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Afternoon Tea

"Maybe Danielle and Trey can satisfy two cravings when it's time for afternoon tea."

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Danielle has been hard at work all day. Which sucks for her, because it's a weekend. Little nagging projects around the house like laundry, cleaning up and fixing stuff, trips to the store, all that kind of shit has her worn out and a little grumpy, especially since she got up late, ate breakfast late, and is now tired and hungry, but not wanting to eat too much because she'll want dinner at, well, dinner time. And she's pretty annoyed that she's a little sticky and sweaty from rushing about and doesn't smell too good.

But she counts her blessings, because she has her husband Trey around to help, and he's been great about getting stuff done with her. So she decides that placing all those scattered books neatly back on the bookshelf (that needs to be dusted, fuck, one more thing) is the last item to be checked off the to-do list before calling it quits for the afternoon. After the last book is back in place, the manual labor done, maybe a refreshing shower will help.

Trey is all too eager to help out with the shower thing too, so they step into the shower together, and give each other a nice soaping and massaging all over their naked bodies. Danielle is kind of surprised he doesn't try to do her in the shower, but he does get a nice raging boner, which persists for a couple minutes after they get out and dry themselves off. So, great, now she's tired and hungry and horny! But at least she's refreshed and smells better. She wants to do something sexy besides just fuck – not that it's boring, but she just wants to try something new.

Oooo, speaking of new things, she's excited to have received her new sex toy in the mail the other day, but hasn't tried it out yet. She had been wanting something she could use discreetly, hands-free, so she shopped around, doing her research including reading reviews, and decided on a “ride-on” clitoral vibrator, one the user can sit on, with separate motors for the separate vaginal bump and clitoral nubs. She plans to use it at the coffee shop or while waiting for an oil change or something naughty like that, but she thinks it would be best to give it a test ride before taking it out in public. She turns away from Trey, hiding her grin from him. This afternoon will be the perfect time to try out her new toy. But not discreetly – Trey gets to watch!

But first, time for a snack. ”Hey, do you want to have some afternoon tea?” she asks, as they walk out of the bathroom naked, stepping over the clothes they discarded earlier.

Trey knows his wife well enough to know that when she says “do you want...”, she really means “I want...” – it's one of the things she likes about him. So he's a good sport and agrees. She swats his boxers out of his hand when he tries to put them on. “I said naked afternoon tea!”

“Um, no you didn't.”

“Oh... I swear I said naked.” She walks into the closet, then turns and looks at Trey, who is just standing there next to the bed. “I didn't say naked?” She grabs a sweatshirt off its hanger. “Okay, I'll cover up, then,” she says with a fake pouty face and voice, pulling the sweatshirt over her head.

“Um, wait, yeah, you did say naked... my bad.” She knew he'd see things her way. He smiles and wiggles his not-completely-soft penis at her.

“I thought so!” She whips the shirt off over her head, throws it on the floor, and prances out of the room.

Once in the kitchen, Danielle opens the container of mini scones that's on the counter, left over from yesterday, while Trey puts some water on to heat. He gets the cups and sugar, and she gets the milk and butter and jam. Once the tea is steeping, she sets the other items on the table. Touching her husband's dick and pulling on it a little, she gets it to grow while she moves around the kitchen. Of course he's into it as well, rubbing on her and grabbing her naked butt and brushing his arms and hands across her bare titties. She's getting even hornier now, and wonders if she should put a towel down on her chair, just in case things get a little wet down there.

Then something occurs to her. She can get herself off while she has her tea and scones. There's no way to hide what she's doing, so she'll be open about it, and Trey can wank himself while he watches her if he wants. Or, she can do it for him!

“Almost ready,” she tells him, “but, one more thing. Be right back.” She leaves the room and finds her sexy little package, opening it up, taking out the vibrator, and popping in the batteries (included!). Instructions? Who the fuck needs instructions? If she can't figure this out, there's no hope for her. She returns to the kitchen, where Trey is sitting at the table, flicking his dick to keep his half-boner, but he stops when he sees her, pretending like he wasn't doing anything.

She sets the pink toy down on the table and takes her seat, smiling at him.

“Uh, what's that?”

“Something I ordered a few days ago.” She pets it. “It's cute, isn't it?”

“Ummmm, I guess, yeah.”

“Oooo, and soft. Feel.” He touches it too, and she sees the wheels spinning inside his head. She picks it up and rubs his arm with it, giggling. “I bet it will feel really good... somewhere else.”

