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Demon Dreams

"I was terrified, but its sexual power and my need overrode all and it took me to new heights of ecstasy."

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Author's Notes

"Obviously a 100% true story... or not! This one is all fantasy, hardcore, graphic, and wild, with larger-than-life characters and lots of deep, wet, sticky, hard, rough sex... <p> [ADVERT] </p>just the way our heroine likes it! It's different for me, but it was fun to write and I found a perfect cover, so I had to! Hope you enjoy it..."

Hot, bathed in sweat, agitated, intensely aroused, I woke suddenly, confused. The sheet was wrapped around me and the t-shirt I’d worn to bed bunched around my neck, the bedding in disarray, my long hair wet with sweat and stuck to my neck and face. I turned on my bedside light and lay there for a moment, shaken and gasping, taking stock and trying to calm down.

The weirdest dream, at once terrifying and incredibly pleasurable, slowly came back to me. I’d had an intense orgasm, I was sure of it, my body still throbbing with aftershocks, and when I touched my breasts, I found them tender, swollen almost, and my nipples were hard, almost too sensitive to touch. When I slid my hand down my sweat-slick torso to my sex, it too was tender with the used, near-abused sensation of deep, rough sex with a very well-endowed and vigorous lover.

My nether lips felt puffy and bruised, my clit so hard, huge, and sensitive that to touch it brought pleasure bordering on pain, and if I continued, I knew I’d scream, whether in agony or orgasm, I was afraid to discover. I was also wet, sloppy wet, far more than my copious arousal juices have ever caused as if I’d fucked half a dozen men, and each had ejaculated inside of me.

Although shaken and confused, I had to admit that it had been an orgasm like no other – assuming it had happened and was not just an incredibly vivid dream – and as my shuddering ceased and my nerves gradually calmed, I realized I wanted it again… and again! Now, though, the unmistakable post-sexual fatigue, the lassitude of complete and utter satiation overtook me, and I fell deeply asleep, my hand between my legs, cupped over my hot, bruised, dripping sex.

In the morning, I awoke invigorated, full of energy and eager to meet the day, although all of my erogenous zones still felt the pleasant tingle of hard use and latent arousal. It lasted all day, my arousal increasing at work until it was almost intolerable, and others seemed to pick up on it too, men making frequent unnecessary sojourns to my desk, some of them displaying the unmistakable bulge of their arousal beneath their dress slacks. Was it something in my eyes, possibly the scent of my arousal? Could they tell I was intensely aroused? What was making them hard, creating the need to be near me? Disconcerting, to say the least, but it fed my flames.

Almost the last to leave, I stumbled into Randall, one of my coworkers, in the outer office. He stammered and blushed, backing away as he apologized, but I’d felt the hard bulge of his erection when he’d bumped into me. Unable to not, I looked at the ridge of his aroused cock where it printed against his thin dress pants, the head of it clearly delineated. When I looked up, he looked embarrassed but also a little bit dazed, the way I felt.

I’ll never know what possessed me to do it, but I suddenly stepped forward and put my hand on his cock, squeezing it as I pressed my lips to his. Seeming equally baffled by his own actions, he returned my kiss, thrusting his tongue into my mouth even as he reached up under my skirt and between my legs, finding me hot, my panties soaked through. I moaned and thrust myself against his seeking fingers for a moment, but I wanted his cock!

He stood as if rooted when I dropped to my knees and unfastened his pants, shoving them and his underwear down to his knees. I gobbled him up, taking his modest but very stiff cock between my lips and onto my tongue to suck, squeezing and fondling his balls, fucking his ass vigorously with a wet finger as he began to hump himself into my mouth. In a minute, maybe less, he was pumping spurt after spurt of hot, heavy cream, filling my mouth.

I let him finish, the sensation of his cock throbbing between my lips having gotten me off as well, and when he began to go soft, I let him slip free and stood, grabbing him by his hair and pressing my lips to his again, sharing his ejaculate. He took it, too stunned to do otherwise, and I turned and walked away as I swallowed the remainder. When I reached the door, I looked back; he was still standing in the same spot, a shocked look on his face, pants around his ankles, his small cock now going limp and forlorn as it dripped onto his shoe.

 It was all I could do to not masturbate in the car on the way home, my need unfulfilled despite my orgasm, the taste of cum in my mouth, my lips sensitive and hot from sucking cock. I couldn’t believe what I’d just done, but I was confident that Randy, a married man, wouldn’t tell anyone – and besides, he’d seemed to thoroughly enjoy it, despite the surprise factor!

Once home, I dropped my purse inside the door, stripped out of my wet panties, plopped down on the sofa with my feet a yard apart on the coffee table, and rubbed out a powerful orgasm in a matter of minutes. It left me wrung out and panting, aftershocks running through me, my hand and my thighs wet with my juices. A little while later, I recovered enough to eat some dinner, although I could feel my arousal rushing back, building, swelling, a living, ravenous thing.

