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Texas Toast

"This one's about enemies who swap bodies... and a little more."

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“Are you fucking kidding me?”   

“What?” Lisa asked, surprised by my sudden outburst.

Lisa and I were roommates and freshmen at Clinton State University. We hit it off instantly, bonding over my collection of anime (she’d always been interested, but never really took the time to seriously dive into it, though she’d been building an impressive ‘must watch’ list). Being the first time either of us had lived away from home, we were happy to have each other to share this new adventure with.

On the third day after we arrived, a bunch of cute young guys ran up to us on campus to invite us to a Greek mixer. The party was already raging by ten o’clock when we arrived, and that had been three drinks ago. We were having a great time, dancing and flirting with all the different cute guys, wondering if one of them might claim either of us for his own for the night. Having eagerly looked forward to the legendary debauchery of college life since I received my admission letter, I wouldn’t have minded. But all of my lustful fantasies had just come to a crashing halt.

“Him,” I said, pointing to a blonde boy in a pair of sweatpants, and a Pittsburgh Penguins hockey jersey. “What the fuck is he doing here?”

What he was doing was making an ass of himself by standing in the middle of a frat house living room, shot gunning a Coors tallboy while a crowd cheered him on. Draining the last of the beer, he crushed the can in his hand, and spiked it like a football.  Next came a terrible belch, and then a loud whoop as he punched the air. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at the same antics I’d seen a million times.

“Who’s that?” Lisa asked.

“No one,” I lied. “Let’s… Let’s just get out of here.” I started moving decisively towards the door, not wanting to spend another second breathing the same air as that obnoxious idiotic prick.

“Come on, Justine,” Lisa said, grabbing my wrist and holding me back. “I’m having fun. I wanna stay.”

“Fine,” I said, yanking my arm free from her grasp. “You stay, and I’ll see you back at the room.”

“Come on, Justine,” Lisa repeated. I could hear the alcohol start to subtly come out in her voice in the way she lingered on her S’s. “Don’t be like that.”

“I’m not being like anything,” I denied.

“You’re being, like, scared,” Lisa argued. “Seriously, we were having a great time. You can’t let some random guy ruin it.”

“He’s not a random guy,” I muttered.

“Fine, who is he, then?” Lisa asked.

“My next-door neighbor,” I answered.

“Don’t you mean, ‘our’ next door neighbor?” Lisa corrected. “I live there, too… wait… we’re on an all-girls floor. How can he be our neighbor?”

“He’s not our neighbor,” I said. “He’s my neighbor- Was my neighbor, I mean, back home.”

I’d known Curtis almost my whole life. Our parents moved next door to each other before we were born. Our birthdays were in the same year, though I arrived three months sooner than him. This general unfortunate coincidence was enough to convince our parents that we were destined to be together for ever. They took every opportunity to get us to play together.

Even then, he’d been annoying. He never wanted to play what I was playing, only what he wanted to play. He’d grab my toys without asking but refuse to share any of his own. And if he didn’t get his way, he’d always cry and go running to tell on me. On top of all that, Curtis was small for his age, and a bit of a wimp on top of that. He used to get picked on all the time in school by the bigger kids.

By the time we got to high school, Curtis figured out that he could compensate for being scrawny by being funny... or at least trying to. He was constantly playing pranks and teasing the girls. It earned him a little respect from the boys, but it made us girls hate him even more.

I quickly became one of his favorite targets, and my hatred of him grew by leaps and bounds. I went from merely annoyed at our parents forcing us to spend time together, to being on the verge of a panic attack seeing him. I used to watch for him coming and going from his house so I could avoid running into him and hear him call out his favorite nickname for me – the one that had haunted me through all of high school and that I’d hoped I’d never hear again:


“Juicy?” Lisa repeated, cocking an eyebrow towards me.

“Fuck,” I swore, wanting to just disappear.

“Whoa, you go here, too?” Curtis asked loudly as he walked towards me with two of his friends following behind him. I simply nodded in affirmation. Curtis looked around excitedly at his friends. “Guys, this is Juicy.”

“Justine,” I corrected. No one seemed to hear me.

“We grew up together until, like, just two years ago, right?” Curtis announced. I nodded again.

The last I’d seen Curtis was the end of his sophomore year of high school. His dad’s company had transferred him to another division all the way down in Texas. I remember when their moving truck pulled away from their house never to return, I danced all day in my room. It was easily the best day of my life - No more teasing, no more pranks, no more “Juicy,” no more Curtis.

“Wow, you look the same, you know… but different.” Curtis’ eyes scanned over my body with an openly lecherous look on his face. My blood boiled.

I’d been pretty average looking throughout high school and didn’t really think of myself as anything other than average now. However, I also knew that the last couple of years had been particularly kind to my figure, filling me out in all the places that guys seem to go wild over. I can’t say that I minded the extra positive attention. More than anything, I just learned to feel more comfortable in my own body – especially after not hearing constant critical comments about it from a particularly annoying next-door neighbor. 

It was aggravatingly true that the time had been generous to Curtis, too. Apparently, sometime in the last couple of years, he’d started hitting the gym on a regular basis, and the efforts had paid off. Of course, there was no fucking way I’d ever tell him that. I could barely even admit it to myself. He certainly didn’t deserve any stroking of egos, not from me or anyone else, for that matter. He didn’t get an automatic do-over just because he’d started hitting the gym in the two years since we’d seen each other, as if that could erase our history.

“What’s the matter, Juicy?” Curtis asked, finally sensing that something was off. “You’re not going to say hello to an old friend?”

“Friend?” I repeated, and then scoffed loudly. I couldn’t hold back from saying all the things I’d never had a chance to say when we lived next to each other. “You think we’re friends? We’re not friends. You made my life hell, you piece of shit! I was so glad when your family moved away. I hoped I’d never see you again for the rest of my life. And now here you are at my school. What the fuck are you even doing here?”

