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Everything Has A Price

"Borrowing without asking can be a risky business"

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The feed was in black and white and showed a woman in a kitchen. A gently striped cat sat on one of the kitchen chairs watching her as she picked up a plate from the floor and rinsed it under the tap. She got out a new plate and ripped open a packet of cat food. Swiftly she replenished both dry and wet food, and changed the water. The cat merely observed, waiting until the woman had moved away before hopping down from the chair to feast.

The woman looked around. Job done, she had no reason to stick around, yet she had a suspiciously furtive look on her face.

The split screen showed transmissions from four separate cameras, making it possible to follow the woman as she left the kitchen, heading upstairs instead of leaving the house. She walked gingerly, but with the gait of someone who had a destination in mind. That destination was the bedroom.

A quick swipe was all that was needed to fill the screen with the view of the bedroom. The woman stood near the foot of the bed and looked back over her shoulder, as if she was afraid she might be apprehended, even though she was alone. Then she moved closer to the window, regarding the items resting beneath it for a short while.

Another glance back at the door and she appeared to have made up her mind. She picked up one of the items and placed it on the double bed. It was a frame with a discreet motor and a metal rod attached. The woman reached out and slid her fingers along the phallic object attached to the end of the metal rod.

She paused, as if she were having second thoughts, but then she took the power cord and plugged it into the wall. Then she took the control unit, sat down on the edge of the bed and activated the machine. The metal rod and rubber phallus began moving slowly; back and forth, back and forth.

The woman just sat there for maybe a minute, watching the rhythmic motion. Then she glanced at the door before kicking off her shoes and moving the machine so that the dildo was thrusting in the direction of the headboard. Next she took two pillows and moved them to the centre of the bed, so that her head was propped up when she laid down.

Wriggling on the bed, the woman pulled her dress up to the waist. She was naked underneath. Staring intently at the movement of the dildo as she spread her legs, the woman rubbed her hand between her thighs.

About thirty seconds later she reached out to stop the machine, but only to reposition herself so that the phallus rested at the requisite spot. She turned the knob to set the machine in motion again, and as the dildo penetrated her, she closed her eyes and her mouth opened. She gave another little wriggle, pushing herself onto the phallus.

At first she just lay there, with her legs spread, letting the dildo move slowly inside her. Then she reached out to increase the speed. Her body responded tantalisingly, but the movement made the dildo slip out of her. She put it swiftly back in, adjusting her position to prevent further accidents, in the process seeing to it that the machine took her deeper.

Another increase in speed and her body was heaving. Her mouth was open and her eyes opened and closed. As the machine worked away relentlessly inside her, she moved a hand down over her stomach. Fingers moved over her clit, then her whole hand began making circular movements.

This went on for a minute or two, the woman’s body heaving and writhing slightly, her hand working, the machine digging into her. Then she reached out to increase the speed of the dildo some more, and suddenly there was no stopping what she’d been aiming for all along. Her body arched, her mouth opened wide, and she stared wide-eyed, straight into the white light of orgasmic bliss.

She was meticulous; cleaning the dildo off and replacing the machine exactly as she’d found it, moving the pillows back into place and straightening the bed clothes.

“It’s a pity there’s no sound,” I observed, as I recalled the split screen function, watching the woman make her way downstairs.

“Maybe that can be remedied,” Susan, my wife, suggested with a wicked grin on her face.

We were propped up in bed ourselves, in a London hotel, watching the live feed from the cameras we’d installed as a homemade surveillance system before we left home.

As Susan grabbed her mobile phone and dialled, the woman was taking one last look around the kitchen; Slinky, our tabby cat, now nowhere to be seen. The woman started visibly, obviously taken aback by the sound of her own phone. She fished it out of her bag, and Susan and I watched as she put it up to her ear.

“Hello?” Her voice on speaker. Clearly she hadn’t checked the number before answering.

“Hi, Cal!” Susan said lightly. “Just calling to ask if everything’s alright.”

“Yes. Fine. Fine,” Cal said. “As a matter of fact I’m at your place right now. I was just leaving.”

She sounded guilty, perhaps still a little breathless, but Susan pretended not to notice. “How’s Slinky?”

“Fine, just fine.” Cal looked around. “He was here just a moment ago.”

