Skylar's POV
Today is Cassie's birthday, and I haven't seen her since the day she let me drink from her. The aphrodisiac entered, that my venom contained, had hit her bloodstream, and we had ended up sharing a hot steamy moment. I could still remember her pressing herself to me; clinging to my body as her lower section ground against me, moans escaping those soft pouty lips of hers. If my heart still beat it would squeeze right about now just thinking about it. But as soon as I had released her and she collected herself, she left and that was that. That had been a few weeks ago.
The memory of that day hasn't left my mind; the smell of strawberries from her dark glossy hair being in my face, the feel of her petite fragile body up against mine, and the sensual sounds she made haunted my awakening dreams. I wanted her all to myself, but she never came back and I never pursued her either. She probably can't face me since my nature drove her body to act on its' own accord; making her do something she hadn't wanted to do.
The sound of shuffling footsteps below caught my attention, expelling me from the maddening thoughts. My cock had grown hard and had pushed itself against the seed of my pants. I shook my head, trying to concentrate on things that weren't about Cassie, but couldn't. "Sky!" my little sister, Kendra, called out. "Theo, Trinity, and I are heading out! We're leaving the front door unlocked!" And then I heard the click of the front door closing behind them.
I was alone.
Again, my cock throbbed painfully in my trousers. I needed to release some pressure. Every time I got like this I found myself squeezing my hot member, forcing it to go away. But this time that wouldn't work. Defeated, I went over to my personal bathroom, turned the hot water knob all the way and cranked it to max temperature. I went back into my room to grab a towel before shedding my clothes, then I entered the hot shower. The piping-hot water felt amazing on my hardened prick, and I imagined how it would feel with Cassie wrapped around it, grinding against me, hips rocking. As I imagined the scene in my head, I began stroking myself. The water made it easy for my hand to glide back and forth, driving myself to a quick and intense eruption; especially imagining Cassie cumming as I plowed deep within her walls and released my load inside her womb. Vampires could have children with humans so if it really happened, I'd for sure knock her up. The thought gave me butterflies. Cassie having my vampire hybrid child...
The water washed away the load I just expelled. I press my back against the shower wall and sink to the ground, sitting there letting the hot water chase away my thoughts as well...
Cassie's POV
I'm 18 today... The revelation should have brought her happiness, but ever since that moment in Skylar's room, Cassie could find nothing to be happy about. She had wanted him desperately, her body reacted to his touch and his venom all on its own, but that was to be expected. She welcomed that feeling and let go, but she should have clamped down and remained in control. So she had ended up sexually assaulting the one guy she had felt a connection with, the one she wanted to be with, and wasn't sure even felt the same. Yeah, she couldn't face him after that.
Sitting in her room staring at her reflection in the mirror, which she'd been doing for about an hour, trying to find herself again, she finally stood up and went downstairs where her family waited. They were throwing a small birthday celebration for her, consisting only the four of them; Jill had made the professional-looking cake, Michael and Gordon had been the ones to set up the decorations, while Cassie locked herself away in her room all day trying not to think about the heartbreak that engulfed her.
Upon entering the kitchen, flipping the light switch as she went, Jill, Michael, and Gordon, all sporting a party hat and those annoying noise makers, jumped out from behind the counter, shouting, "Surprise!" She was surprised, but her heart wasn't in it. So she forced a convincing smile.
"Awe," she said, her stomach in knots. "Thanks you guys!" She gave them each a hug.
"Happy birthday, Cassie!" Gordon jumped up and down excitedly. For being ten years younger, he was smart and quick, and somehow always knew how to make her feel just a tad bit better. Gordon hugged her tightly, almost as if he were hugging the pain she felt, ebbing it away.
"I love you," he said, his big brown eyes gazing at her adoringly.
"I love you, too, Gordy." She gave him a little squeezing hug. After that he took her by the hand and brought her over to the kitchen table, exclaiming something about opening his gift first.
The small celebration flew by, lifting some of her gloomy mood. She had opened her presents—pajamas and lingerie (she hadn't taken out of the bag) from Jill, perfume from her father, and a sky-blue iPod that Gordon had picked out. They lit the candles, all eighteen of them, and she blew them out after they sang her 'Happy Birthday'. After that, she went to her room and plopped down on her bed.
Grabbing one of the pillows on her bed, she hugged the lump of cotton close, curling in a ball around it; she felt as if she were falling to pieces. Thoughts of Skylar invaded her mind again. He was always on her mind, somehow bringing her more comfort, yet at the same time killing her resolve. His venom had begun to stir feelings within her she'd had for a while, but they magnified them beyond being bearable.
A moist sensation seeped out between her thighs, and she definitely had had enough of touching herself; she only made it worse. But I can't sit in soaked underwear the rest of the day. Reluctantly, she dragged herself off the bed and headed to her bathroom, grabbing a change of clothes and the lingerie Jill had gotten her.
She turned the hot water on and stripped off her clothes. The steaming water hit her skin, loosening her tense muscles. She washed her hair with her favorite strawberry shampoo and conditioner plus body wash, shaved, then stepped out. After wrapping her slick black hair in a towel, she reached for her clothes; pausing when she picked up the lingerie. They were her favorite color combinations: light gray and baby blue. The bra, as well as the panties, were decorated in lace and soft cotton material that felt close to silk. She slipped the bra on first; it hoisted her already perky size-B breasts up nicely, showing off a pleasing amount of cleavage. The panties, though, rode up her ass, pressing against her clit. What was even worse: the back of them came to a halt above the cusp of her ass cheeks. Cassie's face lit up a bright shade of red, but as she checked herself over in her tall mirror, she couldn't deny she looked breathtakingly gorgeous.
