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The Valentine Trickster

"A college girl encounters who she thinks is her boyfriend playing elaborate tricks for Valentine's"

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Competition Entry: Anti Valentine

I’d only moved in with Charlie, my boyfriend, the previous week when I found the card sticking out of my organic chemistry book. A blank 3x5 card read: main library, 9:45 pm Wednesday, chem aisle, 547.06 Carbon by D.K. Walker, face the book, don’t move-no matter what.

It had to be Charlie, but I didn’t recognize the writing. It was perfect script. A magnifying glass revealed slight deviations, plus it had been written with a fountain pen, curious.

We’d been dating for three months. It was all about love and fantastic sex. I loved him more than I’d imagined I could love anybody. I felt lucky to have found the perfect package in him. He was thoughtful, loving and kind. He even liked cats. He gave me multiple orgasms from the very first time, and it only got better. I could almost cum just from hearing his voice and feeling his touch. What more could a girl want? I was addicted to him and sex.

Today was Monday, two days from the day on the enigmatic card. What could he have planned? I never mentioned anything about the card or going to the library. Charlie was a trickster, who loved a good prank. Valentine's was coming up. Could this be a lead-up to a big surprise? I’d find out in two days.

Wednesday night 9:00 pm. We were both home. Why was he here?

“Hey, I’m going over to the library to check on a couple things.”

“Okay,” he said, “you better hurry. Remember, they close at ten.”

“Yeah, I won’t be long.”

“Cool. See ya in a bit.” He went back to reading a book.

I shook my head and headed to the library. How could he be there by 9:45? I’d resolved not to try to figure him out. I was sure it would lead to sex somewhere, somehow.

In the library, I headed into the stacks. The organic chem aisle was empty. At 9:30 I found the book and stood facing it. I’d worn short, cutoff Levi’s and a tee, no bra—Charlie loved me braless. Being an average B-cup, I blended with most other girls, except for my nipples, they were always noticeable.

At 9:45 I noticed, out of the corner of my eye, a figure all in black. His face was shaded by a large-brimmed hat. As he stopped behind me, I began to turn around.

“I said, don’t move.”

His voice seemed to penetrate me. He sounded like Charlie, except his voice was much deeper. Also much more powerful but still soft, non-threatening. Someone next to us wouldn’t have heard him. I wondered how he'd been able to change it that much. His hands slipped under my tee and moved upwards.

“Charlie, I know it’s you. Someone might see us. Let’s go somewhere else.”

His deep, intense voice repeated, “Don’t move.” His fingers clasped my rock-hard nipples. It was like I'd been shocked by a lamp cord. My knees buckled. He held me up. “You love to cum, don’t you?”

“You know I do. What’s happening to me? What are you doing?” I gasped. The feeling… “Oh god, I’m going to cum!”

“Make no noise.”

How could I not… yet somehow I obeyed. Mouth closed, hardly breathing, my body shook from the powerful orgasm running through me. He had to hold me up. He released my nips and it ended. I gasped for breath. It took seconds, maybe a minute or two to recover. Turning to confront him, all I saw was a black cloak hurrying down the aisle. By the time I stumbled to the aisle’s end and looked, he was gone.

I asked a couple stragglers if they’d seen a guy in a long black coat. They hadn’t. I made my way outside and sat down, still affected by that overpowering orgasm. I was completely bewildered. I loved the feeling he’d generated in me. It was literally staggeringly exquisite, like nothing I’d ever dreamed of, let alone experienced.

Upon returning home, Charlie was still in the chair reading.

“Hi Babe! Find what you were looking for?”

“Yeah. Have you been here all the time I was gone? I thought I saw you at the library.”

“Yup. You okay? You look a little… shaky.”

“Yeah, I’m fine. I jogged a bit, over and back, so that’s probably why I’m a bit out of breath.”

“Okay. Come sit on my lap. I’ve got this unusual urge to feel you up. Can you imagine that?” he said, laughing.

Plopping my 101 pounds into his lap, we kissed and he felt me up, going under my tee and playing with my tits. Same usual Charlie, it felt wonderful, but nothing explosive like what happened at the library.

