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The Medallion of Lilith

"A well-liked professor has been murdered. Angel has been sent in to solve the case."

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Competition Entry: Whodunnit

Angel Green sighed as she stepped into the living room of Stuart Browning, the local art professor who had been murdered the night before, and discovered when he didn’t show up for work. Her piercing blue eyes made a quick survey of the room, where everything more or less looked undisturbed. The one exception was the couch, where the dead professor was reclining back, with signs of a minor struggle having occurred at that location.

“Oh, Detective Green, good,” the police sergeant in charge of the scene exclaimed as he walked over to shake Angel’s hand.

Angel wore a sharp burgundy three-piece suit with a blazer, vest, and pants. The vest had a V-neck cut which showed some of Angel’s alluring cleavage. She also wore matching burgundy heels.

Even though she was rather young—only twenty-seven years old—she had quickly climbed the local district attorney’s office ranks due to her very effective and efficient investigating skills. It also perhaps didn’t hurt that she was stunning, with beautiful straight brown hair and smooth skin, which made her almost intoxicatingly attractive.

“What do we have here, sergeant?” Angel professionally asked.

“Strangulation. Probably by some object. No hand marks were found around the neck. I’ll let you investigate further yourself, of course,” the sergeant expounded.

With another sigh, she murmured, "Alright, I suppose I should start." She turned back towards the door she had just walked through. “Eve?" she yelled through the door, "we’re ready!”

Through the door walked Eve Silver, wearing a white blouse, a black pencil skirt, and flat-bottomed dress shoes. She had with her a gray bag, the strap over one of her shoulders.

“Sergeant, let me introduce you to Eve Silver. She’s a senior at the university and is doing an apprenticeship with me this semester,” announced Angel, as she motioned towards the girl.

“Nice to meet you, Eve,” the sergeant smiled, offering his hand to shake.

“Nice to meet you too,” Eve greeted, trying to keep the strap of the bag from falling off her shoulder while returning the handshake.

“Well, uh, I guess I will let you ladies get to your work,” the sergeant finally stammered, excusing himself.

Eve carefully set the bag on the floor and unzipped several compartments. She pulled out two pairs of latex gloves and threw one pair towards Angel, who caught them and promptly put them on. She then pulled out a very expensive-looking camera and started taking pictures of the body and the crime scene.

Angel, meanwhile, inspected the rest of the house, brushing for prints and looking for any other evidence. She soon found two items that interested her the most: a diary buried at the bottom of a drawer in the bedroom and a safe in a closet off the dining room. They could be nothing, but they might also hold the answer to the case.

She started flipping through the diary. “Very interesting,” she mumbled to herself, leafing through the pages. She then flipped to the back and saw a series of numbers: 72-22-73. “I wonder—” she pondered openly as Eve continued to do other investigations around the crime scene.

“Hey, look at this,” Eve called over. She was leaning over the dead body.

“What you got?” Angel asked, walking to join her.

“These marks on his neck. What do you think?” Eve pointed out the marks, which appeared thick and red as if they created a lot of friction during the strangulation.

Angel leaned in and took a closer look. She carefully moved the victim’s head from side to side so she could get a fuller look at the marks. She had an idea but wanted to see what her apprentice thought first. She was here to learn, after all.

"What do you think, Eve?" she asked.

Eve pondered for a moment. “Well, it certainly isn't done with fingers. It looks like something smooth, but broad. Maybe leathery by the abrasion pattern. Maybe like a leather belt?” she openly pondered.

“My thinking exactly, very good,” Angel smiled. “Are there any pieces that might have rubbed off?”

“No. That’s what is strange here. The cushions are somewhat scrunched, suggesting a struggle of some sort, but there is just no other evidence here. No pieces of clothing. No makeup. No prints. There is no hair other than what appears to be his—we'll test it just in case, of course. But otherwise, nothing. Just a guy who seemingly got strangled by a leather belt, which is nowhere to be found, by a perpetrator who was good enough to leave no evidence.”

“Hmm,” Angel pondered, “that’s unfortunate. Luckily, we may have other evidence to go by.”

“Oh?” Eve reacted, turning around to face Angel, who held up the diary.

“I’ll need to do a more thorough read, but this already shows promise. And I believe it includes the combination of a safe I found in the closet. Want to check it out?”

“Of course!” Eve smiled.

The pair, kneeling in front of the safe, carefully entered the combination from the diary. The safe clicked open.

“Bingo,” Angel calmly exclaimed. She opened the safe to find several folders full of documents and pictures. She started looking through them, handing some over to Eve.

“These look like photos taken secretly. Look at how they were taken,” Eve remarked, showing Angel one of the photos. It was taken at a strange angle through a window, with what looked like tree or brush branches obscuring part of the view.

“Yeah, I think you may be right. And look. Someone was spying on a couple having sex. And the man isn’t our Dr. Browning here.”

“Catching the wife in an affair?” Eve proposed.

“Mmm, I don’t think so. From what I understand, Dr. Browning was unmarried. But then why would he be interested in doing this, assuming he was the one who took the pictures?”

“Maybe a voyeur? Maybe one of them found out and took action?” Eve speculated.

“Perhaps. I guess all of this stuff is coming with us. We’ll need to sift through it to see what it tells us,” Angel remarked.

The pair continued scouring the house, placing the diary, the contents of the safe, and a few other items in evidence bags. Finally, the pair was content that they had found everything of interest at the scene and walked back outside, where the police sergeant was waiting.

