His heart seemed to stop for a second, and then raced as she rose to go to a large basket-like crib he hadn’t noticed earlier. From within the basket she withdrew a tiny bundle and walked to him with a smile on her face.
“This is your second born, Lucien Davariel.”
His whole body set to trembling as he allowed her to place the tiny infant into his arms. He had hair made of the finest, palest gold, and the icy blue eyes were like his mother’s. The baby boy fussed a bit and turned his head as if searching for a breast from which to nurse.
“No wings?” he asked, unable to tear his gaze from his son.
Davariel removed the blanket from around his son until he lay in his arms with nothing but his diaper. He held the baby with one arm while he used his hand to feel his son’s soft pink flesh. Lucien flailed his arms and Davariel marveled at the perfect little fingers. He counted ten little rosy toes with a smile and laughed when the little one tried to latch onto his finger as Davariel stroked his plump cheek. Bringing baby Lucien up to his face, Davariel breathed in his sweet essence, memorizing him. “Lucien. My little Lucien. You look just like your beautiful mother.”
“He’s going to have your hair, though.”
“Let’s thank the Divinity that’s all of mine he got.” He gazed at his son, feeling that he was the most perfectly beautiful child in all the universe. But, wait…he had another. “And my first born?” He noticed the look she had given at his earlier words and began feeling apprehension. Again, she turned and gathered another baby from the basket. This one was much larger with jet-black hair sticking straight out of his round head. The infant’s skin was pale and he looked older than his delicate blond twin. The baby seemed to startle when she lifted him from the cradle, and began to cry. Luciel soothed him with gentle words before placing him into his father’s other arm.
Davariel’s heart sank. He was looking at himself with black hair. Though the child was still an infant, he looked irrefutably like his father and to make matters worse, his eyes glowed unnaturally bright. He had his demon blood...and his cursed face.
“His name is Devon Luciel. W-why are you crying?”
“He looks too much like me. He’ll be put on a pedestal and made to think he’s a god, like they did to me.” How shallow, vain, and selfish he had been back then.
“It doesn’t have to be that way. We can disappear. There are places that are still unlinked. I know of plenty of worlds where we can fit in just fine and be happy...safe.”
“The demons want him. They want both of them. Devon will be the new dark prince and Lucien the sacrifice.”
“They won’t find us,” Luciel assured gently. “Trust me.”
He felt terrified. Now he had so much more to lose.
He pulled Devon up to his face and took in his essence. He began to feel Lucien growing perceptibly heavier in his other arm. He looked over at his other son and noticed something slightly different about him. It was as if the baby had grown right before his eyes. He looked at Devon to notice that the infants glowing eyes dimmed a bit. Was the babe using his power already? Davariel’s hairs stood on end. This child was too powerful.
Luciel made to remove them from him but he held them tightly and shook his head.
“Let me hold my sons a while longer. Please.”
“You have to eat. I helped restore you, but you still lack proper nourishment.”
“Restored me?”
She shivered as if reliving some horror. “They’d bitten you all over and torn your flesh almost from the bone. You had bite marks even on your....” Her eyes lowered to his groin and began to tear.
“They bite when they mate, Luci.”
Her small frame shook with fury as she hissed. “You mean r—”
“No,” he begged, interrupting her. “Not now, Luci. I don’t want to dwell on that now.” He looked from son to son, smiling, and then looked at the woman he loved; the mother of his sons. It was everything he ever wanted, and more than he thought he’d ever have. “If only we could stop time and live in this exact moment forever.”
“If that were to happen, we’d never see our babies grow to be men.” She came up against him, taking care not to press against the twins, and began to kiss him.
The sheer magnitude of love he felt at that moment propelled him into a fit of shakes he couldn’t control. He felt his face drain of blood.
She broke away from the kiss, leaving him seeking its warmth, and almost toppling over in the process. “That’s it,” he heard her say.
The babes disappeared from his hold as sweat broke out on his forehead. He clasped his arms over his chest, his eyes searching about wildly. Where did they go?
“ Calm down.” Her warm hands cupping his pale cheeks made his eyes snap back to her face. “I only teleported them back into their bassinet. You need to eat and rest a bit.” She kissed his forehead and threaded her fingers through his hair. “You were more dead than alive when Remuel and Zakreel brought you in. You don’t know how extensive the work of restructuring your entire back was.” Davariel felt startled when she hugged him and ran her fingertips across the smooth expanse of his back. “There was an entire team of doctors and scientist working on you, trying to repair the damage from having your wings hacked off.”
Releasing him, she walked over to a low dresser built along the entire length of the wall to the right side of the large bed he occupied. The wide bed sat in the middle of the room. Grabbing a small mirror, she went back and showed him his reflection. There was another mirror behind him on the wall at the head of the bed. Luciel pulled his hair over his shoulder revealing his now smooth flesh. No more wings.
“Where are we?” He turned to scowl at the mirror, knowing how easy it was for demons to traverse them. He resolving to get rid of it as soon as possible.
“Earth. We’re within the grounds of the were-tigri people. They’re protecting us. And, like I said before, we also have five were-wolf sentries, along with the reapers.”
A bowl of hot stew appeared in her hands and she began to feed him. The stew reminded him of when he held her captive.
“I tried to kill you.” He remembered battling her on Earth.
“That was another Davariel, not the one I have before me now.”
“I don’t deserve your kindness. I’m a monster.”
“No you’re not.”
“I didn’t tell you the condom broke.”
She began to laugh, her gaze turning to look with adoration in the direction of the bassinette. “I’m glad you didn’t.”
“Would you have stopped our coupling if I had?”
Her stunning blue eyes blazed into his. “Did it look like I would’ve been able to demand you pull out?”
He remembered her cries if ecstasy when he’d taken her that first time, and began to ache between his thighs.
“Luci,” he sighed with longing.
The bowl of stew disappeared. She used her hands to nudge apart his drawn knees and crawled up against him, between his legs. He settled himself into a semi reclining position wrapping his hands around her small waist. She was clothed in enticing garb that consisted of a clingy pair of low riding shorts and a tunic held up by thin straps, her midriff exposed. Her breasts were larger now and she had faint pink marks on her hips, he guessed, from her skin accommodating his sons within her body. She was beautiful, the mother of his sons.
She began kissing him, her tongue sweeping into his mouth with urgency. His hands slid into her beguiling little stretchy shorts and cupped her pretty rump. He wanted her, badly, but guessed he wouldn’t be able to have her yet because she’d just given birth to his babies. Her body probably hadn’t healed yet.
“I self-healed, Davariel. I-I…” She raised her head to look into his eyes. “I need you.”
Again, she kissed him making him shudder. Her fingers caressed his hair, stroked his cheeks, and squeezed his shoulders. He rocked her against him, moving his hips under her as his desire spiraled feverishly. Another small shudder went through him, making him moan against her lips.
“Oh, God, Davariel.” Her teeth caught his lower lip. He felt it all the way down to his aching erection. “I know I shouldn’t be doing this to you yet, baby. You really need to rest for at least a day.”
She made to pull away, but he kept her trapped against him with the sheer force of his hands wrapped around her waist.
“No,” he implored her. “I need you too. This will give me strength, Luciel. Love me, please.”
Her luscious mouth ravaged his as he felt her hands brushing his long hair behind his shoulders. She nipped and licked at his lips before reaching around to his left ear, tracing it with the tip of her tongue, giving him goose bumps. When she thrust her naughty tongue into the shell of his ear and tweaked his nipples hard, he sucked in a ragged breath between his teeth and writhed beneath her. He moaned, rocking against her in rising desperation. She reached down and scraped her nails along his length. He almost shouted, but managed to clench his teeth on a strangled groan. Fuck. If he didn’t control himself, he’d scare the slumbering newborn twins.
She continued her downward journey, caressing him as her teeth and tongue tantalized his nipples into stiff little peaks. The woman was driving him crazy. She continued her onslaught upon his nipples, nibbling and lapping away at them as if they were the sweetest candy. He squirmed in delight, but ached for her to go lower.
Her tongue traced the outlines of his muscled abs and the line that marked that area from his hipbone. Davariel let his head drop back in surrender. Finally, she reached his penis. He feared he was going to come before she ever got her mouth around his straining tip. His knuckles turned white from twisting fistfuls of the sheets in his hands while she kissed his thighs. Already panting, he bit his lip and arched his back, stifling another shout of desire when her tongue swiped up his full length. Her eyes shot up to his, drowning him in their silvery blue depths. Her pupils dilated wide, making them seem darker. Holding his gaze, she took him into her mouth and sucked. Biting back a harsh groan, he let his fingers go into the darkness of her hair and held her to him as he undulated, spreading his thighs wide with his feet flat on the mattress. She continued to suck him into her hot little mouth, her tongue working him in deeper. He growled with pleasure.
And then, she grabbed his balls and rolled them in her palms. “Fuck.” His voice broke as he came. Ecstasy. His head arched back and he opened his mouth in silent agony. All he could do was gasp and pant. She swallowed him down, until he thought he’d die from rapture.
He panted in the after math and blinked down at her in wonder.
She kissed his thighs, smiling up at him.
He grinned back. Silly girl. She thinks I’m done. He was barely getting started.
“Ride me, Luci.”
Her eyes widened in shock. She didn’t know young Seraph’s could go a few rounds and not lose their erections for hours...sometimes days. He might no longer have wings, but he was still Seraphian born.
Tearing away her skimpy little shorts, she straddled him with eagerness. As if savoring the moment, she lowered herself slowly. She was tighter than a fist. He winced, his eyes widening, not expecting her to be so tiny after having given birth.
As if reading his mind, she giggled like a naughty girl, making his heart race. “I told you, I self-healed. Everything went back to the way it was before I’d had sex with you.”
He almost crossed his eyes when she finished seating herself completely onto him.
“My love, I’m in heaven,” he sighed.
Being inside her again made him want to weep in joy. He never thought he’d feel her heat wrapped around him again.He touched her face and caressed her hair, assuring himself that this was no dream and he was really sitting there with his beautiful Luci clasping him tight. He couldn’t help the broad smile that spread across his face. Luciel’s pupils dilated and a soft sigh escaped her parted lips. She stared at him in awe making his heart thump hard.
“I’m the luckiest angel—I mean—man alive.”
She caressed his cheek, her eyes darkening to a liquid blue, “You’re still an angel to me.”
His heart sped up at her words and he felt her sweet essence grow stronger. Whatever the scent was, it was only for him. That made him happy.
It’s just as good as love. He pushed away the shadows of sadness and fear, not wanting anything to mar this moment of intimacy with her.
Now that he’d lost some of the harried edge to his lust, he could relax and give her pleasure at leisure. He wanted to drive her wild with need.
Unfortunately, his sons had other plans. No sooner had she come the first time, bouncing wildly on his lap, one of the babes began to fuss. They stared at each other wide eyed, panting, then began to laugh.
