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The Slut Maker

"An experienced married man seduces women as a hobby and sexually transforms them."

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Kelli Anderson and Michael Roberts largely did not have much in common, but the things that they did have would prove exceedingly important to both their futures. He was thirty six, twelve years older than her, married with two children. She was married, no children. He owned a multi-million dollar business. She worked as a sales representative for a company that supplied him with some of the many products he bought for his companies’ manufacturing needs. Two things they did have in common was an exceedingly high sex drive and type “A” personalities.

They were both college graduates. While in college Michael bedded many women; he was known as a stud. While Kelly was in college, she wanted to sleep with many guys; she would have been known as a slut. The old double standard at work.

Ever since high school, Michael had a charismatic appeal to women. He learned this quickly and took full advantage of it. Once in college and beyond, he never once failed to sexually succeed with a women that he set his sights on. Never failed on their first tryst.

Ever since high school Kelli’s sex drive almost entirely controlled her life, at least her mental life. She was extremely intelligent, received straight “A’s” in high school. She was very popular, got along with everyone. College was a breeze for her. She devoted much of her time to attempting to enjoy a full sex life. Her sexual experience had developed from a somewhat naive girl to a mentally very experienced, sexually sophisticated woman with few physical adventures and partners behind her. Career-wise, she knew she would succeed at whatever she attempted.

She was a beautiful woman, she knew exactly how beautiful and appealing. Blond hair hanging below her shoulders, green eyes, 5' 6", slender, athletic body with firm 34D breasts and incredibly discernible nipples, her legs were shapely with a hint of muscular development. She was very disappointed in her inability to carry through her mental desires into physical realities.

Michael had a unique business idea during his senior year. He pushed it forward and he was working out of his apartment before he graduated. With his degree in hand, he found venture capital and the business grew from that moment on.

He met his future wife, a nurse, in the emergency department of a hospital after an car accident. He pursued her. Their sex life was tremendous and everything else about their relationship was marvelous. Marriage and children soon followed. Michael did not give up his ways with women just because he was married. He had a gift and he pursued it. His hobby was turning women into sluts, minxes; he ’transformed’ them.

Kelli graduated Cum Laude from college but with all her innate intelligence, she did not have a burning goal. She went through several jobs, always leaving with high recommendations. Then she met Thomas Kelly, a new medical school graduate who was about to become a resident at a hospital near where she lived. Her sexual desires had not left her, Thomas was enthralled and so was she. They discussed a life together, found they were in sync in all important matters and were soon married. She did keep her maiden name. Kelli Kelly was too much to bear and he understood.

Life finally hit Kelli between the eyes. She realized there was more to life than just sex. She willed herself into a different person. Tom was all she needed and her new job was wonderful. Their sex life backed down due to both their work loads, especially his. She knew she was starting at the lower end of the ladder at her job but she also knew what she could accomplish. Her life was set for her. She was on the straight and narrow path.

Since his marriage, Michael had ‘transformed’, as he liked to think of it, over twenty women into sluts. When they met him for the first time they were conventional, average women with a demure reserved personality and high, repressed sex drive. He sensed something in them that awoke his lust, something that told him they were the next quarry in his hobby. And to this point he had never failed yet. His sense of who would bend to his will and become a slut had never been wrong.

When he had concluded his ’transformation’, they were sensual, lustful, lascivious women who reveled in their new found sexuality. They viewed life and sex in a new and different way. They embraced eroticism and passion, in everything they did. They had fresh, new needs that they did not hesitate to act on to fulfill their new found desires. Kelli was his next target.

She was scheduled to meet Michael the next Tuesday, her regular monthly client call to at least keep the business they had and try to increase his purchases from their company.

She had worked hard to adopt a style of dress that walked a fine line between business attire and a sexy look. She was well aware that she looked more than good and that men were more likely to buy from a sexy woman than another man or a plain looking woman. However, she could not go too far. She was not selling her body but her product.