“I believe we've got what we can. The place is yours,” Angel remarked to the sergeant as she carried a bin containing the bags of evidence and placed it in her car.

“Thank you for your hard work, Ms. Green, Ms. Silver,” the sergeant remarked with a grin.

Angel and Eve then got into the car and drove off back to the office.


Over the next several days, the pair sifted through the evidence they had collected, interviewed neighbors, students, and fellow professors at the college, and conducted internet searches on Dr. Browning and other people of interest to see what they could find. Finally, the pair was ready to review where their evidence stood and decide what next steps to take.

“First off, let’s review the murder itself,” Angel suggested, with piles of paper laid out in front of her.

“The victim is Dr. Stuart Browning, a university art professor. He was fifty-one years old, single, and held his position at the university for sixteen years,” Eve reviewed. “He died by asphyxiation due to strangulation, most likely by some sort of smooth, broad object, such as a belt. There appears to have been some struggle on the couch, but the rest of the room, and indeed the entire house, appeared undisturbed. It appears like the murder was the goal. The perpetrator didn’t appear to want anything else in the house. There doesn't even appear to be evidence of forced entry, suggesting the murderer was let into the house beforehand by Dr. Browning.

“Interviews suggest he was well-liked by both students and fellow professors alike at the university. Neighbors were unaware of any problems with the victim. He appears to have been a generally well-respected member of both the university community and the community at large.”

“Very good,” Angel complimented. “Now, I think we have three main suspects in this case. Do you agree?”

Eve nodded her head in agreement. “I agree with that. These were the only three people who appeared to have any motive from the evidence that we’ve collected.”

“Suspect number one,” Angel began, pulling up a picture of a man with several tattoos running up his neck and down his arms. “Edwin Black, thirty-one. He owns a local tattoo shop in town. Internet searches as well as interviews with faculty indicate that Dr. Browning recently had gotten a tattoo at his shop and was quite dissatisfied with the results. He left negative reviews on several websites and was openly spreading negative feedback among both fellow professors and students about the shop.” Angel looked over towards Eve. “What do you think?”

Eve cleared her throat. “Well, the motive appears clear: Mr. Black would be upset by the damage a prominent and well-respected art professor was doing to his business. He also had possible access to items that could have been used as the murder weapon.”

“But ...?” Angel then pushed.

“But there is the question of how. There is no apparent forced entry, so the obvious question is, why would Dr. Browning let Mr. Black into his house? Other than going to his shop to get the tattoo, they were strangers. I suppose it is possible Mr. Black went to his residence to confront him, but it would still be odd for Dr. Browning to let him in. There didn’t appear to be a struggle at the door, only on the couch, so it seems unlikely that Mr. Black forced his way in after Dr. Browning opened the door for him.”

“A curious problem, indeed. One we will need to explain if Mr. Black is indeed the perpetrator,” Angel affirmed.

She then flipped to another picture, this one of a young female college student.

“Suspect number two. Zoey White, twenty-two. She was one of Dr. Browning’s students. He also employed her as a nude model for several of his classes. We discovered in his diary, however, that this relationship was far more than professional. Ms. White and Dr. Browning were engaged in an illicit sexual relationship—one that could potentially have gotten both in trouble with the university as he was both her employer and teacher. One of the final entries in his diary about this relationship included Dr. Browning's thoughts that he should terminate the relationship due to its improper nature.

Angel once again turned to face Eve. “Thoughts?”

“Well, again, the motive here seems clear: she was upset at the possibility that he was going to end the relationship. She likely would have easy access to him. All indications are that the relationship was still ongoing, so she would likely have no problem being allowed inside his house.”

Eve took a breath before continuing. “The problems here are threefold. First, while there is a motive, I find it to be rather shaky. Would she really kill him for wanting to end the relationship? It’s not out of the question, but it seems a bit extreme. Second, there is also the problem that killing him—even if she got away with it—would have ended her modeling employment for his classes. There was no indication he was going to fire her from that job even if the relationship ended. And third, the lack of evidence at the scene in general. This was done by someone who knew what they were doing, or at least knew how to cover their tracks. Would a college student really have considered that when committing a crime of passion?”

Angel nodded her head in agreement. “I agree. This one, too, has serious flaws." She then flipped to a picture of the third suspect, a sharply dressed man with well-groomed hair.

“Suspect three, Jacob Gray, forty-five. Mr. Gray is a city council member and a candidate for city mayor. The contents of the safe reveal that he had previously been engaged in an affair with Dr. Browning’s sister. Other documents also reveal that Dr. Browning was blackmailing Mr. Gray over this fact, demanding money and support for political positions that helped his department, the university, or even policies that Dr. Browning personally supported.”

Once again, Angel turned towards Eve. “What do you think about this one?”

Eve let out a whistle. “Very strong motive. His political career could be in jeopardy due to the threat of blackmail. It’s possible he visited Dr. Browning to confront him. That could explain the no forced entry. Interviews also suggested that they at least knew each other as a friend of Dr. Browning’s sister. That could overcome the problem we had with Mr. Black of, even if he showed up at Dr. Browning’s residence, why would he let him in.”

“I think our next job is to interview these three and tease out what we can find,” Angel declared. “I want to start with Ms. White first, as I think she has the weakest motive. If we can eliminate her early, that will make things easier.”