The second she eased herself off him, he bounded out of bed and rushed to the bassinette.
“I could have teleported him to us, you know.”
He just shrugged, scooping Lucien into his arms. Again, he sniffed the baby’s sweet scent into his lungs as he carried him to his mother. He gave the blonde infant to Luciel with reluctance and watched in fascination as his child nursed from her pretty breast. For the second time, he noticed the babe looked larger than before. He knew that Seraphs sometimes grew in spurts. It had been a necessary evolution for their kind to avoid falling prey to ancient predators, but it wasn’t something you could see right before your eyes. It was supposed to be gradual.
He rose once more and picked Devon up. The infant still slumbered and stretched with a yawn when his father took him into his arms. He still looked the same at least, but resembled a baby of about a month rather than a newborn of a few days.
With a smile, he felt the downy thatch of jet-black hair that stuck straight out of his little head. He looked funny.
“His hair is going to be like yours.”
Luciel giggled. “He’s going to have the girls going crazy for him.”
Those words had his smile dying a quick death. Memories of how people used to grope at him, until he just kept himself locked away at the castle, came back to haunt him.
“What’s wrong, Davariel?”
“I don’t want what happened to me to happen to him.”
“The universe may have put you on a pedestal, but you never knew what love was. We’ll give our sons more than enough love. They’ll be fine. Don’t worry.”
He wasn’t convinced, but didn’t express his fears to her.
Both infants fed and having helped her change their diapers, he placed Lucien into the bassinette, then turned to take Devon and tuck him close to his brother. They both slept peacefully.
Stifling a yawn, he realized Luciel had been right in assuming that he needed to rest a bit more.
She insisted he finish eating the stew she had one of the wolves prepare along with a bowl of varied fruits and cheeses.
She fed him, smiling when he licked her fingers every time she fed him pieces of fruit. He felt peaceful as she chatted on about the people protecting them.
Now, his belly full, and his lust slightly sated, he felt sleep beckoning to him.
They lay together, with him pulling her back against his chest in a comfortable spoon position. He promptly drifted off, sighing in contentment, his sweet Luci wrapped in his arms and his nose buried in her fragrant hair.
Chapter Nine
Luciel woke with a start.
He was gone.
She let out her power to locate his life force and sighed with relief when she realized he was close, only to tense up again sensing he was in severe pain. Snarling a vicious curse, she teleported to where he was.
There was an empty aircraft hangar in the were-tigri compound that had been converted into a high-tech training hall. She’d taken to honing her fighting skills there every morning.
In the very center of the training area, Davariel lay bleeding and broken once more amidst a circle of reapers.
“What the hell are you all doing?” Her shriek of rage echoed throughout the large training hall as she rushed to Dava’s side.
The reapers sprang away from her approach.
“He said he needed to practice sparring,” one of them answered in a small, timid voice.
She knelt down and flicked away the bloodied hair that covered Davariel’s face. He was a mess. Blood oozed from his nose, half of his face was black and blue, and his arms looked deformed—most likely broken. “I should just leave you this way to teach you a lesson. You’re barely ready for sex, Davariel, much less sparring.”
“I need to be ready.” He closed his eyes in apparent agony.
“Well then let your body heal completely, you moron.” She raked her fingers through her hair, growling in frustration as she tallied all the scans he’d need now to repair all the new damage.
One of the reapers leaned over to another and asked, “What is moron?”
The other just shrugged with a perplexed expression on his face.
Luciel scowled at them. “Why the hell don’t you idiots use the holographic weapons in here?” Surely they’ll understand idiot. She barked out a series of numbers and codes and a bright sword appeared before each one of the reapers. Black wings ruffled and silver-grey eyes looked at her in surprise. “Go on. Take them. You’ll find they feel real enough.” She also grasped one, testing its weight.
Davariel felt embarrassed that she’d discovered him beaten and defeated, but wondered why she didn’t heal him and let him participate in the sparring now. “What about me?”
Luciel’s eyes flashed to him with an angry snarl. They had the same cold predatory look she had when he’d first engaged her in battle in the Edenian Science building. It came as no surprise to him when she swung her blade and sent it through his throat. Still, he couldn’t help but stare up at her with wide eyes. Had his arms not been broken in several places, he would have touched his neck to see if his head was still attached to it. Luciel grinned triumphantly at him. Heaven help him, he loved her.
“You can virtually fight for real without actually killing anyone,” she said withdrawing her virtual-blade.
Luciel’s lithe form turned toward the six black-winged death angels, then crouched down into a ready stance as she beckoned them to advance.
The reapers smiled and approached, spreading out around her, their wings opening up.
“No. Don’t use your wings. You’ll kill her,” Davariel snarled.
“Shut up, Blondie,” Luciel spat, her eyes never leaving the targets circling her. “Alright, you bunch of feathered sissies. Let’s see what you’ve got.”
He watched, terrified, as Abdiel approached her. The golden haired reaper was still a chickling, only fifteen sun orbits. Baby-down covering his wings, but he’d been the one that had slapped Davariel clear up to the ceiling of the training hall with his wing. Had it not been for Eriel, who’d intercepted his fall, he’d have been nothing more than a bloody smear on the cement floor right now.
Abdiel swiped at her with his wing, making Davariel cringe, but, to his relief, Luciel spun agilely over the moving wing, her arm spinning in a complete circle. The virtual blade flashed, apparently severing the wing completely off. Abdiel cried out in surprise when his wing drooped limply behind him. Luciel took advantage of his shock and sliced the blade through his neck, beheading him. He fell to his knees, stunned, before toppling back, his eyes round.
“Game over for you, kiddo. Now who the hell’s next?”
Abdiel began to wail. “I can’t feel my wing. I can’t move my body.”
The other reapers looked dubious.
“Oh, don’t be such a baby,” Luciel chastised. “The numbness will wear off in a few minutes.” She turned up her nose at the others. “So, that’s it? You bunch of morons give?” When they looked blankly at her, she rolled her eyes. “Do you surrender?”
They all tensed and scowled, finally understanding.
“Reapers surrender only to death or lust,” Eriel hissed.
They attacked and were wiped out with the same ease as Abdiel.
Davariel watched, memorizing every move.
Davariel felt livid. Luciel had healed him, but kept him in a semi-conscious stupor believing he needed rest. He learned how to communicate with her telepathically and constantly begged and argued with her to let him awaken fully. The headstrong woman wouldn’t listen to him. He wanted to scream in frustration, but his present state wouldn’t even allow for that simple release of anger.
He began to refuse her attempts at feeding him, clamping his teeth tight so she couldn’t get the spoon of broth into his mouth.
Release me —he demanded into her mind.
“Not yet, sweetheart. When you’re a little stronger. Now, open wide.”
She spoke to him in the same tone the high priestesses used when he was a child. It only incited his anger more. How dare she control him this way.
He could feel her fingers trying to make him open his jaw. Davariel clenched his teeth tighter as he searched his brain for scathing Edenian phrases.
“Dava, open up,” she insisted.
Bite me.
Her fury was palpable. He could sense her struggling not to dump the broth on his head. It made him want to laugh and goad her some more. He’d stick out his tongue at her, but knew she’d seize the opportunity to shove the damn spoon into his mouth.
“Dava, you’re acting like a spoiled child.”
He’d heard that plenty of times before. Summoning every ounce of strength he possessed, he lifted his hand and stuck out his middle finger. He knew it was a very offensive gesture for most Edenians.
He heard Luciel snarl in indignation, could feel her fury, but it didn’t last very long. He smiled anyway, then sputtered when she slipped the spoon full of broth past his lips. The little wench. Davariel pursed his lips and blew, making the broth spurt out all over himself and her.
This time she almost broke the bowl when she slammed it onto the nightstand by the bed. She was really enraged now. He turned his head away from her fearing she’d whack him.
A few seconds passed and nothing happened.
The bed dipped and he felt her straddle him. What was she up to now? He turned his head and tried to focus on her. The image kept fading in and out, but he was almost sure he saw her removing her t-shirt. Her fingertips stroked down his torso. There was no mistaking that. They dipped beneath the waistband of his loose drawstring pants. He blinked trying to bring into focus the two pretty breasts that bobbed over his face, when he suddenly felt her delicate fingers slip between his legs to cup him.
Fuck. He groaned in response to her teasing. She knew how addicted he was to sex and teasing him when he couldn’t respond they way he wanted to was beyond cruel.
Luci, what are you doing? Let me awaken fully. I’ll do whatever you want, just let me fuck you properly.
He knew he had no shame begging that way, but he loved sex. Not just any sex, but sex with his love, his heart, the mistress of his soul. He’d lie on his back for a month and swallow down whatever she wanted as long as she sat on his loins. He’d turn over and pound her into the mattress, too. That would be nice.
Davariel felt himself going insane with lust, but her only response was to rub an enticingly erect nipple over his lips. The dark hazy mist that pulled at his mind grew stronger. No. He didn’t want to lose consciousness now. Sweetness filled his mouth and he felt the strongest urge to suck and swallow.
He lost all sense of time. Within the endless black that imprisoned him, he felt the ghostly dance of her fingers stroking him, the warmth of her breast teasing his lips, the sensation of ambrosia filling his mouth, feeding the increasing ache that built within him…to have her.
The blackness ebbed and his body felt light, almost weightless. It would have been soothing except that his balls felt like they were filled with lead and his cock actually hurt.
Davariel blinked his eyes open, and then doubled over as the painful sensation between his legs finally hit full force.
“Fuck. What have you been doing to me?” he wailed through clenched teeth, cupping his stiff penis and petrified balls.
One look at Luci revealed her nibbling her lower lip with a guilty expression on her face. They were both in the sunken tub of their bathroom.
“It was the only way I could get you to feed. I didn’t know that you’d stay....”
Feed? What in Hades was she talking about?
“Does it hurt very much?”
As she spoke, he noticed a pearly drop of milk clinging to one pert nipple. Feed.
His dick still hurt, but he felt so enraged he ignored it. “You breast fed me?”
She flinched. It was no wonder. He could still hear the echo of his roar in the room.
“You wouldn’t eat…”
“You had no right keeping me unconscious.”
She glared at him.
“This is your second born, Lucien Davariel.”
His whole body set to trembling as he allowed her to place the tiny infant into his arms. He had hair made of the finest, palest gold, and the icy blue eyes were like his mother’s. The baby boy fussed a bit and turned his head as if searching for a breast from which to nurse.
“No wings?” he asked, unable to tear his gaze from his son.
Davariel removed the blanket from around his son until he lay in his arms with nothing but his diaper. He held the baby with one arm while he used his hand to feel his son’s soft pink flesh. Lucien flailed his arms and Davariel marveled at the perfect little fingers. He counted ten little rosy toes with a smile and laughed when the little one tried to latch onto his finger as Davariel stroked his plump cheek. Bringing baby Lucien up to his face, Davariel breathed in his sweet essence, memorizing him. “Lucien. My little Lucien. You look just like your beautiful mother.”
