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"A bet is hatched..."

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As I sank the eight ball and won the third frame in a row, I felt a hot flush of pleasure course over me and not just because I’d simply won the match. Sitting at the bar was a rather pretty local lady - she’d been the object of the ‘winner takes all’ bet - and I’d just won!

It had started earlier in the evening. I don’t shoot pool all that often - after all I’m a Brit; our game, on a table that is, is snooker. Bigger table, ball, cues and more balls, but I’d played it a lot when I was younger. I’d even won a local tournament once, but that had been thirty years before and in a different country. This time I was in Indonesia, where I’d been engaged in finishing up a contract before flying home the following day. The night club was in the basement of my hotel.

I’d found it early on in my stay. It was a pleasant enough place to while away an evening without it costing either a fortune or someone either taking exception to you or fleecing you at whatever they were selling. As a sop to the Brits who worked in the country and stayed in the hotel, it had a darts board, for the others, a pool table. Jack, the Club manager and I had played a few times over the weeks I’d been coming. I suspect he’d been or even was a hustler, but, he was kind enough to let me win a few games, while I got used to playing again after not being on any sort of table for several years.

The guy I’d just beaten was taking his loss through gritted teeth and a rather fixed smile. Given what I’d won, that wasn’t too surprising. Jack had set it up. I hadn’t been in for a few nights because I had been too busy writing up some details of my work on my laptop, to make up for a bit of time Jack and I had been playing earlier. We had stopped for a beer break and to let someone else have a go.

You’ve seen the type. He was, I regret to say a ‘Yank’. There were a few out there and most all the others were damn nice guys. I know as I worked and played with them. This jerk seemed to want to make up for all their good traits by having as many bad ones of his own you could ever wish for. There is, as they say, always one. He was the one - let’s just say he was a loudmouth and leave it at that. Jack and I had watched from the bar with dismay as he proceeded to alienate just about everyone in the club, which as Jack muttered, ‘was a clever trick… but not good for business.’

Then to me, “Fancy taking him down a peg?”

“At what, Jack?”

“Pool of course - you’re quite a lot better than he is, if you’re careful - but he doesn’t know that and we can let him boast his way into it.”

Jack was grinning as he spoke.

Jack knew what my game was like, the idea appealed, so what the hell! Even though I’d never met the guy before, I’d seen the way he’d upset some of the others, amongst them folks who’d become my friends. Yeah! - as they say these days ‘Cool!’

Jack had gone over and was obviously proposing the match. Loudmouth glanced in my direction and, sneered, “What, the Limey?’ Then added, “Well, I suppose I’ve got time to, but we’d better make it a bit more interesting…” then looking at one of the local girls, “We’ll play for her.”

Jack raised an eyebrow, but ever the urbane manager, he shrugged his shoulders and said, “If you wish.”

He went over to the girl, and a look of distaste appeared on her face. If Loudmouth noticed, he didn’t show it as Jack came back the short distance to me.

“May’s father owns a fair chunk of this hotel, but she’s agreed at my wish. Just for her sake and the sake of my job - don’t lose.” The latter as he turned to rack the balls.

Jack palmed the chalk - Bill, loudmouth’s name, chose and found chalk.

“Best of five?” He broke messily but still got lucky and potted off it. The table didn’t favour my style and he won the first frame. Having now sunk a couple of Bud’s, his second break wasn’t so lucky, having been let in, I cleared and sank the eight without his coming back to the table. Bill glowered. May purred and put her hand on mine as I sat down while Jack racked them back up. Bill went off, still glowering and had a leak.

When he came back, Bill took another mouthful of Bud while I broke. Now my practising with Jack was paying off as I dropped a stripe off the break, then cleared all but the eight. Bill dropped three then left me an awkward cut, which again I got lucky with. Perhaps it was the fact I only drink tonic, ice and lemon - no gin! Perhaps not. Bill now looked worried for the first time. Now time for a little gamesmanship.

“Tell you what Bill, I got a bit lucky last time - you break.”

He couldn’t refuse the offer, even though it didn’t really look good to the now fascinated bar.

From just behind my left ear Jack sniggered, “Christ, you bastard! Hope he doesn’t get lucky!”

I muttered back, “So do I.”

Bill didn’t—poor break and he never got back to the table as I took the third game in a row and won the rubber. At least he turned out to be a relatively good loser, but that was probably because there were more of my friends than his in the place. May came over and kissed me full on the mouth. Bill started to say something, thought better of it and turned and walked away.

“May,” I said, “the bet was not my idea - you don’t have to follow it through.”

“Oh but Sven, I do. If it got around that I had welched on a bet…”

Jack, standing slightly behind her and out of her eye-line just nodded gently to me.

“Wait a few minutes, Sven - I don’t trust that clown. May, Sven’s in 319, I’ll take him up the back way in a moment.”

