The following day was pretty much the usual series of events, this happened every time after one of the sex parties. Lucy dropped statements about how sore she was from being fucked by Michael's huge cock, how stretched she felt, how great he was. All of this was Lucy seeking to get some response from her husband. But instead of his usual crushed emotions that he would normally portray, he just hummed to himself, making a nice hearty breakfast.
He loved porridge, has done since an early age. In fact, he was quite predictable by what he ate in the morning. But this time, he was making a full English. Fried mushrooms, fried egg, grilled tomatoes (left long enough so to char the top), being vegetarian, he had some fake bacon rashers along with veggie sausages. All of this and two thick slices of toast.
’Are you feeling ok?’ Lucy actually showing some concern by this out of character turn of events.
‘Yes, fine, I just wanted something different that’s all.’ Peter almost chirped. This was completely unlike him. He did not do ’different’. He was reliable, obvious, and if needing to be a little cruel, boring. It was these very factors that made Lucy want to try something different herself, which had led almost inevitably to the swinging parties.
She made herself a coffee and went to sit in the living room, lost in her thoughts about what had happened the previous night. Casting her mind back remembering what she had overheard when Emma was talking to Amanda, how her husband had given her so many orgasms. Then there was the jewellery that he has become so attached to. Where had he found it? What had even made him look for it in the first place? She could not understand what was happening to her predictable husband.
The following day, Lucy began her period. She was not impressed, as she hated having sex when it was her time of the month, preferring to get through it with chocolate and wine. But this meant that she would miss out on the next sex party, and, more importantly, she would miss her fix of Michael's cock.
She got her phone out, opened up her favoured chat app.
Lucy started typing ’Hi Michael, are you there?'
There were a few minutes before she got a response from Michael
’Yeah, you ok, looking forward to your fucking tomorrow?’
Lucy sighed, she needed to break some bad news.
’Sorry my love, it’s my time of the month, and you know how much I hate having sex on my period.’
Michael texted her back, being quite vulgar.
’You should get over that crap, my cock performs whether it’s your pussy juice or your blood. I will fuck you regardless.’
Lucy felt like she had to placate Michael a little.
’And I want your cock, right now even, and the week always feels so slow when it’s like this, but I just can’t.’
Michael’s response just sounded flippant.
’Well your loss, I might fuck Julie instead, she enjoys a big cock almost as much as you do.’
His words cut Lucy somewhat, she reserved herself purely for him, but to say something like that made her feel like she was losing him.
’Why do you have to be so mean like that?’
The response from Michael was just as cruel.
’Because you love the fact that I am in control of your pussy. Make sure you don’t go pleasuring that pathetic husband of yours as you get hungry for some cock. I am off to the gym, so chat later.’
Lucy was pissed that Julie was going to get what should be hers, plus she was craving chocolate. She suddenly remembered that there was none in the house. ‘Bollocks!’ And with that outburst, she stormed out of the house to the shops.
Peter had been feeling quite strange all morning, his urge to have the breakfast although seemed out of place, but felt somehow right by having a change to his normal routine.
He settled down to do a bit of browsing on the internet before he started doing some work.
Peter was a freelance designer, so he could pick and choose when he worked. This was just as well because today was going be one filled with lots of distractions.
Whilst browsing the internet it seemed as if he was being guided somehow, looking into the time when Maxim Volkov was alive. The clothing, culture, he had ventured onto the weapons of the time, and the ones that had caught his eye were the Kinzhal Russian throwing knives. These long blades daggers could be used as standard knives or weighted so that they could be thrown.
He had tracked down a pair that were for sale, made in the 19th century, so a little after Maxim's time, but this was the closest he could find that matched that period. He contacted the seller. ‘You still have them? Great, I am heading over now.’
Peter made his way there as quick as he could, the excitement bubbling inside, he could barely contain himself.
By the time he got back, Lucy had been back for over an hour, settled in for an afternoon of alcohol and chocolate.
Peter went into the back garden, finding a big plank of wood, he placed it upright against a tree. He figured if he threw the knives at the plank, he would not damage the tree, but if he missed, then the tree would hopefully stop it from going through the fence into next doors garden.
He had been out in the garden throwing the knives for over an hour when Lucy came out to see what had been going on. Peter by now had stripped off his t-shirt, she marvelled at his physique, the way his muscles moved, the definition of them across his back and shoulders. Just when had he got so well into shape? She wondered. Has she been so unobservant to not see these changes in her husband? Peter acknowledged her presence after retrieving his daggers from the plank, not once during this time had he missed his mark.
The plank was riddled with impressions from the points of the daggers, and not a single blemish on the tree it rested against.
