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Fire In The Hole

"My first experience with a butt plug during sex was not what I expected."

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After experimenting with the butt plug while masturbating and discovering the experience to be extremely pleasurable, I was left wanting more. As the days passed and I gained more experience with the plug, I began walking around with it inserted. My anal muscles quickly adjusted to the toy's presence, and with daily practice, I was soon able to leave it in for hours without feeling any discomfort.

With each passing week, my excitement for introducing this new toy into my sex life grew, as did my arousal, because I knew it would open up a whole new realm of pleasures for me and my boyfriend to explore together, and the opportunity soon arose.

It was the start of a long weekend, and we had both requested and received a vacation on Friday. He wanted to take me out to dinner and then to a show, possibly followed by some dancing. We were supposed to return home late Friday or early Saturday and spend the rest of the weekend snuggling in bed together. I decided this weekend would be full of excitement and surprises.

Friday afternoon, while he was distracted watching television, I began preparing for our night. During my shower, I spent some extra time grooming my pussy and decided to leave nothing to his imagination. For the first time since we had been together, I was bare. It actually felt nice.

After toweling off, drying, styling my hair, and then applying makeup, I crossed into the bedroom closet. I reached up onto the shelf and removed the hidden box holding my new toy and the bottle of lube. Tonight, I was going to venture into uncharted territory by wearing the plug while out on the town, which made me both nervous and excited. With a shiver of anticipation, I placed the box on my bed and slowly opened it, revealing the silicone butt plug—small in size but promising immense pleasure.

Using plenty of lubrication on the toy and my rosebud, I slowly inserted the plug into my tight hole. As I slowly inserted the plug, I felt a warmth rush through my body, and my muscles contracted around the toy, sending a flush of forbidden desire washing over me. I took a deep breath and let myself relax as I pushed the toy further inside, savoring the sensation of stretching as it filled up my throbbing hole. I could feel my muscles squeezing around the plug's neck, firmly holding it in place until the toy was all the way seated.

As I slipped on a silky, black lace thong, I felt a second rush of excitement. I turned around and spread my cheeks, leaned forward with my bum toward the mirror, to see the toy's round base resting at my entrance, the back strap of the thong barely covering it. The plug pressed against my inner walls when I moved, giving me the pleasant sensation of being full.

I slipped a black chemise over my body, the velvet-like fabric caressing me like a lover's touch. The seductively sheer material made every curve of my body visible. Slowly, I twirled in front of the mirror and smiled at how sexy I looked. I then hoisted up a pair of black jeans, slipped on a black button-up silk shirt, leaving the top two buttons open, and stepped into a pair of two-inch platform heels.

With the plug fully seated, I strolled into the living room as if I had nary a care in the world. My boyfriend was sitting on the couch in front of the television, watching his favorite show. As I stood there, aroused by my dirty little secret, my excitement bubbled through every inch of me, and it became increasingly difficult to control my desire for him to discover it. I cleared my throat to get his attention and asked if he was going to get ready for dinner or what?

As his gaze shifted away from the screen and took me in, his mouth fell open.

"Don't just sit there, close your mouth and go get ready," I remarked.

He quickly jumped up, ran to the bedroom, took a quick shower, and was dressed in record time. He returned dressed in trousers, a light blue Polo shirt, and black oxfords. In my mind, he looked scrumptious. Truthfully, I didn't want to go out, not knowing how long I would last with the plug in place, but we set off for our evening out.

As he started up the car, I could feel the vibrations from the engine up through the seat cushion and into my ass. The plug began pulsing in sync with the car engine and it was all I could do not to moan in pleasure as we headed for dinner. Throughout the trip, the throbbing from the engine was causing my stimulation to advance so much, I almost regretted wearing the small black thong.

As we pulled into the parking area for the restaurant, my thong was drenched, and I wondered how I would be able to walk. As he closed his car door, the added bump triggered a sudden, intense sensation of pleasure I had to quickly keep in check. He came around, opened my door, and offered his hand in assistance. Dew from my pussy was quickly forming, and I feared my jeans might betray my arousal. On shaky legs, I stepped out of the car, and we strolled into dinner.

My heart was pounding, and my breathing was coming in quick gasps as we walked, my mind on fire with thoughts of the night ahead of us. I tried to appear composed and collected, but I was sure the flush in my cheeks would give away my excitement. If he noticed, he didn't say anything.

