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The Dice

"A woman buys the sex game dice in a mysterious shop. The dice turn out to be magical…"

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Chapter 1. The Antique Shop

Hannah did not choose it. She was just wandering through the streets filled with small shops and restaurants, killing time before the plane back home and looking for places to spend what was left of her local currency. She pushed the door of the shop on impulse, perhaps attracted by its mysterious appearance (but then again, about half the shops there had mysterious appearances), perhaps just by chance.

The interior was no less mysterious than the exterior. It was dark, poorly lit, full of small objects that Hannah could barely see - statues, jewelry, figurines, boxes, books... All kinds of things, really, some of which seemed to be from modern times, others from ages past. It was impossible to tell if this place was run by a cunning swindler selling overpriced tourist junk, or if he was really selling some unique treasures. Probably both. There were few customers in the shop and no shopkeepers in sight, so Hannah began to browse without anyone bothering her.

She twisted some beads and figurines in her hands, unfolded some ancient maps with inscriptions in unknown languages, sniffed some balms and perfumes... Finally, she came to an elegantly inlaid box with three dice inside. The price tag exactly matched her remaining money, and Hannah took it as a sign of fate.

She looked closer. The dice were obviously intended for a sex game, the typical kind, with poses and actions finely drawn on the sides. There were no words, just numbers, but the pictures gave clear instructions. Hannah shrugged. The dice looked ancient, made of some white stone, pleasant to touch, with a black pattern. But of course, they could not be that ancient, the whole concept was probably invented less than a century ago... But they certainly looked ancient.

Hannah took the box and came to the counter, calling for the shopkeeper. He suddenly appeared from behind one of the shelves, as if out of thin air. He was an Arab man, in his fifties, maybe sixties, dressed in a traditional white robe, tall, with a long beard, calm and serious. He did not greet them, just took the box of dice and asked:

"Do you want to buy?"

Hannah nodded. The shopkeeper took something from under the counter and handed it to her. It was a small booklet, similar to the instructions that usually come with board games. Like the box and the dice, it looked ancient, with yellowish pages and a worn leather cover. Unfortunately, it was written in Arabic (perhaps ancient Arabic), which Hannah did not understand. Fortunately, there were pictures, quite clear and... um, explicit.

Hannah flipped through the booklet, trying to figure out how the dice worked. It showed various scenes of lovemaking between two (sometimes more) people of different genders. The first ones depicted casual lovemaking - kissing, fondling, caressing, standard sex poses... The pictures included pictograms from the dice faces, so everything was really perfectly clear. The later pages got more and more kinky - oral, anal, BDSM, and even more perverted. Hannah did not dare to look to the end. Okay, she got the idea. After all, she did not have to perform every suggestion the dice could give.

She nodded and opened the purse. The shopkeeper silently accepted her last Egyptian pounds, placed the dice and the booklet in a package, and handed it to Hannah.

"Be careful with these," he said. "There's more than you expect."

A common tourist gimmick, Hannah thought. It's strange, though, that he said that after the purchase and not before, as the vendors usually do.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"They may look like the game dice, but they are real. They will change your life."

He said no more, and she did not ask. They exchanged polite smiles, and Hannah walked out into the street. She put the dice and instructions in her purse and headed for the airport.

Chapter 2. The Plane Home

Hannah had plenty of time to kill on the four-hour flight. She drank some wine suggested by the flight attendants, carelessly played Candy Crush on her phone, fumbled for a book in her purse, and stumbled across the package of dice. She almost forgot them.

She took out the box and the booklet and looked at them. Hmm. Strangely, she had the feeling that she was seeing different pictures in the shop. The theme was the same, but the details were different. And... hmm... the woman in most of the pictures resembled her. No. She shook her head. This is just crazy. She just did not have a good look at the booklet in the store, so no wonder she had no memory of the details. And the resemblance to her could just be a coincidence.

She inspected the dice. Again that odd feeling that the images on the faces of the dice had changed. And the numbers - they did not go from one to six, there were some random numbers in the range from one to twenty. How could that be? How are they supposed to play this game?

She noticed that the passenger next to her, a handsome young man, was looking at the booklet and dice out of the corner of his eye, trying to look casual and inconspicuous. She blushed, then looked at him. Whatever, it's just a stupid game.

"Do you, by any chance, read Arabic?" she asked. "I'm afraid I'm missing some important instructions, being limited to the pictures."