“Hockey scholarship,” Curtis said with a shrug as if that was the best explanation he could come up with.

“Just fuck off and leave me alone,” I shouted. I could feel tears beginning to well in my eyes, remembering all of the shit he’d put me through as kids. I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry or let him know that just his presence could affect me as much as it did. I made my way through the frat house to the restroom. Fortunately, it was free. I slipped inside and locked the door behind me. Someone had left the lid of the toilet up. I slammed it down on the porcelain bowl, collapsed on top of it, put my head in my hands and let the tears come.

A moment later, there was a knock on the door. 

“Justine?” It was Lisa. “Justine, hon, are you okay?”

I stood up and unlocked the door to let her in. I quickly locked it again as soon as she’d slipped inside. Lisa looked at me the way someone might look at a wounded but dangerous animal. I realized that she was totally clueless to my whole backstory, and I must seem like a complete fucking psycho. I burst out laughing at the absurdity of it while Lisa watched me puzzled.

“I’m sorry, I-” I started when I’d gotten myself under control again.

“It’s alright,” Lisa said. “We’ve all got exes like that.”

“He’s not an ex,” I said. “He was just my neighbor.”

I told her about all of the torment Curtis used to put me through when we were younger- How he’d find anything he could to tease me about and latch on to it mercilessly. How he seemed particularly skilled at sniffing out my insecurities from my weight, to my breasts, to my legs, to my ass… come to think of it, mostly it was about my body. How the teasing and bullying had spread to other kids in the school, making my life a living hell, not knowing where or when the next attack was going to come from. How he’d come up with the name “juicy,” and how it had stuck with me even after he moved away. 

 “But you haven’t seen him in two years?” Lisa asked. I shook my head. “I don’t know, Justine. I mean, people change.”

“They don’t change that much that fast,” I argued.

“Maybe he did,” Lisa said. “I mean, I’m sure he’s still got a shit personality, but you’ve got to admit, he is kind of cute… you know, in his own way… just as far as looks go.”

“Ugh! I don’t want to think about him like that,” I said. In defiance of our parents and whatever astrological geometries they believed were guiding our destiny, I had never considered Curtis in a romantic way.

“Whatever. It’s up to you,” Lisa said. “But I just want to ask one thing.”

“What?” I asked, feeling that I was coming to the end of my patience with the subject of Curtis.

“You don’t have to like the guy, but are you going to hide in this bathroom from him for the rest of your life?”

“No,” I answered, sullenly.

“Good,” Lisa said. “Because I don’t think your stuff can all fit in here.”

“No, I think I could make it work,” I said, going along with the gag. “I could make my bed in the tub, obviously.”

“Obviously,” Lisa agreed.

“And I could use the shower rod for my closet,” I added.

“Put your TV over the mirror,” Lisa suggested.

“Sure. Maybe hang a couple of posters on the walls, some flowers in a vase over by the door. Yeah, I think I could live with this.”

“I stand corrected,” Lisa said. “But I’d still hate to lose you as a roommate.”

“Me too,” I said.

Lisa gave me a nice long hug.

“Thanks,” I said.

Lisa chatted with me while I fixed my make up in the bathroom mirror. I was nearly finished when there was another knock on the door.

“Occupied,” Lisa and I yelled simultaneously.

“Juicy?” It was Curtis’ voice. I could feel my blood rising again.

“My name’s not Juicy,” I said through clenched teeth.

“Sorry, Juice-stine,” Curtis said. I could hear his stupid self-impressed smirk through the door. “Listen, can we talk?”

“Just talk to him,” Lisa encouraged in a whispered voice.

“I don’t want to talk to him,” I said.

“Just do it,” Lisa said. “Tell him everything. You’ll feel better, trust me.”

“Ugh, fine,” I said. “Let him in.”

Lisa opened the door to Curtis. She slipped past him, and escaped back into the party, leaving me alone with the man I hated. He stepped into the bathroom and closed the door behind him, so we could have privacy.

“What?” I asked defiantly. His usual shit-eating grin faltered at the hostility.

“Why do I get the impression that you’re angry with me for some reason?” he asked.

“Some reason?” I repeated. “Some reason! You made me feel like shit every chance you got when we were kids. Why the fuck do you think I want to give the time of day now?”

“Yeah, I guess I was pretty immature back then,” Curtis admitted. “Sorry, for what I put you through.” I looked at him for a steady minute, and at the end of it, I decided he was being sincere. I believed his apology. It was simultaneously what I’d always needed to hear him say all these years, and infuriating because he hadn’t even had the decency to give me an opportunity to fully express how hurt I’d been.

“So, you can just say sorry, and I’m supposed to just forget everything? Is that it?” I asked.

“I don’t know what else I can say,” Curtis said. “I really am sorry. I acted like a dick to you, and I know that can’t have been pleasant, so I apologize.”

“No, Curtis, it wasn’t fucking pleasant,” I said. “I had to go to therapy to get you out of my fucking head. And now you’re just waltzing back into my life like it’s no big deal. Fuck you. If I hadn’t actually lived through what you put me through, I wouldn’t even believe it - all the shit you used to say about me, and the rumors you started about me. What kind of person does that?”

“I said I was immature, okay?” Curtis defended himself. “Fuck, I was just a kid.”

“So was I,” I shot back.

“I wish I could take it back,” Curtis said. “Honestly, I just thought we were having fun, you know. I teased you, you teased me.”

“I didn’t tease you,” I denied.

“You told me I was too short and skinny to find a real girlfriend,” Curtis said. “Do you remember that? Because I do. You kept telling everyone that I was in love with a garden gnome.”

“Yeah, but that was just a stupid joke,” I said, suddenly unsure of myself.