Michael had called Bill, her manager, and told him that he needed Kelli to take him to lunch to have more time to fully discuss product quality. He asked him to not tell her it was his request, but to just have Kelli call him and ask for a lunch meeting to discuss sales. He had made his first move.

He received a call from Kelli later that day, asking him if he would like to go to lunch and talk about their products and how their company could further help him.

“What a great idea Kelli. Can we do lunch next Tuesday? I believe that is the day you had planned to stop by.”

“Sure, that is perfect. If you like, you choose a nice spot and I can pick you up or meet you there.”

“Let me think about it and I will get back with you. I look forward to getting to know you and your products better.”

Kelli had liked Michael from the first time they met. She felt a subtle magnetism to him that, at this point, was buried deep in her subconscious. She did not even realize that she was smiling at the thought of having lunch with him.

Michael already knew the spot. A dark, quiet, expensive restaurant with round cozy leather booths. Just the place to discuss business, all kinds of business. He called her back and told her to come to his building and they would go in his car instead of her company van. She readily agreed.

After the call she began to think of the new business she could bring in and how to present her products. She also experienced a stirring she could not explain or understand.

That was Thursday. She began to think about how she could dress to make maximum use of her assets without appearing to be a slut. It had to be something she could wear all day but be special for lunch. She decided on a low cut sleeveless blouse that she could cover with a blazer for her normal work day and a tailored business skirt that she would change out of into a shorter, A-line skirt made from light poly. She would also bring higher heels than she normally wore to accentuate her legs. With that easily planned she concentrated on the rest of her week’s business.

Michael was back to running and developing his business. His plan for Kelli had worked many times before and he expected it to work again. She did not know it yet but she would become a different woman. Life for both of them went on as normal. Both of them looking forward to the lunch meeting.

Tuesday arrived with Michael ready to continue on with his plan for Kelli and she looked forward to a hopefully profitable lunch. He had told her to call him on his cell when she was out front and he would drive out and pick her up. His phone chimed at 11:30, she was just pulling into parking. He told her he would be right there, to look for his black Lexus.

She had changed skirts and removed her blazer, she looked stunning. Her cleavage was on display for the first time. She knew she was using her sexuality but wanted the business. He pulled up and she jumped into the car, her boobs just barely bouncing, her skirt fluidly moving in the breeze.

“Wow, you look splendid. You do a good job of normally hiding your feminine delights,” he said with a very pleased look on his face.

“I am glad you approve. Business requires that I usually not dress in quite such an attractive way but I am dressed to impress. I want your business!” she said, giving him a big smile. “Where are we going for lunch? Hopefully it goes without saying it is on me, well the company.”

“A quiet little place I know where we can enjoy ourselves and talk business without being disturbed.”

“Sounds perfect,” she said as she leaned back into the seat, causing her skirt to raise just a bit. She had decided at the last minute to leave her panties with her work skirt in her van. She usually went commando in college but had changed to more conventional ways with her marriage and job responsibilities. She remembered how much she used to enjoy a breeze now and then.

They arrived at he restaurant, which was new to her. He let the valet take his car and they were shown to a corner, curved booth. The walls were old brown oak. The booth black leather, worn smooth from years of people sliding across as they just did. They stopped so they were in the middle of it. Her skirt again raising as they slid. She made no attempt to pull it down, she checked to be sure her pussy was covered.

“What a beautiful place and I love this booth. I brought some information to share with you. I will be able to sit close so I can explain it and answer any questions.”

“I thought you would enjoy it. Give us time to get to know each other better.”

The waiter came by and he ordered two vodka martini’s, straight up before she could say anything. She had planned on white wine.

“I assume that is okay with you?”

“Perfect, I love martini’s.” But she knew she should not drink more than one. Don’t get tipsy with the customer, be professional. She knew she was at the far end of professional with her dress so she did not want to cross any more lines.

The drinks came. He told the waiter they would order later and he left them alone. She produced the information she had brought and started to explain what her company could do for his. She was in business mode regardless of her dress.

