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Molly Comes To Find Us - Part Two

"Brenda takes over the story of what happened when Molly came to find us"

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Author's Notes

"Hello! Brenda here! I just couldn't let John have all the fun of telling what happened."

I love scents. People undervalue our sense of smell. As John and I sat for breakfast that morning - inside this time as it had started raining - the delightful aroma of our croissants and coffee blended with the gorgeous scent of Tom’s cum wafting up from my tits while we ate. I kept closing my eyes to replay what had just happened; rubbing some of the cum into my skin.

“God, what a beautiful cock he has!” I said to John, as if he needed reminding, having just watched me devour it. “The way he filled my mouth; Mmmmm!!”

John just shook his head, pretending to be appalled.

“And,” I went on, “he may still be young but, wow, does he know how to use his tongue!”

The day felt good. It was still not quite nine o’clock and I’d already sucked two cocks and had been coated in cum twice. I wondered if Tom would be the one collecting our breakfast trolley and stay for seconds or if he would bottle it and send someone else; perhaps a female instead.

We peered through the window and tried to assess how long the rain might last. The clouds seemed to be building even more rather than just passing over. 

“Probably no beach today then,” John said, sadly.

“Awwww, we’ll think of something in here, I’m sure,” I answered, giving him a little tug. 

“You’re insatiable,” John ribbed.

“Oh! Like you’re not!” I gasped in feigned insult. 

“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean,” he huffed.

“Right, yeah," I said into his ear, "So all those tits getting tanned on the beach are of noooooo interest to you whatsoever then,” I accused. “Not to mention Dianne’s.”

“I’ll admit to a mild, passing curiosity,” he admitted slowly, adopting the demeanour of an old-school butler.

“Hmph!” I snorted and kissed his neck. “Speaking of whom,” I went on. “I suppose I ought to jump in the shower and wash the lovely Tom off me in case they invite themselves round for breakfast. I know last night was… what it was … but I’m not sure how she’d react to this little display,” I said, scanning my breasts and tummy. “Shame though! I feel… decadent or something, like this. Ah well. Why don’t you see if you can find anything interesting on TV and I’ll go and make myself presentable.”

“I’ve got some time then,” he said and got a slap for his cheek.

John grabbed the remote and fell onto the bed as I went into the bathroom and took a long, admiring, last look at Tom’s offering on me in the mirror before stepping into the warm shower. 

I love showers. They have a sensuality of their own, especially if they are quality ones like the hotel had. This was a spacious glass walk-in cabin - not your cramped little cubicle type where you keep hitting your elbows on the sides. One jet of water fell from above while six more were aimed at your sides and legs; or front and back if you turned the right way. 

I also love masturbating; probably as much as I love sex and a shower like this one brings an added dimension of pleasure to it.

I lathered myself thoroughly, face to toe. I like to let my hands have minds of their own and see where on me they want to explore. My fingers often like to play with my nipples and get them erect and stiff; preparing them for someone’s tongue.  Their stiffening seems to send a message to my clitoris and labia.

That morning was no exception and soon my left and right hands took turns sliding fingers up and down between them, circling my clit and gently slipping in and out of my pussy while the other hand caressed my torso and breasts.

The water coming at me from seven places at once amplified all the sensations that my fingers evoked. I angled myself to let one jet land on my tits and worked my pussy with one hand and reached around and under myself to finger my ass with the other. 

I started imagining John’s and Tom’s cocks poised there ready to double-fuck me under a waterfall somewhere. I pictured them standing thigh-deep in the pool with me in the middle, my legs wrapping around Tom’s waist in front of me as his monster of a cock slid deep into me just as John’s filled my ass. Being sandwiched between and impaled on them like that - oh wow, what an image!

I managed to get a finger in each hole and let the water continue to arouse my nipples. My fantasy continued with their two hard, fleshy cocks filling me, timing their deep thrusts. Sometimes they drove in together; sometimes one driving in as the other slid nearly out. They held me there, suspended between them with my tits pressed firmly into Tom’s chest. My arms clung to his neck as John’s hands held my thighs for support. 

In the middle of all this, I thought I heard John’s voice talking to someone from the bedroom. The other voice sounded female but I didn’t care or pay much attention to them. I was building to an orgasm; slowly but surely. I just assumed someone had come to collect the breakfast trolley and I definitely was not going to let that stop me. 

After a few minutes the door opened carefully and John peered in, smiling at what he saw and clutching one of the sleep eye-masks in his hand. His cock was hard and standing proudly out in front of him. My mouth was gaping open and my fingers were still working their magic. I smiled at him. 

“You coming to watch me?” I panted.