“Uh huh, exactly,” Curtis said, nodding. “Just stupid jokes. I admit that I might have taken things too far.”

“You did,” I agreed pointedly.

“Okay. And for the fiftieth time, I’m sorry,” Curtis said, nearly shouting. He paused and calmed himself before continuing, “Listen, if you want to stay mad at me for the rest of your life, I guess you can, and I guess I’d probably deserve it… Or… Maybe we can just put the past behind us, let bygones be bygones, and do our best to enjoy college life... starting with the very fucking awesome party that’s going on right out there. What do you say?”

Curtis flashed me that old disarming smile of his – the one that got him out of so much of the shit he got himself into. It was a smile that never meant any harm to anyone, one that was just as shocked as you were to find that things had gone south, one that only suggested remorse without actually taking responsibility, one that let you know he was on your side, and really sympathized but he just couldn’t help you, one that couldn’t believe how someone so innocent and charming could have caused so much trouble. And I couldn’t help but fall for it again, thinking, maybe this time he was being sincere and genuine. Maybe this time, things would be different.

“Come on, Juicy- Sorry, Justine. Old habit.” He flashed that old get-out-of-jail-free smile again, “Let’s get out of here and go get fucked up.”

Against all of my better judgment, I followed Curtis out of the bathroom, and back down to the party. We found Lisa and his two friends, and gathered everyone together.

“I need a bottle of Cuervo, and uh…” he tallied the number of people in the group and did some quick mental calculations. “And twenty shot glasses.”

“Twenty?” questioned one of the friends as the other one rushed off to procure the requested items.

“You know how they say everything’s bigger down in Texas?” Curtis asked, putting on a strong Texas accent, even though he'd only lived there for two years. “Well, this here is what they call a Texas toast.” When the friend returned, Curtis lined up the shot glasses and filled them with the light golden liquor. He handed four shot glasses to each of us. “Okay, now follow me: One tequila.”

“One tequila,” we repeated in chorus.

We clinked our glasses together and tossed the fiery contents down our throats. As we slammed our empty glasses down on the nearby table, Curtis was already reaching for the second shot.

“Two tequila,” he called out.

“Two tequila,” we responded, getting louder. Again we clinked and drank. Without waiting Curtis went for the third.

“I bet I know what comes next,” Lisa whispered in my ear.

“Three tequila,” Curtis yelled, and we echoed the same back, and knocked back our third shot.

“I bet you were right,” I whispered back to Lisa with a sly smile.

“Glad you decided to stay,” she said.

“Yeah, thanks for talking me through it.”

“No problem.”

“Okay, this last one is a little tricky, so watch carefully. Okay, everyone ready? It goes a little something like this…” Curtis paused for dramatic effect, and then roared, FLOOR!”

Curtis took his final shot, and collapsed in a pile onto the floor, where he splayed out and flailed around as if having an epileptic seizure.

“FLOOR,” I shouted, and copied Curtis in dropping to the floor and pretending that I was being electrocuted. In spite of myself, I found myself laughing my ass off. It took me a minute to realize that Curtis and I were the only two people on the floor, and the only two amused by our antics.

“I said, ‘Floor,’” Curtis tried again, weakly. The others simply looked down on us with a combination of pity and bemusement.

“Yeah, I’m not getting down there,” Lisa protested.

“Come on, it’s fun,” Curtis tried to encourage them.

“Nah, dude,” one of Curtis’ friends said. “I think we’re good.”

“If you don’t do it, it’s like bad luck, or… or… something,” Curtis tried once more.

“I don’t even want to think about what’s gone on that floor,” Curtis’ other friend said. He offered me his hand to help me up. I stood, feeling embarrassed, and more than a little dizzy. The four shots (not to mention the three drinks we’d already had) were definitely taking effect.

This is where my recollection becomes hazy. I recall us going around the party as a group. Curtis had found a spatula that he was using as a microphone and going around interviewing everyone about their intimate sex lives. Someone wanted to fight, but he talked his way out of it. Then there was a memory of all of us passing a joint around in the back yard. Faces laughing, some familiar, some not. I decided to get up on a chair to dance at one point and ended up breaking it. Holding Lisa’s hair while she threw up. Walking. Tired. Talking. Talking to someone. Walking. Somewhere. Tired… and then nothing.


The next thing I remember was waking up reluctantly. I could detect bright sunlight, even behind my closed eyelids. I had a headache and my stomach was feeling a little queasy. I definitely overdid things last night. I didn’t even remember getting home. Suddenly feeling a sense of anxiety, I wondered if I’d even gotten home at all. Everything felt… strange. The sheets didn’t feel right. The smell of the air was different. Even my body felt weird, heavy. Fuck, was I hungover!

Cautiously, I opened my eyes, just a little, to let a bit of the bright bleary day creep into my brain. The sight that greeted me was my own face staring back at me. I knew that I didn’t have a mirror next to my bed, so I guess I didn’t make it home after all. Which meant…

I closed my eyes. I knew I wasn’t with Lisa because we shared the same room, and this definitely wasn’t it. Given what I could recall of the night before, the most likely conclusion was I’d ended up in Curtis’ bed. Oh God, I thought to myself, what the fuck did I do? No, there was still a chance it wasn’t him. It could be maybe one of his buddies, or maybe some stranger. I would have preferred to fuck a total stranger if it meant I hadn’t fucked fucking Curtis.

I tried opening my eyes a little more. There was my face again, but there was something strange about it. Slowly it dawned on me that my eyes were closed. How could they be closed when I was looking straight at myself. What the fuck was going on? I wondered.

