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Bus Crash

"Dakota's homecoming isn't what she expected."

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Competition Entry: Gothic Erotic Stories

Dakota Hastings boarded the bus and sat near the back. She hated riding the bus, but it was the only form of long-distance transportation she could afford to get back her parents’ house. She knew she would be given the I told you so lecture from her parents, but it didn’t matter. They said she could come back and that was all that cared about her now.

Dakota called her parents with a heavy heart and told them the whole story. They told her she was welcome home anytime, but they weren’t able to send her any money. They claimed it was due to her father’s bad heart, but the truth was, they didn’t fully believe her. They feared she’d use the money for drugs. Dakota sold everything she could and was able to buy a one-way ticket back home.

Now, she was alone on the bus, sitting near the back, and ashamed of her foolish mistakes and bad judgment. She watched other people board, mostly college students, young couples, and one family. The bus wasn’t full, but there was a decent number of people. She looked out the window as it pulled out. There were dark clouds forming in the sky. A storm was lurking and they were headed right for it.

The bus made its first stop at a tourist trap with fast food joints and shops. Dakota spent all her money on the ticket and had no money for food, though her stomach was growling. She used the bathroom, as the one on the bus smelled funny and she didn’t like the lack of privacy. She washed herself as best as she could, getting the dirt off her face, and trying to tame her frizzy, blonde hair. A few of the passengers who were on the bus met friends and she knew they weren’t going to continue the journey with her.

Dakota smiled at a couple of girls who were eating hamburgers. Their food looked good, and she was hungry. “Take a picture, it lasts longer,” snapped one of the girls.

Dakota walked away embarrassed. She was ashamed of herself for even having the thought of begging for a bite of food, but it had been days since she had last eaten. She spotted a family as they threw away their trash. Neither of the children had finished their burgers and the mom had just tossed them into a bag before putting it in the trash. Dakota thought about grabbing the bag when the custodian came by and collected the trash. He looked up at her and scowled. She dashed into the bathroom and cried with shame over her actions.

She washed up and after drinking some water at a fountain, she boarded the bus. She was the last to board and was sure everyone knew that she almost ate some food out that was in the trash can. She quickly took her seat and wished the bus would hurry up and get her to her parents’ house. The bus lurched forward and was off. Dakota stared out the window, watching the highway pass, and the rain hit the windows. The sun was blocked out, the sky was dark, and it seemed to echo the emptiness within her. How could she let her life get like this? Why didn’t she just listen to her parents? She shut her eyes, and tried to forget the pain in her stomach.

The sky was black when Dakota woke up. She had drifted off into a deep sleep and missed the last rest stop. She really didn’t mind as it meant she’d arrive that much sooner. The storm raged outside. The wind shook the bus, lightning would shoot across the sky, and thunder echoed within the bus.

Then came the sound of the horn. It was quickly followed by a strange squealing sound as the bus turned sideways. The passengers started to scream. The sound of metal bending and glass breaking filled Dakota’s ears. The bus tilted over onto its side and slid several hundred feet before stopping. Dakota was bruised and had a gash on her left arm, but was otherwise unharmed. She slowly stood up on the window and looked around. Other passengers were standing as well. Some were more injured than others, but no one was seriously hurt.

The driver came to the back and opened the emergency exit door asking if everyone was all right. Once out of the bus the passengers saw the jackknifed truck and two other cars involved in the accident. The rain thundered down and people began to check on the wounded.

“Does someone have a cell phone?” someone asked.

“No signal. It must be the storm,” said someone else.

“What about the CB in the rig?” said a third voice.

“Busted in the crash,” said the driver, blood trickling down his face.

“Your hurt,” said Dakota.

“It’s nothing hon,” he said. “What about the bus?”

“Same problem,” said the bus driver. “When the bus tipped over, I knocked it out when I fell.”

Everyone grumbled when yet another car came flying into the scene. It barely missed the crash but didn’t stop. “Asshole!” someone yelled.

Everyone was getting soaked. Finally, a few of the men said they would hike up the road to find help. The women and children re-boarded the bus. Dakota sat near the door and shivered. She had no dry clothes, no family or friends, and could feel the wind blowing through the broken glass. She wondered if her life could get any worse.

The sound of a horn preempted the sound of more metal bending, glass breaking, and screams. A pickup truck driving too fast hit the back end of the bus and Dakota was thrown from the bus. She flew several feet in the air, then rolled down the hillside and stopped in a large mud puddle. Luckily she landed on her back. Sitting up slowly, she discovered that she now had new bruises, new cuts, her left arm was possibly broken, and she was a muddy mess.

“Fuck!” she cursed.