Determined to see this play out, I said nothing to anyone about what happened. Who would have believed me anyway. Friday morning, as I opened my physics book for class, I spotted another white 3x5 card. Same handwriting: Monday noon, wear a mini skirt, physics building basement, storage room B112 door, face it, don’t turn around.

This had to be Charlie, but how was he doing it? I searched the apartment for the black clothes—nothing. We had some 3x5 cards, but they were lined. The two I received were plain on both sides. Neither of us owned a fountain pen. I was convinced that this was his best trick yet.

Nothing different over the weekend. We went to parties. Fucked ourselves silly half the day Saturday. I totally wore him out. Screaming out orgasm after orgasm, I extracted every drop of semen his body had and used every hard-on he could manage. With all that, I still thought about the past Wednesday night and the upcoming Monday meeting. What could be next? This had to be some super elaborate Valentine's surprise. It would be our first as a committed couple. He was a romantic, a very sexy romantic. He wanted it special.

My Monday physics class was from 10:30 to 11:30. Afterward, I hung around an empty classroom reading the latest physics assignment. At 11:50, off to the basement. As far as I could tell it was empty, just storage and miscellaneous detritus that had accumulated over the years. I’d worn a mini skirt, as requested, plus my usual university tee. No panties or bra this time. At two minutes to noon, I stood facing the door.

I sensed a presence behind me. Following instructions, I didn’t turn around. I did say, “I know you’re there. I feel your presence.”

That deep, penetrating voice boomed through me. “I’m going to blindfold you. Don’t resist.”

I wasn’t about to resist. I wanted to see how this was going to play out. I felt no danger from him. Charlie would never hurt me. Everything went totally black. Not a hint of light. I felt the knot being tied at the back of my head. I felt droplets running from my pussy as he finished the knot. I was supercharged for whatever he had in mind.

Hands on my shoulders, he turned me around. He kissed me. I reciprocated. Our tongues danced together.

Just as he said, “Today you can make all the sound you want. No one can hear us.” He grasped my nips through my shirt.

This time the feeling wasn't as extreme, but it was still totally incredible. “Holy shit! You’re doin’ it again, aren’t you? I feel it starting. Jesus Christ, I’m gonna—” That’s when he got me in a lip lock. I threw my arms around him. Our tongues automatically started twirling as my orgasm built and built, then it hit. It was fantastic, but not as overwhelming as the previous one. I only gasped a little as it passed.

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“How do you do that? You’ve never done that before. A kissing, nipple-tweaking orgasm, no one would believe it. I’m not sure I do, and it’s happening to me. Now you’ve got to tell me—”

That’s when two fingers plunged into my dripping pussy. He easily lifted me up on my toes as his fingers, curled back and forth against my “G” spot. Our tongues swirled even faster. Our lips locked even tighter against each other. Then our mouths separated as I began to scream at the top of my lungs. My legs were quivering so bad, the only thing holding me up were his two fingers and my arms around his neck. His fingers were working nonstop. I was a quivering mass of jelly. One after another. The orgasms were nonstop. I briefly wondered if he was the Devil.

“FUCK! Fuck, uck, uck! Can’t stop! I lov... love it, bu... but, fuck! K, I ge... get it. You love me. Fuck Charlie! Stop, I’m gonna pass...”

That was it until I woke up in his arms as he was kissing me. What the fuck was going on!? It seemed inhuman. How could he do this? He held me until it had all passed.

“Charlie, I love this! I really do. It’s beyond belief and I’ll take it forever, but you’ve got to tell me how the fuck?”

His deep, dynamic voice that seemed to vibrate every cell in my body said, “All will become clear. The day is almost here. Patience my love.”

“Okay Charlie, I’ll wait, but I know somehow it’s you, you and your trickster ways. I love you for it, so I’ll give you the days. Valentine's is almost here, so you have until then. You know I think this is amazing and I’m the luckiest girl ever.”

“Count to twenty before you remove the blindfold, promise?”

“Promise. One, two, three…” When I got to twenty he was nowhere in sight. There was no evidence he’d even been there. Me and my exhausted body struggled to lunch. I didn’t get home ‘til after five. He had dinner ready. There was no indication of anything different.

“So, how was your day Charlie? Anything special happen?"

