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First Time Swingers

"Completely made up re-telling of some pillow talk fantasy between my wife and I."

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We have decided to act on a fantasy and found a couple on a swinger’s site that we agreed to meet with and see what the lifestyle is about; we told them we are not sure we can really go through with the plan and hope they won’t get upset if we must back out.

They are about the same age as we are, and live in Idaho, so we plan to meet them at a hotel in Billings that has a bar and grill for a neutral meeting place for conversation and getting to know each other.

On the drive to Montana, we start talking about what we are about to do and how nervous we are.

“What if he is a lot larger in penis size than what you are?” she asked.

“I am ok with it as long as he doesn’t hurt you with it being too big for what you can handle,” I replied.

“If she tries to kiss you, will you let her? Will you kiss her in return?” I ask.

“I am ok with whatever she chooses to do with my body, especially if she is good at going down on my pussy! And yes, I will kiss more than just the lips under her nose," Your answer drops my jaw!

“Will you let him give you a hand job? Or a blow job?” you ask.

I think for a second or two. “Yes, I am willing to see what that is like. I am ok with anything except him putting things in my butt; you’re the only one allowed to dominate me in that way,” I reply.

 I notice that your seat is laid back and your right hand is under your white tank top; it appears that you’re playing with your left nipple; our conversation is obviously getting you excited, you know how much I like to watch you touch yourself.

“Are you willing to go down on her pussy?” I ask.

“Yes, but only if you are willing to go down on him,” you answer without hesitation.

“Ok, but you will have to teach me how,” I blurt out.

Your hand has moved down to your lap and is sliding into the waistband of your black sweatpants; both of your nipples are erect and visible through the thin material; I can see your fingertips are stroking your clitoris. Your breathing is increasing quickly, your left hand starts to pinch and pull on your right nipple, suddenly you explode in an orgasm. I can’t remember ever seeing you come so fast!

 That evening, we met them in the bar for drinks for the first time. They are exactly who and what they said they were. They are good looking and about the same shape and size that we are, friendly, we hit it off very well. After several drinks, we agree to go to their room and play an adult board game they have brought along to help break the ice.

 The game is a version of Truth or Dare, the board is eight sided, with a numbered one thru twelve spinner in the middle, with two squares that have an “S”, one blue, one pink, men start on the blue, women on the pink. It has six squares on each side, every third square tells you to draw a truth card, every sixth square tells you to draw a dare card. If you land on the “S” square of your gender you must remove a piece of clothing, if you land on a square that someone is on, they are bumped back to their start square where they must remove a piece of clothing.

We start the game by letting the ladies begin, naturally.

She starts with a nine. Truth square, the card asks, “How often do you masturbate?”

“Every day,” she says.

Your spin is a nine too, you send her back to the start square, so she takes off her stiletto heels she had been wearing;

“Good, they are killing me anyway!” she says.

Your card asks, “Would you rather, spank or be spanked?”

“Spank!” she said,

I spin a seven, which is a blank square.

He spins a six, lands on dare; the card tells him to give a one-minute massage to the inner thigh of the player on his right, which happens to be you. He slowly puts his hand on your knee and squeezes the inside lightly. Moves a fraction higher, squeezes again, a fraction higher and a squeeze.

His hand is pushing your skirt up; soon the top of your hose is exposed. He smiles when he sees you’re wearing a garter belt. He is slowly moving higher and higher up your inner thigh. I see you start to open you legs a fraction every time he moves higher.

His hand is now under your skirt, in full contact with your bare skin. He is only an inch or so from your lace panties. You wonder if he can feel the heat he is causing in your pussy; a couple more seconds pass, you feel his little finger brush up against your lace. Another little squeeze, his little finger presses under the material as he makes light contact with the side of your labia. I see you shudder slightly; time runs out and he slowly slides the hand down your leg and out of your skirt.

On her turn she lands on a truth square again, the card asked, “Would you rather spit or swallow?”

“Swallow!” she said.

You spin, you land on her square again, sending her back. She stands up and slowly unzips the back of her skirt, letting it fall to the floor. She is wearing a satin pair of burgundy bikini panties, turns and bends at the waist to pick up her skirt. She gives you a good look at how the thong fits her, she seems to be trying to seduce you exclusively.

Your truth card asks, “Would you rather have a three-way with an M-F-M or an F-M-F?”

“Why have any males there at all?” you laugh and said. She smiles and nods in agreement.

When my turn comes, the card says. “Describe how to give a blow job.”

