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The séance of seduction

"Seduced by a Queen from the fifteenth century as being channeled by a housewife."

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I walked into a small meditation room that was draped in soft pastels, flute music droned from an invisible speaker nearby. As I expected, a small indoor water fountain was plugged into a nearby socket and spewed recycled liquid tranquility. I was about to meet the great spirit Marguerite, a long dead, fifteenth century Queen as channeled via a forty-something housewife turned psychic, named Paula.

Paula was quietly quirky, somewhat introverted, but at one point had found her calling as a vessel for an ancient ruler to speak through. I had heard of these people before. Ordinary folk who are suddenly taken over by a spirit from the past to dish out advice for the price of a weekend group retreat, plus discounts of the aforementioned ghost's new book and audio series.

Skeptical? Yes. Curious? Yes.

Paula was cute, and a little older than me. I had met her at my day job, as apparently the wisdom of the ages wasn't quite paying the bills yet. A good portion of my co-workers thought she was bonkers. Apparently, her husband also thought she was a little crazy. From what she described, he seemed to like golf, a lot, spending a good amount of time at the driving range, and the golf store trying on new trousers while fondling expensive clubs and balls.

Over the months, we got to know each other. She was slightly weird but I didn't mind. She seemed shy and never spoke very loudly, but slowly as time moved along she began to tell me about her channeling experience. I had to admit I was curious about it, but she was careful never to talk too loud about it around the workplace.

So how did I wind up in the private meditation room in her house?

She liked me for some reason. Maybe she could tell I wasn't ordinary also. I wore my hair long and played in a band on the weekends. I think she may have sensed I was struggling with my own life and had offered a small book of Zen wisdom. I opened the book and it neatly parted at a chapter held by her business card on psychic workshops. Paula Skyswimmer, that was her metaphysical show name.

Maybe she hoped that one day I would be in attendance at a group retreat for a session of illumination and sky swimming. Maybe in some secret manipulative way she thought she might have a little fish on the line and was slowly pulling me through the clouds to her shore. But that was harsh thought. That was my dark side pushing cynicism to dispel what could be a fun opportunity. I had no reason to distrust her. She seemed quiet, almost shy, and those negative thoughts were permanently set aside one day at lunch when we shared the break room.

"Hi Matthew." She spoke softly as her glasses slid midpoint her nose revealing a peppery bridge of freckles that crossed from one cheek to the other.

“Hi Paula, what are you doing for lunch today?”

“Fruit, nuts, yogurt... the diet of the gods.” She smirked.

“That's the same as you had the day before, and the day before that. Didn't I see you foraging in the woods behind the parking lot yesterday?

“Haha, why yes, I was, the wild yogurt grows well off the yogurt bushes this time of year.” She joked sarcastically.

“Well, I think you need something more exciting.” Holding my chicken croissanwich with pride.

“You're telling me.” She giggled.

“Are we talking about lunch?”

She gave me a squinty-eyed, half smile look. “You're holding your food too long. Are you going to eat it, or have your way with it?” Her soft-spoken manner often contrasted her humor.

My mouth fell open in silence, she recognized my shock and proceeded to laugh hysterically. A moment later I joined her, causing parts of my sandwich to jailbreak to the table below.

She looked around, then unexpectedly took my hand and spoke cautiously. “Matthew, I want to ask you a question.”

“Ummm... Sure.” I said as the remaining chicken sandwich teetered on my lips.

“Well, I'm preparing for an event next month, and I... ”she floundered for words, “I, could use a little help.”

“Well, ok. I guess, what type of thing are you doing?”

“I'll be doing some... one-on-one type private reading sessions for people during the next retreat, and I'm not sure how to... ah... ah, how to interact on a personal level.”

“You mean like what we are doing now?” I asked.

She glared silently within a pinch of stink eye, then continued. “What I mean is, I normally talk to people in small groups. Or I mean, she... my spirit guide Queen Marguerite does. And since you already know what I do – ”

“Yes, you channel dead people! How awesome!”