“Great,” Susan said, pausing as Cal looked around the kitchen. “Cal, I was wondering… something’s come up, and Jerry and I have to stay in town another day.” I glanced at my wife, wondering what the plan was. “Is it alright for you to check on Slinky again tomorrow?”

Was it just my imagination or did Cal seem to like that idea? It was hard to tell from the images on the screen. She sounded neutral enough when she said, “Yes, I can do that.” She paused. “What’s… what’s…”

“I’ll tell you all about it when we get back,” Susan said.

“OK,” Cal replied.

“Won’t keep you. Thanks for looking after Slinky.”

Goodbyes were said, and then Susan told me of her plan. I approved.

We travelled back from London the next day, arriving home while Cal was still at work. Since we’d taken a taxi to the station in the first place, Cal wouldn’t find it strange that our car was home when we were supposed to be away. We took care to stash our luggage away out of view.

Slinky was conspicuous by his absence, no doubt outside on the trail of some interesting scent, or crouched motionless waiting to pounce on a passing field mouse. That was good, it meant that he wouldn’t pester us for food when we had to leave everything exactly as Cal would expect. The only thing that could upset our plans would be if one of the neighbours had seen us come home and mentioned it to Cal, but we couldn’t do anything about that. There are some risks you just have to run.

We watched from upstairs, finally seeing Cal arrive home. It took close to half an hour, but then she emerged from her house again, having changed into a black dress. It went down to half thigh and exposed a nice slice of cleavage. I felt Susan’s eyes on me, knowing that she’d never been jealous of me checking out the next door neighbour. “She looks like she’s dressed for a party,” she said.

“Well, we’ll soon see,” I replied. “I hope you’re right.”

We made our way swiftly to the master bedroom, where we heard Cal unlock downstairs. Then we heard the sound of her voice. Either Slinky had showed up, or she was talking to herself.

My wife pulled open the door to the big, walk-in closet. I followed her inside and we waited. Listening intently, we only just made out Cal’s feet on the stairs. Susan pulled the door shut, noiselessly, and we squatted on the floor side by side, peering out through the slats in the door.

Cal entered the room. She had that furtive look about her that we’d seen on the screen yesterday. Susan took my hand as Cal stopped and regarded the machines stored under the window; the one we’d seen her borrow yesterday, alongside a sybian. She looked back over her shoulder as if checking to make sure there was no-one there, before walking over to the window.

She bent down and gripped the sybian. I squeezed my wife’s hand a little harder. Yes, her plan had worked, Cal was taking the bait. Our neighbour took the machine and moved it a little way out into the room. She plugged it in, then she regarded it. Susan had left one of the attachments in place, and now Cal ran her fingers over the pad and the phallic accessory.

As our neighbour picked up the control unit, Susan squeezed my hand harder. She was as keen and as excited to see our next door neighbour activate the machine as I was. The thick phallus began to rotate slowly. Cal regarded it, the tip of her tongue coming out and circling her lips. She brought the thing to a standstill again, lifting her dress.

As yesterday, she was without underwear. My wife leaned across, hot breath in my ear as she whispered, “I told you she was dressed for a party.” I replied with a new squeeze of Susan’s hand, my attention drawn to the smoothness of Cal’s mound as she placed a hand between her thighs and rubbed herself. Then she positioned herself above the phallus, splaying her labia and lowering her body.

It quickly became apparent that, for the moment, the attachment was too big for Cal. She rose again, standing up so that her dress fell back into place. She stared nervously at the door, biting her lip. Then her eyes flickered as she made up her mind, suddenly pulling her dress off with a certain determination and tossing it onto the bed.

Suddenly there she was, the next door neighbour, in our bedroom completely naked, save for the trainers. Long, dark hair flowed down to her full breasts, shopping just short of her nipples. “I want her,” my wife whispered.

“You and me both,” I whispered back, squeezing Susan’s hand.

We peered through the slats as Cal got into a position where she could lean back, steadying herself with one hand as she thrust her pussy up against the phallus. She activated the machine, so that the attachment rotated against her labia. The most delicious sound came over her lips, a long, wanton sigh, then a little moan. This was what I’d been longing to hear yesterday, in the hotel room and Susan knew it. She gave another little squeeze.