I turned away, and as a I did so, I realized that my whole body felt strange and awkward. The weight that had been on my chest since puberty had disappeared. At the same time, I became aware of something between my legs. My first thought was maybe Curtis or whoever it was had a little kitten that had buried itself under the bed covers. I shuffled my legs. When that didn’t work, I reach down to shoo it off of me with a good swat of my hand. Suddenly, a pain unlike anything I ever felt before shot up from my groin into my abdomen. 

“Ah, fuck!” I cried out. But somehow the voice didn’t belong to me. It was a man’s voice… Curtis’ voice.  “What the fuck?”

“Uh… don’t shout,” said my voice without me intending it to. I looked back at myself lying in the bed. My eyes were opening now, regarding me with only the vaguest dawning of comprehension. “What am I...? Why…? How…? Wait, what in the actual fuck?” I watched my body sit up in bed with a shocked expression spreading across her face.

“Are you…?” I asked, equally at a loss for words. “I mean, am I…?” I raised my hands to my eyes. They were bigger, rougher, manly hands. From there, my eyes traveled across arms that were too large and hairy to be my own, and then to shoulders that were far broader and more muscular than they’d ever been.

“Listen, I know, this is going to sound bat shit crazy,” my body said to me. “But am I… you?”

“Curtis?” I asked with the voice that wasn’t mine.

“Umm… Justine?” my voice asked back.

I nodded slowly as I began to rise from the bed. The covers slipped away from a chest that was broad and hard, lacking the familiar fleshy shape of my breasts. I noticed my arms, larger, firmer, and covered in hair. My eyes scanned across a nice set of abs to a noticeable bulge covered by blue boxer shorts. From the ends of the underwear, a pair of big hairy legs stuck out, terminating in a couple of large feet.

“Holy shit!” I yelled in a powerful voice, unable to contain my shock anymore.

“What the fuck!” Curtis screamed at a much higher pitch.

“But how?” I asked.

“I don’t know,” Curtis responded. “I actually don’t remember much of what happened last night after we did the Texas toast.”

“Me either,” I admitted. “But this isn’t even physically possible. People don’t just switch bodies.”

“Physically possible or not, here we are,” Curtis said, gesturing with his hands at the situation. He sat up a little in the bed, and the sheets fell away from his breasts… her breasts… my fucking breasts!

“Whoa,” he said with admiration as he looked down at my former body. “I always wondered what these puppies looked like, you know, au naturel.”

“Hey!” I shouted, not liking the way he was ogling the body that used to be mine. “Eyes up here, bud.”

“What?” he asked with that same frustratingly endearing grin of his. Even on my face, it had the power to disarm. I watched him hold both breasts in the palm of his hand, lift them up and let them flop back down.

“Stop that!” I hissed through my teeth. “Leave my tits alone.”

“But why?” he asked. “They’re nice ones.”

“They don’t belong to you,” I said.

“They kinda do, though,” he said, squeezing them and smiling. “Oh, that kinda felt good.”

“How’d you like it if I did that to your body?” I asked. Without waiting for an answer, I pulled the elastic band of his boxers away from his waist and gazed at what lay beneath. Curtis had shaved himself right down to the skin, highlighting what was by any measure, a fairly impressive cock – not that I was ready to give Curtis any validation by complimenting him.

“Heh. Knock yourself out,” he replied, lifting the covers to get a good look at the rest of the body he’d stolen from me. His hand seemed to feel around until his face lit up with a sudden surprised expression. “Oh shit, is that what it’s like?”

“What are you doing?” I asked nervously.

“Getting familiar with the new equipment,” Curtis answered with his grin. He pulled his hand out from the covers. Two of his fingers were slick and shiny.

“What the fuck, man?” I shouted at him. “You haven’t even had my body for ten minutes and you’re already trying to fuck it. What the fuck is the matter with you?”

“Come on, juicy…” he paused, took a look at his wet, glistening fingers. “Oh, juicy! I think I just figured out why you get so upset when I call you that. I never thought of it that way. That’s too funny!”

“Fuck you,” I retorted.

“Now, there’s an idea,” he shot back.

“No, it’s not,” I yelled. “Leave my pussy alone.”

“I mean, it’s kind of my pussy too, now,” he said, reaching back beneath the covers. “But feel free to take my body for a test drive, too, if you want. It’s a pretty nice ride, if I do say so myself.”

As if his words weren’t maddening enough, he added an arrogant little wink. I felt whatever sliver of self-control I’d been holding onto in this crazy situation finally snap.

“Yeah, I’m sure,” I said, lapsing into a sarcastic tone. Wanting to give Curtis a taste of his own medicine, I reached into his boxers, pulled out his cock, and started wagging it at him. “Oh, look at me, I’m Curtis, and I’ve got this big old floppy dick… Oh…”

My pulse quickened, and there were those familiar little tingles of arousal, but they were more concentrated in that unfamiliar place that had sprouted overnight between my legs. I felt the muscles there tighten in a very pleasant way. When the thing twitched as if with a mind of its own, I pulled my hand away as if it might somehow come to life and try to bite me. It wasn’t that I’d never touched a cock before – I’d been with my share of guys – But I realized that it was very different when it was attached to your own body.

“See?” Curtis asked from my former body. He was watching me with intensity from my own eyes. “Fun, right? Go ahead.”

“Yeah, I bet you’d love that,” I retorted.

“You can’t tell me you’re not as curious as I am,” he argued.

I looked down at it, and saw that it had gotten a little thicker, dangled a little longer. The magical tightening sensation was becoming more and more intense as it grew. And in spite of my resolve to ignore the damned thing, I found my hand moving towards it, almost by instinct, sliding along the smooth skin of my navel until I’d circled my thumb and forefinger around the base. Uncertainly, I gave it a little squeeze, just to see how it felt. It responded with an eager twitch, growing even bigger and firmer.

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“Here, why don’t you let me help with that,” Curtis offered.