It took her a moment for her to figure out she was thrown out of the bus and tossed down the hillside. She tried to climb back up, but her left arm wasn’t working and the rain and mud made it nearly impossible. Alone, cold, wet, and scared, Dakota decided to try to find her own way back to the highway.

She wandered along the hillside until a mudslide blocked her path. She tried to walk around it but ended up getting herself lost. Occasionally she’d call out, but the storm blocked out her voice. Refusing to give up, she kept moving forward, turning when necessary. The pathway was difficult and she tripped often. Her arm hurt, her body ached, and she was exhausted.

Dakota was just about to give up when she saw a light. At first, she thought it was a car and thus the highway. She walked as quickly as she could toward it, stumbling several times. She quickly realized it wasn’t a car, it was a house. A house meant a phone and help. A house meant a chance for food and heat. That house was her chance for survival.

As she drew closer, she saw the house was older, large, and a bit scary looking. Dakota figured it was because of the storm, and kept moving closer to it. She knocked on the door but no one answered. In a moment of desperation, she tried the knob and found it unlocked.

“I’m just going to use their phone,” she said to herself. “I won’t take anything. I won’t touch anything.”

She stepped inside. The living room was warm and well-lit with several candles. There was a fire burning in the fireplace, a small sofa, and a telephone sitting on a table. The artwork on the walls was tasteful, Dakota ran up to the phone and picked it up, only to hear nothing. She sat it back down and decided to sit by the fire to get warm and dry. She sat on the marble step by the hearth, reached out, and felt the heat warm her skin. The pain in her left arm radiated throughout her body.

“Well now, look what the storm brought in,” said a voice behind Dakota.

Dakota jumped up. Her clothes and hair still soaked from the storm. She saw a man with straight black hair, dark eyes, pale face, wearing a black suit and holding a small candelabra with three lit candles. Her first impression was he was a vampire, but she knew that was silly.

“I’m sorry,” she said quickly. “I only came in so I could use your phone and call for help.”

“Then I am the one who should be sorry. Our phone went out shortly after we lost power when the storm started. And you’re hurt. Let me help you.”

The man stepped closer, almost gliding as he walked. “No!” exclaimed Dakota. “I’m fine, really.”

“You’re bleeding,” he said as he touched her arm. “And you’re soaked. You must freezing. And when was the last time you ate? I may not have a working phone, but I can feed you, bandage your wounds, and clean you up. Come. I’ll run you a hot bath. I don’t think I have any clothes for a woman, but maybe I have something you can wear for now.”

His gentle manner helped ease Dakota’s fears “I’m fine, really,” she said.

He smiled. “I’m Louis. Come, I promise I won’t harm you in any way. What is your name?”


Louis looked over Dakota’s small frame. He’d always liked petite girls and he knew she was curvy based on the way her clothes clung to her small frame. But she was so covered in mud and muck that he couldn’t make out much more. “Let’s get that bath run. I’ll wash your clothes for you and then we’ll eat. I swear I won’t harm you.”

Dakota hadn’t known many good people and was still suspicious of this man. But the idea of a hot bath and a meal was more than she could pass up, especially after her almost trash diving meal. Louis led her upstairs and down a candle-lit hallway to a small bedroom.

He lit two candles in the room then said, “You can sleep here. If the storm has passed by morning, I can take you to town. What happened to you anyway?”

“Bus accident,” she said, “and what’s with all the candles?”

“Power failure. Makes the house more romantic. Now, about your accident.”

“Oh, right. Well first, the bus hit a big-rig, then a truck hit us. I got thrown out of the bus and landed at the bottom of a hill. I was trying to find my way back to the highway, but found your house instead.”

“Oh, this isn’t my house. It’s my master’s home.”

“Your… master’s?”

Louis sighed. “He’s not a bad man. I’m not a slave. I’m a submissive. Master has taken care of me for years.”

“Where is he?”

“I’m not sure. I thought he brought you until I realized you were injured. Master would be very angry with me if I didn’t take care of you. He trained me better than that.”

Louis crossed the hallway to the bathroom and started the water for the tub. Dakota stepped out and realized her muddy footprints were all over the floor.

“Oh no! Look at the mess I’ve made!”

Louis looked at the floor. “It’s fine. I will clean it while you bathe. Master might be upset at first, but once he learns of your accident and injuries, he will understand. Leaving you in this condition will result in my punishment. Caring for you will grant me his forgiveness for the mess.”

“Are you sure? I can help.”

“Nonsense. I will get bandages for your injuries and find you something clean and dry you can wear. Now, I need your dirty clothes.”

Dakota bit her lip. “Look, you seem nice and all, but I’m not comfortable getting naked in front of you.”