I tried to ignore it, tried to let it go away on its own, but to no avail. I was so wired with arousal, so desperately horny, that I knew I’d get no sleep, so I dug out my favorite toy, a nice-sized vibrator, and treated myself to a powerful, grinding orgasm. Even then, I remained aroused, and as I was getting ready for bed, brushing my teeth, etcetera, my mind turned to the previous night and my weird, intensely sexual dreams and the power of the orgasm I’d had in them.

I found myself wondering if it might happen again – hoping, in fact, that it might. It had been weird and a little bit frightening in its power, but also deeply, impossibly satisfying! I slept naked, forgoing even the little t-shirt nightie I normally wore, and even with my arousal still on low buzz, the effects of my vibe-induced climax provided the soporific I’d hoped for, and I drifted off.

Sometime later – hours, because it was just beginning to get light outside – my cries and moans awoke me, and it was as before, except this time I awakened on my knees, my face in my pillow and the pillowcase clasped between my teeth. My hands gripped the sheet tightly, bunching the fabric in each fist, my ass in the air, knees apart, and feet and lower legs extending beyond the foot of the bed.

My body was wracked with the spasms of an astonishing orgasm, something I seemed to have awakened in the midst of, shaking like a leaf with the power of it! My nipples were on fire, hard and sensitive and grinding on my sheets, and my pussy was spasming as if clutching for something that wasn’t there. I released one hand from its death grip on the sheet and reached back, between my legs, to touch myself.

Spasming powerfully when I touched my sex, I cried out, every nerve ending aflame with lust. My clit was hard and jutting, my lips puffy and swollen, hot and wet. My vagina still tried to grasp an imaginary cock, but I was open, used… not gaping, due to my muscle spasms, but open, bruised, and fucked hard by something large. In addition, I was leaking copiously; a viscous white fluid – it could only be semen – was running out of me, soaking the sheet below.

I brought my hand to my face and sniffed; it was undeniably cum, the scent unmistakable but somehow stronger and more pungent than any man I’d had experience with. When I licked my fingers, the taste was also cum, but sweet, intoxicating, and possibly addictive, and I licked again, the overwhelming scent and flavor of powerful masculinity making my orgasm flare anew.

Moaning aloud as my body quaked, I rolled to my back, my other hand flying to my sex while my cum-slathered hand groped my breasts and tortured my sensitive, semen-slick nipples. I pressed my hand firmly to my cunt, my pelvis still grinding to the commands of my slowly waning orgasm. I was eventually able to lie mostly still, only an occasional aftershock rattling me, and catch my breath, my body again bathed in sweat. As I became cognizant of my surroundings, my eyes darted frantically around the room.

Terrified… I should have been terrified, and I suppose I was, in a way, but the experience had been so intensely powerful and pleasurable that I was curious more than anything. Curious and deeply satiated. Perhaps the mind-altering effect of my incredible climax having left me torpid, my mind and body flooded with powerful endorphins and benumbed by pleasure, dulled any terror I should have felt. Still, I had to know!

Rising to my feet, I wandered the room and then the house, looking for any sign of another’s presence or any sign of forced entry. There was nothing, all doors and windows secure, nothing but my arousal still simmering and the sensations in my body of having engaged in an incredible sexual session. Even walking seemed to cause ripples of pleasure to run through me, and when I stopped and squeezed my cum-slick thighs together, I had a small orgasm that left me gasping. Back in my bedroom, spilled semen puddled on the floor, the reek of sex and cum, and something else – testosterone, I think, foreign as that thought was – made me shudder with need.

I went to my master bath and tried to clean up, cum running down both legs almost to my knees. Bent forward, I looked at my sex; I had very obviously been used, fucked, my cunny bright pink and puffy, my clit still jutting out like a miniature cock, larger than it had ever been before. Had I not been so exhausted, I think I’d have masturbated again and again, caught in a spiral of arousal, but as it was, it was all I could do to stumble back to bed. The thought of showering and changing my wet sheets entered my head and was quickly dismissed, and I crawled back between my rumpled, sweaty, cum-stained sheets and instantly fell into a deep sleep.

In the morning, I awoke as before, exhilarated, rested, and charged with energy, my ever-present arousal now a welcome part of me. The hot spray of water in the shower against my over-sensitized skin was almost orgasmic, and when I let it spray directly on my stiff nipples, I came. My arousal carried through the day, but I’d come prepared with several absorbent pads, despite it not being that time of the month for me, and with two pairs of clean panties should my arousal again soak through my defenses.

Sitting at my desk, I discovered that squeezing my legs together tightly as I subtly ground my ass on my chair could make me climax, and I did so several times. Luckily, since my eyes were closed each time and my body twitched with the unmistakable spasms of orgasm, I never got caught. Still, with my excess energy, I got a great deal of work done and became so absorbed that I didn’t realize it was again past quitting time.

When I looked up, most of the other offices were dark, and the light in the outer office dimmed to security level. At that moment, Randall stepped into my doorway and paused, looking at me. He was again visibly aroused, the ridge of his erection angling from the apex of his thighs toward his left hip.

