A blaze of relief met Layla’s senses as she retracted her lighter back to the pocket she always kept it in. It was a casual night on the town, having taken a break from drinking some lower-end booze to have a cigarette amongst the quiet of the night. She had debated against this, seeing she was in heat and had forgotten to take her control pill for her overactive sexual nature.
Layla’s a Bygronthian female, her appearance being that of an average young adult girl with long green hair, bluish-green eyes, medium breasts, and deer-like antlers adorning both sides of her head. She was currently dressed in an average baggie gray hoodie, blue jeans, and cheap sneakers, and was doing her best to relax along the side of the building she had just exited, given what was happening in her lower regions.
Bygronthians are the main species of her home planet, Regonia, and being a female one is nothing short of hell. At the age of eighteen, puberty starts for both genders, but the females receive the absolute worst end of the deal. From day one, the females go through a constant cycle of wanting to breed, both in and outside of the heat season, which is torture.
Layla was currently in the heat cycle, and was doing all she could to keep her pussy in her pants. Smoking was one counter that she’d usually do to take her mind off of wanting to get mindlessly laid, but she’d never tried it during the heat season, only outside of it. She’d already regretted her choice in trying smoking as an alternative, and was crossing her legs as if she had to go number one.
The warmth of a single drag of her cigarette was the equivalent of turning her sexual desires up to the highest level possible, feeling her bodily fluids seeping from her pussy and soaking her panties. The constant feeling of her body’s warm cocktail caressing her genitalia didn’t make her situation any better either. It just made her more antsy and horny.
“Fuck me!” she chastised under her breath, tensing her thighs together to suppress her current struggle. “Why is this part of our anatomy?! Just why!?”
The intensity was so bad that she couldn’t bother to finish the cigarette, so she smothered out the tip and went back inside, hoping to just drink herself to the point of where her mind would blank out the sensation plaguing her abdomen at that moment.
However, she immediately regretted opening the entrance upon receiving a smell that made her hormones rage and vagina moisten even more.
The smell of a male's pheromone that caused the female to become as horny as the appendages atop her head permeated the entire room.
“Oh shit…"
It was like she’d taken some kind of drug and was quickly escalating to the point of where she was going to start unconsciously stripping her clothes off. Luckily, she found her friend Colla before that could happen, and upon her just running into the bar counter like an absolute dunce, Colla could tell something was either wrong with her friend, or that she was drunk.
“Layla, what the hell is wrong with you?” Colla asked, looking down and eying her friend on the floor. However, upon seeing Layla’s face she knew something specific was going on, and that the collapse wasn’t because she was drunk from the alcohol.
“Please…get me out…"
Layla was speaking as if she were struggling to breathe, confirming Colla’s suspicions of what was happening. She decided to tease her sexually-drunken comrade as punishment for her critical mistake.
“Uh oh, looks like someone forgot to take their medication,” Colla mocked.
Layla did not like that, and let Colla know straight that this wasn’t a laughing matter.
“Colla…now is not…the fucking time!” Layla exclaimed.
Colla caught the message and quit joking.
“Alright, alright. Come on, I know what to do,” she got up and assisted Layla back up, turning to the bartender and saying one thing. “Set me up a shot. I won’t be long.”
With that, she proceeded with leading Layla out of the bar and out into the fresh cold air of the night.
She led Layla back to her car and opened the passenger door, settling her friend into the seat and shutting the door. After opening the door to her side and maneuvering into her own seat, she shut her door and quickly moved to advise Layla on how to combat her current situation.
“Just breathe easy and get your senses back to normal. I accidentally did this once before as well, so I know how you’re feeling right now. The only difference is that I wasn’t so dazed that I was unable to walk straight, so what the hell did you do to trigger your hormones so rapidly?”
“Oh, you know…had a smoke,” Layla confessed. “It’s…my usual cure to whenever my body gets desperate, but apparently the heat cycle makes that idea nothing but a fucking joke…"
“Wait. You’re in heat right now?” Colla asked in a serious tone.
“Uh yeah…couldn’t you tell?”
Colla immediately facepalmed, and by that response alone, Layla knew she was in for a scorching.
“Layla, what part of you thought that was a good idea without the medication there to provide control?”
“I didn’t think it would be THIS serious!” Layla defended. “I’ve smoked while not in heat before, so I figured a drag or two wouldn’t do anything!”
Colla grunted in disbelief, but she didn’t dwell on it too much, seeing the damage was already done.
“Well, hopefully that was enough to teach you just how sensitive our bodies are to triggering elements when our crotches are constantly soaked and pussies are on fire,” Colla stated. “Now, the solution. Believe it or not, while it may sound illogical, the only way to truly fight off the effects of the pheromone is to either get laid or masturbate. That should be perfect for you, given you’re in heat right now, so what’s your preference? Dicks or your fingers?”
Layla jumped instantly, finding the solution both illogical and embarrassing.
“Colla! Are you serious!?” Layla exclaimed. “I’d rather not risk early pregnancy, thank you very much! And masturbating?! Here?! In your car?!”
