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Desire's Cage

"His kiss was her every desire, and she was the key to the lock of his cage."

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His tongue rasps on her throat, and finds the soft juncture between her neck and shoulder. She sighs deeply and runs her nails down his back. Wrapping her legs tightly around his waist, she nuzzles his ear; he licks and kisses more on her neck, running his sharp teeth over her vein.

She knows what he wants.

But she won’t let him have it, not yet.

She pulls his mouth back to her, kissing him passionately, sucking his lower lip into her mouth and nibbling on it. He groans, and she swallows it down and rubs her warm wetness against his rock hard shaft. It pulsates and she shudders, wanting nothing more than to strip him and let him bury himself into her, over and over again. She runs her fingers under his waistband, back and forth, until he’s panting, hands frantic to undo his jeans.

She reaches behind and unsnaps her bra, and pulls it off as quickly as she can. She reaches under the short skirt she wore purposefully for him and pulls off the tiny thong. He’s got his jeans off, and his manhood juts out, straining, slightly purple from desire, a throbbing center of need. The very tip glistens. She leans down and licks him, just enough to make him curse. He grabs her by her thighs and pulls her close to him, so the tip rubs against her slick folds.

She gasps, and arches her hips and glances up into his eyes.

Inhuman eyes stare back, golden, like the moon during the summer.


She wakes up, panting, hot, aching for something she's never had. The sheets are damp from the sweat cooling on her body. She sits up, flicking on the bedside lamp, and runs her fingers through her long blonde hair. Her shorts are damp between her legs, and she blushes at the embarrassing feeling of being excited. It was the fourth "wet" dream she had had this week. Each one had been more explicit, more exciting, more dangerous than the last. They had started out tame enough, the idea of this man, whoever he was, kissing her lips, caressing, gently and soft. The next night, the pair had gone further in her dream, his hands sliding inside of her bra to cup her small chest, and rub her nipples til she screamed. And so on and so forth, until they had almost consummated their burning desire this night.

Her mother had warned her about these dreams, the sendings, the unearthly desires they held. She had told her to block them, keep herself vigilant, to burn white candles, and anoint herself with rose oil and lavender, and to whisper the words only her coven knew to repel those who would send these things. But her curiosity got the best of her, as was usual. She had always been curious.

The shadows shifted in the dark beyond the light of her lamp. She shuddered, her eyes closing halfway, and she uttered words so soft, no one would be able to hear them. She felt the magic sing in her blood, and run over her skin, like armor prickling and weighing her down. Her mother stepped from the shadows, red glistening in her eyes. "What did I tell you!" She shrieked, her athame pointed at her youngest daughter. It burned blue, shimmering in the light of the lamp, the dagger a deadly weapon and also a tool used to direct a witches power.

"Aria, why do you never listen to me," she said, softer, letting her athame drop. She edged closer, and sat down on the side of her daughter's bed.

Aria saw for the first time just how old her mother was getting. Her green eyes were sunken into her skull, lines radiating from their edges. Her mouth was set in a firm line, and her cheeks sagged, drawing the corners down on her mouth. Her hair, which had once been a fiery red, was streaked with gray and white. Aria reached out and touched her shoulder. Her age rang off of her, like counting the lines on a tree stump to see how old it had been when it had been cut down. She was almost three hundred and seventy now. How had it happened? How had she become so old, when Aria felt she was never changing? She was barely twenty years old now, would she be like her mother and live for so long, seeing her loved one die, only days after her last daughter had been born?

"Now, I want you to set your protection circle, gel, and do it tight, then go back to sleep. Tomorrow will be a long day, I can feel it in me old bones," her mother said, leaning forward and kissing her daughter's forehead. She stood, her athame sliding into her pocket, and she exited that way she had come, melting into the shadows.