Feeling awkward, I said, “Oh, Randy, hi. I think I owe you an apology for last night, I don’t know…”

He interrupted. “No, Caillen, it’s Okay. God, it was amazing. That kind of thing only ever happens in my fantasies; I only hate that it was over so quickly.” He blushed, and I think I did, too, as I laughed.

“I came when you did. I think maybe we were both a little too excited. Still, you’re married, and I shouldn’t…”

“If my wife knew, she’d thank you herself. It was like you lit a fire in me, and when I got home, I couldn’t keep my hands off of her. We were like newlyweds again – better, even! Three times we had sex. That hasn’t happened in years, and she came so many times she was exhausted.” He shook his head, grinning. “She was very lovey-dovey this morning, touching and kissing; she didn’t want me to come to work.”

“Well, I’m happy for you then, but still… You should have taken a sick day today, huh?”

“I thought… well, I thought I’d come to see you, find out if I could return the favor.”

“Oh, gosh… wow!” My mind said no, but my body screamed ‘YES’! Despite the many times I’d gotten myself off during the day, the idea of another doing it made me shiver with arousal. I stood and walked around my desk, and without saying another word I pulled my skirt up and my wet panties down, carefully working them over my heels, leaving them on the floor. I backed up until my bottom hit the lip of my desk and then scooted up onto it, leaning back on my elbows and pulling my legs up and wide apart, my wet, horny pussy on full display to his hungry eyes.

He walked forward as if hypnotized, his eyes never leaving my sex, and dropped to his knees, burying his lips and tongue in my slippery heat. I cried out and came almost at once, which seemed to only fuel him to greater efforts. Draping my legs over his shoulders, I dug my heels into his back, my hips on autopilot as I humped myself to his mouth. His hands moved up my sides as he reached out, squeezing my breasts through my blouse and thin bra, his fingers unerringly finding my rigid nipples and pinching them as I came again, and after that, I sort of lost it, my fingers tangling in his hair, gripping it, pulling him to me and grinding my pussy into his face like some wanton, out of control slut… but God, it felt good!

I was moaning, crying out, grinding myself to him, and I felt his tongue enter my vagina and then my anus, pushing into me as I came again before he moved to sucking and licking my hard mini-penis, my stiff clit begging to be sucked as I came one more time. Suddenly, it became too much, and without realizing I was doing it, I placed one foot on his shoulder and kicked him away from me. I heard him land on his ass on the floor with a soft, “Oof!” but all I could do was lie there and convulse.

When I’d finally settled enough to become aware of my surroundings again, I raised my head and looked at him. He remained sitting on the floor, staring at me as if in awe as I gasped, “God, Randy! That was amazing… come here, let me do you now!”

He suddenly looked sheepish. “Um, yeah, about that…” As he rose to his feet, I could see a wet stain, three inches across and spreading, right over the head of his cock. He’d ejaculated in his pants just from eating my pussy, a massive load by the look of it!

I laughed. “Oh, wow… Well, it looks like you enjoyed what you were doing.”

“Ohh, lord, yes! I’m still hard as a rock, though.”

“You can fuck me if you want.” I heard the words and thought, where the hell did that come from? But I knew I’d let him if he wanted to. “Or I could suck you off again, that was nice.” When he hesitated, I realized. “Oh. You want to take it home to your wife! That’s good; a great idea, really. You should do that.”

He looked miserable. “How am I going to explain a huge cum stain on my pants?”

“You’re not. You’re going to take a bottle of water from the fridge in the break room and ‘accidentally’ spill it in your lap on the way home when someone cuts you off in traffic.”

“What? Oh… yeah, that could work. Thanks!”

“De nada, stud – go wash your face, though; you look like a glazed donut.” I’d liberally coated his face in my juices, eyebrows to chin and almost ear-to-ear, and had created a small puddle on the edge of my desk.

He chuckled. “You’re amazing – and delicious, by the way. You’re like a beautiful, blonde, five-foot-six…”


“Oh, sorry – five-foot-eight Viagra tablet. God, I can’t remember ever being this horny or this hard. What did you do to me?”

I was tempted to tell him about the strange things I’d been experiencing, hoping that by sharing them, maybe we could make some sense of it, but I didn’t. Instead, I smiled and said, “Black magic, Randy, spooky stuff. Go get cleaned up and take that big, beautiful cock of yours home to your wife.”

The black magic part may have even been true, for all I knew, but the big cock part was not; I mean, I’m sure he was a nice, average size, but it never hurts to give a guy with his newfound sexual prowess an additional word of encouragement. As he wandered off down the hall, I tried to put myself back together. I used my panties to dry some of the wet smears from my upper thighs before stuffing them in my purse and walking out to my car, I could feel the air moving, cool on my still-wet sex, even that subtle sensation arousing me.

On the ride home and throughout the evening, there was an ever-present need to touch, to masturbate, to seek an orgasm and then another, but I didn’t; I denied myself pleasure, despite the pressure to seek it making me almost feverish, my skin afire, my mind screaming for release. I wanted, I lusted and longed for sex, and as I tried and failed to sit still and ignore it, I searched for answers.

