of cum and ask for more. It was said she could peel the shell from a hard-boiled egg and not use her hands - just by slipping it into her pussy for a minute!

So now you can see my dilemma. How was I going to keep this amazing creature satisfied? How could I give this sexual dynamo enough cock to keep her happy without wearing mine to a frazzle?

I knew I couldn't ask the guys at work. Admitting to a bunch of guys that you can't keep your smoking hot wife or girlfriend satisfied is like ringing the dinner bell at Shark World! Even though I trusted Diane, I didn't trust those guys any further than I could throw them! I mean, I used to be one of those guys; I knew how their minds worked!

So I went to the one place I knew I could find an answer to a sexual problem such as this... the Internet. I searched through several websites that featured adult toys. Diane had a good assortment of vibrators and dildos that she used to scratch that itch when I couldn't or didn't have it left in me to finish. So I knew I needed something more than your garden variety vibe or plastic cock. I needed industrial strength power here - something that would keep her moaning and groaning for hours at a time!

Not finding anything at the regular adult toy stores I searched through some of the movie sites I had. Maybe I could find out what the porn stars use. It was at one of the movies sites in the index I saw the category Machine Sex.

"Hmm, interesting," I thought to myself. I clicked on it and watched one of the videos. It was of a woman sitting behind the contraption with a big wheel to which a rod was connected off-center. The other end of the rod had a large pink dildo on it. She turned the machine on, and I watched as that dildo pumped in and out of her. Soon she was writhing and twisting, moaning and going crazy. This was just what I needed! A mechanical cock that never got tired, never got sore, and would never say no!

I went to the website advertised in the movie and began looking around. These things were amazing. They had a wide assortment of machines... everything from dildos that attached to power drills and power saws (that would require me holding it while she got off - that wouldn't solve all the issues in this problem) up to free-standing pyramid-shaped devices a woman straddled while it plunged up into her. I wanted something that was versatile; something she could use in a variety of positions and places.

I settled on one particular machine. It was expensive but not out of reach. And it would be worth it if it could keep the fire in her burning box under control. I decided that this was the answer to my prayers and I ordered it. Because this was an anniversary present, I wanted to keep it a surprise, so I had it addressed to one of my friends at work. It would come to his house and he would let me know when it arrived. I told him it was a present for Diane and a surprise so he wouldn't ask many questions and keep his mouth shut!

Two weeks passed and I was beginning to wonder if the machine would arrive in time. I did my best as always to keep her sexual needs met, but I hoped the product would arrive soon. When we made love (which was most nights as soon as I got home and then later on close to bedtime), she was usually in the mood for more about ten minutes after I had pumped my load of cum into her voracious pussy. A guy simply can't bring his guns to bear so soon after unloading them, no matter how young and virile he is. Diane would then go to her drawer of stand-in penises and pull out one of her plastic boyfriends for a little private party until I was ready to give her another round.

I developed a "routine" of sorts when we had sex. I knew that I would be called upon to make her cum several times so I would start out by going down on her first. She didn't much care how she came just that she did. And she loved it when I chowed down on her pussy (something I also very much enjoy) so it worked out for us. I would get her off a couple times orally and by then she was ready to ride the baloney pony. That would usually hold her off for a few hours - until bedtime. And then to help her sleep, she would need a couple more good orgasms.

Finally - thankfully - the package arrived and one day at work my friend told me Diane's surprise was there. I arranged to pick it up the next day at lunch and I brought it home in the truck of the car, stashing it in the garage under some other boxes until it was time to unveil it.

The weekend came and Diane needed to go to the store. This was my chance to put the machine together. I got it unpacked and started assembling the machine. It was a pretty simple process; it was already in sub-assemblies and all it took was a few nuts and bolts to complete it. Once I had it finished, I gave it a test run. It worked perfectly and I could just see Diane at the business end of this machine howling and squirming and pouring out her adoration all over the floor! From the way some of the girls in the videos acted, Diane was set for a wild time and I for a very happy wife!