He pretended to listen and feigned interest as he enjoyed his drink and encouraged her to enjoy her’s. She tried to just sip a bit but he kept encouraging her. It did taste good and the atmosphere contributed to her enjoyment. Before she knew it the waiter was bringing a second martini for both of them. Michael had ordered two shrimp skewer appetizers to go with the drinks.

She was hungry and needed food on her empty stomach. Even though Michael was paying little attention, he knew enough to ask her questions. He moved closer so he could point to the various brochures she had out. Due to the curve of the booth, and Michael’s plan, his arm brushed her right breast almost every time he reached to point something out. It was not blatant, not a pass, just a normal, accidental touching.

He knew exactly what he was doing. Each time he did it, he could see and feel her nipple responding to his brush. She finally realized it but ignored it, after all she was putting her boobs on view like never before. And she was feeling the martini’s, she had feelings she had not felt in years. She was aware of the increasing dampness between her legs. Michael was so captivating and appealing, she had slowly become somewhat coquettish. She was glad she had left her panties behind. She wanted to make this big sale. Hidden away deep inside, she felt a need that, at some level, she knew Michael could fill.

Michael was in no hurry. He knew, from past experience, that he should not make the first move, at least early on. It was easily obvious to him that Kelli was somewhere between interested and pretty turned on. That was all he wanted. He wanted her to think about their lunch when he turned her down. He wanted her hungry for the extra business.

At the end of their lunch her skirt had ridden up even higher. Just before he was going to tell her he would have to think about it, he turned to her to ask another meaningless question. He put his hand on her exposed mid thigh, in a seemingly good-natured but harmless gesture. Touch, Michael knew, was a human need at a deep level. He could feel the heat emanating from higher up. It was all he needed to know.

“Kelli, I really appreciate all the information you have given me today. It will help me make a more informed decision between your company and your competitors. It was also a pleasure to get to know you better.”

He went on, “I will be honest with you. I have male and female product reps coming to see me all the time. Most of the females rely on their ‘feminine wiles’ and not their knowledge, to sell me. You are not only extremely good looking but a smart woman and I appreciate that. We will talk more in the future.” Turning to the waiter, “Check please.”

Between the alcohol and his smooth dismissal of her she did not know what to think. On the way back she tried to talk more business but he cut her short.

“We are done with business for the day. But don’t worry, I have not made up my mind, we will talk more in the future,” he laughed and continued, “I have to admit a woman as good looking and smart as you impresses me. I love the outfit you wore today.”

She smiled, and thanked him as she turned further toward him in the seat, giving him a better glimpse of her boobs. He noticed both nipples were rock hard. They both thought they were on the way to their goal.

He arrived back at his building and stopped at her van. “You okay to drive?”

“Oh ya, no problem. Thanks for giving me this much of your time today, I hope I helped you see the advantages of our company.”

“I saw much I liked today. We will get together again to discuss things further. As you probably know, I don’t rush into business decisions. Maybe we can have dinner some night, if your husband does not mind, and discuss this further.”

“Well, to be honest, I don’t normally go out at night with clients. But I want your business and you are an interesting man I enjoy talking with. My husband works many twelve hour night shifts, eight p.m to eight a.m., usually leaving the house a bit after seven. I could meet you after that and he need not know.”

“I do not want to cause any problems but if that would work for you, it would be fine with me. Let me know your schedule and we will find a night. Possibly you could wear a cocktail dress that accents your beauty? I can only hope.”

“I am sure I have some old rag in my closet that will meet your expectations,” she said, not realizing how big her smile was.

“Sounds great, I will wait to hear from you about a good day and we will make it happen!”

She hopped out and into her van to continue her day. He had some prurient thoughts as to how things were going according to plan as he headed back to his office to finish last minute work for the day.

