It was the night of October thirty-first. My friends and I had tickets to go to the local night club’s Halloween dance. There are twelve of us who work and generally hang out together. Mostly male but there were three women who worked in our section.
The local club had changed its name to “The Coven” using a makeshift banner hung across the real name. The tickets specified that all attendees had to wear fancy dress.
At work, there was a buzz of excitement about this Halloween party and the bosses had given us the afternoon off. In fact, most of the town seemed to be going. For over a month people were deciding on what they would dress up as. Trying to hire, make or order the appropriate costumes. There were Frankenstein’s Monsters, ghouls, ghosts, witches, vampires and anything else that goes bump in the night.
I was going to be dressed as Count Dracula, black cape with red satin inside, pointy teeth, white face and to top it off an old ring of my mothers which looked really Transylvanian. I had to admit I felt really cool in this costume as though I was born to be the dead count!
I slicked up my hair with gel shaping it into what I thought looked like the count's style. Having dark hair anyway the gell made it look jet black. Finally adding the cape which came with the outfit and the large gold clasp that held it in place. I took a final look in mom’s full-length mirror, satisfied with how I looked I left the house. Heading to where we had arranged to meet up, before going to the club.
Four of the lads were already there, with two of the lasses. When I arrived, they were all standing in their costumes. We all started commenting on each other’s get up. Chatting while we waited for the rest to come. One of the lasses was dressed as a werewolf and her partner in matching costume. The other lass, who wore a witches outfit and looked the business with her lad dressed as a mummy. Once we were all there, we headed to the club. There were crowds of people, all accumulating at the door to get inside. I saw the town mayor there, dressed as a devil. Perfect dress for him. His daughter looked amazing as a she-devil but his wife wasn’t there.
Some people from the surrounding areas had come too, all dressed up. We joined the queue to get in. Which seemed to be moving towards the doormen reasonably quickly. Being single as most of us were, I cast my eyes over the crowd. Trying to see if there were any others I knew or any female who caught my eye. There were a few I knew from the factory and its offices. There was one lass, dressed as a vampire, who I hoped to get a dance with and take home.
Finally, we got to the door and showing our tickets filed inside. The Coven had spared no expense. They had transformed the whole place, it looked really spooky. With spider’s web all over and some artificial spiders in it, some looking so real some of the women screamed if they got close to them. One or two of the men did also which was fun.
The clubs little separate booths were all done up as different settings. Some dressed in red velvet, others as dungeon style rooms with covers that looked like blocks of stone. I noticed one or two small coffins, in some of the rooms. These formed their tables with covers to match.
I picked out a booth that looked perfect for the count and placing my outer coat on the table joined the crowd that was trying to get their drinks. It was quite dark apart from the dance floor. The whole place had been transformed from its usual night club style, even the bar staff were dressed up as vampires.
Getting my drink, a lager with a double shot of blackcurrant making it look like a pint of blood. I headed out of the melee surrounding the bar of different characters trying to get served for a look around.
Several women stood at the edge of the dance floor, one in particular, caught my eye. Placing my drink down I went over and asked her for a dance. There was hardly anyone on the dance floor, she declined. Her group of females were laughing as I walked away probably at me because of the knockback.
Returning to the booth and my drink, I pretended I felt okay. I drank the pint down. There was less of a crowd now at the bar and I was served quite quickly. I looked about for my mates but they all seemed to have partners. I sat as you do after a knockback, drinking my pint and just listening to the music being played.
It was then I saw her, it wasn’t just her beauty but something about her itself. The way she walked towards the bar. It seemed as though she glided across the floor, reaching the bar without her feet touching the floor. I stood up from my table and sidling up alongside her offered to buy her a drink. She smiled and nodded saying she would have a Tequila Smash. I ordered us both the drink having no idea what it was but the barman knew and soon came back with two fancy glasses containing the red smoking drink. We chinked our glasses and I tasted this tequila smash for the first time. It slid down easily with a mules kick afterwards.
We sat in my booth, chatting away about this and that. I thought my luck was in with this woman, she was really good looking. Suddenly she excused herself saying she had better get back to her friends and headed back to the same group of women with whom I had tried to get one to dance before. Oh well, I thought the count failed again but on the other hand, I had learnt a new drink.
