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Age Gap Swapping

"A sixty-something couple offer to spice up a twenty-something couples marriage."

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"How are you enjoying married life, Kim, it is about six years now isn't it?" sixty-year-old Tracy Peck asked the much younger Kimberly Nugent at the party being held at Kim's parents' house.

"It is seven years, and it is a bit rocky at the moment if I am being honest," replied twenty-eight-year-old Kim.

"Oh dear, I am sorry to hear that, not the seven-year itch is it?" asked Tracy, who had been a close friend of Kim's mother Paula since the two were in their late teens.

"I don't know what it is, but things are not that good right now," replied Kim

"Maybe you need something to liven your marriage up," suggested Tracy.

"Probably we do, but what, spanking?" laughed Kim.

"Well, spanking works for me and Richard, as does other things," replied Tracy, referring to her marriage to Richard, who was aged sixty-two and also at the party. Tracy and Richard had been married for forty years.

"Well, you both look good on it, whatever it is," said Kim, because Mr and Mrs Peck were a very good-looking couple.

"Thank you my dear, Richard and I branched out in our marriage at about the stage that you are at now," said Tracy.

"Branched out, in what way?" asked an intrigued Kim.

"Swapping, swinging, whatever you like to call it, we have been doing it more or less ever since," replied Tracy, thinking that Kimberly was such a vibrant young woman and that she deserved a good sex life.

"Wow, I had no idea that you and Richard were into such things," said a shocked but not disgusted Kim.

"You would be very surprised at some of the people that are," answered Ttracy, with a glint in her eye.

"Oh my god, not....?" said Kim, putting her hand to her mouth as she thought of her mother Paula and father Michael Joyce.

"That is not for me to say," replied Tracy, knowing exactly who Kim meant.

It took Kim a moment to absorb what had just apparently been revealed, that her mum and dad swapped with Tracy and Richard, and probably with others.

"Perhaps you and Mark should consider it," suggested Tracy, referring to Kim's twenty-seven-year-old husband.

"That might be a bit drastic, meeting complete strangers for.., well, sex," said Kim.

"It does not have to be complete strangers, you both know Richard and me," smiled Tracy.

"Ha, funny you should say that, I know that Mark fancies you," chuckled Kim, not yet thinking that Tracy was serious.

"Well that is nice to know, I would certainly not say no to your hot husband," said Tracy, making Kim think that maybe the older woman was serious.

During this conversation, the party which had about forty guests had been going on all around them. Richard Peck now approached them.

"What are you two sexy ladies deep in conversation about?" asked Richard, before kissing his wife on the lips.

"I might tell you later," replied Tracy, looking into Kim's eyes.

"Actually, your wife was telling me about your lifestyle," said Kim, smiling at the very handsome and mature Richard.

"Oh was she now? I might have to give her a good spanking on her lovely bare bottom," smiled Richard, not displeased at all that his wife seemed to be doing some groundwork about involving Kim and her husband in swapping.

"She has told me that you are into that too," said Kim, thinking that Richard Peck would probably be very good in bed, even though he was about the same age as her father.

"I hope Kim does not mind me telling you, but her marriage seems to need a spark," explained Tracy to her husband.

"Oh, Tracy and I are quite good at sparking marriages," smiled Richard.

"I don't doubt it," said Kim, who was getting very interested in this, but there was no point in her doing so unless her husband was on board.

"Perhaps you should tell Mark about what we have discussed, maybe we can all do each other some good," smiled Tracy.

"Yes, yes, I will," said Kim, her eyes scanning the guests for her husband. She saw him standing with her dad and his father-in-law, Michael.

"Talk to you later, my dear," said Tracy to Kim, with a very sexy smile.

Kim was not going to talk to Mark whilst he was talking to her father, she was still trying to get her head around the idea of her parents being swingers.

A bit later in the evening, Kim got her husband on his own. She did not know how he would react to what was being offered, so she had to try to choose her words carefully.

"I told Tracy Peck that you fancied her," Kim said, smiling mischievously at her husband.

"You did what?" said a shocked and slightly embarrassed Mark.

"She said that she would certainly not say no to you," responded Kim.

"Did she?" said Mark, who very much fancied the much older woman.

"Is that getting your cock hard?" giggled Kim.

"It is just fantasy, just forget it," said Mark.