Eve nodded in agreement, and the pair started to prepare their strategy for how to conduct their interviews.


Two days later, Angel and Eve had arranged for all three interviews to take place throughout the day. The first was in the late morning in Zoey White’s apartment. Angel and Eve were sitting in chairs in the girl’s bedroom. A camera was set up on a tripod between them to record the interview.

Sitting on the edge of the bed was Zoey White, a twenty-two-year-old college girl. She had brown eyes and curly brown hair and was wearing a black t-shirt with an artwork print and blue jean shorts. She was fidgeting nervously as the interview began.

“My name is- Zoey White. I’m twenty-two years old and a senior at the university. I’m an art major, and I was a student of Professor Browning’s. I also worked for him as a nude model in a couple of his classes.”

“Are you sure that was the extent of your relationship with Dr. Browning?” Angel asked.

“Y-yes! He was my professor and employer, that’s all!” Zoey stressed.

“What if I told you that we found evidence that you and Dr. Browning were having an illicit sexual relationship? One that could have gotten him fired, and you expelled from the university?” Angel revealed.

Zoey’s face turned white. “How ...” she gasped.

Angel flashed her a devilish smile. “We have our sources. It appears that he was thinking about breaking the relationship off with you over those concerns.”

Zoey burst out crying. “Okay, okay. I’ll confess! We started having a relationship soon after I was hired to do nude modeling for him a couple of years ago. He was just so sweet. I just kind of fell for him. I swear I was the one who initiated it!” Zoey wiped away some tears from her face. “And yes, he had discussed with me his thoughts about ending the relationship. I begged him not to. After I graduated this spring, we could make our relationship ‘official’. We wouldn't be breaking any more rules once I was no longer his student.”

Angel and Eve both furiously wrote down notes in case something went wrong with their video recorder.

“It sounds like you were pretty upset with him wanting to end the relationship,” noted Eve.

“I guess you could say that. We had already been together for two years. What’s another semester?” Zoey remarked with clear frustration.

“Upset enough to kill him over it?” Angel posited.

Zoey looked at the pair, stunned. “What? You think ...? No! I loved him! Why would I kill him?! I would never!” Zoey stood up, a furious look on her face.

“We’re just noting that you do appear to have a motive here,” Eve pointed out.

Zoey’s face appeared to turn even whiter, and she sat back down. “I—I suppose I do, don’t I?” She gulped. “But I was out with friends that night. You can ask them. There was no way I could have gone to his house!”

“But you knew where he lived? You’ve had sex with him there?” Angel grilled her.

“Y-yes. I have,” Zoey said, her fear and nerves intensifying.

“Can your friends explain your movements for the whole night? You didn’t leave them at some point?” Eve prodded.

“I—I guess I did eventually leave them to go home pretty late. Like around 3 a.m. But that’s just what I did! I went home!”

“So you have a motive, and your alibi doesn’t cover the entire night,” Angel noted.

Zoey started to cry again. “Please! Stuart’s—Professor Browning’s—death hit me hard. But you have to believe me. I didn’t kill him.”

Angel and Eve wrote several more notes. Eve then noticed something curious hanging above the head of Zoey’s bed. It appeared to be some sort of medallion or pendant, but it looked like it was only a piece making up a third of a larger piece. It was set in a frame.

“May I ask what that is?” Eve abruptly changed the subject of questioning.

Zoey sat there, confused for a moment, before turning around to see what Eve was asking about.

“Oh. It’s just a family heirloom. It’s some broken medallion or something. But my mother insisted on me always keeping it around and safe. I don’t even know why. She was always into occult stuff.”

Eve raised an eyebrow. “Interesting. Anything regarding that medallion?”

Zoey appeared confused about this new line of questioning. “I think she called it the Medallion of Lilith. She always claimed it was an ancient artifact that our family kept safe. But it was always crazy occult stuff that I just usually ignored. I mean, silly, mystical hocus-pocus stuff, right?”

“I apologize. One of Eve’s hobbies is investigating and researching all sorts of occult stuff. I agree with you—I don't believe that nonsense," Angel finally interjected. “In any case, I think we’re about done here. Eve, can you return our stuff to the car? I will be out with you soon.”

“Uh, yeah, sure,” Eve nodded, taken somewhat aback at the slight reprimand.

Eve stopped the video recorder and put it away in her gray bag. She then carried it out of the room, leaving Angel and Zoey alone.

“Are—are you really going to charge me with murder?” Zoey asked fearfully.

“That is yet to be seen. However, it is quite likely that your affair will be exposed, which may very well lead to your expulsion,” Angel explained.

“Please ... I’ve worked so hard,” Zoey begged.

Angel pondered. “Perhaps we can make … an arrangement.”

“An arrangement?” Zoey asked, confused.

Angel walked up to Zoey and kissed her on the lips. “If you are indeed innocent, I could be persuaded to leave certain ... facts ... out of my report, if you were to give me something.”

Angel’s presence in the room left Zoey feeling suddenly mesmerized. “Well, I know I’m innocent, so yes, anything,” she acceded.

The pair sat down on the bed next to each other. Angel leaned in and started kissing Zoey, first lightly, then more passionately. She took off her blazer and threw it on one of the chairs, then quickly unbuttoned her vest, revealing a lacy, red bra. Angel then pulled off Zoey’s shirt and threw it aside, revealing her black bra.