It was getting onto eleven, almost the bewitching hour. I decided to tour the floor once more but before I could stand I heard above the cacophony of noise a female voice.
“Can I sit here?”
I was about to give a flippant answer something like it’s a free country. Till I looked up and saw her standing there. To say she was gorgeous was an understatement. She literally took my breath away. It was the woman I had seen in the queue to get in.
“Sure take a seat, can I get you something to drink?”
She just smiled as she sat showing me her half-full glass. “No I have enough for now thanks.”
Her drink was thick like tomato juice but could have been a Bloody Mary. It made my Tequila Smash look as it was an ordinary drink. She was wearing a vampires costume. The top of her dress clung to her so tightly it revealed the curve of her breasts. Even showing the hardness of her nipples. It seemed to cling to her like a second skin. Her skin too seemed to be luminescent, with a faint blue glow. She had long black hair which cascaded down her back. Her green eyes glowed like emeralds, she looked about nineteen or maybe twenty. With curves hardly hidden by the black skin-tight velvet dress, she wore under the full red silk-lined black cape. Her teeth were perfectly white and her eye teeth hung down as though they were real.
I noticed she had almost finished her drink so I asked, “Can I get you another?” apologising for not knowing her name. “I'm Jake by the way.”
“Sorry, I’m Adriana and I’ll have another one of these.”
“You will need to tell me what it is?”
“Sorry, I thought being the Count you would know.” She smiled. “Just ask that tall barman for a Bpos chilled not frozen.”
Obviously, this barman and she had some sort of code for a drink which I thought was great fun. I went to the bar and asked for two Bpos chilled and not frozen. He looked at me quizzically, and I thought I had been had again. Then turned and brought me two champagne-style glasses full of whatever these Bpos were. Obviously, some sort of thick red wine or liqueur perhaps. Heading back to the seats I tasted the drink it was reasonably pleasant tasted irony with liqueur style thickness.

She smiled as she took the drink from me, telling me to take care as it was really potent. I smiled back and sitting asked her if she knew what the liqueur was, as it was obviously a strange one. She just said that it was from her Grandparents hometown of Brasov. Having no idea where that was I asked her and she said it was part of Romania. Wow, here I was sitting with this beautiful woman chatting about a drink of all things.
She had magnificent breasts not too small but there again not massive in fact if I was to draw my dream girl she was it. We danced and flirted as the clock ticked ever nearer to midnight and the slow dances started. Drinks were flowing freely though this wasn’t all that was flowing. Within me, the sexual desire to make love with this beautiful young woman was getting greater by the minute. She was right perhaps these drinks were potent, they were reaching parts of me that no other drink had done before.
She also seemed to have her libido in overdrive too. As my hands roamed over her body as we kissed so her hands roamed over mine. I could feel her nipples hardening and her crotch undulating towards mine. There was no doubt that she wanted sex as much as I did. It got to eleven-thirty and what better way to start Halloween, than with a knee trembler or better yet. If I could get her to her place as my mum was a little old fashioned when it came to sex. We both were in the mood for sex and I took her hand leading her to the cloakroom and to the clubs side door.
Suddenly she stopped and pulled me to her. There was no one else in the cloakroom. Her mouth seemed to be a magnet for mine as we leaned against the coats kissing. Our tongues seemed to be fighting with each other. I felt her hand slide down my thigh and back up again for my part I reached down to the split in her dress while she was rubbing what was now a fully hardened cock. We were getting close to having sex when a gang of women and men came into the cloakroom and with some crude remarks broke the moment. We headed out the side door away from them.
It was a beautiful night as we emerged outside. The moon was full and the sky so clear. It seemed to shine brighter than I had ever noticed before. It glistened off her hair and made her eyes sparkle as we headed down the alleyway at the side of the club. It led to an old disused graveyard.
Okay! It may not be the perfect place to make love to a woman but on Halloween well what more can be said. We went in, amongst the stones giggling as we went. She was as enthusiastic as I was. Seeing a large flat slab of stone, sort of like a flatbed we lay our coats on it and climbed on. At first, we just went back to cuddling and kissing but soon my hands were quite busy.