He held my hand and opened the door for me. When we walked into the restaurant, we were greeted by a warm and inviting atmosphere. The tables were covered with delicate linens, amber candlelight danced across elegantly set tables decorated with flowers, and an enticing aroma of freshly prepared food filled the room. Live country music was playing in the background and I recognized a familiar song from the soundtrack we listened to together the first night I went to his place.

The hostess greeted us with a smile, led us to a table with a beautiful view of the lake, and took our orders. We spent the night talking, laughing, and enjoying each other's company. Each time I laughed, I could feel the plug jiggle, sending tingles through my body and adding to the growing dew in my pussy. With the toy inside, I felt wickedly naughty, yet empowered by the fact no one around me, not even my boyfriend, had any idea what I was experiencing.

As the country band's lilting, honeyed harmonies floated through the air, couples drifted together on the creaky old wooden dance floor. The music enchanted everyone, including me.

"Dance with me," he said, holding out his large hand.

His voice caressed me like a soft melody, sending waves of pleasure through my body and tugging at my heart. Slipping my hand into his, I rose from my seat and followed him to the center of the room. He pulled me close and held me tight in his strong arms. As we swayed from side to side, I felt my heart flutter as I nestled closer to him. His touch sent sparks of desire through my body, reminding me of just how much I wanted him.

His soft lips brushed against my forehead, and I felt my body tremble as the warmth of his breath flooded my senses. The pace of the music gradually increased, and our movements followed suit, becoming more fluid and enthusiastic. I became increasingly aware of the butt plug inside me, sending waves of hedonism coursing through me with every beat. Looking back at when I dressed for our night out, I was thankful I had decided on black jeans, as I knew any other choice would result in obviously wet material.

His hands moved lower and lower until they reached the curves of my hips, and as he pulled me closer to him, I felt like I was soaring higher and higher. My pussy was throbbing with desire, and I could feel every inch of his body pressed against mine as we swayed together to the music. His body pressed against mine, his muscled chest rising and falling with each deep breath, our movements perfectly coordinated. I was lost in a trance, every nerve in my body electrified with arousal as the music enveloped us.

The plug inside me felt bigger and bigger with each movement, and I could feel a deep pleasure growing within me. It was overwhelming, and I could barely keep my eyes open as I clung to him, trembling with ecstasy as we moved together. His body pressed against mine, his muscled chest rising and falling with each deep breath, our movements perfectly in sync. He could see the lust in my eyes as I gave myself to the moment. His strong hands held me close, and his lips brushed against mine, sending even more sparks of pleasure through my veins.

"Why don't we just skip the show?" I whispered, my heart racing with anticipation as I met his gaze.

"It was difficult for me to obtain these tickets," he replied, his deep voice rumbled, sending shivers down my spine.

"Once we get home, I'll put on a show for you," I said as I leaned in and kissed him lightly on the lips, my heart beating faster and faster with each passing second.

He smiled knowingly, and I felt a wave of warmth course through me as he nodded his agreement.

"I'll get the check," he said, and I excused myself to visit the restroom to check if the plug was still in place and to discreetly wipe away my drenched pussy before a wet stain appeared on my jeans.

While in the ladies' room, I cleaned myself with a damp towel, though the sensations passing through my vagina almost made me take much longer than necessary. My sexual desire had reached an all-time high, and I badly needed a fix. The need was overwhelming and I craved the rush that would come from a brief but intense orgasm.

I finished cleaning up, leaving my thong in place despite being soaked in my trickle, and returned to my boyfriend. The waiter had just returned with the change, and we set off towards home.

My hand crept up to his groin during the drive, and I could feel his excitement grow as my fingers traced circles around the zipper of his pants. As I stroked his half-erect cock through his pants, he really stepped on the gas. The faster he went, the harder he got.

His breathing grew heavy as I increased the pressure of my hand, and he reached out to grasp my thigh. I could feel his grip tighten as I moved my hand faster and harder, pushing him closer to the edge. His foot kept pressing down on the accelerator, taking us faster and faster, until we finally arrived at our destination.

As soon as we entered our apartment, I kicked off my high heels and began slowly unbuttoning my blouse. The fabric gradually unraveled until only two straps framing my camisole with a deep V-cut neckline remained. My boyfriend's eyes widened as he saw me dressed so sensually, and he quickly closed the door behind us.

He removed his shoes, keeping his gaze fixed on me as I unbuttoned my jeans, slid them down my thighs, and then stepped out of them. His breathing quickened as I stood in front of him, wearing only my camisole and thong. I could feel the electricity in the air.

