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The Mission

"He was sure this mission would be a no-brainer, but little did he know."

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The mission objective for tonight was clear.

Infiltrate PharmaTech Inc., disable the security system, perform a mind sweep on everyone working in the facility, and, last but not least, insert the flash drive, infect the computer system with a virus, and delete all the incriminating evidence and proof they had about the existence of my kind. It was going to be a piece of cake.

Getting into the laboratory was easy. My preternatural speed was no match for the security cameras or the human security guards for that matter.

Like all of the breed, I was gifted with heightened senses, super speed, and animal agility. When I wanted, I could move among humans undetected, nothing more than a cool breeze on the back of their necks, as I passed them.

I was using this preternatural skill now, navigating the wide, long hallways, my senses turned on my quarry.

I rounded a corner, and there it was; the security control room. The door was locked, but I opened the lock with the will of my mind. Another easy task considering mind control was as easy for my kind as breathing.

It didn't take me long to hack into the security system, deleting all recorded footage and disable it for good. No need for the homo sapiens to know they got company.

Two mission objectives down, two to go. I left the security control room and focused on my next point on the list.

Performing a mind sweep was another simple order. A sweep of my hand over a human's brow deleted everything they knew or thought they knew about the breed. All the memories were taken from them in a matter of seconds.

With another stroke of my hand over their forehead, I also put them into a light trance, making them drop like dead weight on the floor. The humans would stay in this state until I left the building.

I couldn't risk being detected. Carrying the unconscious meat bags into empty laboratories, made sure of that. Furthermore, I used a second command of my mind, to lock the doors behind them.

It took me a while to scrub the memories of every single mundane in the facility. All the while, I was cross-referencing their IDs with the list Gideon gave me before I headed out this evening.

Gid and the rest of the order would take care of everyone else who wasn't in the building tonight. One thing I didn't need to worry about. They would get the job done.

Once I erased the memories of the last human in the complex, I laid him down to the ground after one last sandman treatment.

Now I could take care of my last point on tonight's agenda.

My boots were chewing up the PVC-coated floor to the server room in no time. I took out the flash drive off my black fatigues and pushed it into the destined slot on the company's central server.

The computer virus Gideon has created was a program solely designed to do malicious tasks, such as deleting files or inserting its code into other files to corrupt them.

I wheeled one of the vacant swivel chairs over, sat down, and took a breather. It would take some time for the virus to spread and do its thing. In the meantime, I was able to relax for a bit. Patting on my shoulder for a job well done, I leaned back in the chair, crossing my arms over my head. Not bad for one day's work, or night that was.

The success of getting a job done and excelling in it, always made me feel giddy, and with the excitement came the lust. I guess there was no reason why I couldn't play a quick game of pocket pool to release the tension.

I could already feel my fatigues tightening around my massive arousal. I used one hand to open the button and fly of my pants while my other arm was still crossed behind my head. I've never been a briefs or boxers man, so as soon as my fly was unzipped, my erection sprung free.

I gripped myself, giving my hard-on a few lazy strokes. I strengthened the hold on my hardness and let it slap against my stomach, imagining slapping against some soft breasts or a warm hot cleft of a female.

I almost didn't pick up on the light stir of atmosphere that suddenly disturbed the stillness in the server room. I took a deep breath, dragging in a lungful of the dry and stale air.

Something spicy-sweet tickled my nostrils, sending every cell of my body into instant alert. The scent was distant and elusive, nothing manufactured by men, breed, or any of the collective sciences. It was dusky warm, like cinnamon and vanilla, but to call it that only captured the smallest fraction of its mystique. The scent was something exquisite and singular. All I knew was the scent of that perfume carried towards me on the light breeze fabricated by the ventilators and the realization that a female was near.

My eyes shot open in a split second, narrowing on the source of that bewitching aroma. There she was, across the width of the computer equipment-filled room, on the other side.