“While I’d rather not have bodily fluids in my car, you’re my friend, and I know exactly what you are going through. Therefore, I can make an exception, but given it was you who fucked up, you're cleaning up your mess,” Colla assured.
“Also, didn’t you pay any attention in Sex-Ed? Guys that haven’t fully gone through puberty can’t get a female pregnant. It's something to do with how their reproductive system works, but that’s beside the point. If you don’t get it out of your system now, it’s going to take days for that pheromone to work its way out naturally, and the effects only get worse, especially when you’re in heat. Besides, isn’t your body craving sex? What’s stopping you from doing what’s best for you right now?”
“Colla, I’m not a slut,” Layla answered. “My body may be craving sex right now, but that doesn’t mean I’m just going to fuck the first guy that pulls his pants down. Besides, I’m…" Layla laid her hands atop her crotch area and clenched her fists. "…I’m still a virgin, so, I’m scared to do it as well.”
“Have you ever masturbated?” Colla asked with sincerity.
“Once, but I found it embarrassing and gross touching my insides,” Layla confessed. “Just imagining a guy’s dick inside me and filling me with that 'stuff,' it just makes me shiver."
Colla nodded in understanding, having had the same thoughts prior to her first time.
“I get it, Lay, and it’s normal for a virgin to feel that way. It’s exactly what I thought about intercourse, up until that dick went inside and sent me to the heavens above. Masturbating isn’t something you should be afraid of, because it’s our way of giving ourselves sexual relief when we need it. Sure, it’s weird, feeling the inside of yourself, but the more you do it, the more it becomes natural and doesn’t feel 'weird' or 'embarrassing' anymore.
"I’m only here to help you, not make fun of you, so unless you wanna feel even more constantly horny than you already are in heat, I suggest you break the ice and start masturbating that shit out of your system.”
Layla clenched her fists again, absolutely conflicted. However, she didn’t doubt Colla was telling the truth, seeing they’d been friends for over a decade and it was clear that she was only trying to do what was best for her in her current predicament.
However, the idea of cum stuffing her like a jelly-filled donut was still more repulsive in her mind, so she went with the other option and decided to “break the ice” as Colla had put it.
She took a deep breath and made her decision.
“Alright, I’ll finger myself,” Layla decided. “But, I can’t do it with you watching me, so please turn your head and plug your ears.”
“I have no problem with respecting your privacy, Lay.”
Following that, Colla turned away and plugged her ears as Layla had requested, to which Layla followed by reluctantly beginning her task. She started by unbuttoning and unzipping her pants and pulled them and her panties down no further than past her ass. With her vagina now bare and glistening in the pale light of the nearby streetlight, she started by sticking two of her right fingers into her mouth and lacing them with her saliva, while using her other hand to rub the outside of her crotch.
Upon the slightest contact, Layla jumped at the amount of moisture that had met her free hand. The entire region of her pussy was soaked, and upon sticking her fingers into her vaginal cavity with her saliva-coated fingers, it was as if she’d stuck them into a warm and slimy crevice that was as slick as ice and as hot as the water she showered in.
The pheromone had done enough work to make foreplay useless, and as she began to slowly please herself, she instantly started to squirm and moan. Her breaths became rapid and her body began to quickly become hotter than it already was. Just like with the cigarette’s effects, the rise in temperature began to make her hormones run so fast that the sensation enveloping the inside of her vagina escalated to a point where Layla felt she was floating in the car seat.
To further her body’s growing pleasure, she took a break to remove her hoodie, and slip her free hand up her shirt underneath. From there, she pulled the right cup of her black bra free from her breast and began to massage it, leading her to a whole new variety of blissful serenity. The work on her breast sent her nerves into an erotic dance, causing her body to grow hotter and for the inside of her vagina to become slicker.
Continuing to work her breast, sweat began to seep from all of her pores, and a very evident smell began to permeate Colla’s car. Colla caught a whiff of it but didn’t mind, and just allowed Layla to keep fucking her own body. She was absolutely relieved that she wasn’t in heat, otherwise, she’d likely be joining Layla in a mutual act of sexual relief and pleasure.
As Layla’s scent spread throughout the cockpit of the car, it seemed to cause her motions to increase in speed, and for her exclamations of lewd happiness to grow in severity. She rapidly lapped the inside of her womanhood at a pace that felt comfortable to her body, the only sound in the space being the gushing of Layla’s pussy and her lewd sounds.
While her ears were plugged tight, Colla could hear everything and even felt her own body starting to grow hot from the muffled sounds. However, the effects of the anti-sex pill stopped her from getting active, unlike her friend, currently in a lewd paradise like no other.
As the time passed she sped up her fingerwork more, the increase having caused Layla’s vaginal juices to start seeping out and glide from the bottom of her pussy to the crack of her ass. As she had expected, her climax would be a mess, and just by the volume and intensity of her screams and breaths, she was close to finishing.
