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The Little Fat Fairy and the Fucking Fungus

"A fairy tale with a fungal twist!"

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"Oh, Mr. Wankles! You just don't understand." The little fat fairy plonked herself down onto the dandelion pouffe, causing her skirt to fly up and reveal her rather substantial knickers.

"Ooo, purple lace today, Daisy," leered Mr. Wankles.

"Certainly is, young-fella-me-lad," she sighed.

"And what sort of a problem cannot be solved by purple lace knickers?" The gnome sat back in his cumbersome velour chair. It was old, but shaped perfectly to his bum cheeks. Who needed memory foam when sixteen generations of gnome bottoms had graced the dusty cushions?

"You see," began Daisy, reaching out for a cookie from the tin, and then picking up the entire tin, "I'm really rather pissed off. That fucking tart, Sweet Pea has been shouting at me across the buttercups again. If she dares to say it up close, I'll make her a mushy pea, and then gobble her up."

"You can gobble me any time you like, me dear." Mr. Wankles cupped his groin and gave it a little tug.

"Oh, put it away."

"Open your hidey hole, and I will," he grinned.

"I knew you wouldn't understand," sighed Daisy. "Sometimes..." she mumbled, cramming three cookies and a sherbert fondant into her mouth, "a fairy jusht needsh shomebody to lishten."

"Alright," smiled Mr. Wankles. "I'm all ears." And POOF! In a flash, an enormous pair of ears sat wiggling on the chair. Daisy regarded them solemnly.

"So this morning, Little Miss Oo-What-Enormous-Bazongas-I-Have-And-Yet-Such-A-Tiny-Waist Sweet Pea was shouting stuff over the buttercups at me. And they joined in! The whole fecking field of them going on with that stupid chant they used to sing at school.

"Fatty fairy big baps,
Made the seats all co-llapse;
Stuffed her face with sweeties,
Cow-sized thighs dead meaties."

I mean, really!" Daisy grabbed two honeysuckle honey buns and took bites from each between sentences. It was a long and tedious story that Mr. Wankles had heard a great many times before, but he sat there anyway, a great big pair of ears wiggling studiously whenever Daisy looked as if she thought he wasn't listening.

"And in the end, that Muscari, the utter bell-end, was shouting how he'd scatter fairy dust to find my vag, but he was afraid the fall-out from the amount needed would implode the world, and everybody would get pulled into my black hole. As if I'd let him anywhere near my thruppenny bits!"

POOF! Mr. Wankles became his little gnome self again. Daisy took a breath, looked as if she was about to say something, and then just heaved out all the air dejectedly.

"Are you finished, my dear?" he asked kindly.

"Yes." Daisy sat there on the dandelion pouffe with her shoulders slumping and her fat little legs parted.

"Fancy some Happy Time?" asked Mr. Wankles. He was hopeful, but he knew it was probably pointless.

"Not today, Mr. Wankles, but thanks. I just don't feel sexy. It's not just the cookeis. Even when I was thinner, I never felt like I could get a fairy wiggly. And I know you'd do me..."

Mr. Wankles grinned.

"...and I totally think you're awesome," Daisy nodded sincerely. "But... well, we're just fuck fairies. Well, fuck fairy and fuck gnome."

Mr. Wankles nodded sagely. He understood.

"I want to feel sexy!" Daisy stood up. She wandered over to the dusty little mirror over the hearth, and looked at herself.

"Look at these boobies what I've got!" She pushed them up, two huge orbs of milky-white flesh, glowing with the orange firelight. "And check out my bum. Baby, I got back, and I'm not afraid to use it!"

Mr. Wankles raised an eyebrow at her through a haze of pink pipe smoke that he blew into the cozy little room.

"Well, so what if I am? Nobody would want it anyway." She sulkily threw herself back onto the pouffe, stomach down and ass in the air, skirt flying up so that her purple lacy knickers were on display again.

"Dearest Daisy," Mr. Wankles said, staring at her huge, curvy bottom through the wispy fabric, "I'm afraid that either I'm going to have to take you up the ass right now, or you're going to have to suck me off. Look at this stiffy!"

Daisy turned around and gasped. Mr. Wankles was sporting one of the largest stiffies Gnometon had ever seen (and Gnometon had seen a fair few, due to the annual Gnometon Stiffy Sucking Contest).

"Oh my god," she sighed, looking back into the fire and sighing dreamily. "Up, up and away, Mr. Wankles! I can always..."

She felt the head of his throbbing cock sliding up and down her purple lace, teasing her swelling lips.

"... count ..."