After slipping her hot pink tube top that extended down over her ass, and slipped her legs through her black leggings, she hunted down the pair of heels she'd just bought. They were black with bows, open-toed, that gave her an extra two inches. She blow dried her hair, straightened it before applying the right amount of eyeliner and gloss, then sprayed herself down with her new perfume. Love Spell from Victoria Secret. She gave herself one last glance, pleased with her appearance. She felt a lot better.
Bzzz. Her phone vibrated on her nightstand. She lifted the phone up and saw the text from Kendra.
Happy Birthday! It read. Cassie sent back a thank you, her heart sinking.
Come ovr? We miss u!
She let that sink in, allowing it to decide whether she was up for it or not. She would probably run into Skylar, but he'd most likely avoid her. Her stomach filled with butterflies at the thought of possibly seeing him, but her heart tugged nervously. She wanted to see Kendra, Trinity, and Theo, though. She wasn't going to let it keep her from her friends any longer.
With her mind set, she swiped her keys of their hook and left.
— — —
Pulling up to the house, Cassie fought with herself to go inside. She came here to see her friends on her birthday, but when she finally got the nerve to go up and knock, there was no answers. She tried the handle. The knob turned in her hand.
Walking in, she called out to them. No one responded. She bounded up the steps, watching her step carefully in her heels. First, going to Theo's room and finding it empty. Next Trinity's: the same. Last, she went to Kendra's door. Taped on it was a note that read:
Sorry, we stepped out. Talk to my brother! He hasn't been himself since the day you stormed out of his life.
Great... Cassie turned to the end of the hall where the stairwell to Skylar's room was hidden by the sliding panel door. Butterflies fluttered horribly in her stomach as she took the few steps toward it. Hesitantly reaching out to pound once against it, she couldn't do it. I'm afraid.
Taking in a deep breath, steeling herself, she knocked just once. The door responded, sliding to the right, revealing the stairs behind. Up the stairs she went to find—nothing. No one was up here. Skylar must have left, she thought to herself. Not ready to leave, she walked over to his unkempt bed where the events of that day had occurred.
Running her fingers over the material of his pillow, her focus on the memory, she hadn't been expecting the visitor.
Skylar's POV
At some point I had forgotten to do my laundry. So when I came out of the shower to find no pants or briefs, I vamped down to the kitchen into the side room where the laundry was done. Kendra must have been thoughtful and collected my dirty laundry over the past few weeks, and washed my clothes for me. I snagged a pair of briefs and dark gray sweatpants out of the neatly stacked pile of clothes, the clothes remaining in the neat pile despite ripping items out of the center; it looked untouched.
I get myself dressed in the laundry room, then upon exiting the laundry, I make a turn for the basement door. Down the steps there is a secret room where a deep freeze stocked full of blood is kept. I grab three blood bags, sink my teeth into them, gulping greedily. Finished, I toss them in the waste basket next to the freezer.
Heading back to my room, I notice something odd: my door is open. I smell the air, and what I smell stuns me. I look at the wall, wishing to see through it to make sure I'm not losing my damn mind, and get overtaken by a sudden drive. My body moving on its own volition, I am silently climbing the stairs two at a time.
There she is, the girl who has haunted me the last three weeks. She stands in front of my bed, fingers trailing over my pillow. A tight pink strapless shirt flows down her body, stopping just above her ass cheeks. I can see the lining of her panties through the thin fabric over her round, fleshy mounds. All I can think about is the fact she's here in my room and the overwhelming desire to strip her bare naked, taking her in my bed.
I'm frozen where I stand, mouth gaping. What do I do? What do I say? It's her birthday, so maybe tell her happy birthday?
"What are you doing?" Comes out instead as the silence is shattered. Cassie spins around completely surprised. Her eyes widen at the sight of me. I listen to her heart accelerate. Anger wells within me. She's terrified of me... But I don't let that show in my expression. Cassie's bright blue eyes stare back at me, her lips slightly parted. She doesn't move just stands as still as a human can. Her heart beat is rapid and erratic. Say something...
She stumbles for a second then calmly says, "Kendra, uh, invited me over, but when I knocked no one answered." Yeah, I never heard a knock. "I tried the door and it was unlocked. I looked for everyone but no one is around, then Kendra left a note on her door saying I needed to talk to you." Now I'm the one to widens my eyes in surprise. Kendra left a note? Then it hits me; she planned this.
"So what did you need to talk about?" Cassie continued. She cut right down to business, didn't she?
We sit in silence for a moment then I decide to start. "About that day," I begin. A blush floods her cheeks. "Thanks for allowing me to—to drink from you... and I'm sorry about my venom doing that to you. I know how it feels to be forced to do something you didn't want to do. It won't happen again."
She just stares back at me. She looked so fragile; I just wanted to hold her, bury my face in her neck and breathe in her sweet aroma, sink my fangs in her and set her world on fire with pure ecstasy. But that's what got us in this mess in the first place, even though she offered as a means of making it up to me. I mean, I was turned into a vampire to protect her from the very thing that happened a few weeks ago.
Cassie takes a step forward then stops. She opens her mouth to speak, but hesitates.
"You're afraid—I get it, Cass. I'm a monster. I'd be afraid, too." I say.
"But I'm not afraid of you, Skylar..." she said gaze to the floor.