“He’s going to have your hair, though.”
“Let’s thank the Divinity that’s all of mine he got.” He gazed at his son, feeling that he was the most perfectly beautiful child in all the universe. But, wait…he had another. “And my first born?” He noticed the look she had given at his earlier words and began feeling apprehension. Again, she turned and gathered another baby from the basket. This one was much larger with jet-black hair sticking straight out of his round head. The infant’s skin was pale and he looked older than his delicate blond twin. The baby seemed to startle when she lifted him from the cradle, and began to cry. Luciel soothed him with gentle words before placing him into his father’s other arm.
Davariel’s heart sank. He was looking at himself with black hair. Though the child was still an infant, he looked irrefutably like his father and to make matters worse, his eyes glowed unnaturally bright. He had his demon blood...and his cursed face.
“His name is Devon Luciel. W-why are you crying?”
“He looks too much like me. He’ll be put on a pedestal and made to think he’s a god, like they did to me.” How shallow, vain, and selfish he had been back then.
“It doesn’t have to be that way. We can disappear. There are places that are still unlinked. I know of plenty of worlds where we can fit in just fine and be happy...safe.”
“The demons want him. They want both of them. Devon will be the new dark prince and Lucien the sacrifice.”
“They won’t find us,” Luciel assured gently. “Trust me.”
He felt terrified. Now he had so much more to lose.
He pulled Devon up to his face and took in his essence. He began to feel Lucien growing perceptibly heavier in his other arm. He looked over at his other son and noticed something slightly different about him. It was as if the baby had grown right before his eyes. He looked at Devon to notice that the infants glowing eyes dimmed a bit. Was the babe using his power already? Davariel’s hairs stood on end. This child was too powerful.
Luciel made to remove them from him but he held them tightly and shook his head.
“Let me hold my sons a while longer. Please.”
“You have to eat. I helped restore you, but you still lack proper nourishment.”
“Restored me?”
She shivered as if reliving some horror. “They’d bitten you all over and torn your flesh almost from the bone. You had bite marks even on your....” Her eyes lowered to his groin and began to tear.
“They bite when they mate, Luci.”
Her small frame shook with fury as she hissed. “You mean r—”
“No,” he begged, interrupting her. “Not now, Luci. I don’t want to dwell on that now.” He looked from son to son, smiling, and then looked at the woman he loved; the mother of his sons. It was everything he ever wanted, and more than he thought he’d ever have. “If only we could stop time and live in this exact moment forever.”
“If that were to happen, we’d never see our babies grow to be men.” She came up against him, taking care not to press against the twins, and began to kiss him.
The sheer magnitude of love he felt at that moment propelled him into a fit of shakes he couldn’t control. He felt his face drain of blood.
She broke away from the kiss, leaving him seeking its warmth, and almost toppling over in the process. “That’s it,” he heard her say.
The babes disappeared from his hold as sweat broke out on his forehead. He clasped his arms over his chest, his eyes searching about wildly. Where did they go?
“ Calm down.” Her warm hands cupping his pale cheeks made his eyes snap back to her face. “I only teleported them back into their bassinet. You need to eat and rest a bit.” She kissed his forehead and threaded her fingers through his hair. “You were more dead than alive when Remuel and Zakreel brought you in. You don’t know how extensive the work of restructuring your entire back was.” Davariel felt startled when she hugged him and ran her fingertips across the smooth expanse of his back. “There was an entire team of doctors and scientist working on you, trying to repair the damage from having your wings hacked off.”
Releasing him, she walked over to a low dresser built along the entire length of the wall to the right side of the large bed he occupied. The wide bed sat in the middle of the room. Grabbing a small mirror, she went back and showed him his reflection. There was another mirror behind him on the wall at the head of the bed. Luciel pulled his hair over his shoulder revealing his now smooth flesh. No more wings.
“Where are we?” He turned to scowl at the mirror, knowing how easy it was for demons to traverse them. He resolving to get rid of it as soon as possible.
“Earth. We’re within the grounds of the were-tigri people. They’re protecting us. And, like I said before, we also have five were-wolf sentries, along with the reapers.”
A bowl of hot stew appeared in her hands and she began to feed him. The stew reminded him of when he held her captive.
“I tried to kill you.” He remembered battling her on Earth.
“That was another Davariel, not the one I have before me now.”
“I don’t deserve your kindness. I’m a monster.”
“No you’re not.”
“I didn’t tell you the condom broke.”
She began to laugh, her gaze turning to look with adoration in the direction of the bassinette. “I’m glad you didn’t.”
“Would you have stopped our coupling if I had?”
Her stunning blue eyes blazed into his. “Did it look like I would’ve been able to demand you pull out?”
He remembered her cries if ecstasy when he’d taken her that first time, and began to ache between his thighs.
“Luci,” he sighed with longing.
The bowl of stew disappeared. She used her hands to nudge apart his drawn knees and crawled up against him, between his legs. He settled himself into a semi reclining position wrapping his hands around her small waist. She was clothed in enticing garb that consisted of a clingy pair of low riding shorts and a tunic held up by thin straps, her midriff exposed. Her breasts were larger now and she had faint pink marks on her hips, he guessed, from her skin accommodating his sons within her body. She was beautiful, the mother of his sons.
She began kissing him, her tongue sweeping into his mouth with urgency. His hands slid into her beguiling little stretchy shorts and cupped her pretty rump. He wanted her, badly, but guessed he wouldn’t be able to have her yet because she’d just given birth to his babies. Her body probably hadn’t healed yet.
“I self-healed, Davariel. I-I…” She raised her head to look into his eyes. “I need you.”
Again, she kissed him making him shudder. Her fingers caressed his hair, stroked his cheeks, and squeezed his shoulders. He rocked her against him, moving his hips under her as his desire spiraled feverishly. Another small shudder went through him, making him moan against her lips.
“Oh, God, Davariel.” Her teeth caught his lower lip. He felt it all the way down to his aching erection. “I know I shouldn’t be doing this to you yet, baby. You really need to rest for at least a day.”
She made to pull away, but he kept her trapped against him with the sheer force of his hands wrapped around her waist.
“No,” he implored her. “I need you too. This will give me strength, Luciel. Love me, please.”
Her luscious mouth ravaged his as he felt her hands brushing his long hair behind his shoulders. She nipped and licked at his lips before reaching around to his left ear, tracing it with the tip of her tongue, giving him goose bumps. When she thrust her naughty tongue into the shell of his ear and tweaked his nipples hard, he sucked in a ragged breath between his teeth and writhed beneath her. He moaned, rocking against her in rising desperation. She reached down and scraped her nails along his length. He almost shouted, but managed to clench his teeth on a strangled groan. Fuck. If he didn’t control himself, he’d scare the slumbering newborn twins.
She continued her downward journey, caressing him as her teeth and tongue tantalized his nipples into stiff little peaks. The woman was driving him crazy. She continued her onslaught upon his nipples, nibbling and lapping away at them as if they were the sweetest candy. He squirmed in delight, but ached for her to go lower.
Her tongue traced the outlines of his muscled abs and the line that marked that area from his hipbone. Davariel let his head drop back in surrender. Finally, she reached his penis. He feared he was going to come before she ever got her mouth around his straining tip. His knuckles turned white from twisting fistfuls of the sheets in his hands while she kissed his thighs. Already panting, he bit his lip and arched his back, stifling another shout of desire when her tongue swiped up his full length. Her eyes shot up to his, drowning him in their silvery blue depths. Her pupils dilated wide, making them seem darker. Holding his gaze, she took him into her mouth and sucked. Biting back a harsh groan, he let his fingers go into the darkness of her hair and held her to him as he undulated, spreading his thighs wide with his feet flat on the mattress. She continued to suck him into her hot little mouth, her tongue working him in deeper. He growled with pleasure.
And then, she grabbed his balls and rolled them in her palms. “Fuck.” His voice broke as he came. Ecstasy. His head arched back and he opened his mouth in silent agony. All he could do was gasp and pant. She swallowed him down, until he thought he’d die from rapture.
He panted in the after math and blinked down at her in wonder.
She kissed his thighs, smiling up at him.
He grinned back. Silly girl. She thinks I’m done. He was barely getting started.
“Ride me, Luci.”
Her eyes widened in shock. She didn’t know young Seraph’s could go a few rounds and not lose their erections for hours...sometimes days. He might no longer have wings, but he was still Seraphian born.
Tearing away her skimpy little shorts, she straddled him with eagerness. As if savoring the moment, she lowered herself slowly. She was tighter than a fist. He winced, his eyes widening, not expecting her to be so tiny after having given birth.
As if reading his mind, she giggled like a naughty girl, making his heart race. “I told you, I self-healed. Everything went back to the way it was before I’d had sex with you.”
He almost crossed his eyes when she finished seating herself completely onto him.
“My love, I’m in heaven,” he sighed.
Being inside her again made him want to weep in joy. He never thought he’d feel her heat wrapped around him again.He touched her face and caressed her hair, assuring himself that this was no dream and he was really sitting there with his beautiful Luci clasping him tight. He couldn’t help the broad smile that spread across his face. Luciel’s pupils dilated and a soft sigh escaped her parted lips. She stared at him in awe making his heart thump hard.
“I’m the luckiest angel—I mean—man alive.”
She caressed his cheek, her eyes darkening to a liquid blue, “You’re still an angel to me.”
His heart sped up at her words and he felt her sweet essence grow stronger. Whatever the scent was, it was only for him. That made him happy.
It’s just as good as love. He pushed away the shadows of sadness and fear, not wanting anything to mar this moment of intimacy with her.
Now that he’d lost some of the harried edge to his lust, he could relax and give her pleasure at leisure. He wanted to drive her wild with need.
Unfortunately, his sons had other plans. No sooner had she come the first time, bouncing wildly on his lap, one of the babes began to fuss. They stared at each other wide eyed, panting, then began to laugh.
The second she eased herself off him, he bounded out of bed and rushed to the bassinette.
“I could have teleported him to us, you know.”
He just shrugged, scooping Lucien into his arms. Again, he sniffed the baby’s sweet scent into his lungs as he carried him to his mother. He gave the blonde infant to Luciel with reluctance and watched in fascination as his child nursed from her pretty breast. For the second time, he noticed the babe looked larger than before. He knew that Seraphs sometimes grew in spurts. It had been a necessary evolution for their kind to avoid falling prey to ancient predators, but it wasn’t something you could see right before your eyes. It was supposed to be gradual.
He rose once more and picked Devon up. The infant still slumbered and stretched with a yawn when his father took him into his arms. He still looked the same at least, but resembled a baby of about a month rather than a newborn of a few days.