I’d always had a strong sex drive and an active and powerful libido, but nothing like this! I wasn’t promiscuous, I don’t think, although I’d had several male partners (and two females) over the last ten years, some of them romantic interests and others merely fuck buddies. I enjoyed sex immensely and enjoyed experimenting with toys, and different positions and fetishes, and I’d had threesomes with two men on a couple of occasions – thinking about which wasn’t helping at all – but this was an almost frantic, desperate need, maybe something a nymphomaniac or sex addict feels, and I’d never been that.

Failing at trying to distract myself from my intense desire for sex by thinking about my past sex life (go figure…), I thought instead about my most recent love interest; it had fallen apart badly between us, just going off the rails as our lives proved incompatible and ending acrimoniously, and, still hurting from that, I’d sworn off relationships for a time. It had been almost three months since I’d had a sex partner; could that be the cause of my suddenly outrageous libido? I didn’t know. All I knew was that I was miserable, aching with need, intensely horny – but this time, entirely on purpose as I denied myself relief.

My thought was that by not granting myself release, I’d be far too horny for sleep and so might remain awake to find out what was happening to me in the darkness of the night! With that thought in mind and my nipples and clit hard and tingling, my pussy wet and ready, I crawled into bed naked.

And laid there. And then lay there some more, my eyes wide open, my mind flooded with the most obscene and graphic, perverted sexual imagery. I tossed and turned, unable to lie still, and I squeezed my breasts, hoping to ease the ache but not allowing myself to pinch my sensitive nipples, knowing I’d come if I did. Somehow, despite all that, exhaustion finally overtook me, and I dozed, my mind still twisting around vivid sexual fantasies.

When I awoke, it was as the night before, my body bathed in sweat and aflame with arousal, my ass in the air and my face down into my pillow, my hands clutching at the bedcovers. Except this time, there was a very large and powerful pair of hands holding my hips, and an enormous erect phallus was sliding in and out of my dripping cunt, a very heavy set of balls slapping my vulva and my eager clit with each forward thrust!

I continued to feign sleep, but I couldn’t stifle a moan or stop my pelvic muscles from contracting on it, squeezing the thick organ within me. When that didn’t scare off whoever this was, I slowly snuck a hand down between my knees and reached up to squeeze his balls… and oh my God! His rack felt like something you might find beneath a prize bull or ram, certainly not between the legs of any man, impossibly huge and heavy, each testicle as big and firm as a ripe eggplant. A single one filled my hand, and as I squeezed it, he stopped thrusting, his giant cock buried inside of me to the hilt.

I heard a gasp and felt his body stiffen as he suddenly began to withdraw. Desperate for him not to do so, I cried, “No, please don’t stop! Don’t go! I… I need you.”

When he growled something unintelligible and thrust back into me, I said, “Fuck me… please, fuck me!” I was somehow not embarrassed by my pleading, only grateful that he complied, hammering into me. And oh my God! No longer constrained by the need to avoid awakening me, he took me deep, hard, and violently, and it was incredible! His huge hands moved from my hips to my shoulders, pulling me back onto him and then to my breasts, squeezing and stroking my hard nipples.

I came and came again, and when he pushed his huge thumb into my ass, I came again. I fucked him back eagerly, thrusting backwards to impale myself on his immense, rigid organ, and came again, and the next time I heard him, it was to growl that he was coming as he thrust deeply into my pussy and began to spasm violently, his cock leaping and spurting in my depths.

His orgasm seemed to go on and on, far longer than any man I’d previously known, and the swelling, pumping spasms of his monstrous phallus flooding me had me joining him in an amazing orgasm of my own. My contractions and the sheer volume of his semen caused it to squeeze out around him and run down my cleft in a thick, white flow and to stream from my jutting clit onto my sheets, where it puddled before soaking in.

Finished, done, and done in, I collapsed onto my belly, and he rode me down. He was heavy and hot against my sweat-slick flesh, and I had the impression he was huge, powerful, much taller and wider than me, and even with him supporting much of his weight, I was pinned. He moved his hips, slow and gentle, his monstrous cock, still deep inside of me and still hard, sliding easily in its cum-filled confines, his massive scrotum sliding heavy against my thighs.

I moaned at the sensations, pure pleasure, and thrust back to meet him as I asked, “Who are you? How did you get in here?”

“I am called Kyloth, and you invited me.”

I thought it an unlovely name, coarse on the tongue and vaguely Eastern European-sounding but was focused more on the second part of his response. “Invited you? I did not invite you!” That was true, although, in a moment of honesty, I had to admit that I was very glad he was there!

“Yes. Two nights ago, you opened yourself to me, inviting me into your life.” His voice was deep, heavy, almost as if it emanated from deep in his chest, but…

“No! Two nights ago was the first time – you took me in my sleep, I didn’t know…”

“Two nights ago, I was not here. My spirit only it was that visited you, and you sensed me. The response was your own, all you; you remained untouched, responding only to the presence of my thoughts. Had you not responded, or had you responded with fear or horror, you’d have never seen me. I’d have taken you and slipped away because that is what I do, but you’d have thought it a dream, and none of this would have happened. Instead… you responded as you did, positively and explosively.”

