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Velvet Moon

"The temptations of the beast."

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“I don’t want to be cooped up here any longer!” Evangelie shrieked, tossing the half-full glass of wine full force toward Andre’s head. “I long to be outside, with others.” her words were weakened, devoid of spirit and strength.

It had been three weeks they’d been cooped up in the cramped Villa - which, while big enough for several people to live comfortably; it seemed to be the size of a fish bowl to the duo. Always in one another’s space, always bumping elbows in corridors and exchanging long gazes from across the room. One could have mistaken them for an old married couple with the way they bickered.

“Your father’s instructions-” Andre hated to contain the girl - all he wished to do was protect her from any danger that may cause her harm.

“Are clear. I know as you’ve said. But what harm will it do to let me outside, just a small bit every day? Open windows are not enough, I ache for the sun.” She sighed heavily, having moved to pick up the broken pieces of glass that were scattered in the foyer.

There was a guilt that lingered for taking her anger out on Andre; he was kind, he was gracious, and by gods, her adoration for him was running wild. Perhaps that only added to her frustrations.

1742, France. Provence was such a beautiful place this time of year - the flowers were alive with the gift of spring sunshowers. Each petal blooms perfectly, casting colour across the rolling hills of the quaint town, known for its beautiful blossoms and equally beautiful women.

Young girls such as Evangelie were out strolling the hillsides, waiting to be courted - while she, fair as ever and aching for the touch of another, fat quietly in her father’s villa. The girl doesn’t understand, her father never explained to her the danger of being his daughter.

Evangelie happened to be an extraordinarily attractive girl, and she felt in the prime of her life - which made her fume at her father’s rule all the more. She wanted to go out, be gawked at, and have the boys try and woo her. But instead, she had to sit and do much of nothing.

“I hate him for this,” she huffed under her breath while picking the last shards of glass and setting them into the garbage, and moving on to towel dry the wine spilled.

“It’s for your own good, Evangelie. You’re safe here.” With several women having gone missing the last few months, and her father on the very bad side of some very bad men, Andre agreed that the Villa was the safest place to keep dear Evangelie.

The guard had been hired just over a year ago when tensions were rising between her father and a money lender, and until these last few weeks his relationship with Evangelie had been fairly friendly, but now she had trouble seeing her father's rules carried out by her crush.

“I’m going out tonight.” He said, not to rub salt in a wound, but rather to offer a gift. “I can bring you back something if you like. Anything you want.” It was all he could do, an offer of peace.

Whipping her head around, the bright-eyed girl leapt up and rushed to his side, bringing her hands to meet his chest while leaning uncomfortably close.

“Bring me with you.” She cooed and whined and begged.

“No,” Andre spoke abruptly, both hands coming to either of her arms and giving her a bit of a push backward - scaring her a little.

Andre stood 6’7” above her barely 5’4” frame, dwarfing her in comparison, and when he barked deep and loud, it made her hunch even smaller.

“I’m sorry. It’s just not possible,” he said, softer. He never meant to frighten her—but her scent was overwhelming… She smelled like vanilla and honey, like warm wheat on a summer’s day. It was sending his senses into overdrive.

Taking another large step back, he tried to make himself smaller, hands both at his sides as he shrugged. “I’ll bring you something nice.”

Being as big as he was, in height, but also in stature, his body was rigid with tight skin covering tough muscle —he often forgot to care for the tone at which he spoke. He wasn’t a social creature, not interested in the niceties - but for her, he’d try.

It was nightfall and the sky threatened rain.

“When will you be back?” Evangelie sat at her windowsill, leaning over the open window to call down to Andre as he left the front gate of the villa.

“Tomorrow by noon, I should hope.” He said tightly gritting his teeth and his hand grasping almost painfully tight at his sack tossed over one shoulder.

She’d pretended to be ready for bed, but in truth, beneath her gown, she wore a pair of pants and a sweater, her boots to be pulled on swiftly as he turned to walk away. She wasn’t going to let him sneak off without knowing exactly what he was doing.

A midnight rendezvous was too scandalous for her not to be interested. He’d never made a venture like this in the three weeks they’d been at the Villa, so it must have been something rather important. Perhaps a meeting with father, or another ally? It couldn’t be a supply run at such late an hour, none of the shops would be open… So what then was her guard up to?

Keeping far pace behind him, enough that she almost lost him several times, the maiden followed along into the depths of the woods. But what she found, she never would have expected.

In a clearing at the far corner of the villa’s land, surrounded by trees, there was a cage. A large, heavy-looking cage with bright silver bars and chains holding it securely to the ground. So he was hunting - but what? Were there bears in the area? She couldn’t imagine… Wolves, perhaps?

Sitting quietly behind a rock, Evangelie held herself almost breathlessly watching the scene before her. A distance away he sat down his pack and glanced around, looking then to the sky. A bright circular moon shone brightly in the midnight sky, casting a chromatic haze across the field.

With a gasp and a hand slapped over her mouth, Evangelie watched as Andre undressed. His body was stark nude beneath the moon’s glow.

