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A Faeries Love

"Love can transcend all... even death!"

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The faerie Tra' syl hurried to her favorite spot. She knew he would be there soon as he always travelled the same path through the woods at this time of day. Tra' syl hoped to catch a glimpse of him as he passed through on his way to wherever it is that humans go. She mused that humans are always going someplace - they are never content to stay in one spot and just enjoy the beauty around them!

Tra' syl was a woodland faerie, a protector of the woods and every creature in it. She took her work very seriously too... with her wings and the ability to sense when something is wrong anywhere in the forest around her, she was able to stave off any attack from man or beast. She was very proud of the position she had been given by the forest king too. But right at that moment her thoughts were of the human that she so wanted to watch as he walked through her forest home.

The sunlight streaming through the trees shone off her waist length blonde hair as her soft blue eyes scanned the small hidden clearing that had been chosen for her days rendezvous. Her pale skin rippled with the movement of lean muscles under it as she looked out of the woods into the sunlight. The light breeze caused her hair to blow slightly as well as the gossamer thin garment she wore. The dark green fabric wrapped around her back, covering her breasts and clasped behind her neck with a silver clasp. A delicate golden belt held the dress-like cloth that was slit up to her hips on both thighs like a long loincloth.

 Seeing no one around, she stepped cautiously into the clearing and finished looking around. Then she took up a position on her favorite tree branch high enough to be able to see him coming. She sat down on the branch which had a handy fork she could lean against, and glanced up at the sun to see the time. Seeing that she had some time left to wait, she closed her eyes and began to meditate, waiting on the arrival of the one she was expecting.

"He's coming!" the wind whispered to her, and Tra' syl sat up excitedly. A moment or two later, she could see his form emerging from the trees and stepping into the clearing. He was gorgeous and her heart very nearly beat out of her chest as she watched him.

"Oh I so wish I could talk with him!" she thought to herself as she gazed upon him as he passed. His strong muscular arms swung easily from his enormous chest. Long powerful legs carried him easily over the clearing in a matter of moments. Tra' syl left her tree and flitted overhead, following him as he disappeared again on the far side of the clearing and continuing on his purposeful way. She flew along above him until he reached the end of her woods and emerged on the road to the far away City. She watched as he walked a bit further, finally disappearing from her view over a small rise. Tra' syl, with her heart still pounding, turned back to head home to her home in the tall oak tree.

Once back in her oak tree, she went to her bedroom to lay on her soft leaf bed. With images of him still in her mind she found herself dreaming... strange erotic dreams. Dreams she, as a faerie, shouldn't be having... yet...

Her slim pale fingers found their way between her legs and found she was wet with desire. She gingerly touched her most private area while her thoughts centered around the gorgeous human she was so infatuated with. Laying there in her leaf bed, she spread her slender legs wide, allowing her hand to roam freely across her sex. Tra' syl shivered with excitement as she felt her finger touch her pussy lips. She moaned softly, imagining what his hands might feel like touching her there. Not soft and feminine like her own, his hands were manly, rugged, working hands. She imagined the roughness against her sensitive pussy lips and how huge they would be inside her faerie womb.

She dipped her fingers deeper into her pussy and her hips began automatically lifting, urging her to press harder. Her sinewy legs began to tremble as she felt her need rising... she was getting close! Her other hand moved to her soft young breasts and she clawed at them, imagining him chewing on the tender nipples and mauling her with his hands. Oh, she was sooo close! Just a bit... more!

Tra' syl cried out as her orgasm burst. Her legs spread wide, she clawed at her pussy as a tremendous orgasm washed over her. It seemed to last forever - much longer than others she had experienced. It was several moments before she could open her eyes and focus on her bedroom walls. Her legs were shaking, and she felt her cum oozing out of her pussy and running down to her asshole and dripping down to the bed below. She was a sticky mess. She reached down and felt her clit and pussy lips with her fingers. Her clit was enlarged and her lips swollen. She was soaked, but satisfied. She laid there for several moments basking in the warm glow of her orgasm and thinking more about the human that had given it to her.

