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Lost In London

"Two college friends try out a freaky experiment. Will things ever be the same?"

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“Are you sure about this, London?” I asked incredulously, looking down at the dimly lit candle that flickered silently between our bodies. She reached across the gap separating us, gently grasping my forearm. When her soft fingertips brushed up against me, my gaze shot upwards, catching hers. “Only of you want to…” she said longingly, her dark brown eyes gazing fixedly into mine.

London was a friend of mine. We’d met online, both having been searching for friends at our small, private college. She was a pretty, mixed-race girl with frizzy black hair and mocha colored skin. Her body, thanks in part to her Afro-heritage, was fleshy and thickset, accentuating her husky, shapely form. Her broad nose and plump lips were framed by a round, feminine face, which was currently illuminated only by soft candlelight. At the moment, she was sitting cross legged on her bed across from me, her large, creamy thighs disappearing into the folds of her skirt, the hem of which she was fidgeting with nervously with her other hand.

“No no… I absolutely do! I think it could be interesting too!” I said reassuringly, forcing myself to smile at her. Her proposition was ridiculous, but I couldn’t help but feel like I was disappointing her. She flashed her own smile back at me. It looked like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. “Great!” She said, reaching out and taking my hands into hers. “You ready?” I nodded.

We closed our eyes and bowed our heads. I could hear London frantically whispering some sort of incantation to herself, but I couldn’t make out any words. As I pictured the two of us, sitting hand in hand on a bed with our heads down I couldn’t help but feel ridiculous. I smiled for a moment, but stopped when I felt a buzzing begin to build deep in my core. I tried taking a deep breath, but couldn’t shake the unexpected, steadily rising feeling. London squeezed my hands so hard it almost hurt, her nails digging into my flesh as the buzzing turned into a low tremble.

I tried to speak, but my words were drowned out by a chorus of grunts, whines and gasps that the two of us were emitting almost in unison. A sharp electrical jolt shot through her arms, moved into my hands, and ripped through my central nervous system. I pulled my hands from hers suddenly, stumbling backwards onto the cushy bedspread as I opened my eyes. My vision was blurred by our dim surroundings, but as my sight came back into focus I was met with an unforgettable sight: My own pale, white face, staring back at me.

“Holy shit!” I gasped in a light, sultry voice that most certainly did not belong to me. “London… it… it worked!” I said breathlessly, looking down slowly, as I was nearly overcome by the surreal sight of a narrow torso that ballooned outwards into wide, feminine hips. This view was partially obscured by two fleshy mounds—her breasts—which protruded from my chest, sagging low into the lacy bra and tight, pink t-shirt that were wrapped around my new upper body. I eased my shoulders back, feeling the tight bra straps stretch a bit, uncomfortably digging into my soft back, as a wave of understanding washed over me, forming an unspoken kinship between me and every woman on Earth.

I held my arms out in front of me, watching intently as the motion squeezed my new chest, pushing the round creamy tops of London’s caramel colored cleavage against the inside of my shirt. I turned my palms over, and the short, brown arms that had once belonged to London tracked my movement perfectly. I really was inside her body.

“This is incredible!” London gasped in my deep voice. My focus broken, I glanced up at her, watching with amusement as she raked my hands up and down her flat chest. My body was tall and lean, with a noticeable amount of muscular definition visible through my outfit. My new face felt hot and I began to blush a bit (I was suddenly thankful for the shade of my borrowed skin) as I realized how attracted she’d been to me this whole time. I’d been denying it for the past few weeks, but now, as I stared at myself through her soft, dark eyes, I knew firsthand how handsome she really found me.

“I’ll be right back!” I said, suddenly climbing off the bed. I took a few experimental steps, allowing myself to acclimate to my new center of balance. My new bodyweight shifted in ways I’d never imagined as I walked towards her bathroom. My wide hips swayed beneath my skirt and my chest bounced lightly within the confines of London’s bra with each step. I, unaccustomed to wearing skirts, felt incredibly exposed. As I passed a floor vent, a cool, silent stream of air wafted between my legs, aerating the cotton panty-encased womanhood I now possessed. An unconscious, thrilling surge of excitement rippled through my small frame at the sudden recognition of the vacancy between my legs.

