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Snow Day

"Flirtation and little kisses led to more than they thought would ever happen between them. When they were snowed in on the second day away, they have no trouble filling the time."

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Chapter 1

It was a cold day in winter, as I stood stirring a large pot of cubed potatoes on the stove. There was a threat of flurries outside. YouTube played soft music in the background, but my mind whirled like the boiling water in front of me. My best friend told me something about her and her husband the other day that has had me unsettled since.  

Salina was a friend from college, and we had fallen out of touch until she’d moved back to the area with her husband, Harrison, in tow. It was like pressing play on a favorite movie. Comfortable and familiar. We had them over a few times to welcome them back, and the four of us became nearly inseparable.  

Now, we’d see each other nearly every week, my husband and Harrison would play golf or watch sports while Salina would take me shopping for anything and everything. On one of our lunch dates, she mentioned a party they went to the previous weekend. I thought it was a dinner party or something. Nope. She blushed a little before telling me that it was their monthly swingers meetup. I wasn’t shocked so much that my friends were swinging, as much as I hadn’t realized it.  

Carrying the pot to the sink, I drained the potatoes to begin mashing them. As I added the milk, the side door opened and shut. “Honey, I’m home.”  

I rolled my eyes as a smile cracked my lips. He said that every day he came home. I made a show of sighing, “You’re not gonna stop with that are you?” 

Mitch came around the corner shedding his briefcase and suit jacket. “Not as long as I keep finding you here.” He winked at me, and I cackled. 

“You cheeseball. How was work?” 

He launched into the latest proceedings that the firm had been undertaking. I knew he tried to dumb it down for me, but it was still Greek. A few minutes later, I translated. “So, you’re making progress? 

He laughed. “Absolutely, though painfully slow.”  

I put down my spoon and walked over. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I leaned down for a quick kiss. I held my potato-y hands away from his collar.  

“Dinner is almost ready, should be good by six.” I returned to the stove and stirred the gravy in the saucepan. 

“Are we having our meals on a schedule now?” He sank into a nearby chair. 

“Really? You forgot?” At his blank look, I continued. “I’m going to tell Harry and Sali that you forgot all about them.”  

“Oh! Whoops. I don’t know how I did since finding out they’re pineapple people.” 

I chuckled. “It’ll be interesting hearing about it.” 

Just after six o’clock, our friends were there for dinner and a movie.  

“How are the kids?” I asked Sali.  

“Fine. They’re with my niece, Fran.”  

Sometimes they brought their kids, but it wasn’t often. We settled around the table with the mashed potatoes, green beans, and chopped steak at the center. 

“This looks good, Ember!” Mitch was saying as he started serving the others. 

“Thanks, I’ve been trying classic recipes.” Thankfully, it tasted as good as it smelled.  

As conversation flew across the table, I couldn’t help but feel the subtle change. Salina’s barely-there neckline. Mitch’s subtle glances at the others. He and I had talked a while back about sharing a partner in the bedroom. At the time we didn’t know anyone we could really trust. Until now. I never let myself look before, but tonight I did. I compared my husband to Harrison. One heavy and bearded, the other lean from years of running. Salina was a yoga instructor and petite. I imagined not for the first time what our friends would be like together. Do they like it rough? Would we even be compatible? 

My thoughts were interrupted by the others rising from the table and taking empty plates with them to the kitchen. I blinked back to reality and started clearing up. I was at the sink when I turned to grab something off the opposite counter. Instead, I bumped right into Harrison. He managed not to drop the glasses he was carrying as my breasts collided with his side.  

“I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you.” I apologized, but he was waving it off.  

He looked down at me. Were his eyes drifting lower? “Dinner was good. Thanks.” He handed me the glasses from the table, grabbed a beer from the fridge, and went in to the others. 


After they finally chose a movie, I relaxed back beside Mitch while Harry and Sali took the other end of the sectional. About a third of the way through the adventure flick, she cuddled up even closer to Harry. Then, she started kissing him. I glanced at Mitch and could see the blush rising from beneath his open collar. Playing it cool, I just leaned back against him.  Though the lights were dim, I could still see. Their kisses got heavier, and her hand started roaming over his middle. Mitch shifted behind me, and I knew he was responding to the scene before us.  

Sali looked at us. “Do you want us to stop?” 

I swallowed hard, knowing my answer. I simply moved my hand to the inside of Mitch’s leg squeezing gently.  

He cleared his throat. “Don’t let us stop you.” 

