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Scarred Happiness

"Can a horribly disfigured man find love again? His polyamorous partner thinks so."

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Author's Notes

"It started with Girl Scout cookies, then a meeting with a married woman. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Simon sensed the trap too late."

My name is Simon Glenn. I am scarred, badly. During my first tour as a marine, I was captured by the enemy and tortured. My body is badly scarred from a madman with a machete, and my face also wore the worst scars. This earned me the unsavory nickname of Triple X.

I was medically discharged because of the emotional trauma but later recruited by one of the alphabet agencies because I had developed an uncanny ability to analyze security briefs as a result of the trauma. I worked in a local office as a security analyst, though I also had a fully functional SCIF or Secure Compartmented Information Facility at my home.

I had grown my hair long, and mostly let it hang over my face like a curtain, partially hiding my scars. The office became amicable, but the comments and nicknames never stopped. I had a few trusted co-workers as well as my direct superior, Alan. He was also a sort of confidant and often would block out a few hours every two weeks for me to unload in a safe space. I was healing emotionally with his help and bi-weekly counseling sessions.

I also trained hard physically, getting my master's grading in four martial arts disciplines. Alan made it clear that I would probably never be deployed in the field again but always stressed how invaluable my abilities as an analyst were. During the time in his office, he would make sure I received feedback on how my theories assisted real-time operations.

It was a hard recovery, but I was young and resilient. I was twenty-three, having been with Alan for two years. He had no problem sharing a redacted version of my psych evaluations with me, so I could see my progress. The problem I had was that I was lonely, and knew I would be like that until I met someone who could stand to look at me and not recoil in disgust. I only had one mirror in my house, which was covered up. I opted for hair remover instead of shaving, because the razor cut open the scars, and also because I did not have to look at myself too much.


It was a Saturday morning when I was fixing my kitchen sink, replacing a seal on one of the taps when the doorbell rang. I quickly put on a shirt but forgot my hair was tied back. I opened the door and realized my error. There were two girl scouts selling cookies. I guessed them to be about twelve or thirteen. One was Asian and the other had almost white hair with blue eyes. Both were very pretty. They both stepped back as I opened the door.

“Uhm, sorry,” I muttered and pulled the hairband out of my hair, covering my face.

“W……would you like some cookies?” the Asian girl stuttered.

“Yes, please. What do you have? I led them to a table with chairs on my porch and I quickly ticked off five boxes of Choc-mint and five boxes of Choc-chip.

“Would you guys like a soda, it is hot,” I asked, seeing that they have relaxed.

“Please sir,”

I got up and the blonde girl wanted to follow me. I did notice that she was seemingly more accepting of my appearance

“Please wait here, I will fetch it for you,” I asked, not wanting to be seen with an underaged child in a neighborhood that already viewed me as a freak.

I fetched their sodas and a beer for myself. I sat with them again and they told me of their troop and their patches. It was nice to be having a somewhat normal conversation. They warmed to me a little. After the sodas, they said that they will deliver the cookies the next weekend. I felt the pang of loneliness as they left, and my own need to have a family. I watched them vanish down the street. It was not a sexual longing at all for me. I wanted a family, and the blonde girl, Kristin drew me in as she definitely didn't fear my scars.

My week was normal, and on Saturday I was better prepared. The doorbell rang and I opened up to what could only be Kristin’s mother, with Kristin next to her. They had the cookies. This time I invited them in. Naomi, the mother studied me. I realized they would be staying a while so I offered coffee, and a soda for Kristin again.

“Show me your face, please?” Naomi asked, and I obliged. I saw none of the recoil I normally saw when my face was fully revealed.

“Why?” I asked.

“Kristin told me that she met a very scarred man that was very nice.”

“And?” I responded.

“You are very nice, Simon,” she answered. I noticed the wedding ring.


“Would you mind if I visited again?”

The question shocked me, and I wondered if this was some form of fetish. My need for the company took over.

“I would not, why?”

“I see you are alone, and I suspect lonely.”

I just nodded, wondering if I was that easy to read. We made plans for the next day, and I could not help but wonder where this was going. Sunday Naomi arrived alone, and we ended up in the kitchen as I made us a light meal. Naomi seemed to be in no rush at all, and a few hours in I felt like I was being examined as she questioned me about my background. She also touched me a lot with simple touches on the shoulder or my arms. None of it could be seen as sexual on its own, but I did see her look into my eyes a lot more and it felt nice. The only issue was the wedding ring, as her age was no issue against my need for company.

Naomi left after eight that evening, and I felt happy, even though I wondered about the questions. Monday morning, I gave her details to Alan, and by end of the day, he came back to me.

“Simon, she is squeaky clean. And not in the sanitized way. If she is a possible friend you are in the clear.”