She moved her free hand from her breast to her clitoris and began to lap it, causing her lewd state to escalate instantly, and upon her breathing beginning to become more fast and hyper and her lower body beginning to arch up, Layla finally let go.
She screamed in pleasure as her body came to the actions she had performed, her body arching in bliss and her muscles twitching and spasming at the intensity of the orgasm. In the midst of her sexual climax, to Layla’s surprise, upon her second lewd scream erupting from her mouth, her pussy began to squirt out a clear fluid like a water gun.
That was the action that really sent Layla to the heavens above, her screams intensifying and her tongue sticking out in sexual relief. She squirted five times up until her muscles relaxed and she collapsed back into the seat breathing as if she’d finished a marathon. Colla unplugged her ears upon the sudden calm, but allowed her friend a moment to recover and redress. Layla had taken about two minutes to return to reality, redress herself, and permit Colla to look in her direction again, feeling as if she were a whole different woman.
“Feel better,” Colla said.
“Yeah, but I won’t lie, it was still weird. However, as I kept going, it felt more natural. In the moment I took off my hoodie and started massaging my breast, that wasn’t a part of me that I knew made masturbating feel even better for a girl. It was just a natural response.”
“See. Nothing weird about pleasing yourself at all,” Colla encouraged. “I bet it felt amazing.”
“Yeah, it did, and I’m definitely looking forward to next time,” Layla finished, causing Colla to smile in relief.
Layla broke the ice and beyond.
“Do you feel like the effects have worn off?” Colla asked.
“Besides my panties being so soaked that it feels like I peed my pants, I feel like the pheromone’s influence has gone away.”
Colla giggled.
“Well, I can’t help you there, but what I can help with is making sure this doesn’t happen again tonight,” she held something out to Layla, and upon closer inspection, she immediately recognized it as the pill she’d stupidly forgotten to take. “Here. I have plenty of extras for emergencies like this.”
With that assurance, Layla took the pill and ingested it, making sure the tablet made it all the way to her stomach before acting. Upon feeling the medication meet her stomach, she turned to Colla and finally said something.
“Thanks,” Layla stated. “I guess I should clean up my mess now.”
Colla nodded, reaching over towards her car door’s bottom pocket and pulling out a good number of spare napkins she’d obtained from past fast food trips.
“While it is your fault this is even happening, I’m still your friend, and can’t just sit here and watch you. So, here, you get half and I get half. Get to wiping.”
Layla smiled, and with Colla’s assistance, used the napkins to clean up the liquid all over the passenger side dashboard and floor. This wasn’t Colla’s first time cleaning up bodily fluids in that beat-up hunk of metal; she’d done herself before in there prior and had had her virginity taken in the back seat.
Female cum was far easier to deal with than a man’s, and that’s the only reason she’d allowed Layla to fuck herself silly in the vehicle. Wiping up Layla’s extreme mess had been an easy task to finish, but she’d likely have to do a hard clean to truly get it up completely, and she’d make sure Layla was helping her with that task.
After the clean-up was done, the two finally resumed their night of fun, opening their doors and stepping back out into the night. However, upon Colla closing her door, she stated one thing to Layla.
“Hey, if you plan to go out for another cigarette, please wait for at least twenty minutes, otherwise you’ll be right back to fucking yourself, and this time, cleaning up your own mess again,” Colla warned.
Layla nodded, getting out of the car and closing her door.
However, upon taking one step, she was immediately met with an overwhelming sensation to her senses. So strong it had nearly made her drop to her knees
The pheromone was still very much evident. Stronger than before she had even gotten into the car.
Layla collapsed to her knees at the waves of sexual desperation plaguing her mind like a virus, trying her hardest to deny her burning crotch. Colla heard the fall, and upon running around to Layla’s side of the car, she quickly rushed to her friend’s aid.
“Layla! What’s wrong?!” Colla asked worriedly, comforting her friend.
“T-The pheromone…i-it’s effects are…still t-there!” Layla explained in her relentless struggle.
“But how?” Colla questioned. “That’s what we were taught, unless…the exposure was so much that one orgasm wasn’t enough?”
Layla turned to meet her friend’s gaze, scared and struggling to maintain her composure.
However, upon Colla meeting Layla’s eyes, something immediately made her jump. Her eyes were no longer their natural color, but a red color. However, in a sudden blink of an eye, they transitioned back to their natural color
Now things were getting beyond strange, and they only got even stranger upon Layla’s next remark.
“Colla, find me a male partner, quickly. I need sex and lots of it.”
One text and drive later, Layla was seated on a couch with her legs crossed so tight that her muscles were beginning to hurt from the pressure. Colla had told her about the change of eye color, and that had been enough to scare her stiff; nothing like this had ever happened before, nor was it a trait that the Bygronthian race possessed.
However, Layla was sure of one thing; sex. She needed it now and bad.
“So, will you do it?” Colla asked her friend.
His name was Shikan, and he was just what Layla needed. He wouldn’t impregnate her, nor would he be going into this without any experience. Shikan was the guy who had taken Colla’s virginity and has since been her answer to whenever she was in heat.