I sighed in relief, but my breath quickened as she smiled and began undoing Harry’s jeans.  

The movie was forgotten. It was just background noise to the real action that was happening on the other end of the couch. 

She freed his cock and immediately went down on him. She buried her face in his lap and made tiny moans as she tasted him. His hand was on the back of her head as she moved up and down.  

That’s when I was done just watching. Turning to Mitch, I kissed him hungrily. Our friends’ play aroused me, but he was wild with need. I reached down to feel his reaction and goddamn if he wasn’t as hard as a rock in his suit pants. He pushed me back onto the sofa and shoved up my dress. Then, yanked my damp panties to the side and dove in. He began sucking on my lips and clit. As he buried his face in my pussy, he freed and stroked himself. It was doubly arousing having him do this with someone else in the room.  

Between my moans, I glanced back at the other two. Harrison was thrusting into Sali’s mouth now, and her hand was down her pants rubbing furiously. It wouldn’t be much longer at this rate. I grabbed ahold of Mitch’s hair and started rocking my hips. As I was nearing the edge, I heard Harrison groaning his release, but there was something about hearing Sali’s moans as she swallowed him down that pushed me over. I shuddered and tried to pull away from Mitch’s mouth, only he held on. The groans that I let out would have embarrassed me if not for him raising up with his swollen cock primed and ready. He stroked a few times and came on my pussy, my underwear, my dress, and legs. He was breathing hard as he leaned down again for a kiss and left the flavor of my arousal on my lips.  

Mitch helped me sit up and perch on his lap. We looked at the other two that had started all of this. They were wearing big grins.  

I shook my head. “Somehow I don’t think our quiet little dinners are going to stay that way.” 


Chapter 2 

It was a week later, and we were in a tizzy getting ready to leave on our trip to the mountains. We'd been staying in the same cabins in the Appalachians a couple of weekends each winter for some years now. It was a chance to get away from work and kids, though sometimes they brought them up. 

I brought the last of our supplies out of the house to pack into the Tahoe. It was Sali’s truck, and the four of us fit in nicely with our gear.  

After locking up, we set out on the three-hour trip to paradise. The guys sat up front and Sali was next to me reading on her Kindle.  We often shared books, so I knew her mind was as debauched as mine. It must have been the anticipation of the trip, but I hadn’t gotten much sleep the previous night, so I let my eyes drift closed.  

When we stopped for a break, I could tell we’d come higher in elevation judging by the pressure in my ears. It was nice to walk around and stretch my legs. I smiled at the temperature change. There was a forecast for a couple of inches of snowfall during the weekend, and I couldn’t wait.  

Back on the highway, last week’s movie night came up and I chimed in. “That was fun and all, but don’t you think we should make a couple of rules? I mean in case things get carried away.” There was a collective agreement as Sali looked at me thoughtfully. I could hardly meet her eyes at the awkwardness I felt. “Mitch, what do you think the limits should be?” 

“Well, no one should do anything they aren’t comfortable with,” he answered.  

“We don’t sneak behind each other’s backs,” Sali piped up, “We share. Whether in the moment or later. No secrets.” 

I nodded. “Sounds fair.” 

We arrived at the cabin around lunchtime. Though we’d stayed here before, its beauty was no less impressive. It was situated on the edge of a lake and surrounded by tall trees. With the snow, the view looked like it could be on a postcard. 

We lugged our bags inside and started settling in. It had every amenity: Gas heat, updated kitchen, and Wi-fi. There were 3 bedrooms with 3 bathrooms, and it was all decked out with rustic furnishings. The best part was the great room. You could stand in the kitchen and look across the island and into the living space. There were two leather couches flanking the fireplace on one side, but beyond that were the large windows that were the focal point of the outside. Wide and tall, they framed the view of the lake wonderfully.  

We spared a moment to look around and get refamiliarized, but soon everyone split off to do their own thing. As we’d brought a few groceries with us, I began preparing something quick for us to eat. Sali wanted to go for a walk, but she didn’t need to go by herself. We were up in the woods after all. Mitch volunteered to go with her because Harrison had just laid down to rest.  

They’d been gone for about thirty minutes when he came out of their bedroom yawning. I was finishing up the rice for a stir-fry. Harrison sat at the island bar and rubbed his eyes. “I needed that.” 

I gave a smile. “Looks it. Mitch and Sali are still out walking.” 

“I bet she’s looking for bear tracks.” 

I laughed then. She really did love her animals.  