“That’s fine. Set your dirty clothes outside of the bathroom door and I’ll collect them. I’ll be right back. I’ll even leave you my candelabra.”

Louis set the candelabra on the counter and walked away as Dakota stepped into the bathroom. She tested the water with her hand, feeling its warmth. She took off her shoes, socks, and jacket first. It was now she saw her reflection. There was so much mud, muck and filth on her she almost didn’t recognize herself. She also saw the cut on her forehead she didn’t know was there. A soft knock came from the door.

“I found something for you to wear, Dakota,” called out Louis.

Dakota opened the door. Louis handed her a long, cotton gown. “A nightgown?”

“It’s all I could find. Now, take a bath. Push this button when you are done and I will bandage your arm, head and anywhere else you are hurt.” Louis pointed to a black button near the light switch. “Then we will eat. I had made stew for Master and me. He was to bring a lady for us to share tonight so I made extra.”

“What do you mean by ‘a lady for us to share tonight’?”

Louis sighed. “Master wanted a threesome with a woman. He only takes someone who wants to fuck us both willingly.”


“Don’t worry Dakota. Master won’t harm you either. He’s not that way. Now, out of those clothes. Set them outside the door and I’ll collect them. Bathe. Relax. You’re safe.”


Louis stepped out and cleaned the carpet while he waited for her clothes. Soon he heard the door open and saw the dirty arm set out the clothes. He listened to her step into the hot water and squeal, then moan. Louis smiled as he gathered her clothes up and quickly carried them downstairs to the washer where he tossed them into the machine, only to remember the power failure. He moved them to the sink, then cleaned her shoes, shocked at how worn out they were. She didn’t strike him as a homeless girl, yet her shoes and worn clothes said otherwise.

Louis cleaned the carpets quickly, added another log to the fire, and waited for the buzzer. Then he heard, “Louis!”

Master was back and he wasn’t at the door to greet him. Louis quickly ran to the living room and found Master and a leggy brunette standing in the living room, damp, but not soaked. Master was tall, with long black hair and blue eyes. His pale completion mirrored Louis’s, and his black suit accented his features.

“Forgive me, Master,” said Louis, his head hanging down.

“Where were you, Louis?”

Before Louis could answer, the buzzer sounded. “I can explain.”

“Is there someone here?” growled Master.

“Please, Master. Don’t be angry. She had been in an accident.”

Master paused. “Wait. What accident?”

“She said it was a bus crash.”

“Is she hurt?”

“Yes. I saw a cut on her arm and on her head. I had her bathe so I could dress her wounds. She was a muddy mess. I loaned her the cotton nightgown. Her clothes are in the sink because the power is out.”

Master stepped up to Louis and put his hand gently on his shoulder. “You did well. I just wish you could have warned me sooner.”

“The phone is dead. It’s why she came here, to call for help.”

“Help found the bus crash already. Seven people died. Six women and one child. I wonder if our guest is one of the presumed dead?”

The buzzer rang again. “That’s her. I told her to buzz when she was finished.”

“Go to her Louis. We will meet her upon your return.”

“Yes, sir.”

Louis ran upstairs and knocked on the bathroom door. Dakota opened it. Her blonde hair, now clean and wet, hung loosely around her face. She wore a towel around her body because there were bruises, cuts and scratches all over her back, legs, and arms. Louis found her attractive with big blue eyes, pale skin, and curvy figure. He also noticed how her left arm hung by her side.

“I guess I was more injured than I realized,” she said blushing.

“Sit on the toilet. I’ve got antiseptic wipes and bandages.”

Dakota sat down. Louis started with her arm where the deepest cut was. He knew he would need more help when he realized it was so deep so he put a quick bandage on it, and cleaned the rest of her wounds. Dakota hissed and squirmed slightly as Louis cleaned her wounds. Other than the one on her head, most of her wounds were minor.

“Master is home. He’ll need to see your arm as it’s more injured than what I can do for treatment.”

“Are you in trouble?”

“No. He knows about your accident. He said seven people have died.”

Dakota knew there were about seven or eight women were on the bus, including herself, and two kids. “Were any of the victims children?”


“Oh god!”

“Come. Master will want to see your arm.”

“Shouldn’t I dress first?”

“Oh, right. Sorry Dakota. Dress quickly. Please. Master must see your arm soon.”

“I can’t,” said Dakota looking up at Louis. “I can barely move my arm.”

Louis grabbed the gown, slid it over her injured arm first, then put the gown over her head and dropped it over her body. “Now drop the towel.”