He slid his shaft between her plump thighs, feeling her squeeze them together onto him.

"... on..."

Mr. Wankles whipped the fast-dampening lace to one side and spat on Daisy's ass hole.

"... you!" He pushed the huge helmet of his cock into her entrance and listened to her gasp. He pushed his hips back and forth a tiny bit, just letting her feel the pulsing tip.

"Ohhh," sighed Daisy, ranting forgotten. Her juice began to drip down her leg. Nobody made her as hot, as fast, as Mr. Wankles could.

"Sexy fairy," Mr. Wankles grunted, trying to hold back from slamming into her full hilt. "I'd do you every hour of every day if I had the energy. Take some of this!" And he slid in half way.

"Mmm..." Daisy squeezed her huge cheeks together, letting him feel her muscles. If there was one thing that Daisy had, it was muscles. And stamina. Two things. Two things that Daisy had, and they were muscles and stamina. And cookies. Three cookies tattooed on her right bum cheek.

SLAP! Mr. Wankles slapped the cookie tattoo, and the shock made Daisy's ass open so he could slide all the way in. He let her feel him in deep for a moment, listening to her puffing and gasps as she let her tight tunnel grow accustomed to him.

"Now that I have your full attention, Daisy, I'd like you to be open to what I have to say."

He felt her muscles clench tightly on his shaft.

"There are some fairies who are sexy, and some fairies who aren't sexy." He withdrew his cock a little.

"There are them as reckon's they're it," he said, pushing in deep again, "and there are them as reckons they're not." He withdrew again, grabbing her hips to stop her pushing back onto him.

"And no amount of thin fairies teasing fat fairies, and fat fairies slagging off thin fairies, is ever going to change how you feel about yourself." He was pumping shallowly now, giving the strokes short. Daisy rested her cheek against the pouffe as she grabbed fat little handfuls, listening and feeling his huge cock sliding in and out of her. Her pussy juices were totally soaking the little stool and the rug below, stickily wending their way down in thick, fairy-glittered rivulets. They filled the air with the scent of soft gingerbread, mixing with the pink tobacco smoke.

"So what I suggest you do," Mr. Wankles continued, pushing in deeper, "is look inside yourself and think of a way to make everybody feel as sexy as I reckon you do right now, with my cock up your ass and about to explode." Daisy's juices were smeared all over his thighs, and he was having trouble holding back.

"Mmm..." was all she could muster, wriggling a hand underneath her to finger her clit.

"Reckon you can do that, sexy?"

"Oh my god, yesss!"

Mr. Wankles took that as the signal to go all the way, and go all the way, he did. He drew his cock out nearly entirely, and then slammed it into Daisy's ass until his now-tight balls smooshed against her swollen lips. Long, deep strokes, he gave her, until his feral instincts took over, and he thrust as firm and fast as he could, feeling the tight walls of her passage both pull and push in her need of his good, hard ass-pounding. The thapping sound of flesh against flesh grew faster and faster; the muffled squelching sounds from Daisy's soaking pussy as she dug her fingers inside herself became frantic. With one huge groan, Mr. Wankles jizzed so hard and deep inside Daisy's ass that she wondered if his spunk would fly out of her nose!

It didn't, of course. Mr. Wankles collapsed over Daisy who was incapacitated by post-orgasmic stupors (and too many cookies), and they lay there trying to catch their breath.

"Oh, Mr. Wankles, that was fucking ace," moaned Daisy.

"And the best of it is," grinned Mr. Wankles, "is that you've squirted all over my carpet with your fairy liquid, and saved me a spring clean. It's all morning fresh now. Nice one!" He clambered off her, sat in his ancient chair with his soggy willy flopped over one leg, and resumed smoking his pipe.


The next morning, Daisy lay in her pastry case bed, thinking. Her fat little fingers wriggled on either side of her fat little clit, feeling the delicious warmth of her juices coating her fingers. She sighed, and licked her forefinger.

"Oh my," she said to the daffodil duvet, "my juices taste even better than my caramel custard cupcakes, and they take a fair beating." She greedily licked her hand, and then shoved it back between her legs.

As she scissored her fingers between her soft, full lips, and dipped a finger inside her now and again, she thought about what Mr. Wankles had said. Feel as sexy as I do right now, she thought. How could I feel as sexy when people are teasing me?

She pushed her first two fingers inside herself and kept scissoring. Her sheets were soaking, and filled the air with her sweet, spicy fragrance. She squished her thighs together, and felt the mouth of her pussy closing together, and lightly skittered her thumb over her clit.