“So, how long have you two been swinging?” 

“Almost a year now. It’s so different than how I thought it was.” 

“How so?” 

He rested his elbows on the counter and had a faraway look. “When we were first invited, I expected everyone there to be fucking, like a giant orgy. It wasn’t though. At least, not all the time. You would have thought it was a normal party, except the people were friendly. Really friendly.” 

I smirked. “I bet” 

“At first, we just fucked each other while others watched.” He paused, “At first.” He looked up at me silently holding my spoon in midair. “I’m thinking that’s more than you wanted to hear.” 

“Oh no. It helps.” I paused,” We um, have talked about adding a third to play. He might have told you already.” 

“He hasn’t in so many words. But I thought y’all were into some other stuff.” 

“You could say that.  Mitch likes telling me what to do, and I like doing it.” 

“Are you talking about that ‘Yes Sir business?’ He tells you to go make a sandwich and you bring it back on your knees or something?” 

I threw my head back and laughed. “Not quite, but sorta.” 

Harrison shifted in his seat. “That’s um, yeah I can see that.” 

The front door opened, and a chilly wind blew through the cabin as Mitch and Sali came back inside. They shed their coats just as I called for everyone to grab a plate.  


That evening, the guys watched a football game over beers and snacks, while Sali and I relaxed on a fur rug in front of the hearth. It seemed massive enough to burn a small tree, but there was no need to worry about firewood. We chatted quietly about her kids and problems she’d been having at work. I didn’t know what to say exactly, but she seemed better just for getting it out. 

“You’re always so good to us. Ever since Bio 101 class.” 

“Ugh, don’t remind me.” I laughed, “Mr. Lowe was insufferable.” 

“Yeah, but we made out okay in the end.” She dropped her eyes to toy with her wine glass. Made out. Oh, there was that one time. “I know we were drunk, but I think about it sometimes.” 

I smiled lightly and whispered, “Me too.” 

Sali rubbed her fingers over mine, interlocking them. Then raised my hand to her pink mouth and kissed my knuckles.  

“Can I kiss you?” 

I nodded and watched those pretty lips until she closed the distance. It was soft and sweet, not demanding, or forceful as I was used to. Unlike any other I’d had, it seemed to grant me permission to take as well as give. The kiss deepened and eventually, I realized her hands were on me. They were on my cheek, shoulders, and arms. Playing at the neck of my sweater. We withdrew and exchanged smiles.  

“Aw man, that’s it?”  

I turned at Harrison’s question. They had been watching us spellbound.  

I laughed and glanced back at Sali. “No rush.”  

Chapter 3  

We woke to fresh snow falling the next morning.  It was going to be a full day, so we had a small breakfast, then piled back in the Tahoe with our gear. Just a few miles away there was a nice ski slope, and it seemed the perfect day for it.  

I didn’t ski. Instead, I spent the time watching the others from the lift. It seemed like they enjoyed the run from where I was, and I could make out a snowball fight at one point. When the wind started picking up and I’d tired of riding, I went inside the lodge and sat by the fire with my tablet. Much like the interior of our cabin, it was warm and cozy with its pine walls. There were antlers on the chandelier.  Deer and moose heads decorated the walls of the lounge area. Beyond, there was a kitchen and a small dining room that was open all day. I knew from experience that the food was excellent.  

Nearly an hour later, Sali and the guys came in. They were laughing and teasing one another but hurried to the fire. They had to be freezing.  

“You missed it, Ember. That was so much fun.” Sali shook the snow from her hat and hair.  

“Oh I know. Barreling down steep mountainsides. The cold blasting in your face. Trying not to fall and break a bone. I’m good.” I did not feel left out in any way. They knew my feelings on it, but that didn’t stop them from trying to convert me. 

“One day. I’ll get ya my pretty.” Mitch teased as he dropped onto the couch next to me.  

I chuckled, as they told me about the death-defying “fun” they’d had. 


A little while later we got a table and ordered lunch. The vegetable soup was probably the best I’d ever had. While we were sipping on cider, I overheard the servers near the kitchen’s passthrough. 

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“It’s supposed to get bad. They said we might get eight inches.” 

I turned to them, “I’m sorry when?” The one serving us came closer. 

“This afternoon and through tomorrow.” 

Thanking her, I turned back to the table. This was bad. We were supposed to leave tomorrow. Harrison stood and moved to the nearest window to peer out. All I could make out from where I sat was the evidence of wind gusts blowing snow in the air. 