The two women continued to kiss, taking off their respective bras, revealing Angel’s D-cup breasts and Zoey’s perky C-cups. “I can see why Dr. Browning found you difficult to resist,” Angel breathed as she leaned in and started kissing and sucking on Zoey’s nipples.

Angel never revealed her techniques for being so effective at gathering information from subjects. She knew several convictions would likely be tossed if people found out. However, the danger and excitement of convincing witnesses and suspects to fuck her was exhilarating.

Soon the pair had shed their pants and underwear and were kissing passionately on the bed.

“I have an idea,” Angel smirked at Zoey before turning around on the bed. “Have you ever eaten a woman out?” she asked the girl.

“N-no ...”

"Well, now you can practice," Angel grinned, lowering her hips over Zoey's face in a sixty-nine position. She then lowered her own face and circled her tongue around Zoey’s clit while slowly inserting a pair of fingers into her pussy.

Zoey gasped. Angel then felt her tentatively do something similar to her, causing her to let out a slight moan as well.

Angel knew she couldn’t take too long. If she didn't join Eve soon, Eve would inevitably decide to return to find out what was delaying her, and that would lead to a very awkward situation, indeed.

As a result, Angel worked furiously on Zoey. She rubbed her fingers against Zoey’s G-spot while also teasing and licking her clit. Zoey wasn’t doing quite as good of a job for her, but she was still doing pretty well. She could feel the tingling and sensation inside of herself building.

Angel started to fantasize. This was the pussy Dr. Browning had undoubtedly pounded multiple times over the past few years. A pussy which, at least indirectly, possibly led to his death. It was funny to her that such an instrument of pleasure had led to so much damage and destruction throughout the history of the world.

Zoey’s breathing increased as Angel continued to work on her. Angel couldn’t help but delight in the young woman’s enjoyment of her work.

“Oh my god!” Zoey then cried out. Her body tensed up, and then a few seconds later, she let out a loud gasp and moan as she orgasmed.

Angel’s tongue rubbed against Zoey’s clit as she breathed in her orgasm. She wanted to make sure Zoey felt the strongest one possible.

Zoey gasped, trying to recover. Angel pushed herself up so she was now sitting up on Zoey’s face to allow her to finish. Angel reached down with her hand to manually stimulate herself as much as possible. This also allowed her to take a glance at the clock. She only had a couple more minutes before she figured Eve would come snooping back.

She rubbed her clit hard as Zoey continued licking her pussy. A few moments later, Angel tensed up. She grabbed the bed, feeling like every muscle in her body was flexing at the same time. Then all of her muscles released. That feeling of bliss. She let out a moan and leaned back against the wall behind the bed.

However, she quickly shook the clouds out of her head and slipped off the bed, swiftly putting her outfit back on.

“You promise you won’t reveal anything about my relationship?” Zoey asked again as she tried to catch her breath.

“Personally, I don’t think you murdered Dr. Browning, so yes, you have my word on that,” Angel remarked, glancing at the still-naked Zoey, who was still recovering in bed.

“Th-thank you,” Zoey breathed.

“But I need one thing from you,” Angel then advised.

Outside, Eve was leaning against the car, taking a glance at her watch. She wasn’t sure what was taking Angel so long to get back. Maybe a few final questions? Finally, Angel exited the apartment building, carrying a manilla envelope under her arm.

“What took you so long?” Eve inquired.

“Oh, I just saw something else of interest that I wanted to grab and quickly ask Zoey about, sorry,” Angel explained, flashing the manilla envelope. “Shall we proceed to our next interview?”

“Sure,” Eve agreed as the pair got into the car and drove off.


The pair then arrived at a hole-in-the-wall tattoo parlor in town. They entered, causing a bell on the door to ring. On their way in, Angel flipped the "Open" sign on the door to "Closed." Once again, Eve was carrying their bag.

“May I help you?” greeted the man who matched the picture of Mr. Black.

“Mr. Edwin Black? Yes, we have some questions for you. We are investigating Dr. Stuart Browning's murder, and we wanted to see if you had any information you could provide us,” Angel commented, walking deeper into the shop.

Mr. Black’s lips pursed. “I can’t say I can tell you very much.”

“Nevertheless, we would still like to ask you a few questions,” Eve insisted.

“S-sure. Uh, it may be more comfortable in my office in the back,” Mr. Black suggested. Angel nodded in agreement, and Mr. Black led them back to a dinky office, where he sat behind a small desk with a computer on it. Angel and Eve sat in two small chairs on the other side of the desk. “What can I do for you two ladies?”

Eve began the process of setting up the camera.

“What the hell is that for?” Mr. Black then angrily stood up.

“To record our interview with you. It makes going back and reviewing answers easier if we need to,” Angel explained.

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“I don’t really feel comfortable—”

“I’m sorry that you might not enjoy the experience, Mr. Black. But this will go a lot faster and smoother with your cooperation,” Angel sternly interjected.

Mr. Black sighed and grumpily sat back down in his seat. Eve finished setting up the camera and took her seat.

“We discovered in our investigation that Dr. Browning had recently come to you for some tattoo work,” Angel began the questioning.

He once again pursed his lips. “Yes. An upper arm tattoo, if I remember correctly. A dragon design to fit in with some of the other work he had already gotten elsewhere.”

“We also discovered that Dr. Browning was apparently, shall we say, displeased with your work,” Eve added.