She said nothing, just kissed me lightly again, then turned and went into the staff entrance.

As she walked away I exhaled gently and said, “Shit, Jack - I hope this doesn’t get you into bother.”

“Nope,” he said. "May’s like that - she does what she wants, but she might not have gone out of here with him. The fact she’s being discreet means she’ll probably come to your room. But then I’m not sure - she’s a law unto herself.”

He shrugged his shoulders and passed me another drink. This time there was gin in it - he judged me well and I felt I needed it.

A few minutes later, Jack showed me out of the service elevator on my floor into the linen closet. Opening the door he glanced each way then nodded his head conspiratorially.

As I slipped quietly past him he patted me on the shoulder. “Enjoy.”

My turn to grin and nod.

I let myself into my room with my electronic key. Why was I not surprised to find May standing in the darkness looking out the window? The only light was the lights of the shopping Mall half a mile away. She didn’t look round as the door clicked shut behind me. I put my jacket over the back of the chair and crossed the room to stand behind her slim figure. As I held her waist, she leaned back into me, holding her arms across her front gripping the elbows.

“May - you actually don’t have to be here.”

She turned, reached up a little and put her arms around my neck then kissed me, gently at first then with more passion, her tongue slipping between my lips. She stopped and leaned back a little before putting her head in the crook of my neck.

“Sven, if that was the case then I wouldn’t be here. I’m here because I wanted to be and because I’m curious - you’ve not yet made a pass at me, yet we’ve talked and sat together before this evening. Jack put me up to it - he told me you’d win - though I was a little worried after that first game.”

I saw her teeth gleam in the light from the window as she laughed a little. She undid the buttons on my shirt front, pulling it out of the waistband of my trousers and then taking it right off. She dropped it over my jacket on the back of the chair beside us. Then, turning back ran her hands through the light furry down of what passes for hair on my chest. I held her to me and we kissed some more. We could both feel the passion this time. I reached for the zip of her dress, but she stopped me.

“One moment…”

She crossed to the door of my suite, looked briefly through the spy hole, unhooked the ‘Don’t Disturb’ sign, opened the door, hooked it over the outside handle and re-shut the door. As she started back across the room she reached behind her and unzipped the dress. As she shrugged it off her shoulders it puddled down around her feet and she stepped out of it, picked it up and gently placed it over my shirt.

Quite naked, she crossed the remaining distance back across the room, closed my open mouth before kissing it, while at the same time undoing my belt and loosening my trousers, easing them down as far as she could. Breaking the kiss, as I kicked my shoes off she knelt and took my trousers and shorts off. On the way back to standing up she kissed the end of my cock.

As we kissed again, I tasted my sweetness on her lips as she pulled my butt tightly into her, my pre-cum wet cock trapped between us. I steered her back and pushed her gently down onto the bed, moving to lie alongside her. I kissed her neck, making her shudder a little, then kissed my way on down to her full breasts, her nipples standing hard in the cool of the air-con - hard and dark like her areola in sharp contrast to her beautiful light-coloured olive skin.

As I kissed and licked my way from nipple to nipple I brushed my hand down across her flat stomach to the start of her wiry short brush of hair. May moaned quietly, her fingers entwined in my short hair holding me to her breast, as I explored her nether lips with my fingers, moving in circles through the thatch. She opened her legs wide, spreading her knees upwards to give me the access I wanted.

I kissed my way down to her navel, running my tongue into it, again making her squirm just a little as I did so. Then she shuddered again as my beard reached that hair and the smell of her musk reached my nose, driving me on with more urgency than before. She swivelled around a little to get underneath me and reach the end of my cock with her mouth, slurping at my wetness. Now it was my turn to catch my breath as the warmth of her sweet lips bobbed over the tip and rim of my cockhead.

I wasted no more time - with my hands either side of her hips I held her ass and used my fingertips to pull apart the lips of her wet slick cunt, sliding my tongue into it, swiping it down from clit to ‘taint. May shuddered with a small cum as I did so, stiffening and then relaxing. Her wetness sweet nectar on my taste buds.

She swung out from under me, pushed me onto my back then engulfed my cock with her hot mouth, leaving it slick and ready with her saliva. In the light from the window, I watched as she grabbed me with one hand, eased her hips over mine and set me against her cunt, her slender shape poised over me. I could feel the heat radiating from it as she slipped down onto me.

Tight, so tight - breathing hard now she pushed down onto me and slipped a little more onto me.

Tight so tight - as I strained not to cum with the exquisite feeling of her enveloping cunt.

Tight then tighter - sliding deeper and deeper down onto me, the whites of her eyes visible in the light as she keened, “Christ - Oh - Christ - Oh - Christ - Oh, Christ!”

As she finally bottomed out, her ass resting on my hips, little shudders running though then finally a sobbing almost silent scream as it all came to a head and she started cumming and cumming.