Aria smiled at her mother's retreating figure, and rolled over on the bed, her eyes staring past the lamplight's glow. She could feel sleep prickling over her skin, making her feel tired and woozy. She started to weave the protection spell, her words mumbled and soft. With a tired hand, she flicked her light back off and fell back into her dreams.


Tristan groaned as she popped out of existence yet again. He had been so close, so close to claiming that which was rightfully his. He pulled his jeans back on slowly, wincing as the zipper grazed his still-tender erection. He left his shirt off, and sat back on the bed, low and white, letting his back hit it with a soft thump. He conjured a mirror above himself, and winced at his still golden eyes. Usually they were a deep blue, like the oceans on a stormy night, but when aroused he was unable to control their hue. His pallor stood out in stark contrast to his dark hair, long for a man, and his eyes wandered down his body, which was hardened with muscle. He didn't understand, being so attractive as he was, how she was able to leave the lust filled dreams he gave her. She should never want to leave, he thought silently, a growl ripping through his throat. His canines slid out, and he sighed, and tried to think of other things besides the feel of Aria's body pressing against his own, her slit heated with desire, and wet for him.

He had been so close!

He had kissed the vein on her neck, dragged his teeth against it, but hadn't bitten her, had waited until he was seated deep within her virgin depths. What a fool he was for waiting. The next time he had her in his arms, he would waste no time, and strip the little blonde haired minx, have his way with her, and make her his mate. He felt his fangs retract and his erection ebb away, as he continued to stare into the top of the white void he lived in. He could conjure anything here, could do what he pleased, could watch her, and learn everything about her. But it was his prison until she was his. And then, then he would kill the witch who had put him here when Aria had been born. "Laciela," he called out softly, his voice hoarse. Yes, the red haired woman would burn, slowly, for keeping Tristan away from his destined mate.


Aria shuddered into awareness, lying next to a warm body on a bed. She blinked, sat up, and looked around, then relaxed recognizing the white room. This was where the man lived...the man who was watching her very intently, his eyes slowly turning golden. A deep flush rang true on her cheeks as she met his gaze.

"Hi…" she said softly.

He growled back at her and pushed her onto her back. He kissed her fiercely, his mouth a hot passionate well. She gave into his kisses, her mouth opening, and he plundered it, tongue diving in and stroking against hers, intimate, hot. He always tasted so good, she thought, rolling her tongue against his. He pushed his knee between her thighs, pressing it against the junction, and she cried out against his mouth. He moaned back, pushing them wider, and settling himself between them. He could feel the heat pouring off of her, and he felt his erection come pulsing back to life.

She pushed him away suddenly, reclaiming her mouth for her own. Panting, she sat up on the bed, pulling her legs to her chest. "Who are you? I need to know." She said, her voice ragged with desire.

Tristan stared back at her, blinking.. "You don't know?" His voice was low, smooth, with a slight drawl that made her think of honey coming from the hive. Aria shook her head, her blonde hair cascading down her shoulders. He chuckled, and shook his head. "I am Tristan.” His voice echoed with power in the room, and it made the hair on her arms stand up. "And you're Aria," he added, lying down next to her. He cushioned his head in his arms, staring up at the ceiling. "And this is my prison. And you are my love. Anything else?" He murmured, eyes sliding to look at her.

She was so beautiful , he thought, her lips swollen with his kisses, her green eyes dark with desire. She was perspiring lightly, making her pink tank top slightly translucent. He longed to push her back down, take one of her small breasts into his mouth and suck on her nipple until she screamed. He swallowed hard, and could almost taste her flesh, her blood in his mouth. It had been a long time since he had tasted blood, and hers, well it would be like the richest of all cognacs, because she was made for him.

Aria looked at Tristan, who stared back at her bold as brass, his eyes roving her bared skin, her body aware of his scorching stare. He was obviously still aroused, to the point that his fangs had dropped. Most demons didn't 'drop fang' unless they were extremely excited, or angered, and the look on his face said it had nothing to do with anger.