She thought about Tom’s schedule. He was working Friday night. That would be a good night since she did not have to work the next day. She knew she had a two little black dresses in the back of her closet. She had not worn either for years but they were not out of style and they were sexy.

The one she would wear had a low cut front, spaghetti straps, form fitting bodice and then free flowing “A” line type dress. It stopped about half way between her knees and her hips, not too short, not too long, perfect!

Kelli woke up the next day feeling an urge she really could not identify but her pussy lips were slightly swollen and she was wetter than she normally was. She could just barely recall a dream but no details.

She called for Michael that day, Wednesday, to see if that was okay with him. He was busy so she just left a message to call her about Friday. She did not want to leave too much information with his secretary.

He returned her call a couple hours later. “I assume, based on your message, we are talking Friday night?”

“Yes. What time and where should I meet you?”

“How about seven p.m. or as soon after as you can make it at the Ritz on the north side?”

“That sounds perfect. I may be a bit late but if you do not hear from me, I will be there. Okay?”

“I look forward to it. See you then outside the main bar.” The phone went dead, he was on to other pressing business.

She was a bit surprised by his abrupt ending. She had hoped to talk a bit and try to get a feel for where he stood on the potential business deal. Well he is a busy guy she thought and was about to head for home. She did stop by Victoria's at the Mall to get a new strapless, half cup bra to wear Friday. As she walked through the store and saw all the lingerie she had a flashback to her younger, mentally wilder days. She was glad she now was able to display and use what she had been given.

The rest of the week was uneventful for her, although she did not sleep as soundly as usual and had irrecoverable dreams that left her feeling unusually aroused in the morning. She did close another good sale that made her manager happy.

He reminded her how important Michael’s business was and how much he was counting on her.

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She was confident. He knew Michael. He thought about warning her but business was business and what would be would be. He had no specifics to tell her, just rumor. Why kill potential business over rumor?

Friday was here. Kelli thought about the evening meeting all day. She needed this sale and she was looking forward to the dinner with Michael more than she expected she would.

Michael went about his day, confident that the evening would go as he planned. He had a suite reserved at the Ritz. Martini’s in an insulated pitcher and appetizers would be in the room by seven p.m. He was there by six thirty to make sure everything was just as he wanted it, it was.

She arrived home early and was happy to see that Tom was getting ready to leave for the hospital early.

“Sorry Babe, but they called me in a bit early. They had more cases than expected today so they need help. Hope you do not mind...”

“I understand, go save those people. I will be fine. I think this is the life of a doctor’s wife,” she said with an empathic smile.

As soon as he left she took a quick shower and shaved everything again even though she had done it this morning. She pulled her dress out of the back of the closet. She had checked it out on Wednesday, it still looked great. She loved her figure, especially her breasts. She was so lucky that they did not droop due to their size.

Quickly running her fingers over her nipples and feeling the rush, she put on the new Victoria's bra. Just to have something new from their store made her feel sexy and it did push her up even higher that her bras with shoulder straps. It was going to be commando again so she pulled up and zipped her dress. Then redid the little makeup she wore, adding a brighter red lipstick for the evening. She thought she looked ravishing! Stepping into her four inch heels, she left for the hotel.

At 7:10 Kelli walked to the main bar and saw Michael waiting. He had not seen her yet. She looked him over. What was it that drew her to him in such a commanding yet subtle way? She tried to shake it off and keep her mind on the business deal she was here to close.

She did not know that Michael had already talked to her boss, Bill, and told him the sale was a done deal if tonight went as expected and he sent Kelli to the upcoming, week long conference of manufacturers being held in Orlando. Bill readily agreed.

She walked up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder, “Hey there, sorry I am a few minutes late.”

He spun around, “You look charming! Sorry to take up your personal time but since Tom, is that his name, is working I hope this will be more like fun than work.”

“It is his name and he will be there all night, so I am happy to accommodate your schedule, besides you are an interesting man to talk with.”

“Well lets go enjoy some drinks and food. I changed things just a bit to get us away from this noisy bar. I have a suite with food and drink waiting. Come this way.”