Today is Cassie's birthday, and I haven't seen her since the day she let me drink from her. The aphrodisiac entered, that my venom contained, had hit her bloodstream, and we had ended up sharing a hot steamy moment. I could still remember her pressing herself to me; clinging to my body as her lower section ground against me, moans escaping those soft pouty lips of hers. If my heart still beat it would squeeze right about now just thinking about it. But as soon as I had released her and she collected herself, she left and that was that. That had been a few weeks ago.
The memory of that day hasn't left my mind; the smell of strawberries from her dark glossy hair being in my face, the feel of her petite fragile body up against mine, and the sensual sounds she made haunted my awakening dreams. I wanted her all to myself, but she never came back and I never pursued her either. She probably can't face me since my nature drove her body to act on its' own accord; making her do something she hadn't wanted to do.
The sound of shuffling footsteps below caught my attention, expelling me from the maddening thoughts. My cock had grown hard and had pushed itself against the seed of my pants. I shook my head, trying to concentrate on things that weren't about Cassie, but couldn't. "Sky!" my little sister, Kendra, called out. "Theo, Trinity, and I are heading out! We're leaving the front door unlocked!" And then I heard the click of the front door closing behind them.
I was alone.
Again, my cock throbbed painfully in my trousers. I needed to release some pressure. Every time I got like this I found myself squeezing my hot member, forcing it to go away. But this time that wouldn't work. Defeated, I went over to my personal bathroom, turned the hot water knob all the way and cranked it to max temperature. I went back into my room to grab a towel before shedding my clothes, then I entered the hot shower. The piping-hot water felt amazing on my hardened prick, and I imagined how it would feel with Cassie wrapped around it, grinding against me, hips rocking. As I imagined the scene in my head, I began stroking myself. The water made it easy for my hand to glide back and forth, driving myself to a quick and intense eruption; especially imagining Cassie cumming as I plowed deep within her walls and released my load inside her womb. Vampires could have children with humans so if it really happened, I'd for sure knock her up. The thought gave me butterflies. Cassie having my vampire hybrid child...
The water washed away the load I just expelled. I press my back against the shower wall and sink to the ground, sitting there letting the hot water chase away my thoughts as well...
Cassie's POV
I'm 18 today... The revelation should have brought her happiness, but ever since that moment in Skylar's room, Cassie could find nothing to be happy about. She had wanted him desperately, her body reacted to his touch and his venom all on its own, but that was to be expected. She welcomed that feeling and let go, but she should have clamped down and remained in control. So she had ended up sexually assaulting the one guy she had felt a connection with, the one she wanted to be with, and wasn't sure even felt the same. Yeah, she couldn't face him after that.
Sitting in her room staring at her reflection in the mirror, which she'd been doing for about an hour, trying to find herself again, she finally stood up and went downstairs where her family waited. They were throwing a small birthday celebration for her, consisting only the four of them; Jill had made the professional-looking cake, Michael and Gordon had been the ones to set up the decorations, while Cassie locked herself away in her room all day trying not to think about the heartbreak that engulfed her.
Upon entering the kitchen, flipping the light switch as she went, Jill, Michael, and Gordon, all sporting a party hat and those annoying noise makers, jumped out from behind the counter, shouting, "Surprise!" She was surprised, but her heart wasn't in it. So she forced a convincing smile.
"Awe," she said, her stomach in knots. "Thanks you guys!" She gave them each a hug.
"Happy birthday, Cassie!" Gordon jumped up and down excitedly. For being ten years younger, he was smart and quick, and somehow always knew how to make her feel just a tad bit better. Gordon hugged her tightly, almost as if he were hugging the pain she felt, ebbing it away.
"I love you," he said, his big brown eyes gazing at her adoringly.
"I love you, too, Gordy." She gave him a little squeezing hug. After that he took her by the hand and brought her over to the kitchen table, exclaiming something about opening his gift first.
The small celebration flew by, lifting some of her gloomy mood. She had opened her presents—pajamas and lingerie (she hadn't taken out of the bag) from Jill, perfume from her father, and a sky-blue iPod that Gordon had picked out. They lit the candles, all eighteen of them, and she blew them out after they sang her 'Happy Birthday'. After that, she went to her room and plopped down on her bed.
Grabbing one of the pillows on her bed, she hugged the lump of cotton close, curling in a ball around it; she felt as if she were falling to pieces. Thoughts of Skylar invaded her mind again. He was always on her mind, somehow bringing her more comfort, yet at the same time killing her resolve. His venom had begun to stir feelings within her she'd had for a while, but they magnified them beyond being bearable.
A moist sensation seeped out between her thighs, and she definitely had had enough of touching herself; she only made it worse. But I can't sit in soaked underwear the rest of the day. Reluctantly, she dragged herself off the bed and headed to her bathroom, grabbing a change of clothes and the lingerie Jill had gotten her.
She turned the hot water on and stripped off her clothes. The steaming water hit her skin, loosening her tense muscles. She washed her hair with her favorite strawberry shampoo and conditioner plus body wash, shaved, then stepped out. After wrapping her slick black hair in a towel, she reached for her clothes; pausing when she picked up the lingerie. They were her favorite color combinations: light gray and baby blue. The bra, as well as the panties, were decorated in lace and soft cotton material that felt close to silk. She slipped the bra on first; it hoisted her already perky size-B breasts up nicely, showing off a pleasing amount of cleavage. The panties, though, rode up her ass, pressing against her clit. What was even worse: the back of them came to a halt above the cusp of her ass cheeks. Cassie's face lit up a bright shade of red, but as she checked herself over in her tall mirror, she couldn't deny she looked breathtakingly gorgeous.