I let go of my wife’s hand, but only to place it on her thigh. I saw Susan give a little smile as I drew my fingers along the sheer black nylon. When Cal moaned again, a little louder this time, I gave a firm squeeze. “I’m probably as wet as she is right now,” my wife whispered.

“I could so do you right now,” I whispered back.

“Save it for later,” Susan whispered, laying her hand on my hand.

We fell silent, watching as Cal straightened up, holding herself just above the rotating phallus as she gave a new moan. Then she lowered herself slowly, giving a loud gasp. “Fuck, that’s big!” she exclaimed.

Susan put a hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle. I squeezed her thigh harder as Cal lowered herself some more, almost forcing the implement to stretch her and burrow its way slowly into her. “Fuck, it’s so fucking big!” Cal announced. She was breathing heavily as she continued to lower herself gradually, until her sex had swallowed the whole attachment.

She leaned forward, so that contact was made with the clit pad. “Fuck, yeah!” she gasped, reaching out to adjust one of the controls. “Oh!” Cal cried as the sound of the machine grew louder. “Oh shit! That’s fucking sensational!”

She continued moaning loudly, thrusting herself back onto the phallus, her big breasts swinging as she brought one hand up to squeeze them.

“How about it?” Susan whispered. “Could you so do her right now?” Before I had time to answer, she added, “I know I could.” I tried to move my hand against her thigh, but Susan was pressing down hard on it.

In front of us, Cal was pushing down hard on the Sybian. “Oh yeah!” There were loud staccato moans, part ecstasy, party agony, or that’s how it sounded. Then she started screaming. “So fucking big! So fucking big! I’m gonna cum all over your big fucking cock!”

“Who do you think she’s thinking of?” Susan whispered.

I didn’t answer, but I was pretty sure her husband was far from Cal’s mind right now. Through the slats I watched her tits bounce, focusing on hardened nipples. Cal moaned and moaned. “Oh yeah! Oh yeah!” she cried. “I’m… gonna… fucking… cum!”

And she did, her mouth wide open, cries of ecstasy filling the room as her body shook.

“The moment she leaves,” I whispered, as Cal lifted herself gingerly from the sybian and turned it off, “I’m going to be all over you!”

“I look forward to it,” Susan whispered back.

Then Cal surprised us. Instead of wiping the sybian off and putting it back in place, she stared at the doorway, but without her furtive guilty look. She bit her lip, then looked back at the other machine, the one we’d seen her use yesterday. Without much in the way of hesitation, she took the machine and placed it next to the sybian before plugging it in.

“If she’s not careful she’ll blow a fuse,” I whispered.

Again my wife stifled a giggle. Cal was already on all fours, backing up to the machine. She reached back to grab the fake cock and manoeuvred herself into position. “I need you to fuck me really hard,” she breathed.

“Whoever she’s thinking of, I’m guessing it’s not Walter,” I whispered.

Cal flicked the switch and turned the knob. “Fuck me!” she breathed as the machine began to whirr, the dildo moving slowly in her newly orgasmic pussy. “Fuck me as hard as you can!”

“Do you think she knows how fast that thing can go?” Susan whispered.

Cal was about to find out. She turned the knob and the machine worked faster. “Oh yeah!” she cried. “Fuck me hard! Fuck my cheating cunt really hard!”

“Definitely not Walter,” I observed.

Susan squeezed my hand. “Naughty girl!” she said.

Cal twisted the knob again, and now the machine was working pretty much at top speed, as far as I could make out. “Fuck!” Cal cried out. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” The dildo worked away as if it was punishing her as much as anything. “Oh yeah! Fuck me hard, you fucking bastard! Fuck my cheating fucking cunt!”

Seeing the normally so very friendly but quite ordinary next door neighbour in this state of abandon was a treat to behold. I’d always had an eye for her, but never imagined I’d ever get to see her naked with her tits swinging beneath her as a machine dildo pounded her pussy.

Susan pulled my hand further up her thigh as we both sat, spellbound watching Cal screaming, “Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck my wet, horny cunt!” as the machine worked its relentless magic.

Then everything changed. Cal was staring at the doorway. She reached out and turned the control, bringing the dildo to a standstill. I turned my own attention to the doorway to see what had disturbed her. Slinky was sitting there, looking at Cal quizzically.