Her face broke into a smile and she laughed. “Well, sorta... I open up the ceremony, talk about my spirit guide for a minute and then she takes over. I mentally stand back while she does all the talking.”

“So what do you mean, mentally stand back?”

“I just hang out, I'm not really in my body anymore, I mean, it's like I'm in the room, but I'm not totally inside myself.”

“That reminds me of some weird dope I had at an after party. So does she just show up and take over? Like does she say 'Hey I'm hungry,' then pop in and make a cheeseburger?”

“No silly, I have to invite her, it's a very cordial thing.” Paula looked at me with hesitance, then spoke slowly as if pushing her words through a filter before they hit the air. “Anyway, I normally don't do this, for private clients, one on one, in a secluded setting. So I could really use some practice.”

Her words continued to drizzle cautiously as if testing the range of my deceit meter. Then suddenly... the world stopped for a moment. 'Was I being asked to come to her place so she could have an out of body experience while I had a conversation with fifteenth-century Monarchy? Would I be expected to kneel and bring her with fresh bread and fowl from the village? Was this something anyone in their right mind would want to do?'

“Ok. Well sure, I'll stop by, when do you want me to come over?”

“If you come over this weekend, it will be good timing.” She quickly interjected.

“I have a gig on Saturday afternoon at Magic Jack's Eatery and Drinkery.”

“You can come by after if you want? For helping me, I will treat you to a very good glass of wine.”

“Well, ok, I like wine. This might be a nice way to wind down on a Saturday night. Hey, I could do like an old cockney English accent if you want?”

“Oh, that's just stupid. She might want to take off your head or something.”


“I'm just kidding! But don't do any accents, just be yourself.” She looked at me and smiled softly, “I think she will like you.”


As the rest of the week passed, we caught ourselves looking at each other and smiling. I have to admit I wasn't sure what I was in for and I was getting a little nervous. I only knew her from work, but... did I really know her? Though she was short, maybe five-foot-six and probably ten years older than me, my mind began to fantasize with absurd scenarios. 'What if she was a secret killer? What if she had done this before to other guys? Would I wind up just another dead body laying in her cellar surrounded by the rest of the poisoned cult? Would my body be propped up afterward and made to hold a dainty cup of tea with my pinky extended?'

Then, usually, across the room, I would spot her having trouble loading a stapler or misaligning the colored paper into the copier. I would listen to her talk to the machines sweetly, trying to coax them into proper behavior and I would realize my thoughts of homespun urban horror were all for not.

Saturday came and though I was tired from the performance I wanted to keep my promise to Paula. At 8:30 sharp, I knocked on her door. She answered wearing a white robe, and her eyes lit up in surprise as if she'd expected me not to show.

“Hi Paula, I'm here,” I said.

“Welcome Matthew, come on in. Oh, take your shoes off please.”

Luckily I had decided not to wear the Star Wars gift socks. I was then escorted through a seemingly peaceful house, past the family pictures, past a book shelf of self help and knickknacks, and down the hallway. I remember watching her from behind as her little robe swished back and forth from her hips. We stopped outside a room that looked as if it had been a later addition to the house. She turned the sign on the door to reveal 'in session' and pulled me inside. I wasn't sure who the sign was for.

“You have a beautiful house Paula.”

“Thank you, I'm so glad you're here, sit down and relax, you could probably use a little down time from your gig. Let me get you that wine I promised. I'll be right back.”

She seemed downright giddy, and I liked that. I sank back into a huge comfortable chair covered in soft white sheep skin. Truth be told, despite the fact that I played rock music, sometimes blistering hard rock; and studded leather was a staple of my stage attire, and even more so I had several tattoos that ran the gamut from “Born to raise hell” to “Death to the Righteous.” I had to admit, quietly, that I was really digging soft things.

An identical chair sat adjacent, facing mine, with small companion tables hovering nearby. With the flick of an unseen switch the flute music abruptly made it's presence known and the water fountain began rushing. It was very relaxing. How easily I had been seduced by the home zen section of Bed, Bath and Beyond. Soon Paula returned with two glasses of wine and a few cones of lemon grass incense.