‘What are you doing?’ Lucy inquired. ‘And when did you get.... them?’ Referring to the daggers.
‘Got them today from this small shop that deals in antiques, they specialise in old military paraphernalia. These two are called Kinzhals, old Russian daggers from the 19th century, and I am just practising throwing them. I guess I just have the knack with them, seems like second nature.’
With that he flipped one of the daggers in the air, catching it by the blade, then sent it spinning through the air to land reverberating in the wooden plank. Lucy was taken aback since when has he ever shown an interest in this stuff? He was always against fighting, wars were something that he never felt comfortable with, heck, he hated even getting into arguments. Yet another thing she found frustrating in him, so passive in everything, just once if he had shown some dominance, some backbone, she may never have found solace in giving herself entirely to Michael.
Lucy left him to go back inside, all this strangeness in her husband was confusing her, did she still know this man anymore?
The day of the following party had finally arrived. It had been a confusing week, normally Lucy would have spent most of the time texting Michael, getting herself worked up, then flaunting this in front of Peter, making him jealous and broken in spirit.
But this time Peters attitude was different, he had a sense of confidence, perhaps due to all the practice he was putting into throwing those ‘damned knives’ (as Lucy had come to see them). He had shown none of his usual downtrodden self.
Lucy had decided to treat herself to a new dress for the night. It was a very slutty dress, rich red, backless and figure-hugging. To complement it, a red garter belt with black lace, holding up black stockings. These had a red seam running up the back as if to guide the observer where to go. Her feet encased with red stilettos that had a strap at the top and metal studs running down the back. But she also had a new addition that she had hoped to get the most reaction out of Peter. For this, she waited till he came into the room.
Peter had spent even longer getting ready, he had decided to give himself a trim. Clipping his hair around his cock, then shaving his balls. The cock ring made it a little trickier, but after finishing he felt pretty good on how it looked. He looked at the gems that lay on the top. He had mused over the red one, knowing full well that it was not like that before. No matter how many time he had washed it, it never went back. Clearly, this was not a stain, or maybe even blood caught beneath the stone. He was also well aware of the increase in the size of his penis, perhaps there was a connection between the two? With one stone turned, and he was now seven inches when fully erect, also an increase in the girth, what would happen if all eleven stones were red...
Peter walked into the bedroom, he was looking very dapper. Skintight black jeans held in place with a plain belt which sported a large belt buckle in the shape of a round Celtic knot, a very fitted white shirt with cuff links, but the military dress coat was the focal point. Black from head to toe, with black brocade decorating the shoulders and chest, antiqued gold buttons, then red stitching details made the whole appearance very stylish.
Lucy was taken aback by his look, almost losing focus on her new item to tease Peter with. She put her stilettoed foot onto the dressing table, letting dress ride up her thighs to show her shaven pussy, then slowly attaching an ankle chain that had a queen of spades charm dangling from it. She was deliberately stating that she reserved herself for black cocks only. Looking out of the corner of her eye to gauge Peters reaction. He looked completely unmoved, a look of dismissal ran across his face.
‘Do you like my new jewellery dear?’ Lucy was determined to get a rise from her husband.
‘Hmm, it’s ok, although somewhat tasteless. Shall we go?’ This was less a question and more a statement. Lucy felt furious, tasteless!? Where the fuck did he get the nerve to say that about her.
‘Yes! I have a cock that my pussy has been aching for.’ Lucy stated with pure bitterness in her voice. With that, they left in silence and the drive to the party was also in silence. From Lucy’s side, you could cut the atmosphere with a knife, but from Peter’s side it was like a placid ocean, so calm on the surface, but the hidden undercurrents could drag you to the depths to drown.
They arrived, Lucy’s first observation was the absence of Michael’s car, her heart sank. He had not mentioned anything about not going to be there, perhaps he was punishing her for not being there last week. She had gone to such efforts, only to be wasted.
As soon as they both entered the house, Amanda spotted Peter, she made a beeline for him.
‘There is my lovely first dance. For a moment I thought you had turned tail and ran, and how amazing you look too, I love a man in uniform.’ The last part Amanda deliberately spoke with a honey-coated voice.
For the record, Amanda was in her forties, but she was every much the stunner she was in her youth. Only now she had more experience and knew exactly how to use it.
Her luscious red hair cascaded over her shoulders in curls, and she was very much the stereotypical fiery passionate redhead. Dressed in fine sheer white lingerie which was borderline transparent, as to leave nothing to the imagination, her legs clad in white silky holdup stockings, finished off with white stilettos. She had a lust for life, as much as she had a lust for sex.