With a smile, he felt the downy thatch of jet-black hair that stuck straight out of his little head. He looked funny.
“His hair is going to be like yours.”
Luciel giggled. “He’s going to have the girls going crazy for him.”
Those words had his smile dying a quick death. Memories of how people used to grope at him, until he just kept himself locked away at the castle, came back to haunt him.
“What’s wrong, Davariel?”
“I don’t want what happened to me to happen to him.”
“The universe may have put you on a pedestal, but you never knew what love was. We’ll give our sons more than enough love. They’ll be fine. Don’t worry.”
He wasn’t convinced, but didn’t express his fears to her.
Both infants fed and having helped her change their diapers, he placed Lucien into the bassinette, then turned to take Devon and tuck him close to his brother. They both slept peacefully.
Stifling a yawn, he realized Luciel had been right in assuming that he needed to rest a bit more.
She insisted he finish eating the stew she had one of the wolves prepare along with a bowl of varied fruits and cheeses.
She fed him, smiling when he licked her fingers every time she fed him pieces of fruit. He felt peaceful as she chatted on about the people protecting them.
Now, his belly full, and his lust slightly sated, he felt sleep beckoning to him.
They lay together, with him pulling her back against his chest in a comfortable spoon position. He promptly drifted off, sighing in contentment, his sweet Luci wrapped in his arms and his nose buried in her fragrant hair.
Chapter Nine
Luciel woke with a start.
He was gone.
She let out her power to locate his life force and sighed with relief when she realized he was close, only to tense up again sensing he was in severe pain. Snarling a vicious curse, she teleported to where he was.
There was an empty aircraft hangar in the were-tigri compound that had been converted into a high-tech training hall. She’d taken to honing her fighting skills there every morning.
In the very center of the training area, Davariel lay bleeding and broken once more amidst a circle of reapers.
“What the hell are you all doing?” Her shriek of rage echoed throughout the large training hall as she rushed to Dava’s side.
The reapers sprang away from her approach.
“He said he needed to practice sparring,” one of them answered in a small, timid voice.
She knelt down and flicked away the bloodied hair that covered Davariel’s face. He was a mess. Blood oozed from his nose, half of his face was black and blue, and his arms looked deformed—most likely broken. “I should just leave you this way to teach you a lesson. You’re barely ready for sex, Davariel, much less sparring.”
“I need to be ready.” He closed his eyes in apparent agony.
“Well then let your body heal completely, you moron.” She raked her fingers through her hair, growling in frustration as she tallied all the scans he’d need now to repair all the new damage.
One of the reapers leaned over to another and asked, “What is moron?”
The other just shrugged with a perplexed expression on his face.
Luciel scowled at them. “Why the hell don’t you idiots use the holographic weapons in here?” Surely they’ll understand idiot. She barked out a series of numbers and codes and a bright sword appeared before each one of the reapers. Black wings ruffled and silver-grey eyes looked at her in surprise. “Go on. Take them. You’ll find they feel real enough.” She also grasped one, testing its weight.
Davariel felt embarrassed that she’d discovered him beaten and defeated, but wondered why she didn’t heal him and let him participate in the sparring now. “What about me?”
Luciel’s eyes flashed to him with an angry snarl. They had the same cold predatory look she had when he’d first engaged her in battle in the Edenian Science building. It came as no surprise to him when she swung her blade and sent it through his throat. Still, he couldn’t help but stare up at her with wide eyes. Had his arms not been broken in several places, he would have touched his neck to see if his head was still attached to it. Luciel grinned triumphantly at him. Heaven help him, he loved her.
“You can virtually fight for real without actually killing anyone,” she said withdrawing her virtual-blade.
Luciel’s lithe form turned toward the six black-winged death angels, then crouched down into a ready stance as she beckoned them to advance.
The reapers smiled and approached, spreading out around her, their wings opening up.
“No. Don’t use your wings. You’ll kill her,” Davariel snarled.
“Shut up, Blondie,” Luciel spat, her eyes never leaving the targets circling her. “Alright, you bunch of feathered sissies. Let’s see what you’ve got.”
He watched, terrified, as Abdiel approached her. The golden haired reaper was still a chickling, only fifteen sun orbits. Baby-down covering his wings, but he’d been the one that had slapped Davariel clear up to the ceiling of the training hall with his wing. Had it not been for Eriel, who’d intercepted his fall, he’d have been nothing more than a bloody smear on the cement floor right now.
Abdiel swiped at her with his wing, making Davariel cringe, but, to his relief, Luciel spun agilely over the moving wing, her arm spinning in a complete circle. The virtual blade flashed, apparently severing the wing completely off. Abdiel cried out in surprise when his wing drooped limply behind him. Luciel took advantage of his shock and sliced the blade through his neck, beheading him. He fell to his knees, stunned, before toppling back, his eyes round.
“Game over for you, kiddo. Now who the hell’s next?”
Abdiel began to wail. “I can’t feel my wing. I can’t move my body.”
The other reapers looked dubious.
“Oh, don’t be such a baby,” Luciel chastised. “The numbness will wear off in a few minutes.” She turned up her nose at the others. “So, that’s it? You bunch of morons give?” When they looked blankly at her, she rolled her eyes. “Do you surrender?”
They all tensed and scowled, finally understanding.
“Reapers surrender only to death or lust,” Eriel hissed.
They attacked and were wiped out with the same ease as Abdiel.
Davariel watched, memorizing every move.
Davariel felt livid. Luciel had healed him, but kept him in a semi-conscious stupor believing he needed rest. He learned how to communicate with her telepathically and constantly begged and argued with her to let him awaken fully. The headstrong woman wouldn’t listen to him. He wanted to scream in frustration, but his present state wouldn’t even allow for that simple release of anger.
He began to refuse her attempts at feeding him, clamping his teeth tight so she couldn’t get the spoon of broth into his mouth.
Release me —he demanded into her mind.
“Not yet, sweetheart. When you’re a little stronger. Now, open wide.”
She spoke to him in the same tone the high priestesses used when he was a child. It only incited his anger more. How dare she control him this way.
He could feel her fingers trying to make him open his jaw. Davariel clenched his teeth tighter as he searched his brain for scathing Edenian phrases.
“Dava, open up,” she insisted.
Bite me.
Her fury was palpable. He could sense her struggling not to dump the broth on his head. It made him want to laugh and goad her some more. He’d stick out his tongue at her, but knew she’d seize the opportunity to shove the damn spoon into his mouth.
“Dava, you’re acting like a spoiled child.”
He’d heard that plenty of times before. Summoning every ounce of strength he possessed, he lifted his hand and stuck out his middle finger. He knew it was a very offensive gesture for most Edenians.
He heard Luciel snarl in indignation, could feel her fury, but it didn’t last very long. He smiled anyway, then sputtered when she slipped the spoon full of broth past his lips. The little wench. Davariel pursed his lips and blew, making the broth spurt out all over himself and her.
This time she almost broke the bowl when she slammed it onto the nightstand by the bed. She was really enraged now. He turned his head away from her fearing she’d whack him.
A few seconds passed and nothing happened.
The bed dipped and he felt her straddle him. What was she up to now? He turned his head and tried to focus on her. The image kept fading in and out, but he was almost sure he saw her removing her t-shirt. Her fingertips stroked down his torso. There was no mistaking that. They dipped beneath the waistband of his loose drawstring pants. He blinked trying to bring into focus the two pretty breasts that bobbed over his face, when he suddenly felt her delicate fingers slip between his legs to cup him.
Fuck. He groaned in response to her teasing. She knew how addicted he was to sex and teasing him when he couldn’t respond they way he wanted to was beyond cruel.
Luci, what are you doing? Let me awaken fully. I’ll do whatever you want, just let me fuck you properly.
He knew he had no shame begging that way, but he loved sex. Not just any sex, but sex with his love, his heart, the mistress of his soul. He’d lie on his back for a month and swallow down whatever she wanted as long as she sat on his loins. He’d turn over and pound her into the mattress, too. That would be nice.
Davariel felt himself going insane with lust, but her only response was to rub an enticingly erect nipple over his lips. The dark hazy mist that pulled at his mind grew stronger. No. He didn’t want to lose consciousness now. Sweetness filled his mouth and he felt the strongest urge to suck and swallow.
He lost all sense of time. Within the endless black that imprisoned him, he felt the ghostly dance of her fingers stroking him, the warmth of her breast teasing his lips, the sensation of ambrosia filling his mouth, feeding the increasing ache that built within him…to have her.
The blackness ebbed and his body felt light, almost weightless. It would have been soothing except that his balls felt like they were filled with lead and his cock actually hurt.
Davariel blinked his eyes open, and then doubled over as the painful sensation between his legs finally hit full force.
“Fuck. What have you been doing to me?” he wailed through clenched teeth, cupping his stiff penis and petrified balls.
One look at Luci revealed her nibbling her lower lip with a guilty expression on her face. They were both in the sunken tub of their bathroom.
“It was the only way I could get you to feed. I didn’t know that you’d stay....”
Feed? What in Hades was she talking about?
“Does it hurt very much?”
As she spoke, he noticed a pearly drop of milk clinging to one pert nipple. Feed.
His dick still hurt, but he felt so enraged he ignored it. “You breast fed me?”
She flinched. It was no wonder. He could still hear the echo of his roar in the room.
“You wouldn’t eat…”
“You had no right keeping me unconscious.”
She glared at him.

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“Stop screaming.”
To that he replied by slapping his hands on the edges of the tub, and roaring like a beast inches from her face.
Her icy blue eyes flashed as she bared her teeth at him. “You spoiled ungrateful brat.” She sloshed around in the tub, turning to leave as a slew of expletives poured forth from her.
Davariel wrapped his power around her and yanked her back to him. She fell back on her ass, legs spread wide around his thighs. She stared up at him in shock, her pretty, plump lips forming the perfect O for him to shove his cock into.
“Your pussy or your mouth,” he snarled tangling his fingers into the wet hair at the back of her head. “And hurry the fuck up before I decide on your ass just to teach you a lesson on who’s got the balls here.”
He knew that was a bit much, but he was pissed and horny; bad combination for Davariel of Angelos, reaper, death angel, ex-dark prince.
Apparently, none of those lofty titles had any bearing on the gorgeous Edenian female before him. He forgot who and what he was dealing with—a Master Guardian. She wasn’t just any Master Guardian either, but ranked an archangel.
The tingling in his free hand should have warned him, but it all happened very quickly. She used her own powers to slap his hand with much brutality upon his poor throbbing dick, screaming at him “go fuck yourself.”
Stars shot out before his eyes as he yelped in pain. “Bitch.”
Through the black haze of pain that threatened to engulf him, he heard a sound. Blinking, he lifted his head and felt his heart break. Luci was crying.
