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The Psychic

"A call from a psychic makes for an entirely new assignment, taking "supernatural" to a new level."

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A weird advertisement in the paper drew Ralph's attention. It was a request to assist a psychic. He first thought it was a joke, or a mistake, but a call told him it was all real, and after looking up this psychic online, he couldn't deny that it looked legit, so he made an appointment to go there the next evening.

Psychics intrigued him. They could connect to the realm of the dead. He'd read about that.

"Oh, you're here, great," the woman said as she opened the door. She wore close to nothing, which wasn't what Ralph had expected from a psychic. "I like it when people are on time. Come in." She stepped aside, making the negligee swish open. He had a good look at her and liked what he saw. She wasn't the youngest of them all, but she definitely ranked high on any MILF scale. His cock swelled a bit in agreement.

"I'm curious what this is going to be about," he said as she closed the door.

"Come with me and you'll find out," the woman said. "Call me Beth, okay? I like going on a first name basis."

"Yeah, sure. I'm Ralph. But you know that."

She went ahead to her 'work room'. It was not what he'd expected. Lots of dark colors. Black, grey and red, with touches of dark blue. A table with some chairs near a wall.

Beth pointed at a chair and sat down on another herself. "As I indicated on the phone, there's a young woman with a special wish. She lost her boyfriend a while ago, in a car crash. She's desperate to have sex with him one more time."

Ralph had already heard a bit about the special wish, but this was somewhat surprising. Kinky, in a way he liked it. "And how do I come in? I'm not dead." He tried hard to look at her face, but her breasts were on display too prominently. The woman didn't seem to mind, or notice.

"That's true, but during our call you told me you're curious about what's on 'the other side'."

It was true. Ralph was, in a manner of speech, dying to find out if there was something like life after death, and that was why he was here now. She'd told him she could give him a glimpse of that.

"I'm going to do a seance. I'll make her undress and call up the boyfriend. I'll be naked too. I like working naked. You'll be here in the room too."

"Also naked?" Ralph was caught by that surprise. It did sound enticing though.

"Also naked," she confirmed. "My plan is to call his spirit and have him take over your body for the duration of the seance. That way 'he' can have sex with his girlfriend one more time, using your body." Beth examined Ralph's face. "If you're uncomfortable with that, you should say so now. Then we call it a night and I'm going to look for someone else."

"No, no," he said, holding up his hand as if to physically stop her from doing that. "I'm all ears."

Beth nodded and told him to drop his pants. That was a bit odd, but he did so and she slipped a hand around his already upright cock. "You're not just all ears," she said, nodding at the erection. "You have a good, hard one. That will do just fine." She sat down and went over the details of the seance evening. It sounded pretty simple, but she emphasized that this wasn't just something.

"People come here with high hopes and great anxiety," she warned him. "Be patient, slow, respectful, and be quiet. Very, very quiet. I'll do the talking, and if she goes on with this, you will be her deceased boyfriend. You need to remember that."

"Right." Ralph had read lots of weird stuff about psychics, but this was going to top all of it, and he was going to be a part of it. "Is there something I need to prepare for? Have you done this before?"

"I've had contact with the dead before, but this..." she gently squeezed more life into his cock, "will be a first. You won't need to be scared, it won't be dangerous."

Again she asked if he wanted to go on with this. "Remember, a stranger's ghost will invade you and use your body for a while."

"If it will work," he said.

Beth smiled. "It will." She sounded very sure of herself.

"Then I'm going to be part of this," Ralph assured her. "I want to see this. And I want to see the other side."

"Wonderful. Now, to make sure you understand you business, I want you to take off all you clothes and fuck me. Right here, on the table."


Beth got up and slipped out of the flimsy thing she wore, sat on the table and spread her legs. "This is quality assurance," she said, pointing at her already glistening pussy. "We need to be sure the table's high enough for you to fuck someone, and that you're able to perform."

Ralph grinned at this surprise opportunity and got out of his clothes. He kept looking over at Beth as he did so.

"Do it. Just fuck me. I'm not a stranger to that."

Ralph moved closer. His cock head touched the wet lips> He pushed and slid into the psychic's waiting wetness. He noticed she was wide enough to go in fast and deep, so he did.

"Good man Ralph," Beth said, and then he started pounding for real, leaving her no time or breath to say more for a while.

He watched her breasts jiggle and her pussy lips part, each time he pushed into her. Her encouragement had made him horny and too excited, and very soon he was ready to dump his load, so he pulled out, jerked off for a few seconds and shot over her stomach and her breasts.

As he stood panting, Beth sat up and looked at his delivery. "That's perfect. Do that when our customer's here and you'll have done a great job." She dipped a finger in the cum on her breasts and licked it off. "I will let her know, and then I'll be in touch with you about the night."