Wednesday Naomi texted me, asking if they could come by again that evening. Then I met James, her husband. They seemed to have no issues at all, and Naomi still felt comfortable touching me as she did before. I made us some burgers outside, with James and myself having a beer each, whilst Naomi had some wine. Then they dropped the bombshell.

“Simon, we are in an open relationship. We are very careful who we let in, and I want to propose to you that we become friends with benefits,” Naomi said.

I looked at James, and he nodded though he seemed less enthusiastic than she did. I wanted this, as Naomi had a very nice body and a very beautiful complexion. She was incredibly beautiful.

“How would it work?” I asked carefully.

“We get together once a week. Simon, I am not sleeping around. You would be my first partner out of the marriage, and you and James would be my only partners.”

I looked at James and he nodded.


“I have been having health issues, which affected my libido,” James answered, looking down.

“If I say yes, I need to make you aware that I have no intention of disrespecting you, James. I know I am now being offered something that you cherish,” I answered and he looked up, studying my face.

I saw him relax. There would be no way I would cuckold this man. I asked for time to think and they agreed. The next day Alan dug into James, and he was also clean. He could not get hold of James’ medical records though. Saturday, I took the step and called James. He seemed ambivalent but did express that he was okay. Sunday Naomi arrived. She was not dolled up at all, but it did nothing to detract from her beauty. We had beers, and then she kissed me softly. I kissed back and we sat on my couch, kissing for a while. I pulled her up and led her to my bedroom

“You can stop it at any time,” I offered, but she shook her head, answering me with a deep kiss.

I lifted my hands to her breasts and found them firm, and smallish. She took over and pulled her sweater over her head. She was not wearing a bra, and her perfect nipples were the color of her lips. I bent down and pulled one into my mouth, nibbling gently as I flicked her with my tongue. She sighed softly as her fingers ran through my hair. She pulled me away and I saw her in her glorious topless state. She tugged at my shirt, and I resisted for a bit.

“Please, Simon trust me,” she whispered.

I let her and saw something I did not expect as she saw my mutilated upper body. Her brow wrinkled in compassion, and she threw my shirt away. Then she reached out and started to touch the scars. I looked into her eyes and saw her tears.

“We can stop,” I offered again.

“No, please.”

She came in for another kiss and then turned us. She pushed me back on the bed and took my shoes off. Then she loosened my pants. I saw desire in her eyes as she impatiently tugged at my pants, and I lifted my hips to help her. She smiled as my cock appeared. I was average, perhaps six or seven inches hard. She pulled the pants off completely, then reached out and touched my cock. It was gentle, and she slowly jacked me as she made eye contact with me. I smiled at her. She let go and dropped her pants. Her bush was neatly trimmed and she looked like a goddess.

“May I?” she asked and I nodded.

Naomi crawled over me, and her mouth locked on to mine. Her hard nipples drilled into my chest, then I felt her hand on my cock again. Her wetness touched my cock, and then I felt her open up to me. She was tight, but she kept pushing back until I was fully immersed in her. I could not help it and a tear escaped. She kissed it away.

“I understand Simon, believe me.”

I had no idea what she meant, but I did not dwell on the thought as she started to rock on me, rubbing her clit against me. I was never going to last, and I was happy when she gasped out her orgasm as mine hit. She kept me hilted as I pulsed in her, being milked by her spasming pussy. I came down from my high and wondered if we were done. The fact that she started moving again answered my question. I regained full hardness, and she flipped us over. I started to gently pump into her, mimicking her gentle movements. Naomi kissed me through it all, keeping me flat on her. I did not want to rear up and slam her in any case, because the sounds she was making told me she wanted what I was doing.

We started climbing our pleasure mountain again and she came hard, pulling me in with her legs as well. I slowed down and waited for her. The slight flex of her hips told me she was ready, and I started again. I went a little harder, and she loved what I was doing. At no stage did I feel the need to smash into her. She looked like porcelain under me, and I cherished her. I started to feel my balls tighten as my orgasm approached, and was pushed over the edge as hers hit. Her pussy convulsed violently. I stayed on her, going soft. I kissed her through the whole process and she gently stroked my back. I made to get off but she held me.

“Stay, kiss me,” she whispered and I did.

I was on her for another twenty minutes at least, relishing in her warm body in full contact with mine. My cock recovered and she reached down, putting me back in.

“Harder this time,” she asked.

“I will try, stop me if you want,” I said.

I reared up just a little, not fully out of reach of her lips. I was using my whole length now, and Naomi approved through her moans. I changed the angle until I saw her eyes roll back in her head. I found her spot. I kept that angle whilst I thrust into her warmth. I was making love to her, this was not just sex. Naomi scored my back, but I did not stop this time. She stayed on that high, her next orgasm even more intense. I kept my pace and I felt myself nearing my climax. I felt myself falling over the cliff as her orgasm hit. I pushed in hard, twisting my hips to mash her clit hard and she screamed, definitely drawing blood with her nails.

“Was that your hard?” she asked me.