"Actually, it does not have to be fantasy, Tracy and Richard are into swapping," continued Kim.

"Are you serious? You and me swap with Tracy and Richard?" said Mark.

"Well, we know that you and Tracy fancy each other, and I certainly would not mind fucking Richard, but is that what bothers you?" said Kim.

"Richard must be the same age as your dad," said Mark.

"Yeah, and Tracy is the same age as my mum, so what?" responded Kim.

"You are serious about this, aren't you?" said Mark.

"Yes, but I think we should talk about it again when we are more sober than now, our marriage needs something though," said Kim.

"Okay," said Mark, not denying that their marriage was currently a bit stale.

"Shall we go and have a chat with them now? Not committing to anything, I promise," said Kim.

"It might be a bit embarrassing," replied Mark.

"Okay, well I will just go and tell them that I have mentioned it to you and that you and I will talk about it more," said Kim, and Mark agreed to that.

Kim went to where Tracy and Richard were, but they were chatting with another middle-aged couple who were friends of Kim's parents, Kim wondered if they were also involved in swapping, she would be suspecting everyone now.

Tracy saw Kim, and acknowledged her, indicating that she would be with her shortly.

"I saw you talking to Mark," Tracy said to Kim when the conversation that she and Richard were having with the other couple ended.

"Yes, I told him most of what we had said, he and I will discuss it again, can I phone you?" replied Kim.

"Of course, Kim, it is not something that you should rush into without some thought," said Tracy.

During the rest of the evening, smiles passed between Kim and Tracy and Richard, Tracy's eyes met Mark's once, and the look that she gave him caused a reaction in his trousers.

Mark had done a bit of thinking, he would certainly like to fuck Tracy, but he was not sure if he liked the idea of a sixty-something Richard fucking his wife.

Kim and Mark stayed overnight at her parent's house after the party, although their home was not too far away, but they did not discuss Tracy and Richard, nor did they have sex.

Tracy and Richard got a taxi home, and Tracy got a bare-arsed spanking before they had a great fuck. They were both very interested in meeting Kim and Mark for sex, they had occasionally swapped with couples much younger than them, but usually, it was with couples of similar age to them.

Their first experience of swapping, when they were in their twenties, was with a much older couple, and that had led to most of their marriage involving swinging.

Once Kim and Mark had returned home on the day after the party, Kim reopened the subject of maybe meeting Tracy and Richard for sex.

"Have you thought any more about Tracy and Richard?" asked Kim.

"A bit, but I am not sure if I like the idea of Richard being all over you," replied Mark.

"But you have no problem with the idea of you fucking a sixty-year-old woman?" smiled Kim.

"Ha, well, if you put it like that, you are right I suppose," conceded Mark.

"We can only do it if we are both one hundred per cent happy with it," said Kim, who was very much up for it but did not want to push Mark into it against his wishes.

"Yeah, that makes sense," said Mark, not yet saying if he was up for it or not.

"It is up to you, baby, I am up for it but we only do it if you want it to," said Kim.

"Well, Tracy Peck is rather hot," laughed Mark.

"Yeah, I know that you love her big arse," chuckled Kim.

"You have got a big arse too," said Mark, both Tracy and Kim had curvy, rounded bodies.

"But being serious, we both know that our marriage needs something, this could be it, but it is your decision," said Kim.

"It is not that Richard is creepy or anything, yeah, let's do it, go for it," said Mark.

"If you are certain, I will phone Tracy now and we will sort out where and when we can get together," said Kim.

"Yes, phone her, I want to do it," replied Mark.

Kim rang Tracy and Richard's landline.

"Hi Tracy, it is Kim, how are you today?" said Kim happily.

"Hi Kim, I am good, I got my arse spanked last night and then we had a great fuck, how are you?" replied a very happy Tracy.

"Oh, well, we did nothing like that, but I am fine, Mark and I would like to spend time with you and Richard," said Kim.

"That is marvellous, when we meet we can talk first, and make sure everyone is okay with what we are doing," said Tracy.

"We are both up for it, but that would be nice," responded Kim.

"Okay, do you want to come to our house, maybe spend the night?" said Tracy.

"That would be good, if we are spending the night it will need to be a weekend because of work," answered Kim.