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I remembered waking up suddenly, hot, bewildered, and intensely aroused, but knowing I’d already had at least one major orgasm. I’d been confused, unable to comprehend what had happened to me, but now this ‘Kyloth’ or whoever he was said he’d not touched me?

“You’re lying! You did that to me.”

“No, it was your mind, your thoughts; you took images from my mind and turned them into something powerful for you. Indeed, your thoughts were so powerful that I, too, climaxed as you did, a thing unique in my experience, but I was not here. It was your wish to have it again the next night; only that brought me to you.”

“So last night…?”

“Yes. Last night I took you, and you accepted me willingly…. indeed, eagerly, as you did tonight. Your mind and body invited me into you.”

I thought of the sexual pleasure of the past nights, something wild and uncontrollable and far beyond anything I’d ever experienced, and the way that it had remained with me through the days, seeming so powerful that it transferred even to those around me. I again felt him in me and his thick cum flowing from me after, and I shuddered with arousal.

“I don’t understand… who – or, rather, what - are you?” I looked at where his arm was stretched out on top of mine, where mine reached out ahead of me and beyond my pillow. I could see the pale flesh of my arm in the dim light of the night light in the hall, but I couldn’t see his arm at all except as a dark space where it covered my own.

“As to what I am… we have been called many things over the millennia. Perhaps you’ve heard us called Incubi or wraith.”

“An incubus… that’s some sort of mythical demon, right?”

“Demon, another thing we’ve been called by believers. Yes, I suppose, but not mythical, as you now know.”

I couldn’t comprehend what he was saying, couldn’t accept that the most incredibly satisfying sexual experiences of my life thus far had taken place with a demon, an imaginary thing. I reached for the small lamp on my nightstand, my need to see him suddenly overwhelming, but he seized my hand before I could switch it on.

“Wait! Before you see me, know that some find me terrifying and repulsive. The merest sight of me has driven some mad.” He thrust gently into me, his powerful organ still hard and huge, and brought his hand back to gently caress my cheek, lifting my mussed and tousled hair from my face. “Don’t be frightened; I mean you no harm.”

He pulled out of me then, the length of his erect organ seeming impossibly large as it slowly slid out, his thick semen flowing freely from my abused vagina. He rose to his feet and stood beside the bed, facing me; I still couldn’t see him, not at all, and knew where he was only by familiar shapes and objects that I could no longer make out behind him. This time, when I reached for the light, he let me, and I turned it on to the lowest of three settings.

My first impression was of his size; he was enormous! Probably seven feet tall or close to it, his shoulders were a yard across, and his physique, such as I could make out bespoke raw power. The problem was that I couldn’t make him out, not truly, because he was amorphous, his outline consisting of swirling black smoke, or fog, with no real form. At times I could glimpse things through him, things that I knew were beyond where he stood.

Even his enormous phallus, which had felt so very solid inside of me, was nothing more than shifting, drifting, dark vapor, defined only because its prodigious length and girth were sheathed in white cum and my love juices. When I reached out to touch it, it felt solid and hot, and my fingers came away wet and slippery. When I licked them, tasting cum and knowing it was real, I heard a low rumble and understood he was laughing at me.


“You. You’re insatiable.”

“You’re not even real, are you?”

“Wait – and again, don’t be frightened. I will not hurt you.”

I knew that was true. At his size, he could have easily torn me apart before now if he’d wanted to. As I stared, he slowly took on substance, gaining a solid shape and form. He was huge – every bit as big as he’d looked in his more ephemeral form - and he was powerful, his arms sculpted muscle mass, his shoulders and chest thick and bulging, his abdomen like six carved blocks stacked atop each other in two huge columns. His legs, too, were thick and corded with muscle, and his enormous phallus and virile, bull-like, hyper-masculine testicles were appropriate only for one as enormous as he.

His cock had gone flaccid – I had the sense that it was only because he’d allowed it to – yet it still hung over halfway to his knees, the head of it as large as a man’s fist… a mortal man, that is. His hands and forearms were huge and powerful, sinewy and banded with throbbing veins and arteries, and I remembered how they’d grasped my hips as he’d thrust into me and the way they’d smothered and crushed my breasts. Those hands carried awesome power yet were capable of gently brushing my hair from my face or lightly teasing a nipple, both of which he’d demonstrated.

Oh, and he was black. Not black like a human is black, which is more accurately brown, but rather like a panther or a raven, jet black, black as pitch. I turned my light up on high, wanting to see him better, and when I did, I saw that his black skin was like rich leather, supple and luxurious, not glossy, yet somehow, with his movements, reflecting light in iridescent colors of blue, green, and purple, like the feathers of a Grackle, or the facets of an onyx pendant.