The appearance of the cat seemed to bring our neighbour to her senses. She slid forward and got to her feet. “Hello, kitty-cat,” she said in a soothing, high-pitched voice. “What do you want? There’s food downstairs.”

Slinky ignored her completely, getting off his bum to walk leisurely across to the door to the walk-in closet where Susan and I were concealed. I held my breath as the cat began to scratch at the door. He was adept at opening almost every door in the house.

Then Cal was there, with only the thickness of the door between us. She bent down. “You can’t go in there, kitty-cat,” she said. “You’ll get fur everywhere.” She wasn’t to know that happened on a regular basis anyway.

“Meeeoooow!” Slinky protested as Cal picked him up. She moved across to the doorway and dropped him on the landing, closing the door behind her.

“What now?” I said, turning to Susan.

My wife shrugged. “We’ll see,” she said.

We heard the sound of running water, then Cal returned, bringing a cloth with her and closing the door to prevent Slinky from re-entering the room. Susan and I watched silently as she cleaned the machines off and replaced them exactly as she’d found them. Then she pulled her dress on and surveyed the room one last time before leaving, closing the door behind her, which would have been a dead giveaway, since it had been open when she arrived.

My wife pushed the door open. I’d hardly had time to move myself before she unzipped her skirt and turned, shoving a hand down the front of her tights. “I think we should go across and tell her we arrived home earlier than expected and thank her for looking after Slinky,” she said. “But first I want you to fuck me harder than you’ve ever fucked me before.”

Two weeks went by. Susan’s and my sex life was far from barren at the best of times, but having caught Cal in the act, borrowing our toys, was something we couldn’t get out of our minds. We watched the surveillance footage several times as a prelude to our own frenzied activities.

Then one day when I came from work, Susan told me, “Walter’s away at some conference or other.”

“Yes?” Perhaps I was a bit dense, but I wasn’t sure where my wife was going with this.

“So I told Cal we were going to see that new film she recommended.”

The neighbour had been very enthusiastic, but we’d followed her recommendations before without being uniquely bowled over. We weren’t going to the cinema, of that I was certain. “You are a very wicked woman,” I said.

“I like to think so,” Susan replied.

The plan was simple enough. We got dressed and got in the car, driving away as if we were heading for the cinema. But we only drove round the block before parking up. If any nosy neighbours were watching, they would surely have wondered why we drove away only to return on foot, but that was none of their business. We could just about make it through our own side entrance without being seen from Cal’s house.

We stole inside noiselessly as if we were burgling our own home, which felt very strange. There was no saying that Cal would take the bait, but she had a key and she only had to use it. It took no more than a few minutes of waiting and watching before we saw her through the kitchen window, heading our way.

“Blimey, she’s keen,” I said.

We dashed up the stairs and concealed ourselves in the walk-in closet, as we had two weeks ago. It took next to no time for Cal to appear in the door to the bedroom. She was wearing the same black dress as before. She looked nervous, but also determined. She took a quick peak out of the bedroom window, then looked uncertainly at the door, as if deciding whether to leave it open or to close it.

In the end she left it open. I took Susan’s hand as Cal pulled the dress over her head, before sitting dead opposite us on the edge of the bed and fondling her voluptuous breasts. Then she spread her legs and worked a finger into her slit. As she wriggled her finger, she eyed the two machines standing side by side beneath the window, biting her lip, as if trying to decide which one she wanted.

Then it happened. Something furry appeared between myself and Susan, and before either of us had time to react, Slinky announced, “Meeeeoooooow!” in a piercing, slightly questioning tone.

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He’d been hiding out somewhere in the closet, and now no doubt wondered what this peculiar game was.

Cal reacted too, pulling her hand away and closing her thighs. “Oh, kitty-cat,” she sighed. “What are you doing in there? You do love showing up at the wrong moment, don’t you?”

Well, that’s cats for you. There was only one way this was going to end, and it happened in an instant. Cal opened the door to the closet to enable Slinky’s escape, and let out a huge shriek, which sent the cat scampering away. An arm flew up to shield her bosom and another hand ended up covering her pussy, but given what we’d seen, this was a case of bolting the stable door with the horse half way to Asia Minor.

“You’re not supposed to be here!” Cal blurted, as if she was. She began to back up, still shielding her vital areas.