As I made it to the bathroom, I stood in front of the mirror and paused to admire my new reflection. There, standing opposite me in the mirror, was London. It was unmistakably London. Except it was me? I was her? This still didn’t feel real. I began to gingerly poke and prod my face, pinching the wide bridge of my nose and tracing my soft, plump lips. The subtle, salty taste of London’s fingertips confirmed to me that this was, in fact, real life. I was inside her body, and I could see, hear, smell, taste and feel everything she could. As I pondered my new features, I considered the fact that I had swapped races, in addition to sexes, with my friend. I was inside the body of a black woman, and I’d inherited all the physical traits and proportions that came with it.

I pinched the hem of my shirt and slowly lifted it upwards, peeling it off my voluptuous torso. My vision was obscured for a moment, as I fiddled with the shirt, trying to get London’s curly hair (which was currently pulled into a tight bun on the top of my head) through the neck hole. When I finally got myself free, I dropped the shirt on the ground, revealing the sight of London’s exposed upper body clad only in a bra. I gently cupped the bottoms of her breasts, lifting them upwards gently and sighing in relief as the weight on my back subsided. It was an unusual feeling, having two fleshy appendages hanging off my chest. The only sensitive, drooping body part I was accustomed to having was the one that no longer hung between my legs.

I gave London’s tits a curious squeeze, silently pleased by the waves of pleasure that radiated through my soft, fleshy bosom. I allowed them fall back to my chest as I dropped my hands, letting them brush past my soft, round tummy. London’s body—mine at the moment—wasn’t fat, but she was nowhere near being lean. She (or, rather, I,) was pleasantly buxom. I suppose I’d never really noticed how beautiful she was.

Then, slowly, as if I was saving the most intriguing part of London for last, I lowered my gaze to my crotch. Her flowy skirt hung loosely around my hips, and was draped flat against my pelvis. I ran my fingertips across the front of the fabric, noting the lack of any visible bulge. I was about to pull back the waistband, when I heard the floor creak and felt a hot breath on the back of my neck.

“Oh my gosh, London I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to be weird, I was just—“ I began to turn around, mortified at having been caught exploring her body, when I was met with a sight that made me freeze in place.

London was standing directly behind me, naked, with my cock in her hand.

A long strand of precum dangled precariously from the tip of my cock, as she slowly stroked her greasy knob. She took a step forwards, releasing her package and wrapping her long, muscular arms around my body. Her erect, throbbing penis brushed up against me, its tan and pink hue clashing with my cocoa-colored body as it streaked fluid across my inner thigh.

My dainty feminine frame trembled with involuntary excitement as she pulled me tight against her large, rigid body. “I’m sorry… I just… I need you…” she whispered into my ear with her deep baritone voice as she began to plant soft, slow kisses up and down the length of my neck. As her masculine musk reached my nostrils, a wave of new, sensual feelings swept through me, causing my knees to go weak. London, using her newfound strength to support me, squeezed me even tighter against her body. I was convinced that I was melting in her arms, and that my curvy figure would meld with her hard, masculine frame, fusing us together in a carnal embrace.

Her hands found their way into the folds of my skirt, each cupping an asscheek with a wide, open palm. With only a thin layer of cotton separating her rough hands from my bare ass, she began to squeeze and knead my doughy cheeks, gently splaying them with each pass. My nipples began to inflate, pushing outwards awkwardly and tenting my bra like daggers that intended to pierce London’s broad, flat chest.

Without warning, London clamped down on my ass and pulled me upwards, lifting me up and setting me on the counter. I gasped, in both shock and delight, as she moved me with an almost concerning level of ease. I’d never had another person scoop me up like a doll before. It was as if London could do whatever she pleased with me. This realization prompted an unfamiliar twitch from within my pelvis—a quick clench and release, as my body began to self lubricate.