The towel pooled around Dakota’s feet. Louis picked it up and hung it back on the bar. He grabbed the second candelabra and led her from the bathroom and downstairs. Master and his guest were sitting on the sofa when Louis called out, “Master… her arm… I can’t fix it.”

“Excuse me pet, Louis sometimes blows things out of proportion.”

“Of course,” she said.

Master rose and walked to Dakota. He saw the growing red stain from the bandage under her arm that hung by her side. “Get my bag Louis,” he said. Then he looked at Dakota. “You, follow me.”

Master led Dakota into the kitchen. The smell of Louis’s stew filled the air and caused Dakota’s stomach to growl. Louis came running in carrying a large, black doctor’s bag.

“Here it is Master.”

“What the hell is that?” cried Dakota. “And who the hell are you?”

Louis looked up and said, “He is Master.”

“Enough Louis. She’s scared. Time for us to be ourselves.”

“Yes, Doctor.”

“Doctor?” questioned Dakota.

“Yes. I’m a doctor. I got my degree thanks to the army, then left to go into private practice. My name is Lincoln Massimo. Doctor Lincoln Massimo. I can have Louis get you my license if you wish.”

“You’re a real doctor?” asked Dakota.

“I am. Now, maybe you can tell me your name?” Lincoln asked as he unwrapped her arm.

“Dakota Hastings.”

He examined the gash on her arm. “Louis said you were in the bus crash.”


“Why were you on the bus?”

Dakota sighed. “I was going to my parents’ house.”

Lincoln examined her arm, then said, “I’m going to have to stitch this up and then we’ll put it in a sling just in case. I don’t think it’s broken but without an x-ray, I can’t be certain. Now, I need you to lie down.”

“What?” exclaimed Dakota.

“I can’t do it with you sitting up. Louis, clear the table. Now!”

Louis quickly removed the dishes from the small table, then placed a clean tablecloth over it. “It’s ready doctor.”

“I need you to lie down Dakota.”

The woman from the living room stepped in and said, “Is everything all… Oh my god! What happened to her?”

“I need you to distract our patient here while Louis and I fix her arm,” Lincoln said. His voice had a clear authority tone to it

“Lie down Dakota,” said Louis softly. “Dr. Massimo is really very good. He will help you.”

As Dakota climbed onto the table, the woman stepped around and said, “It will be okay dear. We’re here to help you.”

“Who are you?” Dakota asked.

“I’m Harper. Now do as Dr. Massimo has asked, hon.”

Louis and Harper helped Dakota get into the position, then Harper sat in front of Dakota’s face, held her head, and kissed her cheek. “Are you scared?”

“Yes,” said Dakota.

Dr. Massimo put his hand on her head, then said, “I’m going to give you a local anesthetic, then stitch your arm and set it. You’re going to feel a pinch when the needle goes in. You’ve got to lie still. Understand?”

“Yeah,” said Dakota.

Dr. Massimo stepped away and walked to the sink. “Louis, get my suture kit ready. You know the drill.”

“Yes, Doctor.”

Louis’s tone wasn’t the mousy one he had earlier. Dakota could hear water running and other strange sounds, including her stomach growl.

“You hungry dear?” asked Harper.

“Yeah, a little,” said Dakota.”

Harper stroked her hair. “It will be fine. I’ve known Dr. Massimo and Louis for years. Once he’s done, I’m sure you’ll be able to eat.”

“Dakota,” said Lincoln. “I need you to relax.”

“I’m trying,” she said.

“Look at me dear,” said Harper. “Tell me what happened. Why were you on the bus?”

“I left home and went to Los Angeles with my boyfriend. Turned out he was a drug dealer. I got arrested when the cops raided our home. I had to sell everything I owned to buy a bus ticket to get back to my parents.”

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“Why didn’t your parents send you the money?” asked Harper.

Dakota felt the pinch in her arm. “Ouch!”


“Sorry,” said Lincoln. “I should have warned you.”

“It’s fine,” said Dakota. “Oh, my parents? Well, I guess they were afraid I was lying… again.”

“Ah,” sighed Harper. “Do you do drugs?”

“No!” exclaimed Dakota. “I swear I had no idea what Desmond was doing. That’s the truth.”

“What did you lie to your parents about?”

“My dating Desmond, sneaking out, other stuff like that.”

“Dakota,” interrupted Louis, “Dr. Massimo is ready to start. You might feel some pressure and tugging. It’s all normal.”

“Okay,” said Dakota.

“How old are you Dakota?” asked Harper.


“You’re just a kid!” exclaimed Harper. “Hell child, we’ve all made our share of mistakes.”

Dakota felt the pressure and tugging on her arm. “What’s happening?”

“Dr. Massimo is stitching your arm,” said Louis.