He was beautiful in a terrifying way, his body and persona that of a god… or a demon, I suppose, and when I looked up into his face, it was just as remarkable. He had two horns, short, thick, and powerful with sharp tips angled forward from each side of his head, and his features were chiseled, with sharp cheekbones, ruggedly handsome, his nose noble, and his lips thick and sensual. His eyes, when I looked into them, were a deep violet color with sparks like microscopic lightning bolts flickering in the depths of their amethyst irises.

His sexual aura, and my irresistible attraction to him, were almost as terrifying as his appearance; I could understand how any woman might be unable to resist his power and willingly give herself to him despite his intimidating appearance. Even now, seeing him in this terrible aspect, I was drawn to him, my body responding with renewed arousal, and I reached forward and lifted his enormous black organ, its weight impressive and even his flaccid girth filling my palm, but…

“This was inside of me?” I could hear the doubt and wonder mixed in my voice as I went on, “This could not have been inside of me; it’s not possible! You would have torn me apart… you would have torn any woman apart! How…”

“Hush, little one. You are correct; it would have caused grave injury and pain to any woman… any mortal woman.”

It took a moment for his words to register with me, longer for me to discern their meaning, and when I did, I objected, astonished. “But I…”

Again he interrupted me. “You are not. I was certain the first night when you responded so forcefully to my thoughts. Your response overwhelmed me, which has never happened before. Your arousal was so potent that it was turned back on me, causing me to climax when you did. Not only are you one of us, you are exceptionally powerful.”

I just stared at him, unable to accept what he was telling me. I finally said what I’d have said to anyone else who tried to sell me such insanity. “Bullshit.”

For the first time, a smile crossed his face. For some reason, I was surprised to see that his teeth were straight and white – although his canine teeth, upper and lower, formed short fangs – and that the inside of his lips and mouth were pink and healthy-looking, not some dark and putrid demon shade.

“No, I tell you the truth. I’ve long hoped to find one such as you, but such are few. Most I encounter are mere mortals.”

I became aware that I still held his cock in my hand and that it was throbbing gently, like a pulse. “And this? If these other women you take are human, how does this not kill them?”

“I can take on the guise of a man and do. I was a human once, like you, many years ago.” When I stared at him, unable to imagine such a thing, he nodded. “In Greece, in the time of Aristotle. My name was Kallias.”

“Wow, that was…”

As I paused trying to remember when Aristotle lived, he said, “Over two thousand years ago, yes.”

“But you were just a normal man? Is that the guise you use now, what you used to be?

“Yes.” He smiled again. “A very large and well-endowed man, fortunately, but that seems to please some women, the more timid.”

“But not this?” I could feel him swelling, becoming hard, lengthening in my hand.

“No, not that. Large, but not that. Even the women that are excited and aroused by my monstrous appearance  are unable to take all of me.”

“You allow some women to see you as I do?”

“Some. The ones that respond as you did to my first invocations, with heat and arousal rather than terror. Some women desire a more forceful experience, domination. They want to be taken, ravaged, controlled by someone – or something – much larger and more powerful than they, and left exhausted, used, and sated. But you understand that.”

“I do, yes. But why?”

He looked puzzled. “Why?”

“Yes, why do you do what you do, taking charming women, or casting spells, or whatever it is you do to make these women want you?”

“Why did you so eagerly accept me? Why did your thoughts beg me to come take you?”

It was a good question, one I hadn’t yet answered for myself. “I… I don’t know. I simply wanted you, wanted to again feel that same ecstasy. What you now tell me was a dream, only my mind. I wanted it for real, I suppose. It was… beyond anything I’d ever experienced.” That wasn’t much of an answer for why I’d allowed a stranger – and a demon, at that – to so easily have me, but it was the only one I had. “I felt compelled, Kallias. I didn’t so much want you as need you.”

He nodded. “Then you know. That is why I do what I do. I need…”

“Need… I understand that. Like an itch you can’t scratch or a hunger, yes?”

“Yes, like that… hunger.”

His cock strained in my hand, and I smiled. “You’re hungry again.”

His cock swelled and lifted from my palm, huge once more and erect. “As are you. Perhaps you’d enjoy this…” He bent forward, and his pink tongue slithered from his mouth like a long, suction-cup-free tentacle. Narrow, fine at the tip but thicker and more muscular along its length, it curled under my left breast, the fine tip flicking and teasing my erect nipple. As I gasped, the tip of his tongue/tentacle, thin as a pencil lead, wrapped around my nipple, squeezing and tugging.

I moved forward, humping my needy sex against the underside of his solid shaft while my tongue eagerly bathed the head of his monstrous cock. As I did, his prehensile tongue moved to my other breast, squeezing around it before focusing on my nipple, looping, constricting, flicking. I was going to come, my libido enflamed by his cock on my lips and his tongue torturing my nipples, but before I could, his tongue lengthened, sliding down my tummy and into my cleft to flick my rigid clit.

