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The Wolf At Her Door

"Sometimes wishes do come true..."

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Competition Entry: Magical Sex Stories
Sitting alone in her cabin high in the Rocky Mountains Daria gazed at the dancing flames in her fireplace.She was absently stroking the fur of her favorite cat, Leo, and wishing she were not alone on tonight of all nights, Christmas Eve. Oh, she knew it was her own doing that had caused it - well hers and the fate of genetics…

It really was not her fault that she had inherited her father’s empathic abilities and her mother’s healing talents. Making her the odd witch out, her dual nature was both a blessing and a hindrance. She could heal an injury with a single touch or a potion, but was ceaselessly bombarded by the thoughts of everyone around her, and was thus destined to be alone for her own sanity unless the one man meant to be her “Perfect Mate” happened along. Which, as she thought, continuing to stare at the fire, was not very likely to happen considering she lived alone in a cabin high on the mountain.

Isolated by choice, where or how exactly was she was supposed to meet this perfect man that had been born to be the other half of her soul? She allowed herself a little daydream; what would he look like? She preferred a man with blonde hair and a lean build. Maybe blue eyes, or perhaps brown. He would be quiet, thoughtful, and intelligent.

"Well, Leo, do you think such a man exists for me?” Not that she expected the cat to answer her, but talking to him made her feel a little less alone. Oh yeah, this perfect man had to like cats; after all she has always had five or six of them. They were her friends, her companions, her confidants.

Wolf … nickname for William Oliver Lupus Forbes

Here he was on Christmas Eve, traipsing thru the Rocky Mountains heading who knew exactly where. He only knew he had this driving urgency to be… somewhere. At least he was relatively warm since he was traveling in his wolf form. Yes, he was a shifter, born into a family of wolf shapeshifters. Normally he went through life as a man, 6’ 5” tall, dark blue-black hair except for a white streak he was born with. He also had remarkable dark green eyes ringed in gold, long dark lashes and a natural lean, muscular build.

Women seemed drawn to him, but he had no interest in any of them. He was only interested in the one woman born to be his Perfect Mate. He felt as if he had waited all his life for her and finally he was feeling a pull, being drawn in the direction of the Rocky Mountains. Traveling the mountains in his wolf form allowed him to travel faster and warmer. As a wolf, he was large, with black fur and a small white patch on his chest. His eyes remained the dark green with a gold ring that they were when he was a man.

He did have to watch out for hunters, but as he was traveling at night he figured he was relatively safe. He was also feeling a sense of urgency to get to her. Stopping in a copse of trees, he raised his nose and sniffed the wind. There, a faint whiff of smoke, possibly from a fireplace. He took a couple of steps forward, still sniffing the wind when … SNAP! Son of mother fucking whore! A trap snapped around his left foreleg!

Damn it, he could not even shift to get his leg out. Extreme pain intruded, inhibiting his ability to complete a transformation. He let out a loud, mournful howl and then lay down, hoping someone might have heard him and would come to investigate. Preferably, before he gnawed off his leg and lost his chance at love.

A log popped loudly in the fireplace; bringing her out of her reverie, it also made her realize she had forgotten to bring in any more wood for the night. Letting out a sigh and mentally chastising herself, she got up and went to put on her coat and boots. She grabbed her flashlight and headed out to the woodpile. After taking in one armful, she decided since it was snowing to go out and grab another just in case the snow started to come down harder.

As she was walking back out to the woodpile, she heard a mournful howl in the distance that sent a shiver down her spine. Shining her light in the direction the sound came from she could not see anything nearby, and so decided to go investigate. The healer in her would not let her rest if there were an animal or person who was hurt and she did not try to help. As she got closer to where she thought the sound had come from she stopped and shined the light further ahead of her, but still saw no living thing.

Wait… there another noise, a faint whine, just up ahead. She continued walking, rounding a big tree, and stopped in her tracks. There next to a large tree lay a big, beautiful wolf! He was almost pure black, and huge! He - at least she thought it was a he - had one of his front paws caught in a trap. She moved closer slowly, trying to see how much damage there was, but when he started to growl she stopped. She knelt down and quietly said, “Its okay, boy, I am not going to hurt you. I just want to help.”

