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Danni Doubles Down

"Danni finds two guys she likes."

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Author's Notes

"This is a story that started with the title. <p> [ADVERT] </p>The story was written to match the title."


It was on Tuesday, May 5, that I met Danni. We all know nothing interesting happens on Tuesdays—well, until it does. I didn’t meet Danni, meet her; I saw her. It was at a meeting about the new park design. I heard her speak, and she intrigued me. Not beautiful, exactly, but interesting. The first thing I noticed was her eyes; they were an unusual shade of green.

Um, I have to admit I was lying about the first thing. I’m a guy; I saw her tits first—nice perky tits. God, perky tits, that created an image 

The next time I was at The Coffee Being, she was in line to place her order, and I commented on seeing her at the park meeting, and we got to talking about the meeting. I could feel the connection from the first. The eyes, hair, and smile all intrigued me. 

I want to get to know her better. Lunch will be a good first start. She’s pretty, articulate, and god, her tits. 

On our second lunch, I had an irresistible impulse. You know the kind. You have an itch; you scratch it and discover you scratched your balls in front of a babe you’re trying to impress. Ugh. Your only excuse is that you’re a guy.

On our way out, I kissed her. Not a cousin kiss, not a sister kiss—a real girlfriend kiss. Worse, it was almost a private girlfriend kiss; what made it less embarrassing was that she returned it. It started as a friendly kiss, but I was enjoying the sensations, so I extended my tongue, touching the seam of her lips. One hand was on the back of her head, holding it closer; the other drifted to her breast and just cupped it. The heat on the palm of my hand was scorching hot, and I wanted to go further, a lot further. Danni responded to my kiss; her tongue touched mine, and I felt her hand on the back of my hand on her breast.

I finally pulled away and said, “Danni, um, I just wanted to try it out. I think I might want to try it out again sometime; um, if you’d like me to, that is.” I paused a moment to see her reaction. 

“Rowan.” She was blushing. “Maybe in a more private setting? Next time?” She hesitated and then added, “Yes, I’d like that.“

I drove Danni back to work and asked her to dinner on Saturday. When she agreed, I gave her another kiss, one that was just as passionate. 

Hmm, I think I like kissing her. Rowan, don’t screw this up. It’s not that I don’t kiss women, but I think she’s different. I want to see how this goes.


I got out of Rowan’s car, surprised at my reaction to those kisses; I don’t usually react like that. I’m not a woman who lets guys kiss me that passionately until I’m more comfortable with them. I walked into the office; sat down and pretended to start on the spreadsheet I’d been working on.

My God, I haven’t reacted to a guy like that since Aaron and I split. I noticed the attraction at The Coffee Being. Those kisses, they were like gas being thrown on a small fire, and starting a conflagration. It wasn’t even that private, Danni. What were you thinking? Oh right, you weren’t, were you? Rowan could be dangerous to my equilibrium. You already agreed to go to dinner on Saturday Should I reschedule to give me more time to recover, or just cancel? His hand, on my breast; I want that again. Please Rowan, next time I want … Do I want his hand to touch my breast that way? Where else do I want him to touch me? God, that would be wonderful!

I shook my head to clear my mind and focused on the spreadsheet, entering the figures. I finished by quitting time, despite my daydreaming distractions. With the heat I’d felt, I expected to find a scorch mark on my blouse. How far did I want Rowan to go? In my daydreams, I was picturing him naked with his hands on my tits, and my hands on his cock.

No, just no. I’m moving way too fast. No, I’m not doing that. Maybe someday, but it’s way too soon for that. Besides, I’m seeing Allen. I like him too. Do I drop Allen for Rowan? Drop Rowan for Allen? That makes no sense. 

I’m getting the same reaction from Rowan that I’m getting from Allen.  The difference is in the stars I see. With Rowan, they’re scarlet red, and with Allen, they’re blazing gold. I guess I can wait to decide. I hope!