I came then, hard and sudden, and as I did, his tongue – more tentacle now than anything – suddenly thickened and plunged into my dripping pussy, filling me. I gripped his cock with both hands as I threw my head back and screamed in orgasm, thrusting my hips eagerly to meet his probing tongue, my love juices flowing freely. I felt his cock throb once in my hands, and a gush of white semen slipped from the tip; I quickly lapped it up like a hungry kitten. I knew it was just minor leakage for him, mere arousal, although larger than any load I’d ever experienced from a mortal man; his loads were huge, though, as I knew from his orgasm deep inside of me and subsequent white flood when he’d slipped free.

His tongue, or tentacle, or whatever I should be calling it, continued to thrust and writhe within me, creating sensations that I never knew were possible, but just when I thought I’d experience the ultimate orgasm, I felt the tiny, pointed tip slither out alongside the thicker mass still impaling me, and it moved to my anus, tickling, exploring, teasing. I gasped and tried to thrust onto it, the nerve endings it was stimulating demanding more, but he was in control, and he held off, continuing to tease, to gently circle my tight little pucker, waiting for me to beg.

And beg, I did! I’d never been a big proponent of anal sex, despite trying it on several occasions; I like anal play with a cock in my pussy, which can be intensely satisfying, and I’d experienced double penetration a few times with two men, with mixed but pleasurable results, but I’ve never been able to climax from anal alone. Now, though, with his thick tentacle in my pussy, the tiny tip of it probing my tight star, I wanted it desperately!

“God, Callias! Just do it! Fuck my ass, please… I need it in me!”

He penetrated me then, in a second place, the narrow tip of his tongue sneaking into me even though I made no effort to relax, unable to with him in my cunt, my body clasping him tightly. “Ohhh, oh God, yesss! Yes! Ohh, my God!”

It tickled, it teased; it pushed deeper and grew thicker as it slowly opened me to the intrusion, spreading my star from within rather than forcing a large, blunt cock head through my tight pucker, and I’d never felt anything as erotic. As sensual, as purely carnal as his tapered, swelling tentacle slowly forcing me open as it slid deeper into me. I came a thunderous, impossible orgasm which, I think, caused me to black out for a moment by its sheer power.

The next thing I became aware of was his tongue writhing out of my pussy and more deeply into my rectum, but before I could object or even whimper at the loss, he lifted me by my ankles, spreading my legs far apart as he drove his massive phallus into my cunt! At that moment, I think, is when I knew he’d told me the truth, that I was not a normal human, not a mortal, because no mortal woman could have taken what he gave me! His cock, its astonishing length and girth buried in my sex, and the thick, writhing mass of his tentacle-tongue up my ass, deep inside of me, would have torn any normal woman apart; in my case, it gave me another massive, crashing orgasm, unlike anything I’d ever thought possible, much less experienced!

I screamed and cried and begged for more, his huge balls bouncing heavily against my bottom with each thrust, his tongue winding around and beneath his scrotum to plunder my ass. I found myself meeting his thrusts, begging him, goading him for more, and when he came sometime later – it may have been minutes or hours - he again flooded me with semen, hot and thick and white, and it flowed from me as I came one last time… and passed out, my world going black.

When I came to, he still held my feet in the air, but his tongue had slipped out while I was unconscious and returned to its normal size and abode. His cock, too, had slid out of my cum-dripping pussy and lay on my abdomen, his balls against my oozing sex and the head of it between my breasts, still pumping a gentle flow of demon cum that pooled on my skin.

I was still breathing heavily, my heart still pounding, and I felt used and satiated as never before. He looked down at me, his remarkable purple eyes somehow showing warmth despite his otherwise terrifying aspect. I realized that I’d become accustomed to how he looked – found him attractive, even – and was no longer frightened. In truth, I found him quite exotic and was very attracted to him sexually, no doubt due to his power and hyper-masculine attributes. It was true, what he’d said about some women, maybe most women at least on occasion, wanting to be taken and ravaged; it had certainly proved true for me!

Lowering me to the bed, he moved back, his cock slipping down my stomach and making me gasp as the head of it dragged across my sensitive, cum-smeared sex. I opened my legs for him, wanting him to drive his thick phallus back into me, but instead, he lay down alongside me and pulled me close. I curled against him, again astonished at our size disparity and the contrast of our bodies, mine pale against his blackness, his iridescent sheen.

“If I’m like you, why don’t I look like you?”

“You can. You can take whatever form you like, but you’ve chosen beauty and comeliness, which has suited your need.”

I thought about that for a moment before I asked, “You said that you’re an incubus, that type of demon; does that make me a succubus?”

He chuckled. “That is what men have called us, yes. One of many names. We simply are what we are.”

“So when I have sex with a man, am I draining his life forces?”

“You haven’t noticed?”

I laughed. “Well, yes, of course, but I mean permanently. Do I eventually kill them?”

“No, although you have that power if you wish it. More common is what happened to you and then to your office friend.”


“Yes. You empower their sexuality, ignite their libido with the power of your own, and they find themselves aroused as never before, hungry, needful. Most seem to revel in the sexual strength we give them.”