“Umm, yes… and no,” he replied mysteriously. “I have a little surprise for you.”

My heart leapt. “Tom’s back for more?” I asked hopefully, hoping to turn this fantasy into reality.

“Wait and see,” teased John. “Close your eyes,” he said and put the mask on them when I complied, withdrawing my fingers for a moment. The excitement was overwhelming. I grabbed his cock and in a devilish voice asked, 

“Are you both gonna fuck me in here?”

“Wait and see, I said!” John laughed.

I stood still, horny as hell and trying to be patient then became aware of a third person entering the shower. John guided me backwards so I was against the wall, took my wrists and pressed them against it at shoulder height like a crucifix. The anticipation was unbearable. 

Suddenly, two new hands held my wrists. ‘Not Tom, though’ I thought. ‘Hands too small’.

Then came the beautiful pleasure of two breasts pushing themselves into the flesh of my own. Despite the contrast from my double-fuck fantasy, this felt exquisite and I twisted slightly left and right, massaging her tits - whoever she was - with mine. ‘Could this be Dianne??” I wondered. ‘Surely not this far, this soon?’ Zoe, the flirty waitress from the restaurant, maybe?’.

The mystery woman backed slightly away and I felt her mouth on mine for a moment before she started kissing downwards, still holding my wrists, and found my erect nipples waiting for her. She licked them with a feather-light touch, sending waves of sexual energy coursing through me. I spread my feet wider, hoping she would take the hint - whoever she was!

She read my desire perfectly and after sucking harder on my nipples for a minute or two, ran her tongue down my abdomen and reached my clitoris which she licked and sucked hard, causing me to moan loudly. 

She pressed her lips into my mound and hummed appreciation of my juices. That vibration of a voice on my pussy never fails to please. I could have cum right there but held it back, still wanting to know who this was and thoroughly enjoying the mystery.

Her hands left my wrists and started working my tits; grabbing, squeezing and kneading them firmly as her tongue pushed between my folds and inside me. 

“Oh fuck! That is so fucking good!” I panted. ‘Who are you??’ I wondered again.

I couldn’t hold out any longer. I grabbed her head and let my orgasm unleash into her mouth; an explosion of ecstasy which flooded her tongue. I cried out loudly and she moaned beautifully again as she caught the full force of my release in her mouth.

I let everything die down, staying fully immersed in the moment, until I managed to start thinking again. Her hair was longer than either Zoe’s or Dianne’s. I touched her face and drew her to stand again. I explored her; still blindfolded, running my hands over her. A familiarity found its way into my senses. 

“I think I know who you are!” I cheered and reached up to peel off the mask and gasped happily at the beautifully shining eyes that greeted mine.


“Morning, Brenda,” she chuckled.

“Ohhhh! You!” I laughed. “Come here you naughty girl!” and pulled her tightly against me so I could give her pretty mouth a long, lingering kiss; running my hands all over her back and ass.

“Oh, it’s so good to see you!” I managed to say without completely breaking lip contact.

“Ditto!” she smiled. 

We stopped kissing for a while and held each other, smiling into each other’s eyes and scanning each other’s bodies. She was glowing and I told her so. John’s stiff cock agreed as he happily watched our little exchange. 

“We’ve been hoping you would come and see us,” I told her.

“Oh, that was always going to happen!” she said. “I thought about it yesterday but… I dunno… didn’t want to encroach or something. The night before was just so beautiful. I went home feeling like a totally new woman! I can’t remember ever feeling this happy. But I didn’t want to seem greedy.”

“Oh, you can be as greedy as you like, Honey,” I laughed. “Although, as it turns out, yesterday wouldn’t have been the best day. But we can tell you about that in a bit. Are you hungry?”

“Why? Do you want to feed me again?” she winked mischievously and kissed me again.

“Haha! No... well… yes!! But I was thinking of breakfast. How come you’re here so early?” I asked. “Not that we’re complaining!”

As. we made our way into the main room, she explained that she’d been out for a run, thinking she would come and see us after that. But then the rain started getting heavier and she was nearer to us than home so decided to just come here straight away instead.

“You should see what she was wearing when she turned up,” John told me. 

Molly quickly donned her tight black running bra and thigh-length shorts and modelled them for me. She looked delicious in them and I understood why John’s cock had been so hard when he came into the bathroom.

We moved into the main room and called for some more croissants and coffee. They said it would take about half an hour. Molly said she’d best keep her gear on but I suggested  letting whichever waiter brought our order catch us lounging about naked. Molly grinned at the idea while performing provcative stretches around the room.