I ignored my daydreams, mostly. At night, I had more problems; I kept waking up just before my climax, and I had problems getting back to sleep. By Friday, I was irritated by my daydreams, and, I sat down and thought about them at lunch

Danni, stop this. Don’t let your libido control you like this; it’s trying to, but just don’t. Danni put an exclamation point at the end of that sentence. Okay? Though it’s been, what, over two years since, since Aaron? God, I miss it. I don’t have to let it overpower me; I can embrace it. Just think Danni, letting Rowan undress me; feeling his hands on me, making me feel good—no, wonderful. His hands on my … tits? Yes, on my tits. Wouldn’t it feel wonderful with his mouth sucking them? God, yes.

Or, Allen, I’d enjoy that too, but I can’t keep both of them; can I?

I almost came just from thinking about it. I’m not submissive, but having a man on me, arousing me, and making me come would be awesome; if I can do it! Tonight, please.

I had Rowan pick me up at my place, and yes, I know you should have your own transportation on early dates, just in case. But I wanted our dinner to end with sex. I just hoped I’d be able to ask him for it. 

When Rowan came to the door, I was excited to find out if he would realize I was ready, willing, and able to be seduced. It’s been too long since a man has loved me, um, fucked me. Now, can I get him to? 

I greeted him with a kiss; I stood on my tiptoes so I could return the kisses he’d given me. I returned them with interest, lots of interest. It was passionate, and it included a full frontal hug to go with it. Now, if he only knows how to interpret kisses,.

I intended for that kiss to make him fuck me. If he wants to, I’ll let him back me to the door and fuck me, Hell, I’ll let him do it on either side of the door; in the entry, or on the step. Damn it, Rowan, pay attention. 


When I pulled in front of Danni’s, I paused before getting out. 

Come on, be careful. I’m surprised she’s willing to go out with me after those kisses the other day. Don’t blow it. 

I rang the doorbell, and when she opened it, she had on this merlot-colored dress, and it was spectacular against her complexion. It didn’t seem to have any buttons, but there was a woven golden belt holding it together. 

Wow, I’d love to get my mouth on any part of her. She’s making it difficult to take it slow. I want to get inside that dress; I want to touch her, take it off, and see her without it. Yes, yes, yes. 

Rowan, don’t screw this up. Close your mouth, and tell her she’s beautiful.

“Wow, Danni, just WOW,” I said. She gave me a greeting kiss that was GREETING, in all caps. I wanted to step inside, slip that dress off her, and take her against the door. I could feel her tits in my hands; I could feel my cock slip inside her; and I could feel my cum erupt inside her pussy. I wanted it so badly, but I couldn’t do it. 

Take it slow, Rowan; don’t screw this up. You want this to be long-term, don’t you? Yes, so slowly.

That greeting kiss almost changed my mind; I was at the limits of my self-control. I could step back and let her precede me to my car, but barely.

At Bailey’s, I let the valet park the car, and we went in and were seated. As we looked over the menus, I was trying to come up with the witty repartee you read about. No luck, I was stuck with weather, news, and sports, and nothing struck home; until I said some things about the art museum and a show, I’d seen about the impressionist movement. 

Now, in some ways, it was legitimate, because I’ve always liked it, but I had to be careful because I’d seen it with Cheryl. I didn’t think talking about an exhibit I’d seen on a date would get me any points.

That went well, and we moved gracefully to music. Danni had a lot of opinions that I just absorbed; my music memory was pretty limited, but I could follow her, at least most of the time.

During dinner, I was holding her hand off and on and even kissing it. I wanted to kiss her, but we were sitting across from each other. That was a bummer. 


We were finishing dinner and deciding on dessert when I reached across the table and held Rowan’s hand. We had a good time after an awkward start when he started talking about his visit to the impressionistic exhibit at the museum. It seemed to energize him.

I noticed a few times when he hesitated and changed what he was going to say.  I could tell he’d gone with someone and the only reason not to share it was he’d been on a date. I thought that was kind of cute as if he hadn’t ever dated another woman. 

Hmm, I like him and I’d like to get to know him better. What’s the best way to do that? He liked Celtic/new-age music and there’s a group I’ve heard playing at Armando’s over on Fifteenth St. that might give me a chance, um, to decide if I want to invite him in. 