“Holy shit London… I think I’m… err… you’re… getting wet down there!” I panted, lifting the hem of my skirt to reveal the evidence of my moistening genitals. A dark, slick stain had started to form at the crux of my new sex, and was slowly creeping outwards, seeping through the cotton threads of the girly panties I wore. Without hesitation, London grabbed my hips, hooking her large fingers in the waistband of my underwear, before ferociously yanking then down my thighs, and letting them fall past my knees and off of the counter. I yelped as the cold surface of the counter came into contact with my bare ass. The body I currently inhabited was much more sensitive to temperatures and sensations, it seemed. London’s steamy pussy, which at the moment was aching between my legs, was now fully exposed to the man that stood before me.

London shifted, and lowered herself between my thighs. Her hot breath on my borrowed vulva sent shivers up my spine as I held my breath in anticipation. Was she really about to lick her own pussy? Will I be the first man on earth to discover what this feels like? London grinned and I groaned as she tentatively touched her tongue to me then withdrew.

“London… that feels…” She dropped lower, and gently probed me.

I couldn't stop the low, almost pained moan that escaped my plump lips as I reached out and tangled my fingers into her light brown hair as she hesitantly and carefully explored me, tasting me. My chest heaved, causing my fat breasts to slosh to the sides of my torso as London slid her thick tongue back and forth across my sticky entrance, collecting the minuscule beads of moisture from my dewey inner-labia. She grew more confident as she felt how I was responding to her, as I had raised myself onto my elbows and was staring down the curvy length of my brown body, watching her as she nuzzled at me, tongued me, and even tried once or twice to penetrate my entrance with her tongue. She stared up at me with piercing blue eyes, then broke for air, grinning.

"It's... nice," London breathed. "Doing this to you as a man. Tasting you. I... like this. I like this a lot."

She lowered her mouth to me again and I writhed, whimpering. "Use... your fingers... in me..." I gasped in between her slow, excruciating licks.

I wasn’t sure if it was my new hormones acting up, but London had me wrapped around her finger. It was as if I’d adopted her sexual preferences as my own, simply by inhabiting her body. I let myself fall back, starting to finger and tease my erect nipples, shuddering as London lowered her mouth to me again.

Using her fingers, she gently parted my inner lips, probing and stroking and teasing against the tight line of my entrance. I arched upwards, moaning softly with her voice as London slipped my middle finger into me. Overcome by the foreign sensation of having something enter me, I flailed at her hand to hold it buried deep in me as London’s vaginal muscles clenched hard, twice, on her hand.

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"London," I moaned. "Oh, oh London, oh, you just have... have no idea how good that is."

She eased her finger backwards, then nuzzled softly into my neck as she pushed hard into me. London’s subconscious instincts took over.

"Oh fuck," I groaned. "Oh fuck I need you. I need you so much. I... I want to come on you. Please, can I come on you? Just... just do me hard, please, please I need it, don't be gentle, just... oh... oh please..."

London moved closer, allowing me to wrap my arms around her broad, strong shoulders. I held her firmly against me as she began to drive her finger hard and fast into my body. The liquid little noises of each stroke she gave me blended with the faint mewling little gasps I let out whenever her hand bottomed out.

I ached for her.

She was so assertive, so hot, so very much absolutely everything I wanted, from her strong back and heavyset shoulders, to her sculpted chest, to the intense pleasure of the way she moved in and out of me, to the faint scent of her musky, inebriating manhood.

I was utterly and irrevocably lost to her.

She curled her finger over to put pressure against the gently ribbed front wall of my vagina and the tone and timbre of my noises changed. I began to writhe, to undulate under her; I could feel my thick, heavy thighs quivering.

"London," I begged, "London, please..." She took my nipple between her teeth and bit down gently. I moaned and my leg jerked under her. Knowing what I’d want, she added her tongue, rolling it on and around the hard firm nub of my tit as she gently suctioned my aching areola. The muscles of my belly began to quiver; my breaths became shorter, even more high-pitched. London shifted, released me, kissed up over nipple and breast and shoulder to my neck, where she began to nuzzle and nibble again. I knew she could feel me stiffening.

She increased her tempo, and then, acting on my own desire, she added her ring finger to my tight little pussy as well. I cried out, then seemed to lose control of London’s body as I clamped my thighs on her hand and began to hump up madly against her, grunting little gasps in and out.