“Don’t worry, Cal,” Susan said as we rose from crouching and emerged from our hiding place. “We’re not angry.”

Cal had gone bright red. “I’m sorry,” she gasped. “I shouldn’t have…”

“If you wanted to borrow the machines, you only had to ask,” Susan said. “You still only have to ask. We don’t mind, do we, Jerry?”

“Quite the contrary,” I replied, as Cal stood staring at us in disbelief and shame, rooted to the spot.

Susan went up to her and put an arm solicitously around Cal’s shoulders. “It’s quite a turn on, actually. Watching you cheating on Walter with a machine.”

Cal stared at the floor, left in no doubt that we’d witnessed her previous session. “How did you know?” she whispered.

“Just out of curiosity,” I said. “Who was it you were thinking of?”

“It doesn’t matter,” Cal said. “I don’t want to cheat on Walter. Not really. You do understand that, don’t you?”

“Of course,” Susan said. Then she winked at me before turning her head and leaning in to plant a kiss on Cal’s lips.

“What are you doing?” Cal cried, turning her head away.

“I’m sorry,” Susan said. “I just couldn’t help myself.”

“Susan has had the hots for you ever since we saw you with the machines the first time,” I explained. “But if you don’t swing both ways…”

Cal didn’t give any indication of whether she did or didn’t. Instead she said, “I shouldn’t be here. I should go.” She turned, offering a delicious view of her naked arse as she grabbed the dress from the bed.

“Are you sure you don’t want to stay?” I said. “While the cat’s away, so to speak.”

Cal turned, pulling the dress into shape, forgetting to cover herself now. I stared unashamedly at her luscious tits and smooth mound. “I can’t. It would be wrong.”

“Isn’t a bit late to be getting a conscience?” Susan asked, her voice suddenly changing into something vaguely threatening. This was interesting. “We’ve got footage, you know.”

The neighbour froze. There was an implication hanging in the air. Susan didn’t pursue it, just letting Cal’s imagination work in her favour. There was a look in Cal’s eyes, as if she knew she was trapped but didn’t quite want to believe it, not yet. I didn’t imagine for a second that Susan actually had any intention to show anyone else the footage, but Cal wasn’t to know that.

“I’m so very sorry,” Cal breathed. “I know I’ve betrayed your trust.”

“Well,” Susan said. “We don’t have to worry about that. But maybe you do owe us one or two favours.”

“Whatever you want just ask,” Cal said, sounding relieved. “But please…”

I stepped forward as she spoke. Something was happening to me. It was out of character, but I enjoyed it. My hand was suddenly between the neighbour’s thighs, grabbing her. “What if I want your cunt?” I said.

Cal looked shell-shocked. Her lips moved but no sound came out.

“It’s not like we mind you coming up here and borrowing our toys,” I went on. “But you know how the world works, Cal. Everything has a price.”

Cal reached back to steady herself with a hand on the bed, then sat down on the edge. She looked slightly deflated. Susan put a hand on the neighbour’s shoulder. “Think how much you enjoyed yourself with those machines,” she said softly. “That’s got to be worth quite a lot.”

The neighbour stared at the floor. Part of me felt sorry for her, but another part was taking over. “Everything has a price,” I repeated.

“How much do you want?” Cal murmured.

I almost laughed out loud. “Money? That’s not what we mean, Cal, and you know it.”

“Please,” Cal said. “Please give me time to think.”

“Why not?” Susan said. “But don’t take too long about it.”

This gave Cal the opportunity she needed. “I have to go home,” she said. “Walter will be phoning. If I don’t answer, he’ll wonder where I am.”

“Fine,” Susan said. “But we want to know what you decide before we go to bed, don’t we, Jerry?”

She was making it up on the spur of the moment, but I understood the importance of showing a united front. “Yes, absolutely.”

Cal grabbed her dress again, rising and pulling it on with indecent haste. She was at the doorway when she stopped dead and turned around. “These favours… if I don’t… what…?”

Susan hadn’t considered that any more than I had, but she turned on a wicked smile. “Well, you’ll find out in due course.”

“You are so fucking wicked,” I told Susan once Cal had disappeared.

“What about you, Mr ‘Everything Has A Price’?” my wife shrieked.