He put his arm around her waist and steered her to the elevators. As he was telling her about the suite on the top floor, she was trying to take in what had just happened and how much she was looking forward to some private time with him.

The doors opened and he lead her to the suite. I was beautiful, as you would expect from a Ritz suite. After closing the door behind them, he walked to the table where the drinks and food waited. Pouring both of them a martini, he invited her to take some food and follow him to the balcony.

The night was clear and the city lights were beautiful. She felt that slight breeze go up her dress. A chill ran through her but she was not cold. They were on the thirtieth floor. No one could see them but they could see everything.

They sat at a small table, enjoying the night, drinking their martinis and eating their bits and pieces of the delicious food. They talked about life in general, how lucky they both were. He asked how things were going with her and her company; told her about his life at his company. Then he changed the direction of the conversation a bit.

“I hope you don’t take wrong if I tell you that you are one of the most interesting and beautiful women I have had the pleasure of meeting and working with.”

She felt the blush rise in her face at the same time as the brief quiver touched her pussy. “I take it as a heartfelt complement from a gentleman that I admire.”

“Thank you. I also have to say that I would be very remiss if I did not mention how extremely enchanting you look in that wonderful dress. It is exquisite on you.”

Again she felt the slight blush and quiver. “I am delighted you approve,” she replied as she stood up and did a slow pirouette. As she sat down, she crossed her legs. Her dress rose higher, revealing a substantial portion of her thighs to his view.

“Excellent my dear, excellent! Wait here and I will refill our glasses,” he quickly rose with his glass, collected hers and briefly disappeared into the suite. He swiftly reappeared with fresh, full glasses and resumed his seat.

She was now definitely feeling the heat between her legs. She knew her nipples were changing back and forth between rock hard and semi-hard, but always visible in some form.

Michael knew it was time. They were half way through their second drink when he rose, saying, “Bring your glass and join me at the rail. The view down is incredible.”

She did as he asked. Even though she was somewhat afraid of heights, she joined him and looked down. He was right, it was beautiful.

Michael always gave his potential sluts a way out. He never forced or intimidated them in any way. They had to go down his road of their own free will. He placed his drink on the wooden topped metal rail and turned to her. She looked at him, placing her glass down also.

“Kelli, I believe I have expressed my feelings for you enough that you know my desire. I want you to know that the sale is as good as signed. You can walk out right now and you will still have your contract. However I want you to stay with me for awhile tonight so we can enjoy each other further.”

As she was taking this all in, he raised his arms and gently held each side of her face, pulling her close and giving her a soft kiss on her perfect lips. She did not respond, neither did she pull away. He gave he another, firmer, longer lasting kiss. She still did not respond or pull away. His third kiss was full of passion. His tongue first delicately touched her lips and when she parted hers, he ardently explored her. She put her arms around him and returned the exploration. She had given in to her passion. She wanted him.

He reached behind her and slowly unzipped her dress until it was open to just where her cheeks began to part. Then, in one move, unhooked her bra. Nothing really moved, their bodies were locked together in an intense embrace.

Slowly, their kiss released and they slightly separated. As they did, his hands pulled her dress straps off her shoulders. Her bra fell to the floor, her dress to her waist. Her eyes were closed as his hands drifted down her chest to her generous breasts, tenderly caressing them as he found his way to her beautiful hard nipples. They were absolutely splendid in color, light brown, and size, just smaller than a joint of his little finger.

As soon as he touched them she moaned, eyes still closed, head now thrown back, arching her chest to him. He tweaked, rubbed, and fondled them. Finally bending down and taking one in his mouth to suck and kiss.

“Oh yes. Relish them. Suck them hard. Your gentle nibbles are wonderful! I feel my juice running down my legs. I need this so bad and you are so tender.”

After he had given the same treatment to both, she pushed him away and dropped to her knees. She unzipped him and pulled is cock out. He heard her sharp intake of breath. He knew her thoughts.

