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"The best lover will take you somewhere you've never been."

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Ruby didn’t have a judgmental bone in her body. Every suggestion of his, every “ask” was greeted with enthusiasm, a little giggle and a smile.

“I want you to suck my cock?”


“Put the green dress on.”

“You want me naked underneath?”

They met at a coffee shop, the kind that is hard to find these days. No chain, no marketing, just a funky little spot on the corner of his street. Every day he stopped by for his morning cup. She served it up, hot with a smile. Just twenty-four, her English still had a hint of her Seoul hometown. At first, he thought the smile was the same one she had for everyone, just part of a genuinely friendly demeanor. But with each visit, their exchanges got longer, more familiar.

“What a day, huh?”

“Are you going to get out for a run?”

“That’s a pretty necklace.”

“Do you like to read? You always have a book when you come in here. A book but never a friend.”

“This might seem kind of out of left field but would you like to have dinner some time?”

“I would like that very much.”

A first date led to a second. They went to a museum and looked at abstract art. Colors, lines, dots and open space; they didn’t say much but held hands about halfway through. That night, he took her home and she stood in the middle of her bedroom and asked him to take her clothes off. Not even a kiss to get things started, just got her naked, a sight to behold. Mocha colored skin, shapely hips and strong legs. Her nipples were remarkable. They stuck out like two squat rockets ready for launch on a couple of cozy round hills.

“You like being naked?”


His hand reached between her hairless thighs and trickled along the lips he couldn’t see. Watching as her eyes half-closed.

“God, you’re wet already.”

“That’s because I really want to fuck you, Silly Boy.”

She smiled and he couldn’t believe his luck: too delicious, too free of bullshit to be believed. Who knew where this could lead?

“Take your jeans off, I want to sit on it.” She put her hand on him and grinned. He did what she asked.

It didn’t last long. It was a little too heady an experience for that. With his hands on her firm ass and those big nipples practically filling his mouth, he hung on as best he could. She was electric. Head swinging, back arched. She whispered a stream of filth in his ear until she screamed, “You’re gonna make me cum right now.”

He beat her to it but not by much. A big sticky explosion that shot from him into her with powerful throbs. Cum ran out of her and onto his thighs. Her face twisted into a grimace, her lips pressed together, terrific concentration lasted for a moment and then all hell broke loose. She lifted herself off his cock and drenched him with her juice, soaking the bed.

They laughed a little at first, then a lot.

“Sorry, I should have warned you about that.”

Her head was on his shoulder, she turned her face up towards him, eyelashes fluttering, teeth glowing in the night.

“Well, how do we top that?” he wondered.

“I don’t know. But trying will be fun.” She was earnest, guileless. He was in love and full of trust. Two things that he’d never known.

The relationship did not slow down or disappoint. They liked the same music. Enjoyed each other’s taste in movies. Her fashion sense was charming. When he was quiet, so was she. When she was sad, the right words for him always seemed to come. There wasn’t anything he wanted that she didn’t uncannily anticipate.

And, she did try lots of ways to top that first evening’s performance. A lingerie drawer without limit kept every date an exercise in anticipation. Lace teddies, leather boy shorts, silk g-strings, stockings; she took pride in dressing up, in turning him on. To her credit, “no” was not a word she used. If he wanted it, she was into it. He could not believe this woman’s appetites were as expansive as his own. Maybe more so.

When the handcuffs and blindfold came out. He hesitated. Happy to restrain her and surprise her for an evening, he was less enthusiastic about her insistence that it was his turn to “be my bitch.”

A nervous laugh didn’t get her to join in. Inscrutable, she sat on the couch in a trucker hat, wife beater and brown, cowboy boots. Nothing else. Her nipples pushing at the white cotton were the only hint that she was feeling anything at all.

“You’re going to be my bitch tonight. Trust me, you’ll like it.” Her long, straight, black hair framed the seriousness of her face.

For him, the room swam a bit. His stomach felt unsettled and his cock got rock hard for reasons he couldn’t quite fathom. Looking at her, he slowly shook his head, eyes a bit squinty, breath not quite filling his lungs. He was a foot taller than her, easily a hundred pounds heavier but now, in this moment, she suddenly made him nervous. This was life with no limits. The pursuit of which he thought he’d always embraced.

“Don’t worry, Big Boy. I know what you like.”

Now, she laughed. He laughed too, a little bit, and picked up the handcuffs, deciding to take the risk.

“Okay. But next time, you’re the one wearing these.”