The day of our anniversary arrived and as I usually do I had taken the day off to be with my lovely bride. We woke up and had our normal breakfast just like every day and when we were finished we went into the living room to sit and watch TV. There was a football game on and even though she didn't understand the game, she sat there and was willing to watch the game with me. But this was our anniversary and I had other plans...

I picked up the remote to the TV and turned it off in the middle of the game. Diane turned and looked at me with a quizzical look. She saw the look in my eyes. "Yes?" she asked coyly.

"Yes!" I said with a mischievous grin.

Diane quickly jumped up off the sofa and dragged me into the bedroom.

She got naked in a flash and flopped onto the bed. I walked up to my eager mate and began to run my hands over her taut, creamy flesh, nibbling on those marvelous globes as she gasped and groaned under me. Diane ran her hands through my hair as I made a meal of her tits and sucked her nipples to aching hardness. She loved having her tits licked and sucked and I knew that always got her motor running, so I never left her lacking.

After I had given her mounds a proper slathering, I kissed my way slowly down her chest and stomach, each kiss adding more fuel to her burning loins. She loved when I teased her like this, the anticipation of what she knew was coming always made it more intense when it did! Finally I was kissing her hip bones and then her mound. I could smell her sweet musky aroma easily now and I knew the girl was dripping.

I moved between her thighs, spreading them wide as I got ready to start Phase One of her anniversary. I leaned over her and inhaled her deeply as she pleaded with me to hurry up.

"Please don't tease me!" she whimpered. We both knew this was a lie!

"What would you like me to do then?" I asked her.

"Lick my pussy!" she moaned, as she pushed her hips up towards my face. As soon as her ass settled back on the bed I buried my face in her baby-smooth slit and thrust my tongue as deep into it as I could make it go. Diane kept her pussy shaved and bare; she said she liked the way it looked all smooth and hairless, and I wasn't about to argue with her!

Diane reached down and pulled her fat pussy lips apart, opening herself to my tongue. I licked her delicious pink interior, gathering up all the sweet honey I could find. I formed my tongue into a solid shaft and poked it in and out of her hole quickly as if it were a tiny cock. I gave her slit long slow laps with the flat of my tongue and I sucked her swollen clit into my mouth, gently nipping it with my teeth. I tried every combination of techniques I could think of and Diane loved every moment of it. I held her down by putting my left arm over her hips. I used my right hand to shove two fingers up inside her dripping pussy and began finger fucking her as my tongue continued its work on her pussy lips and clit.

The combination of my hand pumping in and out of her and my tongue flicking over her hypersensitive lips and clit had her squirming and bucking and writhing as her first orgasm approached fast.

"OHMYGAWDD... I'M CUUUMMMINGGG!!" she screamed loudly. I should probably tell you that my Diane is a moaner and is very vocal when we have sex. In fact, we have been asked to leave hotels before because she got a little carried away! Personally, I love her noise. I love knowing she is having a good time and her moans, whimpers and even her screams are a terrific turn-on and ego boost for me. I encourage her to tell me what she wants - talking dirty to me - and she likes when I talk dirty to her, as well.

As quickly as she screamed it, she did. Diane poured her pussy juices out and I lapped them up as quickly as I could. But there was no way I was going to get all of them, and some of her nectar slipped past my tongue to run down the crack of her ass to the bed below her.

Giving her only long enough for me to get up and get into position, I stood in front of her spread legs and looked down at her still leaking pussy. I placed my left hand flat on her mound and shoved the middle two fingers of my right hand into her slobbering hole, curling them up to find her spongy g-spot. Using my outside two fingers to hold her open, I began a series of short rapid jerks which caused my fingers to rub against her g-spot and up against her clit.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh..." she said as I manipulated her slippery slit. It only took a few seconds, since she had just came, to get back there again. But this time, because she wasn't held down, she bucked and jerked like she was laying on a live electrical wire! Her first orgasm this way was small... I expected that. So before she was completely finished, I repeated the technique. This next time, her orgasm was a little bigger and she moaned a bit. Once again I went at it, and she raised her hands like she was about to stop me, but she didn't. Her orgasm this time really made her jump around and she even squirted a tiny bit. I did it a couple more times, and the last time her bucking and humping up at my hand took awhile to calm down. She squirted more and I watched her pussy convulse as if trying to speak itself!