She first felt it then saw it. It was the greatest one she had ever seen. It immediately reminded her of a guy she dated in college except Michael’s was thicker. She quickly began to take it in and suck him. Now she had to see his family jewels. Quickly undoing his belt, his pants fell. He was commando just like her. His jewels hung long and were large. One hand to gently massage them and the other to hold his cock. She was in sensual heaven.

After several minutes he pulled her up. “I want to taste what I am sure must be a divine pussy and make you scream.”

She did not resist. Her dress and bra stayed on the balcony along with his pants. He picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. She kissed his neck for the short journey.

Whispering in his ear, “Oh Michael, now I realize I have wanted you since before we had lunch together. Please do not make this a one night stand, it would kill me. And don’t worry, I am on the pill. I want your hot seed deep in me.”

“Don’t worry Kel, we are going to spend many great hours and days together. I think the world of you.”

She sighed and held him tighter as they entered the bedroom. After carefully laying her on the bed, he removed the rest of his clothes and converged on her swollen, dripping pussy.

He started from the very bottom and slowly licked up to her clit, taking in her sweet juice as he went. When he reached her clit, he enveloped it with his lips, sucking it further out of it’s hood than it already was. His tongue went to prompt and urgent work. Soon his hands were up fondling and squeezing her sensitive nipples.

He felt her thighs stiffen. “Oh my god! I am cumming! I have never cum this fast. Don’t stop, do me, keep it up. God my clit is sensitive but I need this!”

He did release her clit, he knew he had to give it a short rest. He went back down to lick her delicious slit and insert his tongue in her love cavity. This brought out more moans from her as she pushed towards him, trying to get it further in. He worked his way back to her clit and gave it the same treatment.

“Yes, yes! Suck me, eat my pussy! Ahhhh. Jesus you are SO damn good! I feel like my body is on fire. Fuck, fuck! I am cumming again!”

He pulled away from her pussy and rose towards her face, his face covered with slippery, viscous pussy essence. They kissed and then she held his head and licked his whole face, cleaning him of all her nectar.

“Fuck me now, put that magnificent cock in me! Just take me, use me, drill me deep!”

He rubbed his cock up and down her slit until it was covered in her juice, then in one quick thrust, went completely in. She screamed and bucked against him.

“Oh my fucking god!” she said gasping for breath, her body trembling from the shock.

He just held himself deep in her, waiting for her to relax again. The trembling slowed and he started slow thrusts, long, full length thrusts. Her arms and legs were tight around him and she was just moaning, lost to the world she had known only a few minutes ago.

When she regained her awareness she said, “Damn, I am stretched like I never have been. You are right at my cervix. Your organ is incredible! Fuck me senseless again. I want orgasm after orgasm!

He gradually increased the speed of his strokes as she moaned and cried and screamed. She was cumming like never before in her life. Years of pent up passions and feelings were pouring forth. His speed and force still increasing, her screams of orgasm were almost continuous.

Drenched in her sweat mixed with his, here eyes totally unfocused, she cried out in a faltering voice, “Please cum if you can, fill me up. I am almost at the end of my rope.”

Hearing that Michael released his mental control of himself, slowed down and soon told her, “Get ready Kel, I am going to cum!”

With that, he shot the biggest, most copious quantity of hot semen she had ever felt in her life. She felt his cock pulsing and pulsing, charge after charge, into her depths. The feeling sent her into one last, immense orgasm.

He managed to hold himself from collapsing on her, twisting and falling to her side. They both lay there in silence, panting to recover their breathing and heart beats.

“Good god Michael, what you did to me, what you wrung out of me... I have no adequate words. This was incredible!”

“It is only the beginning of a journey my love. I promised no one night stand and I truly meant it.”

She had recovered herself and said, half laughing, “I don’t know if I could take this a second time. Just kidding, just kidding! I want as much of your energy and time as you can spare me. I hope it is oodles of it but I am a realist like you. We both have spouses. I will treasure every moment we are intimately together.”

