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The Interview

"Tom a journalist from Spank Magazine interviews a middle aged married couple as the attend their first swingers party."

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Author's Notes

"Ok beautiful people, the wait is over. I present to you “The Interview” I love this story because I had no inspiration from anything I was sitting on a plane and it almost wrote its self. By the time I had landed in Adelaide I had put over 8000 words down. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I’m excited because it has been the easiest story I have ever written and to be fair it’s a fun story with lots of juicy content. I know it’s long but it’s worth it. Please let me know if you love it or hate it. In the comments."

Interviewer: Tom Roberts from Spank Magazine.

Interviewees: Adam and Christine (Chrissy) Houghton, both forty-two-year-old, first-time swingers new to the lifestyle scene.

I had placed an ad in the local paper asking for a couple willing to be interviewed about their experience in the swinging scene for the magazine. I was delighted when Adam contacted me to say he and his wife were looking to get into the scene, and I could tag along for their first experience and get an insight into the entry-level experience.

I was over the moon with the opportunity to tag along on their journey. I arrived at Tom and Christine's Chelsea villa around 7:00 pm. It was Saturday night, and the couple was going to their first swinger's party. I knocked on the door, and Adam answered.

"Hi, you must be Adam. I'm Tom Roberts from Spank Magazine. Thanks for agreeing to let me interview you and your wife."

"Hi, Tom, won't you come in and it's our pleasure. As I mentioned, this is also a new experience for us."

I followed Adam through the hall to the kitchen, where I saw Christine for the first time. She was sitting at the dining table, her hair in curlers, no makeup, painting her fingernails with a deep crimson red nail polish.

"Honey, this is Tom from Spank magazine."

Christine stood up, her terry toweling robe gaped open as she did, giving me my first glimpse of her full breast.

"Hi Tom, it's a pleasure to meet you. Sorry, I can't shake your hand. Wet nails."

"The pleasure is all mine, Christine. Thanks for having me in your home and letting me write your story."

"Please call me Chrissy. And I'm actually a bit excited about having our experience documented."

"Well, I'm certainly excited about writing this piece. I wasn't expecting to get a first-time couple when I placed the ad."

"Well, when Chrissy saw the ad, we thought we would reach out and see if you would be interested in joining us on our first experience," Adam said.

"I'm glad you did. I think the reader, especially couples considering the lifestyle, will be interested in your experience. I guess we could get started by asking you both a few questions."

"Sounds good. Ask away. Chrissy and I discussed it before you arrived and decided to be open and honest and answer anything you might ask, so don't hold back. Ask us anything, and we will answer as best we can."

"Fantastic. I guess, first off, how long have you been married? And how did you meet?"

Chrissy jumped in and answered.

"A bit of a cliche, really. We were high school sweethearts, met when we were sixteen, and have been together since. I fell pregnant with our first child at nineteen. We married before the baby bulge started to show. So we have been married for twenty-three amazing years. Adam is my rock. I couldn't imagine life without him."

"A high school romance turned to a real-life fairytale. I love that, in this day and age where marriages seem to be disposable. So if you have been together since school, can I ask how many sexual partners have you each had? And do you mind if I ask how old you are?"

"I'm forty-two, and it's Chrissy's forty-second birthday next Wednesday. This is sort of an early unofficial birthday present for her, which also answers your other question about how many sexual partners we have had. The answer is none. Neither of us has been with another person sexually."

"Oh, ok, wow. So your birthday gift to your wife is taking her to a swingers club. I assume with the pretense of letting her play with another man and have her experience someone else?"

"Well, we have discussed that possibility, but we are going to see where the night takes us," Adam said.

"We have played around a little bit in the past," Chrissy chimed in

"Oh, do you mind sharing the details," I asked.

"Not at all. It's how all this started, really. Over the last couple of years, we have done a bit of role-play in a bid to heighten our sex life. You know, the normal stuff talking about seeing me with another woman, etc. And Adam has expressed his desire to see me with another man while we have sex."

"Sound fairly normal. I think at some stage, all couples, especially when they have been together as long as you both have, turn to role-play and talk about adding people to their sex life. That's a natural progression for bedroom foreplay, but you said you have played around a bit in the past. Was it with another man?" I asked.

"No, it was a woman. When Adam turned forty, I surprised him with another woman. It was actually a girl from work that agreed to join us. It didn't go exactly how I had pictured it going, but it was still a good experience for us both. I know Adam certainly enjoyed it."

"I'm sure any red-blooded male would not be disappointed in having two beautiful women in his bed. But you mentioned Chrissy. It didn't go as expected. How so?"

"Well, the woman in question, Angela, mentioned to me she was bi and had always been attracted to me. So I thought she would be the perfect fit for my surprise birthday present to Adam. But it turns out she was really more full-on lesbian. And on the night in question, she was reluctant to have sex with Adam to the point she flatly refused."