He and Layla had been friends for as long as Colla became a part of her life, making the sex seem a little less forced, and more like a “friends with benefits” matter. Something Layla was crying for, her pussy raging and burning for a male’s pleasure.
“I mean, I help you when you’re in heat, so, of course, I’m okay helping Layla,” he said, “However, the whole 'eye color change' thing is really the only thing holding me back, Col. I don’t need any demons or whatever in my house.”
“You are so dramatic it’s not even funny,” Colla stated. “She’s not going to bite your dick off or summon any demons to haunt you. She just needs relief, that’s all. The eye thing could be something to do with being exposed to way too much of the male scent that makes our senses go hog wild. I seriously think it’s nothing to worry about, Shikan.”
“Says you. You aren’t the one putting your dick in her holes!”
Colla had one last trump card, knowing full well that Shikan had the hots for Layla. She walked up and whispered into his ear.
“But don’t you wanna see Layla naked and feel the warmth of her hot and moist pussy? She’s crying for you right now, and you want to deny her at her most desperate time of need?”
Shikan adorned a blush instantly, feeling his lower drawers start to become active at the thought of having intercourse with the girl he had feelings for.
He was defeated.
“Alright, I’ll do it, but at the first sign of anything weird, I’m out.”
Colla smiled.
“Thank you so much. I’ll be sure to pay you back with some of my own services once this is over. However, there’s one thing you should know.”
“What? That she’s a virgin?” he guessed. “I can tell just by the smell coming from her crotch that she’s never had action there.”
“So, you know to be easy?” Colla questioned.
“As long as she wants me to be, I’ll take it slow and easy.”
Off of that, Layla got up from the couch and stripped her upper body of everything except her black bra underneath.
“Then let’s get started. My vagina is fucking burning for that thing in your pants,” Layla stated directly.
The sight of Layla’s near-visible breasts made Shikan’s blood rush even faster, causing a visible lump to form in his pants. Layla noticed instantly, the peak in his scent having been enough of a determination.
Colla took that as her cue to leave, stepping to exit and leaving the two to fuck as much as they wished.
“Well, Lay’ where do you wanna start first?” Shikan asked politely, struggling to hold his nervousness back.
“Well, my pussy is honestly so slick that your dick doesn’t need any sort of lubrication, but I won’t be rude, so I’ll start by sucking you off.”
“Do you know how to properly do it?” he asked. “Nothing personal, I just don’t want my dick getting bit or anything.”
“You tell me,” Layla answered, walking over to Shikan and getting down on her knees.
She started by undoing the button holding his pants tight, then pulled the zipper down to the sight of his bulge. It was intimidating to her eyes, but her sexual desire pushed past the intimidation, and upon pulling his pants and underwear to the floor, she took hold of his fully erect penis, the scent making her pussy burn even more.
She started by stroking it gently, to which Shikan responded instantly, letting out mild grunts and breaths. Layla continued her stroking, starting her real work by toying with his tip by lightly brushing her tongue along the surface. Shikan’s movements and reactions to her actions immediately increased, showing she was hitting every right note.
“H-holy shit…Layla…"
She increased her tongue work at the assurance that she was doing a good job, eventually progressing into a full insert of his tip into her mouth, where she continued to use her tongue to play with his tip and drive his senses wild. She moaned at the presence of his member in her oral cavity, still stroking the base with her right hand and moving Shikan’s shaft deeper into the middle of her mouth. Once she was comfortable that she could handle his girth, she started to slowly bob her head back and forth, taking his dick in deeper and deeper.
Shikan was struggling to even stay composed, his body slowly starting to begin its build-up to climax. The sounds Layla was making while sucking his member were a driving force that made him just moan and express absolute pleasure at his dream girl taking this as if she were an expert at it.
His body was close now, and Layla could feel his dick starting to swell in her mouth, along with an evident salty taste of precum seeping from his tip.
“L-layla…I’m close…stop…or I’ll c-cum…"
But Layla didn’t stop and only deepened his swole cock further, up until she was at the base. She could feel the tip at the back of her throat, but she wasn’t uncomfortable, and just continued to bob her head, up until Shikan stopped her motions by pressing her head against his body and began to thrust his cock in and out of her mouth like a vagina.
“Fuck! I’m cumming!” he exclaimed, following with his dick pulsing out all of his load into Layla’s mouth.

His semen was hot, sticky, and slimy, but Layla just took all of his cum, up until she couldn’t fit anymore and it began to leak from the corners of her mouth, down onto her breasts. The hot liquid continued to pulse another five times, up until his penis finally rested and began to soften.
Layla wasn’t having that, pulling the rod from her mouth far enough for her hand to grip and continue to stroke the organ dry of every drop of his load. Sure enough, after stroking his cock twice, two more good shots of cum graced her tongue with their salty embrace, and upon obtaining the full amount of her reward, she swallowed every drop of it and kissed his tip.
His face was a mix of emotions, seeing he hadn’t ever had a blowjob of that caliber, and now, he just wanted to fuck Layla even more.