Her husband David was able to keep pace with her when he was still in his thirties. He was that little bit older than she was, so now having past fifty, his stamina was not what it used to be. David was actually the one to suggest making the sex parties twice a week if only to give him time to recover. It was either this he figured, or be sent to an early grave from her constant demands of ‘I need at least two of my holes filled with cum before I can sleep easily.’
Amanda grabbed hold of Peter’s hand and led him upstairs, Lucy’s eyes followed him as he disappeared, and for a moment, she wondered if the emotions she felt now, were the same ones Peter felt every time he saw her walk off with Michael.
They had just made it to Amanda’s bedroom when Peter was set upon. Amanda grabbed him, wrapping her arms around him in a passionate embrace. She eased her tongue into his mouth, which Peter was only too happy to reciprocate. He let his hands roam over her body, the smoothness of her skin was intoxicating. Feeling the satin texture of her knickers, he was eager to get at the softness of her cheeks, slipping his hand underneath the sheer material, his fingers caressed the mounds of her behind, stroking her skin gently. He could hear how Amanda was responding to his touch, her low moans giving him the confidence to carry on this sensual approach.
It was not long before Amanda interrupted his tenderness ‘Emma told me just how much you impressed her with your talents. I want to experience that too, show me just what you are capable of’
Peter needed no further prompting, he firmly but carefully pushed her so that she sat down onto the bed with a thump. Throwing his coat to the side, he knelt in front of her, beginning to kiss her neck, offering up little nibbles on her shoulders. Peter’s hands were equally attentive, stroking one of her legs, feeling the sensations of her stockings under his fingers, and with the other hand, running its way down her spine, then back up to meet the clasp on the back of her bra. Deftly undoing it and casting the garment to the floor. Peter set to work teasing her nipples, flicking his tongue over her delicate pink tips, then clasping them gently between his front teeth.
This was all having a positive effect on Amanda, giving off gentle moans, and the firmness of her nipples was a wonderful feeling, as he ran his fingers playfully over them. Peter then began making his way further down, kissing his way to her burning desire. Nimbly slipping his fingers into the sides of her pants, she responded to his unspoken signal.

Lifting her hips into the air, allowing him to slip her knickers off. At first, he got the glorious sight of her pussy, a small shaved triangle of red hair, pointing the way to her already damp lips. She lifted her hips higher, if he had been looking into her eyes, he would have spotted an unmistakable sparkle of lust, instead, he saw the sparkle of a bright pink gem peeking between her cheeks.
‘A little something for later’ Amanda said with lust dripping off each word.
Peter got to work on Amanda, kissing her either side of her legs, deliberately keeping away from where she wanted him most. Breathing in her scent which was creating a heady effect on him. He moved his mouth just in front of her passage, breathing in then blowing through pursed lips, a stream of air tantalising her pussy. He then offered the tip of his tongue to touch the skin of her outer labia, all of this gentle play proved too much for the eager Amanda. ‘Stop torturing me you cruel beast!’
Peter chortled a little to himself, he figured he had been holding out for long enough. He pushed his tongue as deep as he could into her, Amanda’s juices gushed over his tongue and onto his lips, she tasted great, so sticky with a slightly salty-sweet flavour. This was something that anyone could get used to. Slipping his fingers into her pussy, he sought our her g-spot, caressing the bumpy surface gently. His lips and tongue locked onto her clitoris, which had come out of its hood, eager to be pleasured.
It did not take long for Peter to have three fingers into Amanda’s vagina, her walls were like the sleekest of silks, this woman was built for pleasure, and took joy in every second of it. She began gently thrusting her hips, riding his fingers like it was his cock. Bunching up his fingers tightly together, he managed to slip a fourth one in, this caused her to take a sharp intake of breath, but her pelvic movement did not miss a beat.
Flicking his tongue over her clit, he began to pick up a pace, mixing the pressure, light to firm.
The sensations he was producing was having the desired effect, it was not long before her breathing became erratic, and where her hip movements had set into a rhythm, she now began bucking her hips, Peter had to be careful, making sure he kept his mouth in contact with her proved difficult with her thrusts of passion. It all got too much and she began to convulse around his fingers as her orgasm kicked in.
‘Fuck yes, yes, yes!’ Amanda was very vocal as a fierce buzz sped through her body, centred on her clit.
Coming down from her orgasm, Amanda was keen for her next one. She beamed a smile at Peter.
‘Come up here my lovely stud, I need to feel your cock inside me.’
Peter made his way up the bed, Amanda shuffling back so she could lie down. He kissed her passionately, his tongue delving into her mouth, she delighted in the taste of herself on his lips, enraging her passion even deeper. She grabbed hold of his hand and began licking her juices off his fingers.