“Start by kneeling between spread open thighs; make sure not to touch his cock or balls with your hands, lean in and use just the tip of the tongue. Starting between the balls and the scrotum, slowly trace a figure eight around each of them."

"Continue slowly up the side of the shaft until you get to the edge of the shaft and head. Flick your tongue at the edge a couple times, slowly trace a line back down and suck one of the balls into your mouth. Then the other. Using slightly more than just the tip of the tongue, start a new line up on one side of the shaft. Flicking the head again when you get there. Go back down the other side, suck each ball into your mouth again."

"Using the full surface of the tongue, starting at the center of the scrotum again, begin sliding up the shaft and flick the underside of the head again. Quickly go back down; do it again, two or three times, the last time allowing just the head to go between your lips."

"Close your lips. Suck hard on the head. Let the tip of your tongue flick at the underside and little slit. Do this for at least thirty seconds, very slowly start to pull more of the cock into your mouth until you can’t take any more in. Suck very hard now for at least thirty seconds."

"Slowly start sliding it back out while sucking hard. Suck the head and shaft back in as deep as you can, quicker this time. Sliding it in and out quickly several times; then stop and suck hard on just the head for several seconds. Start sliding it in and out quickly, stopping with sucking hard on just the head. Keep repeating until he can’t hold out any longer!” When I finish my description, I look at the three of you. Everyone is wide eyed and smiling.

“Wow! That sounds amazing! Can I try?” he blurts out.

His spin, he lands on my square and sends me back to the start. I decided to unbutton my shirt and take it off.

He takes a dare card. He must, “Remove your underwear and throw them in the trash!”

He stands up, kicks off his shoes. Unbuttons his jeans and starts to lower them; we see he is wearing a satin, burgundy colored bikini thong just like hers. We can see that he is very erect and has a large wet spot where the head is.

He takes his pants off, starts to turn facing you, hooks his thumbs into the waistband on each side. Starts to push them down slowly, suddenly his cock pops out into view. It is glistening with his pre cum. He is about seven inches and thick, standing straight up towards his belly; a little bead forms at the slit, and starts to slide down the side of his shaft. Neither one of us can take our eyes off as it descends towards his hairless balls.

He lets the thong fall to the floor, uses his foot to lift them up and flip them towards the trash can. They land on the rim and hang there for the rest of the game. He simply sits down and doesn’t bother to put his jeans back on, from where you are sitting you can see his erection well, you try not to look but can’t stop yourself from stealing quick glances.

Her spin, she lands on an open square with a look of disappointment.

You spin; you land on 'dare.' You're told to, “Play with the nipples of the player sitting across from you.” She realizes quickly what that means instantly. You stand up and go around the table to stand behind her.

Carefully opening the top two buttons of her blouse, slide both hands into the top of her bra and start to pull each of her nipples between your fingertip and thumb.

They start to get hard instantly. She closes her eyes, leans back into you, and pushes her chest out further. She has nicely shaped breasts that are about a C cup; you look at me in the eyes and smile.

You know, this is something I have wanted to see for a long time. I can see you are starting to pull harder on each of her hard nipples. Her breathing is increasing, she is quietly moaning.

You stop, unbutton a couple more buttons, exposing more of her burgundy lace bra. You slide your hands into the bra again and start to pinch the nipples. A loader moan escaped her lips.

She presses the back of her head into one of your breasts, turns slowly towards your nipple.

Your eyes are closed now too, you’re pulling on her nipples faster and harder, you’re breathing heavier.

She shifts slightly to the side, turns her head until she has her face in contact with your right breast.

You can feel her hot breath through the material of your blouse and thin bra. Your left hand comes up, grabs the back of her head, presses her into your breast.

Her right hand slides up, pulls the top of her bra down under her breast. You roll and pull the nipple between the thumb and finger just like how you want yours to be worked. Her areolae are about the same size as yours, but the nipple is larger and sticks out an amazing ½ inch.

Her hand moves over and unsnaps the front clasp of her bra, letting both fall free.

You move your left hand back to her now fully exposed nipple, start to pull both hard. She is moaning very loud now and trying to nibble on your erect nipple through the material of your clothes.

You look down in time to see her right hand go into the front of her panties and start to finger her clitoris. Within seconds, she has a crushing orgasm. As her breathing slows, she smiles up at you.

You lean down, kissing her full on the lips for a few seconds and then start to walk back to your seat; as you pass behind my seat, I can see both of your nipples are very hard, clearly visible through your clothing. You slide your hand across my chest and pinch one of my nipples as you pass behind.

