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My Boyfriend has a Kinky Mom!

"She accidently walks in on her Boyfriend's Mom in a compromising position, so she compromises it."

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“Hello!” I yelled as was my habit walking into my boyfriend’s house. The front door was unlocked, but his parent’s car was gone so I thought he might be home alone since his car was in the shop. No answer, I checked the deck, but no one seemed home. It was surprising, but I guess everyone forgets to lock their front door occasionally. I was about the leave when I decided I needed a quickie potty-break before heading back out. That’s when I heard a noise.

It was coming from further back in the house. I couldn’t make it out, but I had to look, right? I mean, what would you do? No, this wasn’t a horror flick where the noise was caused by a serial killer, only to find a cat. Since they didn’t have a cat, it was just a strange sound.

I checked out two bedrooms and didn’t find anything. The door to the master bedroom was partially opened and just before I stepped in, I saw the strangest thing ever. Hooked to the ceiling and hanging down was what could have been a chin-up bar, but it wasn’t being used for chin-ups. Hooked to the bar by a short chain to a pair of leather-looking cuffs was my boyfriend’s mother, Margery. I was so stunned I just stood there looking through the doorway. She was facing away from me, so except for my initial yell, she didn’t realize I was there. A huge part of me said I should simply head out and pretend I didn’t see this. Margery and Bill, my boyfriend’s parents, could be on the front of a magazine of about average all-Americans. In fact, I would have put them in the boring category. Seriously, if you could picture the most vanilla stereotypical American couple, you would think of Mr. and Mrs. Marsh. Who the fuck knew they were into something so kinky?

I glanced around the room, not believing she was here all alone. I really loved their bedroom, what I could see of it. The room was really incredible, the centerpiece was this huge canopied-bed with these thick posts. It looked like something off or a middle-ages movie set. There was a reading nook by the back window surrounded by several shelves of books. Normally, the books would get my attention, but not this time. Margery was in the middle of the large room, just standing there. Her arms over her head, but she was standing, not hanging. She was also naked and on the corner of the bed were what looked like a collection of sex toys.

Again, something told me it was time to leave, but I couldn’t bring myself to do so. I’m not a virgin and maybe not all that experienced, but the Internet taught me a lot and certainly about some of the kinks that were out there. Some of them were just plain gross, and right up until that moment I would have put this in that category. But there was something really sexy about Mrs. Marsh standing there as if she was waiting for something. That’s when I noticed her ankles were also cuffed and there was a bar keeping her feet apart.

I felt a little strange and then realized I was turned on. It was a familiar feeling, but one I usually got while making-out with Will, my boyfriend, just before we have sex. I had this urge to stick my hand down my shorts and jill-off. I found my hand flat on my belly and about to take the plunge without even realizing it. Mrs. Marsh may have heard something because she partially turned her head and I saw she was also gagged.

I couldn’t help myself, I stepped into the bedroom, still staying out of her view. As I walked I felt my own wetness making things a lot slicker than normal within my shorts. I could tell that if I took them off, my panties would be soaked through. Just like that time my best friend Gail and I were kissing a few years back. It was supposed to be just ‘practice’ but by the time we were done ‘practicing’, we were both out of breath and wild-eyed at what we were feeling. We never acted on those feelings, but I remember how I felt later and how exciting something so forbidden could be.

I spoke for the first time, “Mrs. Marsh, I don’t ever think I have seen you looking so lovely.” She froze at my voice and struggled with the cuffs, but she was held pretty tightly. My choice of words was plain to me, in part because I have used that phrase before —  most often as she came into the room dressed up for an evening out with Bill. I called her Mrs. Marsh because that is what I always called her. It was not just how I was raised, but neither she nor her husband asked me to call them anything else.

I knew she was in her mid-to-late-forties, but I have to say that from behind — she was in pretty good shape. Her butt was pretty tight and while three kids might have widened the hips a bit, they still looked damn good. I didn’t say anything else for a minute or so as I watched her struggle for release. Something in her movements really spoke to me and I felt not just turned-on but powerful.

It was an intoxicating feeling. Me, the mostly nerdish girl who loved books and hated school sports was feeling an almost overwhelming sense of power. I’d never felt anything like it. I didn’t feel the need to hurt Mrs. Marsh, I wouldn’t ever do that. But the very idea of someone totally at my mercy was unreal. I stepped up behind her, close enough to feel the heat from her body. I didn’t touch her, but I spoke soothingly, trying to calm her down a little. I could tell she was as close to freaking out as I have ever seen her. I’ve seen this lady handle a surprise dinner party when Bill brought home unexpected guests with more control than she was showing here. I was actually afraid she would hurt herself.