Now, it was his turn to blush. "No, sorry... But I suppose the pictures tell it all. May I take a look?"


He took the booklet, flipped through the pages, and turned even redder. "Wow. I never thought it would be physically possible..."

"Let me see!"

But he slammed the booklet shut. "Sorry. I'm too shy to show you this kinky stuff."

They looked at each other and laughed. Something - either the wine or the subject - made them feel high and playful.

"I dare you to try this game!" Hannah winked at him. "How about I roll the dice, just once, and we do what they say?"

He blushed, both with excitement and fear.

"And what if they suggest... something explicit?"

"We'll do it in the airplane bathroom... or in a rented room upon arrival."

Hannah felt mischievous. The man licked his lips.

"Well... Okay!" He chuckled. "My name is Serge, by the way."

"Hannah. So... let's roll..."

She shook the dice in her hands. Their hearts were racing. Finally, she rolled the dice on a folding table. They looked at them intently, then sighed with relief.

"To kiss... with a..."

"A stranger, I suppose. That would be my interpretation of the pictogram..."


They looked at each other, laughed, hugged and kissed. Then they kissed again.

"Mmm... You are good at that..." Hannah purred.

Serge smiled. "Shall we roll the dice again?"

"To see if they suggest something we both want anyway?"

They hugged again.

"Let's just do it. And I suggest the room on arrival, there is too little room in the bathroom here."

She took the dice away.

They chatted happily for the rest of the flight. When they arrived, they rented the room and everything was perfect for them. Then they left for their hometowns and never saw each other again.

Chapter 3. The Office

Hannah came home tired but happy. She visited her parents, caught up with her friends, unpacked her suitcase, and fell asleep. On Monday, she went back to work. Her job was nothing exciting - she was just an ordinary office worker, a secretary. Answering the phone, typing documents, making copies and coffee, all those things.

And the box with the dice in it was tucked away in her pocket. She had no plans to use them in the office, but it felt strangely comforting just to hold them and look at them from time to time.

Hannah took them out again during her lunch break in the office kitchen. A few of her co-workers sat down at the table to chat with her. As they talked, they looked curiously at the dice.

"Sex dice?" One of them giggled.

"An exotic souvenir," Hannah replied. "I bought them in Egypt."

"Can I see them?"

Hannah reluctantly handed them over. She did not want to draw attention to them, but apparently, it was already too late. Her colleague, a cute redhead named Sarah, examined the dice, flipped through the booklet Hannah had handed her, and grinned.

"I have a similar set at home, but yours are so much better! A real work of art, and the options are so elaborate..."

Hannah blushed. "So you play dice like that?"

"With my boyfriend, yeah... sometimes with girls, when we get drunk and funny at parties... Would you like to try?"

Hannah hesitated. She wanted to hide the dice and leave, but somehow she stayed.

"Maybe later, at a girls' night out... Or at least when we have more time and fewer witnesses."

Everyone at the table burst out laughing. Sarah nodded.

"Okay. Consider yourself booked for the next night! But I want to try it now. Just once, to feel the thrill... May I?"

Hannah felt strangely reluctant as if the dice were her very personal possession, but she overcame that silly feeling and nodded.

"No problem, go ahead. And what would you do if they told you to do something... uncomfortable?"

Sarah shrugged.

"Don't take it too seriously! It's just a game, we don't have to follow every instruction."

And she rolled the dice carelessly.

Everyone at the table watched with great interest to see what came out.

"Striptease... At a..." Hannah said aloud, looking at the first cube.

Sarah blushed. Everyone waited anxiously. The second cube was...

"...Party! With five or more spectators!" Hannah finished reading the dice.

Sarah froze for a moment.

"Well," someone said. "There are a lot more than five spectators here in the kitchen, and the lunch break could count as a party..."

Sarah grinned unsmilingly, then giggled.

"Okay! Just a quick one... And don't tell anyone else!"

Everyone cheered. Hannah could hardly believe what was happening. Sarah stood up and stood in the middle of the kitchen. She undressed - slowly, but without pausing, taking off her blouse, bra, and pants, leaving only underwear panties, and high heels. Her body was beautiful - smooth pale skin covered with freckles, small but firm breasts with hard pink nipples, shapely legs... She made several dance moves, turning around, moving her hips, running her fingers over her curves, licking her lips... And finally, she pulled off her panties and kicked them away.