“Layla. That was the best blowjob I’ve ever had,” he complimented. “Are you sure you’ve never had sex before?”
“Positive,” Layla assured. “That’s the first time I’ve ever had a dick in my mouth, and my first taste of a man’s cum. While salty, it makes my sexual pleasure escalate. I’d like more please.”
“Uh, sure.”
As promised, Shikan received yet another legendary blowjob from Layla, unleashing another massive load into her mouth, and watching as she swallowed it all down as if it were just regular food she ate regularly.
After the second finish, Layla rewarded her partner with the sight of her breasts in full light. She had also moved to taking off her pants and underwear, and was now fully nude and ready for more satisfaction. The sight of her naked body had been enough to re-harden Shikan’s penis, and that led to her relubricating it with her mouth and then moving to a new position.
She got on all fours and flaunted her pussy right in front of Shikan’s line of sight, showing she was ready for him to stick it in.
“Pop my other cherry. I’m ready for it,” Layla said lewdly.
Shikan followed, gently positioning his tip and toying with Layla by rubbing the outside of her pussy with it. This action made Layla’s nerves dance in anticipation, and upon feeling his dick enter her body, she moaned as if it were the best feeling in the world.
“Yes…yes…fuck me…"
Shikan obeyed and attempted to start slow, but the slickness of her insides unintentionally made him go faster than he wanted. The inside of her was tight and the feeling was like his genitals were exposed openly in a sauna; steamy and warm, and it made Shikan feel as if he were floating as his penis was embraced by her vaginal walls. The juices of Layla’s inner chasm made every bit of his member tingle and harden even more than it already was, expanding her muscles, and making his strokes much smoother.
That wasn’t anything Layla hated though, and upon him beginning to stroke faster, she turned into a lewd mess. She moaned and screamed from his work on her pussy, and that only made him fuck her harder. Her breasts swayed with his aggression, adding further to the pleasure for Layla, and upon feeling his penis begin to swell, she knew he was almost ready to fill her to the brim with his seed.
“Cum! Cum! Fill me!” she pleaded.
He listened, fastening his strokes and giving Layla all his strength. After a few more strokes, Shikan’s body let go, and with one last push, Layla’s vaginal cavity was filled to the max in four pulses of extraction.
Layla screamed in sexual glee at the feeling of her hot pussy being loaded with Shikan’s semen, the cocktail making her senses tingle and nerves dance. Upon Shikan removing his tool, a puddle of cum immediately formed on the floor from the exit of her vagina.
“M-more. Please. More…"
Shikan didn’t have any issue with that and stuck his shaft back in, her vagina immediately feeling completely different with his seed pasted all along her vaginal walls. She was still warm and wet though, and as he began to stroke her body into a sexual frenzy, he followed her, listening as she began to whine and beg for more. Her cries for his pleasure made his penis twitch and swell, furthering his satisfaction as much as hers.
She panted and drooled at her blazing pussy being dominated, and upon him lightly smacking her ass, she yelped. However, it wasn’t a yelp out of pain but additional satisfaction to her senses.
”Yes! S-smack my a-ass!” she begged. “I-I've been s-such a n-naughty girl…I deserve the pain!”
Shikan obeyed, speeding up his strokes and landing more hits to her cute and hot ass. Just the sight of it was making his dick twitch more in her warm and slimy pussy, feeling her insides become more wet with every stroke of his member.
He could feel it. She was almost ready to cum, and he loved that he’d managed to pleasure her so much that her body was reacting to it.
“L-layla, a-are you going to cum?” he asked.
“Y-yes…I’m so close,” she responded. “I-I want you t-to cum with m-me.”
He listened and stopped, pulling his dick out and addressing her.
“Lay down then,” he directed. “I want to see you fully when we cum.”
Layla followed and laid down on her back, spreading her legs and wrapping them around Shikan. Upon seeing Layla’s full nude form before him, Shikan felt his body react, sticking his shaft back in and pleasuring both of them to their orgasms.
Layla immediately reacted, moaning and screaming for him to go faster, so he did. Her breasts bounced and her breaths became rapid as he fucked her harder and harder, her vagina becoming so moist that he could feel some of it leaking out. The embrace of her juices and his cock brought him closer to orgasm, and upon eying Layla’s beautiful body once more, he couldn’t hold much longer.
“L-layla, I c-can’t hold anymore. I-have t-to let go…"
“I-it’s okay…c-cum. M-make me c-cum with y-you,” Layla allowed.
With no restrictions, Shikan stroked as fast and hard as his hips could manage, up until his body released and his dick stuffed Layla full. Upon the moment his juices filled her, Layla screamed in sexual glee, and her body too let go.
Liquid squirted from her pussy, on Shikan as his cum continued to pulse and paint Layla’s insides. Her juices sprayed onto his abdomen and mid-chest, feeling warm and releasing a scent that drove Shikan’s orgasm further. She was pumped so full that the outside of her crotch was littered with his seed and a puddle had formed below on the floor.