But once we’d come down from our elation, it became clear to both of us that neither of us had a clue what we’d do if Cal wasn’t in the business of doing favours. We weren’t blackmailers. The phrase, “I don’t know what came over me,” applied to both of us equally. When it came right down to it, we even felt a little guilty about what we’d done, even though Cal wasn’t exactly innocent to begin with.

Once we’d talked it through, we decided it was best to tell Cal we’d been out of order and apologize.

It took almost an hour before the neighbour reappeared. This time she rang the bell, rather than letting herself in with the key. Susan went to open the door and brought her through to the sitting room.

I smiled at Cal, trying to put her at her ease. She looked very nervous, a bit hot and flushed. “Susan and I have been talking,” I began.

Before I had time to continue, the most extraordinary thing happened. Cal, who was still wearing the black dress from before, began to pull it up over her thighs, which parted the higher up the dress went. “You’re right,” she said. “Everything has a price.”

I made a valiant effort not to show my astonishment. I glanced at Susan, who I could see was trying to make up her mind as to what to do about this sudden turn of events. Then I looked back at Cal, at her pussy lips peeking out from beneath the hem of her dress.

The neighbour was staring at the floor, and when she spoke it was with quiet shame, but the words were there. “You want me to pay with pussy, don’t you?”

I glanced at Susan again, and seeing her better instincts fade made mine recede too. “That would be a start,” I said.

Cal bit her lip, then she looked up at me with a wan smile. “I don’t really have a choice, do I?”

There was still time to tell Cal that we weren’t in the business of blackmail, but temptation was there, and it was too great to resist. “Not really.”

Cal just sat there, flashing her pussy at us. “What exactly do you want from me?” she asked.

Susan looked at me with a curious look in her eye. “I think we should take this upstairs, don’t you?”

I nodded. We let Cal go before us up the stairs and into the bedroom. We were back in uncharted territory. Cal turned around and pulled the dress over her head. Once again her voluminous breasts became exposed, along with her shaven mound.

She looked at me, as if she was expecting an advance at once, but Susan seemed to have something in mind, so I let her take the lead. She proved more than willing to do this. “Why don’t you lay on the bed and get comfortable, Cal?” she said.

Cal kicked off her shoes and positioned herself on her back on the bed. Susan fluffed up a couple of pillows and placed them beneath her head. I was amused and gratified to see that Cal needed no instruction to spread her legs.

Next Susan turned to look at me. “Why don’t you bring the machine over here?” I liked the way Susan’s mind was working. After all, she and I had been denied the sight of our neighbour enjoying herself with the toys earlier. So I went across and plugged the thing in before carrying the machine across to the bed.

Cal looked surprised, but one of her hands moved, touching the spot between her legs, moving, rubbing. Susan adjusted the position of the machine so that the dildo on the end of the metal rod was pointing straight at the neighbour’s hand. I helped her move it further in. Cal was looking from me to Susan to the machine and back to me, still in wonder.

“We didn’t get to see you use the toys before, Cal,” Susan said. “We like seeing that, don’t we, Jerry?”

“Oh yes.”

“And we don’t have to ask you if you like using them,” Susan said to Cal. “That’s obvious.” Whether she was conscious of it or not, the neighbour’s fingers had worked their way between her labia, and were sliding up and down her slit. “But you may as well say it. Do you want it, Cal? Do you want this machine fucking your cheating cunt?”

Cal looked embarrassed at this reminder of what she’d been screaming two weeks ago, but she took it in her stride. “Yes,” she said with a nervous smile. “I want it, I really do.”

“Then open wide,” Susan said.

It was amazing seeing the next door neighbour lay there and open her snatch wide. Who would ever have believed it? And who would have believed that she would look straight at the dildo and repeat the assertion? “I want that thing in me, really I do.”

She certainly looked ready for it, her pussy glistening. I stared longingly at where she was holding herself open, feeling a throb where my own impulse was to have her, but that was to be the prerogative of the machine. I helped Susan adjust its position, watching enthralled as she guided the dildo to Cal’s cavernous opening and inserted the knob end. Fuck, this was much better than sitting watching Cal on her own. Even better, Cal would have no control over the machine.

