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Pride Before Halloween Fall

"Young man on a spree finds a seemingly ideal playmate"

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Soon the traditional Halloween events; the trick-or-treating, the music, the dancing, the dressing-up in wild costumes, faded into the moonlit evening like some technicolour dream. Now, Carson Lothian was in the mood for his nightly selection from the sensuously dressed women, many unaccompanied, who ended the day at the local club.  

He needed no seduction techniques. 

In university, aged eighteen he’d fucked his first female student, Helen, who had yelled out in pain at his first wild thrusting. From that experience Carson had learned that, given his cock’s imposing length and girth, he needed a little caution, when meeting a female’s needs. 

Helen, totally appeased and fulfilled, had spread the word, and students were soon clamouring to savour this fabulous prick. Carson quickly learned that as well as possessing an impressive tool, he could also fuck for ages pacing his cumming. This delighted many, as did his brief recovering time between ejaculations. 

Cock-proud? Darkly handsome, he knew he had plenty to be proud of. 

Even Mrs. Kirton, his English tutor, gave him his first blow job. That way he learned that normal mouths could not take all of him.  

‘Fuck ‘em and leave ‘em,’ soon became his mantra.  

Now, he was twenty-six, living in a good apartment, a reputation as a writer of thrillers, with three novels and countless stories behind him. Word of mouth again about his size and prowess, led to a mix of curiosity and lust building an ever-growing band of women, eager to savour his rampant tool, but his mantra still held strong.   

Right now, at the club, they’d be waiting, their willing bodies longing to be stuffed as never before.   

Married? Why should he get married when he could attract easy sex whenever he wanted? 

Now, donning his warmer fleece, he knew, given the pressure in his pants, that it was time to move. Time to get out and find the horniest women. 

Halloween was dying, only faint music told of some distant party. Odd individuals were still on the street, as parties broke up. A gorilla crossed the road in front of him and gave him a cheery wave, “Hey, Carson,” he called. 

Next came a woman wearing a very short skirt, an open blouse and a wolf’s head. She tottered, clearly drunk, in his direction. Her fingers pointed at his pants. “Nothing for me, Carson?” 

Carson, not sure who she was, laughed, and said, “You might bite it off.” Before easily leaving her staring after him. 

As he walked, he considered just what he fancied for tonight. An individual whose habits he knew well, like Betty Raye, with her superb hip movement. Or maybe Mabel Sanders who was the only one could take him anally.  

Or did he fancy taking two of them on? Not an infrequent delight, when he’d fucked one, and immediately fucked the other one. Of course, there was always the chance that he’d find a new inquisitive female.  

The club was only a couple of hundred yards away as he passed Aynsley Park. Not really a true park. A large three-acre patch of mainly grassland with a section devoted to a thickly wooded area. In summer months, one or two women had been blessed with the joys of his cock among the grassy slopes. 

Up ahead, a tall female in dark clothing was standing under the lamplight, looking back and forward as though seeking someone. As Carson approached, she turned her face towards him. That stopped him in his tracks. Christ, she was gorgeous. Was this the answer to his evening’s selection? 

High cheek bones, full lips, pert chin, black hair falling across her brow. Her dark blue coat was open, giving a suggestion of a swelling bosom. He felt an extra pulse as he enviaged the prospects there. 

“Are you lost?” he asked, as a weak opener. 

Her face was alive as she laughed and answered, “Not at all.” And her next statement made Carson give thanks to an unknown god. “I was told that a Mr. Carson Lothian often passed this way.” 

“I’m Carson Lothian,” he told her, and, hoping for the perfect answer, he asked, “Why would you look for me?” 

“I’m Wanda, and satisfied women have told me about certain attributes,” she said, as her eyes glanced down at the growing tent in his pants. “Mm, and they weren’t exaggerating, it seems.” 

She stepped closer. The eyes were green, and Carson was aware of a pleasant, but unusual perfume.  Amazingly, this Wanda lady reached out and, through his pants, gripped his hardness firmly and held on. 

Her eyes showed pure lust as they gazed into Carson’s startled face, and said, “I’m no slut. But your possibilities intrigue me.”      

Exulting inside, Carson was thinking, ‘You’re intrigued?’ He couldn’t believe his luck and such a beauty. 

“In the park?” she said, as though it was a foregone conclusion.  He’d taken a few on the grassy Aynsley slopes. But here was this Wanda releasing his cock to take his hand and lead him.   

“Any slope in particular?” he asked, eager to get started on her. His cock couldn’t find room in his pants.  

She stopped and turned her lovely eyes to him, “Can you wait until we’re in the woods?” 