Layla continued to scream at the simultaneously occurring orgasms, creating a sensation in her vagina and body that made her feel as if she were drunk. Shikan’s orgasm had finally ended at a count of twenty-two pumps, and both of them were only ready for more.
“O-on my body…"
Layla followed her statement by getting up and, once again, embraced Shikan’s rod with the inside of her mouth, beginning to stroke and suck. She shoved the whole thing in and out, causing Shikan to react accordingly, having been given no chance to prepare for the heavenly work being done to his dick.
Layla wasn’t fooling around or doing anything like teasing like she had at first, she was just going straight for the goal. Shikan didn’t hate it though, just allowing her to do her work, feeling every inch of her soft tongue caress the bottom region of his noodle. It was like he’d stuck it in a hole with walls made of velvet and saliva, surprised that only after less than a minute, he could already feel his orgasm building up. Especially considering the amount of cum he’d just released, he was curious about how his body could even have any left to produce.
But he didn’t want to disappoint Layla, so he just allowed her to stroke his rod into serenity, up until she stopped and pulled it out, laying back down on the carpet.
“Cum on me,” she pleaded. “I want to feel your warm semen all over my body…"
It was only fair, after all, his abdomen had felt her warm juices, so he listened and began to jack off. His shaft was hot and slick from her mouth, so it didn’t take long for his orgasm to come to the surface. He made sure to aim before finishing, then in two strokes, another batch of his batter shot out onto its intended target.
It hit her belly, then her breasts, to which Layla had moaned and squirmed at, rubbing the thick and salty gift she had received all over her arms, rack, and neck. Then upon his finish, she stated one more thing, knowing he still had some still to give.
“Finish it… on my face…"
Shikan obeyed, allowing Layla to get on her knees like a begging dog, and began to stroke his dick. Two streaks of remaining hot and thick semen shot from Shikan’s tip onto Layla’s face, some of it getting into her bangs and mouth. She didn’t care and rubbed the liquid all across the surface of her flesh mask as if she were applying a mud one.
“Alright…Layla, my dick…needs a break,” he said, clearly exhausted.
“Aww, is it tired of fucking me already?” she replied cutely.
“Hell no…I’m just spent on energy,” he answered. “So…the shower is right down the…hall. I’d…imagine you wanna…clean up after all tha-"
He stopped, noticing something he hadn’t before about Layla at that moment. Her eyes were not her natural color, but were the bloody red that Colla had mentioned before.
He immediately felt his heart skip a beat.
“What’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” the red-eyed Layla stated.
“Y-your eyes…they’re…"
She sounded like she actually had no clue what was wrong, but Shikan kept his guard up.
“They’re red…your eyes are usually bluish green…"
Layla winced at the comment, but followed with a giggle.
“Oh, that. Apparently, the new-age Bygronthians aren’t aware of what happened when old-age Bygronthians were craving that thing between your legs. When females were 'in the mood,' our eyes would turn red as a signal for the males, but that effect went away when the pill was invented to stop overpopulation. Now, you’re probably wondering why this is happening if the pill exists.
Well, the Layla you know accidentally forgot to take her pill that keeps me, her primal side, at bay, so when she accelerated her sexual desires with her nasty habit, her senses were immediately multiplied by a lightyear, making her sense to the male Bygronthian pheromone the same as it was back when females weren’t affected by that pesky medicine.
Therefore, let me explain what happens when a female Bygronthian is in heat and isn’t under the control of that pill; they will have sex over and over until their eyes return to their natural color. Therefore, Bygronthian Shikan…"
Layla began walking toward her target, licking her chops in sexual glee.
"…We’re just getting started, but don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you, just fuck you senseless.”
Shikan tried to run, but was pinned to the wall before he could even take a single step.
“Please! Layla snap out of it!” he pleaded.
“Aww, don’t be afraid? I’m the same girl you just had multiple rounds of sex with,” she replied. “Like I said, I’m not going to hurt you, just have sex with you until I feel all better.”
“Please, Layla or whoever you are, just let me have a break, then we can fuck again,” he pleaded.
“Oh don’t worry, you don’t have to do anything,” she replied. “You did a great job thrusting my holes, so now it’s my turn to do the work.”
Before Shikan could say another word, he was embraced in a kiss with Layla, but it wasn’t a passionate one. Instead, his mouth was filled with some kind of liquid that tasted sweet, and without warning, swallowed without any control. Upon the liquid meeting his stomach, his dick immediately went erect and Layla moved to her knees to start sucking.
She ingested his entire cock into her mouth and began tickling it with her tongue, bobbing her head and giving Shikan her all. While Shikan was terrified and wanted to get away, the sensation enveloping his dick was unlike any of the other previous blowjobs he had received from her. He had no idea what he’d swallowed unconsciously, but for some reason, he suddenly felt like he could go again, despite feeling exhausted just moments before.
His mind conflicted with itself several times, scared but also wanting to fulfill every demand that this primal version of the girl he’d wanted to fuck for so long commanded. Scream for help or engage?