She lay on the bed panting and giggling, a big goofy grin across her face and she tried to compose herself. I gave her a few moments rest, but I didn't want her too cool down too much - I had much more fun waiting for her!

I spun her around on the bed until her head hung over the edge of the foot of the bed. "Suck me!" I commanded her as I straddled her head. Diane always liked my cock in her mouth and she was an excellent cocksucker. As she took my eager cock in her mouth and began applying vacuum, I marveled at how her tongue felt as it caressed my tool, and how talented that soft wet mouth was!

As I watched my cock slide in and out of those perfect red lips, I felt my cock bumping against the back of her throat.

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I reached down and grabbed her tits sinking my fingers in the soft creamy flesh and rolling the nipples between my fingers. Diane moaned when I did that and the vibrations very nearly made me blow right then and there!

But I had another place in mind for that so as soon as she had me hard enough, which wasn't long since I was already pretty much there before she started sucking. I pulled out of her mouth and pulled her to her feet standing at the foot of the bed facing it. I pushed her over so she was leaning over the end of the bed and kicked her legs apart.

"Spread 'em!" I ordered. Diane opened her legs without any complaint about the bluntness of my order. I lined myself up behind her and and slid into her steamy depths with all the gentleness of a head-on collision.

With a hand on each hip holding her steady, I pumped her pussy hard, fast, and deep - the three things she loved. She pushed back against me with each forward stroke I made in an attempt to get me further inside her and used her award-winning pussy muscles to clench my hard, thick shaft on each outward stroke. Her fire began to spread throughout her loins and radiate through her body. Her breath came in ragged gasps and she grunted every time I touched bottom inside her. I delighted in the slippery embrace of her cunt, while she delighted in the parting of her pussy as my cock re-entered her. Diane was enjoying herself quite a lot and she was hoping to hold off my orgasm for a little longer...

Unfortunately it was not to be - I came within a few minutes. Diane's expert pussy had won again! Diane felt my cock swell and she knew that my time had come. She felt me unload within her and felt my sticky goo as my cock withered inside her finally plopping out. And she felt the sticky cum as it began to seep from her and run down her legs.

She flopped down on the bed frustrated. She hadn't even gotten close to cumming herself and she needed more. But she knew that I wouldn't be able to help her out for at least an hour or more.

"I'll bet you think we're done," I said, with a knowing smirk.

"Of course we're done," she said pouting. "You blew your load. That means my little friend won't be good for at least an hour now."

I smiled - it was time to spring my big surprise. As she sat on the bed, I walked around it to the nightstand on my side of the bed. I opened the drawer of the bedside table and pulled out some of the rope stored in there. Diane and I have played with a bit of bondage, and she always came really hard when I fucked her helplessly squirming body.

"Get up on the bed," I said. Curious as to what I had planned she complied, crawling up the bed and laying down right in the middle of it with her head on the pillows. I placed an additional pillow behind her so she was at a good angle and would be able to see what was going on. I tied one wrist using a triple French bowline, a knot I had learned on the Internet that has three loops around the wrist and won't slip. It is a safe knot to use around limbs when you don't have the fancy wrist and ankle cuffs available. I tied the other end of the rope to the bed frame to secure her arm down at her side and over the edge of the bed. I walked around to the other side of the bed and tied her other wrist off the same way.

With her arms secure, it was time to do likewise to her ankles. I grabbed one of her ankles up and over her head to the headboard behind her. Using the same knot as I used on her wrists, I tied her ankle to the headboard corner post. Then I tied the other ankle to the other corner post in the same fashion.

With Diane tied firmly to the bed, her legs spread wide and her pussy and ass exposed to my every whim, she looked at me with a curious but very excited look in her eyes.

I stepped back then to admire my handiwork - Diane was not going anywhere soon!