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As he took me in, I could see a mischievous glint in his eyes, and the corners of his lips curled into a grin, leaving me squirming with anticipation. Fluttering my eyelashes coyly, I turned around and walked down the hall. Without hesitation, he followed me with eager steps and a silent expectation.

As we entered the bedroom, heading straight for the bed, the wildness of desire thumping through my body overwhelmed my thoughts and feelings. He got closer and closer with each step we took until I couldn't take it any longer. I crawled onto the bed on all fours, eager for him to see what was hidden beneath my revealing attire.

"Fuck," he groaned.

I knew he noticed the base of the plug poking out from beneath the fabric of my thong. As he moved closer, running his fingers along the curve of my spine as he approached from behind, I held my breath, feeling embarrassed and exposed.

"My - my, what a naughty girl," he whispered as he gripped my thong by the side straps and began pulling it down over my taut bottom.

As his fingertips brushed across the soft skin of my thighs, my skin tingled with anticipation. My heart pounded in my chest, and a burning desire ignited within me, which grew stronger as he drew the silky black fabric of my thong down my quivering legs. I raised my legs, one after the other, as he removed my black thong and tossed it to the floor at the foot of the bed.

He returned his attention to my trembling ass, and his fingers traced the outline of my skin around the plug, sending delicious shivers throughout my body, before they trailed a heated path between my legs, finding my core wet and aching for him. He circled my clitoris with the pad of his middle finger while his thumb dipped deep inside me. I let out a low, keening moan, arching my back in pleasure as his fingers moved faster, exploring, and stimulating my most sensitive spots.

"You're so wet," he murmured, his fingers continuing to please me.

My chest heaved as I lowered myself onto the bed, pushing my upper body against the mattress and raising my hips to meet his touch. His fingertips explored me with a burning desire, igniting sparks of pleasure through every nerve ending in my body.

My breathing became more rapid as he circled my clitoris more intently. I spread my legs wider, bending my back down and tilting my hips up, trying to offer more of myself as a silent invitation to take what he wanted and give me what I needed.

"Please...," I couldn't help but whimper, and he knew what I was asking for.

Removing his hand from my pussy, he repositioned himself behind me, placing the tip of his cock at my entrance. As the tip of his cock began to slide inside my throbbing pussy, I felt a rush of adrenaline surge through me. His hard cock felt so good, and I could feel every inch of him as he slowly moved further and further inside me.

"Damn, you're tight," he said in a low voice as he pushed further in.

As I moaned and spread my knees even wider, allowing him an even deeper penetration, I could feel his large cock throbbing inside me. Inch by inch, he filled me up until I felt like I was going to burst. After embedding himself fully, he began to move. His thrusts were slow and deliberate at first, sending waves of pleasure through my body.

The sensation of fullness, tightness, and pleasure was overwhelming. With each stroke, the intensity built until I could feel myself coming closer and closer to the edge. His thrusts began to speed up until they were frenzied and powerful.

As he pounded into me, he grabbed my cheeks and spread them apart to get a better view of the plug lodged in my ass and even deeper access to my wet opening. It was at that precise second I experienced an odd sensation, and I couldn't feel the plug inside of me anymore.

"I think the plug fell out," I said.

My boyfriend abruptly stopped thrusting, and I looked over my shoulder at him. His expression was serious, and I'll never forget what he said next.

"No, babe. Your ass swallowed it."

I crawled forward, separating us and causing his cock to fall from my pussy.

"What? You've got to be kidding me," I exclaimed.

It couldn't be possible, so I frantically searched the bed, tossing blankets and pillows in all directions. Despite my best efforts, I couldn't find the plug, and I had to accept it was inside me. Fear, embarrassment, and complete and utter confusion washed over me as I tried to comprehend how this could have happened, cursing myself for purchasing the stupid sex toy in the first place.

My boyfriend suggested I stand up and try to push it out, but as soon as I did, I felt a dull ache in my lower abdomen and worried if I moved around too much, it would move deeper. In my overreaching mind, it was already climbing its way further into my passage, getting lodged deeper and deeper inside me, and all I could do was hold still and accept the gravity of the situation.

He reached out and wrapped his hand tightly around my arm, trying to help me stand. I refused, remaining on all fours.

"At the very least, push," he advised.

"I can't," I admitted, feeling myself start to hyperventilate.

"We'll have to go to the ER if you don't," he said.