The first moment I saw her, I recognized that she was beautiful. However, having a closer look now, seeing her stand under the strand of small white lights illuminating the servers, made me realize that she looked radiant.

Her cheeks were flushed pink, her blue-green eyes sparkling as she stared transfixed at my enormous erection still gripped in my hand. She moved closer towards me as if unable to control her movement. This close, her scent was inebriating and lush. I breezed in through my mouth, letting the spicy sweetness of her sift through my teeth, relishing the way it played across my tongue.

Fuck me dead, but I wanted to taste her.

I wanted to drink from her.

I wanted to take her.

Before I knew what I was doing, I wiggled my arousal in front of her eyes, asking her with a mischievous grin: "Would you like a taste of that, sweetheart?"

At the sound of my voice, she startled a bit, her eyes darting towards mine. To my astonishment, however, she gave me a vague nod, then smiled at me before I had the chance to curse myself in my head.

I knew I should have been furious over my neglect to realize that there was still one human being in need of a mind scrub. Unfortunately, I couldn't bring up the necessary energy to do so because my mind was already filled with other, darker things.

"You do, huh? Well, then why don't you move that cute little butt of yours over here so you can have a better look at what you are going to get."

To her credit, I had to admit that she only hesitated for a brief second before she closed the distance between where she stood and where I was sitting in my chair in a lascivious, sexy stride.

She was the personification of a femme fatale. Her body was lean but with curves in all the right places.

Her hair was swept back in a casual ponytail, her blond waves cascading down over her shoulders. Her beautiful big blue-green eyes were sparkling with interest. She had her full lips slightly parted, licking them as she strolled near.

The female’s skin was sun-kissed as if she just recently returned from a sunny holiday.

The black denim skirt she was wearing was barely covering the curves of her ass, and she had that kind of legs you’d like to suck on for a day. To top it all off, the violet top she wore was skintight and accentuated the astonishing swell of her breasts.

She didn't say anything as she strode over, just took her position between my legs before she knelt in front of me. Without hesitating this time, she closed the distance to my crotch and gave my scrotum a long lick. At the first contact of her cute pink tongue on my balls, my cock jerked on its own volition, the sensation like an electrical current, setting every nerve ending in my body on fire.

I hissed through my teeth, and I could hear a low growl emanating out of my throat.

Obviously pleased with my reaction, she continued with her sweet torture. First, she licked on my left nut before she gave the same attention to my right one. If this continued like this, I wasn't sure how long I would be able to hold back. It seemed, though, as if the female was just getting started.

Once my balls were drawn as tight as they could get and were glistening with her saliva, she continued licking a path up my lengths.

And, fuck, did that feel good.

She licked my erection from my testicles all the way to the head, flickering her skilled tongue over the sensitive spot just below.

I had to hold on to the armrests on both sides of the chair to hold myself back and not to throw that female on the ground, taking her right then and there.

After a few more licks with her tongue, she sucked my head into her mouth. She struggled with my girth, trying to accommodate as much of my cock in her mouth as possible.

The hot friction made my hips jerk up violently on their own, pushing my rod deeper into her warm wet mouth. The harsh penetration made her gag, the convulsions of her throat reverberating through my entire body. Being the selfish asshole that I am, I thrust my hips up again, making her retch for a second time.

Even though she seemed to have noticed that I did it on purpose, instead of drawing back, she continued pushing my now even harder cock as deep and as far into her throat as she could. She continued gagging and struggling to get enough air into her lungs. Her make-up was a mess, wholly smudged, running down her cheeks.

I have never seen anything more beautiful.

My cock was all sloppy and covered in her drool and saliva. I couldn't take much more. This was getting dangerous. I could feel the transformation coming over me.

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This happened to all of my kind when we were exposed to extreme emotions such as anger, hunger, pain, or lust.

My skin grew taught. The bones in my face would appear starker now, lean, blade-sharp cheekbones and a squared jaw that seemed carved of marble.