"Ooo," she sighed into the bedroom, and out the open window to the autumn sun dancing through onto the daffodil duvet.

"How to feel as sexy as I do now..." she pondered aloud. "I suppose," she told the merry sunbeams, "that I could just tell everybody to fuck off. But that's a bit difficult if I'm so sexy that I'm not bothered. If thin fairies tease fat fairies, and fat fairies slag off thin fairies, and I can still feel sexy, how would that work?"

She looked to the sunbeams for answers, but they just danced merrily in the sweet air, mirroring the dance of her fingers inside herself. She licked her fingers some more.

"Sweet... Sweet me..." Daisy's brain was working on a strange level, where it never had before. The building ache inside her pussy was beginning to override her pensive gloom like the sunbeams breaking through the rain clouds.

She mumbled to into the spicy air that thickened even as her pussy thickened and began to lock down on her fingers. "I suppose that if I felt sexy and the thin fairy felt sexy, then we would both be sexy, and if we're both being sexy, we can't be mean, and so what, then, would the world be like if we were sexy together?" Her large hips began to rise against her hand, now three fingers into her slippery hole and her thumb grinding on her raging nub.

"Oh, let's be sexy together," she gasped to the sunbeams, watching them dance into the stars that began to explode in her vision. Her hips rose and froze over the bed as she came hard against her hand, tasting her own juice on her lips like the sweet, sharp fragrance of the hawthorn blossoms in cold spring air.

The waves of joy spread through her, leaving trembling ripples of heat spreading softly in her fat little body. Her skin was blushed and flushed, the scent of her post-orgasmic throes lulling her mind to sleep. She knew what she must do, and when she woke, she would find a way to do it.


The next afternoon, Daisy was hiding behind the old yellow-ribboned oak tree, listening to Sweet Pea and her entourage discussing the very latest in fairy fucking toys. Daisy had spent many hours listening to Sweet Pea and her little minions, and she was desperate to change not only their way of thinking, but her own. Perhaps, she had told herself, if she kept listening, she might find a way to help them all feel sexy. Perhaps then, they could all get on with their lives and ignore each other at the least, and get along at the best.

She settled down more comfortably, in a short, round split in the tree trunk, and carried on listening to Sweet Pea talking complete bollocks.

"So, like, oh em gee, his 'nads were so big I could hardly fit them in my hand! And then, I was all, give me the sparkly white toy, to the assistant! And she was all, no, no, I so totally want that one myself! I totally grabbed it, though, because it was, like, the last one in Mugwort Mall, and they were the last place in Fairyland to have them.

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I'm all, I got it! She was pissed, and I'm so over her. All a fairy wants to do is get her rocks off with the latest toy, and this is so it!"

"So, like, what action does it have?" asked Euphorbia.

"It's still totally the same. Pumps a bit, wiggles a bit, and glows in the dark. Totally looks cool, though. They only made, like, fifty of these glitter vibes."

"But, like, it's so the same thing as usual, right?" observed Geranium.

"Totally. But it's white."

"Coool," coo-ed Sweet Pea's entourage.

"Yeah, no, I'm so over it now. I fucked it three times, once in the day to see it glitter, once in the night to see it glow, and once when I shoved it up Muscari's ass for a bit. It was fun, but now I'm all, meh. Whatever."

"Yeah, whatever," chorused Sweet Pea's entourage.

Daisy's heart sank. Was there no redemption for these fairies? Should she even bother trying to execute her plan? Could it really make a difference to her, or anybody else?

"You know," sighed Sweet Pea, "I totally wish there was a way to, like, have a new fucking toy, but one that's, like, totally new. And, you know, like, totally everybody can use it."

Daisy's heart leapt.

"Even Fat Daisy." Sweet Pea's entourage sniggered. Daisy's heart sank.

Sweet Pea continued, "I'm so, like, totally over laughing about fat. It's so last season. We're not fledglings any more."

Daisy's heart leapt.

"Yeah, but she's so fat," said Euphorbia.

Daisy's heart sank.

"Oh, so what. Totally, who has time for teasing any more? More teasey, less fucky. My brother's totally piling on the pounds, the little shit, but if anybody teased him, I'd kick the crap out of them. So I guess Lady Karma's gonna have to go looking for somebody else to fuck with now. And I hear she's got gangrene."

"Eeeeew," gasped Sweet Pea's entourage.

Daisy had often wondered why she had spent so many hours eavesdropping on these fairies, but today, she was glad she had. If Sweet Pea had voluntarily done half her job for her, and decided to stop teasing her, then so much the better for her plan. She pinched herself out of her reverie, and kept listening. She was getting cramp in her fat little legs, but it couldn't be helped.