After slipping her hot pink tube top that extended down over her ass, and slipped her legs through her black leggings, she hunted down the pair of heels she'd just bought. They were black with bows, open-toed, that gave her an extra two inches. She blow dried her hair, straightened it before applying the right amount of eyeliner and gloss, then sprayed herself down with her new perfume. Love Spell from Victoria Secret. She gave herself one last glance, pleased with her appearance. She felt a lot better.
Bzzz. Her phone vibrated on her nightstand. She lifted the phone up and saw the text from Kendra.
Happy Birthday! It read. Cassie sent back a thank you, her heart sinking.
Come ovr? We miss u!
She let that sink in, allowing it to decide whether she was up for it or not. She would probably run into Skylar, but he'd most likely avoid her. Her stomach filled with butterflies at the thought of possibly seeing him, but her heart tugged nervously. She wanted to see Kendra, Trinity, and Theo, though. She wasn't going to let it keep her from her friends any longer.
With her mind set, she swiped her keys of their hook and left.
— — —
Pulling up to the house, Cassie fought with herself to go inside. She came here to see her friends on her birthday, but when she finally got the nerve to go up and knock, there was no answers. She tried the handle. The knob turned in her hand.
Walking in, she called out to them. No one responded. She bounded up the steps, watching her step carefully in her heels. First, going to Theo's room and finding it empty. Next Trinity's: the same. Last, she went to Kendra's door. Taped on it was a note that read:
Sorry, we stepped out. Talk to my brother! He hasn't been himself since the day you stormed out of his life.
Great... Cassie turned to the end of the hall where the stairwell to Skylar's room was hidden by the sliding panel door. Butterflies fluttered horribly in her stomach as she took the few steps toward it. Hesitantly reaching out to pound once against it, she couldn't do it. I'm afraid.
Taking in a deep breath, steeling herself, she knocked just once. The door responded, sliding to the right, revealing the stairs behind. Up the stairs she went to find—nothing. No one was up here. Skylar must have left, she thought to herself. Not ready to leave, she walked over to his unkempt bed where the events of that day had occurred.
Running her fingers over the material of his pillow, her focus on the memory, she hadn't been expecting the visitor.
Skylar's POV
At some point I had forgotten to do my laundry. So when I came out of the shower to find no pants or briefs, I vamped down to the kitchen into the side room where the laundry was done. Kendra must have been thoughtful and collected my dirty laundry over the past few weeks, and washed my clothes for me. I snagged a pair of briefs and dark gray sweatpants out of the neatly stacked pile of clothes, the clothes remaining in the neat pile despite ripping items out of the center; it looked untouched.
I get myself dressed in the laundry room, then upon exiting the laundry, I make a turn for the basement door. Down the steps there is a secret room where a deep freeze stocked full of blood is kept. I grab three blood bags, sink my teeth into them, gulping greedily. Finished, I toss them in the waste basket next to the freezer.
Heading back to my room, I notice something odd: my door is open. I smell the air, and what I smell stuns me. I look at the wall, wishing to see through it to make sure I'm not losing my damn mind, and get overtaken by a sudden drive. My body moving on its own volition, I am silently climbing the stairs two at a time.
There she is, the girl who has haunted me the last three weeks. She stands in front of my bed, fingers trailing over my pillow. A tight pink strapless shirt flows down her body, stopping just above her ass cheeks. I can see the lining of her panties through the thin fabric over her round, fleshy mounds. All I can think about is the fact she's here in my room and the overwhelming desire to strip her bare naked, taking her in my bed.
I'm frozen where I stand, mouth gaping. What do I do? What do I say? It's her birthday, so maybe tell her happy birthday?
"What are you doing?" Comes out instead as the silence is shattered. Cassie spins around completely surprised. Her eyes widen at the sight of me. I listen to her heart accelerate. Anger wells within me. She's terrified of me... But I don't let that show in my expression. Cassie's bright blue eyes stare back at me, her lips slightly parted. She doesn't move just stands as still as a human can. Her heart beat is rapid and erratic. Say something...
She stumbles for a second then calmly says, "Kendra, uh, invited me over, but when I knocked no one answered." Yeah, I never heard a knock. "I tried the door and it was unlocked. I looked for everyone but no one is around, then Kendra left a note on her door saying I needed to talk to you." Now I'm the one to widens my eyes in surprise. Kendra left a note? Then it hits me; she planned this.
"So what did you need to talk about?" Cassie continued. She cut right down to business, didn't she?
We sit in silence for a moment then I decide to start. "About that day," I begin. A blush floods her cheeks. "Thanks for allowing me to—to drink from you... and I'm sorry about my venom doing that to you. I know how it feels to be forced to do something you didn't want to do. It won't happen again."
She just stares back at me. She looked so fragile; I just wanted to hold her, bury my face in her neck and breathe in her sweet aroma, sink my fangs in her and set her world on fire with pure ecstasy. But that's what got us in this mess in the first place, even though she offered as a means of making it up to me. I mean, I was turned into a vampire to protect her from the very thing that happened a few weeks ago.
Cassie takes a step forward then stops. She opens her mouth to speak, but hesitates.
"You're afraid—I get it, Cass. I'm a monster. I'd be afraid, too." I say.
"But I'm not afraid of you, Skylar..." she said gaze to the floor.

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She wasn't afraid of me?
"What?" Is all I can muster out. "Then why stay away? I've been driving myself mad with guilt for what happened."
Tears well in her eyes, but she blinks them back. I take a step toward her without thinking. Then another until I am face to face with her. Her breath catches and I realize I wasn't being very human with my actions.
Up close I can see the freckles on her cheeks, the heat of flush in her face. She opens her mouth to speak.