Ralph nodded, put his clothes back on, and then she showed him out. Without getting dressed herself, or wiping off his cum.


The client, Maria, arrived.

Ralph was there too. He was already naked, apart from a bathrobe Beth had asked him to bring. Beth herself wore a robe too. Ralph knew she was naked beneath it, which made it all exciting.

After officially meeting Maria, all he had to do was listen to the young woman's story, and Beth's words which more and more indicated Maria's hope might be fulfilled. Maria's told them she wanted to be with her boyfriend Pete once more, if that was possible.

At some point Beth lit some incense and a number of candles, after which she turned off most of the lights. "We will begin the seance now," she announced, looking at Maria and Ralph. "Are you both still willing to go on with this?"

They both nodded.

Beth started some odd chant. Ralph had no idea if it was an actual language, and he was curious about what was going to happen next.

Maria had to take off her clothes and get ready for what was about to come. Ralph also was told to drop his robe, as Beth did. Soon the three were there, naked. Ralph next to Maria, standing with their backs to the table, and Beth facing them.

The psychic laid a hand on each of their foreheads and mumbled something. Ralph felt a strange sensation behind his eyes, as if something was pulling at him. Was this real or was he just imagining things? It felt as if there was something 'behind' him and it was not the table.

Beth ran her hands slowly down their bodies, resting a hand on his chest, cupping Maria's breasts one by one. Ralph noticed she took her time with that, massaging the breasts and teasing the nipples. "You need to be prepared," she whispered to Maria. And further down her hands went, slipping a few fingers between Maria's legs and massaging Ralph's cock. His member had already grown hard from the thrill of seeing Beth play with Maria.

Ralph felt more tugging and suddenly it was as if he was moving away, standing to the side, suddenly watching his own body as someone else took control over it. Was this really happening, he wondered again.

Beth smiled. She clearly knew what was happening. "Pete is here, Maria. Give me your hand."

Maria held out her hand, and Beth slowly wrapped it around the hard cock.

"Hold him tightly. When you're ready, ask him a question. Something only he knows."

Maria grasped the cock with a vengeance. "Pete? Are you here?" she whispered.

Ralph watched his body step behind Maria, and one of his arms move around her, ending its journey on her belly. Up to that point, she'd held on to the hard cock. Now she gasped and pulled her hand away. As she folded her arms over her boobs (which Ralph thought was weird), both his arms snaked around her.

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"Maria, mi amor, I am here." The voice was mostly Ralph's, but different.

"Relax, Maria," Beth said. "Moving rapidly might chase him away, and we didn't go through all this for that, right?"

"Yes, of course," Maria sighed, and relaxed, leaning back into the warm, naked body behind her. "Pete... if this really is you... what kind of ring did you buy me for my latest birthday?" Her voice as a mere whisper.

To Ralph's surprise, Beth then got bold and slipped a hand around one of Maria's boobs. Maria gasped and asked why she did that. "Ghosts sometimes don't remember these things," the psychic explained. "I have to show him what you desire."

To Maria that seemed to make sense. Ralph suspected that had something to do with a bisexual trait Beth possessed. He might have to ask her about that later.

Ralph heard himself say, "I never bought you a ring for your birthday, mi amor. I did promise you a piercing in your hot little pussy for the next one."

Maria sighed and lowered her arms. "It is you." She looked at Beth. "It's him."

Pete now moved his arms up and touched one of her breasts, very lightly, then tapped the nipple. Maria gasped again. "This is definitely you, Pete," she whispered. "Only you know... ohh... how I like this." The ohh happened as he tapped the nipple again. It was hard and almost begged for a tongue.

Ralph saw his cock standing to attention up against Maria's back, pre-cum dribbling from it, which slid down to Maria's butt. This was entirely exciting in a spooky way.

Maria seemed to relax even more. She gasped at Pete's touches and those of Beth, who'd moved her hands from breasts to pussy. Ralph still was surprised why she would fondle her client as well, but it was obvious Beth was into women. He didn't mind seeing it. He also didn't mind another sensation that took control of him

"The ghost of your boyfriend is getting stronger," Beth whispered. "Do you feel it?"

"Yes." Maria sounded hopeful, pushing her butt against him.

"Do you want to go further?"

Again she said yes, which made it clear Pete didn't have to hold back anymore.

Pete's hands now slid down and worked Maria's pussy. Beth leaned over and a moment later Ralph heard suckling sounds. The woman was actually sucking her client's tits, how amazing! Pete's cock got even harder at that awareness. Still Ralph wasn't sure how far he could go with Maria, or how fast. He wished he could grab Beth's tits for a moment, but from somewhere another hand grabbed his cock and slowly moved up and down along it. Ralph looked around and smiled while, at the same time, feeling puzzled that someone touched his cock while he wasn't even close to it. He didn't care. It felt good.