The wolf cocked his head sideways, almost as if he understood her, then he actually nodded his head! Daria took that as permission to move closer. While the wolf eyed her warily, he did allow her to come closer. The trap looked like it had not gone all the way through the bone in his leg, but the jaw appeared to be embedded deeply. “All right, boy, I am just going to see if I can pry these loose, it might hurt some so please don’t bite me.”

Again Daria had the impression he actually understood her words, not just the tone of her voice. It took a little doing but she finally got the jaws apart enough he could remove his paw; she fully expected he would limp off into the forest. Instead, he just quietly laid next to the tree, staring at her. It was actually a little disconcerting to have him just stare at her with his unblinking gaze.

Standing up she wiped her hands off on her jeans and said, “Well, boy, you should be okay now. Thanks for not biting me. I am going to go home now. Bye, big fella.”

Daria got up and started walking. She got about twenty-five feet away and realized the wolf was limping along behind her. “What are you doing, boy? Go on back to your den, or wherever it is you live.”

She kept walking and he kept following. Great! She was a cat person; cliché, but there you have it! She was a witch that liked cats! She had nothing against dogs, but cats were much neater and cleaner. Dogs tended to leave muddy paw prints and shake water everywhere when they got wet. Kind of like a man in many ways!

Looking back again, she realized he was continuing to follow her. Damn, what was she going to do with him? She had not noticed a collar, so he obviously did not belong to anyone, or at least anyone who cared about getting him returned if he got lost.

“Okay, boy, come on, since you are following me anyway.” What the hell, it was Christmas Eve! The walk back to the cabin was slow since he was only able to put weight on three paws. There - finally she could see the soft light coming from her cabin’s window. Looking at the wolf, she said, “I sure hope you are house-trained, big boy.” He looked up at her as she opened the door and the wolf followed her inside, staying on the rug just inside the door. She took off her coat and hung it up, then went to grab a towel to dry the wolf off a bit.

His thick coat fluffed and partly-dried, she placed an old blanket on the floor in front of the fireplace. "There, boy, come over here and get warm and finish drying off. Then we’ll see if I can do something about your poor leg.”

Wolf went over and laid down where Daria had indicated. After he laid down, Leo made an appearance, coming to check out the strange animal in his home. Daria watched as Leo approached the huge beast, neither of them showing any fear or aggression. The wolf lowered his head and the two animals touched noses, his massive head dwarfing the smaller animal. It was unnatural, but the simple action somehow gave her confidence and put her at ease with the black wolf. Again she had the impression he understood everything she said. Daria headed into the back of her cabin to change clothes and grab some wraps for his leg and another towel to put under him while she worked.

While he waited for her to come back he decided to try to shift. Since he was not in excruciating pain anymore, it should work. Blessed with the gift of rapid healing, his leg had been improving even as they had walked to the cabin. Concentrating, he willed his body to change back to that of a man. In a shimmer of gold and green stars, he now stood on two legs, naked in front of her fireplace. He could hear her moving closer to the living room and quickly looked around for something he could grab to cover up with.

Damn! Too late; she came around the corner and to a very abrupt stop. Her jaw dropped and her mouth moved up and down without making a sound, then suddenly… “Who the hell are you? Why are you standing naked in my home? Get out of here! I have a gun and I know how to use it!”

Her cheeks were flushed with embarrassment, shock and anger. Wolf thought her the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Pale creamy skin, silvery-blonde hair and light violet-colored eyes. He was not sure what type of supernatural she was, but he was betting a witch or a Fae. She was petite and curvy, just as he liked his women; the fates had sure been kind to him!

“Oh my God!” she exclaimed, as she realized two things: One, the black wolf was no longer there, and two, she could not hear this man’s thoughts; he was a total blank to her.

