His kisses make me wild with desire, and the cock plunging deep into me summon screams of lust and ecstasy . I nearly faint as his constant thrusts throw me over the edge of orgasm, and I come. Hands grip firmly into the grass. Heels dig into the wet ground. My back arches and my chest rapidly rises and falls. I can feel the pulsing sensation as he empties his load in my depths.
Still, he continues for another few thrust, just to draw forth every ounce of pleasure left in me. He collapses on my chest and gives me another of his sweet kisses. As he rolls to the side, his penis slides out from my sheath and moisture trickles down from me, into the ground. I feel invigorated but exhausted at the same time.
Minutes of silence follow, while we both catch our breaths and stare into the dark blue abyss above us. Stars spread out like grains on the field. No clear pattern, but still a sense of chaotic order.
My moment of horror was upon me. I was sure to die at any moment, but nothing happened. The great troll king slowly rose to his feet, his enormous hands gripping the sides of the carved, stone throne. Now that he stood erect on the floor, I got a better impression of his size. The arms on the crown nearly scraped the roof of the cave. His belly stood out like a wind-full sail, and his arms were thick as ancient oak. He was clad in an array of various pelts. I could recognize grey wolf, black and white badger, dark brown bear and lighter deer, in addition to the squirrel tails and ermine used for decoration.
When he began to walk towards me, I was sure this was it, but his eyes weren’t fixed on me. They were looking at something on the floor. He bent down and picked up the small gem I found at the entrance.
“Drop the boy.”
I more felt than heard the rumbling growl coming from my captor as he followed his master’s orders, and released his hold on me. My body was still crippled with fear, and I fell flat on the floor, unable to stand on my shaking legs.
“You found this?”
In the back of my head a small voice screamed at me to pay attention and realize the importance of his question. Slowly, as if the time stood still, my head began to clear, and I realized that this might be something other than my death sentence. With trembling voice, I began to speak.
“Yes. It’s mine. It has been in my family for generations.” Somehow I doubted the truth would do me any good.
“The priest would never touch it. I was told it came from the elves, and I was destined to give it back. I have been searching for you for months.”
“A priest! You are a Christian?” The disgust in the king’s voice was clear.
“I’ve been to the church, but that’s probably as far as that goes. I’ve always been aware of the flaws of Christianity (I could see some of the trolls cringe as I spoke the word). I guess my belief in you contradicts my former forced belief.”
“Then I am in your debt. You have restored the last gem to my crown, which was stolen from me by humans centuries ago. Name your reward, and I shall grant it.”
“Then I simply wish to be set free. I will never speak of this place again.” I couldn’t believe my luck. A moment ago I was sure to die. Now I could see daylight once more, and it seemed like the greatest reward possible. I quickly decided my times of foolish questing was over.
“That is the one thing I cannot do. But certainly that is far to poor a gift for someone who has restored the king’s crown. You must stay, but I shall grant you the most prized possession in my keep. She was promised to your captor Burr, but as a reward to you, and punishment to him for nearly killing you, I give you my daughter Skuld.”
A gasp, or rather a rumble, went through the audience and numerous eyes in different sizes, shades and colors stared down at me in disbelief. I myself could not believe this. For one moment I had seen escape before me, but now it was clear that I could not.
Still, he continues for another few thrust, just to draw forth every ounce of pleasure left in me. He collapses on my chest and gives me another of his sweet kisses. As he rolls to the side, his penis slides out from my sheath and moisture trickles down from me, into the ground. I feel invigorated but exhausted at the same time.
Minutes of silence follow, while we both catch our breaths and stare into the dark blue abyss above us. Stars spread out like grains on the field. No clear pattern, but still a sense of chaotic order.
My moment of horror was upon me. I was sure to die at any moment, but nothing happened. The great troll king slowly rose to his feet, his enormous hands gripping the sides of the carved, stone throne. Now that he stood erect on the floor, I got a better impression of his size. The arms on the crown nearly scraped the roof of the cave. His belly stood out like a wind-full sail, and his arms were thick as ancient oak. He was clad in an array of various pelts. I could recognize grey wolf, black and white badger, dark brown bear and lighter deer, in addition to the squirrel tails and ermine used for decoration.