He came back and grabbed his coat. “We had better get back to the cabin at least.” 


Back at the cabin, Mitch went straight to the TV and switched to the local news. We pulled up radars on our phones to get an idea of what we were in for. It turned out that heavy snowfall had already begun across our route home, and it wasn’t advisable to travel. The brunt of it would be here in about an hour. 

“That’s that.” Mitch turned down the TV after the weather forecast was done.  “I guess we can see if the roads are passable in the morning and go from there.” 

That afternoon we got out the Uno cards. To avoid mishaps, we laid down rules like, no double stacking numbers, no threats, and no tackling. The usual. Some of us were pretty competitive, and we didn’t need any injuries way out here.  

We played several games and as predicted it got wild. There were faked tempers, relentless teasing and for some reason, Harrison always won. We always accused him of cheating but could never prove it. Of course, there was raucous laughter and name-calling. 

I went to the kitchen and gathered graham crackers, marshmallows, and Hershey’s. “Anybody else want  s’mores?” 

“Yes!” Everyone did. 

I brought the tray of snacks back into the great room. We opened the grate and held the skewered marshmallows above the fire. The marshmallows toasted to a golden brown and the treats were sticky and delicious. As the sun set, the air grew chilled, and we wrapped in blankets in front of the fire.  

I cuddled with Mitch while Sali leaned against Harrison.  

Mitch tilted my chin up and kissed me sweetly. I loved when it started like this. Slow. He always ravaged me later. His tongue pushed into my mouth and his hands tightened around me. My heavy breasts pressed into him and just when I started to feel for his hardness, he pulled back and searched my face. “Now kiss Sali.” 

My face instantly reddened, but I nodded. “Yes, Sir.” 

Twisting around, I faced her. Harrison's arms were around her middle as she sat between his spread legs. She must have heard because she sat up and met my lips. Her kiss was hungry and insistent as her hands found mine and brought them to her small breasts. I didn’t hold back this time. Instead, I squeezed and caressed the small globes. She slipped her fingers under the hem of my sweater and pulled. The knit fabric to slide free as I withdrew. 

All of her attention was on my tits now. While I always thought carting around triple D’s was inconvenient, Mitch never complained. In fact, he had the opposite opinion.  

I pushed them out as Sali lowered her face to them. Her warm lips dropped open-mouthed kisses across them. Mitch’s hands were at my back unclasping my bra. I gasped. I was about to be half-naked in front of these two. The thought should have been scary, but instead, it made my pussy throb.  

My tits swung free, and she instantly was on them with more fervor.  She sucked greedily on one nipple and then the other while lifting and squeezing my breasts. Sali urged me to lay back and Mitch guided my head onto his lap. Sali kissed down my belly and played at my waist. I undid my jeans as fast as I could, and my bottoms were gone in seconds. She urged my knees wide and gently caressed the inside of my thighs. The heat in her eyes as they appraised my body had me blushing.  

She knew no woman had ever touched me like this. Holding my gaze, she bent and planted a single kiss on my jutting clit. A groan escaped me as well as an involuntary thrust of my hips. She grinned at me and then lowered her mouth to my sex. It was all lips and tongue and grazing teeth. I found myself begging to come in mere minutes. Mitch was working his cock and occasionally grazed my cheek with it.  

At the same time, Harrison undressed and pulled Sali’s bottoms down. When she started gasping and moaning, I knew he had to have his fingers in her. She sucked on my clit even harder and tongued my entrance. When she withdrew and cried out, I knew it had finally been too much. She pushed back on Harrison’s fingers as she moaned her release. He quickly moved directly behind her and shoved his cock inside. He took her hard. She clearly loved it judging by the smile she wore and the curses she shouted.  

Mitch urged me to turn around. I was uncoordinated and a needy mess. He undressed and put all that glorious body hair on display. Then, he kissed me messily before pushing my knees up to my chest. After coating himself with my wetness, he slid in. That. That part always made me groan. Mitch positioned over me and pounded in with a controlled pace. Where I was lying, I was inches from Sali. She leaned down and kissed me the best she could with the pounding she was getting. It was enough for me to taste myself though and I clenched unexpectedly. “I’m going to cum. Please?” 

“Yeah? It was so hot watching you two. Letting her eat your cunt.” He sped up. “Getting you ready for me.” 

I moaned louder and tried to meet his rutting hips. “Please?” 