He stood up from the bed, still wearing the cute little pink and white cotton panties that I’d put on last night before the party. I watched my body walking towards me, reaching for my quickly hardening cock. I swatted the smaller feminine hand away with my bigger meatier paw.

Even in my wildest dreams, I’d never ever considered Curtis in a sexual way. Seeing me approach him from this perspective was so weird, I felt like I might get a stroke just thinking about it for too long. Yet there was something in me now, something primitive rooted in this new body, that wanted his touch badly, needed it. 

I looked my old body over. I don’t mean to sound narcissistic, but I looked fucking hot. Some combination of the curly blonde hair, the soft lips, the curious blue eyes, the full round tits with the dark pink nipples, the soft skin, the slender legs, the firm ass, and those panties, highlighting my curves in the best possible ways, caught and held my attention. As much as I wanted to on principle, I just couldn’t take my eyes off of myself. My new cock throbbed in eager agreement, now standing of its own accord.

“Listen, you’re still new to this,” Curtis said. “I know myself far better than you. Let me show you.”

I thought he was going to touch my excited member, but instead he took my large hand in his smaller ones. He placed it so the length of my cock nestled inside my palm. With the other hand, he closed my fingers around it. I couldn’t help but suck my breath in sharply through my teeth at the sensation of being enveloped in my own fist. I could feel my cock pulsing and throbbing with a demand for more stimulation.

“Now slide your hand up to the tip,” he said, pulling my hand towards him until only my pinky remained wrapped around the head. It wasn’t quite as sensitive as my clit had been, but my touch definitely registered as very intense.

“Okay, and back down,” Curtis continued, pushing the fingers of my hand back towards the base of my penis. I let the hand be guided, closing my eyes to focus even more on the feeling. It was incredibly hard and swollen, generating a deliciously electric ache that I could feel through the shaft and deep down into my new dangling testicles. 

“Hold out your hand,” Curtis instructed. Lost in exploring this novel feeling of arousal, I did as he asked. “A bit of lube is always welcome,” he said, and spat saliva into the palm of my hand in a very un-lady-like way. “Try it again,” he suggested.

Once again, I wrapped my fingers around the now solid pole protruding from my front, and began to run my fingers up and down the shaft.

“Better?” he asked. I nodded silently. “Try it out. You can change the speed, or squeeze harder, or… you know, just experiment.”

“Aren’t you worried I might break it?” I asked.

“After how hard I’ve been wailing on it all these years?” Curtis asked, laughing. “Don’t worry.  I think the thing is fucking indestructible. But…”

“But what?” I asked, thinking there were some special instructions for care: Don’t expose it to sunlight, get it wet, or feed it after midnight. 

“I mean, I showed you how…” Curtis whined, while gesturing to his panties. “How do you work this thing?”

I regarded Curtis for what felt like a full minute as I processed what he was asking. The thought of Curtis touching my body like that… even though it was technically his body now… but still, it was Curtis! The boy who’d made my life a living hell for most of my life now wanted to touch me in the most intimate ways… just like I’d done to him. Wasn’t that even worse? I thought so, but I wasn’t exactly sure how.

“Fine, come here,” I finally relented. Curtis eagerly stepped directly in front of me, so that his tits were almost touching my bare chest. “Give me your hand, and…” I took his wrist, and tried to maneuver his hand to his clit over his panties, rubbing at it. I never had much trouble getting myself off, but now that I couldn’t rely on my own senses to guide my touch, and looking at it head on, instead of downward, I felt confused.

“Are you sure this is how I’m supposed to do it?” Curtis asked.

“No, it’s not right. I…” I had a sudden idea. “Turn around.”

Curtis turned so his back was towards me. I stepped towards him from behind, wrapping my arms around his smaller body, and taking his forearms again in my hands. Being taller, I was easily able to look over his shoulder, regaining the more familiar perspective.

“I usually like to start with my breasts,” I said, guiding his hands to his beautiful pair. I kept my hands over his, as they explored, fondled, squeezed, and caressed his tits. “Try pinching and pulling the nipples,” I suggested.

“Ohh…” Curtis exclaimed. “That sort of hurt, but in like a really good way.”

“Yeah,” I agreed. I let him play with his tits for a few moments longer while I watched with stirring excitement. “You’re probably feeling that sort of tingly melty feeling down there, right?”

“Uh huh. It’s so weird. Kinda like getting a boner, but like all around that area, and inside… like I can actually feel inside me. It’s not hard, but like wet and hot and really fucking horny,” Curtis said. I could see from the look in his eyes that he was desperate for more.

I couldn’t blame him. I’d been on something of a dry stretch over the summer, and had been hoping to put an end to it at last night’s party. I’d told Lisa as much before we arrived, and I imagined that that was where I was and what I was doing. I had no idea how I was going to explain the real situation to her.

“I got this far,” Curtis said. “But, like, when I was touching myself, like some things felt good, and then some were too intense, and I got really confused, and didn’t know what to do.”

“You’ve got to be gentle at first. You can’t just ‘wail on it,’” I said, using his language. “She needs to be warmed up. Instead of touching it directly, try sliding your fingers around the sides of it.”

Curtis followed my instructions, massaging the area above and next to his clit. I watched as his face broke into an expression of delight. “Yeah, that feels good. Lots better.”

“Another thing you can do is spread your lips apart with your fingers, like this,” I splayed the index and middle finger of my own hand in front of his face. He repeated the gesture below, with his hand buried inside his panties. I watched almost obsessively, as his knuckles worked against the fabric. I didn’t want to be turned on by the sight of my former body getting itself off, but the persistent needy ache in my groin had other thoughts.

“Oh my god,” Curtis exclaimed with a shuddering breath. “That feels really fucking good. Like, being stretched open. I feel like I should put my fingers inside.”

“Try it,” I said.