The woods? Previous women had been uneasy about going into the woods. He told Wanda that, as he attempted to plant a kiss on that delicious mouth. 

She drew her head back as she told him, “I know a place.” She smiled and a concerned look passed over her face. “But I have a confession to make.” 

Was she about to make some excuse for not going through with it? “A confession? Sounds ominous.” 

“You decide,” she said, and bringing her face close to his, she added, “you see, I have two sisters, both younger than me. When they heard of you being well-hung, they longed for the experience. Would you mind?” 

Would he mind? Oh, boy, what a Halloween this could turn out to be. “Will they be at this place?” 

As they entered the woods, she shrugged, “There was no guarantee that I’d find you. But they know where this place is.” 

 Thick overhead leaf cover excluded much of the moonlight, and it was suddenly very dark. Encouraged and excited by the prospect of this luscious woman and maybe more. Carson made a grab for Wanda’s waist. 

Laughing, she pulled away, “Patience. We’re almost there.” 

Joining in her laugh, Carson asked, “What have you heard from other women?” 

“Oh, I heard enough.” 

Then, unexpectedly, they were in a small clearing lit by an unfettered moon. A spooky place surrounded by dark trees, and, to one side, a very small cabin. “The groundsman’s lodge. Hardly ever used,” Wanda explained, as she scanned the area.  “No sisters yet. But they’re never on time.”  

At the cabin door, she groped along a high ledge and produced a key. Soon they were inside the dimness of the cabin. 

“Ah, the stove has been lit, so my sisters must be nearby. I’ll light the lantern,” Wanda said, striking a match. 

“Do we need light?” 

“I want to see what I’m getting,” Wanda said with a chuckle. “If you get those pants off, we’ll soon know.” 

Suddenly, she sounded more demanding, and Carson slipped his jacket off and unfastened his belt. God, so good to be free from the pressure. Now, in the light, he saw that there was a single bed in one corner, two chairs against the wall, a little table, and a small sink.     

He wasn’t sure how Wanda’s clothing worked, but in loosening her coat and shrugging out of it, her dress and any underclothing came away too and she was quickly naked. What a body! Bold breasted, dark hazelnut nipples and waxed mound meant that he could see her pouting labial lips. Such promise. 

“Pants!” her voice was almost stern as she stood in front of him. 

He released his hold on them, and his massive cock leapt into the lamplight like an escaping iguana. By flexing his hips forward he could see that it almost struck against her belly. 

 Satisfyingly, she gasped and said, “Well, the rumours were true. A monster indeed.” 

“Want to touch it? Kiss it?” That was what most of other women wanted. But Wanda had backed towards the bed. 

“I want nothing but to feel that inside me,” she said, lying back on the bed, legs spread, hips raised by a pillow. Seeing Carson’s surprised reaction, she added, “You’ll find that I’m moist enough. No foreplay needed.” 

 This situation was different to his usual conquests. No foreplay? Other women loved to handle his erection or run their lips along it. 

But Wanda was something beyond his experience. Just how far beyond he was soon to discover. The small bed ensured that Carson could only be on top of her.  

Moving his head upwards he saw, between her parted thighs, the wetness around her blooming labia. The sight made him improbably harder. He stroked her wonderful breasts, strangely cooler than the rest of her body. 

Then his cock tip was where her pinkness widened invitingly. Carson was disappointed that she hadn’t attempted to touch his bare cock, but unexpectedly her hand suddenly reached down to remove his own grip and grab a firm hold on his rod.  

An appreciative grunt was followed by a growling, “No delays,” as she forced his cock into her soaked entry. Carson loved such impatience. Just like the eagerness of the other lucky women he had serviced. 

Experience made him very aware of the buffer to come. Accordingly, he slowed his pushing up her deliciously juicy channel expecting to strike her cervix. 

But with an almost angry, “Get on,” her hips heaved up at him and her vaginal walls squeezed his erection deeper into her. It was pure heaven until Carson realised that the only collision was his pubes with her mound.  She had taken him all! His full length. 

Whether it was the surprise of that, or her sensuous movements, but Carson suddenly knew that he was about to cum. That couldn’t be. Holding back was one of his main boasts. 

His despair as his seed began spurting into her was only tempered by the lunges he was able to make and that matched her own continued hip movement. 

As he slowed, the expression on her face and her mocking voice added to his disgust at himself, “Where has the mighty Mr. Lothian gone?” 

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Weakly, he tried to explain that it was her unexpected capacity that had shaken him. “I’ll soon recover, if I stay inside you.” 

 He was only semi-erect now, but her continued movement of hip and muscle gradually brought his rebellious cock back to its firmness. The speed of recovery helped Carson overcome his initial dismay.  