The people in the kitchen gasped.



"Sarah, you are the queen!"

Sarah took a few more steps, blushing intensely, then waved to them and quickly started to get dressed again.

"Cool!" Hannah said when Sarah was back at the table. "I envy you! So brave, so free!"

Sarah smiled.

"It's not hard at all. Actually, I've done more outrageous things at parties with my friends... Maybe you can join us next time?"

Hannah nodded.

"Okay. Next time. I'll bring the dice."


Sarah looked at her watch. "Well, back to work in five minutes... See you later."

Chapter 4. The Girls' Night Out

On Friday, Sarah picked up Hannah after work. They arrived at a spacious apartment where other girls were already gathering.

"This is our usual place," Sarah explained. "We rent it for parties. The price is reasonable if we all get it split on, and we don't have to bother cleaning up afterward."

Hannah nodded. She was nervous - it was not the first time she attended girls' night outs, but it was the first time she planned to get wild and spicy. Sarah introduced her to her friends. All the girls were attractive and charming, in their twenties and early thirties. Hannah already knew some of them from previous parties. Some wore T-shirts and jeans, some were dressed casually and comfortably, and others were already half-naked. Hannah felt a bit out of place at first, but soon she relaxed and started enjoying the party atmosphere.

After a few dances and some bottles of champagne, they dimmed the lights, ready for more teasing. Some of the girls were already partially undressed and kissing, not needing any extra prompting. Sarah took Hannah aside.

"Are you ready for our game?"

Hannah nodded. She took out the dice and the booklet and put them on the coffee table. The girls whistled.

"Nice! These are even prettier and more erotic than I imagined... Look at the drawings!"

"Who's going to roll first?"

Sarah looked at Hannah. Hannah hesitated.

"I'll get in later. Let you start."

"Okay..." Sarah rolled the dice.

The girls almost bumped their heads watching the outcome.

"Oral... With two strangers!" Someone read aloud.

"Men or women?"

"No restriction."

Sarah looked around.

"Um... I don't mind oral, but I already know everyone here..."

"We could go outside and pick someone unknown!" the girls giggled.

"You know, maybe I'd rather pass..." Sarah shook her head. "I'm not that drunk yet."

"Hey, it's just a game, right?" Hannah teased. "You're not scared, are you? Roll again, maybe you'll get something easier."

"Yeah, roll again!"

Sarah nodded, shook the dice again, and rolled. Everyone gasped.

"Oral. With two strangers."

Sarah frowned and rolled again.

Same result.

The girls shivered as if from a cold wind.

"The dice are pretty persistent!"

"This feels like the beginning of a spooky story..."

Hannah looked at Sarah, who was visibly frightened, and hugged her.

"I don't know what's happening. Maybe we should take the dice away and not spoil the night..."

"Okay..." Sarah shivered in her arms.

Hannah hid the dice in her pocket and the night continued. Until, an hour later, several girls went to the balcony to smoke.

The balcony ran around the entire building, from one apartment to the next. The boundaries between sections of the balcony were purely symbolic. From time to time, someone would cross over to borrow something from a neighbor's apartment - sugar, tea bags, coffee, condoms, cigarettes...

So the girls weren't alarmed when three tall men approached them.

"Hello! We live next door. Do you have any cigarettes?..."

Sarah handed them her pack. The men thanked her, lit up, and joined her. They were handsome, strong, and well-built, and seemed to enjoy the company of beautiful women. And they were quite drunk, and becoming more and more insistent.

"Would you like to party with us?"

Sarah politely declined. Hannah noticed how restless Sarah was becoming. Finally, Sarah jumped up.

"Enough! This is a girls' night out, gentlemen, please go to your place!"

One of the boys grabbed her wrist. "Hey, relax! What's wrong with having fun with us?"

Sarah tried to pull away but couldn't. Hannah got up and stepped forward.

"Leave her alone!"

"Come on, it's just a game!"

Hannah looked around in horror as a man grabbed her wrist. I have to call for help! But there was no one else on the balcony, and the music from the apartment was so loud that no one could hear her... She took a deep breath anyway, ready to scream, when he clamped her mouth.

"Hush, dear!"

"Let's just have a little fun, and then we'll go..."

Hannah struggled in vain, tears in her eyes. Next to her, Sarah was twitching and moaning, trying to free herself from two men.