“My love…” he began, his voice coming out strained, but she vanished from sight. Teleportation. She didn’t go far, though. He sensed her presence in their bedroom. He took a deep breath unable to avoid the loud moan that erupted from his throat. His cock was still throbbing.
“Luci, please.”
If he didn’t regain composure, she’d teleport somewhere he wouldn’t be able to reach her. What if she left him? He couldn’t live without her. The thought made him want to sob. In desperation, he crawled out of the tub. Lucky for him it was sunken. There was no way he would have managed to lift his leg. Just crawling up the short steps was agony alone, but he endured it. Luci couldn’t leave him. If he had to go on living, he needed her.
After everything she’d done so he could grow strong and healthy again; she’d bathed him, combed his outrageously long hair, fed him like baby from her own breasts, tolerated his obnoxious belligerence—and for what?
He’d treated her no better than a whore, and then called her bitch. Another sob hitched in her throat as she hurriedly yanked on a t-shirt.
“Luci, please,” he begged from the bathroom.
She steeled herself against the seductive pull of his cambion voice; that sweet voice he used to manipulate all to his whims. Her mind listed every crude cuss word she could mentally throw at him.
A firm pair of hands on her shoulders made her freeze. She could hear him breathing behind her. Was he still in pain?
“I’m sorry.” He sounded as if he were trying to hold back tears.
She melted. She was human after all, but didn’t turn to face him.
“I’m so terrified of losing you and the boys.” The soft masculine voice wove its magic, making her close her eyes trying to resist its hypnotic pull. “Please try to understand me.”
She felt his breath against her hair seconds before he buried his nose in it and inhaled deeply. She shuddered.
Closing her eyes, she struggled to retain her common sense. “What does that have to do with you trying to kill yourself?”
“I wasn’t trying to kill myself, Luci. I needed to practice my sparring skills. I no longer have wings. I’ve completely lost my abilities to fight. Even my powers as a reaper have become limited and are quickly fading. Soon I’ll be just as helpless and hapless as a newborn Edenian.”
“Why do you need to relearn to fight, Davariel?” She finally turned to face him and didn’t like what she saw in his eyes.
“They want our sons, Luci. We’re no longer important to them. It’s the twins they want now.”
“They won’t find us. By the time they do, the boys will be too big for them to brainwash.” She stared up at his face and saw something else there. Horror gripped her and she began shaking her head. “No. Davariel, no.”
“I must, Luci. The rift can’t remain open like it is. I cracked it open; it’s my responsibility to reclose it.”
“No. No way. You’ll be killed.”
“It can’t stay open, Luci.”
“Well you can’t go alone.”
At that, he scowled darkly. “You will not go with me.”
What an insufferable blockhead. She bared her teeth in anger and he actually took a step back. “If I don’t go, you don’t go.”
His golden brows drew together, but he managed to keep his voice soft when he said, “If we both die what will become of our sons. Be reasonable.”
Images flitted through her head, but she ignored them.
“We’re not going to die. We just have to plan this out. We’ll gather as many reapers as we can to guard you while you close the rift. If you go alone, you’ll never get a chance to even try to close it.”
Luciel watched the play of emotions drift over his heart wrenching features. He had goose bumps from being wet and she used her power to strip the excess moisture from him, leaving his hair gleaming and skin dry and glowing.
Even without wings, he was still exquisite, perfect. She led him to the bed and laid him back. For the longest moment, all she could do was stare at him.
“Am I still ugly to you?” he asked.
She could see the vulnerability in his vibrant electric-blue eyes. It touched deep into her soul. “You never were.”
He closed his eyes in an expression of relief. “I love you, Luci. Don’t ever forget that.”
“Don’t ever let me forget, Davariel.”
He reached for her, but when she reached for his stiff cock, he grabbed her hand with a whimper. His prick ached so much, he didn’t think he be able to stand her fingers touching him.
“It hurts so much, my love.”
Her lip trembled with a little pout. “I’m sorry, Dava. I didn’t realize you’d be in pain.”
He traced her cheek with a fingertip. “I just need to come.”
“I’ll do whatever you want,” she said clutching his hand to her cheek. “Tell me how to give you relief.”
Davariel shuddered, staring into her earnest eyes. He pulled her fingers into his mouth and sucked, wetting them with his spit, Her pupils dilated as she watched mesmerized. He pulled her saliva slicked finger from his mouth and groaned, “Fuck me, Luci.” Davariel opened his thighs watching her eyes widen in shock. “Fuck me till I come, my love.”
She seemed unsure at first, but the feel of her tentative prodding at his rosette, made him hiss and moan in pleasure. Slowly, her dainty fingers sank into him. Davariel growled and spread his legs in a wanton display of lust. His cock twitched and his heavy balls shuddered.
“Oh, yes. Just fuck me. Take me. Make me yours,” he panted gripping the pillow under his head and bucking his hips in tandem to her shy thrusts. He felt his hungry hole swallowing her digits and panted. His gut clenched warning of his impending climax. “Please, oh, please, Luci,” he begged shamelessly. “Fuck me harder. Make me cum. I hurt so much. Need to come.”
Her thrusts became faster, his pants harsher.
“More. More fingers,” he demanded pushing down on her thrusts. She used three fingers, and then four, until her thumb joined the rest. He bucked so wildly that her entire fist began breaching him, the burn driving him insane with lust.
His cock spurted, making him shriek. Pearly lines of cum draped his quivering abs and thighs as his balls emptied out for what seemed like an eternity. Davariel twitched and bore down on Luciel’s fist as her fingers rubbed deep inside him. He cried out in ecstasy, tears leaking from his eyes.
When it was over, he realized she slipped her hand from his and was lapping up his cum from his quivering abs. His cock lay still rigid against his stomach, but it was no longer sensitive. Davariel yanked a bewildered Luci up his body and kissed her deeply. Her tongue, coated with his semen tangled with his.
She sighed, trembling when he released her lips. “I-I’m glad you feel better now, Dava.”
Davariel grinned at her, his cock twitching in excitement. “But I’m not done yet my love.”
Luci gasped. “Oh, God.”
Chapter Ten
Luciel followed the sweet voice beckoning her, her boots clicking on the dull green floor of the corridor. She’d awakened to the soft whisper calling her name. It sounded like her Dominatio, but she wasn’t sure. The cherub had only appeared to her three times in her life; the first time, when her parents had died, then again, to give her the divine sword she possessed. The third time was to console her when she discovered that the beautiful angel she’d fallen in love with as a teenage girl was the dark prince she was being trained to destroy.
She turned a corner in the corridor and stopped in her tracks. The baby angel hovered before the door to the main com-unit room. Luciel approached with a smile. Her Dominatio was such a pretty little creature, its golden hair streaked with a thousand shades of gold, its luminous eyes a crystalline shade of vibrant blue. Electric-blue.
“I never noticed before,” she whispered, her eyes narrowing. “Your coloring is just like Dava’s.”
The cherub never spoke a word to her, unlike the one her son had, but she could feel it communicating with her through vibrations of emotion that threaded through her body like the notes of song, resonating deep within her heart.
The Dominatio hugged her, and then opened the door to the com-unit room.
Crisp, cool air rushed out, ruffling her hair about her shoulders. As soon as she stepped into the room, the overhead lighting activated itself.
The were-tigris had also refitted this area to accommodate a state-of-the-art communications unit. The floor was shiny black marble, and the walls padded with deep grey acoustic material. The center of the room had a pedestal used for virtual interface. One could converse with another as if they were standing before you. At the far end of the room was a more traditional console, with a fifteen-foot holographic screen. The overhead lighting dimmed and the holographic imaging projectors over the pedestal blinked to life.
Luciel gasped, drawing the attention of the humanoid that appeared on the pedestal. Jet-black curls bounced over wide shoulders as the inhumanly beautiful face turned to peer at her over its shoulder. Obsidian eyes glittered in a milky white face, looking at her from head to toe. Slowly, the creature turned, the black cape draped over its shoulders whispered across the white of the pedestal. A man. He let the cape slither from his shoulders, baring his naked torso that was as white as her son Devon. He slipped his hands into the pockets of his snug leather pants and strolled over to where she was. His boots stopped at the edge of the pedestal, and he smiled, revealing his pointed fangs. A vampire.
“Hi.” His demeanor was sultry, flirtatious…dangerously so.
Luciel had to remind herself that he was just a holographic projection. Nonetheless, she approached him with caution.
She turned to look for her Dominatio, but found that the little angel had disappeared again.
“Mine does the same thing to me. Just pops in and out of my life, like that.” The vampire snapped his fingers, and then used the same hand to coil one of his curls around his finger as he leered at her. “My, but don’t you look appetizing.”
“You’re an archangel?” Surely he had to be lying. A vampire?
He tilted his head to the side, staring at her with his bottomless black eyes. His hand seemed to reach for something in front of him. Fire blazed and magnificent sword appeared in his hand. The hilt was black and glittered with hundreds of jewels. The black scroll marks on the blade were similar to the ones on her own blade.
A divine sword. So, the vampire wasn’t lying after all.
“You look surprised.”
Luciel analyzed why she couldn’t seem to take her eyes away from his. He barely blinked, and his eyes stared with piercing intensity, like a predator. His brows drew up in amusement. Oh, yes, and he was pretty…like a girl.
“I don’t meet many vampires. Don’t think I’ve ever come across one who was an archangel.”
He lowered his sword, resting the tip on the floor while he leaned on the hilt and studied her intently. “How can I help you?”
“Help me?”
“My Dominatio ordered me to help you.”
Her own Dominatio had led her here. Still, she was reluctant to speak of Davariel. He was on every Master Guardian’s most wanted list.
“And what makes you think, I need your help?”
The vampire turned and strode a few steps away. His black spiral curls danced against his waist beguilingly, and his muscles rippled when he spun the sword like a baton in his hand. She imagined he had centuries of practice wielding that blade…among other things.
“Perhaps we should start with introductions.” He spun around, a smile gracing his blushing lips. “I’m Drakken Nehzilini, Master Guardian and archangel protector of the newly colonized Sjoria.”
Luciel’s mind began to race. “Isn’t that planet on the very outskirts of the galaxy?”
“That would be the one. Not too many aliens have populated it because of its strict measures to keep everything as simple as possible. No big cities on Sjoria. Lots of oceans and rainforest, though.”
“How does one go about to colonize?”
“One doesn’t.” He raised his brow and tilted his head to the side. “Oh, damn. That’s it, isn’t it? I’ve got to get you permission to live on Sjoria.” He rolled his eyes and huffed. “Why me?”
Her Dominatio and his had arranged this, so it had to be done. But how would she manage to transport Davariel, the babies and herself, and keep their presence secret? She was almost at the limit of her power cocooning the compound with a power shield so no one would detect their presence. Little by little it was draining her. She knew eventually she would need to relocate to the unlinked outskirts of the galaxy.