Wetness, hot and sticky, was pooling in between her thighs as she took in his long lean body. He was pale, almost like porcelain or marble that had been warmed by blood and muscle and tissue. His erection was still straining against his jeans, and she was eager to set it free and impale herself. She shifted on the bed next to him, pressing her thighs more tightly together. "How are you communicate with me? Why have you never...before...this?"

Tristan looked at the lovely young woman, his eyes shifting from golden honey to onyx, cold and dark. His desire kept them from being too fearful, but a chill still made its way up her arms. "You had a charm on you until your twentieth birthday which protected you from my dreams, my sendings. But now that you are all grown up and able to make decisions..." He slid across the bed, and shoved her thighs apart forcefully, rending a gasp from her pink parted lips. "I can do as I please." Growling softly, he sank between her thighs, hooking them over his shoulders and scoffing at the scrap of lace covering her most delicate area, before he brushed it aside.

She squirmed as he made it clear his intentions. No one had ever seen her down there in a intimate way and she could feel embarrassment flooding her, especially because she knew she was wet, and horny. Tristan took in the sight of her hot pink flesh, glistening in the light of the room. Using a light touch, he stroked the outer folds of her well-formed womanhood, eliciting a soft gasp and moan from Aria's throat. Her hands reached down and fisted lightly in his hair. He chuckled and brushed his lips against her sensitive bud, which was hidden by a fold of delicate flesh. Aria bit her lip, holding back the hot cry of pleasure that burned to burst forth.

Tristan, using his thumb, lifted the hood off her sensitive clit, and blew hot air across it, watching her body jerk in response. Slowly, he rubbed his tongue against it, enjoying the sound of Aria's pulse racing in speed. Aria moaned loud and long, arching her hips slightly. She pushed Tristan's head gently, forcing him to press his mouth down on her hot bud more-so. Delicious flames licked up her body, and she thought she would die from the pleasure. Tristan pulled back, and then delved his tongue into her channel, tongue fucking her tight sheath, licking up the sweet honey that spilled forth.

Aria screamed his name, her back coming off the bed, as she orgasmed hard. Tristan lapped up the sudden excess of fluids. His erection was hurting him, and he longed to be buried inside of his mate. Eyes glowing, he pulled himself up, allowing his clothed shaft to rub against the hot entrance to her womb. "Tell me you want it Aria, and it is yours." Her eyes flicked up to his, their dark green depths burning with passion for him. She wanted it, wanted him badly, her body covered in a light film of sweat from his pleasuring. She wanted nothing more than to return the favor, and have him fuck her senseless.

Aria growled at Tristan, her pretty eyes flaring a bright red as she ground her hips against him. Tristan growled in return, pressing his lower body tighter against her bare, slick folds. His dick was throbbing, heat pouring off his body in waves. Leaning forward, he grazed his teeth against her pulse, her blood calling to him through the thin skin, making his eyes bleed from black back to gold and then bright red, like a burning fire.

With little thought Aria tilted her head back, a guttural cry ripping through her throat as his teeth dragged against her skin. Taking it as an assent, Tristan's hands shoved his tight pants off, sweat beading on his pale skin. He took in the sight of her, body parted, glistening and waiting to be filled, and he felt his inner demon shred through what was left of his threadbare control. He felt the two horns he usually sported burst through his glamour, and he groaned at their appearance. Long black tribal tattoos bloomed into existence, starting from the middle of his chest, chasing down his arms, then down his spine.

His hands gripped her waist and lifted, turning her over onto her stomach. The little shred of humanity that remained inside of him screamed to stop him but it was no use. Mate!, his mind screamed, as he forced Aria's face into the mattress, and pulled her hips up, forcing her ass into the air.

She didn't fight him, just growled and gripped the sheets, her hips bucking lightly, her pussy clenching in need. The need was painful, almost crippling, and she screamed his name through her agony. Positioning himself, the thick head of his cock nudged against her hot folds, before groaning her name as he slid the tip of his dick inside of her.

