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Not So Abominable: A Tale of Winter Magic

"An ancient being seeks a mate; a lonely woman finds a lover; magic is afoot in the mountains"

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Sonja stepped outside the lodge and took a lungful of cold mountain air. Behind her, the party raged on, seemingly oblivious to her absence. The haze of pot smoke inside was bothering her. It made her feel a bit dopey, even though she had never touched a joint herself. Or the spiked desserts, for that matter. The noise was an irritant, too, leaving her hearing dull and a ringing in her ears.

Zipping up her coat, Sonja walked down the stairs from the lodge’s balcony and away from the place. She needed some clean air and quiet to clear her head.

“Hey, Sonja, be careful out there,” called out her friend Maggie, who had invited her to the party in the first place.

“I’ll be fine,” Sonja called back, “Just need some fresh air.”

“Okay, but don’t go too far. There’s some deep snow around and someone said they saw big tracks.”

“Animal tracks? Like a bear?”

“Something else. Like a big person.”

“Bigfoot?” Sonja responded, giggling.

“Or something like it,” Maggie replied, sounding quite serious, “There’s legends going back to the indigenous people. They say it’s the guardian of the mountain.”

Sonja snorted. Maggie had been smoking a joint not long before, so she was inclined to dismiss her friend’s concerns.

“I’ll just be up the trail a bit where I can get a view. If the Abominable Snowman drops by, I’ll tell him you said ‘Hi’,” Sonja called back, then kept going.

She should have known better than to party with a bunch of snowboarders. However, there had been a chance that Graeme, her estranged husband and part of this crowd, would be there. Not that meeting him in such a setting would likely do much good for their fading marriage. He had not shown, though, and rumours were circulating of someone new in his life.

Sitting on a rock, Sonja looked out at the valley below. The snow practically glowed in the light from the full moon. At the bottom, lights from the village at the base broke the darkness. It was a beautiful scene and Sonja sat for a long time drinking it in. She scarcely noticed the man who came and stood next to her.

“Beautiful,” he rumbled in a deep, oddly accented voice.

Sonja looked up in surprise. The moonlight was bright enough that she could see her visitor pretty well. He was very tall, heavyset and broad-shouldered; a veritable mountain of a man. His face, while aged, was handsome in a rugged, outdoorsy sort of way. The young woman stood for a closer look. Sonja realized that she rather liked what she was seeing.

“It is. You’re not from the party, are you? Are you part of the staff?” Sonja asked, a bit nervous.

“I live up here,” the man said softly, “It’s beautiful.”

His manner of speaking was odd, and his response did not quite answer Sonja’s questions. Still, Sonja felt oddly comfortable with him. After all, if attacking her was the stranger’s intent, he could have done that already. He could have easily taken her by surprise and dragged her off to have his way with her, whatever that might be.

“Lucky you. I live in a city and nowhere there is like this,” she responded.

“You are beautiful, too. You belong here.”

Sonja smiled, not sure if he was being polite or hitting on her.

“Perhaps,” she answered, “But I have a life back home. Not much of one, but I have one. Not sure I could just walk away and live in the mountains, much as I would like to right now.”

“We all have a life.”

“Yeah, we all do. I’m just not happy with mine,” Sonja responded quietly, thinking of her failed marriage and other struggles.

“Be happy. There is time to live better.”

“Do you have a name?” Sonja asked, getting more intrigued by her visitor, “I’m Sonja.”

“I have known many names. Arthur is one.”

“Arthur is nice,” Sonja responded, giggling a little though she was not sure why, “Sorry. I’m a bit high, I think.”

She got her laughter in check, but it only lasted until the man spoke again.

“High, yes. We are on a mountain.”

That set Sonja laughing again.

“We are, indeed. You actually have a sense of humour. Are you alone up here?”

“Alone. But not right now.”

“No, I guess not with me here.”

“Come home?”

Sonja wasn’t actually sure if he was asking or requesting, but the tone of voice sounded like a question.


“Up there. Even higher.”

Sonja couldn’t see any sign of a building or anything higher up the mountain. Still, her desire to get away from the party overcame her better judgment.

“Look, if you’re a rapist or murderer or something, just finish me off right here and now, okay? I scream nice and loud, you know.”

The man smiled, chuckled, and shook his head.

“I am not.”

“Then show me the way,” Sonja said, surprised at herself even as she said it.

Arthur led her through the snow for a long time until they reached a large wooden cabin with a single room inside. A warm fire blazed on the hearth, providing light and heat. A table with a couple chairs sat to one side near some primitive shelves. There was no stove or fridge, but maybe the hearth provided the former and the snowy world outside the latter. The simple wooden bed was huge, king-sized or more, and covered in furs and a big quilt.