"I can see how that would be disappointing, especially if you intended to let Adam experience another woman for his birthday. So the night ended there?"

"No, I had a quiet talk with Adam, and he was happy enough just to watch me and Angela play together. It was a little disappointing, but the girl could definitely eat pussy. She had me screaming while Adam watched and jerked off."

"So not a total loss then. So can I ask what are your expectations for tonight? Is it to see Adam with another woman Chrissy? Or are you looking to both go for the full swap? Forgive me. I'm not completely sure how the clubs operate."

"I think we tell you we have been to the club before. Two months ago. I know I said it was our first time, but we have been before. But this time will be different," Adam said.

"Oh, this isn't your first experience for you, then?"

"Yes and no. We attended the club a couple of months ago as newbies, and, as newbies, you aren't under any obligation to participate. And we didn't. We simply went along and observed to see how it all works before we committed to actually go and get involved."

"Ah, so it was just a scouting exercise to see if it was something you would both be interested in exploring. There was no swapping on that occasion?"

"That's correct, we had some drinks at the bar and danced for a while. We even danced with a few couples. Seeing another man's hands on Chrissy's arse was pretty hot while they close danced."

"Sorry guys, but I need to go finish getting ready. Will you excuse me for a little while?" Chrissy said, getting up.

"Of course, sweetheart, I'll keep Tom entertained while you go make yourself beautiful, not that you need to. You are always beautiful to me," Adam said.

Chrissy got up and leaned forward, kissing Adam. Again giving me another glimpse of her full firm breasts as the robe parted. I wasn't sure who would be more excited tonight, Adam or myself. Chrissy was a stunning woman; even with the heavy robe, I could see she had a killer body. We both watched as Chrissy climbed the stairs. Smiling, she looked over her shoulder and lifted her robe, giving us both a cheeky glimpse of her fabulous arse.

"I have to say, Adam, Chrissy is an incredibly beautiful woman. I'm sure if you want to see her with another man tonight, they will be queuing up. And while on the subject, have you and Chrissy discussed your expectations for tonight?"

"We have. And in much detail. After our reconnaissance of the club a couple of months ago, our sex life has been extraordinary."

"Please, give details. How did it boost your sex life? What happened that got the juices flowing?"

"Well, as I mentioned, we danced with a few couples, and I watched one of the husbands, Roger's hands roaming all over Chrissy's body when they danced. It had my cock as hard as a hammer. Something that didn't go unnoticed by his wife Michelle when she reached between us and started rubbing my hard cock through my pants."

"That's definitely an icebreaker. So why didn't things go further? Why didn't you play on that night if it excited you both so much?"

"We had made an agreement before we even got there that we weren't going to play but just see if it was something we wanted to do."

"I see. Well, it sounds like you went in with an open mind and a plan and stuck to it. I think that's important. Do you have any limits tonight? Is there a deal breaker for you both? I mean, you have decided to go back tonight and jump in with both feet, eyes wide open. Are there any rules on the table?"

"Just the one. And for me, it's a deal breaker. I'm a little bit traditional like that. I don't want to see Chrissy kissing another man."

"Ok, well, that's interesting. I was expecting you to say something like no anal. But kissing, I wasn't expecting."

"Hell, if someone can get Chrissy to agree to fuck her in the arse, hats off to him, I've been trying for years, and it's a firm no from Chrissy. Kissing, for me, is sacred. It's intimate. I have no issues seeing her pretty lips around another guy's cock, but I will be pissed if I see her kissing another guy that's reserved only for me."

"Interesting, I never thought about that. I'm not married and have never been in love. Maybe that's what it's all about. For me, I'm sure kissing would be low on the list compared to having my wife full of another man's cum. That seems far more intimate."

"Condoms are compulsory at the club, so there won't be any cum in Chrissy. Other than mine when we get home."

"Haha, fair enough. So Adam, how far are you allowing Chrissy to go tonight? Other than kissing, what can she do?"

"No limits, tonight she, or we are free to experience anything we want."

"Ok, I guess I'll rephrase the question, and only because being a guy myself, I'm struggling to wrap my head around the fact you are willing to let your beautiful wife do anything she wants with another man or shit, for that matter, other men. What if she gets a taste for it? If I can be frank with you, Chrissy is a spectacular-looking woman I'm sure any man with a pulse is going to want to fuck her. Are you ok with that? I mean, is there a number in your head of how many men you are ok seeing her with?"

"Tom, you have to remember whatever is good for Chrissy is also good for me. I'm sure my wife has enough intelligence that she isn't going to get into a gang bang."

"Yes, of course. Sorry if I offended you with that question."

"No, not at all. But it's our first time. I'm sure Chrissy is just as nervous and as apprehensive as I am."

"I'm sure she is. Tell me about the last time you went to the club. You mentioned it enhanced your sex life dramatically. Can you elaborate on that a little more for me?"