“Yes, well, that appears to be the case, doesn’t it?” Mr. Black commented with annoyance. “He went to every website he could find to leave invective-filled one-star reviews.”

“So you’re aware of his opinion?” Angel inquired.

“Of course I am. Every time someone leaves a review, I receive notifications. It’s difficult to ignore half a dozen reviews on different websites all saying that I’m the worst tattoo artist in town and that I should be avoided at all costs,” he added, irritated.

“And you knew he was verbally telling others about his displeasure with your work?” Eve pressed.

“I may have heard some things to that effect, yes.”

“Mr. Black, have you noticed any drop in traffic since this started happening?” Angel inquired.

Mr. Black shook his head. “No, not that I noticed. My customer base extends much farther than the local university’s art department, trust me. Him mouthing off to his little hippie buddies over there isn’t much of a concern to me.”

Angel jotted down some notes. "You weren't at all concerned about the impact his negative comments would have on your business?"

“Look ladies, I take pride in my work, but now and then you get some insufferable asshole who decides to leave bad reviews. It happens. I’m not about to get overly bent out of shape over it.”

“I also couldn’t help but notice that you came up on some very interesting internet search results, Mr. Black,” Angel continued.

“Oh? Such as?” he flatly asked.

“Let’s just say that a local vendor of a sex shop happened to have a blog post about you and your preference for certain, shall we say, accessories. Namely leather straps, whips, belts, and so on for use in BDSM activities,” Eve continued the questioning.

Mr. Black crossed his arms. “I fail to see how this is relevant to anything.”

“Dr. Browning was strangled to death. Very likely with some sort of strap or belt. Quite possibly leather,” Angel proceeded.

Mr. Black laughed. “What? And you think I went to his house and used one of my kink toys to kill him over a negative review? Give me a break.”

“You do have a motive and possible access to the murder weapon,” Eve noted.

Mr. Black scoffed. “I already told you, I don’t give a shit what he thinks. Is it annoying? Sure. But I’m not about to go murder some idiot for leaving a one-star review.”

“You never visited his house?” Angel pressed.

“What? No! I don’t even know where he lives!” he exclaimed.

“It would be simple enough to find out by searching for information about him online,” Eve explained.

“This is absurd. I read in the news that there wasn’t forced entry. How do you think I got in? He invited me over for dinner?” he continued, his irritation increasing.

Angel took a look around his office and then saw a curious artifact hanging on a hook in his office. It looked amazingly similar to the artifact that was hanging over Zoey’s bed.

“What is that?” Angel inquired, pointing at the artifact.

“This? Oh, this is just an artifact that I’ve collected. Nothing you would be interested in.”

Eve wiggled in her seat. Angel knew she was, in fact, very interested in it.

“Ms. Green. Perhaps we should ask about it. This is the second artifact we’ve seen like that in this investigation. Surely that’s not a coincidence?” Eve tentatively requested.

Angel sighed. “Alright, fine. Go ahead, Eve.”

Eve sat up straight. “Is that—is that part of something called a Medallion of Lilith?”

Mr. Black’s expression suddenly turned very serious, and he sat up straight in his chair. “How do you know that?”

Eve continued, "We—someone else we questioned had a piece very much like yours, and that is what she called it."

Mr. Black took the item off the wall and presented it to the pair.

“Yes. It has an ... interesting story if you are interested in hearing it,” he added.

Eve glanced up at Angel, who then gave her a begrudging shrug.

“Please indulge me, Mr. Black,” Eve requested.

“So this is going to sound wack, but this is the story passed down through several generations of my family. It's silly to believe in this stuff, but something about the stories and how my family told them makes me think they're real,” he began.

“Yes?” Eve eagerly waited for more.

“So the story goes as follows: In the 14th and 15th centuries, the French and English fought in the Hundred Years' War. Basic history there, right? But what the history books don’t tell you is who was really behind and drove the war. A coven of succubi had infiltrated both nations and was driving the war.”

“Excuse me, succubi?” Angel inquired incredulously.

“Yes. Sex demons. They survived by having sex with people and, in the process, sucking their life force from them. Warfare created ample opportunities for them as men got separated from their wives for long periods. That, in combination with the other stresses of war, made them easy prey,” Mr. Black expounded.

“Yes, I’m aware of what a succubus is,” Angel annoyingly remarked.

“Oh. Okay. Well, anyway. The French were losing the war badly, and the coven wanted to come up with a way to extend it. Their solution was to present visions to a young French girl. You may know her as one Joan of Arc. She helped lead the French back into the war. Except something happened the coven did not want or anticipate: she was captured.

“Joan was put on trial for heresy. Much of that trial is public. What was not made public was that, upon further private investigation, the lead judge of the trial, Bishop Cauchon, learned that this coven was responsible for her visions. This not only sealed Joan's fate of burning at the stake but also prompted the Bishop to seek a solution to this grave threat, which he now realized was the driving force behind the entire war.”

Mr. Black took a deep breath before continuing. Eve, meanwhile, was sitting in her chair, enraptured by the story.

“The December after Joan was burned at the stake, the bishop helped arrange the coronation of King Henry VI of England as King of France in Paris. However, this event was a trap. The bishop knew that the coven would find it irresistible to watch such a moment in history as part of the war they were orchestrating.

“However, in the lead-up to the coronation, the bishop had counseled three wise mages across Europe. Even though the use of wizardry was heretical, the bishop decided that the threat was too grave and allowed the three mages to proceed with their plan.