"I-I was afraid that you thought I was some kind of pervert, or something. I couldn't face you after giving in to the desire your venom filled me with, but I wasn't afraid of you... I'm afraid of what you must think and feel about me now." She was hiding something, but wasn't sure about voicing it.
"There's more to it than that, Cassie," I say. "Tell me."
She shakes her head, but then stops, debating. "I had already had those kinds of desires for you," she starts, her words stirring the beginning of my arousal. "The venom intensified those feelings and I gave into them. You were holding me close, and I relished in the sensations your touch unleashed... I wanted and still want to be with you, but I know I'm not the kind of girl you would be want to be with."
Carefully I give into some deep need within me and touch her, placing my hand against her cheek. She thinks I wouldn't want a girl like her? Boy was she wrong. All I want is her, only her.
Her eyes lift to mine, searching for something. I watch as her teeth scrape across her bottom lip, nervously. Anticipation building up within me, a growl emerges somewhere deep in my throat and next thing I know I am delicately pressing my lips to hers. At first it's sweet and slow, but escalates to fierce passion. An explosion of heat and desire wash over me. My cock grows harder, needy, in my pants. Breathing her name between kisses, sliding my hands all over her except in the places I want to touch.
Unexpectedly, Cassie wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me to her just as she had the last time we were in my room. I want her to touch me, feel her soft little fingers over my body. I unhook her hold and place her hands on my bare chest. She pulls away from our kissing and begins trailing kisses down my neck, over my collarbone, down my chest stopping there. A low guttural sound rumbles in my chest. I have to have her.
"Skylar," Cassie breathes my name. I don't let her continue. I reach my arms around, and cupping her ass in my hands, I lift her up wrapping her legs around me, and set her in my lap on the bed in the same exact position we'd been in last time. I bring her lips to mine; her short height brings her face level with mine. I kiss her deeply, but she's pushing back against me.
"Bite me." She breathes and I comply.
My fangs slink down in position. Before I bite I plant a soft kiss on her neck. then sink my teeth in her soft flesh. A moan rips through Cassie and I nearly lose myself in the taste of her. I feel my venom flood into her bloodstream, notice the change in Cassie. Her hips are rocking against me, pressing hard against my imprisoned erection. It's close to being too much for me to lose control. I flip her over and pull back.
"Cassie, I can't..." I can't even finish because next thing I know her hand is rubbing the bulge in my sweatpants, kissing and nibbling on my neck. I can't think straight, so I grab the pink material and pull it up over her head, then I slide her pants off. Lying before me is quite the sight: kinky material that is slightly transparent to the naked eye. The bra Cassie has on is pushing up her boobs making them look even perkier than usual. Between her thighs massive juices are flooding through, soaking her completely.
Reaching behind her I unclasp her bra, tossing it wherever across the room. I marvel at her pert breasts. Her nipples stand to attention in all their pink glory. I take the bud of her nipple in my mouth, sucking and kneading it between my teeth. Cassie moans in pure pleasure, knotting her fingers through my tousled blonde hair. With my other hand I give her other tit some attention, going back and forth with my mouth. She's all but losing her mind at this point, as am I.
Once Cassie seems to be calming down, I lean back on my knees and gaze at her. She looks back up at me face flushed, biting her lower lip. She's enjoying this too much. Could she be a virgin? I use both hands and pull her panties all the way off and see the most amazing pussy I'd ever seen. Cassie was indeed a virgin, but the aphrodisiac would take care of any pain. She'll be too relaxed to hurt because I didn't have an average sized dick. I wasn't hung like a horse; I was at least between 7 or 8 inches, and I had a decent amount of girth—neatly trimmed pubic hair.
I slip my pants off and throw them on the floor. Spreading Cassie's legs apart I place my tongue at her entrance. Her pussy gets wetter, loving the sensation of my tongue sliding in her sopping hole. Her juices flow consistently out like a great flood. I lap and suck at them. The idea strikes me and I pull up.
"Cassie get on top with your ass facing me." I order her. She doesn't object. For a virgin she wasn't the least bit shy. Again I give credit to my venom.
With Cassie's plush ass in my face, I waste no time. I lick up and down, stopping to suck on her clit. She moans happily. I feel her hands wrap around my shaft and begin to slowly jerk me off. When I feel her warm breath hit the tip then her wet tongue lick my opening, I can't help but moan. She takes my head in her mouth at first before trying to take my whole swollen member in her mouth, sucking vigorously. I take the opportunity to plunge a finger in her soaking virgin pussy. I pump my finger inside of her, juices flowing, moans growing louder and coming faster. She's about to cum because her walls clamp down around my finger.
Adding another finger, she takes it in easily, I pump faster, tongue lapping and sucking her juices up. Her head bobs upon my dick. I'm about to cum as well. I press her against me, holding her body in place, and intensify my motions. Her hips try bucking wildly, but I'm too strong. Cassie sucks harder on my dick. We're both at our limit.
My other hand goes to the back of her head and holds her in place. I want her to taste my seed. I cover her pussy with my mouth, plunging my tongue in at the exact moment she cums, cumming hard in my mouth. Her pussy juices flood my mouth, and I happily drink it down. The taste is sweet and somewhat bitter, satisfying. It causes me to reach my limit. My hips moved on their own accord, pumping my ready to blow dick in and out of her mouth while my hand keeps Cassie's mouth from getting away. She didn't even try to pull off. I could feel her throat, at times, constrict around me.
With one final thrust, I came, shooting strings of cum down her throat. Cassie gagged a little so I eased up. She pulled her mouth free. My sperm and her saliva dripped out of her mouth. The sight spurred me on, and the look in those blue eyes told me she wanted more.