“Oh, that’s another thing!” she exclaimed. “I’ve become an exhibitionist overnight! I stayed naked practically all day yesterday. There’s a couple who live opposite and I caught the husband looking over and through my living room window several times. I didn’t even try hiding though. I sat sunbathing in the garden too. I don’t know if any neighbours saw me but… I just didn’t care! It was quite a turn-on, actually,” she ended with a wink.

“Music to our ears!” I said.

“The only time I got dressed was when I popped to the local shop. But I left my bra off and put a flimsy blouse on, half-unbuttoned, nipples poking through. You should have seen the look I got from the shop-keeper!” she laughed.

Molly went on to tell us how she’d gone home after being with us that evening feeling like her life had suddenly turned and taken her in a whole new direction; how she’d looked herself in the mirror and seen her whole being in a new light. It was wonderful to hear her explaining everything.

“Then, as if what we…shared… wasn’t enough,” she said, “I had a bath when I got home and masturbated. Nothing new about that, in one sense but this was another new feeling. Deeper, more, I dunno, intimate somehow - even though I was alone. I can't really explain it but I had a most delicious orgasm!”

“Mmmm, what a vision!” enthused John.

Molly approached him on all fours and purred in his ear, “It was; especially when I remembered how hard you fucked me with that handsome cock of yours.”

Her sexy voice seemed to put him under a spell of complete helplessness. She took his cock in her mouth and gave him a little suck just as there came a knock at the door. Molly jumped up.

“Ooh! Damn! I’m not naked,” she stated.

“That’s ok, though,” John said. “Peel it off in front of him. Believe me, that will drive him wild; whoever he is. You saw what it did for me, right?” 

“Good idea,” Molly and I agreed. 

“Come in!” I called out and the three of us sat eagerly waiting and watching to see who would come through the door. It opened slowly. 

Sheepishly, despite our earlier antics, Tom’s face appeared, much to my delight and Molly’s obvious approval, followed by a curious frown and smile.

“Good morning - again - Sir, Madam and, erm…” 

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“Molly,” John told him. “And it’s Brenda and John, remember? You can drop the ‘sir and madam’ thing, ok?” he insisted.

“Tom…” Molly said thoughtfully. “Tom… I know you, don’t I? You live local and… hmm… oh yes! You’ve been in my shop, haven’t you? I served you.”

“Oh… erm… yes, I believe so.” Tom replied, trying to be polite and looking slightly awkward again. I swore he was hiding something.

“Yes,” Molly went on. “It’s been a little while though. Weren’t you with your wife or girlfriend at the time?”

“Umm, yes, that’s right,” he said. “My girlfriend.”

“So, how come you haven’t been back in? I hope my service wasn’t below standard!”

“Oh no,” he assured her. “Not at all. Nothing like that.” He was looking more awkward again.

“So?” Molly pressed. Tom stayed quiet for a moment.

“Well… it was just… my girlfriend wasn’t very happy. She, umm, she thought I found you very attractive,” he finally managed to confess. 

John and I watched the exchange with growing amusement. Poor Tom. Caught!

Molly stood up. “Oh! I see,” she said. “Well, I hope I didn’t cause any trouble between you.”

“Um, no… no you didn’t,” Tom replied. “Not your fault,” he said, wheeling the trolley further into the room as if using that as a way to take his eyes off her. “Is this ok, just here?” he asked, stopping near the balcony door which was now being lashed hard by the rain.

“Perfect, thank you Tom,” I said. “I don’t suppose you could bring another chair for Molly, could you?”

“I’m sure I can find one, yes,” he said.

“Well, while you’re doing that,” said Molly, “I think I might need a quick shower before we eat. Brenda, would you help me please? This gear is sticking to me after that run,” and raised her arms up straight, staring straight at Tom’s face. 

“Certainly, Molly,” I said and moved behind her, watching Tom’s face as I lifted her running top up her arms. His expression as her pretty tits sprang free and bounced slightly was priceless. I looked down his body and noted his bulging trousers again. Molly held his gaze, keeping her arms up even as I tossed her top onto the bed.

"Ooo, that's starting to feel better," she said dreamily.

I hooked my thumbs into her running shorts and pulled them slowly downwards. Try as he might, he could not resist feasting his eyes on her nakedness. Molly approached him slowly, stopping inches from his body. She looked up at him and ran a finger gently down his cheek.

“So,” she said slowly. “I’m wondering… Was she right, your girlfriend?”

Tom stayed silent.

I moved over to them, took Molly’s hand and placed it on his growing bulge to answer her question.

“Oh!” she smiled. “Seems she was,” she said and rubbed him a moment. “Well, I’m very flattered,” she said, looking down at her hand on him.