“During the coronation, the mages used their magic to imprison the coven under the seal, represented in our world by the Medallion of Lilith. After sealing the succubi, the three mages divided the medallion, passing the pieces on to their ancestors. I am an ancestor of the Black Mage—hence my surname, Black. There was also the White Mage and the Gray Mage. From that time on, the war, and indeed all of history, has been free of the coven’s influence and meddling.”

The room fell silent as Mr. Black concluded his story.

“Wow!” Eve excitedly exclaimed.

Angel glanced over and noticed she had been jotting notes down the whole time and rolled her eyes. “Yes, well, that was a very, um, fascinating story, Mr. Black.”

“You asked,” he simply replied with a shrug.

“Eve, can you take his stuff back out to the car? Oh, and perhaps you could run and fetch me a cup of coffee while I finish this up?” Angel grumbled over to her.

Eve looked down as if she had just been chided. “Y-yes, ma’am.” She put away the camera and carried it out to the car, jingling the bell on her way out.

“So, what business do we have left to do here?” Mr. Black inquired, standing up.

“I’m curious about this hobby of yours, Mr. Black,” Angel smirked, standing up and walking around the desk towards him.

“Oh? I’m surprised such a professional lady as yourself would have any interest in that,” he responded with a slight grin.

“Oh, just curious is all. I thought maybe you could show me what some of it is about after this is over," Angel said with a wicked smile, slowly pushing the man against the office's back wall.

“Uh, I’d be glad too once this, um, misunderstanding has been resolved.”

“You mean Dr. Browning’s murder?” she inquired.

“You—you don’t really think I was involved, do you?”

“That remains to be seen,” she smirked, before slowly lowering herself to her knees. “I could use some extra evidence, however,” she suggested before unbuckling Mr. Black's pants and pulling them and his boxers down in one swift motion.

“Woah!” he exclaimed but didn’t resist.

An already semi-hard cock presented itself to Angel. “Already excited from seeing us, huh?” she teased.

“Well, you and your outfit are quite ... alluring,” he admitted.

Angel let out a small laugh before placing his manhood in her mouth. She swirled her tongue around it and started grabbing and massaging his balls with her hand. She wondered what types of things he would be able to show her. Maybe he had a dungeon at home with all sorts of contraptions. The thought of it made her excited.

Mr. Black put his hands against the wall and groaned as Angel continued to work on him. She intended to squeeze every last drop out of him that she could.

Angel started to wish that she had undressed herself first. She didn’t have very easy access to get herself off as she slid his cock effortlessly down into her throat, pressing her red-lipsticked lips against the skin at the base of his cock.

Mr. Black groaned as he watched Angel deepthroat him. “My god, that is hot.”

Angel continued to press her mouth against him, pushing him back against the wall. She then used her tongue to rub the shaft inside of her mouth, attempting to force as much of his cock down her throat as possible. She moaned, relishing the sensation of having a cock shoved into her mouth in this manner.

“If you like leather,” he gasped, “I have quite a bit. But I assure you, I haven’t murdered anyone with any of it.”

Angel let out a soft moan in response. She was using her entire mouth to massage his shaft now. She could feel her nipples get hard and her pussy get wet and she so wanted to be able to touch herself in this moment.

“Oh god, I’m about to ...” Mr. Black warned.

Angel then felt shots of cum shoot down her throat, and she moaned. Shot after shot. She squeezed his balls to try to get every last drop out before finally extracting her mouth off of him and standing back up.

“Holy hell ...” is all he could get out.

Angel licked her lips and looked at him. She grinned with a wink, "If you have a wife or girlfriend back home, you may want to clean the lipstick off before you go home."

“Uh, yeah, I will. Can I be of any further assistance?” he breathily asked, pulling his pants back up.

“There is one thing,” Angel grinned at him.

Eve soon arrived back at the shop, with a pair of coffees in the car’s drink holders. Angel soon exited the shop and joined her in the passenger seat, tossing a manilla envelope onto the back seat.

“Find anything else interesting?” Eve inquired.

“Not really, unfortunately,” Angel sighed.

“Well, want to finish this trio of interviews?” Eve proposed.

“Yeah, let’s get this done.”


The pair walked into the office of Jacob Gray, the city council member and candidate for mayor.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Gray,” Angel remarked, shaking the man’s hand.

Mr. Gray seemed less than pleased to see them. "I understand that you have some questions to ask me."

“Indeed, please sit down while Eve sets up the equipment,” Angel requested.

Mr. Gray narrowed his eyes at the video recorder but didn't say anything. He took a seat behind his desk and waited until the camera was set up and Eve had taken her seat on the other side of the desk.

“I’m not entirely sure what I have to do with this whole situation,” Mr. Gray started, “I’ve never even met Professor Browning.”

Angel raised her eyebrow. “That is a very bold lie to start the interview off with, Mr. Gray.”

“It’s not a lie. I have no idea who this man is,” he responded indignantly.

“We know for a fact that you’ve met him. Through his sister, Eva Browning. She told us herself during interviews that she had introduced you two to each other,” Eve added.

Mr. Gray’s eyes grew wide. For a moment he appeared lost for words, then he appeared to recover. “Really? I didn’t know that. You understand that someone like me encounters a diverse range of people. I don’t always remember everyone I’m introduced to.”