“So you bought the bus ticket, then what?” asked Harper, keeping Dakota’s focus on her.

“The bus wasn’t that full, but I still sat near the back away from everyone. We stopped and I used the bathroom. I almost stole some food from the trash can.”

“Why?” asked Harper.

“I was starving and had no money. The kids hardly ate their food.” Tears rolled down Dakota’s face.

“When was the last time you ate?”

“I don’t know. Maybe Monday or Tuesday.”

Harper looked up at Louis and mouthed, “Five days?”

“Maybe six,” mouthed Louis.

“Done,” said Lincoln. “Louis, bandage her arm and get her off the table. Then we’ll put it in a sling.”

“Yes, Doctor.”

Louis wrapped her arm, then he and Harper helped her off the table. Lincoln handed her a sling and said, “Put this on. You need to rest that arm. I would like to x-ray it, however, that will have to wait until tomorrow assuming the storm has passed. Plus, that swelling has to go down first.”

“Thank you.”

Lincoln looked at Louis. “Our guests are probably starving Louis.”

“Yes, Master.”

Lincoln handed Dakota three pills. “Take these.”

“What are they?”

“Two are antibiotics. The last thing you need is an infection in that arm. One is a pain killer. But wait until you eat something or you’ll just throw them up.”

Harper sat next to Dakota as Lincoln put his bag away and Louis served everyone bowls of hot stew. Then he set a loaf of bread on the table and some butter.

“Eat up Dakota,” Louis said, “Master will be displeased if you aren’t eating.”

Lincoln walked into the kitchen. “Is the food not to your liking Dakota?”

“No. It’s fine.”

“Then what?” asked Lincoln. His Master tone was back.

“Why are you doing this? Why are you helping me?”

Lincoln sat next to Dakota, reached over took her uninjured hand in his, and said, “I may a Dom and a doctor, but I’m not a bastard. Louis is my sub and my nurse. We have been lovers for years. But, I miss the company of women, which is why Harper is here. We are not animals. We are humans. Harper is an old friend. None of us will harm you. As to why we are helping you? Simple. You were hurt and needed our help. Now, eat my dear. You need to take your meds.”

Dakota smiled as Lincoln released her hand. She grabbed a spoon and ate a bit of the stew. It was better than she expected. Louis took a slice of bread, spread some butter on it, and handed it to her. Dakota took the bread, dipped it in the stew and ate it. Harper, Lincoln, and Louis both ate and watched Dakota wolf down her food. Her bowl was empty before anyone else was a third of the way through.

“Would you like some more?” ask Lincoln.

Dakota looked around and realized she’d emptied her bowl before everyone else. “Um… I don’t want to be greedy.”

“Nonsense!” exclaimed Lincoln. “Louis always makes more than he should. He loves leftovers.”

“They do make for good lunches,” Louis said smiling.

“It was really good,” said Dakota.

“Louis, our guest requires more stew.”

Louis took Dakota’s bowl and quickly refilled it, then handed her another slice of buttered bread. As before, Dakota ate the stew and bread hurried, finishing her second bowl before anyone had finished their first.

“Looks like she’s got her appetite back,” said Harper, smiling.

“More?” asked Lincoln.

“Please?” said Dakota.

Louis didn’t need to be told, he snatched Dakota’s bowl and returned it filled. He handed her a third slice of bread, then asked, “Would you care for something to drink?”

“Please,” said Dakota.

“Give our guest some juice for now,” said Lincoln. “She will need it for her medication and I don’t want alcohol to affect her injuries.”

“Yes, Master,” said Louis.

Louis poured a glass of wine for Lincoln and Harper, and a glass of juice for Dakota and himself. Half way through her third bowl, Dakota took her medication and began to slow down. Lincoln and Louis had a second bowl, but Harper stopped at her first. Dakota had a fourth bowl that was only half full and bread, then stopped. It was clear she was finally full.

“Feeling better now hon?” asked Harper.

“Yeah,” said Dakota, then yawned.

Lincoln smiled. “I think it’s time Louis takes you to our guest room and put you to bed. In the morning, I’ll have you call your parents and let them know you’re still alive. If the phones are down, I’ll take you to the local police station instead. That is after I take you to my clinic to x-ray that arm. Of course, you won’t be leaving without a good meal in you.”

“I don’t know how to thank you,” said Dakota, yawning again.

“Your healing is thanks enough for me,” Lincoln said.

“Sleep well child,” said Harper, kissing Dakota on the cheek.

It was now that Dakota took a good look at her host and his friend. They were a handsome couple, well dressed, and yet, they were so nice. They all stood and it was clear, Dakota was the shortest of the group. Louis put his arm around Dakota and escorted her from the kitchen and upstairs.