“It’s okay, Mrs. Marsh, I’m serious. You look absolutely amazing. So beautiful and so sexy.” I reached up and stroked her bare arms very lightly. "I would have never guessed I would ever see you like this, but I can’t help but admire you.” I lightly stroked her hair, her long blonde hair that hung loosely halfway down her back. As I inhaled I found myself enjoying her scent. I couldn’t pin it down because I don’t ever recall her wearing anything specific. I did find it as intoxicating as the feeling of power and control I was feeling.

She tried to say something, but the gag was an effective one. I put my hands on her hips and stroked the outside of them down part of her thighs. She made a slightly different noise. I don’t know what it meant, but something in the sound went right through to my core. That’s when I recognized the scent, she was excited and actually getting more excited by the second.

I couldn’t help myself and did something I remember thinking about after my ‘practice’ session with Gail. I slid my hands up and cupped Mrs. Marsh’s breasts. My arms and hands were still the only points of physical contact since I was a bit taller than her and while I was tempted to press my body against hers, I was still in new territory and I wanted to savor this time together. I recognized intellectually that things may happen in the future that will impact my relationship with her, but that felt in the far future and wasn’t an overwhelming concern. The only thing going through my brain right that second was how amazing her breasts felt.

I am an A-Cup. I will probably take after my mother than only go up to a B after having a child. Actually, for my height and body shape, I looked pretty good. A bit on the slender side, but I haven’t broken my twenties yet, so I figured I would fill out more over the next few years. While I hated sports, I did like activity, so I wasn’t a ninety-pound-weakling, but I was very slim. Mrs. Marsh’s breasts were a solid C-cup and maybe even a D. They felt so different from my own in my hands, so heavy, so solid. It was actually strange holding them and feeling their weight since my own just filled my palm. I played with them a bit and felt something I had seen on my own meager offerings, her nipples tightened up.

“I think you are enjoying this, aren’t you Mrs. Marsh? I can tell you are turned-on because your nipples just hardened against my hands. Tell me, are you?”

She didn’t say anything, not that it would have been intelligible, but I was after an acknowledgment. I squeezed her breasts harder, catching her nipples between two of my fingers. “I asked you a question, Mrs. Marsh, or may I call you Margery? Mrs. Marsh seems so formal with your tits in my hands, don’t you think?”

She nodded her head and made a sound suspiciously like a moan at my treatment of those magnificent breasts.

“I’ll take that as a yes to both questions, Margery. I know how much you hate the nickname ‘Marge’, so I won’t even think about using it. But I think calling you ‘Margery’ would certainly be more appropriate right now. Of course, once this little interlude is over, I will go back to calling you ‘Mrs. Marsh’, but I think both of us will think about this every time I say your name.”

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I stroked her body from her breasts and down her belly, brushing the top of her pubes. “I am tempted to take out your gag, but something tells me you would do something we both might regret by telling me to stop and to untie you and then try and pretend I never caught in such an interesting position. But I don’t want that just yet. I can tell how excited you are, but what you don’t know is how turned-on you are getting me by just standing there like you are.”

I pushed her hair out of the way and leaned in and kissed the side of her neck. I was several inches taller, so I still hadn’t pressed against her. “Would your husband get upset if I left a hickey?”

She froze at that comment and made a new noise. I’m not sure what she was trying to say, but I did back off from leaving any marks. I was still treading on uncertain ground, but the excitement kept building. I backed off and sat on the edge of their magnificent bed, looking at the collection of toys. I recognized several, but a few were new to me. The two silver bulb-shaped things with jeweled ends were things I had seen on the Internet, butt plugs. They were intriguing, but not something I was ready to try out. I sort of wondered if she had one in, but her butt cheeks were too tight for me to tell from here. There were a couple of vibrators and something that took me a few moments to understand. I mean it looked like the world’s largest penis, actually, it looked like two of them glued together at the base. I guess the length gave you a good grip.

The other item was the most interesting. I’d certainly seen them on the Internet, a strap-on. Black leather straps, a place for inserting a dildo. It was irresistible. I couldn’t imagine what was going through Margery’s mind as she listened to me fiddling with things on her bed. I didn’t say anything, I could actually feel what she was feeling, the tension in her body evident.  There was also a new level of excitement. I could actually see juices on her inner thigh as she tried to squeeze her legs together, but the bar wouldn’t allow it.

I couldn’t help myself, I knelt down behind her and blew lightly on her juices, cooling her skin. I saw the goosebumps erupt as she made another indecipherable sound. I swear I could see her juices flow down her thighs even more rapidly. Her scent was even better like this. I was tempted to taste her for myself, but I was still trying not to rush things. I never thought I would ever be in such a position, let alone with my boyfriend’s surprisingly sexy and kinky mother. I went back to the bed to let her — stew on it a little. I cannot believe the rush I felt teasing her.