“Ah, you’re filling me again,” Wanda said. “Now, do something about it.” 

That command was unnecessary.  Yes, he would plunder the dark, wild, wet cavern of her cunt, forward and back, with thrusts long and hard. But Carson’s attempts were more than matched by the furious vigour with which Wanda’s hips and muscles attacked his immense tool. 

Enchanted by her fiery response, Carson looked to ride this marvellous storm. His control had always been exemplary. But now? His breath tightened in his throat, and it wasn’t passion. He was going to cum. Oh, not again? Like earlier, he was unable to prevent it.   

To his utter shame, his seed jetted once again deep inside Wanda. 

“Where’s this reputation?” Wanda’s tone was not mocking, but it could have been. Before he could make an excuse, a female chuckle had him looking behind him. Two scantily clad young women occupied chairs by the wall. 

“Trying too hard, Wanda?” the older of the two remarked. 

“Ah, my dear sisters, late again,” Wanda had sat up, and was towelling between her thighs thoroughly. She moved her attention to wiping Carson’s prick. 

“We were here first,” the younger one exclaimed. “Lit the heater, didn’t we?” 

“Want to try it, Vi?” Wanda asked the elder of the pair. “Think your hot lips can take it?” 

The one called Vi, black-haired and beautiful, stood, shrugged off the thin robe she’d been wearing, and approached the bed, naked. Carson, after Wanda’s towelling, was aware that his cock was regaining some hardness, and the sight of Vi’s lustrous body with its proud pointing breasts, brought him on more. 

Vi smiled lasciviously, “Looks impressive. I hope Wanda’s left some.” 

So do I, was in Carson’s mind, as he felt drained like never before. 

“You look good for sucking. That’s what I like.” 

 She bent over Carson’s prone body, with Wanda cross-legged at the top of the bed. Muttering words of approval, Vi slithered her tongue along his length. Probing around the bulbous head, with little flicks at the tiny slit. After fingering his cock with featherlike touches, she gently squeezed his scrotum, making Carson squirm with pleasure. 

Lying comfortably between his twitching thighs, her hand gripped him, and her eyes studied the bulbous head before her lips closed tightly around it and ran it along the inside of her cheek. For Carson, that was extra special.  God, she was so adept. 

Seeing the bulge in her cheek was so erotic. But soon it would strike the back of her throat. “Don’t choke,” he warned. 

But this Vi, knew how to please a man. Sucking vigorously, forcing her tongue around the broad penis, she reached down to grip the few inches of his solidness that had been denied entry. She wanked him while pushing her mouth harder along his enclosed shaft.   

At first, Carson was enraptured by this new sensation, enjoying Vi’s determination to rule him. When her other hand squeezed his scrotum again, he was shocked that she was getting to him, as his cum begin its journey. No, this couldn’t happen again.  He was stronger than this, always in charge of his ejaculations. But there was no stopping it now and in the sheer zest of his cumming, he thrust vigorously, sending his cockhead into Vi’s throat, choking her, making her gag as his fluids poured down into her stomach. 

Carson had less to give, but anyway Vi swiftly drew her head back from his still drooling, deflating cock. As Wanda laughed loudly and the younger sister giggled, Vi cursed, “Fuck all monster dicks.”  

Carson was equally upset at his own weakness and at the way the other two laughed. Leave them? No, his arms and legs were strangely heavy. 

“Want your turn, Bea?” Wanda asked, a chuckle still in her voice. 

Bea had already stripped, and Carson saw that she had a fabulous body, neat and sensuous. She stood over him as he lay on the bed, a disgusted look on her beautiful face. “What am I supposed to do with that? It looks like a crushed cucumber.” 

Wanda said, “You like being the cowgirl. Straddle his face. That’ll bring him on.” 

Carson felt uneasily that his personal desires were taking second place as Bea’s delicious, wet, pink, labia lowered towards him. Next second his lips and tongue were slurping, tracing out her risen clit. God, she was soaking, with a subtly undefinably different taste to what he had experienced. His cock responded. 

As his tongue probed her entry, Bea moaned, and gave a slight heave of delight. Her hands searched down his body until they encountered his risen prick. Immediately she wriggled away from his disappointed face. Sliding down him, maintaining the spread of her thighs until she was over his fully erect cock. She held it tightly, before placing it into her soft wetness. 

Carson heard Wanda give a little cheer and this time, he felt that he was being used. Bea smiled down at him and began to skewer herself on his immense cock. He grabbed for her arm to warn of his length. Worryingly, movement of his arms seemed restricted, but then, it didn’t matter, because, amazingly, like Wanda, Bea took all of him, right up, his pubes against her mound.     