"Now," they said, completely overcoming the girls' resistance, "you have a choice. You can blow us, or we can fuck you really hard."

Sarah and Hannah looked at them, frightened. The men carefully freed their mouths.

"If you want the blow jobs, just say so."

They exchanged glances and nodded. "Well... okay..."

"Good girls." The men began to unzip. "And no tricks, or we'll do all your holes!"

Sucking their cocks wasn't so bad, although Hannah would still prefer it under different circumstances.

"Open your mouths wider..."

"Yeah, like that..."

Sarah and Hannah sucked diligently and skillfully, hoping they would soon come and leave them alone.

"Damn, this is great! Ooh, faster..."

"Take it deeper..."

They moaned louder and louder. Hannah's man was close to orgasm. Sarah moaned as she took the cock deep into her throat.

Finally, the men came one after the other, filling their mouths with cum. Hannah swallowed. Sarah coughed next to her. While Hannah got one long blowjob, Sarah got two.

"Good night, pretty girls!" The men patted them on the head and left.

The girls hugged each other, trembling, still on their knees.

"I didn't expect such an adventure..." Hannah whispered.

"I don't understand," Sarah sobbed. "This is such a safe place. This has never happened before..."

"We could call the police."

"Sure... Let's just calm down a bit..."

The girls held each other.

"It happened so fast and so casually... It was like a game to them..."

"A game."

"The dice."

They looked at each other, frightened.

"Oral. With two strangers," Sarah whispered.

"That can't be..." Hannah shook her head. "It's just the dice. No scary, cursed ancient artifact!"

"Want to try and check?"

Hannah shuddered. "Not today."

Sarah nodded.

"Me neither."

They returned to the apartment. Everyone immediately noticed their messy makeup, tangled hair, and frightened faces.

"What happened to you?"

"Did someone bother you?"

"Nothing happened," Hannah said. "We just had a few cigarettes on the balcony with the neighbors."

"Looks like you smoked too much. Are you okay?"

Hannah looked around. The party was starting to cool down and everyone was getting sleepy.

"I think it's time for me to go home."

They did not call the police.

Chapter 5. Experiments

On Saturday morning, Hannah sat in her kitchen, smoking and drinking coffee. She still had occasional tremors as she remembered the events of the night. She felt an urge to throw the dice away and forget them forever... and an equally strong urge to pick them up and try again.

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She had to know for sure.

She took the dice from her pocket and looked at them intently, turning them in her fingers. Stop. What is this? She looked at the dice again. And again.

The numbers and images on the faces of the dice changed. They were perfectly still while she looked at them, but as soon as she turned the dice, the faces changed.

Hannah carefully placed the dice on the table and lit another cigarette. There was no way she could pretend anymore that these were just simple dice.

"Okay," Hannah thought. "I'm crazy, but let's say I'm not."

She took a deep breath and rolled the dice.

Sex toys. Solo. For an hour.

Hannah sighed. Well, that didn't sound too scary or dangerous or complicated.

Hannah looked around the kitchen. She wasn't a sex addict, but a woman alone these days always has some options. Vibrator, dildo, butt plug, beads... She decided to keep it simple. An anal plug and a vibrator.

With a wry smile, she set the timer. One hour. Hannah got undressed, lubricated the toys generously, lay down on the couch, and inserted the plug into her ass. Ohh... That felt good. Then she turned on the vibrator and rubbed it gently against her clit. Mmm... Very nice.

Time passed. Hannah played with herself. She masturbated, changing positions: lying, sitting, standing. She used her hands and various sex toys. She enjoyed the pleasant sensations that grew stronger with time, the warmth and wetness in her pussy, the tingling of her clit, the butterflies scattering in her abdomen...

She came six times during the hour, each time stronger and longer than the one before. When the timer went off, Hannah was exhausted and satisfied. She stretched lazily, turned off the toys, and closed her eyes. A nap will be nice...

And she took a nap. Then she ate something, she did not care what, and took the dice again. She turned them in her fingers (the numbers and pictures kept changing) and rolled the dice.

Anal. With a stranger. Missionary style.

Hmm... Hannah looked around. She lived alone in a small apartment in a big building with many neighbors. She knew a few who lived closer to her. She thought, tossing the possibilities around in her head. Well... there was an art student at the second door, they barely greeted each other, so he could go for a stranger... He might be home on Saturday. Okay. He's in for a nice surprise.