"Come here on Friday, if it goes great then maybe stay Saturday night too," laughed Tracy.

"Yeah, we will do that, see you both then," said Kim, so the meeting and likely swapping were arranged.

Kim told her husband what had been arranged, and he was fine with it, but there were five days until the meeting, with the possibility of doubts creeping in.

During the week Mark did wonder from time to time if he wanted his wife to have sex with another man, any man, let alone one of Richard's age. Each time he had these thoughts, he thought of Tracy Peck and wondered what she looked like naked and he imagined having a great fuck with her.

Kim had told him that Tracy had suggested talking it through on Friday before anything happened, and he was happy with that.

Kim and Mark Nugent arrived at Tracy and Richard's house to stay one, and maybe two nights.

Richard and Tracy had given a lot of couples their first experience of swapping over the years and knew that there was often an element of doubt on a first meeting.

Richard and Tracy were both at their door when Kim and Mark got out of their car.

Tracy gave both Kim and Mark a little squeeze and a kiss on the cheek, and Richard kissed Kim's cheek and shook Mark's hand.

"Would you like to bring your overnight things in? We can take them upstairs and then we can have a drink and a chat," said Tracy, who looked stunning in a white blouse and black trousers. She had exactly the right amount of makeup to make her look sexy without looking tarty.

Kim thought that Richard looked incredibly handsome in his casual shirt and trousers.

Mark took their overnight bag from the car, and he and Kim followed Tracy upstairs.

Kim looked at her husband and smiled because his eyes were on Tracy's backside which was being hugged by her trousers. Tracy was aware that her prospective lover would be looking at her bottom.

"Um, well, we are not sure what the sleeping arrangements will be, but put your bag in this room for now, Mark," smiled Tracy. For a moment, Mark Nugent and Tracy Peck only had eyes for each other, Kim might as well have not been there.

"Right, let's go downstairs and get a drink and have a chat," said Tracy, resisting the urge to snog the quite hunky Mark.

When they got back downstairs, Richard established what drinks they wanted, and poured them.

"You two sit on the sofa, and we will chat through any concerns or questions," said Tracy, putting her backside down in an armchair.

"Yes, we know it is all new to you, it was new to us once, a long time ago," smiled Richard, sitting in another armchair.

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There was a second sofa in the room, but Tracy had dictated by sitting in an armchair that it was not being used, yet.

"As you say, it is new to us," said Kim, thinking that something had to be said and Mark was showing no signs of speaking yet.

"Yes, before we proceed, we always make sure that both of our guests have no concerns or doubts," said Richard.

"I am excited and a bit nervous, I think we both are," said Kim, looking at her husband to try to encourage him to speak.

"Yes, I am nervous too," said Mark, because he had to say something.

"We want you both to be totally relaxed, but if either of you has the slightest doubt, please say so now because we do not want either of you having regrets," said Tracy.

"Um, what about condoms?" blurted Mark, and Kim looked at him in surprise, not at the question but at him saying that at this stage.

"A very sensible question, we have a large supply of condoms upstairs and they are used if one or both of our guests want to, but Tracy and I both prefer sex without them," said Richard.

"But if you want them used, they will be used," stressed Tracy.

"Understood, but I think that we are both happy without," said Kim, looking at her husband, and Mark nodded.

As they both had careers and were not planning a family, at least not yet, Kim was on the pill.

"Anything else you want to ask or discuss?" asked Richard.

"If not, we will assume that the party is about to start," smiled Tracy, who Mark thought looked so fuckable.

Kim and Mark looked at each other, Kim wanted confirmation from Mark that he wanted to go ahead because she did.

"Let's start the party," said Mark, with a smile that turned Tracy on more than she already was.

"Splendid, I will put some sexy, smoochy music on," said Tracy, getting out of her chair.

"Oh, once we get started, um, sometimes things continue down here or sometimes they continue upstairs," said Richard.

"So do you mean that, um, sometimes both couples, um, fuck down here?" asked Kim.

"Sometimes, if our guests are both happy with it, some prefer privacy," answered Tracy.

"We have condoms down here too," smiled Richard.

"Also covering for the upholstery of the furniture, if necessary," laughed Tracy, and the other three all giggled.

"Would you like to dance, Mark?" Tracy said seductively as smoochy music started to play, after a glance at his wife, Mark got off the sofa.