I stripped off my shoes and socks, then lowered my shorts and realized just how wet I was myself. My blue cotton panties were practically translucent and I could see the crotch of my shorts was wet as well. I took off my top and stood there as naked as Margery. The contrast in our bodies was quite evident, I was taller and slimmer while she was shorter and much curvier. I held up my panties to my face and inhaled my own scent. It was different than hers, but there was no mistaking it for anything but a very excited woman! I wonder how she would feel about that, so I draped my wet panties on her shoulder and heard her inhale deeply.

“Yes, Margery, I’m not sure which one of us is more excited, but as you can see, I am certainly turned on. I can’t remember the last time I was so wet. I do have to wonder that if you weren’t gagged so nicely would you let me tuck my dripping wet panties in your mouth. Would you want me to do that?”

There was no hesitation for an answer this time, her head nodded quickly and I felt her inhale my own personal scent again. While she enjoyed that I went back to the bed and got ready. I don’t know if she was paying attention to me as she stood there surrounded by this incredible whirl of pheromones. The room reeked of sex!

I stood once again behind her. There was a serious temptation to let her see me. But I loved the surprise factor as well. I stepped forward and the head of the strap-on touched the bottom of her ass. She froze as it touched her. She didn’t know what it was exactly, but she had to know it wasn’t part of my body. Pushed it slightly against her made the base pad of the harness push against me. The mental image of her wearing this and using it on Bill flashed in my mind. I was surprised by how sexy an image that was because I certainly never thought of Bill in a sexual way before. He’s nearly a decade older than Margery and looked more his age including a bit of a gut. But why else would she own it?

Those thoughts fled as I pushed and felt the toy go under her and rub along her pussy. I was so glad I was taller. It made this almost perfect. As I slowly pushed toward her, I felt her push back to me as well. At least as far as her restraints allowed anyway. I also heard what was music-to-my-ears, she was moaning or groaning into her gag. I loved that sound, it was such a fucking rush! I think I almost came just from that sound.

I could hear her breath speeding up, my panties fell off her shoulder, but I didn’t care, I took the dildo in my hand and pulled it up along her butt and rubbed up firmed in the crack of her ass. Well, that answered one question, she wasn’t wearing a butt plug, Oh well maybe we could fix that later. Right now I had something else on my mind. I should say what was left of my mind because when she pushed back against me. I almost lost it. I finally pressed my body against her and the heat from her was incredible. I wondered if she could feel my own sharp nibble scratching her back, they sure felt hard enough to leave marks. I rubbed the toy up and down her ass a number of times, her movements became slightly jerky, a feeling I knew well because that’s how I felt shortly before cumming.

I slowed and then changed the angle to go back between her legs. I pressed hard against her and took a new liberty, I reached around her and rubbed against her pussy. She was as wet as I was. I brushed against the tip of the dildo and it was actually a little disconcerting. But I felt her react so amazingly, it wasn’t much of a distraction. I brought my hand behind her and tasted her. She tasted divine, so different from me, almost fruity with a slightly bitter aftertaste. I think I had enough foreplay and changed the angle of the toy again and the tip almost seemed to pop into her pussy. I pushed against her and I could feel it slowly sink in. I didn’t have a clue what I was doing, but instinct seemed to take over as I pulled it out just a small distance and pushed it into her again.

Each stroke pushed to harness against me, and the sounds she was making made it both surreal and so incredible. What little restraint I had left was rapidly unraveling as we fucked. No, as I fucked her. There was no other way to put it. I fucked my boyfriend’s mother and I was loving every second of it.

After a very short time, I felt her cumming. Part of me thought I should stop, but my orgasm was coming on like a freight train and there was no stopping it. Margery was now holding onto the bar she was strapped to as we fucked, as hard and as fast as I was capable of doing. I felt her scream into her gag through at least one more orgasm, but the pounding of the harness to my clit was all I could really feel. I started cumming, the feeling was indescribable. I couldn’t have stopped even if Bill had walked into the room right then, I wouldn’t have cared. If Will had walked in I would have been mortified later, but right then I still wouldn’t have cared. My entire focus was on my pussy and the orgasm crashing through my entire body. I think the word went white.

I regained a little sanity and found myself on the floor, a very slick-looking phallus sticking up from my groin and it took me a moment to remember what just happened. Margery was still hanging onto her bar, but I could tell she was pretty worn out, we were both breathing as we had just run a marathon.

“Well that was certainly interesting to watch,” said a voice from the doorway. I turned to look and there was a very statuesque raven-haired woman who I didn’t recognize. She was naked sporting her own strap-on. She continued as she stepped into the room, “Margery, my love, you didn’t tell me you were bringing me a present.”

Written by Brookell
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