“Aren’t you going to tell me your name?”
The vampire’s sweet voice intruded on her thoughts.
She took a deep breath. “Luciel Ngyuen….”
Drakken’s sword fell to the floor with a loud clang. His lips went pale. “The dark prince’s mistress?”
“Mistress?” She almost went into an insulted tirade, until she realized he was right. Hell, she was still sore from the last pounding Davariel had given her only moments before. Luciel felt herself blush.
Drakken put his fingertips to his colorless lips, staring at her wide-eyed. “Is he with you? Is it true you birthed his child?”
“Twins. Two boys. Dava is sleeping right now.”
Drakken shuddered. “I saw him once, before he turned. I’d been allowed to enter the holy city, but was forbidden to approach him. We followed him at a safe distance, always watched by a dozen armed reapers. He barely acknowledged our presence. The king of the Fae planet, Marahk, was with us that day. Davariel spotted a group of Greis in the multitude that had gathered to…worship him. They had brought a child with them. The small Grei female was dying. Davariel had her taken out from the crowd and brought to him. He carried her the whole time, singing to her, kissing her forehead with a tenderness that….” Drakken took a deep breath, his eyes staring deep into Luciel’s. “When visiting time was over, he begged to keep her, arguing that she didn’t have long to live anyway, but the high council refused, plus, the Greis were incensed that he didn’t include them in his private serenade. Before they took the weeping child away, Davariel tore one of his primary feathers out and gave it to her. Have you any idea how painful it is for a Seraph to have one of his feathers pulled? It’s like yanking off one of your fingers.”
Luciel’s jaw went slack. She never knew this, but could imagine Davariel doing everything the vampire had just told her.
“Luciel,” the vampire bowed low, “I am at your service… and lord Davariel’s.”
Luciel felt excited when she walked into the bedroom she shared with Davariel and her babies at the were-tigri compound. It wasn’t much, with its plain white walls. A long white dresser with frosted glass doors took up an entire wall, the door to the adjoining bathroom was on the opposite wall, and a large platform-type bed took up the rest of the quarters. The babies’ bassinet was directly in front of the bed and was made of white wicker. There had been a mirror behind the bed, but Davariel had it taken down. He hated mirrors.
Davariel lay sprawled out and face down on the bed, fast asleep, without a stitch of clothing, making her smile.
“Why are you always naked?” she laughed caressing one taut buttock, startling him awake.
“What?” He turned over rubbing his sleepy eyes, his body immediately reacting to her touch.
“You’re always out of your clothes, Davariel. Not that I’m complaining, but, I swear, if it were up to you, you’d probably prance around the entire compound with nothing on.”
“Well, what’s wrong with that? Everyone stares at me regardless.”
“It would make me jealous,” she admitted.
He blinked in surprise. “Why?”
“Because you’re mine and I don’t want anyone so much as fantasizing about having you the way I do.”
His eyes seemed to moisten and the emotions he emanated confused her. She could feel sadness, anxiety...self-doubt. Self doubt? What could he be insecure about?
“Yes. Your desire for me has always been very strong.” He took a deep breath, sniffing at her. It reminded her of the first time they had encountered each other. Those big glowing orbs regarded her with unasked questions.
“What’s troubling you now, Dava,” she asked, concerned.
For a moment he seemed as if he were about to say something, but then he gave her a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes and replied, “Don’t mind me. I...should be satisfied with your desire for me. I haven’t learned to just accept what’s offered and tend to always over-reach for more than I deserve. At least you care about me. That’s better than nothing, right? No one ever cared about me before.”
He sounded as though he was trying to convince himself more than he was trying to convince her.
“Satisfied with my des...What are you . . .?” The realization hit her like a lightning bolt, making her jaw drop. He thought she only desired him, nothing beyond that. He’d asked her once if she could ever love him and she’d replied never. He was always telling her he loved her and she....
“Good God.” She’d never told him she loved him. “You think that what I feel for you is just lust?”
Once more, he sniffed in her direction. “It’s a little different than what I usually get from others. There seems to be another essence interlaced with it that grows stronger. I don’t know what it is, but it’s always been very pleasing to me. I once thought it was your lo....” He stopped abruptly, his face reddening. “Let’s not talk about this anymore. Let me love you, Luci.”
He reached for her, but she stopped him. She couldn’t continue to allow him to think she only desired him while he clearly loved her.
“Davariel, you think I feel nothing but lust for you?” She caressed his face.
He suddenly looked wary. “It’s okay. I just hope my feelings for you don’t make you feel uncomfortable.” His smile was apologetic as he shrugged. “It’s hard for me not to love you. You don’t have to love me. I’m very pleased that you care at least. You’ve been very kind, even though I’ve behaved like a little turd, I know....”
She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. He was the most selfless loving humanoid she’d ever known. “But, Dava, I do lo-”
“No.” He placed his fingers over her lips to keep her from saying more. “You don’t know what you’re saying. You don’t know all the horrors-”
“That was another Da-” she began, cutting him off, only to have him cut her off again.
“Not another. Me. Davariel of Angelos. The dark prince.” His tears flowed unrestrained, as he trembled. “I killed so many beings; butchered without mercy. I killed my best friend, Kabiel, because he refused to put down his sword.” The last word came out as a sob. “My poor sweet Kabi,” he choked out.
“You were filled with hatred, Dava; hatred and anger. The demonic symbiotic wings implanted into your back were poisoning your blood. The surgeons that reconstructed your back found extensions of poisonous roots from the wings embedded into your spine, right up into your brain. The demons used your rage, and hurt to manipulate you. You’re not completely to blame for what happened.”
“How could you be so blind,” he sighed, closing his eyes in misery.
She gripped his muscular shoulders and shook him. “Because I love you, you moron.”
His jaw dropped even as she tangled both hands into his hair and jerked him to her. Luciel slanted her mouth over his and kissed him with all the passion and love she felt in her heart. He wrapped his big hands around her waist, gripping her hard, shaking with emotion.
“Please...please, Luci,” he begged on a ragged whisper against her lips. “Say it again, my love.”
“I love you, Davariel. I love you.”
He tugged at her clothes, making a frustrated sound. “Why do you always wear clothes? They’re so annoying.”
She laughed through her tears as she teleported her solid black jumpsuit off, then groaned in ecstasy when he impaled her in one hard thrust.
The intensity of his thrusts had her inching up the slippery white sheets, until he gripped her shoulders and rode her without mercy. She cried out she loved him again and again, like a mantra. It didn’t take long for both to find release in their intense emotional lovemaking.
Sweat covered their bodies as they tried to regain their breath afterward.
She grunted.
“What’s ‘moron’?”
Laughter bubbled up from her throat as she hugged him to herself. How could such a randy badass continually come off like an innocent child?
“A deliciously sexy mindless twit,” she answered nuzzling his neck with a smile.
He grunted. “Well, as long as he’s sexy.” His fingers caressed her back and hair. “What’s in that box?”
Luciel remembered her purchase and good news. Giggling like a young girl, she released him and turned to retrieve the box she’d laid upon the dresser.
“Here, open it.”
“For me?” He smiled and tore open the paper wrapping. Within the box was a soft, charcoal-grey, hooded cloak. Davariel gazed up at her in dismay. “More fabric to cover me?”
She looked at him sympathetically, wanting nothing more than to kiss his sad little pout away. “It’s only temporary, baby.” Luciel sat next to him, watching him bring the cloak up to his nose. He always needed to sniff everything. “Tomorrow we’ll be leaving here. I’m taking you and the babies to Sjoria. If you like it, maybe we can purchase a home there.”
He put the cloak back inside the box pensively. She wished she knew what he was thinking. For once, she was tempted to sweep through his mind and see his thoughts even though she knew it was a highly inappropriate thing to do.
“Are you still afraid that something will happen to the twins?” He nodded his reply. “And you feel that your reclosing the rift will prevent that from happening?”
“No.” He paused for a moment. “There are seven demons, fallen angels from the realm of darkness. They must be killed. Once I get rid of them the twins will be safe enough for you to protect on your own.”
Cold dread ripped through her. “Why on my own? What about you?”
“If I fail at killing even one, my sons won’t be safe. As a precaution, I must evoke the portal of the realm of shadows. Once opened, it creates a powerful vortex, pulling in whatever is near. Only a Dominatio or the Divine One can pull you out once you’ve gone through. I don’t really think I’ll be receiving that kind of help after everything I’ve done.”
“I already told you, the boys will be safe with us. There are too many powerful beings protecting them for anything to happen. I’d be able to sense if anything dark were to come near. I’ve developed the gift of foresight and have seen our sons as grown men with children of their own.”
Davariel’s eyes widened. “What about us? Are either of us in those visions?”
“I’ve seen you. Your wings had been restored.”
“My wings?” Davariel’s eyes narrowed.
“Yeah. You were sitting on the floor in a room filled with children’s toys, playing with our grandchildren.” Luciel made a face, remembering the vision. “You’d cut your hair. It was just this mop of curls….”
“I had wings, Luci?”
“Your wings can be cloned and implanted back on you, you know.”
He cringed. “I would never do that, Luci. It wasn’t me you saw.”
“Then who, Dava?” She couldn’t help the exasperated tone that crept into her voice.
“What about you? Do you specifically see yourself in these visions?”
“They come sporadically. I really haven’t seen myself in any of them yet.”
Davariel’s face paled. “I don’t want anything to happen to you, Luci. Please promise to let me go if anything were to happen.”
She shook her head feeling her tears begin to spill down her face. “Would you let me go?”
“Not the same.”
“Yes it is. I could never let you go. Especially now that I know our sons will be fine. What am I supposed to do without you? I’ve dreamt about you since I was a child, even before I was told who you were. It was my destiny to either destroy you or save you.” She cupped his beautiful face with both hands. “So I’ve saved you, bore you sons...you’re mine...and I’m yours. We can never let each other go, Dava. It would be easier to just stop breathing.”
“But I don’t want you to die,” he said almost in a whisper as she pressed her sweet lips to his mouth.
“I don’t want you to die either, but if you go, we go together, my love. Death itself will never separate us.”
To be continued...
To that he replied by slapping his hands on the edges of the tub, and roaring like a beast inches from her face.
Her icy blue eyes flashed as she bared her teeth at him. “You spoiled ungrateful brat.” She sloshed around in the tub, turning to leave as a slew of expletives poured forth from her.
Davariel wrapped his power around her and yanked her back to him. She fell back on her ass, legs spread wide around his thighs. She stared up at him in shock, her pretty, plump lips forming the perfect O for him to shove his cock into.
“Your pussy or your mouth,” he snarled tangling his fingers into the wet hair at the back of her head. “And hurry the fuck up before I decide on your ass just to teach you a lesson on who’s got the balls here.”