In one movement, I flipped our position. Cassie lay beneath me. Our bodies pressed together as we kissed. Her tongue twirled slowly, passionately, with my tongue. It was a sweet and tender kiss, the kind that prolonged the moment. She was buying herself time. I could feel the nervousness emanating from her. I take one of her hands and placed it on my rod.
"This is gonna go inside of you," I spoke softly. She tentatively stroked along the shaft, though only moments ago she had been jerking me off wildly. "You're so beautiful."
I leaned into her neck and kissed her passionately, trying to get her to relax. The effects of my venom were wearing off, but still were in effect. I placed the tip at her slit, gliding it up and down. She let out a soft moan, gripping the bedsheets. Wrapping my arm underneath her, I bring my lips down on hers.
"If it hurts, tell me and I'll stop," I advise her. "I'll be gentle." With that said, I gaze deep into her eyes, losing myself in her beautiful gaze.
I push inside of her, slipping in with a little bit of effort. Cassie whimpers a little, her fingernails digging into my back.
"We're connected," she breathes, tears in her eyes. I'm not sure if she's crying because it hurts or if she's too emotional. Either way, I move slowly. Her hands move to either side of my face, pulling me down so she can kiss me deeply. I want to slam into her, but I promised I'd be gentle.
"Skylar," she moans my name when I push my dick far as I can before I hit a resisting wall. She isn't relaxed enough, I can feel it.
"Does it hurt?" I ask.
"A little," she winces as soon as I pushed further against the wall. I wasn't completely inside where it felt hot and tight. "Please, bite me again." She begged.
As my fangs extended down, Cassie watched as it happened, her blue eyes sparkling with amazement. Bringing her face up to mine, she licks my fangs. It took all the control I had not to pound away at her deflowered pussy. I moaned right as I plunged my fangs inside the holes I'd made earlier. Her blood flooded my mouth, dick throbbing with the sensation. As soon as I tasted the venom, I release her. She couldn't stop moaning after that.
I tested it and pushed further. No more resisting.
"Skylar," she cried. "More. I want more!" And I gave it to her. I pumped my hips, thrusting harder this time. Her hips moved in synchronization with mine, lifting and falling. Reaching and swallowing me whole within her depths.
Without pulling out, I turn us over so she's on top, straddling me. She gives me a questioning look, but I just wait. It only takes her a few seconds of need before she is gyrating her pussy hard against my shaft, riding me. She bounces up and down on my cock, pushing me further into pleasure. I watch her, fixated at the cute face she's making. She's in heaven riding my dick, loving it just as much as I am.
"Your pussy feels so fucking good, Cassie," I moan. Her motions become faster. Her walls quiver and tighten, she can't catch her breath. I feel her on the brink of cumming, again. "Cum for me, Cassie. Cum for me baby."
She's almost there, but she's slowing down, growing tired. I help her out by grabbing hold if her hips, rocking her.
"I'm gonna cum! Skylar, I'm gonna cum!" The moan rips deep from her. I deepen her moment, approaching a climax of my own.
"Hold onto me," I tell her. She complies. When I'm sure her hold on me is secure, I hook my arms underneath each of legs. Standing up, I grab at her ass and pull her out to where only the head of my dick is still inside of her. And with enough force, I run her tight sopping pussy through. She screams loudly in delight.
"I love you," she moans breathlessly. The confession drives me wild. I thrust harder and faster, dying to give her womb the taste of my hot seed. My legs are burning from exertion, but I can't stop, she feels too fucking good. "I love you so much Skylar. Uhn!"
Cassie's pussy clings to me, making me feel like I'm about to burst.
"Cassie," I look at her face. Her facial expression says she's in total bliss. "I'm gonna cum soon. Can I fill you with my cum?"
"C-cum in me. Fill me with your hot cum. Impregnate me with your sperm." Her words push me over the edge. With the last final thrusts, I'm about to release all of my sperm directly into her womb. "I love you, Skylar. I-I'm g-g-gonna c-c-cuuuum!"
"I love you, too, Cass. Now take it and have my baby." With one last slamming thrust, I flood her womb with spurt after spurt of sperm. Her walls clamp down tight as she orgasms. Her body is jerking, climbing higher and higher into heaven. I feel and hear fluids hitting the floor from her squirting orgasm. Her pussy is locked tight around my pulsating member.
We crash down on the bed. Cassie is sprawled out on top of me, climbing down from her rupture.
"I'm so full of you," she breathes heavily.
"I poured a lot inside you," I say. I knew I did; when I came, I let loose thick amounts, so yeah, she was going to get pregnant. "I'm serious. You are going to get pregnant. If I were still human, the chances wouldn't be as great as they are for vampires who mate with humans."
In her obstructed mind, she pondered that. Then she cuddled against my chest, taking a finger and traced a pattern on my peck. "I know," she said, a hint of a smile in her voice. "Kendra told me, and I don't mind having your baby." The smile she gave me when she peered up at me made me wish I could feel my heart accelerate. She was absolutely beautiful.
"I'm in love with you, Skylar." Cassie declares.
"I'm in love with you, too, Cassie. Now, c'mere and let me hold you." She gets up and snuggles up to my side. We lay there together, naked. The smell of our love in the air.
On the verge of passing out a thought pops into my head.
"Happy birthday, Cassie." I feel her smile against my chest. I pull the covers over us and we slip into a well earned slumber.
"What?" Is all I can muster out. "Then why stay away? I've been driving myself mad with guilt for what happened."
Tears well in her eyes, but she blinks them back. I take a step toward her without thinking. Then another until I am face to face with her. Her breath catches and I realize I wasn't being very human with my actions.