His answer came in a sudden collapse of his muscles, releasing a full load of his cum in Layla’s mouth. That shocked him, seeing she’d just barely started sucking him, so how had he come so fast?
Was this another thing to do with the “old-style” Bygronthians?
Layla swallowed the load and released his cock gently, immediately following up with going back to teasing him by licking the tip, up until he clarified his decision by grabbing both of her antlers and shoving his dick in her mouth.
She didn’t object and allowed him to just pull her back and forth like a lewd slave that wanted nothing but his cock in her mouth, fucking her senseless. Just like before, his orgasm was built up in no time, to which he sped up the thrusts, hearing her moans and cries for more.
He listened, pulling her back and forth until another massive orgasm unleashed in her mouth, filling her to the brim in no time. A fresh coating leaked onto her beautiful breasts, causing her to moan and wince in glee. At the end of the orgasm, he allowed her freedom, unsure of what she wanted next. She swallowed the load in her mouth and took a moment to catch her breath, smiling in glee.
Once she’d caught enough breath, she giggled and moved onto all fours, spreading her vagina wide open as clarification of what she wanted. Shikan fulfilled her wish and embraced his penis with her pussy, beginning to massage her insides and listen to her moans and pleas. His rod twitched at her lewd sounds and cries, and upon another smack of her ass, she yelped and giggled in sexual glee.
In short time of giving her his all, another orgasm came, squirting out and filling every inch of her pussy. In seconds, she was full, and whatever couldn’t fit was leaking on the floor, and just as he stopped, she immediately turned her gaze to him and stated her command.
“Don’t you dare stop! Fill me more! Make me come like before!”
So he listened and kept thrusting her body like she was his queen. She screamed and cried in sexual pleasure, her breasts swaying and tongue out as if she were panting. Her body was slick from sweat as much as his, causing his hand to slip when he attempted to spank her, but she didn’t mind, just continuing to beg and moan for his thrusts and cum.
A little over a minute later, another orgasm unleashed, making her scream like a banshee and demand for more. Her pussy was nothing but heaven to him, so he just obeyed her, fucking her further while still painting her insides with his seed. Once his member finished, he could feel her getting wetter and wetter, and he knew what that meant. Therefore, he pleasured her harder and faster, feeling another ejaculation on the rise as he continued to thrust.
Her pussy was leaking the juices embracing his dick now, so he readied himself and pushed harder and harder.
“I’m cumming! I’m cumming!” she squeaked, and in seconds her vagina began to spray juices onto his abdomen yet again, to which his dick answered with another explosion of semen.
She screamed at the mixed reactions, continuing to relish in the bliss of her orgasm and the warm embrace of Shikan’s cum attacking her entire vaginal cavity. The orgasms went on for what felt like eternity to their senses, up until they ended, and Layla leaned forward, releasing Shikan’s rod from her body.
She just smiled in sexual joy, breathing hard and enveloping the warm cum embracing the outside of her vagina. The two were exhausted and now it was time to clean themselves of their fun.
Layla got up from the floor and walked up to Shikan, smiling at his deeds and her eyes back to their normal color.
“You did good, Bygronthian Shikan,” Layla complimented. “You are very strong indeed, and that’s a good sign for the future female Bygronthians you mate with.”
“Hehe, not gonna lie, I was terrified at first, but I guess whatever you gave me was enough to finish the job,” he stated. “Is there any chance we can do this again?”
Layla giggled.
“Look at you being a stud,” she said cutely, then gave him a light kiss on the lips, immediately stunning him. “I’m afraid the only way you’ll get me back is if Layla forgets to take her meds again. I’ll be gone by sunrise, seeing that girl’s friend gave her that pill, so I’m slowly losing control. However, there is still hope, seeing I know you like her, and I am part of her. Therefore, she has these capabilities in her, they just gotta be unlocked.”
She winked at him.
“I must go clean up now before I lose control. Good luck, Bygronthian Shikan.”
With that, she took her leave to shower, leaving Shikan to think.
He had no idea what had just happened, but two things were assured. One was that he had a mess to clean up, and the other was that he knew what his objective was the following day.
Layla lowered her cup of coffee to the table as she just enjoyed the views the day had to offer. She was sitting on her porch swing she had gotten from her grandmother a couple years back, swaying her legs lazily and listening to the spare birds that had arrived for the season chirp songs that she didn’t know. There was a light breeze and the weather was so perfect that she had decided to wear her favorite t-shirt.
She’d had the damn thing for years, having got it at a concert her favorite band at the time had been performing at. “The Thunderskulls” was their name, and while the name was cringe, the music was fire to her. However, that was her thoughts when she was younger; nowadays, she’s more of an electronic metal genre type of girl, but during times like these, soft piano was her taste.
She had one of her favorite tracks playing at that moment called “Diamonds of Peace.” A track she described as “the perfect mix of calm and peaceful serenity.”
She laid back in her swing and just allowed the track to carry her away, closing her eyes and relaxing with waves of the breeze grazing her ears. Then it was suddenly interrupted by a call of her name, to which she opened her eyes and addressed.