“Some it drives mad, it’s true. Others are unable to accept it and feel there is something wrong with them. That it’s abnormal to be so utterly sexual, that they have a sickness, an addiction. Many will seek counseling for addiction, but it rarely works. Once they’ve experienced one of us, they will always want more.”

I’d known two people who had gone through sexual addiction counseling, one man and one woman, and he was right; it had worked for neither of them, and I still occasionally had sex with one or both. A startling thought occurred to me. “I have two friends that have experienced what you describe, a sexual addiction; could that have been my fault?”

“Very likely, yes. But you didn’t know of your nature, your power. You’ll learn to use it wisely. Your friend Randall is a better example. He and his wife are happy as never before.”

I thought about that, silently promising myself that I would try to be careful. Now, though, my curiosity, like my sexual need, refused to be satisfied. “How would I appear like a demon, like you?”

“I can teach you, but the frightening, powerful guise is less useful for enticing men. As I said, many women want that, want to be overpowered, vanquished, taken – often, it’s a fantasy they never expect to experience, but it leaves them open to the idea, and I see that they enjoy it. Most men – not all – want something more like what you are now. They want beauty, femininity, raw sexuality, which is why you’ve succeeded so easily til now.”

“But I can be anything?”

“Living thing, yes. I can teach you.”

“Could I be a rabbit, or a dog, or maybe a lion or giraffe?”

He laughed. “No. I misspoke. You can be almost anything that approximates your mass; for example, as a man, I’m a large man, almost the proportions you see here, but I cannot be a mouse or an elephant. I can only be something of approximately my size.”

“Like a dolphin or a small bear?”

He frowned. “Yes, I suppose, but what would be the point? Those do not satisfy my need for sex, which is a human thing.”

“I see.” I did, sort of; feeling my own needs and desires, it made sense. “So, where do you go from here? And what happens to me? Where shall I go?”

“Anywhere. Everywhere; we can go as we wish and take whoever opens themselves to us.”

“Us? Did you plan for us to stay together?”

“That was not my meaning, but yes. As I told you, I’ve hoped for millennia to find one like you, but only now has good fortune smiled on me. I hope you’ll remain with me.”

Even as he said it, I realized that I’d been hoping for the same thing! “Yes, please! I think this was meant to be… but to have you in my life, I can hardly introduce you to my friends as Kyloth, the terrifying demon. Will you show me your human guise?”

He rose to his feet, all seven feet of his massive frame, his power emanating in waves, his sexuality overpowering as he looked at me, his massive masculine package on display for my admiration, his phallus a monstrous black thing of the wildest erotic fantasies. I felt his mind touch mine, seeking to know what I wanted him to look like, what would be most attractive to me.

Slowly, he began to shimmer, to become insubstantial, ethereal, his form wavering, moving like fog, shifting, breaking, reassembling itself. As he came back together and began to take on form, he was no longer black as pitch, but a rich, smooth, olive flesh tone instead, his skin taut and flawless. He was still huge, close to seven feet, and broad-shouldered, sleekly muscular. He was gorgeous!

His features were strong and masculine, his hair black and glossy, and he’d retained the beautiful purple irises, which still sparked with his energy. Just looking at him, I felt the desire wash through me, my sex lubricating even though I was already slick and dripping.

And his cock… oh my! It was human, but still huge – on a human scale, not a monster scale; still, his package was ridiculous, but in a very tempting and arousing way, his cock thick and gorgeous and his testicles large and virile. He could have made a very healthy living as a male stripper or porn star. He had the testosterone-laden attractiveness and attributes for it. I reached out and ran my fingers down his turgid length.

“Wow! That’s a beautiful cock, Kallias.”

He smiled. “It has served me well in seducing women when in this form.”

“I’m sure… are we going to be enough for each other? If we stay together, will having only each other satisfy our needs?”

He frowned. “I don’t know… probably not, but there is no need for that. We can still take others as our hunger demands. Men, women… couples. We can do it separately or together. I’ve heard of such things but never before had another like me with whom to sate my hunger.”

“Ooohhh, I like the sound of that!” I licked his cock, enjoying the smooth olive skin and warm, male taste, and felt it swell in my hand. Curious now, I took him deep into my mouth and down my throat, something I’d never been able to do before, not with anyone even close to his size. Now I not only did it with relative ease, it caused me to have an orgasm!

When I let his saliva-slick length slip free, shuddering through my climax, he smiled down at me. “You’re learning already of your new abilities.”

“God… Tell me, Kallias, in your human form, as beautiful as it is, will you still be able to do that tongue thing?”

In answer, his magic tentacle of a tongue slid from his mouth, down my abdomen, and into me, where I felt it moving deep inside of my body. His cock grew rigid at my taste and my contractions, and I thrust myself upward, encouraging him to finish what he’d started.

Groaning, fucking myself on his incredible tongue and wanting his cock, I said, “Oh, God, Kallias! Tomorrow… tomorrow, let’s find a sexy couple to command and enjoy, but for now, just keep doing what you’re doing!

Written by Wet_n_willing
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