“So how does this work?” I asked as she handed me a glass of wine.

“Well I'm not sure, I haven't done this before. I did tell Marguerite we were practicing today. But if you have any relationship questions to ask her, please do.”

She reached over to light the incense, granting my eyes admittance to the open neckline of her robe. I cannot pretend I didn't notice her cleavage. I am a man, that's what we do.

She plopped down on the soft chair opposite me.

“We both have to be relaxed.” She began, “I will go into a trance soon, but first I have to get to know you.”

“You know me, Paula.”

“I have to pretend I don't.”

“Ok, my name is Matthew, I work in a shipping office by day and play in a rock band on the weekends. Also I'm trying to decide where to put my next tattoo.”

“Oh god, really? That's as good as you got? You're supposed to be here to help me. You're supposed to be seeking life's eternal questions, pretend like you're full of angst.”

“Ok, Ok. Let me try again. Ah... I have trouble staying in serious relationship for some reason.”

“Good.” She smiled.

“I find it easier to get approval from a crowd of drunken strangers.” I continued.


“Is this too personal?”

“No, not all all.”

“Good, sometimes when I drop my cookie into my milk glass, I want to cry.”

“Ok, I think this is more than I can handle...” She giggled. “I now understand why you have come here seeking knowledge. Prepare yourself for the wisdom of the ancients.”

“Wisdom of the ancients?”

“Was that too much?” She asked anxiously.

“Well, yes. I'm expecting Gandalf the wizard to show up.”

“Shit. I told you I needed practice!”

“Did you just say shit?” I asked.

“Lets just start maybe it will get easier. But first,” she looked around the room, perhaps out of habit,“lets not talk about this to anyone else, ok?”

“My lips are sealed.”

“I don't want any of our co-workers to know that we did this, and my husband doesn't know either.” She explained.

“Oh, ok.” I was slightly shocked. “Where umm... is he?”


She fell silent for a moment and I let it ride into a safer subject.

“Well, I'm glad you invited me over. I love the ethereal feeling I get while I'm hanging out here. Makes me all tingly.”

She looked at me, grinning, she knew that my awkward command of social etiquette was trying to change the subject. “Matthew?”


She stalled, then a moment later timidly dipped a foot into the pool. “Do... you like me?”

I wasn't entirely sure how to answer that. I remember looking into the sweet mysterious brown eyes behind her glasses. If her foot was in the pool, I was about to suddenly jump in. “Yes, yes I like you Paula. Actually I think you're really attractive.”

I couldn't believe what was coming out of my mouth, but it was to late, I was now submerged.

She blushed, then looked down into her lap. “I think you're sweet, and handsome. Oh my, I think the wine is talking.”

I was slightly startled by our revelations. “Yes, Oh yes. That is really good wine. I think that's the best wine I've had. It also makes me tingly. I shouldn't say this, but... I think you're really pretty and I like your cleavage. Oh my god, did I just say that out loud?”

She sighed and looked off into an imaginary distance.

“Oh I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have said that!” I said.

“No, no its ok, Matthew.” She took my hand. “It's nice to know you are attracted to me.”

Her face turned a similar shade to the wine we drank. I looked down to avoid eye contact, but found myself gazing at the bare legs that emerged from under her soft robe.

“Well. I think this might be a good time to try this,” she continued, “but Matthew, before we do this, I want you to know I think you're pretty special.”

“It's not every night I get to drink wine with a cute woman who's going to have an out of body experience.”

“Shut up, silly boy. Promise me again that you won't tell anyone what happens here. It will be 'our' secret.”

I have to admit, it sounded fairly sexual the way she said it, and I liked it. “I promise.”

“Ok, I'm going to lie back and close my eyes. You'll like Marguerite, she's a character. She's very nice, a little bossy sometimes but also gracious.

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Just do what she asks.”

She closed her eyes slowly as the sounds of the rushing water and ethereal flute music took center stage. She appeared to gently fall asleep, and I noticed her legs part as her body relaxed. They were enchanting with a curvy plumpness, that I would gladly trace my fingers up and down. But I didn't dare. It wouldn't be right. With my luck, her husband would walk in wearing new golf pants and attempt to smash my head with his five-iron. But then suddenly a voice exuded from Paula. It was slightly lower but more animated than hers. There was an unmistakable English accent and I found myself getting nervous.