"Yes, of course. As I mentioned, Michelle, the woman I was dancing with, started to rub my cock. She then whispered in my ear, "Your wife looks hot. I know my Roger is into her. He already told me he wants to fuck her. Roger has a beautiful big thick cock. Chrissy will love riding it while I suck your dick. Would you like to watch my husband railing your wife's pretty pussy?"

"Holy shit, that's pretty forward. How did you react?"

"I'll tell you, I almost came in my pants. I was totally hooked on the idea of having my cock sucked by Michelle while watching Roger fuck Chrissy. When the song finished, I took Chrissy and returned to the bar. I told her what Michelle had told me, and she said Roger had said similar. Not only that, but Chrissy said while he was explaining what he wanted to do to her in a private room, he was rubbing her cunt. Apparently, he had pushed Chrissy's lace knickers an inch deep inside her, and she needed to go to the bathroom to remove them as they were dripping wet and uncomfortable."

"Wow, that's actually pretty hot, I'm not going to lie. I'm surprised you didn't join Roger and Michelle in a private room."

"That's the thing. After Chrissy returned from taking her knickers off, we did join them in a private room. But before you ask, we didn't do anything. We just watched them fuck one of the other couples while we played with each other."

"Damn, Adam, I'm getting a hard-on just hearing this story. I think I might be seeing the attraction to the swinging lifestyle. Go on, tell me what happened."

So the six of us went into a playroom. Leaving the door open means you are happy for people to watch or even join in if they ask first. But we closed the door, which meant we wanted to keep our play private. The other couples got undressed and pretty much just started getting into it."

"So, did you and Chrissy get naked?"

"No, we explained it was our first time and just wanted to observe and test the waters. They were all ok with that, I'm sure they hoped we would get so turned on we would rip our clothes off and just dive in, but we did have some fun."

"Details man, details you have me on the edge of my seat here," I said, laughing.

"Haha, if this is getting you going, I think you will enjoy tonight, then. I haven't even thought about that. Are you going to join any of the activities tonight, or are you there purely on a business level?"

"That's a bloody good question. After we spoke on the phone and you gave me the club details, I called them and asked if they were ok with me tagging along and conducting the interview for the article in the magazine. The club was pretty cool with it, actually. As long as I wasn't expecting to take photos, they even waived the single male entrance fee. But, like you, I will have to see what happens when we get there."

"Perfect. Ok, back to the story. So we were all in the room. The two couples were really getting into it, and Michelle was right Roger did have a big thick cock, and as soon as Chrissy saw it, she reached for mine and started stroking me through my pants as Michelle had done earlier. I knew she wanted to get in amongst it and have him fuck her, but I wasn't ready for that yet. So I lifted the front of her dress and exposed her freshly waxed pussy to everyone. Reaching around, I pulled her pussy lips apart and rubbed her clit."

"Fuck that's so damn hot, Adam not going to lie. You are making me hard right now."

"Tom, you are going to see Chrissy naked tonight. There is no getting away from that. So let me tell you, her pussy is something else. Since having the kids, it's a little looser, and her lips hang out a bit. But she has a thick exposed clit. You don't have to pull the hood back to see it. I guess you can describe it as an outie. Her pussy bulges out from the front view, plus I love she has perfect rock-hard nipples."

"I know I have already had the pleasure of witnessing those when she leaned over to kiss you earlier."

"Haha, yeah, they are hard to hide. They stick out with anything other than a padded bra, not that she needs one of those. Anyway, I had my fingers inside Chrissy's pussy, and, fuck, she was wet. Her pussy juices were running down her thighs. Chrissy had managed to get my zip down and fished my cock out and was stroking me while she focused on Roger bouncing hot young blonde, the wife of the other couple, up and down on his trudgen-sized cock. The way Chrissy watched him fuck that blonde, I knew she wanted him to fuck her as well."

But before Adam could finish telling me the rest of the story, we heard Chrissy call down from upstairs, "Hey, you two, I need your opinion on something. Can you come up here for a minute?"

"Come on, we better not keep her waiting," Adam said, standing up.

"Are you sure I don't want to intrude?"

"She asked both of us, so I guess she also wants your opinion. Come on."

I got up and followed Adam up the stairs.

"Where are you, babe?"

"In the bedroom, I don't know what dress to wear tonight. I need a man's opinion."

We turned the corner at the top of the stairs, and I almost fell back down them. Chrissy was standing in the bedroom in sheer purple lingerie. The whole package was see-through, the bra and matching knickers, plus she had the full matching suspender belt and matching stockings. With her makeup and hair done, she would not have looked out of place on the front of a glamour magazine. Christ, she was the hottest middle-aged woman I had seen in a long time, if not the hottest one I had ever seen.

Adam wasn't lying. Chrissy's pussy lips and exposed clit were clearly visible through her sheer knickers as they pressed firmly against the material. And her nipples were like pencil erasers. Christ, she would have to be careful not to poke someone's eye out.