I reached for the remote control, activating the machine so that the dildo eased further into Cal’s quim. The woman gave an immediate moan. This was good. Susan and I watched, thrilled to see the dildo slowly ease in and back, in and back. “Aaaaaah!” Cal moaned, as the machine used her glistening cunt with no finer sentiments whatsoever. “Oh! I love his machine!”

Oh yes, this was terrific, seeing the hot next door neighbour like this. My kinky wife was clearly as excited and intrigued by this as I was. I could tell by the glint in her eye, and by the way she moved up next to me to increase the speed of the machine.

“Aaaaah!” Cal moaned, shifting a little as the dildo moved faster inside her. At that moment neither Susan nor myself were interested in anything but the sight of our neighbour being shafted by the machine. I increased the speed some more, and Cal cried out. The dildo was really pumping now, ravaging her cunt.

“Oh fuck! Oh fuck!” Cal groaned. She writhed on the bed and the dildo slid out of her, just prodding her pussy lips. I decreased the speed for Susan to get the thing back in place. Cal let out a new moan as she was penetrated again. My wife and I watched as the machine dildo used the neighbour with relentless purpose.

“Cheating on Walter with a machine,” Susan said. “Tut, tut!” She increased the speed again, and the dildo ravaged on, Cal crying out and squirming so that the dildo escaped again.

“If that’s going to keep happening, we should tie her down,” I said.

Susan looked amused while Cal looked alarmed. Or did she? I brought the machine to a standstill for Susan to reinsert the dildo. Then I slowly turned the knob making the machine increase in speed incrementally.

“Hold her in place,” Susan said breathlessly. “We don’t want another accident.”

So I got on the bad, straddling Cal and pushing down on her thighs to prevent any more mishaps. The downside was not being able to see her face, but I had a fantastic front row view of the dildo drilling into her twat. Cal squirmed beneath me as Susan increased the speed to maximum. She was moaning loudly.

“Hold her there!” Susan instructed. “Make sure that thing keeps fucking her!”

I nodded, curious as to what my kinky wife had in mind. Fighting to hold the neighbour in place, I watched as Susan stripped off her skirt to reveal stocking-tops and a naked pussy. I knew already that this was how she was attired, but the sight still made my cock give an extra twitch. Especially since I suddenly understood exactly what she was up to.

“Oh yes! Oh yes!” Cal cried. I pushed down hard on her, forcing her to stay in place so the machine could pound her mercilessly. In the meantime my wife took the sybian and moved it out from the wall before plugging it in. Events so far had got her so worked up that there was no need for lubrication or prior stimulation. She got straight up on the machine and lowered herself over the thick phallus, before activing it.

“Oh fuck!” Cal screamed. “Yes, fuck me! Fuck my cheating cunt!”

A thick creamy substance began to ooze out of her as the machine drove its hard bargain, and now the loud buzz of the sybian mingled with Susan’s loud moans. “Oh fuck that’s good! That is so fucking good!”

I watched the machine dildo thrust deep inside Cal, and imagined the sybian phallus deep inside Susan, and it was too much to bear. My cock was throbbing like mad, and I was desperate to do something, anything, any one.

“Oh fuck!” Cal cried. “I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna cum!”

Susan was staring with a depraved look in her eye, grind down on the sybian as she moaned out loud. I reached out to switch the machine off. “Oh no you’re not!” I decided.

“Please!” Cal gasped, squirming beneath me.

Over on the sybian my wife let out a long moan before saying, “Do it, darling! Fuck her!”

I climbed off the bed and ripped my clothes off with enormous haste. Susan was going wild on the dildo, grinding down on it. The machine dildo was still pushed up against Cal’s quim, and she thrust herself at it. I gave my stiff cock a few quick tugs before grabbing Cal and pulling her round. I was on top of her before I knew it.

“Yes!” Susan gasped excitedly as I penetrated the neighbour. “Fuck her! Make her pay!”

How nasty was my wife becoming? But of course I had nothing else in my head but to fuck Cal. I was practically in a frenzy as I drove my cock into. “Fuck her! Fuck her!” Susan demanded.

To my delight, Cal responded with the same sentiment, “Fuck me!”

By now that’s all Cal was to me, a body to fuck while my wife urged me on. The two women were moaning in stereo. Cal seemed to like it rough, begging and begging, even when I suddenly found myself with my fingers round her throat. I shoved and shoved my cock in her tight fuck pit, hearing the hum from the sybian increase, and my wife becoming ever more exited and insistent. “Fuck her! Fuck her!”