“If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call me,” said Louis.

“How are my clothes doing?”

“I’ll check on it after you’re in bed. For now, you need to rest like Master says.”

The entered the room together. Louis put Dakota into the bed and tucked her in. He blew out the candles and began to leave when Dakota cried out, “Don’t!”

Louis stopped in the doorway. “Don’t what?”

“Don’t leave me,” whined Dakota. “Stay until I’m asleep. Please. I’m scared.”

Louis turned around and sat on the edge of Dakota’s bed. “There’s nothing to be scared of.”

A clap of thunder shook the house causing Dakota to jump and cry out. “Please!”

Louis stroked her slightly damp hair and said, “I’ll stay until you’re asleep. I promise you’re safe here.”

“Will you lie down with me please?”

Louis sighed, then kicked off his shoes and snuggled into Dakota. He held Dakota close and stroked her hair until she drifted off to sleep. He felt her firm breast press against his chest as she drifted off to sleep, creating a longing to feel, touch, and suck on them. Once he was sure she was unconscious, he slipped out of the bed, grabbed his shoes, and stepped out of her room.

“Get lost?” asked Lincoln, standing across the hallway.

Louis jumped, then said, “She was scared and asked me to stay.”

“Well then, I’m very proud of you Louis. Now, come downstairs and let’s visit with our other guest.”


Dakota was sitting on the bus, headed back home. Her arm was in the sling Lincoln had given her, and she ate the sandwich Louis made. She glanced out the window and saw the trees flying by them. She crinkled her brow. Weren’t they going a little fast? She looked up and realized she was alone on the bus. Where was the driver? She stood up, walked toward the front of the bus when it slammed into a wall and Dakota flew forward.

Dakota sat up screaming. The room was dark and she was alone. Her arm ached, but otherwise she was fine. She crawled out of bed, padded out of the room and downstairs. The living room was dimly lit by the fire still burning in the fireplace and a few lit candles. She wandered over, feeling the heat all over her body.

“Trouble sleeping?”

Dakota turned to see Lincoln sitting alone on the couch wearing a deep red, silk robe. “Yeah. Something like that.”

“Sit down child. Let’s talk.”

Slowly, Dakota walked over and sat on the far side of the couch, away from Lincoln. Outside, she could hear the rain still pour.

“I promise, I won’t bite. Unless you want me to.”

Dakota giggled. She remembered how she thought Louis was a vampire and perhaps Lincoln was one as well. “I don’t know how to thank you.”

“For what? Stitching your arm? Feeding you? Giving you a warm bed to sleep in for the night?”

“Yeah, and the bath.”

“You look like you have a million questions running through your mind.”

“I do.”

“Feel free to ask anything you want.”

“Were you really in the army?”

“Yes. It was a special program where they paid for my schooling and I gave them ten years. I did a few tours in the sandbox, um… I mean Iraq and Afghanistan. Then, I decided I wanted to come home and take care of the people of my community. I opened my clinic and moved into this house. The rest, as they say, is history.”

“Are you gay?”

“No. I’m bisexual. Louis is my lover, my partner, and my friend. We enjoy an open relationship. He is allowed to bring a woman into our bed, but he rarely does. He lacks the confidence.”

“How long have you two been… a couple?”

“Shortly after my return home. He was a patient. We got to talking, one thing led to another and we became a couple.”

“How long have you been a Dom?”

“Years. Louis is the perfect sub. That is, once he was properly trained. I sent him to nursing school and gave him a job. He went from a scared kid to an amazing man. One thing I did teach Louis is we never turn away anyone who’s injured or hurt. That’s why he tended to you so quickly. He saw your injuries and knew what he must do.”

“He did say you’d punish him if he didn’t help me.”

“He was right. I would have.”


“Excuse me?”

“How would you have punished Louis?”

Lincoln smiled. “I might spank him. Flog him. Deny him an orgasm. Make him watch me fuck other women. Women he would want to fuck. Really, it just would have depended on my mood and other factors.”

Dakota swallowed hard. “That seems harsh.”

“Not really. Louis knows what I am like and what can and will happen if he chooses to disobey me.”

“I was afraid you’d punish him for my mess.”

“You mean the mud in my carpets?


“I was upset at first until he told me about you. When I saw your arm, I knew Louis had done everything he could have. Speaking of which, may I check your arm and head?”

“Um… sure.”

Lincoln checked her head first and smiled. “This one isn’t that bad. Louis did an excellent job.” He unwrapped her arm and frowned. “Damn. I think you’ve got an infection.”

“What? How?”

“It’s red and I can feel heat. Let me check your temperature. I may want to give you a shot of antibiotics.”