“If you’re open to extending our date tonight, there’s a group playing a kind of Celtic music at Armando’s. I heard them last year, and it’d be interesting to see if you like it too. I’d like a glass of wine and listen to them for a bit. Would you be interested?”

“I’ve never been there, but I’m willing to try it. That’s on Fifteenth? You know how to get there?”

That’s a good sign. He’s willing to go somewhere on my say-so. We’ll see.

I guided him there and we went in. They were just starting their second set, so we got a glass of wine and found a table in the back. I thought it was pleasant, and we were far enough back that we could talk. 

I didn’t notice how, but we got started on what we didn’t like in sex partners. My major complaint was guys that were too tentative. Guys that were too aggressive, I had a solution for. A swift kick in their privates was the answer that quickly solved that problem.

From then on, Rowan became less tentative; he didn’t change into the guy who needed the kick treatment but was more assertive.

The new Rowan I liked. There wasn’t any presumption I wanted him, but with a little encouragement, he got the idea. He kissed me a few times and when we finished our wine; he kissed me with a fervor that didn’t allow for any misunderstanding about what he wanted. When I discovered I was kissing him back, I knew I had my answer. Rowan was coming in. 

Allen? Who’s Allen?

When we left, he was holding me close, and when he got me in the car, my. blouse was miraculously unbuttoned. I barely noticed it happen. His hands were gliding over my breasts; just barely touching the tips.

I was involuntarily making noises, and I was leaning back to give him access to them. “Um, um, oh, God, yes, hmm, hmm.” If that didn’t permit him, nothing would. He pulled me forward and unfastened my bra, and then he continued touching my nipples. Pinching them, pulling on them, and caressing them. It was driving me wild. 


When I heard Danni talk about not liking tentative lovers; I became more assertive. I kissed her, held her hands, and caressed them, when it was time to leave; I stood and pulled Danni up and kissed her. I wanted to make it clear I wanted her naked, with my cock in her. As I was leading her to my car, I saw there was no one in the lot, so when I kissed her after getting her in the car, she seemed slightly dazed, so I took a second to unbutton her blouse. When I walked around and got in, she still seemed dazed, so I continued to kiss her. Then I unfastened her bra, so I could get some skin-to-tit contact. 

This was going faster than I believed possible. She seemed to enjoy it, and I certainly did; so I didn’t slow down. I was wondering if I could keep her dazed; I might get an invitation in. If not, well, I was enjoying making out with her. Enjoying? That isn’t the right word, thrilling, would be closer. However, she wanted our date to end; I’d be happy.

Well, in some ways more than others.

When we got to her place, I waited to get out, so I could calm down. It didn’t help much, because I was mostly kissing her, and, well, because I had her blouse and bra off. 

I got out and opened her door, intending to help her put her blouse on. She got out of the car and pressed her breasts against me with a kiss. I couldn’t think about anything anymore except getting her inside. 

“Danni, let’s get you inside your house, please. I’m not sure I can stop myself out here if we don’t.”

“Um, Rowan, I think that’s a … “ my kiss interrupted her and with a jerk, I started toward the front door. When we got there, I had to go back to my car to retrieve her purse for the key to let us in.

Inside the door, I hesitated a second to give Danni a chance to just say goodbye. Or do what she did, which was kiss me again. She kissed me and put my hands on her … tits, her tits. 

No, she’s not saying goodbye. I don’t think she wants me to be tentative now. I think, God I can’t think about anything except getting her naked for me. 

A minute after we stepped inside, I responded by caressing her with some emphasis on her tits and getting her out of her pants. I wanted to see her, all of her. It seemed she had the same idea when I realized she had me down to my boxers. Her tits were in my hands and I was kissing her while she led me to the bedroom. I had the only clothes on, though it wasn’t doing much to hide my dick. 