She sets it down, pushing a button to make it hum and shake lightly. He suddenly almost jumps, blurting out, “Is that a – ummm, a toy?”

“Yep. Can't wait to use it!” She turns it off and raises up off the chair to slide it under her. “Let's see how accurate the reviews were.”

“There are reviews about that thing?” Trey catches himself giving his lengthening cock shaft a couple strokes.

“Of course. I'm not going to spend your hard-earned money on something this important without doing my research. No returns, you know.” She settles down on it, but then pops up again.“Oh, shit, wait, one more thing...” She grabs a kitchen towel out of the cabinet, folds it over, and lays it on the chair. Placing the vibrator in the center, she shrugs at Trey, his dick almost fully erect now in anticipation of a lewd sex show. “Just in case,” she tells him as she settles down on her new toy.

Danielle gets herself comfortable on her cute little vibrator, bumping her clit up against the nubs and feeling the smooth and surprisingly soft larger bump nestle inside her labia and up against her vaginal opening. “Oooo, niiiice,” she smiles, half at it and half at Trey, sliding herself forward and backward for a minute. Then she places her fingers on the buttons, anticipating her first ride. “Okay, here we go!”


The vibrations start, gently massaging inside of her labia as she rubs herself on it.

Click, click... Click. She cranks up the intensity a little, including starting the clitoris vibrations, and she starts going at it like she envisioned, with no hands. She sits there, wiggling and smiling, knees slightly apart, as she puts some sugar and milk in her tea.

Click, click go the buttons, one notch higher for each section, and she squirms on her little toy while taking a sip of tea. She spreads her legs wide and then closes them, then repeats a few times as she slices a scone in half and spoons on some jam.

Trey has just been watching, but not from where he can really see anything explicit. “Let me see...” he pleads.

Danielle pushes her chair back from the table and spreads her legs more, inviting him, “Here... get in here.” He stands right between her legs, looking in wonder down at the pink toy openly teasing her clit that's peeking out from under her trimmed pubic hair, his boner standing tall and pointing at her face. He takes a sip of his tea and strokes her hair as she closes her legs and grinds harder, bumping knees with his legs. “Up here,” she tells him, patting the table.

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“Um... whaaaa?”

“Sit up here.” She pushes her scone aside, abandoning it for now as he plonks his ass on the table right in front of her and scoots back a bit. “Mmmmm, fuck yes,” she purrs, about 10% because of the naked stiff penis in front of her and 90% because of the erotic sensation of the vibrator buzzing away at her girl parts. While she squishes her pussy around on the toy, she grabs at the end of Trey's dick with her fingers. Pulling it gently, she uses the other hand to circle his shaft. Realizing it's dry and maybe a little uncomfortable for him, she leans in and takes the swollen head into her mouth, making him moan and squirm. Depositing a lot of spit onto his cock, her mouth has made it slick enough for a good wank for a couple minutes. She bounces her crotch on the vibrator for a while, making her titties jiggle, receiving “oooooo”s and smiles from Trey.

“How's it going down there?” he asks.

“Great! Mmmm, the reviews were spot on. This thing is fucking-” she sings the last word - “♪ ♫ ♪ awesome ♪ ♫!”

When Trey's dick dries out, Danielle leans forward and rubs it on her tits, making sure to glide her stiff nipples right on the head. After bumping her clit on the buzzing little nubs, she leans back, holding his cock firmly at the base, and swirls her finger around the head, feeling the slick and sticky semen droplets that have oozed out of his hole. Licking it off her fingers, she returns some wetness to his dick, telling him, “Yuuuummmm!” She wants to taste more. She wants to taste it all. Her new vibrator escalating the lust inside of her, she thinks of naughty things to do with his sperm, which she is now on a mission to jerk out of him.

Click, click, click! She turns up the action some more between her legs, and her cute soft little pink toy is now much less innocent, almost angrily rumbling away under her weight, teasing her vaginal opening lasciviously. Rocking forward, her naked, stiff-nippled titties jiggle up and down Trey's cock while she mashes her clit on the vibrator nubs. After slurping his dick head a few times to get it super slimy again, her spit runs down his shaft and she uses both hands to massage it with twisting motions. “Oooohhh yes, oh, fuuuuuuck!” he moans, trying to grab a tit, but they're now both out of reach, so he's content to just lean back and enjoy her wank. She holds his cock upright with one hand and rubs the palm of the other over the head, but slows down and just grips it by the base when he looks like he's about to cum.