This turned Peter on even more, Lucy had never done this with him, although she used to like him to eat her out, it was not very often, and now not at all, but when she did, she could not bear it to be for too long, stating that it made her feel like she was going to wet herself.
Peter slowly started undressing, giving Amanda a little striptease for her to enjoy. This only helped to enhance her eagerness to have Peter fill her with his cum. His show came to an end, displaying a cock that was both erect and hungry for the pussy that lay before it. Amanda’s eyes were drawn to his mysterious jewellery, but it’s allure just made her more lustful for him.
Peter stalked up the bed, slipping between her legs, the head of his cock waiting at the soaking wet entrance to Amanda’s pussy.
‘Please, just ram it into me, I am desperate to feel your length!’
He could not delay any longer, the teasing had come to an end. Aligning himself, and with one fierce thrust he embedded himself to the hilt, Amanda let out a yelp, and then a groan.
‘I was not as prepared as I thought I was, that stung a little.’
Peter looked a little concerned for her ‘I’m sorry, maybe I shouldn’t have got too carried away.’
Amanda smiled and let out a little giggle. ‘No need to be sorry, I swear your being carried away actually made you even bigger, you feel fantastic in me.’
Having been reassured, Peter began to rock his pelvis into her, grinding her clit with the base of his cock, filling her as far as he could go. Amanda’s reaction was instantaneous, her breathing got deeper and punctuated with groans of pleasure. They began kissing passionately their lips locked together just as their hips were, tongues entwined like branches of a tree.
Changing his position slightly he pulled out just to the head of his penis, then pushed slowly back into her, he could feel the muscles inside squeezing, coaxing him back deep inside. She felt amazing, the way her pussy had wrapped itself around him her juices making it as slick as silk.
The heady sensations were having an intense effect on Peter’s mind, a cocktail of pleasurable chemicals being released by his brain made him feel like he was on an amazing high. This only urged him on, to prolong this feeling, thrusting in and out of her, there was a sense of detachment, like all that existed at that moment in time was the connection between their bodies linking them as one.
Amanda gently took hold of his head and broke their kiss. ‘Breathe in for me my lover.’ As he did, she exhaled into his mouth, and as he exhaled she breathed in his breath. This continued for a few minutes, their shared breath leaving his mind giddy, and the sensations between his legs were proving too much, but before he climaxed, he felt Amanda begin to convulse on his cock, her breathing got quicker and heavy as she let out a loud exclamation of her orgasm.
‘Fuck yes, oh fuck, Yessssss!’ Her orgasm ripped through her body, leaving her nerves on fire, threatening to engulf her very essence.
Peter felt his own orgasm kicking in as his loins were burning to let go of his seed. With heavy grunts, he hammered himself inside her.
‘Oh fuck ohhh yes.’ His cum fired in quick succession into the back of her pussy, and the wave that flooded his mind left his eyes rolling back into his head.
For a while, his vision was blurred as the tide of his orgasm abated. This was one of the best feelings he had ever experienced whilst having sex. Amanda’s sexual experience certainly had brought him to new heights.
‘Looks like someone had a real nice orgasm there, I know I certainly did. Now the question is, I want more, but where will you be fucking me next?’ Peter knew full well where she wanted him, Amanda did not have her plug inside her for show alone.
Peter reached moved his hand over her legs, moving further up to her thigh, Amanda let her legs part, giving him a view of her cream pie, and the pink jewel nestled between her cheeks. He was sorely tempted to go down on her and eat her out, but perhaps a better use could be made of all those juices. Pulling out her butt plug and putting it on the side table, Amanda grinned like a Cheshire Cat, she was getting exactly what she hoped for.
Peter plunged his fingers into her pussy, getting his fingers covered in their mixed cream, then slowly began working his fingers into her puckered anus.
Amanda let out a groan of desire and lust. ‘Be gentle there lover, work me nice and gentle, make sure I am nice and slick for your gorgeous cock.’
Slowly but surely he got most of their juices inside and around her puckered anus, still sporting a raging erection, Peter offered the head to her sphincter. Then with gentle pressure, and keeping an eye on Amanda’s expression, he eased the glans of his cock into her, stopping occasionally when she winced, allowing her time to relax. After acknowledging to continue, he pushed further inside her.
Eventually, he was deep inside, the pressure on his cock from the inside of her anus was amazing.
‘Fuck me! I feel so full right now! Reach into my bedside dresser, I have a bottle of lube there, no such thing as too much lubrication.’ Amanda smiled at him with a wicked twinkle in her eye. Finding the bottle of lube, he applied moreover his cock and around her stretched hole, then began fucking her in earnest.