I sat on the bed beside her. "Diane I have come to realize that when we make love you are often left to 'take care of things' on your own because I just can't last as long as you need. In my defense you can cum multiple times whereas I only get one shot at a time. But I know that you need more. So that's what I am going to give you. I am going to give you more cock than even you can handle!" I told her. "In fact, you're going to get so much cock, you're going to be begging me to stop before it's over!"

"Oh come on, Jon... you have got to be joking!" she said, laughing at me.

"I am going to wear out your pussy," he bragged. "When I am through with you, you're gonna be walking around like John Wayne; if you can walk at all that is!"

"Yeah right; that's pretty big talk for someone who has already popped his cork!" she said, mockingly. However she was intrigued by the idea, even if it wasn't feasible. She would love to be fucked until she couldn't walk, but she knew there was no way I could do it. It just wasn't possible.

"How long do you think you could go in a single fucking?" I asked her.

"I don't know, I've never tr..." she started.

"Three hours?" I asked. "Could you last for three hours?"

"There's no way you could fuck me for three hours! Hell you can barely last twenty minutes!" she exclaimed, laughing.

"Does that mean you don't want it?"

"No!" Diane said. "Of course I want it. But you can't possibly fuck me for three solid hours straight without stopping! It's impossible."

"Would you like to wager a little something on it?"

"Sure. What did you have in mind?" she said, sure of herself.

"Well how about if I can fuck you for three solid hours, you are my sex slave for the whole weekend?"

"And what if you can't?" she asked.

"If I can't then you can get that new dress you'd been eyeing and I'll throw in the shoes and a makeover to go with it."

"Okay, big man, it's a bet! Now get it hard and get it busy!" she said. The thought of having her hungry pussy banged for three solid hours sounded like heaven, but she knew there was no humanly way I could do it. Diane would take whatever I would provide... and then go collect that dress, shoes and enjoy her makeover on my nickel!

"Three solid hours?" I asked, just to be sure. "Are you sure you want me to fuck you for three solid hours?"

"Yes," she replied with impish impatience. "I want you to fuck me for three solid hours. Don't pause, don't stop and don't do anything but thrust for three solid hours," But Diane knew there was no way I could keep banging away that long non-stop, she was just humoring me to get me between her legs again, my hard cock cradled within her soft nest.

Diane wanted to bet that I couldn't keep thrusting into her for three hours. But I had a "secret weapon" that she didn't know about... yet! So once I had her commitment and set the wager, I went to the closet where I had hid my little surprise under the suitcases and other stuff stored in the back of the closet. Diane watched with interest what I was doing, rummaging around in the closet. When I brought out the surprise and set it on the bed, it didn't have the dildo attached. So she looked at the device rather quizzically at first. But when I attached the eight inch long and three inch diameter pink cock to the end, her eyes lit up!

"What the hell did you do, Jon?" she asked incredulously.

"This is your anniversary present baby. I know how much you love sex, and I know that I haven't always been able to give you all that you want. So I called in a 'friend' to help out!" I said.

Diane looked at the contraption on the bed between her splayed-out legs. It was about three feet long and had a vertical flywheel on the side of a black cylinder, with a connecting rod attached to the outer diameter. The other end of the connecting rod was connected to a stainless steel shaft,

"What is that thing?" she asked.

I didn't answer her, but instead I just went to work, screwing the dildo attachment to the end of the threaded shaft. This particular model came with one shaft-mounted dildo, but there were other shapes and sizes available in case you wanted to try something new. It was adjustable in the speed, angle, and depth of its thrust. I adjusted the shaft until it pointed directly at her slit then I moved it a bit closer. I carefully turned the flywheel a bit at a time until the dildo slipped between her slick pussy lips. Diane felt the dildo tunnel into her as I turned the flywheel until the steel shaft reached its full extension.

Suddenly she flinched. "Not so deep!" she said, and I pulled the machine back a couple inches until the full extension of the shaft was still comfortable for her. Then I secured the machine in place with a couple ropes so it wouldn't move.

"There, that ought to hold it in place!" I said, as I finished the last knot.