“Well, hello there, young lad. I understand your given name is Matthew.”

“Oh hi! Ah... yes that is my name. Your highness?” I caught myself fidgeting nervously in her presence.

“My name is Marguerite, no need to be so proper, 'My Queen' is acceptable. I was part of the English Monarchy of the high court in 1124 AD, a damn long long time ago. Tell me about yourself Sir Matthew, your hair is long like a lass.”

“Well, I play music...”

“I see, a minstrel.”

“Yes like a... a minstrel.”

“No wonder the lady Paula likes you.”

I smiled, slightly embarrassed. “Ahhh... how old are you?”

“It tis best not to ask a lady about her age.” She said with an air of indignance.

“Oh god, I'm sorry. I did not mean to offend.” I stammered.

“I'm afraid you will have to be tied up for trial later.”


“Then off to the dungeon.”

“What!?” I screeched in a higher register than I'd care to admit.

The Queen suddenly burst out into laughter. “Oh for shit's sake, I'm only kidding! Besides do you think Paula could really carry that out? She's a little pussy cat.” She paused for a moment to look me over. “You do have a fun way about yourself young Matthew... and I'm not the only one who thinks so.”

“What do you mean by that?... My Queen.” I quickly added.

“Oh, I shouldn't have said, ”she paused for a moment as if listening to someone else,“I'm being told not to say anything.”

“Oh, ok...”

“Stop being so nervous. It's not often I find myself in the company of a handsome young lad and I'd like you to do me a favor.”

“Ummm... what?”

“I would like it, if you were to remove some of your clothes.” She said very seriously.

“What?” I was a little abashed.

“Don't pretend you haven't been looking at my bod,y young lad.”

“I, I was looking at Paula's... Oh, crap did I just say that?”

She laughed. “I thought as much. Well now, why don't we drink a little more of this fine wine and then you can get comfortable for me. After all I am the Queen.”

If one could sit regally in a giant overstuffed chair, the Queen had mastered this technique. Her hands rested outstretched, elegantly on the arms of plush microfiber lounge seat.

“Well, ok, yes my Queen.” This was like being deep into a board game where you might be thrilled to pass 'go' but at the same time thought it might be safer in jail.

“And to help you along, I will show you something.” Suddenly the Queen slid the soft robe down her shoulders, revealing a smattering of freckles that dotted her chest like a star system. I went into quiet elated shock, as she revealed Paula's beautiful tits. “Do you like what you see?”

A moment later she unexpectedly turned to the side and began arguing. “Yes! I am showing your bosom to the lad and you can't stop me.” She smiled supremely then closed her robe again.

Paula had sweet boobs that were the size of peaches. My mouth dropped open and I wished I was filling it with her beautiful nipples. I wanted to lick and suck them into wet erections, but I didn't dare. I realized Paula was not Paula at the moment, but none the less she was still my co-worker, and she was still married. But this was not the Paula I knew. This was the Queen of a forgotten realm from a long time ago, and this Queen was requesting to see my body. After having a few more drinks of wine. I bravely began to unbutton my shirt.

She winked. “Oh, I do think Paula is liking this also.”

I think my face turned red. The last button opened and the black shirt slid down my strong chest, to reveal a tattoo that read, “Blessed be the Wicked.”

“Sir Mathew, you appear more timid than your body implies.”

“It's part of being a minstrel. You have to look the part.”

“I see. You know, young sir,” She continued, “Paula made you keep a promise not to say anything to anyone, but that boat sails both ways, if you know what I mean.”

“Very devious M'lady.” I adopted her accent in jest, then began pushing my jeans down to uncover a noticeable bulge in my boxer briefs. The queen almost gasped, then quickly beamed in joy as she stared at my package.

“Might I see a profile view?”

I pivoted to the side and I have to admit my briefs looked like they had vacuformed my hard cock to my belly.

