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Playing Dress Up

"Jennifer was a ten. Perfect curves, great breasts and legs to die for; a natural brunette with amazingly long lashes."

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They were married for seven years and still in love, but the mystery for him was gone and he was bored, although he would never admit it.

He knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her but he also couldn’t control his urges for the unknown.  He’d never had a blonde or redhead before, and there were so many sexual fantasies he still wanted to try but Jennifer was far too lady-like and had been talking about starting a family.  Matt wasn’t ready to give up his freedom and time yet.

After a lot of time spent on the internet dabbling on X-rated websites, lo and behold, a swinger’s party popped up on his screen. It was being hosted a one-hour-twenty-minute flight from where they lived.  There were only sixteen tickets available, and since he was often away on business trips, he knew it would be the perfect cover.

Matt hadn’t done something like this before so it was a bit unnerving; he closed the tab and put his phone down to watch some Netflix instead.  The next day at work, it bothered him so badly that he went back to the site only to find that there were now only twelve tickets available. He closed his eyes and just booked himself a spot. His heart was racing.

This party was designed especially for newbies with privacy concerns.  It was a themed party where everyone had to dress up as an Animal.  Whatever he was to dress up as, he was to mingle through the crowds to find his female counterpart and hook up with that person for the evening. They were forbidden to exchange names, where they were from, or what they did for a living, and everyone had to keep a mask on at all times to protect their identities.  He was hoping for something interesting and was wondering what counterpart he’d find.  Just two more weeks to go.

Along with the privacy concerns, he noticed that the recipient details before paying for his ticket, would show up on his banking as ‘Heavenly Scents.’ He decided to take the same value in cash and buy his wife a divine-smelling perfume as a gift, which both soothed his conscience and gave him a cover for the random purchase on his card.  Not that they ever really looked at each others’ transactions but it did make him feel better.

The excitement started to boil up in his groin. All he had to do was get his ticket and instructions via e-mail, then book his flights and accommodation.

Jennifer could see that Matt was in good spirits but then he always was when the guys were going to watch the rugby.

"Come, honey, we’re going to be late! My dad is preparing cocktails before the game as a pre-celebration."

Jennifer had on a lovely slip dress and grabbed her sandals, ran to the garage and hopped into the car where she applied her mascara and put on her shoes. 

Family from both sides, cousins, friends, were all going to be there for the world cup final. Matt’s Dad wasn’t married anymore and was very charismatic with the ladies. He took good care of himself, still went to the gym, and loved cycling with friends.  He was a well-built, fit fifty-two-year-old man with a full set of hair and bright hazel eyes.  He was completely settled, a nice home for entertaining, money, and girlfriends. There was no shortage of fun or social life for him. The more the merrier.


His dad greeted them with cocktails and told Jen how gorgeous she looked as always as he gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Dad, I told you to stop flirting with my wife", Matt smirked.

To which Dave replied, "I’m still your father, after all, have some respect."

Jennifer just laughed at the typical nonchalant camaraderie. Her father-in-law was a complete hoot.

"Come, come," he ushered them off to the crowd and started singing the national anthem, to which everyone joined in and raised their glasses.

The braai was going strong. Everyone was shouting at the TV and drinks were flowing, what an amazing vibe.  Matt was having a quiet moment standing on the other end of the pool and just looked over at Jen who was having a good time and laughing so hard she threw her head back, her long shiny hair looking even longer down her back. She messed her wine all over herself.  He loved to watch her have fun and had a chuckle. He watched how his dad walked over to her with a refill and a towel and say that she clearly hadn’t acquired the skillset to hold a wine glass properly.

"If you wanted to get wet you could've just used the pool, here's another glass for your other hand to help you stay balanced."

She took the towel and dried off her arm and part of her chest and then took the drink even though he was ripping her off, which wasn't new to her. She was standing with two of her friends and Dave was telling the ladies to make sure she finished both glasses and that he wanted no more wastage in his home because, "It is very unladylike." They began laughing and booed him off back to the braai.

My phone pinged; my ticket had just come through. I immediately felt anxious as I read that I was meant to be a fox.  I went to the bathroom for privacy to read the fine print and google what a fox looks like. We all know what a fox looks like but I could feel my palms getting sweaty, and I had to get this right. I needed to find a party hiring shop that had decent alluring attire.