Naked, she was beautiful with perfect tits, a nice trimmed bush, and a mouth that needed to be kissed. I laid her on the bed, kissing her. When I moved my kisses to her neck, down to her shoulders, and to her tits, she was shivering. "Rowan, Rowan. that's so ..." her voice trailed off while she was running her fingers through my hair.

This is perfect—a beautiful, naked woman responding to me in bed. I love this.

I was kneeling beside her, so I had access to every part of her. My kisses gradually moved lower until my tongue was on her pussy, licking her. 

I love doing this; nothing tastes sweeter than an aroused woman, and it arouses them to heights of pleasure that I love doing. 

Her breathing was getting harder and louder when she pulled me over her so her mouth could reach my cock. We were in a contest to see who would come first. Who could make the other come first?

I won. She had to release me to scream, “Yes, I’m coming!” Then I heard her gasp and moan. It was beautiful, satisfying, and inspiring to hear. 

She collapsed and I turned so I could hold her, “Danni, God, Danni. That was wonderful seeing you climax like that.” 

“You thought it was wonderful? You should have been on my side of it."

I didn't much need permission for what I wanted after that. I was on the bed over her, with my cock barely touching her. I took it and rubbed it against her slit from her clit to her opening, lightly touching her and by the second time, her hands were pulling me closer. When I was at her opening, I slowly slipped it inside; I wanted to extend the sensation of taking her as long as I could. Her breath got faster, and I started thrusting into her faster and then harder. I heard her whisper, "God, Rowan.” She started spasming on my cock, and her pelvic muscles were contracting on my cock, and she yelled, "Yes, Rowan I'm coming, I'm coming; I'm coming; I'm coming." Her voice slowly softened and she collapsed

My climax teased me, just not quite there, until I felt her clamp on my cock; I exploded in her, and I collapsed next to her


I just don’t know what to do. I went berserk with Rowan, and I don’t regret it, exactly, but I’ve been going to lunch with Allen, and I like him. Meeting Rowan and Allen in such a short time is creating problems for me. I don’t want to be that girl who’s dating two guys and leading them on. But dropping Allen when I like him too; when I’m not sure how far Rowen and I are going to get; is that a smart thing to do?

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I hadn’t pulled the plug on Allen. We were still meeting, often for lunch. We met in Old Town here in Sacramento and were at the Delta King for lunch when we walked past Rowan. He was having lunch with another guy, and he greeted me. I don’t think he saw who I was with at first. Shit. 

Now what? How do I explain Allen to Rowan? Worse, do I tell Allen that Rowan is the guy I’m fuckin? No, I didn’t think so.

After we did all the introductions and Allen and I got to our table, I started to explain Rowan as someone I’d dated. Just forget I’m fucking him two to three times a week. 

Well, I chickened out; I told the truth. He’s someone I’m dating, too. The truth, just not the whole truth. Mostly truth is better than bald-faced lying, right?


During lunch, I was getting upset with Danni. At least she was telling me now that she was dating the two of us. 

I have to be more assertive and more aggressive, or I’ll just disappear. That’s what happened with Cora. I didn’t push, and she lost interest in me. I don’t want that to happen again with Danni.

When we were leaving the Delta King, I stopped on the dock saying, “Danni, you’re dating um, Rohan, and me?”

She nodded, and then I asked her, “So, can I invite you to dinner on Friday? And maybe to Ciprio’s to listen to some music afterward. Would you like that? We’ve been going to lunch, and I’d like something more, um, date-like.”

She hesitated, looking off into the distance, and finally replied, “Allen, yes, that sounds like fun. What time for dinner?” 

Okay, step one is accomplished. Now let’s see if I can build on it. God, is she sleeping with Rowan? The way he looked at her, maybe? If she is, why is she spending time with me? One reason, she enjoys playing games; the other is that she does like me. Now I guess my job is to find out which.

Well, she’s letting me pick her up; that’s a good sign, I think. When we got to Blue Sky’s, I kissed her before we got inside, and I enjoyed her response. We had a friendly conversation about music, books, and some documentaries we’d seen recently. 