"Yes, of course, Mr. Gray, that is understandable," Angel flashed a slight smile in feigned understanding, "but perhaps you can explain why Dr. Browning was in possession of photos of you having sex with his sister." She pulled one of the photos out of a manilla envelope and showed him.

He started studying the photo. “I don’t know. If he were alive, perhaps you could ask him why he was taking pictures of his own sister fucking someone.” He tossed the photo back at Angel. “That man in the photo isn’t me, regardless.”

Angel looked at the photo, then at Mr. Gray across from her. “Interesting, the man in the photo shows a rather striking resemblance.”

“I can assure you, it is not me,” Mr. Gray insisted.

“We also know you and Dr. Browning have had some direct communication with each other,” Eve continued.

“What do you mean?” Mr. Gray inquired, appearing a bit more alarmed.

“Something about asking you for favors in exchange for keeping the affair a secret. You could see how such a revelation could be problematic to your political career,” Angel noted.

Mr. Gray flashed a look of anger on his face and was considering what his next words would be.

"Okay, fine, look. Yes, he was blackmailing me. His sister and I had an affair a couple of years ago, but it has since ended. He discovered this and decided to use it as leverage against me," he admitted.

“And now that you’re running for mayor, you weren’t at all concerned about this getting out?” Eve inquired.

“Of course I was! But I thought I had the situation in hand. Most of the policy positions he demanded were things I supported anyway!” he angrily explained.

“He wasn’t just asking for that, however. He also demanded money from time to time,” Angel pointed out.

“Nothing I couldn’t afford. My god! You think an affair would be detrimental to my career? What do you think being accused of murder would do? Do you actually think I would be that stupid?” he yelled in frustration.

“I’m sorry to say, you had the motive—the blackmail. You likely had access to his house. You fully knew of him. What is to say you didn’t visit him to confront him? I’m sure you also have a fine collection of belts at home to go with the many suits you have to wear as a politician.” Angel coolly recounted the evidence against him.

“Jesus!” Mr. Gray exclaimed. “You’re going to ruin me!”

“From where I’m sitting, you may very well have ruined yourself, Mr. Gray.”

“I didn’t do it!” he yelled back.

Angel simply sat there, observing and assessing him. “If I were you, I would expect a search warrant for your house and office quite soon.”

“Do you know what this will do to my career!?” he frantically wailed.

"Oh, I have a pretty good idea of it," Angel said, rising from her seat. “I think we’re done here, Eve. At least for now.”

Before getting up to pack up, Eve decided to ask one more question. “Mr. Gray, do you know anything about the Medallion of Lilith?”

Mr. Gray got a confounded look on his face. “The Medallion of what? I’ve never heard of it. What nonsense is she talking about?”

“I apologize. Just a silly sidequest she's been investigating throughout all of this," Angel remarked, flashing a glare over at Eve.

“I insist! Nothing?” Eve pressed.

“Like I just said, I have no idea what you’re talking about. And this time, it’s the truth!” he pointed his finger at her in frustration.

“Okay, okay. Eve, can you just put our equipment away?” Angel asked with agitation.

After receiving another reprimand, Eve sulked, put the camera away, and began to walk out.

“Look, detective, if there is anything I can do—” Mr. Gray started to plead.

Angel just put her hand up. “Please, I don’t fuck around with murderers.”

Eve carried the bag back to the car and threw herself into the passenger seat. A few minutes later, Angel emerged, a manilla envelope tucked under her arm.

“Let’s get back to the office and write up some search warrants, shall we?” Angel remarked as she got into the car and started driving away.


"Thank you for inviting me over to your place for dinner," Angel thanked Eve as the pair sat together on a couch in Eve's apartment with a streaming service loaded up for them to browse. “You really didn’t have to.”

“No, I thought I should apologize for earlier. You were right. I did get carried away with my silly occult stuff," she shook her head in remorse. "I should never have brought it up."

“It’s okay. We still got the job done. I’m sure officers are already searching Mr. Gray’s home and office as we speak. We’re going to have a lot to go through tomorrow morning,” Angel sighed.

“Do you think it is Mr. Gray? I don’t have a good feeling about it,” Eve grumbled.

“I guess we’ll find out. I agree we need more evidence, but he is the strongest suspect, by far. He has a motive, no alibi, possible access, and means. All we need is the proof,” Angel surmised.

“I hope my behavior earlier didn’t hurt our relationship,” Eve bemoaned.

“You’re still the best apprentice I’ve ever had,” Angel smiled over at her. “And the cutest.”

Eve blinked. “What?”

“You heard me. You’re cute. Actually, I could probably even say hot,” Angel grinned at her.

“What are you saying?” Eve asked, bewildered.

Angel leaned over and kissed Eve. “Does that answer your question?”

Eve felt a hot flash; she suddenly stopped seeing Angel as just her boss but as a woman—a woman she had a desire for.

“I—I didn’t know you saw me that way,” Eve softly replied.

“Well, now you know,” Angel smiled. She leaned in and kissed Eve again. She had already hung her blazer up earlier, so she wasn’t wearing it, and she proceeded to unbutton her vest, revealing her lacy red bra.

Eve let out a slight laugh. “You do love red, don’t you?” she remarked. Eve unbuttoned her blouse and slid it off, revealing her white bra. The pair stood up and proceeded to fully undress, revealing Eve’s C-cup breasts and neatly shaven pubic area.