“Yes, was it enough?”

“Absolutely. But It was still so gentle. Thank you, Simon.”

“I cannot do it harder, it just does not feel right,” I answered, apologetically.

“I do not want it harder than that. You read me well, and respected me completely.”

“Why would I not?”

“Just. Some people would have seen me as a cheap fuck.”

“You are definitely not cheap, and not a fuck. James sacrificed a lot for me.”

“Thanks, Simon. Do not fall in love with me, please.”

“I will fall in love just a little. Sex and romance are not separate for me.”

“What do you mean?”

“What I did tonight was not just sex for me. You will always matter to me. I cannot sleep with a prostitute at all, it just seems so cold.

“Okay, but I will never be your significant other.”

“I know, but that does not mean I am not allowed to love you just a little,” I answered her and kissed her softly.

“I just don’t want you to hurt anymore than you already have,”

“Naomi, I know what we are. I am not confused and will never be. But you are definitely not just someone to me. I will stop this right now if I did not feel respect for you and James.”

“Please let me know if anything changes.”

“Would James be comfortable to come and hang out with me again, us three? Just as friends.”

“I will ask, why?”

“I need for him to see that I respect him.”

“Okay, but if I catch just a hint of nastiness I will go nuclear.”

“Communicate with me, even if he has a private conversation with you and it seems he is uncomfortable.”

“Simon, hear me. I now know you were the right choice for this. He will see it when I get home. I am satisfied, and not one bit less in love with James.”

“God, that is what I wanted.”

We separated and showered. I washed her, and douched her pussy, telling her that if James wanted in then he should not be feeling me in her. Naomi cried softly, then pulled me up and kissed me again. We dressed and I walked her to her car. She gave me one last soft kiss, then left. I was left with my thoughts, and I made sure there was nothing that could ruin their marriage. I found nothing. Yes, I was a little in love with the beautiful blonde, but it was nothing that warranted any concern. She texted me that she was safe at home, and said that James was happy when I enquired regarding him.

Alan was happy when I relayed the broad strokes to him, commenting on the fact that I seemed a lot more relaxed. My week went off well, and the derogatory remarks did not affect me at all. Someone wanted me sexually, and my confidence grew. I texted James about it, making sure he knew that I was getting a lot more out of the arrangement than he could have expected. He replied with a positive message as well, confirming we were okay.

Saturday James and Naomi came over for a barbecue, and I spent a lot of time with James, asking him about his life. He left alone later that afternoon, Naomi carrying in a bag. We spent time dancing in my lounge, drinking wine, and eventually went to bed. She could have been a regular girlfriend under different circumstances. We made love for almost two hours and then slept in the nude after having a shower. There was nothing like waking up to her breath on my neck as she softly snored. At seven she woke me with a kiss, and then gently rode me to two of her orgasms. I did not have one, and she studied me as she got off me, leaving me unsatisfied.

“Coffee?” I asked, and she smiled. I told her to stay, and ten minutes later woke her with a kiss and a coffee, with four girl-scout cookies.

“Lie down Simon, let me finish you off,” she said softly.

“No need, Naomi. I am fine.”

“I insist.”

I lie down on my back and she swallowed my cock, which grew fully. I thought she would suck me off, but she straddled me again and started to ride me harder than before. I held her hips, and she managed to time our orgasms. I pulled hard against me and we kissed. I held her for a while, just kissing her. We dressed and I drove her home. She asked me to not get out, and I respected her. At home, I dressed in my leathers and went on a breakfast run with my Ducati. I used the time on the bike to make sure their marriage was still safe, analyzing every interaction and her reaction. The only strange part was her not letting me finish, and later finishing me off. In my mind, I sensed a pattern.

I shared my thoughts with Alan, and he told me that James was also an ex-marine, and carried some clearance. Tuesday evening I invited James over alone and led him to my SCIF.

“Is this a SCIF?” he asked.

“Yes, I want to share some of my life, but it is classified.”


He watched me as I secured the room. Then I told him that I was captured and tortured. I also told him that I was an analyst, but hid most of my job description.

“Wow, Simon. Naomi called it better than me. I was worried that none of my sources could find out anything about you. Why tell me?”


“Simon, she tells me that you are concerned about me, and the marriage. I feel respected.”

“Good, but please James. Pull the plug if you need to.”

“Full disclosure?”

I nodded.

“Had I been fully functional we would still be doing this. We have talked about it for a few years already before I lost my libido. Sunday, she came home and douched herself. She said that it is something you asked for, for my sake. I had a little for her, which turned into a lot. I made love to my wife for almost two hours.”

He was watching me carefully. I was sure he wanted to see if I was jealous in any way. I just grabbed him and hugged him hard, knowing they were still in a good place.