“Do you think it will help?”

“Yes, I do. Stay here.”

Lincoln stood up and left the room. He returned with his black bag a moment later. He pulled out a syringe and a vial and set it on the coffee table. Then he took a small device and put it in her ear. “Fuck,” he hissed.


“You have a fever. I don’t mean to sound like a perv, even though I am, but I need to check you over.”

“Which means?”

“Take off your gown.”

“NO!” snapped Dakota.

“Look, I’m not trying to be a jerk or a perv, you’ve got a fever and I need to see if you’ve got other injuries that are infected.”

Dakota sighed, then stood up and removed her gown. Since her bra and panties were still with her clothes, she was naked underneath. Lincoln smiled as he examined her firm, young body. He fought the urge to suck her perky, little nipples as he made sure there were no other sites of infection.

“Looks like Louis did a good job patching you up overall. Okay, get dressed.”

Dakota fumbled with her gown, then gave up, threw it on the floor, and sat back down. “See anything you liked?”

“A lot actually. I wish we were at my clinic, then I could do this with an IV. But this will have to do for now.”

Lincoln filled the syringe with the clear liquid, the grabbed her arm and injected the fluid into her body. As he removed the needle from her arm, she asked, “Any quick remedies for a fever?”

“Well, my grandfather swore by the practice of sweating. Now, I don’t need you further injuring that arm, but sex does cause one to sweat.”

“So you want to fuck me?”

“Let’s start with a nice blowjob first.”

Dakota looked at him and blinked a few times. “But my arm.”

“You lie back on the sofa and I’ll do the rest.”


Louis came running down the stairs, naked and clearly in a panic.

“Master! Master! She’s gone! She’s… oh. She’s here.”

“Louis, just in time,” said Lincoln, “Dakota has a fever. It seems her arm is quite infected.”

“What?” asked Louis, panic filled his face.

“To be honest Louis, I’m quite disappointed.”

“Oh?” squeaked Louis.

“I should have checked it more closely before stitching her up. But that is on me. You, however, did an amazing job. Not a single one of her cuts shows any sign of infection, including her head injury.”

“Excuse me?” asked Louis, sounding clearly confused.

Lincoln smiled. “You did an amazing job of patching this poor thing up.”

“Hey!” snapped Dakota.

“I don’t mean it like that dear. I just mean that I’m proud of Louis for doing a wonderful job. Considering the extent of your injuries, he had his work cut out for him.”

“Really?” asked Louis.

“Really. Now, to aid in her recovery, I was going to make her sweat,” explained Lincoln.

“You were?” asked Louis.

“Would you like to help?” asked Lincoln.

“Help, Master?”

“Yes, Louis, help heal her,” said Lincoln.

“Yes, Master.”

Lincoln slipped off his robe to reveal his firm, pale cock. “She will suck my cock. Why don’t you taste her pussy?”

“Yes, Master,” Louis replied.

Lincoln put the head of his cock to Dakota’s mouth as Louis pushed her legs apart. She opened her mouth and let Lincoln’s cock slip in. It was larger than any she had had before, but still semi soft. She felt Louis’ tongue touch her labia causing her to shudder.

Dakota sucked Lincoln’s cock as it slid in and out of her mouth. She felt Louis probe her with his tongue, teasing her clit, and slipping two fingers into her pussy. She squirmed and moaned as her heart raced and sweat began to form on her skin.

“Yes Louis, get her nice and wet,” moaned Lincoln. “I want to see you fuck her soon.”

“Yes, Master,” moaned Louis.

Dakota continued to suck Lincoln’s cock as he fucked her mouth and Louis licked and sucked her pussy. It wasn’t long before Louis stood up, spread her legs wide, and slid his slender cock into her pussy. Dakota moaned as she felt the penetration, realizing that Louis’ cock was long but slimmer than Lincoln’s. However, that difference didn’t matter as she craved the cocks that were fucking her.

Louis began pounding her pussy with a fury as Lincoln fucked her mouth. “Now Louis,” panted Lincoln, “when she comes… is when… you must… do it.”

“Yes, Master,” moaned Louis.

Dakota wondered what they were talking about, but pushed the thought out of her mind as she felt her orgasm grow closer. Louis pounded harder, reaching underneath her and slipping a finger into her ass. The sensation was too much and her orgasm raged through her body. Louis leaned over as he pumped her pussy, kissed her throat, then bit.

Dakota cried out even with Lincoln’s cock still in her mouth. The blood filled Louis’ mouth as he sucked and drank. ‘He is a vampire,’ Dakota thought as her heart raced and orgasm tore through her body.