When he began to walk towards me, I was sure this was it, but his eyes weren’t fixed on me. They were looking at something on the floor. He bent down and picked up the small gem I found at the entrance.
“Drop the boy.”
I more felt than heard the rumbling growl coming from my captor as he followed his master’s orders, and released his hold on me. My body was still crippled with fear, and I fell flat on the floor, unable to stand on my shaking legs.
“You found this?”
In the back of my head a small voice screamed at me to pay attention and realize the importance of his question. Slowly, as if the time stood still, my head began to clear, and I realized that this might be something other than my death sentence. With trembling voice, I began to speak.
“Yes. It’s mine. It has been in my family for generations.” Somehow I doubted the truth would do me any good.
“The priest would never touch it. I was told it came from the elves, and I was destined to give it back. I have been searching for you for months.”
“A priest! You are a Christian?” The disgust in the king’s voice was clear.
“I’ve been to the church, but that’s probably as far as that goes. I’ve always been aware of the flaws of Christianity (I could see some of the trolls cringe as I spoke the word). I guess my belief in you contradicts my former forced belief.”
“Then I am in your debt. You have restored the last gem to my crown, which was stolen from me by humans centuries ago. Name your reward, and I shall grant it.”
“Then I simply wish to be set free. I will never speak of this place again.” I couldn’t believe my luck. A moment ago I was sure to die. Now I could see daylight once more, and it seemed like the greatest reward possible. I quickly decided my times of foolish questing was over.
“That is the one thing I cannot do. But certainly that is far to poor a gift for someone who has restored the king’s crown. You must stay, but I shall grant you the most prized possession in my keep. She was promised to your captor Burr, but as a reward to you, and punishment to him for nearly killing you, I give you my daughter Skuld.”
A gasp, or rather a rumble, went through the audience and numerous eyes in different sizes, shades and colors stared down at me in disbelief. I myself could not believe this. For one moment I had seen escape before me, but now it was clear that I could not.

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And in addition I was supposed to marry this Skuld? A troll hag? I would have relished being eaten in stead of this.
”Skuld! Come here! Meet your betrothed. I grant you he is not as strong as Burr, but he has courage and spirit, and he has my favour.”
As the crowd divided and Skuld stepped forth, I was awestruck. This troll hag that I was supposed to marry was nothing like I had anticipated. How could this being be the daughter of a huge, terrible troll? She was the most beautiful creature I had ever laid my eyes upon. All fears were gone in an instant, and all I could feel was a sparkling joy of being the lucky one who would marry this girl.
She moved with the grace and posture of a princess. Her naked feet just barely touched the ground as she soundlessly stepped towards me. The slender, but curvaceous, body seemed to glide across the floor, swaying with each step in a manner that enhanced her sensuous beauty. Her long, flaming red hair hung loose, reaching nearly to the floor and seemed to move on its own like tiny tongues of flame. A translucent dress covered the upper part of her body and thighs, leaving only enough for imagination. The cleavage showed two perfectly shaped breasts with dark nipples barely covered by the gray fabric of her garment. Behind her shining legs, at the end of a slender tail, I could see a red tuft of hair gently sway from side to side as she walked towards me.
“So this one shall be my groom. He’s small, but kind of cute.”
Her voice was sweet and soft, pronouncing the words as if they were tokens of affection from a lover. She looked at me with large, round eyes reminding me of forest lakes, dark, mystical and bottomless. They contrasted greatly with her smooth, almost milky white skin and red lips.
I found myself beginning to contemplate staying here. This wonderful beauty almost made it worth it. But then again, I had heard numerous stories about the nymphs and how their unnatural beauty had lured countless men to a lonely death in the wilderness. The feelings I felt couldn’t be true. I tried to convince myself that she was nothing but a girl with a tail.
“How do you like your new fiancée? Do you find me attractive?” That sweet voice caught my heart again like a vice.
She kept my eyes locked to hers and smiled. A rush of joy surged through me, and I felt both in love and aroused. Something between my legs began to stir just from her smile. I started to wonder what she might awaken in me if she really tried. Her hands reached down and caught hold of the long, hair-tipped tail. Even such an abominous thing seemed arousing to me.
“You aren’t frightened by my appearance?”
“You scare me out of my wits, but it’s because I find you so attractive. I have never seen a more beautiful girl, and I’m sure I never will.”