Grinding forcefully on her wonderful little toy, Danielle feels the vibrations deep inside of her, holding her husband's dick tightly like a handle, eager to get herself off before she gets him off. She almost wants to turn it down a notch, but she decides she'll tough it out, sliding harder and harder, almost thrashing as she continues to fuck the vibrator. It sure is doing its job, coaxing moans and gasps from her parted lips.

One more series of slurps on Trey's straining cock to get it sloppy again serendipitously leans her forward so that her clitoris gets it hard from the buzzing nubs. This is it! “Aaaahhh!” she moans, bouncing and grinding and gyrating, legs spreading and contracting, and it's all she can do to keep her hand sliding up and down Trey's dick as she approaches the finish line.

Finally the magic moment arrives, when her orgasm begins to erupt inside of her. Her climax hits her, muscles tensing and convulsing, making her shudder and squeal with delight. Her toy doesn't know to slow down, and she's glad, steadily riding its strong vibrations all the way through her orgasm until her entire pussy is almost numb.

Danielle raises up off the chair, laughing as her legs tremble beneath her, barely able to keep her upright. She is impressed with herself that she's been able to hold onto Trey's dick this whole time, and continues to massage it up and down with one hand while using the other to grab the now-bouncing vibe before it falls off the chair. Turning it off, she settles back down on it, leaning back with a big sigh.

“That thing sure did a number on you,” Trey tells her.

“Fuck yeah,” she replies, panting. “Five stars! I think I'm going to give it a name.”

She moves Trey's dick around in circles for a minute, stroking steadily, while she slides back and forth on the toy that's now slick with the juices that she emptied onto it. He's looking at her, sliding his ass forward on the table, thrusting the best he can, looking like he's going to get off soon. She clicks on the vibrator to its lowest setting, feeling it gently massage her vagina, keeping it away from her clit while she comes down from her high. Returning both hands to Trey's raging boner, she twists her hands in opposite directions while pulling on it. He starts to grunt and tremble, his eruption imminent.

So she grabs one of the halves of her mini scone, smeared with jam, and holds it right under his dick head while she wanks him and starts laughing. “Omigosh!” he exclaims. “Uhhh, ooohhh!” As her man lets out a long loud moan, Danielle sees the beginnings of his emission start to appear. So she clamps down just behind his dick head, rubbing the tip with her thumb until his semen starts gushing out. If she was just jacking his shaft, he'd be spurting all over the place, but she is impressed with her ability to control it, guiding the flow right down on her scone. Squishing the underside of his dick head into the jam, she continues to squeeze and rub as a second rush of sperm pours out, and then a third, and then a light drizzle. She loads up her scone with his cum, most of it sitting on top with just a bit flowing off and running over her fingers.

While she just smoothly strokes him some more, a couple drips come out – she catches one with her scone, and when the other one just keeps hanging there, she leans forward and slurps the jam and cum off his dick, keeping her mouth there to apply suction for a minute.

“Ooohhh, fuck, wow,” Trey says with a gasp. “Wowwww, that's hot!”

“Mmmm, yummy!” she replies, swallowing.

Danielle moves Trey's legs together and to the side, careful to keep her treat upright. “Um, is that thing still on?” he asks, hopping off the table and pointing at her crotch.

“Yep!” She wiggles on the vibrator still gently pleasuring her down below.

“I guess you like it!”

“Love it! This thing is fucking awesome!”

“Well, if it makes you do stuff like this, I'll write a five-star review myself!”

She inspects the area around it as it continues to do its thing, proud of the wet spot under her thighs. “Sure glad I got the towel!”

She takes a sip of her tea, and wrinkles her face up in disappointment. “Shit, it's cold.” She holds the scone up to her face, admiring the impressive whitish thick blobs of jizz sitting in the viscous fluid mingling with the jam. Looking into Trey's eyes – which are wide open in disbelief – she opens her mouth and shoves the whole thing in. She begins to munch on the salty-sweet, bitter-savory, squishy-crunchy snack while she watches a couple drips of cum drizzle out of his horizontal pecker and fall to the floor, all the while feeling the luxurious gentle vibrations of her new favorite toy caressing the insides of her fully satisfied cunt.

“Be a dear, will you,” Danielle says, continuing her ride, mouth full of spem-soaked scone, handing Trey her cup. Her words are instructions, not a request. “Get me a hot cup of tea.”


Written by kkikkiriccio
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