“Yes, baby. Cum” 

I shut my eyes and let go. Of restraint. Of expectation. Of all decency. Later they told me that I was quivering and cursing.  My moans were loud as Mitch fucked me through the orgasm that shook me. All I knew was that I felt like I was floating in midair dizzy with lust. When I was able to focus again, Mitch pulled out and moved my legs aside to aim at my face. He pumped himself mercilessly while gasps fell from his mouth.  

Thick spurts of hot cum landed on my waiting tongue. Some got on my cheek and chin as he shuddered with his release. I could hear the flesh slapping from our friends’ urgent fucking. Sali’s moaning paired with Harrison’s grunts. 

 Mitch leaned down and dragged a finger through the spunk on my face and fed it to me. I sucked on his fingers with a moan. He repeated the gesture and then kissed me again, swirling our tongues. It turned me on so much when he did this. Like he loved the taste of himself on me.  

I wasn’t the only one that liked it. The telltale sounds of an approaching climax caused us to turn to the other couple. Harrison gripped Sali’s hips and continued to thrust into her at a punishing rate. Suddenly, he pushed in all the way and groaned as he held her to him. He gave a couple more slow thrusts before leaning back. She fell to her side onto the floor.  

The four of us lay naked on the fur rug. Here in each other’s arms and with the warmth of the fire reflected on our skin, there wasn’t anywhere else we’d rather be. 

Chapter 4


It was as we were promised. All night the wind howled, and snow fell.  It was still snowing when we woke the next morning.  The tires on the Tahoe were halfway under. We definitely wouldn’t be able to leave that day. Everyone emailed or called jobs to let them know we’d be out part or all of Monday.  

I made us a breakfast of waffles, eggs, and bacon. We ate quietly – A sense of worry in the air. There was nothing we could do about the weather though.  

Gathering a few of mine and Mitch’s clothes, I put them in the wash, and tidied up the cabin a bit as well.  

When I was done and ready for a break, I went to our bedroom and got ready to shower. Mitch was on the bed flipping through TV channels. “Hey, sexy.” 

I snorted. “Seriously? I’m a mess.” I smoothed my hair down. I knew I was sweaty too.  

He got up from the bed and blocked my path. “Beautiful as ever.” He groped one of my ass cheeks and drew me into him for a kiss.  

“I was just about to shower. Come with me?” 

The ensuite attached to our bedroom was luxurious with a walk-in shower. It had multiple shower heads and gorgeous tilework. We stripped down and let the hot water cascade over us. Mitch took his time and lathered me all over, not just the fun parts. When I was clean to his satisfaction, and he’d spent a generous amount of time on my tits, he turned me around to face the wall. He slid a hand down my crack and teased my asshole with soapy fingers. “Been too long.”  

I pushed back against him and moaned. “Yes, please.” 

“Mmm.” Mitch pushed a finger through my tight ring. The slide was so erotic. I was already beginning to make begging noises. He added a finger and fucked me with them. The stretch was delicious. I was pressing back as he was pushing them in.  


“Please what?” 

“I need more. Need your cock.” I was pleading. Desperate. When he removed his fingers, I swore I never felt so empty. A moment later, though, I felt him pressing firmly into me. The thick head straining to enter. Once it had, he began slowly fucking me. One of his hands on my hip the other on my breast. He rocked into me further and further until the sound of wet flesh slapping rang out. 

“Rub yourself for me.” 

I reached down and felt my engorged clit. Letting my fingers fly over it, I’d be cumming in no time. Moaning loudly in pleasure, I pushed my ass out to take his thrusts. Mitch let out incoherent grunts and groans as his release barreled closer. His grip tightened as his efforts became uncoordinated.  

“Come on. Cum for me baby.” 

Knowing he was losing it urged my need that much higher. Mitch stilled and held me to him as he shot thick cum into me. That was it. My eyes rolled back, and I was lost to pleasure for a few precious moments. My pussy and ass quivered at the intensity. I was light on my feet and glad for strong hands at my sides. He left soft kisses on my neck and whispered soft praises to me.  

After a moment, I felt his cock pull out and his fingers stretch me again.  

“I love watching it drip out of you like this.” 

I grunted, feeling the possession. He just watched his cum run out of me for a second before turning my back to the shower spray. We were kissing again when we heard a thud from the bedroom.  

I turned to look through the foggy glass to barely make out Sali standing by the bed.  

We shut the water off and grabbed towels. I called out to her. 

“Sali? You could have done more than just watch.” 