Amanda arse felt almost as good as her pussy, lifting himself onto his knees, and in doing so forced Amanda to raise her hips up in the air. He now had easier use of his hands, with the left he pinched her nipples. They responded quickly to his assault on them firming up like two bullets. And with his right hand, he rubbed her clit, using the remnants of their juices making her pleasure zone slick and aroused.
With all this attention, Amanda’s body could not help but hit her orgasm, and with the continued attention, it roared through her wave after unrelenting wave. She was losing her battle to control her body, and with it squirted from her pussy all over Peter’s body, and in turn, Peter’s own body let loose, filling her back passage with his hot cum.
It took some time for Amanda to recover, her breathing quite heavy.
’You have made me a very happy woman Peter, that fantastic cock of yours filling me up with your thick cum.’
Peter was still hard inside her, plugging the cum in her rectum. Amanda reached for her butt plug.
‘Slowly ease out of me, I want to feel every little bit as you slide out.’ Peter did as instructed, leaving the glans in for a few moments longer, he slipped out, and Amanda swiftly re-inserted her plug.
‘This is something for hubby to have later, he really enjoys his creamy deserts at the end of the night.’
Smiling at her remark.
’Well, I hope he enjoys it as much as I enjoyed giving it to you.’
Peter got up and using the en-suite proceeded to clean himself.
Amanda called to him from the bedroom, ‘You are a fantastic lover, you know? Very attentive to my needs, we are definitely doing this again.’ But Peter was slightly distracted, looking at his semi-hard cock, he could tell it was bigger than before, thicker and longer, and once again, another jewel had turned red. There was no doubt about it, for every time he fucked, his cock grew by an inch, and a stone on the cock ring changed colour.
He returned back to the bedroom. Amanda looked unsettled.
‘Are you ok? I haven’t hurt you have I?’
‘No no, it’s nothing you have done. Listen, Peter, I was not sure about telling you this, but you are such a nice guy, and no denying it, amazing in bed. But there is something you need to know about Michael, and how he is with Lucy. You have probably noticed that your wife has not had sex with you for quite some time, ever since she started having sex with Michael.’ Peter nodded confirming this. Listening on, some suspicions he had had in the past sounded like they were going to be confirmed.
‘The truth is, Michael most likely will have told her she can only have sex with him, denying all of the other guys here her body, and that includes you. He is a control freak, he loves to dominate other people’s relationships, that’s where he truly gets his kicks.
'If it wasn’t for his wife Candis, I would have kicked him out of my house ages ago, the fact is, Candis is an amazing fuck too, but she sticks only to the women, stating any other man is too small for her, and not worthy. A hard bitch, but worth it.
'Anyway, it might have already happened, but keep an eye out, as it is only a matter of time. Michael will definitely want to get Lucy pregnant. It’s like his crowning glory.’
Peter’s face filled with blood as his anger grew inside him, who the fuck did Michael think he was.
‘I ought to gut the fucker!’ The words spat out like venom from his mouth.
‘Whoa, whoa, easy there Peter, I will not have violence in my house, I can tell you are plenty pissed, and understandable too. But if you want to punish him, in such a way that will truly get at him, fuck Candis.’
Amanda sat there with her eyes starting to glitter with pure mischievousness.
‘She is the one with all the power. Sure Michael struts his stuff, and he has a nice bit of stuff too, he tried the same move on me, but I turned him down flat. Candis is the one with the money, influence and drive. Michael just acts big, she lets him, because that leaves her to indulge in what she wants. So if you manage to get your hands on her sweet body, that will be worse than any physical injury you could give him.’
Peter’s fury began to subside, to make him pay in such a manner that would kill his ego dead, now this was something he was intrigued by.
‘It won’t be easy though, like I said, she likes her cocks big, bigger than yours sweetheart. But I have seen you a month back, and you barely resemble that timid man, and neither does that big piece of delicious meat between your legs, whatever trick or secret you have going on, keep at it.
'Now if you want to grab her attention, might I suggest you indulge with two of her favourite girls, Sarah and Julie. I can introduce you to them, and I am sure you could work your magic on them. Get their seal of approval, and you will have put a spotlight on you. I bet Candis will then start to look at you with a certain hunger in her eyes.’
Peter wondered, this plan, could it work, even if it didn’t, he could not deny Candis was one hell of a sexy woman and would love to taste how sweet she was.
After Amanda had cleaned up as much as she was wanting to (making sure to leave the dessert for her husband intact), Amanda and Peter went back downstairs in search for the next step towards his new goal.