He knew that was a bit much, but he was pissed and horny; bad combination for Davariel of Angelos, reaper, death angel, ex-dark prince.
Apparently, none of those lofty titles had any bearing on the gorgeous Edenian female before him. He forgot who and what he was dealing with—a Master Guardian. She wasn’t just any Master Guardian either, but ranked an archangel.
The tingling in his free hand should have warned him, but it all happened very quickly. She used her own powers to slap his hand with much brutality upon his poor throbbing dick, screaming at him “go fuck yourself.”
Stars shot out before his eyes as he yelped in pain. “Bitch.”
Through the black haze of pain that threatened to engulf him, he heard a sound. Blinking, he lifted his head and felt his heart break. Luci was crying.
“My love…” he began, his voice coming out strained, but she vanished from sight. Teleportation. She didn’t go far, though. He sensed her presence in their bedroom. He took a deep breath unable to avoid the loud moan that erupted from his throat. His cock was still throbbing.
“Luci, please.”
If he didn’t regain composure, she’d teleport somewhere he wouldn’t be able to reach her. What if she left him? He couldn’t live without her. The thought made him want to sob. In desperation, he crawled out of the tub. Lucky for him it was sunken. There was no way he would have managed to lift his leg. Just crawling up the short steps was agony alone, but he endured it. Luci couldn’t leave him. If he had to go on living, he needed her.
After everything she’d done so he could grow strong and healthy again; she’d bathed him, combed his outrageously long hair, fed him like baby from her own breasts, tolerated his obnoxious belligerence—and for what?
He’d treated her no better than a whore, and then called her bitch. Another sob hitched in her throat as she hurriedly yanked on a t-shirt.
“Luci, please,” he begged from the bathroom.
She steeled herself against the seductive pull of his cambion voice; that sweet voice he used to manipulate all to his whims. Her mind listed every crude cuss word she could mentally throw at him.
A firm pair of hands on her shoulders made her freeze. She could hear him breathing behind her. Was he still in pain?
“I’m sorry.” He sounded as if he were trying to hold back tears.
She melted. She was human after all, but didn’t turn to face him.
“I’m so terrified of losing you and the boys.” The soft masculine voice wove its magic, making her close her eyes trying to resist its hypnotic pull. “Please try to understand me.”
She felt his breath against her hair seconds before he buried his nose in it and inhaled deeply. She shuddered.
Closing her eyes, she struggled to retain her common sense. “What does that have to do with you trying to kill yourself?”
“I wasn’t trying to kill myself, Luci. I needed to practice my sparring skills. I no longer have wings. I’ve completely lost my abilities to fight. Even my powers as a reaper have become limited and are quickly fading. Soon I’ll be just as helpless and hapless as a newborn Edenian.”
“Why do you need to relearn to fight, Davariel?” She finally turned to face him and didn’t like what she saw in his eyes.
“They want our sons, Luci. We’re no longer important to them. It’s the twins they want now.”
“They won’t find us. By the time they do, the boys will be too big for them to brainwash.” She stared up at his face and saw something else there. Horror gripped her and she began shaking her head. “No. Davariel, no.”
“I must, Luci. The rift can’t remain open like it is. I cracked it open; it’s my responsibility to reclose it.”
“No. No way. You’ll be killed.”
“It can’t stay open, Luci.”
“Well you can’t go alone.”
At that, he scowled darkly. “You will not go with me.”
What an insufferable blockhead. She bared her teeth in anger and he actually took a step back. “If I don’t go, you don’t go.”
His golden brows drew together, but he managed to keep his voice soft when he said, “If we both die what will become of our sons. Be reasonable.”
Images flitted through her head, but she ignored them.
“We’re not going to die. We just have to plan this out. We’ll gather as many reapers as we can to guard you while you close the rift. If you go alone, you’ll never get a chance to even try to close it.”
Luciel watched the play of emotions drift over his heart wrenching features. He had goose bumps from being wet and she used her power to strip the excess moisture from him, leaving his hair gleaming and skin dry and glowing.
Even without wings, he was still exquisite, perfect. She led him to the bed and laid him back. For the longest moment, all she could do was stare at him.
“Am I still ugly to you?” he asked.
She could see the vulnerability in his vibrant electric-blue eyes. It touched deep into her soul. “You never were.”
He closed his eyes in an expression of relief. “I love you, Luci. Don’t ever forget that.”
“Don’t ever let me forget, Davariel.”
He reached for her, but when she reached for his stiff cock, he grabbed her hand with a whimper. His prick ached so much, he didn’t think he be able to stand her fingers touching him.
“It hurts so much, my love.”
Her lip trembled with a little pout. “I’m sorry, Dava. I didn’t realize you’d be in pain.”
He traced her cheek with a fingertip. “I just need to come.”
“I’ll do whatever you want,” she said clutching his hand to her cheek. “Tell me how to give you relief.”
Davariel shuddered, staring into her earnest eyes. He pulled her fingers into his mouth and sucked, wetting them with his spit, Her pupils dilated as she watched mesmerized. He pulled her saliva slicked finger from his mouth and groaned, “Fuck me, Luci.” Davariel opened his thighs watching her eyes widen in shock. “Fuck me till I come, my love.”
She seemed unsure at first, but the feel of her tentative prodding at his rosette, made him hiss and moan in pleasure. Slowly, her dainty fingers sank into him. Davariel growled and spread his legs in a wanton display of lust. His cock twitched and his heavy balls shuddered.
“Oh, yes. Just fuck me. Take me. Make me yours,” he panted gripping the pillow under his head and bucking his hips in tandem to her shy thrusts. He felt his hungry hole swallowing her digits and panted. His gut clenched warning of his impending climax. “Please, oh, please, Luci,” he begged shamelessly. “Fuck me harder. Make me cum. I hurt so much. Need to come.”
Her thrusts became faster, his pants harsher.
“More. More fingers,” he demanded pushing down on her thrusts. She used three fingers, and then four, until her thumb joined the rest. He bucked so wildly that her entire fist began breaching him, the burn driving him insane with lust.
His cock spurted, making him shriek. Pearly lines of cum draped his quivering abs and thighs as his balls emptied out for what seemed like an eternity. Davariel twitched and bore down on Luciel’s fist as her fingers rubbed deep inside him. He cried out in ecstasy, tears leaking from his eyes.
When it was over, he realized she slipped her hand from his and was lapping up his cum from his quivering abs. His cock lay still rigid against his stomach, but it was no longer sensitive. Davariel yanked a bewildered Luci up his body and kissed her deeply. Her tongue, coated with his semen tangled with his.
She sighed, trembling when he released her lips. “I-I’m glad you feel better now, Dava.”
Davariel grinned at her, his cock twitching in excitement. “But I’m not done yet my love.”
Luci gasped. “Oh, God.”
Chapter Ten
Luciel followed the sweet voice beckoning her, her boots clicking on the dull green floor of the corridor. She’d awakened to the soft whisper calling her name. It sounded like her Dominatio, but she wasn’t sure. The cherub had only appeared to her three times in her life; the first time, when her parents had died, then again, to give her the divine sword she possessed. The third time was to console her when she discovered that the beautiful angel she’d fallen in love with as a teenage girl was the dark prince she was being trained to destroy.
She turned a corner in the corridor and stopped in her tracks. The baby angel hovered before the door to the main com-unit room. Luciel approached with a smile. Her Dominatio was such a pretty little creature, its golden hair streaked with a thousand shades of gold, its luminous eyes a crystalline shade of vibrant blue. Electric-blue.
“I never noticed before,” she whispered, her eyes narrowing. “Your coloring is just like Dava’s.”
The cherub never spoke a word to her, unlike the one her son had, but she could feel it communicating with her through vibrations of emotion that threaded through her body like the notes of song, resonating deep within her heart.
The Dominatio hugged her, and then opened the door to the com-unit room.
Crisp, cool air rushed out, ruffling her hair about her shoulders. As soon as she stepped into the room, the overhead lighting activated itself.
The were-tigris had also refitted this area to accommodate a state-of-the-art communications unit. The floor was shiny black marble, and the walls padded with deep grey acoustic material. The center of the room had a pedestal used for virtual interface. One could converse with another as if they were standing before you. At the far end of the room was a more traditional console, with a fifteen-foot holographic screen. The overhead lighting dimmed and the holographic imaging projectors over the pedestal blinked to life.
Luciel gasped, drawing the attention of the humanoid that appeared on the pedestal. Jet-black curls bounced over wide shoulders as the inhumanly beautiful face turned to peer at her over its shoulder. Obsidian eyes glittered in a milky white face, looking at her from head to toe. Slowly, the creature turned, the black cape draped over its shoulders whispered across the white of the pedestal. A man. He let the cape slither from his shoulders, baring his naked torso that was as white as her son Devon. He slipped his hands into the pockets of his snug leather pants and strolled over to where she was. His boots stopped at the edge of the pedestal, and he smiled, revealing his pointed fangs. A vampire.
“Hi.” His demeanor was sultry, flirtatious…dangerously so.
Luciel had to remind herself that he was just a holographic projection. Nonetheless, she approached him with caution.
She turned to look for her Dominatio, but found that the little angel had disappeared again.
“Mine does the same thing to me. Just pops in and out of my life, like that.” The vampire snapped his fingers, and then used the same hand to coil one of his curls around his finger as he leered at her. “My, but don’t you look appetizing.”
“You’re an archangel?” Surely he had to be lying. A vampire?
He tilted his head to the side, staring at her with his bottomless black eyes. His hand seemed to reach for something in front of him. Fire blazed and magnificent sword appeared in his hand. The hilt was black and glittered with hundreds of jewels. The black scroll marks on the blade were similar to the ones on her own blade.
A divine sword. So, the vampire wasn’t lying after all.
“You look surprised.”
Luciel analyzed why she couldn’t seem to take her eyes away from his. He barely blinked, and his eyes stared with piercing intensity, like a predator. His brows drew up in amusement. Oh, yes, and he was pretty…like a girl.
“I don’t meet many vampires. Don’t think I’ve ever come across one who was an archangel.”
He lowered his sword, resting the tip on the floor while he leaned on the hilt and studied her intently. “How can I help you?”
“Help me?”
“My Dominatio ordered me to help you.”
Her own Dominatio had led her here. Still, she was reluctant to speak of Davariel. He was on every Master Guardian’s most wanted list.
“And what makes you think, I need your help?”
The vampire turned and strode a few steps away. His black spiral curls danced against his waist beguilingly, and his muscles rippled when he spun the sword like a baton in his hand. She imagined he had centuries of practice wielding that blade…among other things.
“Perhaps we should start with introductions.” He spun around, a smile gracing his blushing lips. “I’m Drakken Nehzilini, Master Guardian and archangel protector of the newly colonized Sjoria.”
Luciel’s mind began to race. “Isn’t that planet on the very outskirts of the galaxy?”