“Of course. I’d love to. But you know that already.” Her brown lips, winked into a quick smile then she was up and heading for the bedroom, handcuffs and blindfold swinging by her hip. As he watched her little ass walking away she threw over her shoulder, “Get naked and come join me… Bitch.”

They shared a big bed with a wrought iron frame that was perfect for a pair of handcuffs. But once she put the blindfold on him and made him promise that no matter what, he’d do everything she said, she pushed him down on his knees. The hardwood floor was not comfortable, nor did it feel good to have his hands secured behind his back.

“C’mon, Sweetie. Don’t you want me to enjoy this?”

“Don’t talk unless I tell you, too.”

Disappointed he shook his head, he’d rather be in control.

“You’re gonna make me happy? Understand?”

Again, he felt nervous, fuck that, scared. It made no sense, what could she possibly do to him? But then again, what couldn’t she do? Restrained like this, he didn’t have too many options. The choices were not his to make. And yet, his fear came from inside, he was scared of what he might say “yes” to.

He could feel her standing next to him but he couldn’t see a damned thing. Her flesh was warm, that’s what he could feel. And she smelled just a little of perfume and earthiness. Then his face was smothered by her ass.

“Lick me.”

He couldn’t help but drawback.

“Right there in my naughty place.” Her butt slammed into his nose. He did as he was told. His tongue reaching out and running over the rough, wrinkled surface. For a moment it puckered and he pushed against the opening.

“Just lick it.” She hissed through her teeth.

Fresh air rushed into his lungs, as she pulled away from him. He felt like a man surfacing after a deep dive, there was a moment of relief and then the waves pushed him under again. Ass cheeks pressed into his face, his tongue responded as told to do.

Swaying her hips, he could feel her start to respond, find a rhythm with him. In his mind’s eye, he tried to picture what this scene looked like. Was she bent over, hands on the tops of her cowboy boots, trucker hat still on? Or was she standing with her feet apart, small, manicured hands spreading herself for his access? His intoxicating hardness made him crazy to touch her, take control, get totally involved but he could only kneel before her and follow her lead.

Hands found the back of his head, she pushed his face deeper into her. It was sexy but kind of emasculating, he wasn’t sure how into this he was.

“Oh, you’re a good boy the way you eat my ass. You’re making me so wet.”

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“C’mon enough of this, let me fuck you.”


“C’mon.” He sat back on his heels, pouting.

“No.” Did he just feel an edge to Ruby’s voice?


“Tonight, I’m gonna fuck YOU.”

The statement hit him like a well-placed sucker punch. Shock and awe, filled the room, rocked his world.

He couldn’t feel her near him anymore. It sounded like she’d walked away but he wasn’t sure. It was like he was in a vacuum, it was hard for him to breathe, the experience was fevered.

“Ruby, that’s not happening. This is over.” He stood up, tried to look out from under the blindfold but couldn’t see a Goddamned thing no matter how far he tipped his head back. “Let me out of these.” The handcuffs jingled.

Despite the protest, his cock was still hard, very much so. Without warning, it felt like she took it in her mouth but then her voice was in his ear. She was slowly jerking him off with a well-lubricated hand.

“What’s wrong, Big Boy? Scared to let me do you? Afraid it’s going to feel too good?”

Her tongue slithered around his ear, chills ran down his neck and into his arms. She gave his dick a squeeze. Her other hand slipped between his legs and up, up, up to his ass. Was he holding his breath? One fingertip found his puckered vulnerability and started to make lazy circles. He wanted to sigh but caught himself and grunted instead. Reflexively, his feet moved further apart so her hand had more room.

“You feel so good inside me. I want to share that with you. Make you feel what it’s like to let me in you.” She was breathy against his ear, her little, wet snatch was rubbing up and down his thigh. For the love of God, he wished he could get his hands free.

That finger was distracting. No, compelling.

“It’s gonna be just our little secret. Don’t you like having a secret with me?” She was off his leg and moving around behind him. Standing in the middle of the room, his erection started to twitch up and down.

“You know what, Sweetie? That big drip of cum hanging off your cock tells me you want this just as much as I do.”

He couldn’t talk, he was afraid of what his voice would give away.

“I’m going to let you get on the bed but for you to get comfy, I’m going to put your handcuffs through the headrest. Will you behave when I unlock them?”

She was right behind him again, stroking his cock, touching down there. The pressure made him feel things he did not want to admit.

“Can I trust you, Big Boy?”

“Ruby, I’m really not into this.”

“But I can tell that you are.” Her rhythm was slow, her hand relaxed, that one finger inventive. This was very new.

“Do this for me because I’ll do anything for you.” It was simple. He believed her. Without saying anything, he nodded his head.