"Ok, guys, here's the dilemma. The red one or the black one? I can't decide, and it's almost 8:00 pm. It's getting late, so help me out. Which one do I wear? I mean, it shouldn't really matter. It's not like it will stay on very long anyway," she said with a cheeky grin.

"Well, you definitely sound like a lady on a mission tonight," I said, unable to tear my eyes away from her incredible body.

"I would say by the way you are looking at me, Tom, you would be happy if I went like this. But I really do need to wear something in the cab, or I might get arrested," Chrissy said with a little giggle.

"Shit, you aren't wrong. You look incredible, Chrissy. I mean, truly, you belong on the cover of a magazine. Well, at least in a magazine, and that's something I hadn't asked when I arrived, but are you guys ok with me taking a few pics for the article? I mean, I'm happy for you to be dressed for the pics."

"Oh, I hadn't even given that any thought. I guess you want to put a face to the people behind the story."

"Yeah, something like that. I'm happy to pixelate out your faces if you want anonymity, but a couple of pics would be great after you're dressed."

"Tom, I'm pretty sure we don't know anyone that reads Spank Magazine, so I don't mind our faces being shown. And do they have to be fully clothed shots? I'm not sure what Spank Publication is about, but it sounds dirty. I have a little exhibitionist streak, and I'm more than happy for you to take some shots now if you like what you see. And judging by the nice bulge in your trousers, I think you do."

"Well, that's just a little embarrassing, sorry," I said.

"Haha, Tom, nothing embarrassing about it. I take that as a huge compliment. I hope I get that reaction from all the men tonight, or I will be more than a little disappointed."

"I would love some photos of you dressed like that if you don't mind. They would still be pretty tame in Spank. Trust me, as the name suggests, it's actually a BDSM mag. So some of the photos are pretty confronting. These would be on the opposite end of the spectrum."

"So why is Spank Magazine doing an article on swinging? Surely anyone into BDSM is way past the point of swinging," Adam asked.

"Yes and No. Just because someone is into bondage and similar kinks doesn't necessarily mean they are swingers. We wanted to run a story to get more people into the lifestyle."

As I was talking, Chrissy was removing her bra. I looked at her just as it slid down her arms. Damn, her tits were pretty damn perky for a woman with two adult children.

"I thought, let's get some topless photos before my bra started to leave marks on my skin," Chrissy said as if it was natural to get her girls out in front of a total stranger.

I took out my phone and took a few shots of her while she posed. Then she did something that blew my mind. She slid her minuscule knickers down her legs, then sat on the end of the bed and laid back, opening her legs for me.

"I hope this isn't too much for your story Tom. But having my photo taken really turns me on, and my knickers are already getting soaked. I don't mind upping the ante a bit if you think they are tame compared to other photos in your mag. But if they are too much for the story, you can keep them for your personal spank bank," she said, smiling.

"I have to say I wasn't expecting you to be so accommodating on the photos," I said, snapping a dozen or so pics before she changed her mind.

"But let's not make it all about you. Adam, why don't you lose the pants and get on the bed with Chrissy? The article is about both of you, so let's set the couple's mood rather than focusing on just Chrissy."

Adam took off his pants and placed them neatly over the back of the chair near the door, and in just his nice snug-fitting boxers, he climbed on the bed next to Chrissy. We took a few pics like that, then Adam lost his boxers, and they did some simulation fucking poses before they both redressed. Adam and I both agreed on the red dress. It was a stretchy wrap-around number with a single tie around her waist. The crossover effect of the neckline emphasized her beautiful tits, and it hugged her arse like a second skin.

With Adam and Chrissy dressed and ready, we headed back downstairs. Adam poured us a glass of whiskey for a bit of Dutch courage before we called a cab. The cab driver gave Chrissy more than a casual glance as she climbed in the back, something I was sure would be a common occurrence tonight.

We arrived at the club. It wasn't what I had expected. It was a little bit out of the way, a reasonably good size private residence or used to be, at least. Out of the cab, Chrissy hooked her arm into mine and Adams, and we headed through the big iron gates.

We were greeted at the door by an extremely attractive woman mid to late twenties if I had to guess. She was dressed in a form-fitted bandage dress with ridiculously high heels. I covered Adam and Chrissy's admission fee and showed Samantha, the hostess, my press pass. She was expecting me and asked me to stay with her for a minute while Adam and Chrissy went inside.

"Tom, The manager, wants to review some basic rules with you before you enter the event tonight. I hope you don't mind. It's just a formality."

"Absolutely, I'm more than happy to follow any rules. I'm glad I was even granted access tonight."

"Great, let me just let her know you are here."

While I waited in the large entrance area, a few more couples wandered in. It was a mixed bag of couples in age and body types. Again I couldn't help but think Chrissy was going to be the star of the show and was pretty sure If Adam was hoping to watch Chrissy get fucked tonight, that was innominate.