The student opened the door, gasped, and stepped back. Hannah stood on the threshold, barefoot, wearing only a light, thin robe that hid nothing, with a small bottle of lube in her hands.

"No time to explain," she said solemnly. "I need your assistance. Do you like anal with women?"

He stared at her in wonder. Hannah entered the apartment, closed the door behind her, and smiled at him.

"Do you like anal with women?" She laughed against her will. The whole situation was so absurd!

The guy nodded.


She tossed him the bottle - he caught it automatically - and took off her robe.

"Lube my ass. Don't tell me anything now, this is important. I'll explain when you're done."

He nodded and followed her into his bedroom. Hannah lay on her back on the bed, put a pillow below her butt, and spread her legs. He fumbled with his pants.

"Don't worry. I know this is so weird, but it won't hurt you in any way. Just relax, do me, and enjoy. I will tell you the whole story later."

He lubricated and penetrated her with such confidence. He was obviously experienced. Hannah had a little experience with anal sex, but she became aroused very quickly, jerking her ass to the rhythm of his thrusts as she approached her orgasm. She came before him.

He pulled out and they lay next to each other, panting.

"So..." he looked at Hannah curiously, "what's the story? Is it some kind of challenge? A lost bet, maybe? My name is John, by the way."

She chuckled. "I'm Hanna. It's really strange," she started. "I recently bought a set of strange dice in Egypt..."

When she finished, he whistled admiringly.

"Wow! And so far you've done everything the dice told you to do?"

She nodded. "Yes, so far. Once, my friend and I refused and ended up doing the task anyway, just... involuntarily and without pleasure. So I'm afraid to try to refuse again."

He nodded. "I see... I want to look at the dice."

"No problem. Come with me."

In Hannah's apartment, John leafed through the booklet thoroughly, then looked at the dice. "Nice artwork... A stylization of Arabic, I'm sure, but a pretty talented stylization."

He held the dice in his hand and was about to roll them.

"Wait," she stopped him. "If you do this, you will have to do what they tell you. And it might not be a task you like."

"But you do."

"I'm a different thing. I'm their owner. And I... feel a constant urge to roll them every day."

"Um... Sounds like a cursed ring of Sauron."

"Like that, yeah. Give us back our precciousss!"

They laughed, but he gave her the dice back.

"Now," Hannah sighed, "I need your support. I need to check again what happens if I refuse the task. I need to be sure this was no accident."

"Okay. What do you want me to do?"

"Just... hold my hand."

Hannah held her breath and rolled the dice.

Naked walk. Once. In front of a crowd.

Hannah froze for a moment, staring blankly at the dice. "Oh shit..."

John looked at the dice and whistled. "Well, that's... looks pretty bold. And are you going to refuse and see if you're forced to do it anyway?"

Hannah frowned. "Yes, that's the idea. But I think I could avoid worse cases. Would you mind taking a walk with me?"

They went out, to the park and the large square. It was a warm Saturday, so there were a lot of people. Hannah was trembling and clinging to John's hand. She was wearing a light but sheltering dress with no underwear, and he had her spare dress in his backpack. If someone were to rip her dress off, at least it wouldn't take long.

John led them slowly and confidently among the people, letting Hannah turn her head and even stop a few times to look at the beautiful view. They bought ice cream. Hannah relaxed a little. Maybe nothing would happen after all...

They reached the center of the square when Hannah suddenly heard a buzzing sound. A large wasp... no... three wasps... circled around her ankles... and... darted under her dress from underneath!

Hannah screamed, felt the touch of their legs on her bare skin, jumped, and without thinking tore her dress off. The wasps buzzed happily away. Hannah was left standing naked in the middle of the astonished crowd with a torn dress in her hands. After a minute's pause, people gasped, laughed, cheered, and whistled at her.

Hannah blushed. John took her in his arms and led her naked through the crowd. At the square edge, he handed her the spare dress.

"You see," Hannah whispered as she dressed, "they made me tear off my own dress. And it wasn't forced, I could resist. I chose to do it myself. Although I cannot imagine that I had the courage. Three wasps at once, man! I thought that only happens in cartoons!"

They sat in the cafe and John bought them coffee and dessert. "Indeed. Now I believe there are some unnatural forces at work."

"And you don't mind helping me?"