The key scratched the metal, he lay on the bed, raised his hands up above and was now restrained in a more relaxed way. Again, she pressed herself to his face, this time rolling her hips so his mouth had full access to her clit, parted lips and tight hole. Back and forth she rocked, quietly moaning and stroking his erection. Slippery with lube, her hands took detours from his hardness to his virgin spot. The touch was light, soothing, it hooked him into a deeper place than he’d ever been. The thought, at first disturbing for so many hackneyed reasons, was soon undeniable.

“Ruby, go ahead. Do what you want.”

“Hmmm, alriiiight.” Her voice was almost a growl. It sounded as if she’d waited years to hear this. Off the bed, there was a moment of rummaging then she was back. Something was buckled and his legs were spread. She reached under his knees, one hand behind each and pushed them back up towards him. Part of him felt absurd in this position, the other part, the more significant one, was raging with need.

With her hands still behind his knees, Ruby pushed up and lifted his ass towards the ceiling. As it did, something hard and smooth slid along the length of his crack.

“Do you like that, Big Boy?”

Again, he didn’t trust his voice, so he nodded instead.

“I knew you would.”

Back and forth she rocked him. Behind the blindfold, his eyes were closed. As foreign as everything felt, the connection between him and the person between his legs sparked beyond sensibility. He was in a wilderness. Lost, scared, excited, completely in the dark about where this all was going and where it might end up.

“Are you ready to take it?”

His cheeks puffed, his breath rushed through his lips.

“I guess,” there was laughter in the words, maybe amazement.

She stopped her movement for a moment and took his blindfold off. Startled to be out of his cocoon of pleasure, what was going down instantly took on a stark reality. His mind that was stifled by lust a moment ago, was now acutely in tune with the situation. From above him the warm, almond-shaped eyes were encouraging, lovely. They were partners.

“Look at me when I fuck you. Look in my eyes the whole time.” Soothing, her voice was a big waft of opium. “Bitch,” she smiled.

The head of the dildo she’d strapped on pushed firmly against his hole, there was stasis then she lifted him once more and popped it into him.

His response was guttural, he arched his back and struggled for equilibrium, keeping his eyes open was a challenge.

“Too much?” she said with a smile and a bit of sympathetic patience.

Staring at her, he moved his head ever so slightly from side to side.

“Oh, you are a good boy. I’ll go slow with my big dick.”

In all twenty-eight years of his life, he never imagined himself in this situation. It certainly was nothing he’d thought about. Getting ass fucked by a tiny Korean girl with beautiful tits and one of the filthiest minds he’d ever encountered. Did it make him gay that he loved what she was doing to him? He couldn’t give a fuck.

She slowly started to push deeper inside him. He finally found his voice.

“That’s it fuck me, Ruby.” A smile played on her lips but there was concentration, too. She clearly didn’t want to hurt him. Slowly she pushed and pulled between his legs. One hand on his knee, one hand around his cock.

He was full, pained a little but wildly engrossed by the spectacle of it all. While Ruby fucked him slowly, she pumped his dick slightly faster. He’d never felt so aroused, so consumed by all things sex, it was like his brain had shifted to his pelvis and everything in it was consumed by sensation.


Ruby responded with a change in tempo. Their eyes were locked but hers were starting to flutter; he could see they were welling up.

“Come on, Ruby.” He barely had the breath to encourage her. Banging away at his ass, tears started rolling down her cheeks.

“Oh my God that feels so fucking good. I’m gonna cum.”

“I love you so much,” she sobbed.

In a white flash of release, his body leapt off the bed and his cum splattered on his stomach and Ruby’s hand. With delight and tears, she picked up the pace of her work even more, laughing, crying, stroking his cock and pressing her fake dick up into him. From toes to scalp his body prickled with goosebumps and his guts felt as though they’d been sucked out of him on some kind of evil carnival ride. He twitched once, twice and then crashed onto the bed with a shudder worthy of a dying beast. An epic wave of exhaustion washed over him and Ruby collapsed onto his sticky stomach, and slid her nipples all over it. She was a hot mess of smeared mascara, hat hair and dueling tears and laughter.

For a long moment, he lay there and tried to let the night’s events settle into the cupboards of his mind. But there wasn’t space for this. What he’d known before of himself was changed. Was it progress? He could not say with certainty. He didn’t even know how he felt about himself. Maybe that wasn’t important. Because he knew how he felt about her and everything after that was just a detail.

“Guess what, Big Boy?” she asked in her candid way, “Tomorrow night, you get to put the handcuffs on me.”

Well, try and top that.




Written by BlakeLightfoot
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