The next day, she once again ventured to the clearing to watch this human. She settled into her tree seat and waited for him. And once again he arrived right on time. He came closer to her tree and Tra' syl got more excited as he approached. She remembered what she had done the previous night after seeing him and the thoughts of that orgasm made her shiver once more. She got so excited and aroused remembering her orgasm that she accidently fell from the tree!

She landed on the ground at his feet before she could clear her head and remember she could fly. She knew she couldn't be found out - faeries are never supposed to be seen by humans! She tried to blend into the leaf-littered ground and hide, but he had noticed her and saw where she fell. He picked her up very carefully.

"What have we here?" he said in a calm, soothing voice. He held the small faerie girl in one hand. She was only about three inches tall in human terms and perfectly formed with a slim, but womanly body. Tra' syl was actually a very beautiful young faerie and he looked upon her kindly.

She looked up at him and despite the fact that he was gigantic by her standards, she wasn't afraid. His face seemed kind and gentle and he held her on the flat of his hand so as not to hurt her. Though she could have easily flown off immediately, she stayed there on his hand.

"Hello there little faerie! You seem to have fallen. Where did you come from, my pretty one?" he asked. Tra' syl couldn't understand what the human was saying to her, but the tone seemed kind and he made no sudden or threatening moves. She flitted her wings and sparkled at him trying to communicate back, but it was no use. They just could not understand each other.

"Well I do not know what you are trying to tell me, little faerie, but you do not seem too worse for wear. What if I just sit you here on this tree stump, will you be okay?" he asked. He slowly set his hand down on the stump with the back of his hand flat on the stump. Tra' syl jumped down and then looked up at him. He stood and waved to her. "Good bye pretty, I have to be going now!" he said, and turned to continue his daily journey. Tra' syl watched him as he walked off, her heart pounding as her first real encounter with this human she was so fond of having taken place.

It took her a couple minutes to calm herself before she flew off and headed back to her home. Safe inside her tree, she thought about her encounter with the man. She knew that interaction between faeries and humans was wrought with danger. Every faerie had heard stories of humans either discovering or suspecting faeries in some nearby thicket and destroying it, trying to find and catch them. But this man didn't seem like the type to do something so heinous. Besides, he had already seen her and didn't make any attempt to trap or capture her. If anything, he seemed more kind and caring than any human she had ever heard of.

Over the next few days, she would go to the small clearing and wait for her human friend. When he came by, she would fly down and meet him. The first couple times she only flew around him, keeping out of reach but close enough to let him know she was there. Then one day he stopped walking and held his hand out. Tra' syl flew up close to him and hovered over his hand for a moment, then cautiously settled onto his palm.

"Hello pretty one. I am very glad to see you again. I see your fall didn't do any harm. That is good," he said. Tra' syl flashed and blinked her own hello to him. He took her a couple steps over to a large fallen log and carefully sat down on it, making sure he held his hand flat and level so as not to drop her. The log had a branch sticking up and then running horizontal and so he held his hand so she could get onto the branch. She got off his hands and sat down on the branch to watch him.

"I know you have been watching me every day when I come through here and it has been nice knowing you are around. But tomorrow I won't be coming through. It is Saturday and I don't have to make the trip to town tomorrow or Sunday. I hope you will be here again next week. I like seeing you when I come by," he said. He sat with her for a few minutes before saying goodbye and heading on to town.

Faeries don't have much need for calendars though, and the next day when Tra' syl came to the clearing, her new friend was nowhere to be seen. She waited and waited for him, but he never showed up. She went home sad, but she was determined the next day to see him. The next day she went to the clearing earlier and waited for him, Again she was disappointed. She began to wonder what she did wrong to make him not come by anymore. She was despondent.

Monday came and Tra' syl decided she would try once more. She didn't know why her friend hadn't come by, but she wasn't going to give up just yet. She sat on her usual branch and presently she heard the trees whispering that he was on his way. Tra' syl was overjoyed when he popped out of the woods, and she flew as fast as she could to his side. She flew around his head flashing and sparkling like crazy in her excitement to see him. He had to stop walking for fear he would bump into her and hurt her. He held out his hand and this time she didn't hesitant to land on it. He sat down on the log as before and held his hand out for her to get on the branch, but this time she didn't move. Instead she laid down on his palm, totally happy to be in his hand and not wanting to leave it.