He smiled. "Are you kidding? It's very interesting! And besides," John winked at her, "it's not easy to find such an attractive girl who wants anal right off the bat."

Hannah laughed. "Well... I guess it's nice to have a male companion. I'm going to roll the dice tomorrow morning, and if the task involves a man I know, I'll give you a call."

He nodded. "Sounds good."

They spent the rest of the day together, and the night after.

Chapter 6. Translation

The next day, Hannah rolled the dice right after breakfast. She had an idea she wanted to pursue, so she wanted to finish the task early.

Public nudity. With a friend. On stage.

Hannah thought. Well, that's perfect. She called Sarah.

"Hi. Did you sleep well?"

"Oh, hi Hannah... Yes, fine, thanks. How are you?"

"Great. Listen... I'm sure you remember the dice. Are you free today? I need your assistance."

Sarah was silent for a moment. "What's the assignment?"

"Public nudity. With a friend. On stage."

She giggled. "And you thought of me first! It's so sweet!"

"Okay," Sarah said finally. "Come over to my place. I know an open summer stage where we won't get arrested for that."

The stage was in a park, which was the favorite place of defiant and outrageous youth. There were all kinds of clothes, hairstyles, and colors, and yes, even some public nudity, with and without body paint.

"We'll fit in perfectly!" Sarah grinned.

There was a folk group playing at the scene, with a crowd of young people singing and dancing around. So when Hannah and Sarah ran up to the scene naked and started dancing to the music, everyone just cheered, and even a couple of younger naked girls joined in.

When the music ended, Sarah and Hannah ran back to the bench and dressed up, panting and laughing.

"Thank you!" Hannah hugged her.


They parted, and Hannah went about her business. She had an appointment with the freelance Arabic translator she had found on the job board.


Flipping through the booklet, he raised an eyebrow.

"So interesting... Yes, I can do it, the language is clear. Considering the amount of text..." he paused for a moment, calculating, "that would be two days and $200. Okay?"


They exchanged contacts and he left with the booklet.

While waiting for the translation, Hannah went to work and spent evenings with John, who turned out to be a nice man. She rolled the dice twice. The first time it was just 'oral with a man followed by vaginal', which John was happy to assist with. The second time it was 'a striptease in a bar', which she did with Sarah in one of the local pubs where they often hung out with friends.

Then the translation arrived and Hannah read it carefully. The translator had done a good job.

"It is a stylization of ancient Arabic," he added in a note, "but a fairly recent one, I would date it to the middle of the XX century. Also, the text gives the odd impression of changing slightly from reading to reading, so I made three passes at it before I was sure I'd translated everything."

Hannah began to read.

The booklet started with the already familiar warning that the dice are more than just a simple teasing game. Then came the main part, with examples of the tasks (that's where all the pictures were). There were also many warnings that the tasks were mandatory, and that attempts to refuse would result in the tasks being forced involuntarily and harshly. Okay, she already knew all that. But there was more...

First, dice could not be lost, stolen, or thrown away; they always returned to the owner. The only way to get rid of them is to sell them to someone else. Okay, that fits perfectly with the image of a magic artifact.

And second, the tasks will become more and more challenging over time, until... the text was vague about this. "Until one day you won't need the dice anymore."

Hannah leaned back in her chair. What did this mean? Would the dice just stop working for her? Or would she die one day by an elaborate sexual torture? Or would she become such a sophisticated sex addict that her needs and fantasies would exceed the dice's capabilities?

Hannah shuddered. This is ridiculous. Let's postpone the future grand finale and concentrate on the present. The dice gradually increase the level of the tasks. Fine. She could handle that... maybe.

She closed the translation and rolled the dice.

Sex in bondage, blindfolded.

Okay... She called John.

"Hello, dear... I have an unusual proposition for you..."

Chapter 7. Pain and Pleasure

After the first bondage request, the dice seemed to start exploring BDSM options. Hannah performed several bondage tasks with both John and Sarah, where she was tied up more and more tightly and uncomfortably. At one of the requests, she performed as a shibari model for a long daily session, followed by the BDSM gangbang party. Hannah was amazed that she not only endured this but also got a lot of arousal and orgasms in the process.

Then the dice turned to pain. They started with spanking, then moved on to clamps, waxing, slapping, and scratching. Hannah was reluctant at first, but the tasks were mild at the beginning, and she remembered what awaited her if she tried to refuse. She soon discovered that pain mixed with sex was pleasurable.