"My dear?" asked Richard of Kim, as he held out an inviting arm, Kim got off the sofa.

The two couples moved to the music, pressing their bodies together. The hosts initiated the kissing, and soon the passion of the kissing increased as hands slid down backs and onto buttocks.

Tracy and Kim could both feel stiffening penises pressing against their bodies, and both felt their knickers getting very moist.

Tracy and Mark broke from their kissing, and with their heads still close together and them looking deep into the other's eyes, Tracy undid the belt, clasp and zip on Mark's trousers, and the pace of Mark's breathing increased.

Meanwhile, Richard, who had been caressing Kim's trouser-covered bottom, got his hands under the jumper that she was wearing, and on her bare back to unhook her bra.

Tracy got Mark's trousers lowered, and her hand inside his boxers on his now erect penis, Mark started undoing Tracy's blouse.

Kim was unzipping Richard's trousers, and then undoing his belt and clasp. Things were moving on for both couples.

The fumbling with clothing was punctuated by kissing and caressing.

Tracy's blouse was now undone and her large tits filling her bra, she had got Mark's boxers lower and she was now wanking his cock.

Richard took Kim's jumper off, and with her bra already unhooked, he removed it, having Kim's large twenty-seven-year-old tits free. Richard licked Kim's nipples as she lowered his trousers.

Mark got Tracy's trousers unzipped and started to lower them, he then pawed the older woman's big arse over her knickers.

Kim pulled Richard's underpants down, although she had to pull them out at the front to get them over his erect cock, Mark was big in that department, but Richard was huge.

Next, Mark had his hands inside Tracy's knickers and on her bare arse, lowering her knickers at the back at the same time. Tracy was undoing Mark's shirt.

The next item lowered was Kim's trousers, and she undid Richard's shirt.

The state of the two couples clothing-wise was much the same, both men had their trousers and underwear lowered and penises exposed, as well as having their shirts undone. Kim was naked up top with her trousers lowered, and Tracy had her trousers lowered and her knickers below her buttocks at the back, her blouse was undone.

Neither Mark nor Kim had been taking much notice of how their spouses were progressing, but their eyes met, and both sets of eyes were displaying sexual excitement.

No words had been spoken since the dancing had started, now the verbal silence was broken.

"Oh fuck," breathed Mark, as Tracy sunk to her knees and took his stiff cock in her mouth.

Kim and Richard both looked at the other couple and then looked at each other, and Richard yanked Kim's knickers down, making Kim and Richard both giggle.

It was getting to the stage where decisions would need to be made about whether copulation was to take place downstairs or in the bedrooms. As was usual for them, Richard and Tracy would let their guests decide which they preferred.

"Would you like to fuck down here, my dear, or in the bedroom?" asked Richard, his fingers teasing Kim's cunt.

"Um, the bedroom I think," replied Kim, flinching as Richard's fingers expertly played with her vagina.

"Okay, let us complete the removal of our clothes down here," said Richard.

"Which bedroom shall I use?" Richard asked his wife, as he and Kim took off their remaining clothing.

"The spare room, Mark and I will fuck on our bed," answered Tracy, having taken her mouth off Mark's erection.

Tracy and Mark watched Kim's and Richard's bare bottoms leave the room before they too got naked. Mark got his first view of Tracy's bare arse, as she led the way out of the room and up the stairs.

Richard and Kim kissed once they were in the spare bedroom, Richard deliberately left the door partially open, not because he expected visitors but because he and his wife both liked to hear the other fucking.

"You have a wonderful cock, Richard, Mark is big but this is something else," said Kim, lovingly stroking the mature man's large penis.

"Thank you, my dear, I hope to give you lots of pleasure with it very soon," replied Richard, caressing Kim's tits.

Richard eased Kim onto the bed and kissed and licked her breasts, he then kissed her stomach, before his tongue entered her cunt, making her gasp.

Tracy and Mark were in the master bedroom by now, Tracy also deliberately left the door partly open. They stood kissing, and Richard ran his hands over Tracy's behind.

"You have a wonderful arse, Tracy," said Mark.

"Thank you, Mark, it likes to be kissed, worshipped, spanked and fucked," laughed Tracy.

"All on the same night?" laughed Mark.

"Sometimes," chuckled Tracy.