"I totally wish somebody would come up with, like, a new fuck toy," said Lantana.

"Like what?" asked Geranium.

"I don't know. Something that does something different."

"But what is different to what we already have?" asked Sunflower. There was silence as they all thought.

"What about something that twists?" asked Sweet Pea.

"Twists?" asked Sweet Pea's entourage.

"You know, that turns as it goes in and out of your pussy. It drives me totally crazy when Filbert turns his fingers in me when I'm coming."

"Eeewww!" cried Euphorbia, Filbert's sister. "La la la la laaa, I can't heeear yooou!" All the fairies giggled.

"What about," Sweet Pea said slowly, "something that we could share?"

"Share?" asked Lantana.

"Don't you ever get turned on by thinking about, like, fucking each other?"

There was silence. Somebody coughed. Embarassment hung in the air like a shroud over the previous giggles. Daisy held her breath.

"I so totally know you all do! It's written all over your fucking fairy faces," Sweet Pea said sternly.

Suddenly, the harebells began to ring from the Twisty Woods, reminding the fairies that they only had an hour before the Twilight Towers night club would open the queuing zone. Anybody who was anybody had spent the better part of their early twenties queuing there, and still never seen the dancefloor.

The conversation was left there, as the fairies flitted off to get changed into very little. Daisy crawled out of the crevice stiffly, and stretched. Her fat little brain was chewing on a plan. She wasn't very good at running and flying, but she was good at maths, and good with her hands (as Mr. Wankles could testify rather loudly). It was time to do some work.


A week later, Mr. Wankles went round to visit Daisy. He could hear banging and thumping coming from her little fat cottage, and saw fizzing sparks and whirling streamers of fire belching out of the little fat chimney. A heavy scent of soft gingerbread saturated the air, making it thick and treacley. It stiiffened Mr. Wankles' cock immediately.

He thumped on the door, and bellowed to her.

"Oi! Daisy! What the fuck are you doing in there? Screwing a firework factory? Get out here and show me your cookie!"

"Ooo! Ohhh! Yesss! Ah! Ah! Ah!" Daisy's voiced drawled underneath the fat little door, and it was clear that whoever was fucking her had rendered her incapable of walking. So Mr. Wankles simply stood on the doorstep, whipped his willy out, and started wanking through the fat little letter box.

"Oh, yes! Ooo! Ah! Ohhh... Fuck meee..."

"I would if you'd open the bloody door," yelled Mr. Wankles.

There was a series of fizzy pops and squelches, and a delighted scream shooks the walls. Mr. Wankles felt a splatter of fairy pussy juices on his knob, and he added his spunk to the heady mix, hearing another splatter as he shot his load across Daisy's front room onto the far wall. He grinned dozily, pulled his cock from the letterbox, and wandered home, letting the air dry Daisy's liquid onto him.

"Fucking fairies," he muttered. "Don't let a gnome get any rest from the daily grind of... grinding..." And home he went to fall asleep with his buttocks cradled in his buttock-friendly chair.


Whatever Daisy had been doing in her cottage became clear the very next week, to anybody who had been observant. There was an advert in the Fairy Fanfare, the local rag where anything that was or would be anything was fanfared locally.

Fucking Fungus Friday is Coming!
Mutual masturbation and mushroom massage!
Come and fuck it!
The Mushroom Marsh on the Mingle Moor,
Friday, 6:09 P.M."

That was all the advert said. Obviously, fairies have very little sense of shame (and very little clothing), and they are extremely curious. And obviously, anybody who was anybody in Fairyland that week had nothing else to talk about other than what "Fucking Fungus Friday" and "mushroom massage" might be. Fairies can be rather dim, for all their glowing sparkle. Their shit is glittery, but it's still thick (unless they've overdosed on starshine, in which case, it's... never mind).

Some of the fairies wondered if "Fucking Fungus Friday" was a treatment event for folk with genital problems. But mushroom massage? Maybe... an event for learning to love your thrush? Nobody really knew. But mutual masturbation?

"Oh em gee, like, totally hell yeah!" cried Sweet Pea.

"Like, totally!" cried Sweet Pea's entourage.

And on Friday, at 6:09 P.M., half of Fairyland was queuing at the Mingle Moor, at the very edge of the brand new Mushroom Marsh. A huge swathe of the moor was filled with mushrooms of all shapes and sizes, highs and lows, widths and thinnesses, colours and textures.