"Oh, my.” She grew silent and thought for a moment, then a sudden devious spark glowed in her eyes. “I have a new idea, I will make you a deal.”

“Oh? What would that be my Queen?” The wine said.

“I will show you more of my body, I mean Miss Paula's body if you show us more of yours.”

“Is Paula ok with this?” I couldn't believe I was talking to Paula in the third person.

“She is protesting, but I believe she will come around. She really wants to see you however, and so would I.”

“I can't believe I'm doing this, but it is kinda fun. Tell her I liked her boobs.”

“She knows you like her teats, and she is smiling again. So, young sir, I command you to remove your undergarments.”

The alcohol was easing the ride over any small scruples in the road, and though my face turned another shade of red I slid my fingers inside my waistband and slowly pushed my briefs down to my knees. My cock stood straight as an arrow after breaking free from the elastic and now happily slapped against my tight stomach.

“Oh my lord, Matthew... you are beautiful.” She paused to stare at my exposed sword. “You have a good strong cock, you remind me of my first husband, the Earl of Wentworth.

“Ask Paula if she likes looking at me?” I asked naively.

“She's on the edge of her seat and as wet as a tea bag at high noon.” She abruptly stopped and began speaking to the air again. “I was only telling him the truth, quit being such a ninny, Paula.” She turned back towards me, “Would you mind stepping a little closer?”

I took a step forward and realized I was bound at the knees, I bent over to slide my briefs down to the floor.

“That's more like it. Now come here young man.”

I walked up to her, stopping a few feet away. “How's this?”

“Very good indeed. I think Paula should have you over more often. Quite frankly I would like to touch you, but she is drawing the line.”

“That's ok. I kinda like that she's shy.”

“Words worthy of a knight. Now just stand there for a moment so I can admire your penis.”

I did as she asked, and watched her eyes travel up and down the length of my staff. After a few moments I felt a little silly just standing there.

“I know you feel silly just standing there, even though you are being thoroughly enjoyed, so...” The Queen stood up and untied the belt of her robe to reveal that Paula was wearing pink Hello Kitty panties.

“Oh my god, hello kitty.”

“Why hello to you too.” The Queen spoke seductively then quickly pushed Paula's panties down her thighs. “There, she said we couldn't touch you, but she didn't say I couldn't touch myself.”

I took a moment to inhale her body. She had tight little ringlets, that had been nicely edged into a triangular pattern. I felt my cock getting even harder. “Oh Paula... I mean Queen... you are so sexy.”

“Paula heard you.” Then suddenly with a swift, almost militaristic move she returned her panties to the original position.

“Oh damn. Paula, you are a dream.”

“Thank you very much young man. Now, YOU know what it's like to want something you can't have.” She teased.

“You're telling me. God, your pussy is fine. Oh shit, I shouldn't have said that. Please tell Paula she has a very nice body, and is very sexy.”

“She can hear you silly boy, now masturbate for us.” The Queen quickly demanded, smiling.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. 'But if the Queen wants to watch me touch myself?' More than likely I would be doing it later at home anyway. I slowly reached down and grabbed my shaft with both hands.

“Paula says she really likes this. She likes watching you, and I do too. In fact you're making me quite horny.”

I pushed the tip of my cock through my fingers, then continued down my long velvety shaft.

The Queen eased back down into the cushiony chair then pushed out a long warm breath as I massaged my balls against the palms of my hands. I caressed them in small circles as my tip bobbed in the air. I watched as she suddenly slipped her fingers between the robe and into her Paula's panties.

“Come even closer to me.” She whispered.

I did as she asked and by now I was so hard and horny I started playing with myself faster and harder.

A moment later, the queen's free hand came toward my tensed stomach and began petting the fine hairs that crawled down my belly. Her playful strokes were turning me on even more, so I took her hand and lead it up to my cock. Closing it around my shaft then rocking back and forth to guide my sex through her soft fingers.

The queen was unexpectedly quiet and continued fondling her clit faster with the other hand. All I could hear was her breathing in short spurts as it mingled with the drone of the flutes. A moment later she abruptly stopped to tug her panties down across her thighs, then quickly returned to the previous task.