After a finger-exploration between her legs, which told Pete Maria was pretty wet, he turned Maria around and lifted her up on the table. She whispered something Ralph didn't understand, but he had something else on his mind now.

Pete put his hands on Maria's breasts and kept them there. Maria put her hands over his hands, as if she offered them to her boyfriend. He squeezed her nipples. She moaned. Pete saw Beth lean down and lick one of the nipples. Hell, if she could...

He noticed Beth was rubbing her own pussy hard. Pete leaned over to lick and suck the other nipple.

Maria breathed hard. It was weirdly exciting once more. Pete put his hands on her hips, moved closer and slowly slid the massive cock into her unshaven pussy, then pulled out again. It aroused both of them. He made a finger toy with her pubic hair, pushing into it and between her pussy lips at times, stimulating her clit. It had the desired effect. Her moaning got louder and she whispered, "Yes... yes..." as he pushed a few fingers inside her, feeling how wet she was.

Maria leaned back, opening herself fully for him. She seemed to ignore that she was supposed to be with a ghost using someone else's body, but Pete didn't mind. He kept fingering her while she spread her legs, giving him easy access to everything there. She was soaking wet already, making his cock almost ache with desire to get inside that squishy, waiting hole.

"Maria, it is now time to turn around. It has to happen from behind." Beth's words surprised Pete and Maria a bit at first, but they understood what she meant. Pete let go of her and gave her space to lean over the table. She spread her legs and waited. For his cock.

Before he could make that move, Beth bent over and quickly sucked the hard member for a few seconds. Another surprise for the day. She moved aside and Pete stepped behind Maria. Despite the dimmed light, he knew exactly where he had to be. He gently put his hands on her hips and directed his cock to her waiting vagina. He had to press his member down a little to get the angle just right and then he carefully pushed.

She was tight, as always. She was hot, wet and willing, but she was tight. Pete hoped this cock wasn't too big for her, because he had to admit it was bigger than what she'd been used to.

"Yes, yes..." she moaned as he entered her. As if she relaxed, her pussy got a bit wider, making it easy for Pete to go in all the way. After getting in that deep, he waited for a few seconds. Then he pulled back and pushed in again. Maria sighed.

He saw how Beth was pleasing herself at the sight of him fucking her seance client. Damn, he wished he could fuck both of them in turns now, but he shouldn't entertain such thoughts. He was here for Maria, so he held on to her hips and fucked her, harder and harder.

She didn't mind at all. She pushed back at him at the moments he thrust into her, making it feel as if he got in even deeper. How was that girl ever able to handle this monster cock, Pete thought. The fucking was the only sound in the room, mixed with Beth's whimpers as she got herself to an orgasm.

After a while, Pete was about to get off and it would be very weird for her to get pregnant. Her family would be furious. Pete knew them all too well. The risk of that was present and that had to be avoided.

Pete pushed into her one more time and pulled out, hating himself for it. Maria gasped for air and from the surprise. Pete's foolproof backup plan was to push a few fingers inside her and work her pussy until she came. That didn't take long.

Maria was a squirter. An impressive load of fluids gushed out of her, over his hands, and down her legs. Pete grinned as his hand worked the cock and added his juices to hers. He hoped the psychic wouldn't mind that. Maria probably hadn't told anyone about that. He pulled his fingers away from her as she was still squirming in her orgasm.

Beth, having regained her composure, walked up to Pete and wrapped her fingers around the cock which was slowly getting more relaxed. "Pete, you need to return now," she whispered.

"No," said Pete. "I can't."

"But... you must." Beth looked surprised and worried at the same time. "Ralph needs his body back. Ralph?"

Pete smiled as he moved closer to Maria and pulled her naked, panting body into his arms. "Ralph was curious about what is there where I was. I noticed he was, let's say, invited to stay there, and he accepted. Now he's gone, taking my place there, so I have to stay." He looked at Maria. "Looks like you will have to hang out with me, mi amor."

Maria looked at him, took one of his hands, and shoved that between her wet legs. Then she gripped his cock and played with it. "I think I can live with that. Mi amor."

"But..." Beth bit her lip. "What about Ralph?"

"He's... dead, I guess," said Pete. "And I think we should leave now."

Maria nodded, wiggled herself out of his embrace, and gathered her clothes. "Do send the bill for this, Beth," she said while getting dressed. "It's going to be worth every cent. And if you ever get to contact Ralph, tell him 'thank you' from both of us."

"I... will..." Beth shook her head, still astounded about what had happened.

She let the two out, locked the door, and went back into her work room. There she sat on the table and spread her legs. While working herself up to a slow orgasm, she asked, "Ralph? Are you there?"

There was no answer.

Written by Quillurion
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