Immediately she began riding him, pulling his erection up and down so briskly that he had no time to respond as, with such stimulus, his cock, as it had in Wanda’s cavern, spurted forth yet another load.  

Carson shuddered. This desperate cumming just wasn’t him. With a moan of disappointment, Bea pulled back from him and backed away as Wanda slid alongside him, with a towel in her hand. “Don’t worry, Bea, you’ve prepped him just right.” 

Carson was wondering what Wanda meant by that, but she continued, “Now for the finale,” she said quietly, as she rubbed the towel roughly over and around his deflated, cock. “We need to bring this dead snake back to life for one last show.”   

God, he thought, I’m lying here like some helpless idiot. I should be taking charge. But, to his dismay, as Wanda dropped the towel and began wanking his cock very slowly, he tried to raise his arms to take charge somehow and squeeze her superb breasts. He just couldn’t move. His legs were equally useless. 

Desperately he tried to heave his body up. Nothing. He was totally paralysed. Well, not totally. His cock, still in Wanda’s hand, was as hard and huge as it had ever been. 

Above him, Wanda had an inscrutable smile on her face, “Moving difficult, Mr. Lothian?” By now, Carson was totally ill at ease. Something was happening here that worried him. First, there was this immobility. Wanda used his surname, almost in mockery. Her mention of ‘a finale’. His pleasurable experience was forgotten. From when? His inability to delay ejaculation? 

Wanda, still holding his cock, growled, “Enjoy the next few minutes, Mr. Lothian. Just close your eyes and count to five.” 

Uncertain, he did as he was told. He counted to five, opened his eyes, and screamed madly. This had become a living nightmare. It could only be the same three women, but the faces were those of every witch picture he had ever seen. Hideous, red-eyed, all features exaggerated, and cackling now, not laughing. 

“What the hell’s going on?” Carson cried, terror in his voice. 

“Nemesis!” Wanda chuckled, “But don’t worry, we’re not your average wicked witches.” Without another word, her witch mouth closed around his cock. Fearfully, Carson felt her sucking on it, sucking with a wildness that he had never experienced. For a horrific few seconds, he feared she would consume it. 

Impossible for him to cum anymore, wasn’t it? Only, within seconds, he found that wasn’t the case, as he felt that familiar surge in his balls. Wanda knew it, for she released his spouting cock, and they watched his seed spatter across his belly. 

"The final fountain of truth,” Vi laughed, as Carson’s shrinking cock fell limply to his thigh, shrinking all the time. 

Wanda brought her ghastly face close, “Need some answers?” Feeling real anxiety, Carson tried to nod but found he couldn’t. He looked at the three grinning faces above him, horrific faces, that had earlier been so gorgeous. 

Wanda was in the same position above him and said, “Now you’ll begin to understand. We are witches for women. We’ve given you some fun. Your last for a while. Now, I’ll put you in the picture.” 

Carson lay helpless, only his eyes could move from face to evil face. Terror gripped his heart, as Wanda’s now screeching voice told him, “Lesson time. We avenge ill-treated women anywhere.” 

Carson feared the prospects. 

Wanda went on, as all three faces closed in on him. A theatre of madness. “Since you were eighteen you have treated women as mere playthings. Feeding that precious cock of yours.” 

“What do you intend for me?” Carson asked worriedly. 

“It’s already done,” Wanda told him. “You’re spellbound now. Unable to move, aren’t you? From the moment you shafted me, your treatment began. Through Vi and then Bea. There were other punishments, but this way is our rare chance of sexual excitement. Your immobility will last for an hour after we leave.” 

“Is that all?” he asked hopefully. 

“You have upset and broken the hearts of so many women as you’ve ploughed your way through them. Taking them to heights, then dropping them like some bird of prey.”  

“So, what happens now?” Did he really want to hear an answer? 

“We’re leaving now. You can’t see your poor shrivelled cock lying like a dead white lizard on your thigh. After an hour, you’ll be able to move, to stagger home, and go to bed. But in the morning, you’ll still have that dead lizard between your legs.” 

Vi butted in here, “And there is no porn strong enough, no woman sexy enough to arouse it. Women will quickly lose interest.” 

Bea added, “Except perhaps some skinny little virgin to stroke your brow—but not your cock.” She giggled. 

As the three dressed and moved to the door, Wanda said, “Perhaps next Halloween we’ll give you a little test—oh, you won’t recognise us—but we’ll be there. Before restoring strength down there, if we think you deserve it.” 

And they were gone. Carson Lothian soon discovered that the pattern of events Wanda had outlined all came true. He was left chastened and praying for next Halloween.  

Written by redwriter34
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