Louis pounded her pussy and drank her blood. Lincoln pulled his cock from her mouth and said, “Give it to her!”

Louis pulled away from her throat, bit his wrist, then put it to her mouth. Without hesitation, Dakota began to suck and drink the salty fluid. A moment later Louis’ cock pulsed as he filled her pussy with ropes of sticky cum. Her head spun with all the new sensations that filled her body and her new heightened senses.

Lincoln leaned over and began sucking from Dakota’s neck where Louis had bit her. Dakota didn’t know if she was going to explode or pass out, but she didn’t care. Soon Louis’ wrist was taken from her mouth and replaced with Lincoln’s cock.

“Finish me off my love,” Lincoln hissed, as he scratched his cock and causing a small trickle of blood leak out.

Dakota sucked the blood and soon had a mixture of blood and cum fill her mouth. The more she drank, the more her head spun. She wasn’t sure if she was dying or becoming a vampire. She tried to look up, but everything was blurry and was quickly grown dark. The room seemed to start spinning and everything faded away until it all faded to black.


Dakota felt a chill across her body and heard a strange beeping sound. Her eyelids felt heavy and difficult to open. There was an antiseptic smell to the air and her body ached. She took a mental inventory, but couldn’t move her left arm or her legs. She forced her eyes open and found herself in a dark room with strange lights and machines all around her. Her left arm appeared to be in a cast as did her right leg. Her head ached and she was confused.

A tall woman in blue hospital scrubs stepped in and smiled. “Welcome back,” she said in a familiar voice.

“Wha-… wha-… where… where…”

“Take it easy hon,” said the woman, “you’re all right now. Dr. Massimo will be in shortly to check on you.”

“Doc-… doc-…”

“Shhh,” said the woman, “please hon, just relax.”

Dakota was confused. Wasn’t Massimo the name of the vampire who had made her suck his cock after he bit her neck? Nothing was making sense. The woman checked the machines then said, “Looks like everything is all right. Oh, and I’m Harper, your nurse. I’ll page Dr. Massimo so he can have a look at you.”

Harper left the room and Dakota thought back. ‘Was it all a dream?’ she thought. ‘The storm? The crash? The house? The vampires?’

A few minutes later two men walked in. One was a tall, handsome man with black hair and deep blue eyes, the other was slightly shorter with short dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. “Good evening Miss…” said the tall man looking at the chart in his hands, “Doe? Do you know your name Miss?”

“Da… ko… ta,” she stuttered out.

“Dakota?” said the smaller man.

Dakota nodded.

“Dakota, I’m Dr. Massimo and this is my intern Dr. Ambrogino,” said the tall man. “Do you know why you’re here?”

Dakota shook her head, “No.”

“You were in an accident,” explained Dr. Massimo. “A bus crash if you will. You were thrown from a bus and fell down an embankment landing in a pool of water.”

“EMTs found you face down in the water. They performed CPR on you so your chest and ribs will be sore for some time,” said Dr. Ambrogino.

“Since you didn’t have any identification on you,” continued Dr. Massimo, “you’ve been Jane Doe for the last week now. Dakota, do you know your last name?”

Dakota thought for a moment, processing all that was told to her and realized the house, Louis, Lincoln, even Harper were just part of an oxygen deprived nightmare. She closed her eyes, then said, “Hay… s-s-s-s… tings,” she whispered.

“Hastings?” asked Dr. Ambrogino.

Dakota nodded.

“Well, Miss Hastings, we’ll let you rest now,” said Dr. Massimo. “We’ll also alert the authorities about your name and status. I’m sure your family is quite worried.”

“Wa… wa… wait!” she cried.

“Yes, Miss Hastings?” said Dr. Massimo.

“What… what… ha… hap… hap…”

“What happened?” asked Dr. Ambrogino.

Dakota nodded.

“Your left arm and right leg are broken,” began Dr. Massimo. “You’ve suffered a concussion. You drowned and were found unconscious and not breathing. Luckily the CPR the EMTs performed brought you back. We performed surgery to set your arm and leg and you’ve been unconscious for about a week now.”

Dakota nodded her head and sighed. So much to process.

“We’ll let you rest now,” said Dr. Massimo, gently stroking her hair, “and we’ll check on you later.”

The two men stepped out and the nurse stepped back in to check on the IV fluid bag and the machines. She smiled down at Dakota then left. Dakota drifted off to sleep thinking how grateful she was alive and how twisted her mind must be to create such a vivid and elaborate dream.

Dr. Ambrogino stepped back in a few minutes later, leaned over her bed, and whispered in her ear, “I truly enjoyed our time together my love. One day, I’ll truly make you mine.

Written by NymphWriter
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