“No, not really. Just classes as usual. Sorry I didn’t make lunch. A professor wanted to chat, and I couldn’t pass that up. How about with you? Anything special?”

“Nope. Just another day in paradise, as the saying goes.”

We had a nice dinner and later I begged off our usual bedtime sex. He was raring to go, while I was still somewhat sore from earlier.

The coming Saturday was Valentine's. I expected that to be the big finish. Although I was not at all sure what could be bigger than everything that had happened. Somehow I’d struck gold with Charlie and I guessed he would present the final episode on Saturday. I got him the most expensive, romantic card I could find, plus dark chocolate truffles, his favorite.

On Wednesday, in class, opening my book to the lesson, I found another card: Saturday morning 1:00 am, parking garage-B, top level, northwest corner, dress as before, stand at the safety wall facing west, don’t turn around.

Saturday was Valentine's. He was certainly getting an early start. Wouldn’t he know I was leaving in the middle of the night? All part of his plan I guessed. Somehow, he also had to leave to meet me. This was a super elaborate trick. I couldn’t wait to see his grand finale.

I was too excited to sleep Friday night, so I stayed up “to study” while Charlie was tired, going to bed and quickly falling into a deep sleep. With Charlie still sleeping (curiouser and curiouser) I left at midnight. The garage’s top level was totally empty. I was early so, trying to control my anticipation, I sat and listened to music 'til 12:55, then took my position at the waist-high wall and waited.

Like last time, I heard nothing but felt his presence. “Charlie, I know you're there.”

His intense, deep voice seemed to permeate my every fiber. “Happy Valentines Chloe.” I shivered as my pussy tingled in expectation. First blindfolded, then a ball gag. My excitement amped-up higher. “Bend over the wall Chloe.” As I did, he flipped up my skirt.

Oh god, what a finish this was going to be, I imagined. He held my hips as his cock easily slid in. Touching my cervix, it retreated just enough. Then it seemed to expand. He was fucking me and stretching me at the same time. That wasn’t possible, he wasn’t this big, but it felt so wonderful my mind gave in to the thrills. Talking wasn’t possible. Even a scream from my first orgasm came out as a muffled,”Mm… mmm.”

My senses were overpowered. We’d never come close to sex like this. His cock and stamina were transcendental. My orgasms came so fast that all I could do was ride their waves. Organized thinking was impossible. Time was nonexistent.

Eventually, he pulled out. Part of me thought, thank god—the other part wanted to scream, no! Then my cheeks were spread. I felt pressure on my ass. Squirming, I tried to shout no, but all that came out was some faint, “oooh” as his cock pushed in exquisitely. It hurt like hell the one time I’d tried it, now I loved it. I was briefly mystified. When he started fucking me, his cock did its magic, I was again sent into orgasmic nirvana.

My anal orgasms were the same but different from my vag ones, if that makes sense. My body still quivered with sensations shooting through me. I wanted to scream my feelings, but all that came out were muted, “uck… ess… oooh” sounds.

He spanked me while pounding my ass relentlessly—I loved every second of it. Eventually, when I had almost reached my limit, which I didn’t think I could, he came. His spunk was hot and at least three or four times as much as any guy I’d ever been with.

He pulled out. Truly exhausted, there I was, hanging over a concrete block wall without the strength to right myself, waiting for him to help me. Nothing. “Charlie, a little help please.” I was beginning to get angry. “Charlie! What the fuck! Help me!” Nothing. I struggled upright and walked home. A bad ending to a great Valentine's trick had created one angry girlfriend.

When I got home, I found Charlie asleep in bed. I exploded!

“Charlie! What the fuck were you thinking!? You fuck my brains out and leave me hanging over a wall!”

He didn’t move. I ripped the covers off and screamed like I was burning in Hell. He was lying there, covered in blood, his chest ripped open, his heart and lungs gone. One white rose and a white card lay in his empty chest. I could see the same script on the card. “Chloe, I’m here for you.” As I read that, I felt "his" presence. Turning, I saw “Charlie” in the black cloak, blood dripping from his chin. I passed out.

The murder was never solved. To this day there are times I feel that presence, but “he’s” never there.

Written by Kee
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