 She blushed. I thought that was odd. “I didn’t mean to. I was bringing your laundry, and the door was open. You’re just so hot together.” She smiled. “I was turning to leave when I bumped into the nightstand.”   

Sitting on the bed, I rested against the pillows and looked up at her. “No harm done.” I held my hand out and she took it. Sali climbed onto the bed next to me. Mitch lay down on her other side. “I don’t want you feeling left out.” 

I planted a soft kiss on her lips and trailed them across her jaw. When my eyes cracked open, I could see Mitch caressing her shoulder and down her side. She began writhing between us. Our attentions were pulling needy sounds from her. I pushed a thigh between her legs. She reached for my towel just as Harrison peeked in. 

“I was wondering where you went. Got a taste for M&M’s huh?” 

“Huh?” I was confused. There was no candy in here.  

Sali giggled. “That’s our nickname for y’all. M and M as in Mitch and Ember.” 

“Cute,” Mitch said.   

Harrison was taking in the scene on the bed and swallowed hard. The bulge tenting the front of his sweats was nearly instant. As I was closest to the door, I hooked a finger into his waistband and pulled.  

“There’s room.” 

I wasn’t sure where he was going to slide into the king bed, but he laid across the foot and began stroking his cock watching the three of us for now.  

Sali ridded me of my towel and began sucking on my nipples. She lifted my heavy tits and grinded herself on my thigh. All she was wearing was a long-sleeved shirt and a pair of sleeper pants.  Just then Mitch began to ease the waistband down and she wriggled out of them. Sali immediately went back to rutting her cunt against me. I held on to her hip, feeling her movements. She was already worked up from watching us in the shower, and I suspected it wouldn’t take long for her.  

I fed my other hard nipple to her, and she moaned deep and long. She murmured around the mouthful. 

“I’m going to cum.” 

I offered a few satisfied sounds. My pleasure was real as she loved on my breasts.  

At once, she began to cry out and press into me more as her hips bucked. Sali left her wetness on my thigh and began kissing me. As she was coming down, I looked at Harrison who had his sweats haphazardly pulled down mid-thigh. His hard cock was jutting up and lust was dripping from him. Mitch still wore his towel around his waist, but his erection was clearly straining. 

“That looks uncomfortable.” I pointed to the towel. He palmed his dick through it and smiled.  

“Got something for it?” 


I winked at Sali and slid over to Mitch. Divesting him of the white terry cloth, I leaned down and licked the head of his proud cock. Looking back at Sali, I motioned her over. She knelt beside me and tentatively took a taste.  When I was sucking his head, she licked the shaft. Then we would sneak in a kiss and switch places. He shuddered looking down at us.  

After a while I flipped to my back and nudged him forward. He knew this position. We’d been in it countless times. I raised just enough to lick behind his balls and nuzzle him there. I could hear him groan. I also heard Sali beckon her husband. 

“Come taste baby.” 

The bed jostled a moment later, and then Harrison was above me next to Sali. My pussy clenched at the thought of what we must look like. Me on my back. Mitch’s muscled thighs straddling my face. Sali and Harrison sucking his cock. I reached around and dug my fingers into his ass cheeks. As I laved his hole, he began rocking back and forth and letting loose a string of curses.  

I could feel the rhythmic movements that told me he had started pumping himself. His moans though. I’d never heard him so excited. He bent forward and clenched on a powerful orgasm. Mitch sprayed cum all over my tits. I squeezed them together and he dragged himself in between them a few times.  

Just then, Harrison was kneeling up and stroking furiously. The head of his cock was looking purple as he raced toward his finish. He knelt over me and aimed at my belly as he unleashed a generous amount of the white stuff in long jets.  

Mitch fell back onto the pillows and Harrison onto Sali. I snuggled up to Mitch and he retrieved his towel to wipe me clean. No one spoke for long minutes until I broke the silence. 

“Well, I’ll say it. This may be the best vacation ever.” There was a collective round of chuckles. Mitch laughed.  

“Yeah, we should get snowed in more often.” I rolled my eyes. 

“You would say that.” 

“What? A mountain getaway with our own private swingers’ club. And I'm definitely not complaining about the extra day.” I snorted. 

By lunchtime, it had finally stopped snowing and the sun came out. The lodge attendants were busy throughout the day blowing the snow and shoveling. It looked like the travel conditions would be better by the next day. That left us with the rest of today to relax and explore each other. There was no telling what would conspire.  


Written by Tight1piece
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