My vision sharpened, and I knew that my eyes were no longer their usual gem-green, but swamped with bright, glowing amber that burned like twin flames in my skull and that my pupils had narrowed down to elliptical slits in the middle of my gold-hued eyes.

Gritting my teeth to discourage my fangs from punching out of my gums was a futile effort. My gums throbbed and ached with the sudden elongation of my fangs, stretching out long and deadly.

Knowing that playtime would be over if the female gave me as much as a short glance, I pulled my throbbing arousal out between her heated lips and turned her over with a swift flick of my hands.

"Enough,” I growled, my voice grown thick and low with the presence of my fangs. "I want to fuck you now.”

I didn't want to acknowledge that my hands were trembling with desire when I let them roam along that delicious body right in front of me. I pushed that skimpy skirt up to her hips and exposed her to me. As it turned out, she wasn't a fan of the pantie or G-string fraction herself.

”Fuck, no underwear!" The sentence came out harsher than I had intended and was nothing more than a croak.

I let my hands slide under the hem of her top, groping her—only the thinnest scratch of cotton separating my greedy hands from her luscious breasts. Beneath the cotton of her bra, her nipples had tightened into hard pearls.

Front clasp, Jackpot!

Her breasts were full but firm. I brushed my thumb over one pebbled bud, my breath surging in my throat as she arched into me, uninhibited, throwing off erotic heat like a furnace.

She was liquid in the movements, undulating and arching into my touch. With a low, breathy moan, she opened her legs to me and moved my hand down to where she wanted me. She clamped her thighs together, holding me there when I hesitated to touch her on my own.

It was too hard to resist.

I brushed my fingers along the moist cleft, and she jerked as if I touched her with an open flame. I stroked her again, with more purpose, feeling her need ratchet tighter with every slide of my fingers. Her cleft was drenched and slick, the petals of her sex giving way easily as I glided my thumb along the delicate valley between them.

Fuck, she was so soft. Like velvet and satin, and so deliciously warm.

And the sweet intoxicating scent of her...

The fragrance of her arousal was a combination of cinnamon and vanilla and would have brought even the hardest and most formidable members of my species to their knees.

"Spread your legs wide for me, sweetheart," I said, my voice reduced to coarse gravel in my throat. "I'll take care of the rest."

She obeyed, and I stroked her towards a shattering release. She came apart in wave after wave of shuddering pleasure, her blunt human teeth biting down hard on the fleshy part between my thumb and my forefinger when I tried to stifle her screams.

By the time it was over, my fangs were throbbing, my cock straining to be buried deep inside her hot, wet core. I wanted to spread her legs and mount her like an animal. Craving it so badly, my head was pounding with the urge to fall on her in a savage, lustful fury.

"Do you want me inside you, female?"

"Yes," she gasped, arching up to meet my body. "I need you inside me, baby. Now."

I moved between her legs, my erection standing thick and upright, terrifyingly large.

Doubt flickered through her mind, a sudden fear making her brace for an inevitable pain. Her breath stopped, heart rate speeding now, as I shifted my hips, and the blunt head of my cock slid through her wet cleft, coming to rest at the opening of her body.

"You're so slick and hot," I murmured, as another pivot of my hips seated me more fully at her entrance. I pushed slightly, testing her. Studying her and patiently allowing her to prepare for my invasion. "Are you ready, sweetheart?"

"Yes," she replied, her stifled breath gusting out of her on a tremulous sigh as I moved against her, teasing her with the promise of what was still to come.

With this one word, all of my restraint broke. I gripped her ass and drove into her, impaling her with one long deep thrust. She cried out, in pain or pleasure, I wasn't sure. My body stilled, trying to sense her emotions.

I wanted to ask her if she was all right. Before I was able to build a coherent sentence in my head, she started riding me, plunging down hard, then rising up slowly on the length of my shaft again. The wet sounds of her pussy were erotic in the extreme; her pleasured moans the sexiest thing I had ever heard.