 His turn catches up to you, lands on the same dare square. You are sent back to the start; I figure you will take off your shoes, but you surprise me by standing up and unhooking the back of your skirt, letting it fall to the floor.

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You’re wearing your thigh high hose, garter and panty set that I bought you for Valentine’s Day. You turn around facing away from the table, bending at the waist to pick up your skirt. You are showing off the open heart shaped back of the panties, as you turn back around, I can see that the lower front of your panties is wet with your arousal. You are obviously turned on by how the game is progressing.

His dare card tells him to “Give a thirty-second hand-job to someone at the table.” I am the only other man at the table.

He stands up, still with no pants on. Very hard, with pre cum making his shaft sparkle in the low light of the room. He comes around the back of your chair, takes another good look at the back of your panties with a smile.

He comes up behind my chair. I am waiting with nervous anticipation.

He kneels, slides his hand under my arm and into my lap, quickly unbuttons my jeans.

Slides his hand into the front of my underwear all the way to my balls, giving them a light squeeze. Wraps his thumb and fingers around the shaft, squeezes again, starts a slow stroke.

His other hand goes under my arm, pushes the top of my underwear down exposing my hard cock to the two of you. He cups my balls with that hand, both of you are staring and watching intently.

You are the only one to have ever masturbated me before. This is a completely different feeling,

I hope that he doesn’t do too good of a hand-job. I don’t want to cum too soon in the game.

I look down and watch his hand stroking me, my pre cum is soaking his fingers with each squeeze and stroke.

I look over at you; you smile then stare back at his fondling of your man’s cock.

I see that you have your hand in the front of your panties, you’re fingering your own pussy while watching the show. I almost cum right then, thankfully time runs out.

He pulls his hands out but leaves me exposed. I just leave it that way. When he stands up, he slowly licks my pre cum off each finger; he walks behind his wife’s seat and slides his slimy thumb into her mouth to give her a taste too.

My turn I land on dare and am told to “masturbate for thirty seconds.” I know this is a bad spin for me after how good his hands had felt, there is no way I can hold out for that much time. 

I stand up, go to the bathroom. Take my jeans and underwear off and grab a washcloth. I come back to stand at the end of the bed, sitting down on the end of it I lay back and say, “Okay, start the time.”

I slide my hand between my spread thighs and use a fingertip to lightly touch my anus. My other hand wraps around my shaft lightly and slides towards the head. The pressure causes a lot of pre cum to ooze out covering my finger. I decided to make a show of sliding the finger into my mouth to clean it off.

I wrap my fingers around the shaft again, starting a slow stroke. I squeeze when I get just under the head. I am only ten seconds into my dare when I feel my balls start to pull up, I can’t stop myself from Cumming!

I send what looks like more cum than I have ever produced to the center of my chest; when my convulsions subside, I look over to where the three of you are.

I am a little embarrassed that I couldn’t last any longer than that. All three of you are smiling with your approval. From my angle on the bed, I can see under the table; he has his hands into the front of your panties and hers.

She stands up, walks over to the bed. Takes the washcloth and starts to clean up my mess, leans down and licks the last drop off the head of my cock.

I look back at you to gauge your reaction. Your eyes are closed, your legs are spread wide. He is pushing at least two fingers into you; your left hand is wrapped around his shaft, and you are to stroking him aggressively.

She sucks the head of my cock into her mouth, and I begin to get a little hard again.

You moan loud enough for me to hear. Your hand moves up to your lips, tongue darts out to lick his pre cum off. Returning your hand to his shaft; you start to pump him; I see your hips pushing forward into his hand, humping his fingers.

Your right hand slides down and starts to play with your clitoris. I recognize you are about to cum.

You scream out and start to pump his shaft faster, pushing him over the edge. He shoots straight up, his cum makes a little arc and lands on his thigh and the back of your hand.

He takes his free hand, lifts your hand up to his mouth to kiss the back of your hand. He cleans all your hand with his tongue.

He stands up and comes over to the bed, kneels beside his wife. Pulls her face to him, she lets me drop out of her mouth as she kisses him. I see her push her tongue in to taste his cum.

They break their kiss, lean down, and each of them sucks one of my balls into their mouths.

I look back to you and see that you still have your hand into your panties, slowly stroking your clitoris while watching what they are doing to me; your left hand is lightly pulling on a nipple.  

I look back at them, they let my balls free and start to slide their tongue up the side of my shaft. I can’t believe that I am already rock hard again.

They get up to the head, start to flick at it with the tip of their tongues; her hand comes up and grabs the back of his head, starts to guide me into his warm mouth for the first time. His lips wrap around the head, he sucks hard for just a second. She pushes his head down further forcing more of me deeper, in just a few seconds I am completely in his mouth.