When we went to Ciprio’s, the music was just what we both enjoyed and after a drink, we went on the dance floor. I’m a very ordinary dancer, but Danni was uninhibited, which encouraged a bit of that for me, too. When they played some slow music, I took advantage of the opportunity to hold her close and let her do some spins to show off. I was enjoying holding her close, feeling her breasts against me, and the sensation of my hard cock. 

We lasted until almost one in the morning, and I drove her home. I took advantage of the opportunity for more kisses. Well, more than kisses, I had her blouse and bra off and my kisses were moving from her neck to her breasts, with lots of attention to her nipples. When I walked her to the front door, I was continuing what I was doing. 

“Allen, I’ve got to go in.” She hesitated before finishing, “I’d like to invite you in, but I’ve got to get to bed. I’m meeting my sister tomorrow, so” 

“ So good night, I had a good time.” I gave her my most passionate kiss and left.

I hope I’m reading her right. I’m not being as passive as I was with Cora, at least. I’d like to get her alone, maybe a picnic at that park near her work.

Monday I texted her. Hi Danni, I’m wondering if maybe a picnic lunch at Philips Park on Wednesday. I can bring some Chinese from the New China Cafe and we’ll meet over by the baseball diamond. There are tables there. Allan.

That afternoon, I got her reply. Wednesday? That would work; I’ve eaten at New China, so that’s good. I can take some extra time if needed. Danni.

Here I am, waiting for Danni to come. Why didn’t I offer to pick her up? Because I’m an idiot. Because I’m a wimp. I know better, and I have to show her I’m serious. 

I was ready when she drove up, forks, spoons, and chopsticks, even though I’d long ago stopped pretending I knew how to use the chopsticks. When she walked up, I stood and greeted her by taking her hands and kissing her. “Well, it is a beautiful afternoon, just what I ordered from the weather bureau. I have some wine, Pino Grigio or Cabernet, or soft drinks, your choice.”

“Pinot Grigio, I think. This is a nice park, isn’t it? There's lots of grass and an almost wild area behind us. I don’t remember being here before. I think I’ll remember it in the future.”

While she sat down on the bench, I opened up the containers of Chinese and opened the wine. I don’t remember exactly what we talked about, but it flowed easily. 

When we finished with the food, I packed everything, and instead of sitting across from her, I sat next to her. Here, I spent some time touching her; a few kisses, holding her hand—and finally, she seemed open to a little more. I held her and my hands were holding her breasts and she was responding with pleasure. 

My kisses became stronger, more passionate and my hands were more assertive with her breasts, I was able to unfasten her bra, and slip it out from her blouse. I was making appreciative sounds and so was she. My hands slipped inside her blouse and I was holding her bare breasts. She had her eyes closed and was practically purring. 

“Danni, your breasts, your tits—they feel so nice in my hands. I hope it feels as good to you as it does to me.”

She whispered back, “Your hands feel delightful on my breasts, Allen. I think part of is we’re doing it almost in public, but not quite.” She paused, then continued, “If we were just a little more private, Allen, I’d let you … “She stopped.

“If we were a little more private, you’d what?” I said. “You’d let me do what?”

She kissed me, exploring my mouth, and her hands were at my crotch, feeling my dick. 

“I think, um, Allen, we would both be naked, and I’d let you undress me and I’d undress you. Would you enjoy letting me, um, let me get you off with my mouth?”

“I’d rather get you off, Danni, with whatever you want. My mouth on your pussy, or my dick in it. My hands on your tits. I’d love to get you to come for me. When and where? I think anywhere and anytime.” I unbuttoned her blouse, and I kissed and sucked her tits. 

“Tonight would be good, I’d like tonight.”


Allen wants to make love tonight. Am I ready? Why not? What I want to happen is to have both Allen and Rowan as lovers; I don’t have to decide now, do I? Maybe, God, a three-way with Allen and Rowan, making love to me at the same time. Make love, or maybe fuck me at the same time. That sounds like sexual bliss. The sooner Allen and I fuck, the sooner I get them both together. 

“Tonight? Maybe you could pick me up for dinner, and afterward, we can finish what we started here. Um, seven this evening, and we can go to Monico’s. How does that sound?”