I had the skirt of her dress up and panties such as they were off one leg so she could open wide and let me get to her pussy. I started kissing up her legs hearing her moans as I went till I reached her pussy. Her pussy was completely bald and I enjoyed myself kissing and licking her slit. Her little nub of a clitoris hardened in my mouth as I flicked my tongue across it. I couldn’t wait any longer and eased my fingers into her. She was absolutely soaking. I could feel her juices running into and around my mouth. My face covered in her juice, scent and taste. I moved up onto her and felt my cock slide along her pussy slit. She was kissing and biting my neck but took hold of my length and eased my cockhead into herself.
Gawd she was so tight, I had not expected that not being the biggest cock in the world at about 6” and maybe about 2” thick. When fully in I knew I wouldn’t last long and started to fuck her in a rhythm that had her moaning like crazy. For her part, her moanings and movement had me so hard and excited. She seemed quite capable to keep up with my rhythm. Each of us slamming our hips together in perfect harmony. Till I felt my balls tightened with the first signs of my orgasm starting. I felt and then heard her scream.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck yesssssssssssssss I’m cumming!!!!!!!!!!!”
My cum flowed like a river. I may not be the biggest cock but I sure can cum. We lay cuddled up in the exhausted aftermath of our work out. I noticed everything was dead quiet I hadn’t noticed that before. In fact, there wasn’t a sound, no birds no nothing. Her luminescence seemed to radiate more, as though her skin was reflecting the light of the moon. She smiled at me,
her teeth pearly white and the two eye teeth were quite long. I have to say she had the best costume I had ever seen.
Suddenly in this deadly silence, a clock struck midnight. Its ghostly tones slicing through the air, making my skin crawl as it slowly bonged out its twelve deep notes.
Bongggg, she tightened up kissing my neck as she cuddled into me.
Bongggg, We were still laying on our coats in a lovers embrace.
Bongggg, A mist seemed to slowly descend and wrap about us like some sort of blanket.
Bongggg, We could hardly see our hands through the mist but we could hear scraping sounds.
Bongggg, That bloody bell’s echo reverberated right through us.
Bongggg, She seemed to be shaking as she started to sit up.
Bongggg, She grabbed at her coat but couldn’t pull it free because I was still on it.
Bongggg, “Please!” she begged still pulling at her coat.
Bongggg, I could see she was visibly scared like a rabbit caught in the headlights.
Bongggg, I slowly lifted off her coat, letting her grab it.
Bongggg, the stone I was sitting on started to move with a scraping noise.
Bongggg, Feeling the large stone moving beneath us. The skeletal hand slid along my foot and grabbed my ankle tightly.
You could not distinguish whose scream was the loudest. I was kicking at the hand but it managed to hold me fast. She got up and ran back towards the alley, slowly melting into the mist as she went. I hoped she was going to fetch help. No help came and the hand seemed to be growing stronger as it held me fast. Pulling me closer to the opening as though trying to get me inside
Another hand started to slither from the grave towards my other leg. I was really panicking by now and kicking mercilessly at the hand. I managed to rive my leg away from it. I lost my shoe in the process of escaping. There was no way I was going to stop to pick it up.
Racing the wrong way, in my panic. I ran blindly deeper into the cemetery. Noises were all around now, rustling, cawing and hooting the sweat was racing from my brow. It wasn’t till I stopped running and calmed down I realised that I had run almost right through the cemetery.
If I climbed over the wall, I was at the top of my street. At this point, still sweating I had awoken. Stretching out my leg to get rid of the cramp against my bedroom wall. Sure it was an odd dream or nightmare but then aren’t dreams that way.
I climbed back into bed falling asleep almost immediately. At eight am, mom brought me a coffee. Placing it on my bedside cabinet. As she turned to leave and standing in the doorway she said,
“It must have been a good night out, last night. You’ve lost a shoe. I’ve looked all over for it!”
As soon as she left, I quickly slipped my legs out of bed. Looking at my feet, the shivers ran through my whole being. My socks were still on.
One was filthy and worn badly around the foot, it still had attached to it the fingertips of a skeletal hand! Worse as I looked in my shaving mirror my neck had two small holes in it. Could she have been a real vampire? No wonder her costume looked the best I had ever seen.