“Sit down and spread your legs,” Angel requested, and Eve complied.

Angel then got on her knees and started flicking her tongue around Eve’s clit, and rubbed her fingers up and down her labia. She then gently inserted two fingers into Eve, continuing to circle her clit.

Eve let out a slight gasp. “Are you sure we should be doing this?”

Angel looked into Eve’s eyes. “We can quit if you don’t want to.”

Eve let out a couple of breaths. “No—no, this is nice.”

Angel lustfully tasted Eve’s juices. Her heart pounded. She had been looking forward to this for quite some time. She pressed her tongue further against Eve’s clit, rubbing against her G-spot with her fingers inside of Eve’s pussy.

Eve grasped the couch cushions behind her in ecstasy and moaned loudly. No one had ever eaten her out like this before.

Angel moaned as she could feel Eve building up. Eve could barely contain herself as it was. Angel’s fingers and tongue continued to do their job. She used her other hand to start to finger herself. She was so close. She felt that if she touched herself she might explode.

Eve seized up as all of her muscles tightened. She let out a soft wail as the feeling gripped her. Angel took in her orgasm, trying to extend it as long as possible.

Eve then collapsed back onto the couch as her muscles released. Her pussy gushed, and Angel lapped up her juices. A wicked grin came across her face as she had completed her goal.

Angel started kissing her way up Eve’s body, making sure to stop and pay special attention to her breasts and nipples.

“You know, I have a little secret to tell you,” Angel breathed as she moved her way up Eve’s body.

“You mean besides fucking your apprentices?” Eve giggled.

“Oh, I don’t fuck just any apprentice. You are a very special one to me,” Angel continued up Eve’s body.

“Oh? I’m—I’m honored, I guess. But what makes me so special?” Eve asked curiously.

Angel kissed Eve’s shoulders until her mouth was right next to her ear.

“Because you’re the holder of the final piece of the Medallion of Lilith,” Angel whispered.

Eve quickly scooted to the end of the couch away from Angel. “I thought you thought that was just occult nonsense.”

Angel stood up and let out a wicked laugh. “Nonsense? Silly girl. I was there 600 years ago when it happened.”

Angel then started to transform in front of Eve. Red scales started to appear all over her body, along with a small set of horns and a devil’s tail. The only parts of Angel that remained "normal" were the front of her neck, her face, and the front of her body, which revealed her breasts, stomach, and pubic area.

“No!” Eve exclaimed.

“That’s right,” Angel flashed an inhuman grin. She floated over to her jacket and pulled out two manilla envelopes. She opened them, revealing the first two pieces of the medallion. She then floated over to a drawer and opened it up, revealing the third piece Eve had stashed away.

“Having now collected the complete medallion and part of the life-force of its three holders, I can finally break the seal and release my sisters from their jail.”

Eve sat there dumbfounded and scared. “I don’t understand!”

Angel grinned at Eve once again. “Edwin’s little history lesson was quite accurate. However, he did get one thing wrong: the third mage wasn’t gray. He was silver.”

Angel then turned more somber. “I was late getting to the coronation of King Henry VI. But that mistake was fortunate as I barely escaped being trapped by that infernal seal. The lone succubus to escape.” She then gritted her teeth in anger and frustration, “and I have spent the last 600 years trying to figure out a way to break it.”

Eve curled up on the couch, appalled at what she was hearing but also unable to look away.

Angel let out a little laugh. “Zoey White, Edwin Black, and Eve Silver. The three holders of the pieces of the medallion that were inherited by the white, black, and silver mages. I’ve known about you for a while. And your mother and grandfather before you.” She flashed another evil grin. “But what luck did I find that the two other descendants were nearby? I engineered events to make sure they had a connection. Not a direct one, but through poor Professor Browning.”

“You! You killed him!" Eve finally realized.

Angel revealed her widest grin yet. “Smart girl. You may make a competent detective yet.” Angel swung her tail behind her before swirling it so she could hold it in her hands. “An effective murder weapon, if I must say so myself. A detective arriving at his door wanting to ask him questions? Of course he let me in. It was simple after that.”

“You knew the other two would be suspects,” Eve further realized.

“Of course! Although it's not quite that simple. You see, I knew you were interested in being a detective from a young age. I had to put myself in a position where I could access you. Becoming a detective myself with you as my apprentice was perfect. I knew Ms. White was interested in art. I may have made some subliminal suggestions to her to attend this university and become involved with Dr. Browning. The same for Dr. Browning to go to that tattoo parlor. Mr. Gray getting involved to muddy the waters ended up being a happy accident. I do hope he enjoys his time in prison. After years of planning, all the pieces were in place.”

“You’re evil!” Eve growled at Angel.

“Of course I am!” Angel let out a roaring laugh. “I’m a succubus! And now, there will be a lot more of us!”

Angel then held the unified medallion over her stomach and started uttering a demonic enchantment. The medallion glowed bright and then suddenly flashed. It then dissolved away like dust.

“My sisters, you are free!” Angel called out to the air.

To Eve's horror, several succubi began flashing into existence in her living room.

“Thank you, sister; it's been so long,” one of them cooed at Angel, walking up to her and kissing her.

Then, Angel approached the couch where Eve had curled up and gazed down with another grin. “But I’m afraid I’ve already told you too much.” Angel flicked her tail behind her.

Written by JourneyYoung
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