I took an extended lunch break and hired my outfit. The headgear I chose was not too bulky or heavy, in fact, it actually turned me on.  I put it in a box with my ticket and in my travel bag for the big day and stuck it away at the back of the cupboard and went to the lounge. It was only one and a bit week to go. 

Jen and I were watching a series on the couch with the lights off, lying side by side.  She showed her intentions, which were not often anymore, by putting my hand on her full round breasts, her nipples were hard.  Oh my fuck, I pulled her string silky night dress down off her shoulders and sucked and bit her nipples to which she moaned.  I didn’t realize what anxiety and lust had built up inside of me from signing up for a date with the devil that I completely ravished her.  She came so hard. I went down and sucked out all the pussy juices I could and entered her again to finally blow my load deep inside of her.  It was amazing, this beautiful creature just lying on the couch looking up at me with lustful satisfied eyes.

I called my dad from work the next day to tell him what I’d done.  I wasn’t sure I wanted to risk what I had for one night of fun.  He very gladly agreed to take my ticket and go in my place.  I was kicking myself but also he could at least give me feedback to whether it would be worth a try, at least he was single and really overjoyed to be trying this. He’d never even heard of such parties before.

When I got home Jennifer was cooking supper and folding the washing and I decided to take a run to clear my head.

Jennifer found my favourite sleep shirt I always travel with and went to the room to pack it into my travel bag.  She saw the box and wondered what was in it, she saw the outfit, flights, and ‘the’ ticket and read all the fine print.  She didn’t pack the shirt and put everything back as she found it and pretended she hadn’t seen anything.  She was hurt and angry and sat on the bed and cried.


When I got home I was concerned at why her eyes were so red and she said she had bumped her little toe against the corner cupboard again and that we really should move it, something she’d always complained about.  She said she had a long day and wanted to take a shower and get to bed early. She didn’t even eat dinner; said she was feeling a little ill.  I stayed up and watched some series and ate my dinner alone feeling extremely relieved that I had opted out of my plans, however, I had already told Jen I was going on a business trip and therefore was going to take the flight out of town in any case, as there was some business in the area that needed to be taken care of, and I didn’t want it to seem out of the ordinary as I had never cancelled a business trip before.


Jennifer was lying in bed going over and over the whole thing in her head, she wanted to scream at him and hit him, or, she could interfere with his plans in a more manipulative way. Anger pulled her toward vindictiveness and she decided to play her own games and confront him after. She just had to play pretend for a while and be the happy wife.

She luckily managed to book the last ticket to this event and booked her flights and accommodation too. Matt wasn’t going to be home anyway, he wouldn’t know she wasn't at home while he was 'On Business.'  Her invite was to be a flamingo but hell no, she went shopping for an alluring Vixen outfit, headgear, and got a long blonde wig and a sexy mask. 

She took the Friday off work to pack and prepare, putting on her outfit to make sure everything was perfect. A low cut, dark red leather dress with a fox tail, fox ears and... the wig fit to perfection. She decided to wear it in a high ponytail so as not to entangle her fox ears and mask and to assist in complimenting her fox tale. Lastly, her black stilettos, trimmed off with red underneath, of course.  She was very pleased and turned on when she looked at herself in the mirror. If he only knew.

He was going to an anonymous sex party and he was actually going to fuck his own wife she thought, how genius. She loved the feeling of control she had over her oblivious husband. She could use this as an opportunity to get pregnant she thought, although maybe not such a good idea considering, or she could divorce him afterward, whatever... she was twenty-nine. Not too old to move on if she decided to.

She walked up to her full-length mirror and admired her shapely curves and felt very sexy in the private and seductive outfit, her full breasts sticking out the top of her leather dress. She decided to loosen them a bit and pulled down the zip in front of the dress a little more, showing off more cleavage.  This turned her on so much she could feel herself getting wet.  She pretended to be in character in a dimly lit room with a ‘stranger,’ wondering how her husband would react to seeing his fox, not knowing it was her. Knowing he will want to pounce the moment he sees his blonde, mysterious, Vixen.