Curtis did, reaching further inside those panties, his fingers probing inside of himself. His eyes closed, and he let out a loud moan. “Fuck…”

I remembered that hungry needy feeling well, my pussy just begging to be stuffed fully and completely. It was strange watching myself from a distance while someone was else enjoying my body with total control. Strange, but very fucking hot. Without thinking much about it, my own hand returned to my attention-starved cock, grasped it, and began slowly stroking again, slipping deep into the sensations coursing through this new body of mine.

“Am I doing it right?” Curtis asked, pulling me back into reality.

“How should I know?” I asked. “Does it feel good?”

“Amazing,” he replied. “But, I mean, can I get off like this?”

“I could,” I said. “I don’t know about you, though.”

“Show me,” Curtis begged. “Please.”

“You just need to… um… put those fingers there, and just give it a little squeeze… and… uh…” It was so weird to guide him, especially when I was standing across from myself, looking directly at it. The frame of reference was all wrong. “Hang on,” I said.

I moved around behind Curtis’ smaller body, so that my head was looking over his shoulder. I marveled again at how easily and comfortably I was able to wrap my arms around his body. My hands grasped his wrists, and I tried guiding his hands again to where I’d always enjoyed them most. Meanwhile, I felt my former ass, pushing back into me as my unruly cock nestled between his cheeks, twitching excitedly. I felt a desperate and terrifying desire to feel more of my former body, to possess her, and be inside of myself.

“Curtis, stop it,” I said, afraid of what might – almost certainly would - happen if he didn’t.

“What?” He asked, turning his head and whispering the question breathlessly into my ear.

“You know what,” I said. “Do you want my help or not?”

“No, I do, I do,” Curtis responded. “But maybe first… I want to try something.”

Without warning, Curtis slipped his hand out from under mine. Suddenly I found my fingers buried in the slick warm slippery folds of his pussy… my pussy. I began to run my fingers gently over his clitoris. Without the immediate sense of touch to guide me, I relied as best I could on my memory of how I often used to touch myself when his body was mine. It must have worked because I could hear Curtis’ breathing get harder as he leaned against me.

The tension and stiffness in my groin was driving me crazy. I bent my knees slightly until my hard cock slipped into the heat between his thighs, savoring the wet sensation of him. From experience, I knew I wasn’t the only one craving contact. As if to confirm it, Curtis slid the panties from his hips, past his thighs, and let them drop to the floor. He resumed his position, pushing back even harder, grinding himself against me and coating my new penis in his slick juices, melting away the last of my resistance. My hands wandered from his hips up towards his breasts, squeezing them the way I’d always loved to have them squeezed.

“Still want me to stop?” Curtis asked, sensing my need.

“That feels so fucking good,” I groaned into Curtis’ ear.

“I bet we could make it feel even better,” Curtis said.

He pulled away and spun around to face me. I peered into his pretty face, searching his gaze for his intentions. His eyes dropped from mine, descending my body until they settled on my throbbing cock. He reached down and wrapped his fingers around it, squeezing it harder than I’d ever dared to squeeze one before. With his fist tight, he began stroking. The juices on his fingers lubricated my member, allowing his hand to glide easily up and down.

“Oh god,” I said, feeling the new rapid stroking sensation drain the strength from my legs. I fell backwards out of his grasp onto the bed. I was lying on my back with my cock pointing straight up into the air like an antenna picking up signals from outer space.

“You liked that, huh?” Curtis asked.

“Uh huh,” I grunted. My brain was feeling scrambled and forming more coherent thoughts was difficult.

“I think I know something that you’ll really like,” Curtis said.

I watched as he dropped into a kneeling position. He placed a hand on each of my knees and pushed them apart to make space for himself between my legs. I watched him examine my cock with an uncertain expression on his face, as if he was coming to a difficult decision. After half a minute he moved closer to it until his lips lightly brushed the head. Again, the knowledge that he was guiding my body to service his dick wrestled with my need to feel his mouth all around my needy erection. The latter won out in the end, and when he raised his eyes to mine, I put an encouraging hand on the back of his head.

Without another word, I felt his lips part and he took the head of my cock fully into his mouth. His tongue playfully circled it, as it pulsed involuntarily. I felt his lips slide midway down my length, and then stop. He held his head there for a second, and then spit out my cock, coughing and gagging.

“Sorry,” he apologized. “I guess your body isn’t built for deep-throating.”

“You have to will your throat muscles to relax and just push past it,” I instructed, impatiently needing him to continue what he’d just been doing.

Curtis obliged, taking me back into his mouth. This time I felt his tongue running along the underside of my cock, stimulating a sensitive spot that took my arousal into the stratosphere. Once again he managed to take me only half-way before he paused. With my hands still tangled in his long curly blonde hair at the back of his head, I added a little more pressure, pushing him to go further. After a second, the resistance gave way, and he took me entirely down his throat until his nose pressed into the bare skin above my shaft.

I could feel the muscles of his throat working all around my cock. I began to thrust my hips forward with the insane impulse to get as deep inside of him as possible. The intensity of the tight electric sensation in my cock was almost unbearable, and still I wanted more. I needed more. I actually started fucking his throat, using him the way I’d sometimes been used by guys during the hottest sex sessions I’d enjoyed in my admittedly limited experience. Now I knew why guys went so crazy for a girl who could deep-throat a cock.

I could barely think straight, having abandoned myself to the physical needs of the body I’d found myself inhabiting. After what was maybe thirty seconds, I felt a new tightening tension start in the testicles as they began to contract. My penis was pulsing uncontrollably inside Curtis’ throat. I knew from past experiences that Curtis’ old body was approaching orgasm, but it was my first time experiencing it from within.

“I think… I think something’s going to happen,” I said in a low growl, only a split second before it did.