She then took my hand and led me away through the mass of spectators. I looked back and saw everyone still staring at us. The troll king had a friendly expression, but beside him I saw Burr’s gnarled and calloused face twisted in an intense look of hatred and rage. I had not only robbed him of the reward for having captured me, but I had stolen his future wife and prospects of royal connections.
“Why do you cry?” he asks me with sincere concern in his face. Tears fill my eyes, showing him through a misty haze. As his image blurs when my eyes fill with tears I fear that my encounters with him will eventually end.
He runs his hand across my back, continuing the motion past my buttocks, stroking the length of my tail and playing with the yellow hair at the end of it. I hesitate, not knowing what to say.
”I know it is hard for you, going back to that place. I am sure it was a frightening moment no one should have to experience. Never see your family again. Knowing that you can never go back to the ones you love.”
He doesn’t understand, but I let him believe so. It is easier than the truth. Though his last words were truer than he can know. Somewhere far away I know Skuld is feeling the same emotions.
”Skuld! Come here! Meet your betrothed. I grant you he is not as strong as Burr, but he has courage and spirit, and he has my favour.”
As the crowd divided and Skuld stepped forth, I was awestruck. This troll hag that I was supposed to marry was nothing like I had anticipated. How could this being be the daughter of a huge, terrible troll? She was the most beautiful creature I had ever laid my eyes upon. All fears were gone in an instant, and all I could feel was a sparkling joy of being the lucky one who would marry this girl.
She moved with the grace and posture of a princess. Her naked feet just barely touched the ground as she soundlessly stepped towards me. The slender, but curvaceous, body seemed to glide across the floor, swaying with each step in a manner that enhanced her sensuous beauty. Her long, flaming red hair hung loose, reaching nearly to the floor and seemed to move on its own like tiny tongues of flame. A translucent dress covered the upper part of her body and thighs, leaving only enough for imagination. The cleavage showed two perfectly shaped breasts with dark nipples barely covered by the gray fabric of her garment. Behind her shining legs, at the end of a slender tail, I could see a red tuft of hair gently sway from side to side as she walked towards me.
“So this one shall be my groom. He’s small, but kind of cute.”
Her voice was sweet and soft, pronouncing the words as if they were tokens of affection from a lover. She looked at me with large, round eyes reminding me of forest lakes, dark, mystical and bottomless. They contrasted greatly with her smooth, almost milky white skin and red lips.
I found myself beginning to contemplate staying here. This wonderful beauty almost made it worth it. But then again, I had heard numerous stories about the nymphs and how their unnatural beauty had lured countless men to a lonely death in the wilderness. The feelings I felt couldn’t be true. I tried to convince myself that she was nothing but a girl with a tail.
“How do you like your new fiancée? Do you find me attractive?” That sweet voice caught my heart again like a vice.
She kept my eyes locked to hers and smiled. A rush of joy surged through me, and I felt both in love and aroused. Something between my legs began to stir just from her smile. I started to wonder what she might awaken in me if she really tried. Her hands reached down and caught hold of the long, hair-tipped tail. Even such an abominous thing seemed arousing to me.
“You aren’t frightened by my appearance?”
“You scare me out of my wits, but it’s because I find you so attractive. I have never seen a more beautiful girl, and I’m sure I never will.”
She then took my hand and led me away through the mass of spectators. I looked back and saw everyone still staring at us. The troll king had a friendly expression, but beside him I saw Burr’s gnarled and calloused face twisted in an intense look of hatred and rage. I had not only robbed him of the reward for having captured me, but I had stolen his future wife and prospects of royal connections.
“Why do you cry?” he asks me with sincere concern in his face. Tears fill my eyes, showing him through a misty haze. As his image blurs when my eyes fill with tears I fear that my encounters with him will eventually end.
He runs his hand across my back, continuing the motion past my buttocks, stroking the length of my tail and playing with the yellow hair at the end of it. I hesitate, not knowing what to say.
”I know it is hard for you, going back to that place. I am sure it was a frightening moment no one should have to experience. Never see your family again. Knowing that you can never go back to the ones you love.”
He doesn’t understand, but I let him believe so. It is easier than the truth. Though his last words were truer than he can know. Somewhere far away I know Skuld is feeling the same emotions.