She’d looked at him for far too long before, but at that moment she felt perverse. She couldn’t pull her gaze from his form; the way his muscles were defined at every peak, he was built statuesque and perfect, as if chiseled from marble by the gods themselves.

Cheeks grew red hot when he turned for a moment and exposed the rest of himself to her, both hands clapped over her mouth in giddy schoolgirl fashion. She’d never looked upon a man so exposed before - not such a man, at the least.

For a few moments, the sight of his naked body distracted her from the surroundings, she was too enamored with her bodyguard’s build to realize he’d been stepping into the cage and had clamped down a locking mechanism on the outside.

Was the metal hot? She noticed, just then, him shaking his hand after touching it, much like she did when she grabbed the kettle without an oven square.

“What are you doing?” She called out, stepping over the rock. Of course, he would be furious she left the villa and even more so that she followed him into the woods, but she couldn’t leave her questions unanswered. This was much too bizarre.

“Evangelie, no! You have to get back to the house!” he begged, taking a step further from her and backing into the edge of the cage with a low growl as the metal burned at his back.

“Not until you tell me...“ The moon had been rising all the while, caring not for the fancies or questions of young girls. “Tell me…” And the effects of the moon were ongoing, whether she asked or not. “N –” her words were broken into segments, being unable to manage a complete sentence as she watched the scene before her unfolded.

Limbs cracked, flesh ripped, and his body became a prison. A loud yell of pain carried through the night, so deep and guttural it made Evangelie grasp her own stomach in sympathy.

The man she knew was becoming a beast she didn’t recognize, right before her eyes. His body elongated, his stance widened, and his form expanded, standing 7’2” hunched over in his cage, the bipedal wolf stood where the man should have been. Hungry eyes stared down a long nose at Evangelie.

“You’re," She said, hands coming to comb through her messy tresses. “You’re…” The word lingered on the tip of her tongue, but even seeing this before her she could hardly believe it to be true. “You’re a werewolf?”

The wolf responded with a low groan of pain as he tried to adjust in the small cage so that his form wasn’t pressing against any of the silver bars - of course, the cage wasn’t designed for comfort, it was designed for safety at the thought of what he might do to her should he escape.

“Why do you cage yourself?” She almost expected him to answer with that annoying timbre of his voice, but, instead, she was responded to with a fierce growl, as if he was warning her not to.

“I don’t think you’d hurt me.” She’d caught the way he looked at her, sometimes. The longing in his eyes, or maybe that was her own yearning for his touch.

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“I don’t think you could.” Evangelie narrowed her gaze on the locking mechanism.

Somewhere within him, he knew that to be true. The man within the monster could never hurt the woman he’d come to adore in this last year of service - but what the man wanted and what the wolf craved were two very separate things. He wanted to explain, there was desperation in his next growl, but words were impossible with the tongue of a beast.

He wanted to tell her that she smelled like sunlight, he wanted to demand her to go home and not look upon his horrendous form, he wanted to beg her to get far from the wolf that wished to devour her. The wolf was still him — so in truth, he’d never hurt her, not like that. She was right about that much. But the wolf had no self-control, no restraint. He spent day in and day out longing for the untouchable girl he was paid to ward, but the wolf didn’t have the willpower the man did. If she let him free, she would be his.

But she didn’t look at him with fear, but rather something more lascivious. See, Evangelie had been called many a thing - and one was fantastical. Not in a kind way, but rather her father seeing no use in her daydreaming and her obsession with mystical creatures. In her spare time, she read books about flirting with danger, of being whisked away by vampires, and being enraptured by… werewolves.

All of her dreams were swirling in her head - almost to the point that she was sure this must be one of them. She was convinced she’d curled up in front of the fire and fallen asleep, and this was going to be one of those dreams… One of those beautiful dreams where her guard took her body and used her for his pleasures. The idea alone caused a warmth in her core, and a wetness too.

The beast sniffed at the air; it carried her scent, which was all the more tantalizing. Her scent shifted from warm honey to sweet nectar and his eyes glazed over with desire. The monster stirred and the man shifted within - all of him wanted all of her. He always had, but in this moment never more - she was the only thing he could think about. Tasting her, feeling her, corrupting her.

The wolf lunged forward, gripping at the bars and giving a shake, despite the pain the silver caused. A wave of desire had washed over him - he was heaving deep lungfuls of the woman, salivating at the scent of her, and his body responding to her call in kind.

That same warm red flushed over her cheeks as she saw his excitement grow along with hers. Just catching a glance of his engorged member made her head spin with thoughts of being ravaged.

Until this moment, Evangelie saw her life as extremely common - boring, even. But now, standing in front of her fantasies come to life, she would rather be nowhere but exactly here.

“I can’t watch you suffer,” she said, knowing that was only half true. She wondered if released, the wolf would run off, pin her down, or consume her completely. Either way, the thrill of it drove her better judgment into the ground.

This has to be a dream, she thought, moving a step closer to the cage and flipping the lock up and back, letting the door slowly draw open. This can’t be reality, she was sure of it - so sure she ignored the nip of the cold night air blowing against her skin.