Up close I can see the freckles on her cheeks, the heat of flush in her face. She opens her mouth to speak.
"I-I was afraid that you thought I was some kind of pervert, or something. I couldn't face you after giving in to the desire your venom filled me with, but I wasn't afraid of you... I'm afraid of what you must think and feel about me now." She was hiding something, but wasn't sure about voicing it.
"There's more to it than that, Cassie," I say. "Tell me."
She shakes her head, but then stops, debating. "I had already had those kinds of desires for you," she starts, her words stirring the beginning of my arousal. "The venom intensified those feelings and I gave into them. You were holding me close, and I relished in the sensations your touch unleashed... I wanted and still want to be with you, but I know I'm not the kind of girl you would be want to be with."
Carefully I give into some deep need within me and touch her, placing my hand against her cheek. She thinks I wouldn't want a girl like her? Boy was she wrong. All I want is her, only her.
Her eyes lift to mine, searching for something. I watch as her teeth scrape across her bottom lip, nervously. Anticipation building up within me, a growl emerges somewhere deep in my throat and next thing I know I am delicately pressing my lips to hers. At first it's sweet and slow, but escalates to fierce passion. An explosion of heat and desire wash over me. My cock grows harder, needy, in my pants. Breathing her name between kisses, sliding my hands all over her except in the places I want to touch.
Unexpectedly, Cassie wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me to her just as she had the last time we were in my room. I want her to touch me, feel her soft little fingers over my body. I unhook her hold and place her hands on my bare chest. She pulls away from our kissing and begins trailing kisses down my neck, over my collarbone, down my chest stopping there. A low guttural sound rumbles in my chest. I have to have her.
"Skylar," Cassie breathes my name. I don't let her continue. I reach my arms around, and cupping her ass in my hands, I lift her up wrapping her legs around me, and set her in my lap on the bed in the same exact position we'd been in last time. I bring her lips to mine; her short height brings her face level with mine. I kiss her deeply, but she's pushing back against me.
"Bite me." She breathes and I comply.
My fangs slink down in position. Before I bite I plant a soft kiss on her neck. then sink my teeth in her soft flesh. A moan rips through Cassie and I nearly lose myself in the taste of her. I feel my venom flood into her bloodstream, notice the change in Cassie. Her hips are rocking against me, pressing hard against my imprisoned erection. It's close to being too much for me to lose control. I flip her over and pull back.
"Cassie, I can't..." I can't even finish because next thing I know her hand is rubbing the bulge in my sweatpants, kissing and nibbling on my neck. I can't think straight, so I grab the pink material and pull it up over her head, then I slide her pants off. Lying before me is quite the sight: kinky material that is slightly transparent to the naked eye. The bra Cassie has on is pushing up her boobs making them look even perkier than usual. Between her thighs massive juices are flooding through, soaking her completely.
Reaching behind her I unclasp her bra, tossing it wherever across the room. I marvel at her pert breasts. Her nipples stand to attention in all their pink glory. I take the bud of her nipple in my mouth, sucking and kneading it between my teeth. Cassie moans in pure pleasure, knotting her fingers through my tousled blonde hair. With my other hand I give her other tit some attention, going back and forth with my mouth. She's all but losing her mind at this point, as am I.
Once Cassie seems to be calming down, I lean back on my knees and gaze at her. She looks back up at me face flushed, biting her lower lip. She's enjoying this too much. Could she be a virgin? I use both hands and pull her panties all the way off and see the most amazing pussy I'd ever seen. Cassie was indeed a virgin, but the aphrodisiac would take care of any pain. She'll be too relaxed to hurt because I didn't have an average sized dick. I wasn't hung like a horse; I was at least between 7 or 8 inches, and I had a decent amount of girth—neatly trimmed pubic hair.
I slip my pants off and throw them on the floor. Spreading Cassie's legs apart I place my tongue at her entrance. Her pussy gets wetter, loving the sensation of my tongue sliding in her sopping hole. Her juices flow consistently out like a great flood. I lap and suck at them. The idea strikes me and I pull up.
"Cassie get on top with your ass facing me." I order her. She doesn't object. For a virgin she wasn't the least bit shy. Again I give credit to my venom.
With Cassie's plush ass in my face, I waste no time. I lick up and down, stopping to suck on her clit. She moans happily. I feel her hands wrap around my shaft and begin to slowly jerk me off. When I feel her warm breath hit the tip then her wet tongue lick my opening, I can't help but moan. She takes my head in her mouth at first before trying to take my whole swollen member in her mouth, sucking vigorously. I take the opportunity to plunge a finger in her soaking virgin pussy. I pump my finger inside of her, juices flowing, moans growing louder and coming faster. She's about to cum because her walls clamp down around my finger.
Adding another finger, she takes it in easily, I pump faster, tongue lapping and sucking her juices up. Her head bobs upon my dick. I'm about to cum as well. I press her against me, holding her body in place, and intensify my motions. Her hips try bucking wildly, but I'm too strong. Cassie sucks harder on my dick. We're both at our limit.
My other hand goes to the back of her head and holds her in place. I want her to taste my seed. I cover her pussy with my mouth, plunging my tongue in at the exact moment she cums, cumming hard in my mouth. Her pussy juices flood my mouth, and I happily drink it down. The taste is sweet and somewhat bitter, satisfying. It causes me to reach my limit. My hips moved on their own accord, pumping my ready to blow dick in and out of her mouth while my hand keeps Cassie's mouth from getting away. She didn't even try to pull off. I could feel her throat, at times, constrict around me.