"Aww, did you miss me pretty? I missed seeing you as well. I am glad to see you again," he said. He took the index finger of his other hand and very gently stroked her back between her delicate wings. She flickered as he stroked her and then rolled onto her back so he could stroke her front. He stroked her softly and so gently. She found it soothing and even a bit erotic, having him rub her from her breasts to her pussy and thighs. She purred, although he couldn't hear it, and she glowed brightly as he touched her. She had imagined this for a long time and took great pleasure in this first intimate touch. She spread her legs as his caress got her more and more aroused. He didn't fully realize what he was doing to her, but she was getting quite turned on by his fondling her.

Suddenly Tra' syl started bucking and twisting her body in his hand. She arched her back as he stroked her and tossed her golden head back and forth. The man stopped what he was doing afraid he had somehow hurt her. But that wasn't the case - he had simply made his little faerie cum! She went through the throes of her tiny orgasm as he watched her and just like a tiny woman she leaked her juices onto his hand in a tiny puddle. Then she lay there panting for a few moments. He watched over her anxiously until she started moving again.

"Oh thank goodness, pretty... I thought I had hurt you!" he said smiling. She looked up at him with a tiny little blush on her cheeks, then she flew up and kissed him sweetly on the cheek.

"Thank you pretty!" he said smiling broadly, "Well I need to be off, I still have a ways to go to get to the City!" he said. He rose and carried her in his hand until he got to the edge of the clearing. "I will see you tomorrow my little beauty!" he said, letting her fly off. This time she followed him almost to the edge of the woods, flying above him and alongside him as he walked down the well-worn path.

She went back to her tree home and in one of the large hollows at the base of a branch there was a large puddle of rainwater that had collected from last night's rain. She washed and got cleaned up from her orgasm and went inside. That night she slept more peacefully than she had in a long time - which is saying something for a tree faerie!

The next morning Tra' syl had an idea - she wanted to know more about her friend and where he lived in particular. So after she got up and got dressed, she went to visit the forest gossip - the squirrels!

"Hello Mrs.

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Squirrel," Tra' syl said, "I was wondering if you could help me?"

"Certainly, How may I be of help?" Mrs. Squirrel asked.

"Well, there is this human that comes through the forest every day on his way to the City. I was wondering if you knew where he comes from - where he lives?" she asked.

"I know of the human you speak. But I do not know where his home is. I will see what I can find out though, if you'd like," Mrs. Squirrel said.

"Oh, that would be lovely! Thank you, Mrs. Squirrel," Tra' syl said.

"Okay, check back in a few days and I will try to find out," Mrs. Squirrel said. And with that Tra' syl flew off. She quickly flew to the clearing to meet her friend.

"Hello my beautiful little faerie!" he said, smiling broadly as she flew up to meet him. He held his hand out and she landed on it flashing and sparkling happily. She sat down comfortably on his hand, stroking it as he walked over to their log and sat down. Tra' syl laid back on her back, carefully keeping her wings out of the way and spread her legs. She stroked the palm of his hand expectantly. He saw what she was doing and knew what she was asking.

"Do you want to play little one?" he said, chuckling. He extended one finger and brought it close to her. She wriggled in his hand and flashed him a faerie equivalent of "Yes!". He held the finger just above her body as she writhed and wriggled under him eagerly. She reached up and tugged on his finger anxious for him to pleasure her like before.

"Okay, okay, pretty," he laughed at her impatience. He placed his finger on her tiny belly and began slowly stroking up and down from her eager breasts to her already dripping pussy. Tra' syl rolled around under his finger getting more excited as she felt him caressing her breasts, rubbing against her hard aching nipples, and then moving down the rub her hungry pussy. She pulled her legs up, putting her knees to her head and spread her legs as wide as she could. He smiled and rubbed his finger between them giving her little pussy even more attention.

 Tra' syl laid back enjoying everything her human was doing to her. She was more turned on than the first time, and she knew that it wouldn't be long before she reached orgasm again. This human really knew how to please a faerie! She flashed and sparkled and glowed as she got closer... she just needed at moment longer...