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Tight so tight - almost to the point of pain - her body twitching, her muscles visibly rippling, trapping my cock in a strangling intensity that triggered my own hard orgasm, my back arching up off the bed, my cock pushing deeper and deeper, flooding her with my pearlescent juice in quantities that oozed out around my shaft.

We came slowly down falling gently back onto the top surface of the bed, both dripping with perspiration in spite of the air con, her long black hair half covering my face, her face tucked into the side of my neck, her breath coming in little shuddering sobs. The muscles of that cunt still gripped and spasmed around my cock, only half-hard now, but still not slipping from her.

She raised herself up a little and kissed me as I held her to me, hands still gripping her butt hard. As I squeezed it she contracted her muscles around me then I watched as she pulled her stomach in as if she were in an exercise class, her cunt now stroking me back to hardness and sloppy seconds. My sloppy seconds!

She fed a breast to my face; my waiting lips eagerly took that hard nipple in and sucked on it in time to her contractions as she slowly started to slide and move on me again. Reluctantly letting it go and without coming out of her, indeed holding myself tight into her by gripping those lovely ass cheeks I rolled her gently over until I was on top of her. She brought her knees up either side of my hips and I brought first one, then the other of those lovely long legs higher, above my arms. Then deep, deep inside I gently started to fuck almost vertically down into her.

She almost growled as another little orgasm rippled though her then she made a whining sound as another big one started, her ankles by this time trying to grip the back of my neck. Again she started to spasm around me as she came and then without warning I too exploded pushing hard into her with a gathering intensity as each wave crashed through me. In slow motion we crashed back to earth, my shrinking cock slipping from her cunt as she vainly tried to stop it.

As we started to drift to sleep, me now spooning her from behind, my arm over her side my hand gently caressing a handy breast she pulled the comforter over both of us before wiggling back tight against me.



We woke more or less together, this raven-haired beauty and I, as daylight and the rising sun flooded the room shining straight into our eyes. May pushed the covers off and sat up then leaned over and kissed the tip of my nose before getting out of bed and going to freshen up. I joined her a few minutes later in the shower, washing her back before she did mine. She dried quicker than I and went back out to the bedroom part of the suite and I thought - ‘Ah well - over so soon, but memories of a wonderful night.’

As I was finishing I could hear her moving around then silence again. So I went to find out what she was doing. May was waiting - having stripped the debris of last night’s passion off the bed and put it behind a chair - she sat cross-legged and naked on the bed. As I walked forward I realised she was not alone - sitting naked beside her, half turned towards me, was Jack.

Let’s just say I was surprised. As she saw Jack’s expression change May turned to look at me as well. I guess my jaw was somewhere down about my navel because they both stifled a giggle.

Now I’m not often lost for words but this time I eventually felt my mouth open and shut several times before I sort of stuttered, “Jack…?”

He laughed and said “Well I thought I’d better come and say hello and see how my wife was this morning - sorry if it’s a bit early.’

I felt my knees go wobbly as, stuttering again I indulged in yet more witty repartee, “Wife?”

It’s amazing how erudite you can be when you feel you’ve been backed into a corner you certainly didn’t expect to be in.

“Sven - I’m sorry, I honestly thought you knew.”

This time it was May who spoke.

I sat down on the end of the bed - I thought it would look better if I did that rather then have my legs give way and I end up on the floor. Naked I didn’t, in the circumstances, feel I had much dignity left. Slowly I realised that both Jack and May seemed much more relaxed about the whole situation, far more so than I.

Jack spoke. “Sven - I’m sorry I owe you a bit of an apology, May and I rather like setting situations up and then enjoying how they pan out. I had hoped to sneak in earlier on, in fact before you started to enjoy each other, but May was a little unsure of how you would take it - so we decided to wait until this morning.”

May got up and stood beside me, her beautiful right breast scant inches from my face.

“Can you forgive us for the subterfuge and let Jack join in?

My answer was between my legs. The irresponsible organ that it was, my dick was voting for me, slowly coming to attention. Having now realised that Jack wasn’t about to cut off bits of my anatomy, a certain stoicism crept into my approach. I gently cupped May’s breast and sucked and licked gently on the rapidly hardening nipple - it seemed a better answer than anything my stumbling mouth might ever otherwise have said.

Jack, now kneeling at his wife’s feet, kissed her pubic mound, cupping her ass with his hands as he pulled her towards him. She sat and then lay back on the bed edge as he kissed and licked her cunt into wet readiness.

Then - almost as if it had been choreographed, May half rose and pushed me further back onto the bed and so I moved further up as she followed me intent on climbing on top of my now erect staff. Reaching her goal she slid her slickness down ’til we mashed hair, then groaning gently she rolled forward at the waist and kissed me.