"Turn it on, let's see what it can do, she said. She already knew the machine's purpose, she just wanted to see how well it did it!

I inserted the key in the top of the device and unlocked it, then I picked up the remote control for the machine and after installing the batteries, pressed the red power button. The machine whirred to life and the vertical flywheel slowly began to turn. The shaft began to pull back and the dildo backed out of Diane's pussy until just the head of it remained inside before moving forward again. Forward and backward, in and out, again and again and again.

Diane watched the flywheel turning and the dildo thrusting. She felt it moving back and forth within her pussy and she moved her hips a little, trying to adjust the angle at which it penetrated her.

"This is called a fucking machine," I told her, watching her lush naked body wiggle against the ropes. "I bought it from a website I came across a few weeks ago."

Diane was enjoying what the machine was doing to her. "So why did you tie me up first?" she asked.

"Because my dear, if this machine does what it advertises and what the videos I've seen it do, you are in for the time of your life, and I want to make sure you get every moan and scream from it!" I said. "Now there are a couple things about this machine... first off, even though I got this to use on you, you are not to use this machine without my permission. There is a keyed lock on it so you can't sneak in here and play with it by yourself. You can play with the remote control all you like, but it won't run without the key."

"Hey, that's not fair! What if I need it when you are at work or something! It's a machine built for women after all!" she whined.

"You are right; it is," I said, watching her helplessly squirm as the machine began to have an effect on her. I turned up the dial a bit and the flywheel spun faster, making the dildo fuck her faster. Diane squirmed against her bondage more aggressively, liking how it stroked her.

"Oooh... Turn it up Jon!" she said wriggling on the bed.

I slowly advanced the speed of the fucking machine a little at a time. Diane began to grow impatient and would call for more, but I didn't want to rush it Finally it reached a speed that was faster than any man she had ever had could go.

"Oh damn, that feels nice," Diane panted, loving the feel of the dildo banging around inside her. She moved around within the limits of her bondage to vary the angle of its penetration, trying to get it just where she needed it and changing the sensations every so often.

I put the control down on the nightstand and sat there for a couple moments watching the machine work on Diane. She was enjoying the feeling of the machine pump away at her and I could see her fire had been lit. But it was still small - I wanted her to be an inferno! I went into her nightstand and took out a small bullet vibe she kept there. I turned on the little silver buzzer and, being careful to keep my fingers out of the thrusting dildo's path, I gently pressed the little toy to her clit, massaging her button. Diane gasped in surprise, arched her back as she squealed with pleasure and began to writhe erotically within her bindings.

A hard, thick dildo persistently plunging in and out of her dripping pussy.

The tormenting buzz of the bullet vibe on her clit.

Her body inescapably bound.

All three elements of pleasure combined in her brain to bring her to a quick series of ferocious orgasms as I watched them take control of her gorgeous naked body. I heard the machine's motor growling low as Diane's pussy muscles squeezed the thrusting dildo with all their strength. After she had had three or four tremendous orgasms, I eased off her clit enough to let her calm down a bit, then started again. Immediately she began thrashing mindlessly in her rigorous bondage, gasping, her heart pounding like never before. Her climaxes were intense enough to cause a lovely pink blush on her face, neck and upper chest.

I made Diane have a dozen hard orgasms before I stopped with the bullet vibe. Leaving the fucking machine running, I leaned over and kissed her; Diane replied by attempting to suck my entire face off. I reached over and groped and squeezed her magnificent tit as we kissed, feeling her constant twisting and wiggling against her ropes as the thrusting machine whirred about its business, unstoppable.

I broke the kiss after a moment or two and ran a thumb over her cheek, admiring the glitter in her eyes. "See you in three hours," I said softly as I stood up and headed for the door.

"Jon!" Diane screeched, alarmed. "Where are you going? get back—"

The bedroom door closed, leaving her alone.

"Jon!" she shouted. "You get your ass back here! Right fucking now!"

But I was gone, leaving her to the will of the fucking machine for the next three hours. It would be a long, exhausting three hours for her to be sure.

Written by Master_Jonathan
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