With lumbering steps the wolf paced out of the cage, shifting and squeezing through the door with uncomfortable whines as the silver grazed him. And there he stood, a beast before a beauty, gazing down at her with fevered desire.

A hint of fear washed over her as she realized the true size of the creature - her bodyguard. “You,“ she said, unsure of the rest of the sentence. She stood in a haze of hormones and excitement, looking up at the heaving wolf, jaw agape, drool pooling at the corners of his mouth.

Curious hands rose, one moving to wrap around his length, drawing a long groan from the man within the monster. Her fingers closed around him, giving a couple of soft strokes, causing wetness to leak from him, slicking over her hand with each movement.

Evangelie was gazing down at him as she stroked, watching each pulse as his member swole in full, revealing his entire length. The girl gave a gasp, he was bigger than she’d ever imagined - but it thrilled her, tantalized her, and caused another wave of fantasy pleasure to roll through her body. She could feel her own sex becoming wet with liquid desire.

The wolf reacted to her body’s chemistry. He lurched forward to sniff at her, pushing her back slightly. He couldn’t help but sigh, mourning the loss of her hand along him, but the delight of her scent was all the more enticing. Hunching with his hands to the ground now, Andre nipped at her sweater, giving it a pointless tug with his teeth in desperation to rid her of her clothing.

Quick hands took control, whipping off her sweater and tossing it aside, her pants and underwear next; she didn’t care where they landed, she simply removed them swiftly and let them fall where they may. At the bareness of her shapely body, the wolf growled lowly, gutturally, deep in his chest a rumble of desire awoke the fire inside. His tongue slipped along her breast, nose brushing over her nipple before trailing downward, nestling between her legs.

Unceremoniously, his nose prodded at her cunt, urging her legs to spread, but he didn’t need such a luxury. The wolf inhaled deeply at her core, filling his lungs with the overwhelmingly strong scent of her. Hungry for nothing but her, Andre flopped his tongue out, dragging the soft muscle at the source of her wetness, taking in her taste.

“Oh!” she gasped in return as his tongue slicked across her slit, pressing between her lips ever so slightly. The warmth of him surprised her, he was a warm fire on a cool night. “Andre,” she mewed bashfully, her body trembling at each lap of his tongue.

The way she spoke his name drove him mad - it always had, each time she’d said it he’d wanted nothing more than to kiss her. But this time, it was different, the way she moaned it, said it with longing and wanton need. It caused his cock to throb and ache. He needed to be buried inside of her.

The wolf stirred, the passion turning into raw lust. His body leaned into her all the more, giving a heavy push that landed her on the ground. A nudge at her leg, a push at her shoulder, a careful draw of his arm under her body to flip her onto her hands and knees, and there she was, displayed for him.

Evangelie kept the strawberry stain on her cheeks as she looked over her shoulder at him, watching as he positioned himself behind her. Both of the wolf’s hands came down over hers, one pressing down on hers, pressing it firmly into the soft soil. Meanwhile, his hips jerked slightly, the tip of him pressing at her exposed cunt, slipping along between her lips.

With her wetness and the precum leaking from him, she was slick and ready, her body prepared to accept him. Andre gave a few soft rocks forward, urging the tip of his cock into her tightness, spreading her slowly on his heat.

Evangelie gasped, the warmth all the more surprising. He was markedly warmer than her, which added to the sensation of him slowly entering.

After a few moments of slow swaying, he started to push her limits, rocking his hips forward to allow more of himself entrance. Slowly his length was enveloped by her, velvet walls wrapping around his throbbing cock. He could feel each time she tightened herself around him, and it drew low groans from his throat.

Her sex was tight, almost uncomfortably so, for the both of them, but neither showed signs of stopping. The girl moaned gently into the night as the wolf fucked her slowly. Eventually, the discomfort subsided and both were rewarded with waves of pleasure striking. As her body relaxed, his tightened, and his pace quickened - his strokes deeper, longer, more passionate.

Andre could feel his climax swiftly approaching, but he’d not stop until she was convulsing around him. His tongue lapped at her neck, teeth grazing the swan's curve of her shoulder as he continued to pump, his knot daring more and more to enter her.

With a firm push forward his knot popped into place, filling her cunt completely. His body responded with several short thrusts, enough to move within her but not to displace himself. All the while he groaned and grunted, matching her whines and whimpers.

“I-!” She couldn’t fathom words, instead a garbled mess of letters spilled between moans, the overwhelming pressure of him completely within her drove her to the edge of madness. Her body shivering and shaking, a lightning strike of pure pleasure hit her as his knot brushed along her silken insides.

He couldn’t take it as she peaked orgasm around him, a few more hurried strokes caused a sudden burst of cum within her. Several long pulses of thick cream filled her entirely, his knot still firmly in place so none could leak out.

Her body all but collapsed beneath him, tugging his form down with her - but, he rested on his arms so as to not crush her; they’d be stuck like this for a while.

Andre’s tongue continued to lick at her as they lay beneath the dim kiss of the moon’s fading light - possessively as if to say he’d claimed her as his own.

Written by safiyanikolic
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