As it finally happened, I didn't cry out again, didn't scream or whimper in ecstasy like some girls I'd seen in porn. My first female orgasm felt more primal than that - my entire body quivering as my female muscles clamped and released over and over and over on her deeply buried fingers. Instead of quickly ripping through me like a sharp, male orgasm, this one seemed to crescendo upwards, leaving my pussy through my nerves until it had filled every crevice of my body with a soft, fuzzy pleasure that turned my mind to goo.

My orgasm seemed to last forever.

Then... finally... I slowly slumped back down. My legs fell apart, and I let out a slow, breathy groan. I lay there, eyes closed, dark skin flushed a slight pink, from heaving breasts to cheeks to belly to the hot scarlet of my mons and labia... just panting. My body felt heavy and sticky, and as I opened my eyes, I could tell that London had enjoyed the show.

We locked eyes for a moment, seemingly transfixed by our former faces, frozen, until a sudden, unspoken understanding formed, and passed between our swapped minds. The silence was shattered as I hopped off the counter, furiously ripping off what little articles of clothing still hung to my thick, nubile body. London wrapped her arms around my waist, lifting my off the ground again and carrying me to the bedroom. My heart pounded in excitement as my lover tossed me onto the bed like I was her property.

I rolled into my back as London crawled up to me, her massive figure looming over my comparatively dainty body. She bowed her head and kissed me again, prompting a fresh wave of goosebumps to break out across my surface. I can’t explain how or why, but my body was inflamed with London’s touch. It was as if her yearnings had become my own. As if our desires were becoming crossed.

I sensually dragged my fingernails up her sides and looped them around her neck. I flashed her the same sheepish smile she’d shown me earlier, and then, signaling my acceptance of my role in this freaky situation, I slowly spread my legs apart, opening my sex up for its masculine counterpart. I quickly glanced between the valley of my cleavage, and caught a glimpse of the red, swollen head of my former appendage glaring back at me.

I let out a sharp gasp as I felt London’s soft, hot glans come to rest against the outer cleft of my slick, puffy lips. I didn’t even have time to acclimate to this sensitive contact, though, as London quickly readjusted the angle of her new member, pushing downwards and into my velvety folds.

I clawed at London’s back as she rolled her hips forward, gliding into my body. Words can’t even begin to describe the otherworldly, alien sensation of my body stretching across London’s meaty length. It felt impossibly hot inside me, as though it might gently sear my soft inner walls as it parted my flesh like curtains, pushing into my insatiable womanhood. Her slimy shaft raked against my insides for what felt like an eternity, until her swollen head came into contact with the barrier of my cervix.

A thin sheen of sweat coated our bodies as her heavy torso came to rest on top of mine. Her wrinkly balls pulsed against my puckering asshole and her public hair tickled my swollen clit as she lay perfectly still, buried to the hilt inside her former body. My body. I could feel my inner walls moulding themselves around her, so as to perfectly envelop her throbbing rod. The cacophony of previously unknown pleasurable sensations bombarding my brain as I adjusted to the control I had over my body’s vaginal muscles nearly pushed me over the edge. My insides felt like glass that would be shattered by the slightest movement of my lover’s cock.

My suspicions were confirmed when London slowly began to pull herself back.

As the veiny ridge at the top of her penis dragged against the ribbed upper walls of my canal my heart fluttered and my core erupted in a flurry of pleasurable ministrations. It wasn’t a full orgasm, not like the one I’d had earlier, but it was enough to make me arch my back and groan my lover’s name.

“Did you just call me Mike?” London asked, looking at me with a confused face as she pulled herself out of me. I’d groaned my name. Not hers. “Guess I got a little too into our new roles…” I joked, as the two of us laughed nervously. I don’t know what came over me, but judging by the fact that I could feel London getting harder inside me she was clearly turned on by being called my name.

London resumed, beginning to thrust into me, slowly and almost lazily while we explored each other’s mouths with our tongues. Breaking for air, my head lolled forward and I was treated to the sight of her engorged cock withdrawing from my slit, wet with my passion and bright red with her desire. Only for it to slide back in, splitting my mushy brown slit and filling me. I cried out and arched my back, seeking to accept her penetration as she sawed in and out of me, pushing and pulling her white hot rod in and out of my molten core. Soon London found a rhythm and fucked me like she’d been a man her whole life. Overcome with pleasure, I let myself go, moaning and mewing and occasionally screaming my own name as London proved she was worthy of the title.