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That meant… no… no way! Was this man to be her Perfect Mate? Could her match be one of the near-mythical shapeshifters? Not possible!

Daria tossed the towel that she had gone to get at him, saying, “Here, please cover yourself." His naked body was a major distraction. He was superbly built, tall, lean and muscular, and oh-so-very aroused! At that thought, Daria realized so was she. An ache had begun low in her belly and she could feel her panties getting damp as moisture started to seep out of her nether lips. She noticed his nostrils flaring and knew he could smell her arousal. “What’s your name? I am Daria St. Cloud.”

“I am called Wolf,” he said.

Daria let out a very unladylike snort. “Wolf? Really? How very original.”

“It‘s short for William Oliver Lupus Forbes.”

“Oh, that’s clever!” She heard the sarcasm in her own voice and paused for a moment, looking at him, for one of the rare times in her life unsure how to proceed. “Can I get you something to eat or drink? Would you like me to take a look at your leg?”

“No, it fully healed when I shifted.”

“Okay,” Daria stated nervously. “Then how about some wine? I think I also have some Jack Daniels. I know I could use a drink!”

“Sure, the Jack will be fine.” He stared unblinking into her incredible violet eyes for several seconds. “You do not need to be nervous; I could never, ever hurt you. I’ve sensed that you are my Perfect Mate. I will love, cherish and protect you from now until the end of time. I feel as if I have waited a lifetime for you.”

“I feel the same. I was actually sitting here in front of the fire tonight, staring at the flames, and wishing that somehow my Perfect Mate would find me, and now, here you are!” She laughed softly. “These things never happen. I guess the fates decided it was time we found each other.” Daria crossed to the counter and grabbed two whisky glasses and poured drinks for the both of them, and took Wolf’s over to him.

“Thank you Daria.”

She could not help but notice that his impressive erection had not gone down at all. She was also getting more aroused by the minute, knowing what was going to be happening very, very soon. She felt as if she had been waiting her whole life for just this moment. In actuality, that is exactly what she had been doing.

She decided it was time to get started, and in her nervousness downed her Jack in one big swallow and instantly regretted it, coughing and spluttering. Her eyes teared up and she could not breathe for a moment. ‘Well gee, that was sexy,’ she thought.

Wolf had come up next to her when she started to cough, patting her on the back. “Are you okay, Daria?”

“Yes, Wolf, thank you. I’m just not used to the hard stuff. Oh my, is it me or is it hot in here?”

“I am feeling a bit warm myself; why don’t we go sit down?”

They walked over and sat on the sofa in front of the fireplace, Wolf pulling her onto his lap as they sat down. Daria was very aware of his erection pushing against her ass, with only a cotton towel between them. Wolf gently cupped her face as he moved his mouth towards hers for their first kiss.

“Wolf, I think there is something you should know before we get started.”

“Okay, what’s that?”

“I am a virgin.”

“Really?” He smiled. “It’s okay, Daria, I promise to be gentle.”

“I am witch, a healer and also an empath, and I have been isolated most of my life because the thought of other people beat at my mind, causing me pain if I am around others too long. I have never been kissed or touched by another.”

“Thank you for telling me, love, I promise I will be gentle.” He kissed her, softly at first while he undid the button on her jeans and slid the zipper down so he could touch her. He moved her off his lap and laid her back onto the couch as he pulled her jeans and panties off and tossed them to the floor. Then he grasped both her wrists in one hand and gently held them over her head, though not so tightly that she could not get away if she wanted. His other hand lightly trailed down her body and as he got to her breasts, she arched her back, inviting him to taste her hardened nipples.

He ignored them, for now. When his fingers reached her pussy, he gently spread her open and lightly circled her clit with his index finger. She let out a soft gasp and a low moan. He then twisted his wrist so he could use the heel of his hand to grind on her clit as he inserted two fingers into her tight sheath. He went slow and gently, watching every reaction on her face so that he would never forget this first moment in time with her. He picked up his pace and her breathing became rapid and shallow, her cheeks flushing. “Daria, come for me, it will take the edge off. Let me make you feel good.”