Naomi and I met up weekly and it was always amazing. Then they invited me for lunch one weekend. Naomi was with me, and I was worried what Kristin would think, but she was very happy to see me again, extracting a new cookie order out of me. I loved her exuberance. I also met their older daughter, Alexa. She was shy and almost standoffish which I thought normal for a sixteen-year-old. She wore long sleeves and track pants. James had a pool, and I was invited for a swim by Kristin. I looked at Naomi nervously.

“It will be fine Simon, we know you have scars,” she settled me.

I changed and came out, seeing James and Kristin quickly look away. There was no disrespect and they eventually looked at me, at my body. What I did not expect was the close scrutiny Alexa gave me. I played water games with Kristin, and Alexa also joined us though she was wearing a full bodysuit. We swam and played. Alexa warmed to me as well, and I even heard her laugh a few times. It was beautiful. I am sure she caught me staring at her absolute beauty a few times She also had blue eyes and her mother’s delicate features, though she had almost jet-black hair. She confirmed it was her natural color, then blushed when I told her it was beautiful, and that she was very pretty. I did see a dark moment flash on her face at my comment but she smiled almost immediately. She had her mother’s body shape. I loved the family dynamic and saw the raw affection Naomi had for James, settling me even further.

Naomi and I kept seeing each other, now sometimes twice a week. I made sure I saw her and James together often, to make sure they were fine. Once a month their whole family hung out at my house, or I went to theirs. Alexa was warming to me as well, and we loved how Kristin tried to stake her claim to my attention because she knew me first. I loved the sisters to death, and it was clear they loved me too. Alexa would normally just sit on my lap to tease her sister, then pull Kristin in so she sat on her lap. I started to feel like I did not want Alexa to get up, and also started to wrap my arms around her. There was something about her that triggered me in a good way, but her age bothered me. She often had her hand on me now, and I loved how she sometimes would look into my eyes as she traced the scars on my face with a soft smile. I tried desperately to hide my attraction to her, eventually admitting to myself that I could fall for her. I would wait until she was eighteen to ask Naomi if I could date Alexa.

Eight months after we started Naomi handed me a hand-written card. Alexa was inviting me to her seventeenth birthday. I could not refuse, especially because she had clearly decided she liked me. I was a little in love with her, and it irked me. But my heart was stubborn and I actively fought the thoughts I was getting for Alexa. It did not work as my love for her grew. Naomi brushed my fears off, but there was something in the interaction that stuck with me. She did not dismiss any of my feelings, just that I would be fine.

At the birthday party, I noticed there was mostly family, and maybe four of Alexa’s peers. Something that struck me was that none of the guests seemed to have a problem with the fact that I was scarred and that Alexa and myself spent most of the evening within touching distance. I was made to be her companion, and I looked nervously at Naomi who just shrugged. I always had Alexa next to me, either linking her arm in with mine or holding hands. Everybody started going home later that evening, and I also got up from my place next to Alexa. She was sitting tightly against me.

“Stay, Simey,” she asked softly, “I want to show you something.”

I sat down again, irritated by the fact that her gentle tone and soft look bashed through another of my defenses. Once it was just me with the family she got up and pulled me up by my hand and led me to her bedroom. I was worried as she still held my hand. Her palms were sweating and I knew she was nervous. She pushed me in and locked the door. I turned at the sound of the lock, but she smiled nervously.

“Please sit on the bed, Simon?” she asked softly.

I did. Outside I heard music in the lounge.

“They are dancing,” she answered the unasked question.

Alexa stepped back and bit her lip softly. This was not seduction, it was nerves. Then she grabbed the top she was wearing and pulled it over her head. She was not wearing a bra, and her breasts were just like Naomi’s. But all the bells in St Peters started to ring in my head. Alexa pulled her pants off as well and stood before me naked. This was not the issue. Alexa had burn scars on most of her body, from her shoulders to her knees. She was watching me carefully, and I knew what she wanted.

“You are absolutely stunning, Allie,” I whispered.

She stepped closer and bent down. Her lips met mine gently and I kissed her. I reached around her and held her as I kissed her. My one hand found her face, caressing her cheek as I kissed her. She eventually pulled back and I looked into the eyes I was now drowning in. I was desperately in love. She pulled me up, then undressed me too. I had no sense in me, except to love her and never stop. I stood still as she undressed me, kissing me after every action. Then I lifted her and placed her on the bed. I kissed a scarred breast, and she arched her back into me. I kissed her body all over, kissing the scar tissue with no reserve. Then my lips found her pussy. She blew up almost immediately, and I wondered about the loud music for a bit. The pattern had emerged, but that was not where my mind was needed.

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Alexa vocally exclaimed two more orgasms on my tongue before I moved over her. She pulled my face to hers and we kissed. I knew she could taste herself, but she was not bothered as we kissed for a while. I was desperately hard and almost came when she reached between us and pulled my cock to her nest. I gently started to sink into her, watching carefully for any discomfort or resistance. There was none, except her maidenhood. She closed her eyes and jammed her hips up, and her barrier was gone.