Tom somehow managed to drag himself away to find another chair for us. As the door closed behind him, Molly turned to us and giggled delightfully.

“Wow!” she exclaimed. “That was amazing! I’ve never done anything like that before.”

“How did it feel?” John asked her.

“It felt… I don’t know how to describe it! Very sexy, for sure. But something more than that,” she pondered.

“Powerful, perhaps?” I suggested.

“That’s it, yes!” Molly said. “Powerful. And, hell fire, isn’t that a turn-on! I feel so bloody horny now!” she said and leant back against a wall, one hand on her breasts and the other on her pussy. She closed her eyes a second and slid a finger inside herself. 

“God! I'm so wet now,” she said, pulling her finger out to show us how it glistened. I couldn’t resist and went over to lick it clean.

John was sitting on the end of the bed. Despite the incredible air of sex in the room, his cock was taking a rest on his lap. Molly knelt down in front of him and clasped her hands behind her back. Using just her mouth, she coaxed his erection back to life, starting by licking around the head then sliding her lips down more of his length as he grew hard again.

Soon his full seven inches had returned and Molly’s head bobbed up and down as she worked him hungrily. That was the sight Tom was greeted with as he returned with the extra chair. He had managed to suppress his bulge whilst away but in an instant, it was straining to break through the fabric again. Molly released John and arched backwards to look at him upside down with a naughty smile right across her face.

“Thank you Tom,” I said. “We’ll give you a shout when the trolley is ready for collection. I do hope it will be you who comes for it,” I said suggestively, going up on tip-toes and kissing his cheek.

We sat with the trolley against the balcony door, enjoying the heavy rain beating against it. Quite a storm was developing.  Even though it had only been two days since we met Molly at that beach party, she had lots to tell us. 

She started by giving us a vivid description of her masturbation in the bath that night when she got home - which was delicious to hear. Equally interesting was how she described how her completely new zest for life. She’d had thoughts about leaving the small town and going off travelling. Exploration had suddenly become her favourite word. 

She’d been a little afraid that the euphoria she’d felt at the beach with us would be gone by the next morning.

“A flash in the pan, so to speak,” she said. “But no! I’ve got so many ideas now. I’m fizzing!”

She wanted to go places, meet people, learn things, experience things. It was heart-warming to hear her enthusiasm.

“I feel so much stronger too,” she told us. “That asshole, Ryan. He wasn’t the first disappointing boyfriend I’ve had but was probably the worst. 

“But meeting you two... Wow! Have my eyes opened or what?” she laughed. “And, Brenda, I’ll admit to having wondered what making love with a woman would be like before but never thought seriously about trying it. But you’ve woken up all sorts in me! I mean, you both have but… the fantasies I was having all day yesterday… Oh my!” 

“Exploring is what gives life meaning, if you ask me,” observed John.

“You are so right,” agreed Molly. She peered through the door at the storm now in full force. “Not that we can go far today!”

“That depends,” I said. “There are things to explore that don’t require journeys outside,” I winked and moved to stand behind her; placing my hands on her shoulders and caressing down to her breasts. 

She closed her eyes and purred. “Mmm, yes. That thing with Tom just now… that took the whole showing off thing to a different level, I have to say. That's one kind of exploring, right?”

“You should have been here even earlier,” I said, resuming my fondling of her breasts and embarked on a vivid account of my seduction of Tom. I told her exactly how I had made sure the first thing he would see on entering the room would be John’s cum on my tits.

Molly obviously loved the story. Soon into it, she reached down and started fingering herself as I played with her tits and described everything in the utmost detail. John sat quietly watching, smiling and gently stroking himself as the tension began to build in all three of us again.

In a soft voice, I told her how I had laid on the bed and Tom had pushed his tongue inside me. Molly rested her head back against me and started kissing my tits which were now dangling in her face. John shoved his chair aside and knelt in front of her. She opened her legs wider and he kissed her thighs briefly before moving up to her already wet pussy and slid his tongue between her lips.

“Ahhhhh!” Molly sighed heavily as he explored her wet folds and pushed inside her. “God, that feels heavenly!” she whispered. She was in a state of total abandon already, clutching his head and continuing to suck on my tits. The storm outside seemed to intensify with us.

I continued the story, describing the exquisite sensations I had felt as Tom fucked my mouth; how his monster cock had pushed right into my throat.

“He has the sweetest tasting precum, Molly,” I said. “You should try it.”

“I want it!” she gasped. 