Samantha returned with a tall, beautiful woman in her mid to late fifties in tow. I was pleasantly impressed and secretly hoped she would join the activities. Her tight blue sequenced dress emphasised her incredibly fit body.

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She held her hand to me, "Tom, I'm Carrie, the club manager. It's a pleasure to have you in our humble little club."

I don't know why, but I lifted her hand to my lips and kissed it gently, looking directly into her eyes, "Trust me, Carrie, the pleasure is all mine."

"Well, a gentleman as well as handsome. I like that in my men. I just wanted to remind you of a few ground rules. The number one rule is that mobile phones are banned. So no photos. We have lockers inside for your personal belongings, which I will show you when I give you the grand tour. Number two, No means No. This rule will be enforced to the maximum and will see you kicked out and banned if there are any complaints."

"That's completely understandable and not an issue. I don't think I'm here to jump in the deep end. I'm here to follow Adam and Chrissy and tell their story of their first experience at swinging."

Well, in any case, I will announce that we have a press member here tonight. I'm sure some of our guests are well acquainted with your publication. I know I am a big fan. In fact, we host BDSM nights here at the club. They are more of a private function in nature rather than open to the general public. You might want to come along one night. I would be more than happy for you to be my slave for the night," she said, smiling a perfect smile.

"I actually think I might like that, Carrie. Let me know when and I will be here with bells on."

"Yes, I think I might like that as well consider it a date. Rule number three protection must be worn at all times when participating in sexual intercourse with anyone other than your partner or unless express terms are discussed with a couple. Some men do like the idea of their partners being full of another man's cum. Other than that, courtesy and manners go a long way. You will find everyone here extremely friendly and easygoing. It's what I love about the lifestyle. Everyone is extremely laid back and friendly. Do you have any questions?"

"Just one. You have pretty well-covered everything else."

"Hmm, ok, what's your question?"

"It's a little embarrassing, but I'm curious. Will you be participating in the events tonight?"

"I need to maintain a certain level of professionalism, but I have been known to make exceptions for exceptional people. Why don't we discuss it later? I may be persuaded to indulge in a little bit of fun," she said, placing her hand on my chest before whispering in my ear, "Tom, You fit into that exceptional people category. You are definitely going to get lucky tonight."

I instantly felt my cock getting hard as she went from whispering in my ear to giving my neck a light kiss. Carrie showed me around the club, and I was surprised to see some couples already in various states of undress engaging in open sexual acts, from blow jobs to full-on fucking.

"Wow, I wasn't expecting to see people already going at it," I said to Carrie as she led me around by my hand."

"Yes, some people get in early and get their rocks off before going on to other events or just home to fuck their partners after watching them being fucked."

"Interesting, It really is an eye-opener, this lifestyle thing."

"Oh, come on, Tom, you work for one of Britten's premier BDSM Magazines. Don't be a prude. I'm sure you have seen it all and much more."

"Strangely, I have seen some pretty fucked up shit. Last week I was in Germany interviewing a group of people that identified as furniture. You can't make that shit up. They literally got naked and posed as coffee tables and lamps. It was fucking mental. But I haven't ever gone down this route of normal everyday couples sharing themselves with other like-minded people. It's intriguing."

"Well, let's hope we can convert you. I personally would like to see you at our club again under different circumstances." She said, squeezing my hand.

"Ok' off, you go have fun and look for me later. I meant what I said. You will get lucky with me tonight if that's something you would be interested in."

"Carrie, I can not think of anything more I would rather do than you," I said, again taking her hand and kissing it.

"Oh, I'm going to destroy you for any other women," she said, smiling before disappearing across the dance floor.

I found Adam sitting at the bar talking to a young attractive, slightly plump brunette. Looking around, I spotted Chrissy on the dance floor with a tall fit younger guy, his arms covered in tattoos. His hands firmly gripped both of Chrissy's arse cheeks as he leaned down and kissed her neck or whispered something to her.

I stood back for a moment to watch the dynamics currently in play. The brunette had her hand on Adam's thigh and was rubbing it up and down dangerously close to his cock. Meanwhile, Chrissy looked like she was lost in lust. Even though Chrissy had an ample arse, this guy's hands made it disappear. And the way he was pressed hard up against her, I knew he was rubbing his cock on her mon.

Having decided Chrissy was probably about to get fucked I decided I better head over to Adam and see how he was feeling about What Chrissy was up to. I pulled up a stool beside Adam and ordered us both a drink. The DJ was blasting out some Ibiza-type club tunes, albeit a little too loud for my liking. This was a place you wanted to have a conversation and get to know a person.

I leaned over and handed Adam a whiskey.

"Tom, this is Michelle," he said with a wink.

That was when the penny dropped. No wonder Chrissy was lost in lust. She was dancing with big-cocked Roger. And she knew very shortly he was about to stretch her beyond anything she had ever experienced.