The orgasm was like a dam breaking. A flood of intense euphoria flooded through my body, while my cock spasmed wildly inside Curtis’ mouth. Curtis’ eyes became wide with surprise as the first spurt shot directly down his throat. He pulled his head away from me, but not before a second blast of cum splashed across his lips and dribbled down his chin. My cock continued to throb, glazing his chest and tits with hot white sticky cum. Quickly the thick bursts became a dribble, and then a drop.

“Whoa, holy shit!” Curtis exclaimed, wiping the cum from his face with the back of his hand. “I’ve always wondered what it would be like to suck my own dick.”

“And?” I asked. “How was it?”

“Good… I guess… I mean, it was different. I’m used to being on the other end.”

“Then why did you do it?”

“Like I said, I was curious,” he answered. “Besides, you enjoyed it, didn’t you.”

I considered downplaying how much I’d loved receiving my first blowjob. He might be borrowing my body, but inside, it was still Curtis, and the last thing I wanted to do was encourage him. It was just the sort of thing he’d hold over me and use as ammunition to tease me for the rest of my life. However, as much as I wanted to deny Curtis’ ego, the white sticky mess I’d left across his tits confirmed everything he needed to know about how good it had felt.

“Yeah, you enjoyed it,” Curtis continued, nodding with that arrogant smile of his.  “I know you did, because, I know I would have enjoyed it.”

“It was okay,” I allowed, but no more. The look on his face was infuriatingly smug. I hated the way he knew how to push my buttons, and felt the competitive side of my personality emerging.

“Just okay?” He asked, seeing straight through my deceit. He grabbed a corner of his bed sheet and wiped the excess cum from his tits. “My body, your body, anybody, it doesn’t matter. I’m a sex god.”

High girly laughter flowed from his throat. Who the fuck did he think he was and how the fuck did he earn his blustery confidence? He’d only been giving head for a few minutes. I’d been doing it for years. I’d put him in his place and show that bitch who the fucking sex goddess really was.

I gripped his slender arm in my big masculine hands and yanked him down onto the mattress next to me. He let go of a startled yelp as he landed. Before he could recover, I was on top of him. I grabbed his thin wrists with my hands and pinned them above his head as I began to kiss him around the ears and neck and all the secret places I knew drove me wild.

 Curtis squirmed beneath me, but I refused to let him up. Instead, I began a trail from his neck, across his collarbone, down his chest and the swell of his breast until I found the dark pink nipple at the summit, standing up firm, and expecting attention. I sucked it into my mouth, grazing it gently with my teeth as I flicked my tongue across the tip of it. Curtis continued to squirm. I let go of his wrists. However, instead of escaping, he buried his hands in my hair, guiding me to the other tit.

I indulged him for a minute, but after all, I was a far more of an expert in my body than he was, and I knew better than him exactly what he needed. I continued my descent, kissing my way down over the slight curve of his belly, pausing for a second to tongue his bellybutton and foreshadow what was to come next. With a deliciously agonizing slowness I edged closer and closer to that little spot where I knew he wanted me most. But I wasn’t going to settle for just wanting me. I was going to make him crazy with his desire for me.

Instead of directly attacking his clit, I detoured to his thigh, and started kissing my way again towards his expectant pussy until my tongue encountered the sweet hot juices along the edge of his lips. I could hear his breathing coming hard from above me. I looked up into his eyes, seeing the needy expression of expectation in them. I delighted at the way his smug smile fell as I restarted my progress towards his treasure from the other thigh.

When I reached the glistening flesh of his pussy lips once more, I paused and looked up at him again. This time I found what I’d been looking for. The sense of entitlement had all but vanished from his face and had been replaced by an expression of desperation. I hesitated again, reflecting that I’d never really been attracted to women before, and certainly not enough to find myself face to face with a vagina. But I reasoned that the vagina had actually belonged to me, and I’d never really been shy about exploring it before when I’d been its owner. Neither had most of the men I’d been with. However, I’d never been in quite this position before. I deeply inhaled the sweet scent of my former body’s arousal, fresh from the source.

I looked up again to see Curtis looking back with that same urgent question: would I or wouldn’t I? I’d spent a good part of my life hating the guy, but I knew how terrible it was to be brought to the brink of excitement only to be left hanging. By no means did I wish him well, but I didn’t hate anyone enough to wish that on them. Being that he was in my body, it felt like I’d only be denying and punishing myself. Just think of it like the next evolution in masturbation, I thought to myself as I tentatively poked my tongue into the eagerly waiting hot wet crevice of his pussy.

Curtis moaned sexily as soon as he felt my tongue. I decided that I’d tortured the boy… girl… long enough. I used my fingers to spread his outer lips exposing the pinker, hotter, wetter flesh within. I extended my tongue as far as it would go and stretched it wide and flat. I began from the bottom, and licked my way slowly to the top, drinking in his sweet arousal. And as much as I hated to admit it, yes, it was juicy as fuck!

When I reached his clit, Curtis gave a breathy “Oh, fuck!” and spread his legs even further apart to give me as much access as I needed. I repeated the broad flat tongue move several times, before focusing on that hot little nub that was the main event of all the best orgasms I’d ever had. I sucked it in between my lips and flicked my tongue across it rapidly like I’d done with the nipples on his tits. Meanwhile, I raised my hand to his opening, and inserted first one, and then two fingers. I slid them in and out, pressing against the walls of his cunt as I tongue fucked his clit.

Small yips of ecstasy were escaping his lips as I hit all the familiar sensitive spots that guys always seemed to have trouble finding. It wasn’t long until Curtis was clutching the bed sheets tight in his fists and began to move his hips to better guide my efforts on his pussy.

“I want to know what it feels like when you cum,” Curtis said. “Show me.”

“You don’t have to hold back,” I said. “Just let go. Let it happen.”