“You actually have the bigger problem. My wife is used to me being gone for business. She and the kids have a very good life and she is not about to let anything jeopardize it. You on the other hand have a somewhat new husband who probably expects you to be there for him.”

“I guess that is going to have to change. Work can become more demanding. I make more than he does now and will for at least the next four years, not to mention the over $100,000 in education loans we have, all his.”

She looked at the clock. How had so much time gone by? It seemed like they had only been together a fairly short time.

“I hate to say this but I need to get cleaned up from that huge load you shot in me. I totally loved it but have you been saving that for a year? Look at it run out of me.”

He had a mischievous grin, “I do tend to have large ejaculations. Hope you like to swallow," he said with a lustful chuckle.

“Who would know? You devil! Okay, I really have to get going.”

With that she jumped up, retrieved what few clothes she wore and retreated to the bathroom. He arose, poured another martini and returned to the bed, in no hurry to go anywhere. His wife knew his schedule was erratic and changed often. She never worried, he loved her and took very good care of her and the kids.

She emerged looking as ravishing as when she had arrived. He jumped up, cock swinging, drink in hand, to kiss her goodnight. He was confident there would be more and varied nights like this one. They exchanged a passionate kiss, which she had to finally fight off, as he laughed. A look back and she was out the door.

He decided to go home and plead being overworked to keep the business above water. She was asleep when he arrived and did not wake up when he slipped in bed.

Kelli arrived home and, after putting her things away, promptly fell asleep with a smile on her face and future thoughts in her mind. She had put in a tampon to catch what was still slowly leaking out of her. She could explain that in the morning if need be, but he would most likely be tired and just want to sleep.

The weekend was normal for Kelli and Michael. Nothing unusual was said or even intimated.

She called Bill, her boss, first thing Monday morning to tell him the good news about the contract with Michael. He told her she had been chosen to go to the manufacturer’s conference next week in Orlando and how she needed to prepare. Michael left a message on her cell that he would be at the manufacture’s conference the following week in Orlando and could she possibly come?

A week in Orlando, alone, and Michael would be there also; was this Divine intervention? She knew her daytime hours would be busy, but her nights... 'Oh wow' was her first and only thought.

Michael, knowing that she and he would be there had already started planning for the week. There were people he had to contact, arrangements to make. He had five days to powerfully send Kelli down the road to discovering her true slutful nature.

His first call was to Isabella, Bella as he called her. She was one of his ’transformed’ women that he was still in contact with, regularly by email or phone, and, as time and space permitted, in person. She totally understood her nature and what Michael had done for her. He explained about Kelli and his need for her, personally, and with Kelli. She readily agreed.

His next call was to Darius. A black businessman he knew from previous meetings, business deals and joint sexual encounters with women desirous of his big black cock. He explained about Kelli and his need for him. He was more than willing.

Kelli had setup a special email account for them to communicate over. He already had one, due to his past ’transformed’ women. Some of whom, such as Bella, he stayed in touch with. He wrote Kelli that he was excited she would be at the convention and hoped she would have sometime for him. He had reserved a suite at the Ritz Grande Lakes, near to the convention center.

When she received the email she wrote back that she was afraid that she would only be able to spend every night she was there with him, sorry it could not be longer.

He wrote back, saying that, mostly for her benefit and reputation, they should not see each other this week but spend the following week-nights together! He told her how bad he missed her but he was looking out for her reputation and position with her company. Besides he told her, “I need to replenish myself after you so thoroughly drained me.”

She sent back, “LOL, see ya next week! Be ready!”


Author’s Note: This is the first of a three part story. Part two will be out shortly and I am closing in on finishing part three. As always, I really appreciate comments and feed back. Also please vote if you like it and even if you did not. Even Lee Child and others like him have pre-readers and editors. Except for the good work of our Mods, I am flying blind.
Written by Kee
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