"So, how do you feel, Adam? Describe the emotions you are currently going through. Knowing very shortly, the first man, other than you, to fuck Chrissy has what you described as a monster cock and is probably going to fucking her like crazy."

"That's a pretty hard thing to describe, Tom. It's a multitude of emotions. Not going to lie. My cock is rock hard thinking about it, but I'm also worried that she might get addicted to big cock. But Fuck, I have a hundred emotions going on. Jealousy, arousal, fear Christ, I have so much going on right now it's insane."

Michelle was listening to the conversation and placed her hand on Adam's cock, wrapping her fingers around it as best she could.

"Listen, Adam, don't stress too much about Chrissy getting addicted to big cock. I get to fuck Roger all the time, and I'm glad when we come here to the club to just fuck someone with a nice normal-sized dick. I like his thickness, the way it stretches me open, that's true, but I like to give my cervix a rest every now and then as well," she said, laughing.

I looked at Adam's face, and it told me that hadn't helped at all. I could almost see him picturing Roger's cock slamming against Chrissy's cervix hitting places he never had. I suddenly felt bad for the guy. I couldn't even imagine the emotional roller coaster he was on right now.

"Hey Adam, remember what you told me at the house? An open mind and a plan in place. If you don't want Chrissy to fuck Roger. You know she won't. She adores you, man she wouldn't ever do anything to upset you."

"I know, I know. That's the thing that's getting to me. As scared as I am, I also can't wait to see Chrissy impaled on his huge cock. I want to watch him make her cum like I never have. Fuck this is so weird that I even desire to see him fuck her, let alone tell you about it."

"Haha, that's why I'm here; remember to document and immortalize your first time swinging."

"Yeah, I know. What about you see anyone you would want to hook up with?"

Before I could answer, Michelle said, "You don't have to look far, handsome I love being DP'ed. I would love to have both of you boys drilling my holes while Chrissy gets railed by Roger."

Now, as kind as that offer was, If I was going to get into a threesome with Adam tonight, it would definitely be with Chrissy, not the woman Roger was passing over to fuck Chrissy.

"Thank you, Michelle, but my job is to observe and take notes right now."

"Suite yourself handsome, but the offer is there."

"Again, thank you, and I do appreciate that."

From where I was sitting, I saw Roger's hand disappear between the slit in Chrissy's dress, and when her head fell forward on his shoulder, I knew he had just buried at least one of the fat fingers into her all to willing snatch. A quick glance at Adam confirmed he also had seen the stealth maneuver. It was now apparent to everyone milling around watching the couple on the dance floor that Chrissy was being digitally bought to orgasm. Her legs shook and almost gave way. I'm sure she would have collapsed on the floor if not for Roger holding her up.

Roger walked her back over to us with his arm around her, his hand encapsulating her breast. I'm not sure how Adam was feeling right now, but given the fact I was having pangs of jealousy toward Roger, I can only imagine. My envy, of course, because I wanted to fuck her myself so badly right now.

I stood up and let Chrissy sit next to Adam.

"Fuck, babe, if we are going to do this, let's do it. I want his cock in me so bad right now. You have no idea. My pussy juices are running down my legs. I'm so wet for his huge cock," she gasped out of breath.

"Can I butt in here quickly?"

"Sure, what's on your mind, Tom?"

I looked across, and Michelle had her hand in Roger's pants and was moving it back and forth, all the while their mouths locked together as they kissed.

"Not to kill the mood, but How are you feeling, Adam? You just watched your beautiful wife being bought to a knee-buckling orgasm by another man. What are your thoughts?"

"Shit, I'm sorry, Babe, Tom's right; I didn't even consider how you feel about it all. You clearly know what I want. Are you ok with Roger fucking me?"

Adam took Chrissy's hand and placed it on his cock. A huge smile spread across her face.

"I'll take that as you enjoyed what you saw," Chrissy said.

"Very much so. It was fucking hot watching him finger fuck you to orgasm while everyone watched."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it because I want to fuck Roger in the open playroom. I want everyone to watch me take his huge cock."

"Are you sure, sweetheart? That's a big leap. Maybe we should stick to a private room the first time," Adam said, clearly unsure about Chrissy's sudden exhibitionist streak.

"Please, babe, I want to share this experience with anyone that wants to watch, and shit if they want to join in, I'm happy for that as well. I just really need to get fucked right now."

Adam simply waved Chrissy off. She kissed him deeply, and then she kissed Michelle the same way before whispering something in her ear. Michelle smiled and nodded her head. Chrissy grabbed Roger's hand and led him away to the open playroom.

"Adam, it's not my place to say anything as I'm here to observe and write about your experience. But mate, you aren't looking too enthusiastic right now. What's going through your mind?"