He quickly agreed to pick me up at six-thirty. No surprise there. I knew he was eager for tonight. Well, no more than I am.

When Allen picked me up, he started with a kiss—um, more than a kiss if you add in his hands gliding over my tits. “Shall we go? I’m looking forward to Monico’s. They always have something I like. A glass of wine, a nice dinner, and, um, a good dessert.”

“I’m looking forward to dessert too, Allen. What did you have in mind?”

“I just hope that we both enjoy it.”

That seemed like a hopeful start to tonight. We’ll see. 

We ordered dinner with another bottle of Pinot Grigio and started talking about the latest local scandal. The mayor was caught with two college girls. That wasn’t unusual for him; the problem for him was the two additional guys that were with them, and he’d been caught tied up tighter than an air-mail package. 

When we were finishing dinner, Allen treated me to a ‘fuck me’ kiss. I shouldn't be doing this, but I kept telling myself that I’m not the first girl keeping two guys on a string. That worked as long as I focused on Allen, not Rowan. On our way to my home, that wasn’t hard; his kisses were eminently distracting. 

There wasn’t any question about what was next when we were stopped in my driveway. I’d made that decision days before. He was coming in, and I had several hours planned for when we were inside.

My plans didn’t last beyond the front door. When he closed the front door, I didn’t have a chance to move before he had my lips under his control.  Deep, demanding kisses followed by his hands on my breasts. I was eagerly responding to the kisses when his hands on my breasts were unbuttoning my blouse.

When I was aware of what he was doing to my blouse, he had my bra unfastened and loose. He wasn’t giving me a chance to object or help; his mouth was on my breast, gently nipping on my nipples.

“Allen, Allen you’re ….”

“Shush Danni just relax. You’ll enjoy what happening.”

“God yes, Allen, but give me a … “

He interrupted me, saying, “Quiet, just let me lead now.”

I was just realizing he had my blouse and bra on the floor with my pants off my hips. I stopped struggling and let him push them to the floor. God, he had my panties to my knees too. I was going to be naked in front of him and I hadn’t even unbuttoned one single button on him. 

While I was trying to step out of the rest of my clothes. He stepped back and just admired me. “Danni, I regret not doing this when I first drove up. If I had, you’d been fucked already and starting our second round.“ He paused to look at me and touch me, and his eyes and his hands moved from my tits to my pussy and back. 

I was barely finished stepping out of the pants when he had his shirt off and his pants on the floor. I saw his cock jutting from his crotch proudly, and I was just realizing it was going to be in my pussy momentarily.

“Allen, my bedroom … “

“No, right here, against the door. It’s happening here.”

I stepped back against the door, and he stepped against me.

“Allen … “

His hands took possession of my tits and his mouth controlled mine with kisses and then the tip of his cock was rubbing against my slit. From my clit to my pussy and back, controlled by his hand. God, it felt wonderful, better than wonderful, maybe magnificent or awesome. 

When it slipped inside, I needed a new vocabulary but a couple that came to mind were intoxicating or astonishing. He kept thrusting in me and it was getting better and better when my climax hit, and I went berserk; I couldn’t control myself. And then his climax hit, and I felt it inside me, and then, oozing out around his cock, that completed everything. I started to slump down, and Allen had to hold me up. 

Is Allen better than Rowan? Or was it the way he took me against the door? I don’t know, they both are unbelievable. When I have to decide between them, I’m going to have to flip a coin.

He helped me into my bedroom, where he laid me on the bed with a tremendous kiss. WOW. He’s good.

He remembered to collect our clothes and brought them back to my bedroom. And then he joined me on the bed. 

God you have a dirty mind I meant we were on the same bed, not that we were joined together!

From then on, I had two lovers and the best one was the one I’d been with last. I tried to keep them apart, but after a month with Allen, we went to Tasty Thai, and Rowan was there with some guy. He waved at me and then he saw Allen and his face went blank. 

This was what I was afraid of; they’d see me. Shit, I’d intended, but then intentions don’t count much, do they?