She folded over her dress at the bottom to make it shorter so she could see her pussy just sticking out, she wasn’t wearing any underwear. She could see her juices seeping out, leaving her lips glistening in the light coming through the window. Jen put her hand down and touched her swollen clit; rubbing herself and taking two fingers and slowly teasing herself, moving them just in and out of her pussy just at the entrance.

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Her legs felt weak as she started tingling inside, she sat down on the bed and lay back with her legs open, squashing her tits together as this was something she found very erotic. She herself loved woman’s breasts in general, it was always a hidden fetish she wondered about. She continued to play with herself in circular motions and fingered herself until she came while rolling her nipples with her other hand.

After she changed and packed her suitcase in her car, she waited for her husband to get home, she was going to take him to the airport, except she timed their flights so that hers left just after his and arrived back before his on return. After they said their goodbyes, she just went back to her car and got her suitcase which was hidden in the spare wheel compartment.

When his plane landed his dad picked him up. Dave flew in a few days earlier to scope things out. He had his own business so he had free time on his hands whenever he felt like it.  They drove across to the car rentals and got Matt his own car and they had a bite to eat at a small restaurant nearby.  When they got back to their cars Matt gave his dad the box and off they went, his dad to the hotel to try on his outfit for the next night and hit the hotel bar, and Matt to see a customer, and meet up with his dad for a beer before going their own ways.  Jennifer was now also settled in her room at a different hotel.

Saturday night arrived and off they went in their rental cars, all masked up and unrecognizable, to the party.  There were animals everywhere, all very sexy with interesting creative takes on their adornment, she felt like she had just stepped out onto the red carpet.  Some women were topless; Jen loved this.  She grabbed an ice-cold ladies' drink and started sexily walking around through the guests making sure she was wagging her tail every now and then looking for her fox.  She had the other Vixen in sight and she was staying near in case she found him first because she was ready to go in for the primal kill.

There he was, looking a bit taller than usual, but that could just be the mask ears, she could see he spotted the other vixen and was watching his approach. To watch her husband try and flirt with another woman for the first time, or was it?

The other vixen was sexy, but straight off the bat, I knew she wasn’t exactly his type, oh what a shame.  They were chatting, and by this time I had had three drinks, walked around a room full of naked strangers getting high blood pressure while watching Matt flirt with other women; I decided to make my move, knowing that I was hotter than her, and as the saying goes, 'Blonde’s have more fun.'

They were leaning against the bar getting awfully close. I decided to walk on over and rub myself all over him, after all, I was leaving him with my scent he’d bought me and marking my territory. 

There were other animals interbreeding but this fox didn’t seem to like me raining on her parade, so I walked off to the couch about four meters away, and you won’t believe it, but, when you have long hot legs that are even longer in stilettos, it takes an awful lot more bending to get your drink settled down on a low lounger table.  I slowly put by drink down, revealing just enough for him to notice that I wasn’t wearing any underwear.  There were other carnivores on the couch but they were okay with me joining them. 

My dress was too tight sitting lower in the loungers so I rolled the ends up again allowing me some range, I faced him and when he looked my way, I opened my legs to show him my paradise and then crossed my legs, pretending to be ladylike but at the same time signaling to him that I was waiting for him, gazing over at them all the time. He looked over again and I zipped down my dress a little further than when I’d tried it on, slowly, taunting him, he was battling to stay focused on his conversation with the other woman. 

I had some chit-chat with the people around me and headed for another drink, bending over the bar behind the other vixen, giving him a full view of my arse, and walked back to my new friends slowly and seductively, swaying my tail again.

When the other fox eventually needed a toilet break I made my move. This time walking over quickly and taking him by the hand I led him astray to the darkest corner of the hall furthest from her.  He walked willingly.  We chatted, he sounded a little different but the music was loud and we were talking through masks. 

We carried on drinking, he through a straw as most were because you cannot lift the mask to reveal your face so straws it was, and this I know makes people drunk quicker, and in this case all the better.  I moved back into a corner and pulled him toward me and told him to feel my tits, which he did, we were both well-oiled and ready.  He told me how good I smelt. I felt his cock and it was large and hard.  He pointed me in the direction of a passageway which were private rooms you would pay extra for but he just swiped his card without a care in the world. Who did I marry?