“Hold, Lexie. We have all night, my love.”

“Do you really love me?”

“Yes, even more now that I have seen all of you. But I love your soul.”

She flexed her hips again and I sank fully into her. I made love to her, reading her face as I did Naomi’s. Alexa was noisy as she started to orgasm. I lengthened my strokes after she orgasmed and had her mewling as she desperately held on to me, her lips finding mine. During her next orgasm, she held me hard and I felt her teeth on my neck. I did not care, I wanted this to never end. I raised up slightly as I shortened my strokes again, drowning in her eyes and her face as her expressions kept changing. I came hard and buried myself in her. She also came down and I saw a tinge of sadness, which vanished as I started moving in her again.

Alexa added some more scratches to my back as we made love. Eventually, she was too sore, but I had to read it on her face as she held me close. She did not want to admit it to me. After her last orgasm, I pulled out and lay down next to her. I had three orgasms, and I had no idea how many she had. She snuggled into my side, kissing the bite mark on my neck. We kissed for another thirty minutes before we spoke.

“What now, Alexa?” I asked, wanting to hear her wishes.

“Am I too young for you to love me like a lover?”

“I think we just established that as being a fallacy,” I chuckled and she laughed softly.

“Simon, I am serious.”

“Alexa, you are everything I need. I know you are young but we are not stupid. I will require one thing, which is not negotiable…well two things.”

“What?” the little frown she got was absolutely adorable.

“Communication, about everything.”


“Allie, I mean even the things that we think will hurt us because if we don’t it will definitely hurt us.”

“Okay, I understand.

“And we respect each other completely.”

“Okay, that I can understand.”

“Anything you want to add?” I asked.

“Teach me how to make peace with my scars?”

“Okay, but for me, someone saw them and did not care. That started me on a journey of regaining my confidence. She is very beautiful, and that helped me.”

“Is she still in the picture?”

“I suspect not, and one day I will tell you the story. You are now the sole occupant of my heart. Thank you for being brave, because you unlocked my love.”

“I love you too, so much. That first day I saw your scars it started. I waited for the crush to stop. I waited for you to reject me. I was terrified because I knew seeing me naked would be a deal-breaker.”

“It was a dealmaker, Alexa. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

We dressed and left the room. Kristin was in bed already, and I saw a very nervous James and Naomi. I felt Alexa’s hand snake into mine and I kissed her softly. I heard Naomi exhale loudly and turned my head to relieved expressions.

“I found love,” I stated.

“As did I mom, dad. Please bless us.”

“I do,” James said as he started crying.

He kissed Naomi softly. Alexa dived onto her father’s lap and started to sob loudly. Naomi beckoned me to the kitchen, where she kissed me softly.

“Thank you, Simon. I made the right choice, no…..James and I made the right choice.”

“This was your plan all along?”

“Yes. I wanted my daughter healed. I wanted her to be loved for the amazing girl she is. Do you love her?”

“With everything. Us?”

“My job is done, though James will not mind.”

“He never lost his libido, did he?”

“No. We played a gamble for Alexa.”

“Just remember this, Naomi. You are amazing, as a woman and as a lover. But why have sex with me?”

“To make sure you are not hiding any rage or anger. You respected me at all times.”

“And I know I will respect her more. There is just a legal mess now,” I said solemnly. My lover was underage after all.

“James has some ideas.”


“Just enjoy it, let us worry about that. And Simon?”


“You are also so much better than when we first started.”

“Does she know?”

“No, but you will know when the time is right to tell her.”

Alexa and James joined us and I hugged him hard. I understood how deep his sacrifice was.

“Hey my love, I need some sugar,” Alexa moaned and tapped my shoulder. I let go of James and she took his place. Alexa kissed me again and vanished, appearing a few minutes later with a bag.

“You can take me to school, and pick me up if you can,” she stated.

“I will. School?”

“Yes, I am still in school, Simey.”

“I….God,” I said softly and started to cry.

She represented all my dreams. We went home and almost immediately went to bed after she made space in the bathroom for her stuff. She made room for some of her clothes as well, making sure I understood her view on our permanence. We slept naked and it was incredible. She breathed into my neck as she slept. The next morning, I got up first and kissed her. I made her coffee as she caught a few more minutes. We lay against the headboard drinking coffee. Every time I looked at her I felt my love for her. I dressed and washed the cups, and she appeared in her school uniform, wearing a skirt that showed the scars on her legs. I knew she was becoming confident and it was because I loved her. I knelt down and kissed her scar, then moved over and pulled her panties down, burying my tongue in her. Alexa had two orgasms before she reminded me that she needed to eat before school. We had cereal and kisses.

I dropped her at school and drove to the office. I walked straight into Alan’s office, flopping down on his couch.

“And now?” he asked with a bemused smile.

“I am in love,” I said softly.