With one final thrust, I came, shooting strings of cum down her throat. Cassie gagged a little so I eased up. She pulled her mouth free. My sperm and her saliva dripped out of her mouth. The sight spurred me on, and the look in those blue eyes told me she wanted more.
In one movement, I flipped our position. Cassie lay beneath me. Our bodies pressed together as we kissed. Her tongue twirled slowly, passionately, with my tongue. It was a sweet and tender kiss, the kind that prolonged the moment. She was buying herself time. I could feel the nervousness emanating from her. I take one of her hands and placed it on my rod.
"This is gonna go inside of you," I spoke softly. She tentatively stroked along the shaft, though only moments ago she had been jerking me off wildly. "You're so beautiful."
I leaned into her neck and kissed her passionately, trying to get her to relax. The effects of my venom were wearing off, but still were in effect. I placed the tip at her slit, gliding it up and down. She let out a soft moan, gripping the bedsheets. Wrapping my arm underneath her, I bring my lips down on hers.
"If it hurts, tell me and I'll stop," I advise her. "I'll be gentle." With that said, I gaze deep into her eyes, losing myself in her beautiful gaze.
I push inside of her, slipping in with a little bit of effort. Cassie whimpers a little, her fingernails digging into my back.
"We're connected," she breathes, tears in her eyes. I'm not sure if she's crying because it hurts or if she's too emotional. Either way, I move slowly. Her hands move to either side of my face, pulling me down so she can kiss me deeply. I want to slam into her, but I promised I'd be gentle.
"Skylar," she moans my name when I push my dick far as I can before I hit a resisting wall. She isn't relaxed enough, I can feel it.
"Does it hurt?" I ask.
"A little," she winces as soon as I pushed further against the wall. I wasn't completely inside where it felt hot and tight. "Please, bite me again." She begged.
As my fangs extended down, Cassie watched as it happened, her blue eyes sparkling with amazement. Bringing her face up to mine, she licks my fangs. It took all the control I had not to pound away at her deflowered pussy. I moaned right as I plunged my fangs inside the holes I'd made earlier. Her blood flooded my mouth, dick throbbing with the sensation. As soon as I tasted the venom, I release her. She couldn't stop moaning after that.
I tested it and pushed further. No more resisting.
"Skylar," she cried. "More. I want more!" And I gave it to her. I pumped my hips, thrusting harder this time. Her hips moved in synchronization with mine, lifting and falling. Reaching and swallowing me whole within her depths.
Without pulling out, I turn us over so she's on top, straddling me. She gives me a questioning look, but I just wait. It only takes her a few seconds of need before she is gyrating her pussy hard against my shaft, riding me. She bounces up and down on my cock, pushing me further into pleasure. I watch her, fixated at the cute face she's making. She's in heaven riding my dick, loving it just as much as I am.
"Your pussy feels so fucking good, Cassie," I moan. Her motions become faster. Her walls quiver and tighten, she can't catch her breath. I feel her on the brink of cumming, again. "Cum for me, Cassie. Cum for me baby."
She's almost there, but she's slowing down, growing tired. I help her out by grabbing hold if her hips, rocking her.
"I'm gonna cum! Skylar, I'm gonna cum!" The moan rips deep from her. I deepen her moment, approaching a climax of my own.
"Hold onto me," I tell her. She complies. When I'm sure her hold on me is secure, I hook my arms underneath each of legs. Standing up, I grab at her ass and pull her out to where only the head of my dick is still inside of her. And with enough force, I run her tight sopping pussy through. She screams loudly in delight.
"I love you," she moans breathlessly. The confession drives me wild. I thrust harder and faster, dying to give her womb the taste of my hot seed. My legs are burning from exertion, but I can't stop, she feels too fucking good. "I love you so much Skylar. Uhn!"
Cassie's pussy clings to me, making me feel like I'm about to burst.
"Cassie," I look at her face. Her facial expression says she's in total bliss. "I'm gonna cum soon. Can I fill you with my cum?"
"C-cum in me. Fill me with your hot cum. Impregnate me with your sperm." Her words push me over the edge. With the last final thrusts, I'm about to release all of my sperm directly into her womb. "I love you, Skylar. I-I'm g-g-gonna c-c-cuuuum!"
"I love you, too, Cass. Now take it and have my baby." With one last slamming thrust, I flood her womb with spurt after spurt of sperm. Her walls clamp down tight as she orgasms. Her body is jerking, climbing higher and higher into heaven. I feel and hear fluids hitting the floor from her squirting orgasm. Her pussy is locked tight around my pulsating member.
We crash down on the bed. Cassie is sprawled out on top of me, climbing down from her rupture.
"I'm so full of you," she breathes heavily.
"I poured a lot inside you," I say. I knew I did; when I came, I let loose thick amounts, so yeah, she was going to get pregnant. "I'm serious. You are going to get pregnant. If I were still human, the chances wouldn't be as great as they are for vampires who mate with humans."
In her obstructed mind, she pondered that. Then she cuddled against my chest, taking a finger and traced a pattern on my peck. "I know," she said, a hint of a smile in her voice. "Kendra told me, and I don't mind having your baby." The smile she gave me when she peered up at me made me wish I could feel my heart accelerate. She was absolutely beautiful.
"I'm in love with you, Skylar." Cassie declares.
"I'm in love with you, too, Cassie. Now, c'mere and let me hold you." She gets up and snuggles up to my side. We lay there together, naked. The smell of our love in the air.
On the verge of passing out a thought pops into my head.
"Happy birthday, Cassie." I feel her smile against my chest. I pull the covers over us and we slip into a well earned slumber.