“You can watch me too, Matthew.”

I moaned loud as I watched her pleasure herself, masturbating even harder across the palm of her hand. My eyes flowed over this beautiful creature, her graceful neck still encircled by the robe, but her pale soft arm brought my eyes down between her legs. Her panties were hastily disheveled while her fingers quickly twitched. This drew me to a new level of intensity, moaning loudly again and wanting to feel her sweet cunt on my cock.

“I want to fuck you so bad.” I heard myself growl.

The Queen pushed words through labored breathing. “If it was my choice, I would be fucking that hard sword of yours. Then I would pull it out, and make you cum, all over my clit.”

I was caught up in the pleasure of the moment, Paula's hand felt so good on my shaft. I closed my eyes, and continued rocking. But then suddenly I was taken out of the moment by the sharp tones from the Queen.

“I don't care about your husband, Paula. And apparently he doesn't care about you. I don't see him here, doing what the lad is.”

“What?” Came the voice in my head.

“He should have been rubbing his hot manhood all over your inner thighs every night. I know you want Matthew really bad because I can feel you, and I'm pretty sure that the young sir would easily oblige your lusty yearnings.”

“I would Paula. I want YOU so bad.”

Suddenly, without warning, Paula's hand quickly yanked back, startling the Queen.

A moment later she froze and the words “Oh shit,” poured from her mouth. Her body went limp, falling back, to be strewn across the big chair, lifeless. I think my heart stopped. I felt helpless standing there naked while looking at Paula unconscious.

“Paula? Paula?!” I panicked, “Queen person!? Hello? Oh my god!”

A few moments later and the tension finally broke as the real Paula began regaining cognizance. She slowly sat up and looked around, having to quickly sort reality from dream.

“Oh, Oh, god Matthew, I'm sorry.” She focused realizing I was standing there naked, huddling over her. “I didn't mean for that to happen.”

She looked horridly embarrassed and quickly pulled her panties up, then closed her robe. “I... I didn't realize she would get carried away like that.”

She stopped for a moment, taking a few breaths.  “Actually I didn't realize I was going to get carried away like that either.”

“Paula I'm sorry too, I didn't know. I was listening to your friend and everything seemed good, and I got so horny, and you are so beautiful.”

“It's ok, you didn't know." She stopped. "You said I was beautiful?”

She smiled for the moment, then panic began to set in. “Oh Matthew, but, this, this can't be, she is so persuasive, I, I shouldn't have invited you over, especially with the wine. Truth be told, I had a fantasy where I to seduced you. But I... I was getting very fond of you. Too fond of you. I shouldn't have. And I liked watching you naked touching yourself. And oh my god, I wanted to see you cum. But then reality hit me, and I knew I couldn't.”

I rested my hand on her shoulder. “It's ok Paula. It's ok.”

“It's not very enlightened of me. I'm sitting here babbling while you stand there completely naked. Matthew you are amazing. I love everything about you, your long hair, your wide shoulders, your tattoos, your chest... all of your lower half. But I can't. I just can't. I'm so sorry. Marguerite would have fucked you all night long if I'd let her.”

“Paula, it's really ok. Please take a deep breath and relax.” I sat down next to her on the couch feeling the soft material of her robe on my bare skin.

“I might as well fess up. I am really attracted to you too. I love your quirky sweet ways, and, and when I saw you naked, I mean, the Queen naked... I... Paula, look, we don't have to do anything. You're married and I forgot that.”

I took her hand and pressed her palm against my warm leg. “We aren't going to say anything to anyone about this, remember? We can pretend it never happened. Just a close call between friends.”

Her breathing began to calm. “You are really attracted to me? Did I really make you all... umm... hard like that?

“You did Paula. You're pretty damn sexy. Did you really have a fantasy about seducing me?”

“I... did... I didn't think anything would ever come of it.” A sad look filled her eyes. “I think you better put your clothes back on. I'm so freaking horny and confused. You should probably go.”



To be continued?



Written by Northerngentleman
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