Jack moved around so she could take him in her mouth at the same time. Now I’ve never thought of myself as ‘bi’, not even thought of it before to be truthful, but the sight of Jack’s circumcised dick sliding in and out of May’s mouth, just above my face was mesmerising. Judging by his groans he was highly aroused and this first orgasm wasn’t going to be either long in coming, or going to be anything other than highly explosive.

As I watched his balls pull up and felt both him and May stiffen, I realised that I was going to be right on both counts. I watched, fascinated, the sudden, rapid progress of Jack’s sperm into May’s now open mouth as she and he gave me a close-up show. He sprayed it everywhere, a lot of it dripping down onto my face.

How did it taste? Hot and salty, not unpleasant as I had always thought it might be. As he squirted again, May shocked me by taking hold of his dick and first pointing it then sliding it into my mouth - the first time I had ever tasted either sperm or another man’s penis. I was too surprised to protest and in the end, the situation was so erotic that I too came, hard and fast, filling May’s juicy cunt as she once again milked the last of my orgasm out of me. Jack slipped out of my mouth as May gave me a snowball with whatever of Jack’s cum she had kept in her mouth, while he slipped down to May’s cunt and started to clean both me and her.

I think the only word that can sum up the whole moment was surreal. So many firsts - I had just tasted another man’s sperm for the first time, some of it as I had sucked it from him and now in another first, I was being sucked by another male as he willingly cleaned our juices both direct from his wife and also my dick.

In a way, I felt numb. Had I been asked if I would ever do this and enjoy it, I would have vehemently said no. But now the fact that my cock was still half-hard and being sucked back into a hardness it had never really stooped from I was totally amazed and just decided that this almost certainly one-off situation might just as well be enjoyed.

May turned and presented that wonderful, juicy cunt to my face while she turned and helped her husband lick and suck me back to full strength. I dove in, tasting the remainder of my juice; yet another first. What was going to be next? May, it seemed, was now driving things further. She turned and sat on me again, engulfing me easily. Jack held me and helped insert me into her. Then he came back to my head, his dick close to my face and raised a quizzical eyebrow.

I pulled him to my mouth mentally thanking whatever deity might be handy that he was a little smaller than I was. I sucked him into my mouth and made him wet for what I suspected was going to be the next and probably final round. He withdrew and moved down the bed behind May who paused in her appointed pastime of bringing herself off on my hard but tired cock. I felt her tense, then slowly relax as Jack slid slowly and carefully into her ass.

Christ, a double team, yet another first. It is erotic and incredibly arousing to feel another man’s cock making love, albeit in a different channel, at the same time as you. Neither May, nor Jack, nor I lasted long - May came first, clamping down hard on Jack and I and it was a sort of photo finish between us - weird to feel someone else spasming against me even if by now mine was probably a dry shot!

Jack had half collapsed onto May’s back and I was having difficulty breathing with them both on top of me. As he pulled out Jack got up and May rolled to one side. We started to recover.

What to do now, what to talk about, who to look in the eye, what to say, was solved when my bedside phone rang. May, closest, reached it and handed it to me.

“Good morning, sir, although it’s a few minutes early your taxi to the airport is here and waiting for you.”

Christ! The Airport! My flight was in a little over three hours…

All I could say as naturally as possible was, “OK - I’ll be down in a couple of minutes.”

May and Jack looked at me, startled and then laughing as they realised just how badly I had, literally, ‘fucked up!’

Surprisingly it was the demure May who took charge. “Sven, shower fast! Jack and I will finish the packing you’d started.”

Which is how not long later, I found myself, having checked out of the hotel, in the back of a cab on the way to Jakarta International Airport. It had been chaos to achieve the calm, apparently totally in control appearance, as I had checked out - thank God for air con in the cab.

I reached the check-in desks ten minutes before the flight’s final call walked straight through the departure lounge onto the flight the last one on the aircraft. Doors were closed and we were pushing back before I had reached my seat. I was lucky, I had a row to myself, so no-one was inconvenienced.

Once we were airborne I was able to stand up and properly sort myself out for the long haul back home. It was only as I was taking my jacket off I found the slim envelope in an inner pocket. In it, there was almost 2,500 in US Dollars.

Oh - and a note;

‘Dear Sven

When Jack said I was related to the owner of the hotel he was quite right but he didn’t tell you quite everything. I am related to him, by marriage. You see Jack’s family own the hotel. They employ a full-time Hotel Manager. Jack likes to look after the night club as a hobby.

I know your company paid for your stay, but I also guess they didn’t pay you as well for the contract as they should have done. But they did pay your bill promptly - when that happens to a local person we usually give them or their company a good discount. So in this case what you have in your hand is your discount or perhaps your ‘winnings’.

Take it as a thank you for being such a good sport and letting us have our fun.

May & Jack’



© Sven the Elder Feb 2002

Written by SventheElder
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