“That would be the one. Not too many aliens have populated it because of its strict measures to keep everything as simple as possible. No big cities on Sjoria. Lots of oceans and rainforest, though.”
“How does one go about to colonize?”
“One doesn’t.” He raised his brow and tilted his head to the side. “Oh, damn. That’s it, isn’t it? I’ve got to get you permission to live on Sjoria.” He rolled his eyes and huffed. “Why me?”
Her Dominatio and his had arranged this, so it had to be done. But how would she manage to transport Davariel, the babies and herself, and keep their presence secret? She was almost at the limit of her power cocooning the compound with a power shield so no one would detect their presence. Little by little it was draining her. She knew eventually she would need to relocate to the unlinked outskirts of the galaxy.
“Aren’t you going to tell me your name?”
The vampire’s sweet voice intruded on her thoughts.
She took a deep breath. “Luciel Ngyuen….”
Drakken’s sword fell to the floor with a loud clang. His lips went pale. “The dark prince’s mistress?”
“Mistress?” She almost went into an insulted tirade, until she realized he was right. Hell, she was still sore from the last pounding Davariel had given her only moments before. Luciel felt herself blush.
Drakken put his fingertips to his colorless lips, staring at her wide-eyed. “Is he with you? Is it true you birthed his child?”
“Twins. Two boys. Dava is sleeping right now.”
Drakken shuddered. “I saw him once, before he turned. I’d been allowed to enter the holy city, but was forbidden to approach him. We followed him at a safe distance, always watched by a dozen armed reapers. He barely acknowledged our presence. The king of the Fae planet, Marahk, was with us that day. Davariel spotted a group of Greis in the multitude that had gathered to…worship him. They had brought a child with them. The small Grei female was dying. Davariel had her taken out from the crowd and brought to him. He carried her the whole time, singing to her, kissing her forehead with a tenderness that….” Drakken took a deep breath, his eyes staring deep into Luciel’s. “When visiting time was over, he begged to keep her, arguing that she didn’t have long to live anyway, but the high council refused, plus, the Greis were incensed that he didn’t include them in his private serenade. Before they took the weeping child away, Davariel tore one of his primary feathers out and gave it to her. Have you any idea how painful it is for a Seraph to have one of his feathers pulled? It’s like yanking off one of your fingers.”
Luciel’s jaw went slack. She never knew this, but could imagine Davariel doing everything the vampire had just told her.
“Luciel,” the vampire bowed low, “I am at your service… and lord Davariel’s.”
Luciel felt excited when she walked into the bedroom she shared with Davariel and her babies at the were-tigri compound. It wasn’t much, with its plain white walls. A long white dresser with frosted glass doors took up an entire wall, the door to the adjoining bathroom was on the opposite wall, and a large platform-type bed took up the rest of the quarters. The babies’ bassinet was directly in front of the bed and was made of white wicker. There had been a mirror behind the bed, but Davariel had it taken down. He hated mirrors.
Davariel lay sprawled out and face down on the bed, fast asleep, without a stitch of clothing, making her smile.
“Why are you always naked?” she laughed caressing one taut buttock, startling him awake.
“What?” He turned over rubbing his sleepy eyes, his body immediately reacting to her touch.
“You’re always out of your clothes, Davariel. Not that I’m complaining, but, I swear, if it were up to you, you’d probably prance around the entire compound with nothing on.”
“Well, what’s wrong with that? Everyone stares at me regardless.”
“It would make me jealous,” she admitted.
He blinked in surprise. “Why?”
“Because you’re mine and I don’t want anyone so much as fantasizing about having you the way I do.”
His eyes seemed to moisten and the emotions he emanated confused her. She could feel sadness, anxiety...self-doubt. Self doubt? What could he be insecure about?
“Yes. Your desire for me has always been very strong.” He took a deep breath, sniffing at her. It reminded her of the first time they had encountered each other. Those big glowing orbs regarded her with unasked questions.
“What’s troubling you now, Dava,” she asked, concerned.
For a moment he seemed as if he were about to say something, but then he gave her a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes and replied, “Don’t mind me. I...should be satisfied with your desire for me. I haven’t learned to just accept what’s offered and tend to always over-reach for more than I deserve. At least you care about me. That’s better than nothing, right? No one ever cared about me before.”
He sounded as though he was trying to convince himself more than he was trying to convince her.
“Satisfied with my des...What are you . . .?” The realization hit her like a lightning bolt, making her jaw drop. He thought she only desired him, nothing beyond that. He’d asked her once if she could ever love him and she’d replied never. He was always telling her he loved her and she....
“Good God.” She’d never told him she loved him. “You think that what I feel for you is just lust?”
Once more, he sniffed in her direction. “It’s a little different than what I usually get from others. There seems to be another essence interlaced with it that grows stronger. I don’t know what it is, but it’s always been very pleasing to me. I once thought it was your lo....” He stopped abruptly, his face reddening. “Let’s not talk about this anymore. Let me love you, Luci.”
He reached for her, but she stopped him. She couldn’t continue to allow him to think she only desired him while he clearly loved her.
“Davariel, you think I feel nothing but lust for you?” She caressed his face.
He suddenly looked wary. “It’s okay. I just hope my feelings for you don’t make you feel uncomfortable.” His smile was apologetic as he shrugged. “It’s hard for me not to love you. You don’t have to love me. I’m very pleased that you care at least. You’ve been very kind, even though I’ve behaved like a little turd, I know....”
She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. He was the most selfless loving humanoid she’d ever known. “But, Dava, I do lo-”
“No.” He placed his fingers over her lips to keep her from saying more. “You don’t know what you’re saying. You don’t know all the horrors-”
“That was another Da-” she began, cutting him off, only to have him cut her off again.
“Not another. Me. Davariel of Angelos. The dark prince.” His tears flowed unrestrained, as he trembled. “I killed so many beings; butchered without mercy. I killed my best friend, Kabiel, because he refused to put down his sword.” The last word came out as a sob. “My poor sweet Kabi,” he choked out.
“You were filled with hatred, Dava; hatred and anger. The demonic symbiotic wings implanted into your back were poisoning your blood. The surgeons that reconstructed your back found extensions of poisonous roots from the wings embedded into your spine, right up into your brain. The demons used your rage, and hurt to manipulate you. You’re not completely to blame for what happened.”
“How could you be so blind,” he sighed, closing his eyes in misery.
She gripped his muscular shoulders and shook him. “Because I love you, you moron.”
His jaw dropped even as she tangled both hands into his hair and jerked him to her. Luciel slanted her mouth over his and kissed him with all the passion and love she felt in her heart. He wrapped his big hands around her waist, gripping her hard, shaking with emotion.
“Please...please, Luci,” he begged on a ragged whisper against her lips. “Say it again, my love.”
“I love you, Davariel. I love you.”
He tugged at her clothes, making a frustrated sound. “Why do you always wear clothes? They’re so annoying.”
She laughed through her tears as she teleported her solid black jumpsuit off, then groaned in ecstasy when he impaled her in one hard thrust.
The intensity of his thrusts had her inching up the slippery white sheets, until he gripped her shoulders and rode her without mercy. She cried out she loved him again and again, like a mantra. It didn’t take long for both to find release in their intense emotional lovemaking.
Sweat covered their bodies as they tried to regain their breath afterward.
She grunted.
“What’s ‘moron’?”
Laughter bubbled up from her throat as she hugged him to herself. How could such a randy badass continually come off like an innocent child?
“A deliciously sexy mindless twit,” she answered nuzzling his neck with a smile.
He grunted. “Well, as long as he’s sexy.” His fingers caressed her back and hair. “What’s in that box?”
Luciel remembered her purchase and good news. Giggling like a young girl, she released him and turned to retrieve the box she’d laid upon the dresser.
“Here, open it.”
“For me?” He smiled and tore open the paper wrapping. Within the box was a soft, charcoal-grey, hooded cloak. Davariel gazed up at her in dismay. “More fabric to cover me?”
She looked at him sympathetically, wanting nothing more than to kiss his sad little pout away. “It’s only temporary, baby.” Luciel sat next to him, watching him bring the cloak up to his nose. He always needed to sniff everything. “Tomorrow we’ll be leaving here. I’m taking you and the babies to Sjoria. If you like it, maybe we can purchase a home there.”
He put the cloak back inside the box pensively. She wished she knew what he was thinking. For once, she was tempted to sweep through his mind and see his thoughts even though she knew it was a highly inappropriate thing to do.
“Are you still afraid that something will happen to the twins?” He nodded his reply. “And you feel that your reclosing the rift will prevent that from happening?”
“No.” He paused for a moment. “There are seven demons, fallen angels from the realm of darkness. They must be killed. Once I get rid of them the twins will be safe enough for you to protect on your own.”
Cold dread ripped through her. “Why on my own? What about you?”
“If I fail at killing even one, my sons won’t be safe. As a precaution, I must evoke the portal of the realm of shadows. Once opened, it creates a powerful vortex, pulling in whatever is near. Only a Dominatio or the Divine One can pull you out once you’ve gone through. I don’t really think I’ll be receiving that kind of help after everything I’ve done.”
“I already told you, the boys will be safe with us. There are too many powerful beings protecting them for anything to happen. I’d be able to sense if anything dark were to come near. I’ve developed the gift of foresight and have seen our sons as grown men with children of their own.”
Davariel’s eyes widened. “What about us? Are either of us in those visions?”
“I’ve seen you. Your wings had been restored.”
“My wings?” Davariel’s eyes narrowed.
“Yeah. You were sitting on the floor in a room filled with children’s toys, playing with our grandchildren.” Luciel made a face, remembering the vision. “You’d cut your hair. It was just this mop of curls….”
“I had wings, Luci?”
“Your wings can be cloned and implanted back on you, you know.”
He cringed. “I would never do that, Luci. It wasn’t me you saw.”
“Then who, Dava?” She couldn’t help the exasperated tone that crept into her voice.
“What about you? Do you specifically see yourself in these visions?”
“They come sporadically. I really haven’t seen myself in any of them yet.”
Davariel’s face paled. “I don’t want anything to happen to you, Luci. Please promise to let me go if anything were to happen.”
She shook her head feeling her tears begin to spill down her face. “Would you let me go?”
“Not the same.”
“Yes it is. I could never let you go. Especially now that I know our sons will be fine. What am I supposed to do without you? I’ve dreamt about you since I was a child, even before I was told who you were. It was my destiny to either destroy you or save you.” She cupped his beautiful face with both hands. “So I’ve saved you, bore you sons...you’re mine...and I’m yours. We can never let each other go, Dava. It would be easier to just stop breathing.”
“But I don’t want you to die,” he said almost in a whisper as she pressed her sweet lips to his mouth.
“I don’t want you to die either, but if you go, we go together, my love. Death itself will never separate us.”
To be continued...