"Fuuuuccckkkkk," he growled, fighting to keep his hips still and not to shove his full hot length inside of her.

Aria whimpered, tears forming at the corners of her eyes suddenly.

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Her heart was hammering hard inside of her chest. She was aching for his dick, needing it, yet fear was snaking its way through her heart. Through his lust, Tristan heard her cries and backed his throbbing member away from her tight entrance. He leaned forward, pushing her hair off her neck biting lightly on the back of it. His demon side wouldn't allow him to harm or frighten her, which meant his protective instincts were kicking in. His lust still raged, a pacing tiger in the lonely cell of his cold chest, but until she was screaming his name again he would not force his cock into her and willingly cause her pain.

He conveyed these thoughts and feelings to her through the grip of his teeth on her skin and felt Aria's passion begin to build again, her power flooding the room at the same time. He hissed lightly as the power scalded him, washing over his skin like fire and ice at the same time. He kept his teeth locked onto her neck as he guided his lower body back into place, reinserting the tip of his cock.

Do you need this? his mind echoed and brushed against hers.

Her own mind replied, Like I need air to breathe. Just do it.

Her acceptance had him frantic for a moment, torn. His dick, so tightly gripped by her entrance, wanted him to plunge forward, shove his whole length in, and groan his satisfaction. The other part of him, his heart and mind, didn’t want her to feel the pain that he knew would come from their mating this first time. He wanted her to have nothing but pleasure as he buried himself deep within her and filled her hot waiting womb with his seed. Aria growled beneath him, his mate becoming restless from only having the tip of what she needed so badly. He backed out again, and he heard her cry in agony.

He flipped her suddenly, pushing her thighs back apart again and settling himself, lining his cock up with her sweet wet pussy. He slid the tip back in and locked eyes with her.

Tristan, what you are doing now? Please, don’t tease me anymore. Her inner voice was strained, and almost panicked and the look on her face was definitely one of pointed confusion.

I want you to see me as I fuck you for the first time , his mind said to her at the confusion that was written on her face. You are my mate, forever after this point. I want this to be memorable and enjoyable... for the both of us. With those thoughts, he slid himself slowly inside of her. Aria gasped as she felt his thick length start to push itself into her, and gritted her teeth as the tip of his dick pressed against the only thing she had left to protect herself, to stay a virgin. And yet, with the hot injection of pain, came a new kind of pleasure.

Seeing the look on her face, Tristan was tempted to back out again, but her channel was so tight, it held him close, the wetness coating his member. He groaned in his throat, as he pressed against her barrier. He was this close to being with his true love forever. And then, taking in her face, her eyes still burning with flashes of red and the dark green he had come to love, he plunged forth, breaking the thin membrane. Fully seated inside of her, he leaned down and captured her lips, kissing her passionately, and swallowing her passion tinged cries of pain. His own cock was throbbing, and he could feel himself growing harder, and bigger, as she clenched and clamped down on him.

It was heaven.

“Are you...okay?” He gritted out, keeping himself still, his instincts raging to continue, to fuck her senseless. Aria stared back up at him, tears fringing on her lashes, nodded and gave a slight roll of her hips. He cursed a little and slowly backed out, and then slid home again as they groaned together at the feeling.

Tristan knew with this bonding he would be freed from his prison, but the thought was far from his mind as he pleasured himself and her. Their bodies moved as one, his hips rolling hard and slow, hers meeting his eagerly, her nails coming up to trace and drag along his tattoos, then continuing upward to touch his horns. And when she did it sent tingles of pleasure down his spine that almost sent him over the edge. It had been too long since he had any sort of pleasure. And to be lost in her tight channel, with her small warm hands on his horns as well? Most demons would have allowed themselves to be taken over by their lust, but he had more control. He held onto his sanity, and gritted out, holding out on his orgasm to bring her to pleasure.