“Oh my God, this is lovely, Arthur,” Sonja told her host after taking it all in.

“It is home,” he rumbled, “Tea?”

“Sure. Thanks.”

He took a kettle off the fire and filled an old, chipped teapot on a counter by the table.

Sonja went over to the bed and ran a hand over the fur. It was soft and Sonja had a vision of laying on it naked; feeling that softness over her whole body. She pulled her hand back and turned, trying not to think thoughts like that.

Arthur removed his coat and sweater. That left the big man in just a tank top that barely fit his massive torso. He was muscular and hairy, looking like a wrestler or weightlifter. Perhaps he was some kind of lumberjack? Sonja imagined being held against that hairy body by his massive, muscular arms. It would feel almost as nice as the fur on the bed.

Tentatively, she shed her own coat and sweater. Sonja had a turtleneck on underneath that fit snugly over her bosom. Nothing too revealing, but it did highlight her ample breasts. Graeme had certainly found it sexy.

“Tea,” Arthur said, handing Sonja a steaming mug.

She sipped it and the flavour astonished her. It was like drinking a mug full of different tastes that all melded together on her tongue.

“This is good. Where do you get it?” she asked after a couple more sips.

“All around,” he replied.

So apparently Arthur gathered the herbs and whatever else was in the tea himself?

Sonja sat on the edge of the bed and looked up at her new friend.

“You live up here alone? No wife? No girlfriend?” she said after another sip of tea.

“No mate,” he confirmed, pulling over one of the chairs to sit down, “I have not mated in a long time.”

Odd wording, Sonja thought. How many people referred to themselves as “mating” anymore?

“I had a mate,” she said, “But we were too young, and things fell apart. He walked away.”

“So you have no mate.”

“Not anymore. And I haven’t mated in a while, either,” she added ruefully, suddenly glancing at the space between Arthur’s huge thighs.

“Are you sad?”

“About losing my mate? Or about not mating?”

“Are they not the same?”

“I guess. Not so much sad as just lonely and empty.”

Sonja brushed the fur on the bed with her hand again, then yawned.

“Mind if I lie down? I’ll try not to sleep, just rest a bit.”

“As you wish.”

Standing, Sonja slipped her pants off. She was a bit nervous wearing just her little pink briefs in front of Arthur, but also a bit excited. The big man’s eyes regarded her with interest. He cracked a slight smile.

Laying down on the fur, Sonja pulled a corner of the quilt over her bare legs for warmth. The fur felt nice under her; the quilt warm on top. She considered removing more clothing but wasn’t sure she wanted to show Arthur more than she already had.

“This is cozy. Better than the beds at the resort, I think,” Sonja said, yawning again.

She looked over and realized that Arthur had removed his tank. His hairy, muscular torso was a breathtaking sight. Sonja sat up for a better look. Unconsciously, she licked her lips.

“Damn, you’re quite a guy, Arthur,” she said, feeling a bit breathless.

Between her legs, she felt a stirring. Her panties were getting damp. Time to mate, she thought.

Her eyes squarely on her host, Sonja unclipped her bra. She slid it and her turtleneck off together, tossing them aside. The big man eyed her, a familiar hunger in his eyes as he regarded Sonja’s naked breasts. Sonja kept going. She slipped her panties off under the quilt, then dangled them from her index finger for him to see before tossing them on top of her other clothing.

“Going to join me?” Sonja asked, hoping she sounded seductive.

Arthur stood and unfastened his pants. When they hit the floor, so did Sonja’s jaw. He was huge in more ways than she expected.

“Fuck, that’s a hell of a cock, baby,” Sonja said, getting nervous again.

Could she really take it in her? She wanted to but wasn’t sure how it would feel.

“Good for mating,” he rumbled, a grin on his face.

“I’ll bet,” Sonja responded with a nervous chuckle, “Get over here.”

Arthur stood over Sonja as she threw aside the quilt. She swung her legs around to sit on the edge of the bed. Taking his enormous cock in her hand, Sonja rubbed it against her cheek. Then she turned and kissed it.

“Look, Arthur,” she said, gently caressing his swelling cock, “I am going to have to be really, really turned on to mate with you. But I want to try, okay?”

“We will mate,” Arthur replied, grinning again.

Sonja pulled back his foreskin and took the head of Arthur’s cock between her lips. She teased the head with her tongue as she sucked it. The size did not make fellatio easy, but Sonja managed to get him in a little way without choking. Deep throating, as she had often done to her ex, would be out of the question.

As she sucked Arthur, Sonja had a hand between her thighs. She was already wet, turned on by the mere thought of being fucked by such a magnificent cock. Slowly, Sonja caressed her soft lips, teasing her clit at the top of each stroke.