“Oh, you do, believe me!” I agreed. “And when he came,” I went on. “God when he came! You’ve never seen such a fountain of thick… hot… creamy cum. It went all over me, Molly; from pussy to face… right where you’re sucking my tits now… picture it… coated in all that delicious cum,” I said slowly as John’s tongue brought her closer and closer to orgasm.

He lifted her ass off the chair which angled her so he could push his tongue deeper into her soaking pussy. Her legs flopped over his shoulders and down his back as he licked and sucked her harder and faster. Supporting her body meant she could surrender completely to the sensations flooding through her.

“Oh God! Oh fuck! Oh, I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna cum!” she panted loudly and seconds later, she released her full orgasmic energy into John’s mouth, burying her face in my tits as I gripped hers firmly; holding her steady to let her orgasm take her completely.

Her whole body shook with the force of her orgasm for a full minute, it seemed. Her breathing was heavy which felt wonderful as I held her breasts and felt them rising and falling. John held his mouth tightly on her until her breathing gradually returned to normal; Molly stroking his head all the while.

“Oh my word!” she finally breathed. “I think I’m here for the day now,” she chuckled.

“Fine by us, right John?” I said.

“Mm-hmm,” he mumbled, still lapping Molly’s juices from her.“

He finally drew his mouth away and stretched up to kiss me on the mouth. Molly peered upwards from between us, watching me taste her on his tongue.

“You are delicious, Molly,” I told her. “My turn.”

John moved back to the bed again, sitting on the foot of it, cock still standing to attention. Molly knelt in front of him, resting her arms on his thighs and spreading her knees on the floor. She kissed his chest and tummy, holding his member in one hand as I laid on my back and wriggled my way under her.

I held her thighs and pulled her pussy down to my chest. She read my intention and rubbed her freshly-cummed lips on one nipple then the other, moving her hips back and forth, then gyrating around, massaging my tits with her soaking wet mound, and taking John in her mouth again.

I reached for her tits with one hand and masturbated with the other with my legs wide apart, imagining how it would feel if Tom’s mouth was available to lick me at the same time. Looking upwards, I watched Molly’s mouth sliding up and down the full length of `John’s throbbing cock. It was such a beautiful sight.

Molly seemed to become an epicentre of a sexual earthquake. Whatever she was feeling inside, starting spreading through John and me. She sucked John harder and hungrier, gripping his ass to pull him right into her throat and ground her pussy into my tits with growing lust-driven intensity.

I moved my position again and pulled her wet folds to my mouth. I gave her clitoris one long hard suck, releasing her with a smack of my lips then pushed my tongue into her and wiggled it around inside her. She gasped loudly and had to release John’s cock a moment as she savoured this new sensation but held him against her cheek and pumped him by hand as she did so.

Clutching her thighs I held her tight against my mouth and licked her frantically. She sucked on John again. Our three voices moaned in unison with the sheer pleasure of this intense energy flowing through and between us. The whole room was filled with the sweet aroma of sex and we merged into a united entity of lust and passion.

Higher and higher these beautiful feelings climbed and strengthened. Molly ground her pussy against my mouth as I licked her and she throated John over and over. This could only last so long though and soon, each of us was ready. 

The orgasm started in Molly, then spread like a wave. She valiantly kept her mouth on John’s throbbing seven-inches as her thighs squeezed my face. She cried out around his flesh and flooded my mouth with juice as she came. I instantly pulled my knees up, anchoring myself to the floor with my feet and clung to her as her orgasm flowed into me and triggered mine. At the same moment, John let out a primitive carnal groan and he gripped Molly’s head, pumping a huge load right into her mouth.

We all shook violently as that one single, huge orgasmic wave flowed up and down our bodies, and we gripped onto each other to avoid flying off into space. 

Molly had swallowed the first wave of John’s eruption, but kept a good bit in her mouth from the following pulsations. As that incredible orgasm gradually subsided, she slowly slid down to lie on top of me. I loved how her tits pressed into mine. She smiled at me, her mouth closed, then opened slightly to show me all the cum in her mouth and bent to kiss me.

We must have kissed like that for two minutes or more, passing John's slightly salty essence back and forth, exploring how our coated tongues felt playing with each other. John watched from the bed, smiling so happily; his spent cock resting between his thighs.

Our cum-swapping over, with everything swallowed between us, Molly and I edged up onto the bed, either side of John and we all crawled up to the pillows. We only paused a second while John grabbed the remote and found a radio station on the TV playing lovely soft music after which we nuzzled into him. A moment later, we were a happly tangle of legs and arms entwined and sinking into each other, basking in our exquisite afterglow.

“Wow, what a fantastic morning,” said Molly softly.


Written by UKTantraman
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