Looking down out to the road, she saw a guy that looked to be her age, dressed in casual everyday clothes. Upon getting a better look, she recognized the guy instantly; it was her friend, Shikan.
“Shikan? What is it?” she called back.
He was silent for a minute, clearly shy and nervous; not to mention probably feeling awkward that this version of Layla wasn’t the one he fucked senselessly last night.
Eventually, he found words.
“Um, can I come up?” he asked politely. “U-unless you’re busy.”
While Layla found his behavior a little odd, she wasn’t a bitch.
“No no, you’re fine,” she answered. “Come on up.”
Shikan gulped and started the walk up her walkway and up onto her porch, limping and grunting as he took a seat.
“Are you okay?” she asked.
“Yeah, I just…fell wrong,” he lied, having flashbacks of the real reason his hips and thighs felt as if they had been kicked by a horse. “I’ll be back to normal in a few days.”
“Oh. I’m sorry to hear that,” she sympathized. “Would you like some coffee? I just made a full pot.”
“No thanks. I mostly drink tea.”
“I can make some if you want?”
“No no, that’s not necessary. I probably won’t be here long,” he stated.
“Oh okay. So, what do you need?” she asked.
He paused, thinking of what to say. He knew why he was here, but how would he tell her that? All he knew is that he had to think quickly, otherwise, he’d miss his opportunity. Therefore, he just gave his most natural response possible.
“Well, Lay, there’s something I wanna talk to you about, and i-it’s been eating at me for a long time,” he started, feeling as if he were going to vomit.
“Okay, let’s hear it. I’m all ears,” she answered.
He sighed heavily.
“Guess I should just rip off the bandaid. Lay, I-I…"
His words seized and his blood turned to ice. It was as if he were frozen in place.
“Yes?” Layla answered, starting to worry.
To avoid seeming like a baffling buffoon who was just there to spout words as if it were some other language, he just said it.
“I like you!” he shouted.
Layla gasped at the sudden exclamation, too stunned to add any comment. Therefore, Shikan took that as his opening.
“I-I’ve liked you…for a long time…a-and I w-want to be…more t-than just…f-friends…"
Shikan paused, gulping at the realization. This was it. This was the moment of truth.
“S-so, I was w-wondering if you’d…like t-to go out s-sometime…t-together?”
He’d done it. While he was a sweaty, stuttering mess, he had asked the girl he liked out on a date.
Now, what would she say?
That was the most scary part, and he only grew more anxious with each second of silence.
Layla had a blush on her face, but upon her response, Shikan wasn’t sure what it meant.
She giggled. Not in a mocking or rude way; just a simple giggle.
“Shikan, you’re so cute,” she started, smiling. “I’ve known you’ve liked me that way for a while. It’s always been kind of obvious.”
Shikan felt as if he was going to pass out, but wasn’t offended or discouraged. Her response was showing some hope, but she hadn’t given a straight answer just yet.
“It has?” he answered.
“Dude, every time you’re around me, you turn into a mess. That’s usually a sign that someone likes you.”
She giggled again.
“So, w-what do you think?” he asked.
“Hmm, while I wasn’t really looking to get into anything like a relationship, recently I’ve realized that I can’t be scared to step outside of the box,” she explained.
“So…is that a yes or…"
She giggled again, grabbing her smartphone from the table and doing something. Upon a notification alert going off in Shikan’s right pocket of his jeans, Layla stated her answer.
“Meet me at that location tonight at 8 pm sharp,” she said. “Dress sharp, smell good, and make sure to act like a proper gentleman. If you pass that, maybe we can take things a step further.”
She winked as an exclamation to the last words, and Shikan felt his heart race at the fact that Layla had said yes. He wanted to jump to the sky and celebrate, but knew he couldn't act foolish in front of her.
“Y-yes! Yes ma’am!” he agreed, unknowingly showing his joy and glee front and center. “I-I’ll wear my best clothes and sharpest cologne!”
Layla nodded and giggled again.
“Best go get ready, big boy,” she teased, to which Shikan followed by clumsily making his way to the road, and halfway down, shouting to the stars about his accomplishment.
Layla heard it all, giggling at Shikan’s cute yet naïve behavior.
“Boys,” she said to herself, sitting back yet again on the swing.
Her rest was short-lived though, her phone ringing and waking her from it.
Upon seeing who was calling, Layla was confused but answered.
“Yeah. It’s me.”
“What’s up?”
“What’s up is you getting your ass down here to help me clean up your mess from last night.”
“But we did that last night.”
“Did you really think you were getting off that easy? We’re deep-cleaning my car, so hurry up and get down here. I’ve set the coordinates in our messages.”
“But Colla-"
“No 'buts,' missy. Get moving. Chop chop. Bye.”
The signal went dead, and Layla just sat dumbfounded.
She’d completely forgotten about that whole incident, but knew it was best not to argue with Colla.
“Guess I better get going if I’m going to catch Shikan tonight for our date.”
With that, she got up from the swing and rushed into her house to get some work clothes on.