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Arthur startled Sonja by pulling her mouth off his cock. Shoving her backwards on the bed, the big man dropped to his knees and roughly pushed Sonja’s thighs apart. He slid a large finger into her pussy and began fucking her with it. It felt almost like a small cock. As his finger worked inside, Arthur began lapping at Sonja’s clitoris, sending wonderful sensations up her body.

Taking her tits in her hands, Sonja massaged them and tweaked her nipples, letting those sensations merge with the ones spreading out from between her thighs. To her surprise, the big man knew his way around a pussy. Sonja was soon lost in ecstasy. She climaxed at least twice, maybe more. It was so intense that she did not really keep count.

Suddenly, Arthur rose to his feet. His huge cock stood at full erection between his legs, pre-cum glistening on the tip. Before Sonja could say or do anything, he flipped her over. Getting on all fours, she braced herself for what she knew was coming next. The orgasms had left her dripping, but Sonja was still not sure whether her pussy could take his cock.

The initial penetration hurt, but only a little and only at first. The big man was surprisingly gentle, easing his thick cock into her pussy with care. After he was in as far as Sonja could take him, though, Arthur wasted no time. Drawing back until he was almost out, Arthur then fucked her with fast, deep thrusts.

“Oh shit, that’s incredible,” Sonja managed to gasp between breaths.

Arthur was gasping and grunting behind her, sounding like a rutting animal. That’s what it felt like, too. It wasn’t sex as Sonja had ever known it before. Rather, it was wild animal heat, driven only by instinctive need and desire.

When the big man came, it was like a bomb going off in Sonja’s pussy. His huge cock pulsed against the taut walls of her vagina and Sonja felt a gusher of cum splashing inside her. She came again almost immediately.

Arthur withdrew and Sonja curled up on the bed. She wrapped herself in the quilt, then lay there shaking for a while. Her lover slipped in with her and Sonja snuggled close, resting her head against his chest. The big man’s body hair was thick and soft, more like fur than human hair. She didn’t care. It felt nice against her skin.

The wind was howling when Sonja woke. It was still mostly dark, with just a little light coming in through a window. The glow from the hearth added a bit of light, too. Arthur must have stoked it at some point.

The big man himself was nowhere to be seen. An ache between Sonja’s legs reminded her of what had gone down between them. She wanted more but was not sure she could withstand another pounding from Arthur’s huge cock. Still, Sonja marveled that she had been able to take him at all.

Feeling thirsty, Sonja got out of bed and wrapped herself in the quilt for warmth. The kettle was warm, so she poured some water into her mug. Sonja looked out the window as she sipped the lukewarm water.

Snow was blowing around in a stiff wind, flakes dancing frantically as they were tossed around. Beyond, the lodge and valley were almost invisible. She was glad to be inside and wondered where her lover had gone. Surely, Arthur was not out in the storm.

Then she saw something that made her freeze. Her heart pounded and her body shook inside the quilt.

A creature that walked upright like a man, but was clearly not, had come into view through the swirling snow. It was taller even than Arthur, or so it seemed to Sonja. The creature’s body was covered in lush white fur streaked with a bit of black. Slowly, it turned and lumbered towards the cabin.

Sonja remembered Maggie’s warning about the “guardian of the mountain” and began praying for Arthur’s return. The creature was huge but so was her lover. And surely Arthur kept a gun or a bow around, if only for hunting. She glanced around but could not see anything; not that Sonja knew how to use a weapon even if she did find one.

“Oh God, please, keep it away,” she muttered, quivering in her blanket.

As it drew closer, Sonja could see that the creature had a strange face. It was reminiscent of orangutans she had seen in zoos, but also curiously human in many ways. The deep, soulful brown eyes looked very human to her. In fact, they reminded her of Arthur’s.

Sonja looked over the rest of its body and could see, lurking in the long fur of its lower belly, a large cock that also reminded her of her lover. That brought her terror up another notch. Would such a creature want to, as Arthur would say, mate with her?

“No,” Sonja yelped as it approached the door.

She fled to the back of the cabin and dove under the bed.

Shivering and weeping, Sonja listened as the door opened and heavy footsteps entered. Then Arthur’s face appeared.

“Safe,” was all he said, smiling and offering Sonja a hand.

“Are you sure?” she responded, still quivering.

The big man nodded. Feeling somewhat reassured in Arthur’s presence, Sonja took his hand and he helped her out.

“What was that thing, Arthur? It looked like the Abominable Snowman or something.”

Arthur gave her an odd look, then his expression turned sad.

“Me,” was all he said.

“Me, what?” Sonja asked, puzzled at this answer.

“You saw me.”

“No,” she said in confusion, “There’s no way I could have been mistaken. You don’t look anything like that … thing.”