And Aria had never felt such pleasure. She locked her legs around his ass, digging her heels into him, encouraging him to go harder, faster. Her mouth was at his ear, begging for him to go harder as the pressure between them built. It was a delicious fire consuming her, and he fanned it with every deep stroke, hammering at her now. Then suddenly, it was like an ocean, slamming over her, dragging her under as she orgasmed, clamping so tight around him. Tristan let out a guttural groan as she let go, and her voice keened a high note and it was delicious for both of them. Before he knew it, he was dragged under with her, rolled by her orgasm, his mouth finding hers as his seed poured into her waiting womb, hot, thick, pumping. It was a delicious amazing agony for the two. When it was done, they stared at one another for a moment.

“That was...” Aria started, panting a little, flushing hotly. And then she felt something change between them.

Tristan felt it too. He looked down and winced a little. “Ah...shit.” He had locked himself inside of her. He had forgotten that part of the mating process between demons involved a locking in for a little while, to insure the mating took. His cock stayed hard and swollen inside of her instead of deflating, and pressed tightly against the entrance of her womb. “I should've explained...” Tristan said, looking down at his new mate.

Aria smiled a little bit and ran her hand through his hair. “You forgot to take my blood though. I guess your body doesn't realize its running a little early.” Tristan let out a small chuckle and it moved them both, and Aria let out a small moan, the movement and shifting of their bodies on her still sensitive flesh making her hot again. She flushed, looking up at him, her voice husky. “You can still take it now. It won't hurt as long as I'm aroused right? And with you locked in place...I don't think I down...” She slipped her hand over his, bringing it to her core, placing it on her clit. Without much urging, he began to strum it, and she whimpered and moaned for him, squeezing and arching against him. She was unable to really move him and gain pleasure too much from their locking, but the feeling of the pressure of his fingers on her clit with the feeling of him so full inside of her was more than enough.

Her pulse jumped and beat hard against her neck, and Tristan leaned in, his fangs hard and long for her. God she was amazing and beautiful. And mine, he thought, baring his mouth and sinking his teeth in, just as Aria let out a loud keening moan, orgasming from his skilled fingers. Her orgasm seemed to go on forever as Tristan sucked her blood, and he shut his eyes as he saw her life, and let himself completely go. It didn't take much, and he was suddenly sucked into her orgasm as well, swelling more inside of her, his cock pushing deeper and gushing another hot load of his seed inside her eager, waiting womb. She cried out, feeling him scald the inside of her again, and writhed just a little under him. He pulled his mouth away from her neck, letting out a guttural groan. His eyes were red as he looked down at her, and she looked up at him with the same red eyes. Their mouths met.

His tongue dove into her mouth, and she licked back against it, locking her legs around him, kissing him for all she was worth. Tasting her blood, and enjoying feeling him devour her eagerly with his mouth. Slowly, they eased back again, both panting, flushed, and still attached.

Tristan grinned and stroked a hand down her cheek. “Mnnn. Well now that was more what I was expecting of a mating...” He felt a tug on his length, and suddenly felt the pressure on him subside. He knew he was able to retreat from her, but he stayed in place for a few moments longer, enjoying his closeness. He brushed lighter kisses on her bruised lips, apologizing for his roughness with each kiss. Aria didn't seem to mind though, and nipped him gently.

“Tristan, my love...” She wriggled her hips a little, and sent fissures of pleasure through both of them, and he slowly eased off and out of her, shifting them, so they laid close to one another. She felt his seed trickle slowly down her leg and couldn't care less, as his hands grasped hers, and his eyes watched her. He was waiting for something, she realized, and she smiled at him. “It was amazing.” She said softly, and kissed him gently.

Tristan smiled and ran a hand through her hair, and in doing so caught a glimpse of his tattooed arm. Realizing he was showing his true self to her, paused for a moment. “And this...doesn't bother you?” He said, gesturing to his arm, and then to his face.