They kissed again.

"Do you want to fuck straight away, or sixty-nine first?" asked Tracy.

"Sixty-nine would be good," answered Mark.


Richard licked in and around Kim's vagina and had her squirming, he then excited her clit. Mark was good at cunnilingus, but this man had thirty-odd more years of experience.

"Oh, oh, oh, yes, oh yes," shouted Kim as she came, Mark and Tracy, who were about to start their sixty-nine, heard her.

Richard kissed his way up Kim's body and their lips met, Richard's large member was at Kim's cunt.

"Fuck me, Richard," invited Kim, and his penis entered her.

Richard gave Kim a moment to get used to the feeling, she had already indicated that his cock was bigger than she was used to, but then he commenced making love, and Kim responded.

They made love slowly and lovingly, Richard's cock was driving Kim crazy.

When Richard was with a woman, his wife or any other, he put their sexual pleasure ahead of his own. He was very good at delaying his ejaculation, in fact, he was very good at most things sexually, so usually a woman that had sex with Richard Peck ended up very well fucked, as Kim was finding out.

He had Kim cumming noisily again and again, as the lovemaking progressed to fucking.

"Shit, fucking hell," screamed Kim, as she came yet again.

On and on the fuck went, and Kim kept cumming.

Richard was content that he had given the much younger woman plenty of pleasure, so he stopped trying to hold back his ejaculation and he spurted jet after jet of semen into Kim's well-fucked vagina.


Tracy and Mark heard Kim cum for the first time as they started their sixty-nine, with Tracy on top.

Tracy was great at sex and her lips and tongue were driving Mark wild. He was doing well with his mouth too, as he lapped at Tracy's sticky cunt. Mark had Tracy cumming on his face, and a bit more sucking and he would be cumming in her mouth, but that was not the idea on this occasion.

The sixty-nine was terminated, and Tracy got her cunt off Mark's now sticky face and swung around and lowered herself onto his erection.

Tracy started riding slowly, but soon upped the pace, and her tits swung as she bounced.

"Fucking cumming," shouted Tracy, as much for the benefit of the couple that were fucking in the other room, as for Mark.

Tracy rode for a bit longer, and then dismounted and got onto her back, dragging Mark on top of her. Mark commenced giving the mature woman whom he had fancied for quite a while, a good fucking.

They were aware of Kim's cries of pleasure from the other room, but they were getting loads of pleasure themselves.

Mark had Tracy cumming hard and loudly again and again, as they fucked on.

Mark was pleased with himself for his staying power, but he knew that the time of spunking would not be far off.

The bed was creaking, as was the bed in the other room, as Mark and Tracy kept going.

The point was reached when Mark could hold no longer, and as his cock twitched and he creamed, Tracy came again.


Although they had started just after Richard and Kim, Mark and Tracy's fuck finished just before, all four of them had had great sex.

The two couples lay on their respective beds getting their breath back, they all knew from the lack of sexual noises that both fucks had finished.

"Shall we go and see my wife and your husband?" Richard asked Kim.

"Yes, why not?" replied Kim.

They left their room and went to the door of the master bedroom.

"Everyone decent?" laughed Richard, as he tapped on the door.

"Of course not, come in," laughed Tracy in reply.

Richard and Kim joined the other naked couple, everybody had a just fucked look.

"It sounded like you two had fun," said Tracy.

"We did, and so did you two by the noise you were making," replied Richard.

"Your wife is a great fuck, Mr Peck," said Mark.

"Thank you, so is yours, Mr Nugent," replied Richard.

"Well, I suggest we go downstairs and have a drink and decide what we are going to do tonight, and maybe tomorrow night," said Tracy.

The four went downstairs, and after Tracy had put old sheets on the two sofas, Richard and Kim sat on one and Tracy and Mark on the other.

They chatted and had a couple of drinks.

"So Kimberly, whose husband are you going to spend the night with, mine or yours?" Tracy asked Kim.

"Decisions, decisions, what do you think Mark?" Kim asked her husband.

"Well, you and I can sleep together most nights, so...," said Mark.

"Looks like you will have to fuck me again then, Richard," Kim smiled at Richard.

"It will be my pleasure," said Richard.

"And mine," replied Kim, and they kissed, as did Tracy and Mark.

Written by PJH
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