I immediately remembered that my cousin's wife worked as a nurse at the hospital. Even if she wasn't on duty today, I knew how gossip spread among the staff there and was convinced she'd find out about my situation and spread it around the family. My fear of disgrace was stronger than my discomfort, so with my mind racing, I took a deep breath and mentally prepared myself to try to push the plug out.

Since I was so vulnerable and exposed, I felt an overwhelming sense of humiliation as I struggled and pushed. After several failed attempts and much panting, I finally felt the plug coming out, and it hurt. While I was struggling, my boyfriend encouraged me to push, just as a man would encourage a woman giving birth to his child, making the situation feel even more embarrassing.

He mentioned he could see the base and I should push harder. When I pushed as hard as I could, I couldn't stop myself from peeing. In an instant, I stopped pushing, feeling deeply ashamed, and the plug was quickly and completely sucked back in.

Tears were streaming down my cheeks; I was mortified and embarrassed. When I turned around, I noticed my boyfriend's hands were wet from my pee. He thought the plug would fall out and had cupped his hands under me to catch it.

I apologized, worried about how he must perceive me now. He smiled and said everything was fine and we were on the right track before going into the bathroom and bringing several towels to place beneath me. When he asked me to push once more, I refused because my bladder was still full, and I was afraid of what might happen.

He brought up the ER once more, and imagining the embarrassment of having to wait in the ER for who knew how long, the fear that, if I moved, the plug would be sucked in deeper, and everyone finding out... I knew I couldn't avoid pushing out the plug, so I told him to leave me alone while I did it.

He refused to leave, claiming it wasn't coming out straight when he saw the base because the plug had twisted a bit inside of me and turned a little horizontal. This required him to grab the base and pull it out as I pushed. As if things weren't humiliating enough already. With tears streaming down my cheeks, I told him I couldn't do it without peeing.

He replied, "That's why I brought the towels. Just in case," and with a mischievous smile, he added, "and besides, I don't mind a golden shower."

I had no idea about his fetish, but I felt more at ease with the situation. So, I pushed harder and harder, emptying my bladder all over the towels in the process. When the plug came out bit by bit, it hurt a little, but he grabbed the base with his fingers, successfully straightened it, and removed the entire plug from my ass. I was overjoyed!

"Good girl," my boyfriend said as he walked to the bathroom with the plug.

I collapsed on the towels, exhausted from the strain, and didn't care they were wet from my pee. Soon, he walked back into the room with a wide grin on his face. As he scrabbled onto the bed, he settled between my legs, spreading them open wide and gazing intently into my eyes.

"What are you doing?" I asked, surprise evident in my voice.

Rather than answering my question, he leaned forward and began licking my pussy with a fervor, making my whole body shudder with excitement. I was embarrassed and aroused at the same time, but I caved and let him clean me with his tongue, savoring every second of the pleasure he was giving me.

His soft hands tenderly caressed my thighs as his mouth explored me in tantalizing circles, eliciting gentle moans and multiple gasps from me. Aroused by my response to his touch, he upped his game and began to quicken the pace of his ministrations until I begged him to fuck me. He didn't hesitate. His name escaped my lips as he positioned his hard cock at my ready entrance and thrust forward, pushing his way into me.

His thrusts were initially deep and slow, but he quickly picked up the pace, pushing himself deeper and deeper with each stroke. As the pleasure intensified, I gripped his muscular back and dug my nails into his skin.

My walls clamped around him, making him groan louder, and I felt my orgasm building up inside me, ready to be released. I gripped him tightly and felt my body quake as I let out a loud moan of pleasure. His thrusts became harder and faster as I rocketed into the pleasure of my orgasm and my pussy convulsed around his erection.

He let out a deep grunt with one final thrust, and I could feel his body quiver as he reached his climax, my name a whisper on his lips as he emptied himself into me. His warm seed flooded into me, and a wall of emotion crashed down on me like a ton of bricks. I held him close, savoring the moment, feeling closer to him than ever before. He slumped against me, both of us panting from the intensity of what we had just experienced.

As we lay there afterwards, breathless and spent, he said, "One day we'll look back on this and laugh."

And he was right; we often laugh about it, remembering how I almost became famous for having a sex toy stuck inside of me. However, after this experience, I was hesitant to use the butt plug again.

To prevent this from happening again, I researched butt plugs and discovered I had chosen the inappropriate one. You should always choose plugs with a wider base so your ass doesn't suck them in. After my encounter, I switched to stainless steel plugs with a wider base, but I was still shaken up by what happened, so I only use plugs I can attach a chain to, just in case.

Written by EMoon
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