Unlike Cal, Susan didn’t bother about announcing her climax, she just came. I heard her behind me, and it was delicious to hear her wild moans while my cock was buried deep inside Cal’s tight, moist vagina.

The neighbour’s hand moved and she managed to get it between our bodies so that she could rub herself. “No!” Susan cried. “Don’t let her cum!”

I grabbed Cal’s arm and yanked it away, grabbing the other one and pinning them both to the bed. “Please let me cum!” Cal whined, looking at me with beseeching eyes.

“No you don’t!” I panted, as I maintained my pace, thrusting deep inside the neighbour’s sweet vagina. “Right now only one of us is gonna cum, and it’s gonna be me, when I fill your cheating cunt with my spunk!”

I could hardly believe I was being this nasty. I heard Susan behind me, but was too preoccupied with stabbing my cock against Cal’s cervix to concern myself with what she was doing. The neighbour was moaning out loud, her moans mingling with my loud gasps as my cock twitched. I came and came, big spurts of cum adding to the creaminess of Cal’s vagina.

“Quick!” Susan said behind me. “Pull out quickly!”

I wasn’t sure what she had in mind, but as I pulled back and stood there looking down at Cal, I saw that Susan had repositioned the machine. A tiny trickle of semen emerged from the neighbour, but the flow was stemmed by my wife reinserting the machine dildo.

Cal gasped as the dildo began moving, keeping a moderate pace this time, but driving relentlessly back and forth in the vagina that now held a massive load of spunk. “Fuck!” she moaned. “Fuck!” She moved a hand back down to rub her clit, and this time my wife didn’t object. At least not for the forty seconds or so it took for Cal’s moans to reach fever pitch and for her to moan, “Oh fuck! I’m gonna cum!”

“Oh no you’re not!” Susan decided, and as I’d done earlier, she grabbed Cal’s arms, only Susan now got up on the bed and quickly lowered herself over the neighbour’s face, still holding her arms in a firm grip. “Lick my pussy!” Susan demanded. “Eat me out!”

By now nasty was the new good and I’d never known anything quite like it. I heard Cal moan beneath my wife and increased the speed of the machine. A film of white soon surrounded the dildo where it worked relentlessly in Cal’s spunk-filled pussy. Susan was moaning and grinding her pussy against Cal’s face.

I increased the speed some more, and that’s when it happened. Cal no longer needed anything but the relentless pounding of the machine for her body to heave. Muffled squeals emerged from beneath my wife’s pussy as she came and came.

I brought the machine to a gradual stop. Susan let go of Cal’s arms, but only to rub herself, refusing to abandon her position on top of the neighbour until she’d had a screaming orgasm herself.

Only then did she roll off of Cal, leaving a sheen of secretion round the neighbour’s mouth. It was all so downright dirty, it was scarcely believable.

Suddenly Cal was looking at Susan and I with beseeching, guilty eyes, as if she’d suddenly come to her senses again. “Please,” she whispered. “You won’t tell Walter, will you?”

“Of course not, Cal,” Susan said, stroking the neighbours forehead. “As long as you remember that you haven’t yet paid in full.”

Oh, my wife had become so fucking nasty I hardly recognized her. I felt a renewed surge of blood to my cock. “Of course if you want to pay more now…” I said.

“No, no,” Cal said. “I have to go. Early start tomorrow…” She sat up, wriggling to the edge of the bed and grabbing her dress. She looked as if she was having second thoughts as she pulled it over her head. Then she turned. “I will pay in full. I promise.”

She looked desperately guilty now. I almost wanted to put her at her ease, but Susan cut in. “You’re welcome to use the toys any time, Cal. As long as you remember that we’ll be putting it on your tab.”

Cal nodded, rising so that the dress fell into place. “Of course,” she said. “I understand. Everything has a price.” She was looking straight at me, and then she was speeding out of the room.

I turned to Susan. “Do you think she will?”

Susan gave one of her wicked grins. “Oh, I’m sure of it,” she said. Then she licked her lips, her eyes fixed on my reinvigorated erection. “But enough of Cal. I want you to put that thing to good use right now.”

Written by PervyStoryteller
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