We picked a room and closed the door and he said finally I have you alone, he pulled me into his crotch, wow, he was hard, the lights were dimmed and there was a bottle of wine on the dresser, which we opened and shared. He couldn’t stop touching me, he zipped my dress down to my belly button so he could move the top apart and see my tits.  He just said,

"My fuck, you have beautiful breasts." 

I was wondering if he really that drunk that he couldn't recognize his own wife but then, the lights were low. 

He told me what he wanted to do them but we had been reminded that the only thing we aren’t allowed to do is take off our masks, so he started rubbing my nipples, his fingertips a little rougher than normal, he walked me back slowly while doing this until I was against the dresser and he moved my legs apart as we stood to expose my wet pussy. 

He moved one hand off my breasts and rubbed my pussy, circling my clitoris and getting everything properly wet, he did go down on me but only lifted his mask just a little to get to me and I had my eyes closed in ecstasy.  I couldn’t believe how much the role-play was turning us both on.  I decided to let go of my anger and enjoy the moment. 

He unzipped his suit pants and played just around the front of my pussy with his cock head, moving it back and forth under me, getting his member wet and ready for smooth entry later. He unzipped my entire dress and slipped it off over my shoulders, caressing them while doing so. My dress fell to the floor and he moved his hands down and felt my arse, both hands so big it felt as though they almost completely covered both cheeks. He then lifted me and put me down on the edge of the dresser, his dick now in line with me. He fondled my breasts some more, very softly, and started slowly moving back and forth so as to enter me, making sure he was properly lubricated my me, but only putting his head in and out, in and out, it was driving me crazy and I clutched onto the dresser my knuckles going white. I put my head back and just felt the strokes that could at any moment plunge me but didn't and tried to give him more leverage to do so but he contained himself well.

He moved back and released my hands and wrapped my legs around him and carried me to the bed. He started unbuttoning his shirt and I quickly helped with the buttons without a second thought, I mounted him. He sat upright and I pushed him back slightly to show him that I was in control now, I couldn't wait anymore. He realized and slowly moved back toward me caressing me all over, taking in all my beauty. I reached down and positioned him just inside of me and slowly started moving up and down, allowing his cock head inside of me.  He felt so good I couldn't help but start moaning.

This turned him on so much he grabbed my arse and spun me around onto my back and left his dick just in the front like I had it. The teasing was intense.  He said what about protection, and when I said no, so he growled and bent down and lifted his mask a bit to suck my nipples properly and as I moaned badly he came back up and shoved himself inside of me, I let out a cry.

I couldn’t believe how much this was exciting him, he’d never been this big before. He fucked me so hard I couldn’t think, then he slowed down to give me time to recover but I wanted him to continue, my hips moving for more. He entered me again and while deep inside me he started grinding himself in circular motions pressing down against my clit and getting to every inch of it from all different sides.

I started moaning and grabbed his arse for more pressure while he played with my nipples with one hand and at this point, I just asked him to "fuck me with that big cock of yours, fuck me", and he pounded me. He was deeper than he’d ever been and I could hear his ecstasy as we both came at the same time, I could feel he planted a heavy load inside me, he was so turned on. 

We spent a few hours there chatting about arbitrary things and none of it sounded like Matt, he was really living himself into this fantasy.  We stayed a few hours more hours, had some more fun and called it a night.

The next morning we all caught our separate flights home, me first, I put my bag in the hidden compartment and went back inside and had coffee while I waited for his plane to come in.

How was your trip my love?  Oh, so-so, you know, the usual.  He seemed tired and when he’s tired, he’s always horny.  I was still on a high from the night before, he came over and said how good it was to home with me, I was thinking what a liar.  He came over and kissed me passionately and said you know, maybe a family isn’t such a bad thing, I was so confused, we made love again, not at all at the standard of last night but we were both tired, and had a little nap after. I was so sore from the previous night, perhaps that why he felt smaller, or maybe I really didn't excite him anymore.

When we woke up, he said there’s something he needed to tell me, and he explained he was in a rut and it was his first time wanting to try something different and booked tickets to a swingers party but after watching me at the rugby he just couldn’t go through with it so gave the tickets to his dad.  Could I ever forgive him? 

I started sobbing because now only I knew the whole truth, and it would stay with me forever.

Written by CeasarClaire
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