“That’s me. This is another me.”

Sonja shook her head, not sure if she was hearing Arthur correctly.

“You? You’re the Abominable Snowman? Some kind of weird monster cosplay?” she questioned, eyes wide, “But how…”

“Magic,” Arthur answered with a shrug.

Sonja shook her head, her mind racing as she tried to make sense of his words.

“Okay, this is fucking nuts,” she snapped, “You’re really the Abominable Snowman disguised using magic? I think I must have hit my head while you were pounding my pussy last night.”

“No. Real.”

“Show me, then,” Sonja blurted out, “If it’s a disguise, even a magical one, you can take it off.”

“If you wish,” her lover said with a shrug, then warned, “I can’t speak when I am myself.”

“Can you understand me, at least?”

Arthur nodded.

“Then I wish,” Sonja said, wondering if she really wanted this.

Arthur rearranged some curious pebbles on the table. They were multicoloured and almost metallic in appearance. As he did, Arthur made strange noises in his throat.

Sonja suddenly felt nauseous, like a sudden bout of motion sickness. The room seemed to be shifting and lurching. Somehow, she managed to not vomit. After a moment, Sonja dropped to her knees and closed her eyes. That seemed to help.

When everything felt normal again, Sonja opened her eyes and looked up. Shock went through her like an electric charge.

The room had changed into a cavern. Colourful stalactites dangled overhead. The hearth had become a simple campfire on one side of the cave; the bed a shelf of stone covered in furs. In the middle stood the ape-like creature Sonja had seen through the window.

“Oh shit, Arthur, you weren’t kidding about magic,” she said, looking around her in amazement, “This is incredible.”

The creature walked over to Sonja and helped her to her feet. Sonja had dropped the quilt, leaving her naked. She did not feel cold. Perhaps the wonder of the scene was distracting her.

Sonja turned her attention from cave to creature. She now knew for sure this was her lover. The huge white simian was pretty much as she had seen him outside the window. But now, seen up close, there was a sense of great age and intelligence. His wizened face and bright eyes showed a humanity that belied his appearance. He was beautiful in a way she had never seen or felt before.

“So is your real name Sasquatch?” she quipped nervously.

Arthur didn’t answer, just made an odd laughing noise.

Sonja walked up to him and ran a hand through the fur on his torso. It felt as nice as it looked.

“You’re really not so abominable, are you?” Sonja said quietly, looking up into his eyes, “You are kind of cute, actually.”

Arthur flashed a toothy grin and made an odd noise, a kind of combination of a grunt and a growl.

Putting her arms as far around the huge body as she could reach, Sonja hugged Arthur. The fur felt soft and warm against her skin. Sonja recalled the odd feel of his body hair in human form and wondered if she had really been feeling the fur.

A familiar moisture began leaking between Sonja’s thighs. The young woman could not believe that she was becoming aroused. She tightened her embrace of Arthur, losing herself in his soft fur and warmth. His hands caressed her back right down to her ass. Sonja felt his cock poking her and realized Arthur was becoming aroused, too.

“Become human again, please,” she finally said, releasing her hold on him, “I … I don’t know if I’d feel comfortable mating with you in this body. Yet.”

Arthur flashed his toothy grin again and let her go. He moved towards the little array of stones, which now rested atop a boulder.

Sonja turned away, knelt, and closed her eyes. She hoped that this preparation would avoid the sickness of the last transformation. Her stomach lurched at first, but then seemed to settle. She could feel a wave of warmth and a rippling of the air and floor. When that stopped, Sonja opened her eyes and stood.

She was back in the cabin, as was Arthur. The big man was as naked as she was, his cock at full erection. Sonja smiled as she drank in that sight. She felt an urgent need for his huge cock and began walking to the bed. Glancing back, she beckoned to Arthur.

“Come warm me up, you big ape,” she cooed.

Arthur smiled and bounded across the room. Scooping Sonja up in his massive arms, he carried her to the bed. He put his mate down on the furs, then quickly mounted her. There was no easing in this time. Arthur took Sonja fast and hard. She gasped at the entry, then lost herself in ecstasy as he fucked her. Orgasms came fast and strong for both, their moans and cries mingling. Sonja almost blacked out.

“How long can I stay?” Sonja whispered as she lay in Arthur’s arms recuperating afterwards.

“As long as you wish.”

Sonja sighed. She probably needed to get back to civilization, to let people know she was okay and not lost in the wilderness. But she had really found something in the arms of the guardian of the mountain. Even Graeme had not made her feel so loved, so wanted.

“That could be a long time,” she murmured sleepily.

Arthur did not reply, just smiled and kissed her. Sleep followed quickly.


Written by Anonymous
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