The head is touching the back of his throat, I feel him start to suck hard again, without gagging. I am surprised at how good he is at it; he must have done this before.

Her free hand slides up the inside of my thigh, lightly touches my anus and starts a little squeeze of my balls. Her hand goes back down to my little bud, she starts to make slow circles around it. She leans in, pulls a ball into her mouth, lets it fall free to slide the tip of her tongue lower down my scrotum until she is giving me my first rim job.

I involuntarily start rocking my hips with every touch of her tongue. I start to fuck his mouth, going in deep, pulling out halfway only to slide back in again.

I feel movement on the side of the bed. I realize you are joining us.

You have taken off the rest of your clothes. Guess we are done with the game.

You crawl onto the bed with me, put a knee on either side of my head, and lower your pussy to my lips. As you get closer, I can see your swollen, wet lips glisten in the light. Your clit is peeking out, about as hard and swollen as I have ever seen. You press it directly to my lips; I quickly start to suck it into my mouth.

You reach forward, grab each of them by the back of their heads and start to press them into me harder while grinding my face with your pussy. Grinding my lips with your clit, holding her head into my bud, and holding his head down on your man’s cock.

I feel you start to have another orgasm. Pushing me over the edge.

I can’t warn him. You have my arms pinned and my mouth full of your clitoris. I shoot down the back of his throat while you are holding him down on me.

You start to come down from your peak, releasing each of their heads. He slowly lets my shaft slide out of his mouth; she starts to slowly slide her tongue up my scrotum to my shaft as more of it slides out of his lips. I pop out of his as she sucks my head into hers momentarily, letting me drop free to kiss him for a taste of me.

They both stand, removing what they had from their clothes.

I am still pinned under you, slowly sucking your lips in and out of mine.

She crawls onto the bed, straddles my legs. Leans in, sucks one of your erect nipples between her lips, releases and arches her back. Her hand grabs the back of your head, pulls you to her breast.

You let her press her nipple into your mouth. 

She arch’s further back, pulls you down further across her belly until she has your lips in contact with her pussy. Instinctively your tongue pushes between her wet lips, tasting her sweet and musky scent. She guides you to her clit, lets you suck it into your mouth. She moans out loud.

I feel movement on the bed again and see him start to move up behind you.

I am still sucking on your pussy as he starts to get closer. I let go of your lips as he presses the wet head of his cock into them; just barely grazing my lips as he pushes into your pussy easily. He gets all 7 inches in, pulls out completely.

As he starts moving forward again, I stick out my tongue and let the tip slide the entire length of his shaft as he slides back into you.

He goes in deep until his balls are pressing into my forehead and nose.

He pulls out again; with a slight repositioning, slides the head between my lips. I start to suck on the head, pulling him in as deep as I can. I realize my first time giving a blow job is while you are going down on your first pussy.

I can hear her moaning loader. Feel her hips rocking and pressing her ass into my semi hard cock. She fucks your mouth, aggressively holds the back of your head, grinding your tongue into her pussy.

He slides into my mouth until I gag, pulling out to where I have just the head in. I suck on it hard again; he slides back in as deep as I can take.

Your tongue is pushing into her folds as you suck her clitoris in and out of your mouth. Your hand goes up to her nipple pulling on it hard, your other hand slides between your legs. Your fingertips slide between your pussy lips, you touch my lips as you wrap your fingers around the base of his shaft as he slides back in my mouth.

We are taking all his cock, he slides between my lips and your fingers a few more times. You guide him out of my mouth and back into your pussy. I move up to suck one of his balls into my mouth.

She starts to scream out with her second orgasm of the evening.

You are driving your hips back into him hard. He gets only two deep thrusts into you before he loses it and comes at the same time she does. I feel his balls twitch with each spasm, I keep sucking his ball.

I feel you rock back into him and realize that you were left behind without an orgasm.

I let go of his ball and move to your clit, flick my tongue out to lick it and his shaft at the same time, he starts to pull out slowly.

You are sucking hard on her clit as I start to suck hard on yours; he pops out of you, leaving a few drops of cum on my nose and forehead.

I keep sucking your clit as you grind your pussy into my mouth again, you're trying hard to get yourself off again, as his cum starts to slide out of you and down the side of my cheeks as I manage to give you another orgasm.

The mix of your musky wetness with his cum is intoxicating. I drive my tongue in deep as possible to collect every last drop!

Written by Biguy56
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