I tried to explain to Allen, but not completely successfully. When I saw Rowan getting ready to leave, I approached him and said, “Rowan, I don’t know if you’re doing something later, but if you can, ..."

The other guy just waved Rowan to go with me. When I sat down with them, I said, “This is Allen, Rowan. And yes, I’ve been going out with him too. God, I’ve wanted to tell you, but I’ve fallen for both of you. Yes, both of you.”

They tried to interrupt, but I talked over them. “I never expected that, but it did. Losing either of you wasn’t an option I wanted, and it still isn’t. I was trying to find a way … to explain. Um, what I wanted want is, for both of you to make love to me at the same time. I want both you, Rowan, and you, Allen. Is it possible? It’d be out of this world if you could. Um, would."

They were looking at each other until Rowan stood up, saying, “I need to think about it. I’m not saying no yet, but I need to think about it.” And he left. Allen waited and then said, “Let’s go. I need to get you back to your place.” He paid the bill and drove me home. It was ice cold the entire trip. And when we got there, he escorted me to the front door. I paused, then kissed him, saying, “I’m sorry I do love you, but I seem to love Rowan, too.” Then I went in.

This may end in the worst way possible, with both of them walking away.

I sat in the living room, just staring, expecting the worst outcome. 

It was two days of desolation until I got a call from Rowan. “Danni, I don’t have an answer, but I want to meet, um, it’s Allen, right?”

I gave him Allen’s number and waited

An hour later, I got essentially the same call from Allen.

That’s good, right? They’re still thinking about it. What are they going to decide?

I didn’t hear from them until I got a text from Allen. 

Danni, we want to meet with you tomorrow evening. 7:00 pm. At your house.

It was a workday, but I was able to get home an hour early. I spent the time worrying. 

By 7:00, I was becoming a basket case, but when they arrived in the same car, Rowan’s. 

They walked up and didn’t even knock. Rowan started by saying, ”At first, we wanted to talk to you.” He stopped.

Then Allen said, “We decided instead to take what we want.”

Rowan stepped up to me and started pulling my blouse off. He wasn’t careful; it was coming off with buttons coming loose and I heard one tear.

Allen was doing the same to my skirt. He was ripping it off, not letting me step out of it. 

It shocked me into silence; I couldn’t say a word; I just let them do it. Standing there, my nipples were hard and pointing. Then they removed my bra and panties, and I was standing there naked in front of them 

Allen stood there in front of me, examining me, while Rowan was behind me, holding my tits. Their attack was arousing me, but all I could say was, ”God, god, god.” 

“We’d force you if I thought we could, but you’re too willing to be fucked.” Rowan was saying, while Allen was touching my pussy. He touched my clit and I came. The surprise of them just attacking me like they did combined with Rowna’s hands pinching my nipples and my clit. My juices were running down my thigh, and I was paralyzed for a bit.

They dragged me into my bedroom, put me on the bed, and started undressing.

They’re going to fuck me. God, they’re going to fuck me. Who is first? Do I care? I had no clue it was going to be like this. I was squirming against the bed in anticipation, wanting a cock in my pussy. 

I can’t remember whose cock was first; all I remember is the sensation as it slipped inside me. The next thing I remember, I tasted a cock in my mouth. They were driving me insane, and I tried to scream. I gave myself up to the combined sensations. Suddenly, I felt the cock in my mouth start throbbing, and I can remember thinking, he’s going to cum in my mouth. It’ll be my first.

I tasted his cum, and I was amazed at how arousing it was to taste someone’s cock cuming in my mouth.

Then I noticed whoever was fucking me was about to cum, too. When he did, he had one hand on a tit and he squeezed it until it hurt, exquisitely. I might have passed out, or it just overwhelmed me, because my memory stopped there.

My next memories were of me on the bed with Rowan and Allen both holding me.

They both fucked me, and it was better than I imagined possible. Words fail me, awesome, amazing, perfect, or just wowza. I know they’re going to do it again; they arranged it to be Friday and we have two more days.

Written by keylime314159
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