Then it happened. Tra' syl let out a high pitched squeal as she came. The human couldn't hear it, but she knew that some of the woodland creatures would! She exploded as her orgasm crashed over her and she writhed and twisted and bucked as the spasms and convulsions took over her tiny body. She flooded her pussy and poured her juices out onto his hand once more. She laid back, exhausted and panting heavily as he watched over his tiny friend. She slowly recovered and stroked his palm with her hand, kissing it and wrapping her arms and legs around the finger that could pleasure her so well.

A couple days later Tra' syl was at home after her daily meeting with her human, when there was a knock on her door. "Oh hello Mrs. Squirrel, won't you come in?" she asked.

"Sorry dear I haven't time... I have a whole nest of young kittens (baby squirrels) at home waiting to eat! I swear those little ones will eat me out of house and home! I just stopped by to tell you that the human you asked about lives about a mile from here in a clearing up the path he travels. It's a log house with a stone chimney - a very pretty place I'm told," Mrs. Squirrel said.

"Oh thank you! I will see if I can find it by retracing the path he takes back to his home," Tra' syl said.

"Well be careful honey, humans are a very strange creatures and not to be trusted too far!" Mrs. Squirrel warned her.

"Oh, my human is quite a dear! He would never hurt a thing!" Tra' syl said. Then she said goodbye to Mrs. Squirrel and shut the door.

The next day after her meeting with her human friend, Tra' syl decided that while he was headed to the City, she would go back down the path he took and find his home. She followed the path through the woods. It was well-used and easy enough to follow. Presently, she did find the cabin and she approached it carefully, not sure what she would find, but ready for anything. She peeked through the window and saw the inside of his home. She looked around as best she could... it looked like a very lovely place. He had flowers on the table and the place looked clean and tidy. She saw what she could only imagine was his chair and when she looked through another window, his bed as well. She imagined what his bed must feel like. Hers was lined with cotton from the dogwood trees, but his had this strange looking multi-colored cloth over it. She wondered how it felt and how it would be to sleep next to him. She stared dreamily into the windows for a long time, letting her imagination run wild.

Eventually she knew she would have to leave and return to her own home. She'd had fun finding his home and it made her feel even closer to her human friend, but she needed to get back to her forest. She did have a job to do after all! So regretfully, she began the trip home. But as she got closer to her tree home, she began to hear the trees whispering. As she got closer the sounds became more clear - there was trouble on the edge of the forest! She raced to see what was going on, and to her horror she began to see a thick black column of smoke coming from up ahead. It was a fire!

She sped full speed to the scene of the disaster to see the carnage for herself. Dozens of her friends the trees had already been consumed and many more were threatened. She raced about trying to see what she could do, when suddenly she saw something that made her faerie blood run cold. Her human friend was right in front of a wall of fire doing his very best to help put the blaze out! And what's worse, the fire knew what he was doing and was trying to encircle him so he would be trapped and burned alive! She had to do something!

Tra' syl raced back into the forest to summon help. Calling on all the woodland creatures, she brought an army back to the scene and together they all battled the fire until it finally exhausted its fuel supply and died out. As the smoke cleared, Tra' syl surveyed the damage. Many of her tree friends had fallen, some were scorched but would survive. And then - OH NO! Her human! He had fallen fighting the fire too! Tra' syl raced to his side and flittered above him, hoping to see some sign that he was still alive but saw nothing. She was frantic! The other woodland creatures came to his side as well and the deer nuzzled him trying to rouse him. But nothing was working.

Sad that their friend, the faerie, had suffered such a devastating loss, the woodland animals carried the body of the human who had helped them back to the clearing where Tra' syl had met him. They laid him down gently and Tra' syl stayed with him.

Tra' syl stayed right by her human's side until she heard and rustle of leaves behind her. She was too upset to even turn around and see who it was. Then she felt a hand resting lightly on her shoulder. She turned to see Bael Vannain - the Guardian Spirit of the Forest behind her. She rose quickly and turned to him.

"Oh great Bael, please help him. He has fallen fighting for our forest! The Great Blackness has him in its grip! Please help him, I beseech thee!" she said, kneeling before him. She took the delicate but strong emerald skinned hand and kissed it in reverence. He took her hand and helped her to stand. "Rise my dear Tra' syl, rise. You have done the forest a great service today and in years past. I cannot make any promises, but I will do what I can for your friend here," he said. Tra' syl looked up into the face of the Guardian - a tall, thinly built, but very powerful individual with long graying hair and beard and emerald skin, wrinkled with age. He wore a long white robe so long he appeared to have no feet.