As she grew more confident, London lowered her head to my chest and began to nibble and suckle my throbbing nipples as she continued to steadily pump her cock into me. I let out a low moan as I recalled seeing this exact scene play out in a porn video that I’d fingered myself to a few days ago. God it was so fucking hot…

Suddenly I snapped out of my fantasy. That wasn’t right? I’d only been London a few hours. How could I possibly remember that? I frantically scanned my memory, alarmed to find that I was beginning to recall other events from London’s life. With each thrust of her cock, I could remember more and more about her life, memories, hopes and dreams. Everything, from the high of her first kiss to her low self-esteem, engendered by her curvy body suddenly belonged to me. “LONDON!” I called out, suddenly terrified by the knowledge I now possessed. “I think we need to slow down, something weird is happening with this spell!”

London didn’t seem to hear me. His thrusts were beginning to become more urgent, more rough. His face was twisted into a look of pure determination as he pounded into me, oblivious of what was happening. I felt myself starting rise to climax, but then he slipped out. I nearly fainted at the sensation of the cool air hitting my enflamed slit and I groaned in frustration at the lack of penetration.

This was my chance to stop this. To beg him to switch us back before it was too late. Mike’s cock stood over me, glistening and twitching from his exertions.

I’d had sex with a few other guys over the years, but my body had never been hotter than right now. I was incensed by his touch and without it I could feel myself quivering. I’d wanted him for so long. Could I really stop myself now that he was within reach? I’d been afraid for so long that he’d be taken from me by some basic skinny sorority girl, just like the girls I was jealous of in high school. Now he was really mine. I should have glared up at him, forcing him to stop whatever was happening, but my need was too great. The heat I felt needed to be released, I needed him.

"Please," was all I managed, my voice now a soft whimper. I slowly lifted my wide hips up, humping the air, and trying to catch his penis, which was just a few inches above my body.

“Please what?” He asked, again looking a bit confused. I made my final decision.

Please. Please, Mike, I need your cock," I bit my lip so hard I tasted blood, my left leg shook with involuntary spasms of excitement as I danced along the edge of release.

"Oh London…" he whispered.

His hands now grasped my hips and he plunged his magnificent organ into my depths. I finally felt a sweet release as heat spread from the depths of my undulating stomach outward, filling me. I was distantly aware of a squealing noise and I realized it was myself, as warm love juice erupted from my split, drenching my bed and his crotch. I could smell the heady scent of arousal waft through the room.

His thrusts were long and hard and at the apex of his third he pushed himself as deep as he could inside of me. I felt my lover's penis throb and erupt inside of me. Fresh heat joined my own, his sperm hit me like hot lava, coating my insides and filling me; causing the ocean of my passion to boil. As his uncontrollably spasming organ stretched my vaginal walls, I felt the primal need to be seeded, to accept the climax of a male into me.

Instincts took over, my legs wrapped around him, holding the rutting male in place while my arms sought out his neck to bring him closer to myself. Our black and white bodies mashed together as I arched into his thrust, maximizing his penetration of my fertile cunt and opening myself to the planting of his seed.

We held each other like that, both lost in the sensual bliss of our orgasms, his body pinning mine to the bed, my legs wrapped around him in acceptance and invitation of his passion. We lay like that for what felt like an eternity, gently rocking back and forth as we savored the kindled flame of our romance.

“So…” I whispered quietly, suddenly breaking the silence. “Are we…”

“Yes.” Mike said, chuckling as he cut me off.

“You can call yourself my girlfriend now.”

I grinned eye to eye, elated, and we broke into a passionate fit of kissing. After our celebratory make-out session had concluded, I reached for my bra, hopping off the bed.

“Come on babe,” I winked at my boyfriend, “let’s go grab some plan B.”

As got dressed, still basking in the warmth of Mike’s seed, I idly wondered why there was an extinguished candle lying on the floor of my bedroom.

Written by Swappereal
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