“Oh fuck, not Naomi?”

“Nope,” I looked up at him


“Keep it private, please.”

Alan turned off the devices that recorded all conversations in his office.

“Who?” Alan demanded.

“Alexa,” I answered, looking down. The gravity of the situation rested heavily on me.

“The kid?”

“The older sister, still a kid. Alan, I have no words to describe anything, even how deeply I am feeling for her.”

“Jesus bud! What happened?”

“I was set up by Naomi. She was screening me for Alexa, making sure my temperament was right.”

“Her fucking mother set it up?”

“She is like me.”

“What the fuck do you mean?”

“Her whole body is scarred, burns. I have no idea what happened yet.”

I told Alan most of the story, leaving out the sex. He sat in shock, and I knew my goose could be cooked.

“Look, Simon. I get it in some way. She was not groomed by the sounds of it, and I get what her parents wanted.”

“But she is fucking seventeen. I dropped her at fucking school this morning. How the fuck did I miss this?”

“Your need, Simon. I could see how just the little validation and interaction you had with Naomi changed you. Does Alexa know about you and her mother?”

“Fuck, no. I will not keep the secret for too long. But…..oh fuck.”

“Are you continuing with Alexa?”

“I have to, she unlocked me last night.”

“I have no way to spin this, fucksakes, Simon.”

“I am sorry, bud. I have another request.”

“Oh, my fucking holiness. Whatever could it be?”

“I have to pick her up from school.”


I scurried out and found work for my hands. Alexa texted me every forty minutes, as she changed classes. I knew I was in trouble now. Just before 1 pm, Alan called me in again, his mood still dour.

“Alan, I am so sorry.”

“I know Simon, and you placed me in a difficult situation. I ran it up the chain of command, and yes, they reacted the same as I did.”

“Am I dead?”

“Very close. You bring her here, to my office. I want to talk to her, without you. The fact that you are so valuable bought a very small margin within which we can operate.”

“Okay, Alan. Are we still friends?”

“Of fucking course. Right now you are the asshole though. Now, go fetch her.”

I knew this meant a few things. Alexa will find out what my job is, basically. She will meet someone I trust implicitly and the cat will be fully out of the bag. I could hear the remarks from the rest of the office already. Legally I was a pedophile, but I loved her so deeply. I drove to the school and told Alexa where we were going.

“So, no time for a quickie?” she teased.

“I am in trouble, my love. Your age is an issue.”

“Oh, is that all?”

“It is a really big thing if I break the law in my job. I will lose my clearance.”

“Is Alan nice?”

“Normally, but I am not his favorite person right now.”

“And me?”

“He will definitely treat you a lot better, and I understand why he is pissed.”

“Do you regret us?”

I pulled over and pulled her closer for a kiss. There was just one answer.

“Not one little bit. I love you.”

“Okay, I can see it in your eyes. Look, if need be we can wait.”

“I need you, and yesterday I was fine before the party. Now I am fucking desperate.”

“Okay, we will figure it out.”

At the office, Alan waited for us at the security gate. He greeted Alexa friendly and glared at me. He dismissed me and asked her to follow him to his office. She blew me a kiss before following him. I watched the skirt sway as she walked, exposing the scar.

“A bit young, Triple X,” one of my co-workers remarked.

I flipped him off, worried for Alexa and my future. I started to think about a career change. I did not want to worry Naomi just yet, so I held off on calling her until Alexa came out again. It was a terrible two hours before she reappeared, smiling as she left the office. She sat at my desk with a shit-eating grin, then took her laptop out, as well as a textbook.

“What happened, Lexie?” I half-whispered.

“I could tell you but then I would have to kill you,” she giggled.

“ASSHOLE, MY OFFICE!” Alan yelled and I got up. Alexa grabbed my hand and pulled me down, planting a gentle kiss on my cheek.

“I love you,” she whispered, then pushed me away.

Alan looked tired, but he glared at me.

“Why did you not trust me?” he started.

“Alan, last night at eight I was going home. Then she wants to show me something, and I did not realize it would be her body. By eleven I was a goner, and absolutely tired. The first chance I got I spoke to you.”

“You are not scot-free at all, jerk,” Alan grumbled.

“What happened?”

“Well, she is now legally an adult. Between myself and her parents, we got her emancipated. It cost me a few favors, but she is now an adult, so legally you are in the clear. There will still be moral grumblings.”

“Thank you, Alan.”

“Stop thinking with your dick, asshole.”

“You have no idea how much I owe you now.”

“Oh, I will exact payment. The first installment is you reporting to Quantico every morning after dropping your delightful beauty off. Find Gunnery Sergeant Davis. Four hours on the o-course every day.”

“Okay, I will do that.”

“That is just the start, I am still thinking of ways to fuck you up.”

“As long as we are okay, and I am with Lexie.”

“Simon, do not fuck it up with her. That is one amazing woman you have.”