Bael Vannain smiled, and despite the emerald skin, could almost pass for a human were it not for the fact that he was a spirit and therefore had no solid substance to him. Faeries and some other forest entities could feel him, but most could not - humans couldn't even see him. Bael lived in the heart of the Great Tree - the oldest and largest tree in the very center of the forest. The tall Bael lightly caressed her cheek with his wrinkled hand. Then she stepped back a distance to let him work. Bael reached into the pouch he carried around his waist and pulled out some glittery powder that Tra' syl could only guess was some magical concoction, and he sprinkled it over the slain humans face.

"Loc nor auk man ote se dose!" he chanted multiple times, waving his gnarled oak staff over him as he spoke. The stone in the top of the staff began to glow, getting brighter and brighter, until even Tra' syl had to look away. Suddenly the human opened his eyes!

Tra' syl clapped her hands with glee - her human was alive! But the man was thoroughly confused.

"Wh-what's going on? Who are you?" he said, looking at Bael.

"Easy, my son. You have had a bad experience. You died fighting the fire and I have brought you back," Bael said.

"Brought me back? What do you mean? Who are you anyway?" he said, even more confused.

Bael explained that he was the Guardian Spirit of the Forest and that Tra' syl, the tree faerie, had asked to bring him out of the Great Blackness. Bael explained that normally humans couldn't see him, and that tree faeries and humans weren't supposed to have contact with each other, but all that was of little consequence now. Because he had fought so valiantly to save the forest, and because he had been a friend to the forest for so long, and especially a friend to Tra' syl, he had agreed to bring him back.

"However, this is not without cost," Bael said, "You can now see all the spirits and entities that before you could not. Because of this, we need you to swear an allegiance to us and swear never to reveal our presence to anyone. First, they will probably think you are completely mad, then they would more than likely think you are in league with the Dark Forces and kill you. But in the process, you will expose us and destroy everything. Other humans have exposed our kinds in other forests, and they have been wiped out and the forests destroyed. I cannot allow such disaster to befall our home."

"Bael, Great Guardian Spirit of the Forest, I solemnly swear that I shall not reveal anything about you or any other entity of these woods to anyone, ever. I thank you for bringing me out of the Great Blackness, and I thank you Tra' syl for rescuing me."

Tra' syl, upon hearing her human friend, realized that the magical dust that Bael used to revive him also allowed her to understand his words! "I can hear you!" she exclaimed excitedly.

"And I can hear and understand you too Tra' syl!" he said, shocked.

"Yes, that is another thing... you will be able to talk to the animals, spirits, and creatures of these woods as if they were human like you. So do not be caught conversing with any of them," Bael said.

"I promise," he said. And with that, Bael slowly faded away and returned to his home in the Great Tree.

Tra' syl flew up to sit on her human friend's hand as he walked over to sit on their log. "Well now that we can talk, I suppose I should start by telling you my name. I know you are Tra' syl... my name is Peter. Peter Althis.

"Peetrrr" she said carefully, trying to get her mouth around the strange name.

"That's close enough!" he said, smiling. They spent the next couple hours talking and getting to know more about each other. She confessed that earlier that day, right before the fire, she had gone to his cabin and looked inside.

"I would very much like to visit you at your home sometime," she said.

"Why don't you come now? That is unless you have something else to do," he said.

"Oh no! I have nothing else to do - I would love that!" she said, excitedly. So she flew up to sit on his shoulder as he stood and they went back to his cabin, where he showed her around and explained all the strange human things she didn't understand.

"I would take you to my home, but obviously you wouldn't be able to come in!" she said, sheepishly. He smiled and chuckled at the thought.

After that day, the two of them became even better friends and their unique relationship lasted for the rest of Peter's long life. Tra syl, being a faerie, never aged and she was sad when he finally passed away many years from that day. But they had a love that transcended friendship. She cared for him, and he cared for her, and that made it all worthwhile and wonderful.

Written by Master_Jonathan
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