I knew a lot of guys who’d speed up when I told them I was close, but I maintained the same steady pace and pressure knowing that any major variations could throw him off. I could actually sense the orgasm building in him and took a certain amount of pride knowing that I was the cause of the intense feelings of pleasure he was experiencing.

It wasn’t too much longer until I felt his thighs clamp down around my head so tight I thought I might suffocate. Curtis let go of a low guttural growl as the force of the orgasm swept through his body. I knew the feeling well, the throbbing intense flood of feeling as the nearly unbearable tension finally released. His whole body shook as the orgasm passed through him. He seemed to enjoy it so much that I wondered how it rated compared to the orgasms I’d had myself in the past.

“So, who’s the fucking sex goddess now?” I quipped, still kneeling between his thighs and looking at the glowing satisfied expression spreading across his beautiful face. At the same time, I also noticed that my borrowed cock had revived and was ready for the next round.

“Holy shit, that was so fucking good,” Curtis said, lying on his back, and still panting.

“We’re not done yet,” I said, getting to my feet. I leaned forward, grabbed Curtis by the thighs and dragged him towards the end of the bed. “I’m going to fuck your fucking brains out with your own fucking dick.”

I lifted his legs up until they rested against my chest, grabbed hold of the thick piece of meat between my legs, and guided it towards his waiting slit. I let the head of it dip into his pussy, getting nice and coated in the thick creamy juices there. Curtis shuddered visibly at my touch. He was looking up excitedly, with his smooth soft face reflecting the bare need I felt within myself. I lined up the head of my cock with the opening of his cunt and plunged inside. With all of the lubrication I’d created with my oral skills, I slid right in all the way.

We both gasped simultaneously. I’d never imagined how amazing it could feel to have your cock completely enveloped by a hot, wet, soft, tight pussy. I could tell from Curtis’ expression, that he was equally impressed by the sensation of feeling filled up and stretched out by a nice hard thick hot dick. I felt the muscles of his pussy squeezing all around me. Experimentally, imitating what I’d seen guys do, I moved my hips backwards, and watched as my length withdrew from his pussy, right up to the head. I paused a second to admire the sight, and then pushed it back in again, savoring the feeling. 

I continued to repeat this movement inside Curtis - in and out, in and out. My motions became more rapid, thrusting harder and harder inside of his delicious cunt. For his part, Curtis raised his hips slightly from the mattress each time to meet my pelvis, needing to feel every single millimeter of my cock inside of him. While I found myself grunting with a combination of effort and excitement at each thrust, Curtis began spewing a steady stream of sex-babble: “Oh fuck, oh yeah, fuck, just like that…”

Still feeling like I had a point to prove. I leaned forward and placed two of my fingers on either side of his clitoral shaft.  I knew the exposed tip was probably still too sensitive from the last orgasm, so I massaged it from the sides like jerking off the world’s tiniest dick. Curtis’ face contorted into delicious delirious sweet agony, nearly overwhelmed by all the stimulation, but I refused to let up. He’d started this, but I was determined to come out on top.

I was pistoning so fast and hard into him, that our bodies made a smacking noise as they collided and my dangling balls slapped against his ass cheeks, creating a slight dull ache that mixed with and heightened the other sensations I was feeling. I remembered being fucked like that by other guys and how great it felt to know I’d triggered their passion to such an amount that they lost all sense of themselves and became total fucking animals, desperate to use my body for their pleasure.

Now, here I was on the other side, carried away by the excitement and arousal, unable to hold myself back. I fucked away the years of bullying and taunting and insecurity and tears until there was only one single bright shining truth filling my head: I was going to cum deep inside of this hot, tight cunt and fill it full of my suffering. All other thoughts had vanished.

Whatever coherence there had been to Curtis’ flow of sex-babble also disappeared, devolving into a guttural series of inarticulate groans, moans, gasps, sighs, screams, and growls. I could tell he was getting close again. I’d also learned from the previous one to recognize the signs that my own orgasm was also fast approaching. And I knew exactly the thing that would send Curtis over the top before I did: I lifted my hand and slapped his clit hard with a loud smacking sound.

“ACK!” Curtis screamed with surprise, and then the orgasm took him over.

I knew my own orgasms, of course, but it was strange to experience it from inside a man’s body. I could feel his pussy muscles spasming wildly all around me. His body tensed up tight, and then exploded with the release of all that ecstatic energy emanating from his cunt and spreading out in waves through his entire body to the top of his head right down to his curling toes. His eyes rolled back in his head and he gave a loud scream as if he were possessed by a demon.

Between the sudden feeling of his pussy cumming on my cock, and the sight of the face I used to wear screwed up and contorted with pleasure so intense it was almost too much to take, I tipped over the edge of my own climax. Intuition took over. I clutched Curtis’ hips, and slammed hard into him one final time. With a loud feral growl, I plunged as deep as I could inside of his amazing, welcoming pussy. My cock pulsed and exploded. I could feel the cum shooting forcefully from the tip in ecstatic bursts as the force of orgasm rolled through me.

After a minute, the strong contractions in my groin began to subside. I looked down at Curtis, looking back up at me. We were both panting hard. I watched his breasts rise and fall on his chest, then gazed into his more-than-satisfied eyes. He was smiling, but now without the smug blamelessness he usually showed. It was a genuinely contented smile. Curtis looked happier as me than I’d felt myself for a while.

“Well, that was different,” he said with a small chuckle.

“Don’t get too comfortable,” I said, collapsing onto the mattress beside him. “We’re switching back as soon as…” I paused, searching for any hint of a plan. Nothing came to mind. “As soon as we figure out how.”

“No hurry,” Curtis said, starting to lightly stroke the skin around his breasts. “I think I could get used to this body.”

Written by Just_A_Guy_You_Know
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