“No...I knew you were a demon from somewhere in the beginning. You didn't feel like a regular man...not to me anyway. The dreams were too real for you to be a regular man. It doesn't bother me. I think the tattoos are interesting, and your horns...” she reached up to touch them, and he backed away slightly.

“Unless you want to not walk straight for a while I suggest not touching them overly much.” He said, smirking a little. “My horns are a....let’s say ‘hot spot’.” Aria flushed and let her hand drop to his chest instead and Tristan kissed her cheek. “So much to learn about each other, and so very much time to do it in now, love... so very much time.”

“Not as much time as you think, Tristan.” A voice intoned. It was accented and sounded weary, but Aria recognized almost immediately, sitting up, trying to cover herself. Tristan looked around, not really surprised Laciela was there.

“Plenty of time, Laciela,” he replied, unconcerned of his nakedness. “Once we're ready, we will go, and nothing can stop me from taking my revenge on you. Not even your lovely daughter.” Tristan laughed a little, smiling at Aria.

Aria froze. They knew each other? Her mother had trapped him? But why?

“ know my mother?” She said softly.

“Of course he knows me gel. Don't be thick. I trapped him so I could save you from him. Once I found out I was having a wee bairn I knew my child would be someday wed to him, and I couldn't let it happen. So I trapped him. No woman should ever be tied to a demon of his ilk, child.” Her mother spoke, as if brushing off dust from her clothes. As if it was a perfectly logical explanation for locking away another creature.

“So you've been locked away, all this time, because of me? And still love me?” Aria said, looking at Tristan. Tristan looked hard for a moment and then softened, brushing her hair from her face.

“Yes. I still love you. I've loved you from the moment you were born. You were born for me. I've waited so long for you. You're the other half of me.”

“Save your drivel. You won't be leaving your cage.” Laciela said, her voice booming around them.

Aria stood, suddenly furious with her mother. “You can't keep us apart, mother. Not anymore. I'm a woman now. I love him. I want to be with him. And nothing will change that.” Aria felt power well up inside of her. It was like an untapped spring, swirling, electric and pulsing inside of her. She looked up at the top of the cage and smiled. “Back away mother, because I'm breaking this cage, and you will never cage him or anyone else again.”

And she did.

She let loose all that power, aiming it at the top of the cage, and it shattered. They were suddenly in Aria's bedroom, both stark naked, and Laciela was there, dazed, sitting on Aria's bed. She stared at her young daughter, who had suddenly become so powerful. When had it happened? When had she become the crone and her daughter the priestess? It was the way of things, to be sure, but it was...strange seeing a circle come to a close. Laciela felt her heart thudding slowly, and rubbed her chest. She would not see the end of the night.

“Now mother...” Aria said, dropping her hands and crossing her arms over her chest. “Anything else you want to tell me?” She looked down at her mother, her new power still singing in her veins. Tristan stood behind her, a hand resting on her shoulder, his glamour in place. They were a powerful sight.

Laciela looked up at them and glimpsed the future. Little bairns running and playing, three of them, all strong like their parents, and gifted as well. And they would change the world. And who was Laciela to stop that from happening? Only a mother.

“Only... I did what I did out of love... I love you my dearest daughter... always...” Laciela felt Death circling, and shut her eyes, letting herself fall back slightly on the bed. Before her head touched the pillow, she felt her own mother greet her to take her beyond. And so ended the reign of Laciela the Priestess. Aria was in shock at first, but then understood. Her mother's cycle was complete, and her body slowly shimmered out of existence, which was their way of passing. She was now entering the second phase in her life cycle, leaving behind her maiden days. She was now a priestess. She looked to her lover-and-mate and smiled.

“My darling Tristan... now that you're free... what should we do first?”

Tristan's eyes darkened as he growled and scooped her up. “I've always wanted to bend you over a kitchen table. Let's start there.”

And so, began a new love story.

Written by DanicaKiernan
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