Fortunately for Hannah, it turned out that John and Sarah were happy to assist, so she did not have to involve anyone else.

But then the tasks included needles, strong electric shocks, and fire. "That's too much for me," John shook his head, and for a while, Hannah joined a BDSM club with an extensive dungeon. Here Hannah met Alice, a dominatrix with a lot of experience and imagination, and she taught Hannah a lot, including how to endure pain.

She came out of this phase with a few scars and burns, and a lot of amazing experiences of her own.

Then the dice turned to humiliation. Hannah performed various humiliating tasks in public: exhibitionism, urination, defecation, dog training, etc. One time it was a full public gangbang - Hannah walked naked down the street and offered herself to passersby. Many of them accepted. Once again, Hannah was surprised to find that despite the apparent humiliation, these tasks produced a great deal of arousal and intense orgasms.

And then the dice got cruel. They included cutting, branding, whipping, beating, piercing, and other injuries - fortunately limited. The dice were obviously designed for sex, not to kill the owner.

Hannah has got more scars. John was seriously concerned about her health, treated her wounds, hugged her tenderly, and reminded her that there was still love and gentle sex in the world.

Finally, the dice finished with the hard stuff and gave Hannah a few weeks of simple sex, public nudity, and group action without humiliation. Hannah laughed as she realized that she was looking at the tasks, that would initially embarrass and frighten her, as an easy break.

But she was afraid. What did the dice have in store for her? She just could not imagine anything more challenging. But what if the dice could?

Chapter 8. Most Challenging

One morning Hannah rolled the dice and read:

"Simple vaginal, oral and anal sex. For twelve hours."

Ouch. Hannah felt herself shudder. She had been gangbanged before, sometimes hard, but it never lasted more than four hours, and she remembered how exhausted she was at the end.

"Twelve hours?" John was concerned. "Are you sure you want to go through with this?"

Hannah swallowed. "Remember our conversation about turning down assignments?"

John shrugged. "Well, if you say so... But please call me if you need any help."


She really did call John and Sarah for help (Sarah had become such a close companion to her during the whole dice story...), and they arranged the sex marathon at the big swingers club. It turned out that Hannah was far from the first woman to try this, so the club had procedures and guidelines for such things.

It wasn't that hard. She was allowed short breaks when Sarah and John helped her clean up, gave her water and something nourishing, and treated her scrapes and abrasions. After twelve hours, Hannah could barely walk on her own, so John carried her home in his arms. She then slept for twelve hours straight.

Then came several more marathon tasks. Like walking outside naked for a week (Hannah managed that too, although she had to take a week off work for it). Or participating as a porn actress in the filming of a full-length porn movie. Or working in a brothel for two weeks (Sarah, with her extensive connections in strange companies, found one for Hannah where the girls were treated well).

And then... One morning, the dice said: "Life in a trio family. For one year."

Hannah ran her hands through her hair. Then she called John and Sarah, took out a box with three engagement rings, got down on one knee and said: "I propose to you..." Sarah covered her mouth with both hands, her eyes wide, and John just hugged them both.


A year after Hannah almost forgot to take the dice out. Her life was so full and exciting. Sometimes they argued, of course, and sometimes they just sulked, but mostly their life together was just full of happiness and joy. And Hannah enjoyed every minute of her unrestricted sexuality, not tied down by another challenge.

So she shivered with dark anticipation as she took out the dice.

"You know, you don't have to roll," Sarah said. Both she and John were even more worried about Hannah than she was about herself. "Until you roll, you are not bound by anything."

"But I have to roll," Hannah sighed. "I feel the urge."

So she rolled the dice.

They looked at the result.

Sell the dice. For $50.

"That's even cheaper than I bought them!" Hannah laughed.


Hannah considered selling them to an antique shop, but one of her (now former) co-workers, hearing rumors of her wild adventures, asked to buy them.

"Do you understand what you are asking for?" Hannah clarified. "You will have to do much... stuff." She lifted her skirt to reveal scars on her hips.

The girl looked at Hannah's happy face and shining eyes. "Yes, I think so. And I think it is absolutely worth it."

So she left with the box of dice, the booklet, and the translation.

Maybe one day you'll find yourself in a mysterious antique shop. Then be careful.

Written by Bisamrattan
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