“Alan, I do trust you. I could have hidden it, but I definitely did not want to, not from the man who has carried me for years.”

“Yeah, now she can take some of the weight for your assholish ways.”

“You will be my best man. I would never have been able to be in love if it was not for you. Thanks, Alan.”

I walked to him and hugged him hard, not stopping my tears. This was as close to a big brother as I could have hoped for. I also knew I would be training until my ass bleeds. Alan dismissed me with a grin, clapping me on the shoulder. Alexa was immersed in her schoolwork, but her smile when she looked up made my knees weak. I sat down and felt her push her knee against my thigh.

“Better?” she asked.

“Yes, so much better. What are you working on?”

“History. You?”

“History, of sorts.”

“Alan said he will have me vetted so you can share more with me. He made sure I understand that when you are secretive it has nothing to do with me.”

“Are you still sure?”

“Even more now. He shared what had happened to you. He said you are not allowed to yet.”

“I would have.”

“I know, and he told me so. I am so sorry you had to experience hell.”

“Only to find heaven, sitting right at my desk. What are you busy with now, that does not look like history.”

“Shopping list. We need some stuff.”

“I have stuff.”

“Not the stuff I want,” she laughed.

I was blissfully unaware of the stares from the rest of the office, neither could I care. Then Alexa did something incredible. She stood up and put her leg on the chair. Her skirt hiked up to just under her panties, exposing her scar to the rest. I wanted to kiss it right there.

“Alan told me how they ridicule you, now we are two.”

“Are you sure?”

“Simon, last night you validated me, and I realized the scar is just something on me, it is not me.”

We finished the day, then went shopping. Alexa held my hand as we walked into the shops and I received a lot of disapproving looks. We got home and Alexa led me to the bedroom, pushing me down. She wriggled out of her panties, then straddled my head. My tongue found her sopping wet, and she ground into my face gently as I licked and sucked her through a few orgasms. She got off me and kissed me softly. She snuggled against me and my hand found her bare ass. I drew gentle circles as I kissed her. My hard cock deflated, but it was not an issue as we were intimate in another way. She pulled me up again and we headed for the kitchen, where she started mixing dough. I started dinner, which took a while longer as we included kisses in the two processes. She put the dough in trays and then into the oven. I was in the middle of a process and caught her eye as she was bent over in front of the oven. She wagged her ass at me and I hoped I read it right as I freed my cock and lifted her skirt, nudging her pussy from behind. She was dripping and I slid in with ease, taking my time.

“Clever boy,” she chuckled and straightened up.

My hands found her breasts as I started to pump into her, holding her back against me. My knees were bent and she was on her toes. We orgasmed hard, then I pulled out, finishing off dinner. She held me from behind now, whispering love. She started a second batch after we ate, and I waited for her to bend down again. She did and I was on her, sliding into her again. She leaned on the stove as I pumped into her, flooding her again. I pulled out and did the dishes as she swopped trays. The cookies smelt delicious, but I was promised hell if I took one. I took one in any case.

“Now you will do all the work for the next week. I will not ride you, okay.”

“Okay, can we do some of that punishment now?”

She laughed as she got on the counter, opening her legs. For the third time that evening, I slipped into her but now I could see her face and I could not stop staring as I slid into her. I unbuttoned her blouse and dropped my face to her breasts. Her nipples were rock hard as I nibbled on them, gently flexing my hips. I came with her second orgasm, and I stayed in her, softly kissing her. I was desperate for her. The buzzer sounded and she pushed me away, then pulled me back in for one more kiss. I left her body and she quickly took the last batch out. She gave me one, then put her arms around me, just holding me. I made us coffee and we sat outside on the porch, watching life in the street after nine in the evening. We joked and teased, laughing loudly at times.

“Simon, how are we going to do the living situation?”

“Not sure. What are your thoughts? My weekends are free.”

“I stay here for the week, and you stay with us for the weekends?”

“Yes, that can work. But we need to have two more evening dinners at home, for Kristin.”

“You love her a lot, don’t you?”

“Yes. She is like you. She sees into me.”

“She does. Something was up with my family last year. My mom and dad definitely were hiding something from me.”

“Yes, and I met Kristin a few months before you. She sold me cookies.”

“Oh fuck, that was you? She told me she met someone who might be a perfect match for me. I called her an asshole, then baked her some brownies to apologize. She was adamant in a very nice way.”

“Did you not put it together when I first came?”

“No, where would a thirteen-year-old find the means to influence you to visit her.”

“She had help.”

“My parents?”

“Yep. Look, I only figured it out last night. I was being led into the most beautiful trap ever.”

“Simon, I sense that you are scared to tell me something. Remember our promise last night?”

“Your parents opened up their relationship until last night.”



“One of them cheated?”

“No, your dad gave permission. He was respected at all times.”

“Wait, how do you know this?”