When she threw her head back and screamed with her breaking orgasm, I lost all hope of control. I grabbed her legs under the knees, holding them up, gripping her tight.

Like the animal a part of me was, I pumped into her. I showed her no mercy, increasing my speed and depth until she was lost and adrift, every particle of her being turned electric with pure, powerful sensation.

With my need to fuck her, another more primal hunger arose. I wanted to taste her blood. I ran my palm over her glistening skin, bending down to taste the eliciting curve of flesh where her neck and shoulder met.

I should have known better.

Ah, bloody hell. Maybe I did know better, but I had to do it anyway.

The drum of her heartbeat pulsated against my mouth. I followed it, moving up the female's throat until my mouth hovered over the tender skin beneath her ear. She whimpered as my tongue licked along the line of her artery. My fangs throbbed in time with her pulse, every breed instinct in me rising to the temptation that lay just a breath away from completion. I nipped at her, only a small test of her mettle. In answer, she impaled herself deeper on my cock, grinding against me as another orgasm shuddered through her.

It was too much for me to bear.

I held her head to the side in one hand and lowered my mouth to her neck. My fangs sank in easily, sharp points penetrating her tender skin like a hot knife through butter.

She cried out as I took the first long pull from her vein. Her body arched catlike in my arms, then eased into a languid calm as I began to drink.

And oh, fuck, she was sweet.

My mouth filled with a sudden rush of her blood, the cinnamon, and vanilla scent of it saturating my senses. I was greedy for it, could not recall ever knowing anything as exquisite as this female on my tongue, the vibrant essence of her blood coursing through my body lighting me from within. With each quenching swallow from her vein, my hunger for her rose.

I couldn’t stop my hips from pumping, couldn't stanch the escalating urge to lose myself inside her. My shaft swelled with the rise of my orgasm, and I knew I was just a few desperate seconds from exploding. I grunted, going deep as the coil wound tighter. My voice was a raw scrape in my throat.

”Ah, fuuuuuck!”

I couldn't hold it back. With a hard surge, I drove my hips into hers and came like a breaking storm. I shouted with the force of my release, thrusting as wave after searing wave shuddered out of me.

And still, it wasn't enough. I was still erect, still hungry for her. Still pumping in the velvety glove of her exquisite body.

With the flick of my tongue, I closed the two small puncture wounds on her throat.

I withdrew and thrust again, withdrew and trust again, feeling the walls of her channel grip and contract around me.

”Oh, bloody hell, ” I rasped, hissing with the pleasure of it.

Already another orgasm was ratcheting within me. The female's climax was swiftly building too. She took me deeper with every furious pound of our meeting flesh, clutching at the armrests and panting as her body’s need overtook her. All the while, I was thrusting into her, taking carnal delight in every gasp and shudder as she spiraled closer to release. Her fingernails scored my skin, where she suddenly gripped my arm as her orgasm seized her.

She broke apart on a violent tremor, crying out as I drove in a relentless rhythm, chasing my own fierce climax now too. I plunged deep, feeling the hot seed jetting up my shaft, erupting from me in a gushing wave as her sex milked me like a hot, wet fist.

"Ah fuck, ” I gasped, spent but not sated. Not even close.

The scent of blood and sex was ripe in the room, a potent fragrance that only reminded me of the savage side of my nature.

It was almost a shame that I had to scrub her mind after the incredibly fantastic sex we just shared.

However, there was no other way, and I knew it. I brought one of my hands down on her brow and erased not only everything she knew about my kind but also everything that occurred between us for the last hour. I made sure that she was adequately dressed and sent on her way.

I knew that she would still feel the sensations my cock left after pumping into her vigorously, and damn if that wasn't hot as hell.

Who was to say that this would be the last time we would see each other?

How does the saying go?

You always meet twice.


Written by Habren
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