And at the gate, on top of the most enormous mushroom that any fairy has ever seen, stood Daisy.

"Oh em gee," whispered Geranium really loudly, " it's Fat Daisy!"

Daisy coughed, blushed, and took a deep breath.

"Dear, and not-so-dear, Fairies," she began. "I 'ave invited you all to me Mushroom Moor. It seems to me that all us fairies are spendin' too much time wishin' we were sexy, and teasin' or slaggin' off other fairies whom we reckons is less sexy than what we are. And so, I reckoned, which is something I do sometimes, that maybe we should... y'know... get along better."

The crowd of fairies muttered assents and nodded in surprise. The little fat fairy had a good point. And so did some of those mushrooms.

"So," she continued, "I've made some toys that I reckons might be of some use to us. Some you can use alone, and some you can use with somebody else. And there's a massive moss bed in the far north corner if you just want to lick each other out or somethin'."

There were excited murmurings amongst the fairies, and thighs being rubbed together, and cocks being rubbed into semi-erectedness.

"Finally," Daisy said shyly, "every mushroom does something different, but they all do this one thing that I once heard somebody reckon might be a good idea."

She clumsily crawled down the enormous mushroom she'd been standing on, and went to a smooth, white, glittery double-stalked umbrella mushroom, both heads about waist high. Underneath the rim, in the frills, she showed the crowd a tiny button, and pressed it. Instantly, the two heads of the mushroom began to pump up and down gently.

"Ooo," gasped the crowd. A couple of fairies began to suck each others' fingers.

Daisy pressed another button. The stalks of the mushroom began to wiggle side to side.

"Ahhh," grinned the crowd. A few of the fairies got their cocks out and thrust them up and down, bouncing against their thighs and stomachs.

Daisy pressed another button. The mushroom heads and stalks began to run with tiny little lights, creating patterns and a moonglow of beams across the crowd, as the wiggling, pumping stalks began to bend in the middle in a hula-hooping action.

"Ohhh," sighed the crowd, all of them stripping off and getting their fingers stuck into themselves and their neighbours.

And finally, Daisy pressed one more button. The pumping, wiggling, hula-hooping stalks began to spin, one way, and then another, and the mushroom heads span another way, and then another, with different rhythms and angles, changing speeds and directions.

The crowd was silent and still. Except for one fairy.

"Like, totally fuck me," breathed Sweet Pea loudly.

"My pleasure," grinned Daisy. And she stripped off her clothes, rather shyly and very fat-ly. The naked, slim Sweet Pea walked forward, and they stared at each other. Daisy thought how delicious Sweet Pea's smooth, firm skin looked. Sweet Pea thought how soft and comfortable Daisy's round curves looked.

They stared each other in the eye for a minute, before cracking smiles, and turned to look at Daisy's fuck toy. They stared for a long time at the smooth, white-and-multi-coloured-lighted, glittery, double-stalked umbrella mushroom as it pumped, wiggled, hula-hooped, and span in all and any and every direction. Nobody moved, but everybody felt juices and pre-cum oozing and beginning to drip from their fucking fairy bodies as they stared at the fuck toys.

"Isn't it a bit, like..." Sweet Pea began, and paused.

"A bit, like, what?" smiled Daisy.

"Well, like, big," said Sweet Pea. "I mean, I can fit stuff inside me, but that? Well, it's like, totally, y'know..."

"Sweet Pea, I can fit three of those things inside me, lass. I reckon you could do it too, if you really wanted."

"Oh, I do, totally, like, want to," she breathed.

"In that case," said Daisy, offering her a hand up to to one of the pumping, wriggling, hula-hooping, spinning heads, "swivel on this!"


I could tell you the tale of how the first Fucking Fungus Friday fuckathon event in Fairyland went, and how mutual masturbation and mushroom massage went down (and up) with the fairy crowd from that night forth. And I could also tell you how the morning dew on the lawn is really the sweet, fresh, wonderful pussy juice of fairies spurting their liquid everywhere, and how they hold nightly squirting and spunking contests in every garden every night...

But then, I wouldn't have time to tell you about how Fat Daisy and Little Miss Oo-What-Enormous-Bazongas-I-Have-And-Yet-Such-A-Tiny-Waist Sweet Pea became fuck fairies, and totally did each other every chance they got. But if I told you that tale, then I wouldn't have time to tell you about the time Mr. Wankles got caught by the Fucking Fairy Police with his trousers round his ears as he tried to squeeze Mr. Lickmeenob's water butt up his butt...

But if I told you that, well, I'd totally spin you out...

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Written by Shylass
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