“Come sit on my lap, let me hold you first. I love you desperately, and I have never felt as much love as I do now.”

She sat on my lap, and then kissed me. I knew that right now I could lose her, but she deserved the truth.

“I was her partner.”

“You fucked my mom?”

“Yes, though we never fucked. I just never realized she was making sure I would never hurt you.”

“They found me a boyfriend that would love me completely?”

I frowned, not expecting this. She kissed me softly.

“Simon. A year ago I drank some pills to end it. My reason was that nobody will ever love me. My parents risked their love to find me someone who loves me.”

“Are we okay?”

“You and my mom?”

“Done, but I do have a place for her in my heart. I could not have sex without some form of emotional attachment.”

“Were you in love with her?”

“A little. I also made sure I spent alone time with your dad to make sure he was still okay with it. I started falling for you a few months ago.”

“So I could have seduced you earlier?”

“Probably, but it does not matter. Are okay with what I told you?”

“Yes. Look, Simon. It is a little weird, but I see the immense sacrifice, not the fact that you nailed my mom.”

“They lied to me, to get me to agree.”

“Would you want her again?”

“No, especially not now. The risk to my soon-to-be family is just too great. But the worst part of it is the fact that I will see you heartbroken. That is something I can never live with.”

“Okay, case adjourned until further notice.”

“Please Lexie, just us.”

“Yes, just us.”

We went to have a shower, then we went to bed. I woke with her watching me, smiling. She kissed me softly, making sure I understand that we were okay. We made coffee and breakfast in the nude, but the coffee went cold as we migrated to the couch to ensure our passion was intact. It was hot, countering the cold coffee. I dropped her off with the motorcycle, then raced to Quantico. I suffered a lot before I was released, then raced to the office. Alan had a fat grin when I limped into the office. I had a shower and reached for the clothes in my backpack. I found a container with brownies with a note ‘For Alan’.

I smiled as I opened it to take one. There was another note.

‘Just one, my love.’

I laughed out loud, shaking my head as I dressed. She understood me. I gave Alan his cookies and showed him my note as well. Alexa texted me to tell me she wanted to be dropped at home so she can spend time with Kristin. I found a very ornery Kristin when we got home.

“You are assholes. I saw him first,” she groused.

“I am sorry we hurt you, baby girl,” Alexa said as she hugged her sister.

“I am fine, and I am very happy you both found love. I am so proud of you sis and of you Simon.”

“Thanks, Kristin.”

“Just one thing, Alexa and Simon.” Kristin squared herself, making sure we understood there was no negotiation.”

“What?” I asked.

“I will be the favorite aunt for your beautiful kids. Are we clear? You have fair warning.”

“Yes, Krissie. I will make sure of it,” Alexa answered immediately.

Alexa walked me to the bike.

“Are you nuts, promising her that?”

“Nope. I want kids and she knows it. And I know they will be absolutely beautiful.”

“Just like their mother.”

“And their father.”

I kissed her gently and left for the office. We had a time-sensitive issue and I stayed later, making sure Alexa knew. I went home, fetched my car, and then drove to her house. I walked in just as Naomi dished up, and James gave me a beer. I had a family, finally. Lexi had Kristin pack a bag and she came home with us. We watched some television, with Kristin curled up on my lap. She might not be my daughter, but I loved her a lot. I gently stroked her back as she slept on my lap.

“Can she crawl in with us, my love?” Alexa asked.

“No shenanigans, she is way too young.”

“I promise you, just sleeping.”

I woke Kristin, and she gave me a sleepy smile that melted my heart. Alexa helped her change as I showered, then Kristin got into bed with me. She immediately snuggled against me and was asleep within seconds. Alexa beckoned me out of the room and I followed. We made love on the couch for an hour, then showered, me deciding I needed to feel her body against me. We made it to bed and Kristin moved against me again. I woke with her wrapped around me, still sleeping. Alexa was awake and took a picture of the two of us. Then she kissed Kristin awake, blowing raspberries in her neck. Kristin squealed and the fight was on. Everything was a mess, and they ganged up on me. We calmed and I lay back, with them flanking me.


I kept romancing my schoolgirl, getting into a habit of surprising her with gifts and favors. The years after she graduated she started to study psychology, supplementing her fees by starting to bake. Alexa made gourmet cakes for high-end coffee shops. I built her a shed where she did all her baking. I still helped her, always waiting for her to bend over in front of the oven. We also decided that baking should happen in the nude.

Kristin was the maid of honor at our wedding, and Alan was my best man. I loved how Kristin managed to fluster him constantly, and he later confided that he understood why I never had a chance. His wife demanded the privilege of adopting my sister-in-law. Kristin was an amazing aunt to our four children.

Alexa and I worked hard in our relationship, never letting issues stew. It often led to some explosive arguments, but those would be finished as we held each other. Our love was ours alone and we respected it as much as we respected each other.

Written by CuriousProbe
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