"Confusion, anger, jealousy, and this mind fucking desire to watch Chrissy being fucked so hard by the fuckers huge cock that she can't walk right for a month. You know Tom, I was cool with all this at first, and I loved watching Roger finger fuck her. But I thought our first time would be a little more intimate. Not some public fucking display of my wife being a cock whore for another man."

"Wow, I think you need to say something, Adam. This could be damaging to your marriage. Speaking of which, you better get going before they get down and dirty."

"Fuck it, I'm just going to go with the flow and see what happens," Adam said, sliding off the stool and heading to the playroom. I followed close behind.

There must have been six couples in the playroom in various states of sexual coupling. It wasn't hard to find Chrissy. Her dress was already gone, and that purple lingerie stood out.

"What's the plan here?" I said to Adam.

"Just watch for now. I'm going to watch my wife take her first cock other than mine since she was sixteen. And when she has finished being a slut I'm going to fuck the shit out of one of these other women so she can experience the feelings I'm feeling right now."

"I couldn't help but feel for Adam. He clearly had an idea in his head of how he was expecting tonight to go, and Chrissy clearly had other ideas. Chrissy's bra was off, Michelle had one nipple in her mouth, and Roger had the other in his. Then I saw a pair of small hands with bright red nail polish sliding Chrissy's tiny panties down her legs, that beautiful pussy now on full display.

Who was this other person? I moved to my left slightly and saw An incredibly attractive Asian woman, maybe in her twenties, but who knows? You can never tell how old they are. I moved a little closer and more to my left and saw the Asian girl push Chrissy's arse cheeks apart before she buried her face between them.

Fuck, the Asian girl was on her hands and knees behind Chrissy, her perky tits hung down topped with the longest nipples I had ever seen, her face completely buried in Chrissy's arse as she tongue fucked her arsehole and cunt.

Roger was on his back, and Chrissy was trying to fit her mouth over a pretty impressive-looking cock. Adam was right; Roger's cock was thick and had some length to it as well. It must have been nine inches, at least. With Crissy on her knees between Roger's legs, it gave the other girl good access to her snatch and arse, which the little vixen was devouring both right now.

Michelle was riding Roger's face sliding her plump arse and pussy back and forth across his mouth. The entire scene had me hard as fuck. I looked back to where Adam had been standing, and he had his cock out and was actively stroking it as he watched his wife throat fuck Roger.

I had to admit Chrissy was definitely the star of the show. There was just something about her that had me wishing I was Roger right now. There were now two more couples standing, watching. One couple was naked and masturbating each other as they watched the activities of the playroom.

Chrissy was lost in lust. I could see it in her eyes. She was oblivious to anyone else in the room. She was worshiping that cock in her throat. I don't think she knew or cared if Adam was even in the room with her right now.

I looked back at Adam, and a pretty young blonde was deep-throating his cock to his balls, his eyes locked on Chrissy. With tears in her eyes and saliva drooling from the sides of her mouth, she tried desperately to take as much of Roger's cock as she could.

Realizing she was at her absolute limit of cock sucking ability, Chrissy pulled her mouth clear of Roger's cock and pulled away from the pretty Asian. Jesus, the Asian girl's face was utterly coated in Chrissy's cunt juices. Fuck she looked hot. I wanted to kiss her and taste Chrissy.

Michelle handed Chrissy a magnum-sized condom. Chrissy looked at Adam for the first time as she tore the condom open with her teeth before rolling it down Roger's cock. She then straddled Roger's cock taking it in her hand and lining it up against her swollen cunt lips. I saw the look in her eyes as she stared at Adam.

She was asking permission without even speaking. Adam gave her a nod as she slid her dripping wet cunt down Roger's thick shaft.

Chrissy's head flung back, and she screamed out as Roger stretched her out. Fuck it was possibly the most erotic thing I had ever seen. Because I knew the background story that this was her first cock since getting together with Adam. The screaming moan she wailed was pure pleasure. Her legs instantly began shaking, and I watched along with Adam as she came on another man's cock.

But she wasn't the only person to cum. I watched as Adam grabbed the blonde's head held in place and unloaded down her throat. She swallowed it like a trooper, licking and sucking the last drips of cum as they dripped from his cock.

The little Asian was now eyeing me off as she crawled across the padded bed area on her hands and knees to me. When she reached me, she undid my pants. I didn't resist when her tiny hands fished out my rock-hard cock. She kissed my knob, licking the precum leaking out of it, but I grabbed her under her arms and pulled her to her feet, kissing her deeply.

Oh, fuck Chrissy's cunt scent was intoxicating. I could taste her on the girl's lips. I wanted to lick her face clean but thought better of it instead, sliding a finger between her sopping cunt lips as I took one of those long nipples in my mouth.

I had a moment of clarity and realised I was there for Adam and Chrissy and needed to concentrate, so I pushed her back down to her knees and pushed my cock toward her mouth. I needed to see Chrissy and Roger in action and Adam's reaction.