Her back arched, her head went back and Daria had her first ever orgasm with another person, straining against his fingers. As she was coming down, she opened her lovely violet eyes and watched as he stuck his fingers in his mouth, sucking off her juices. Her sweet taste was a burst of flavor on his tongue; his wolf senses so powerful… he had never tasted anything so good. “You taste like nectar from the gods, Daria.”

“I want to see what you taste like. May I?”

“Whatever you want; this night is yours, I just want to make you happy.”

She knelt at his feet and removed the towel covering his burgeoning erection. She wrapped her hand around him and smiled. “I want you, for tonight and always. Let me taste you. I want to learn what makes you feel good. I want to have you in my mouth and on my tongue, making you all wet with my mouth before we make love.”

He swallowed loudly and gave a gentle tug on her hair causing her to gasp, just a little bit of pain, which somehow only heightened her arousal. “Then taste me, love, whatever makes you happy.” He placed a hand on his shaft and gently tapped her on the lips with his cock… "Suck me, Daria.” He groaned and closed his eyes as she took the head of his cock into her mouth for the very first time.

Daria used the flat of her tongue to tease him. He opened his eyes to watch her and nearly came as he watched her cheeks hollow, her mouth sliding back and forth on his shaft before letting him go with a pop. With his other hand, he held back her hair so he could see her eyes; he loved those eyes.

She swallowed him deeply, and then worked her way back, teasing, and licking as she moved up and down his hard length. His balls began to tighten and he gave a gentle tug on her hair. “Stop, Daria, I am close to coming, and I want to come inside you for our first time.”

“Then come inside me,” she simply said.

He pulled her down onto the floor, to the rug in front of the fireplace. He laid her down and then put her legs over his shoulders. “Wolf, I thought you were going to make love to me.”

“I am; there are many ways to make love, my sweet. I just want to make sure you are ready; I don’t want to cause you unnecessary pain.” He spread her lips and took a long look at her before he lowered his head. Daria let out a soft moan and then moved a hand to his hair. He flicked her clit with his tongue,causing her to moan. She started to squirm as he nibbled, sucked and licked her pussy up and down. He moved his hands under her ass, lifting her so he could get a better angle for his oral assault. He also teased her back hole as he continued sucking on her pussy, her copious juices running down his chin.

When he could tell she as near another orgasm, he moved up her body and slid swiftly inside of her, quickly breaching her maidenhead. He gave her a moment to adjust, kissing her softly, and then began to move inside her. He thrust slowly, flexing his hips. He took this opportunity to kiss and suck on her delectable nipples, since he had ignored them earlier. He gently took one into his mouth while he teased the other with his thumb and forefinger, tugging on it. Her nipples became rock hard as she arched her back and thrust her breast into his mouth, loving the sensations his talented tongue and fingers were causing.

She opened her eyes and looked at him, knowing it was time. They clasped hands, their eyes on each other. She rose to meet his thrusts. Pausing momentarily, holding him deeply inside of her, as one voice they began to speak the ritual words that would bind them together forever.

“Heart to Heart

Hand to hand

Til the end of time

Our love will stand

My soul to yours

And yours to mine

Until the end of time

Now our hearts

Beat as one

So the Fates have decreed

It is now done.”

He started thrusting again, gently, and with one last thrust of his hips he drove deep, spilling his seed as they both climaxed. Their mating bond was now in place, and neither would ever be alone again. From this moment forward, they would work as a team. Her mate in the vicinity would allow her to be at peace in a crowd, help her tune out the thoughts of others. She would help tame his wild side, keep him from becoming a feral wolf, which happens if a shifter never finds his mate. As their bond deepened, they would eventually be able to talk to each other telepathically. They would never be alone again.

Wolf smiled tenderly, placing a soft kiss on her lips, then moved to her side and pulled her back gently against his powerful body. She laid her head upon his chest, smiling softly as she drifted off to sleep in her Perfect Mate’s arms.

Written by loneleygirl68
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