Chrissy was stuffed full of cock and was bouncing up and down on autopilot as one orgasm rolled into another. She was in an altered state of ecstasy as Roger's cock reached places Adam had never been able to.

Fuck, the mouth on my cock was hoovering me to orgasm quicker than I had expected fuck, this little minx was a pro at sucking dick. To my left, Michelle was on her hands and knees as Adam smashed himself into her from behind. He looked like he was hate fucking her, and maybe he was. Maybe he was so fucking jealous of how much his wife was cumming on another man's cock he was taking it out on Michelle.

One thing I knew for sure was it would be hard now for Adam to stop Chrissy from wanting to fuck other men if he decided he wasn't into it. I could see the cock addiction expression on Chrissy's face. She had definitely been converted to a cock whore. She loved every second of the absolute pounding she was currently receiving. And by the look of the crowd now gathered watching, everyone else loved her being a cock whore as well.

I grabbed The pretty girl sucking my cock by the hair and told her I was about to cum. In true slut fashion, she pushed her face firmly into my groin and sucked harder. I didn't hold back and released my fertile seed down her waiting throat, fuck. This girl was a pro; I shot jet after jet of the sticky white stuff down her willing throat and she willingly swallowed it.

Completely drained, I looked over and saw Carrie in the gathered crowd of onlookers smiling at me. Balls drained, and I eased the tiny Asian minx off my cock. I pulled her up and kissed her once again before whispering, "Thank you. That was possibly the best blow job I've ever had. You are amazing."

"You taste amazing. I hope you don't take long to recover because I want that cock inside me."

"As much as I would love that right now, I need to attend to something. But I will come look for you later and will smash that tiny little pussy of yours.

I kissed her again, then made my way through the other couples to Carrie.

"Well, it looks like you are enjoying yourself. What about Chrissy and Adam? How are they getting along? Chrissy looks like she is about to pass out with pleasure."

"Oh, yeah, Chrissy is having the time of her life. Not sure about poor old Adam though he isn't quite as enthusiastic as Chrissy is with the whole night. I feel as though he might be a little pissed, but I will only know when we get back to their place, and I can complete the interview."

"So, she is cute. Do you want to fuck her?" Carrie said, looking at the Asian girl that had just drained my balls.

"She is very cute, and yes, I would like very much to fuck her, but right now, I want to fuck you a whole lot more."

Yes, I would like that very much as well, but something tells me that maybe we should take a rain check on that tonight, and you can come interview me at another time. Because I think you would be better served to talk with Adam right now," following Carrie's eyes, I knew she was right.

Roger had finished destroying Chrissy for any other man tonight and was now removing one very full condom. But he had quickly been replaced by two other men now intent on spit-roasting Chrissy.

"Shit, you're right I better see if he is ok with Chrissy taking on another two blokes. Carrie kissed me deeply and then said, "I have your business card. Good looking. You will be hearing from me very soon."

"I look forward to it."

Carrie slipped out of the room, and I headed back to Adam, who was now slumped against the wall looking pretty exhausted but strangely not pissed off. Before I even got to him, the cute petite Asian was taking his spent cock in her hands and licking the head.

"Hey buddy, how are you holding up? You don't seem too pissed off that Chrissy is taking on another two blokes straight after Roger."

"No, I know wierd right? But the thing is, she looks so fucking hot right now. Take a look at her, Tom. How fucking hot does my wife look right now? These guys are using her like a whore. A personal fucktoy, and Chrissy is loving it. I can see it on her face; if she's happy, I'm happy."

I had to admit Chrissy looked like the cat that had just caught the mouse. She was loving being fucked by total strangers. Sitting next to Adam, I watched as the petite Asian sucked his cock back to a full erection and wondered if he really was ok with it.

I got behind Tamara (the Asian girl, I finally asked her name), and me and Adam replicated Chrissy's action by spit-roasting her together. I couldn't believe how tight she was and had me blowing my load in the rubber sooner than I would have liked.

Adam and I stayed and watched as Chrissy fucked another four guys as their wives sucked and fucked us both, and then we headed back to their home.

No one really spoke in the cab ride home. Chrissy cuddled up to Adam and feigned sleep. Once we were back at Adam And Chrissy's, She was like a different person again.

"I was going to put the kettle on. Would you like a cuppa Tom before you head off? Or we could just skip the tea, and you could both take me upstairs and fuck me senseless until the sun comes up."

I looked at Adam and then at Chrissy.

"Fuck the tea. I want to watch Tom fuck that slutty little cunt of yours, you little whore," Adam said, pulling the bow holding Chrissy's dress together and pushing it off her shoulders. Leaving her in just that stunning purple lingerie. I must have had a look of total shock on my face.

"Come on, Tom, don't be shy now. I want you to fill my cunt with cum while my husband fucks my virgin arse. He deserves that after letting me be a complete slut tonight," Chrissy said as she took my hand, and we started up the stairs.

Written by Kevtheledge63
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